Car park at the dacha with your own hands. Parking for a car in the country: examples of arranging open and closed areas Do-it-yourself parking for a car in the country

It’s not always convenient to drive a car into a garage at the dacha, and in the summer it’s also lazy. In addition, guests can come to the owners. And in this case, there certainly won’t be enough parking spaces in the garage at the dacha. Owners of personal plots who visit their properties only in the summer do not need a garage at all, and the costs for it are considerable. Leaving vehicles on the lawn ruins it. The way out of this situation is a do-it-yourself parking lot for a car at the dacha. This will allow you to comfortably leave your car for the weekend, and even protect it from bad weather.

The place for vehicle how to do

The easiest way to have a beautiful front lawn

You've certainly seen the perfect lawn in a movie, on an alley, or perhaps on your neighbor's lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area on their site will no doubt say that it is a huge amount of work. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, and watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think this way; professionals have long known about the innovative product - liquid lawn AquaGrazz.

When the idea of ​​creating such a parking lot with your own hands has already taken root in your head, it’s worth deciding how it can be implemented:

  • method of laying paving slabs;
  • pouring concrete;
  • filling with crushed stone;
  • method of laying lawn grating. The article describes in detail the types and process of laying lawn gratings.

The last two methods are unreliable. But the first two methods are quite suitable in the country. Other methods can be found in the article “Building a parking lot for a car.” It is worth dwelling on them in detail.

Lawn grate for cars

Regardless of the method of execution, before starting work it is worth correctly assessing the parking space. It should be level and low standing groundwater. It is advisable to identify a site close to the entrance, then you will not have to build a long access road, making it the central element of the design of the summer cottage.

Need to stock up on everything necessary tools and calculate Exact size sites. It averages out to be 3 m wide and 6–7 m long per parking unit. If the area allows, you can do it with a small margin.

The first method is to construct a site by laying paving slabs

The work consists of the following stages:

  • Choosing paving slabs for a summer residence. It will experience constant loads, so it must be wear-resistant. Suitable tiles made by vibration pressing. It also has good frost resistance, for which special thanks to it. The thickness of paving slabs must be at least 40 cm.

Laying layers of paving slabs

Let's look at a few important advice on the choice of paving slabs for arranging the space allocated for the vehicle:

  1. If you decide to purchase vibrocast tiles, you should be especially careful. Of course, vibro-cast paving slabs are bright, have a variety of rich colors and an excellent smooth surface. The thing is that the glossy shine and smooth surface Such products can be achieved in two ways: by adding special concrete plasticizers during the production of paving slabs or by adding more water.
  2. Remember that truly high-quality paving slabs cannot be cheap.
  3. Be careful when choosing paving slabs, especially saturated colors. Currently, manufacturers offer a wide range of color solutions paving slabs, from white to all sorts of rich shades. However, receiving bright colors This is only possible if expensive imported pigments were used in the production of paving slabs.
  • The territory is marked out with wooden pegs and twine. For greater accuracy, you can mark the outer boundaries with paint. In the article you can learn about the main methods of laying paving slabs in your summer cottage.

Ready parking for a vehicle at the dacha

  • Soil and earth are removed throughout the entire area of ​​future work, and a pit 50 cm deep is constructed.
  • At this stage, it is necessary to set a horizontal level on both sides of the site rectangle.
  • The earth at the bottom of the pit is compacted. It is better to do this with a vibrating plate, vibrating leg, etc. However, purchasing such equipment only for setting up a parking zone is not cost-effective. You can rent it for short-term; now more and more companies offer such services. But if that doesn’t work, you can also work with a manual tamper. You just have to put in a lot of effort to do it yourself and it’s better to call your friends.
  • If curbs are planned, install them.
  • Creating a pillow from crushed stone and sand. The pillow has three layers: the bottom 30 cm high is laid with large crushed stone, then 5 cm of small crushed stone. The topmost layer, 4-5 cm thick, is made of coarse sand.
  • The next step is to mark the site into strips for ease of work. They do this by marking the distance on the level threads at 15-20 cm. This is quite tedious work, but it allows you to do the job correctly.
  • After marking, level the sand, the thread should rise 8–10 cm above the sand. The sand is compacted.
  • Before starting work directly with the tile, it is carefully inspected; tiles with defects are set aside for cutting.

Another type of parking is lawn covering

  • It is better to fix it with a solution of 6 parts sand and 1 part cement. Prepare it in small portions, approximately one line at a time, so that it does not dry out.
  • The solution is distributed over the area of ​​the first line, leveled and compacted.
  • Then the tiles are laid. Laying is carried out in front of you, so that the master moves along the already finished tiles. The tile is pressed into the mortar and tapped with a mallet. The distance between the tiles should remain approximately 5 mm. This installation is carried out row by row, and line by line throughout the entire area.
  • If a row of cut paving slabs is required, it is laid out at the end of the work. To do this, the tile is cut with a diamond disc and broken.
  • After installation, the intervals between paving slabs covered with a mixture of sand and cement in the same proportions as for preparing the solution. To do this, the mixture is poured over the paving slabs and swept out with a hard broom.

The video below describes this method in detail:

The second method is to make a concrete platform for the car

A concrete platform can only be built on stable soils that are not subject to changes and swelling. Before starting planning, it is worth considering that the concrete platform should rise above the soil level by about 5 cm. This is necessary so that moisture does not accumulate on it, it will damage the concrete screed, and in winter, during temperature changes and freezing of water, it can even break it . The coating must have slight slope(2–3 cm), which is also necessary for protection from water.

  • The territory is marked in the same way as in the case of paving slabs.
  • Then the marked area is cleared of any objects. Sod and soil are removed 10 cm deep.
  • A pit is built about 40 cm deep.
  • At the bottom of the pit, the soil is thoroughly compacted.

How to concrete a parking lot for a car with your own hands

  • Wooden formwork is installed along the edges of the pit, unless a border is planned along the edge. If a curb is planned, then it is installed at this stage.
  • A sand and crushed stone cushion is poured onto the prepared soil. For the durability of the coating, the thickness of the pillow must be at least 20 cm.
  • Now you need to properly prepare the solution. It is prepared with your own hands from three parts sand, three parts crushed stone and one part cement. It is better to take alluvial sand for the solution; it is cleaner and more uniform. Ordering ready-mixed concrete will make life much easier.
  • The total thickness of the screed should be at least 20 cm. However, it should be poured in stages. For greater structural strength, it is worth using metal reinforcement. The first layer is laid on a sand cushion. If the reinforcement consists of several parts, they must be overlapped. Then pour a 5 cm layer of concrete. Immediately on top of it another layer of reinforcement and another 5 cm of concrete are laid. This is how the required thickness is achieved.
  • Leave the concrete screed for three days. You cannot walk on it at this time.

A dacha is a place where people come to relax from the bustle of the city. Most people use cars to get to their countryside. Leaving your car outside your dacha for a long time is dangerous. That is why it makes sense to build a small parking u. At first glance, this idea seems quite simple, but a parking lot is not only an area filled with concrete, but also a canopy under which you can place a car during heavy rain or other bad weather.

In addition, it will be necessary to build reliable gates, as well as lighting, so that dark time day, the car could leave or enter the territory of the summer cottage without any problems. If necessary, a modest parking lot can be turned into a good garage, where you can repair your car at any time.

Easy parking in no time

Maximum simple do-it-yourself parking for a vehicle is an ideal option for those who do not want to spend a lot of time on complex structures, but want the car to always be near the house. In this case, you will need to allocate a small part of the territory, the size of which will be 2.5x5 m. It is advisable that this area be located to the right or left of the house, so that you do not need to make any difficult turns to enter or exit.

This area needs to be covered with a small layer of crushed stone. It will keep the surface dry under all conditions. This way, the car will never end up in a puddle. To protect yourself from the formation of puddles, you should also level the surface of the site, and also divert the drain from the roof in the direction opposite to the parking lot.

Small curbs can be used to create parking boundaries. Even if pouring concrete is not provided, curbs will limit the spread of crushed stone throughout the territory of the summer cottage.

Economical parking solution

If you don’t want to spend money on filling a parking lot with concrete, you can limit yourself to buying paving slabs. It can be placed under the wheels of the car. By and large, nothing more is needed, however, when driving to the dacha, you need to make sure that the wheels do not slide onto the gravel.

Pouring a parking lot with concrete

Concrete parking is a truly eternal site that is not subject to any external factors. If high-quality concrete is used, the site will remain in the same condition for ten years.

The thickness of the concrete parking lot must be at least 10 cm. If the parking lot is intended for heavy vehicle, then the thickness of the platform can be increased to 20 cm. The formwork can be removed after pouring concrete after three to four days. It will be possible to park a car on the site only after a month, when the concrete has fully gained strength. During these 30 days, the area should be covered with a tarp or polyethylene to prevent rain or other precipitation from affecting the curing process.

Laying paving slabs

Laying paving slabs to create a parking lot – best option. The entire installation process can take several hours, and parking can be used the same day. In order to lay the tiles, you need a lot of high-quality sand, then the paving slabs will be densely located throughout the site.

However, it is worth understanding that paving slabs are primarily designed for light loads, so under the pressure of a car the area may collapse a little.

In addition, instead of paving slabs, you can use clinker bricks or natural stone. This will be somewhat more reliable.

Ranch parking lot

Many parking lot owners do not want to spoil their dacha with various concrete structures, so it is best to take a closer look at the parking option called “ranch.” IN in this case parking is located directly on the grassy surface of the site.

For this purpose, large gratings are used, which are almost completely covered by the lawn. You can also use metal panels that fit under the wheels the length of the car. Panels can be painted green color so that they create a single color composition with the grass.

To illuminate the parking lot, you can use small light bulbs, placing them in the grass itself. It is necessary to use shades that will not allow moisture to pass through.

Parking canopy

Using a canopy for parking lot– an ideal option that will look great together with the car and the house located nearby.

In this case we will need:

  • profile pipes;
  • plastic slate;
  • metal carcass.

Unfortunately, it is very difficult to create a frame yourself, so it is best to place an appropriate order in one company or another.

The profile pipe should be bent to the optimal radius so that it serves as an excellent support for the hanging structure. The supports should be immersed underground to a depth of 90 cm. Also, these pipes will be used as beams for fastening parts of the frame.

It is best to use welding to fasten parts of the structure, but bolts and nuts are also suitable. Using a drill, you need to make holes and fasten the canopy elements together.

The supports must be filled with concrete mortar. Hardening of the concrete will last about a month. Next comes the final part of the canopy installation - laying the plastic slate. Attach this construction material also need using bolts. Everything should be done carefully so that the cracks from the holes do not let water through during precipitation.

If UV protection is needed, metal tiles can be used instead of plastic slate. There are also many other inexpensive materials that are excellent as roofing materials.

Of course, for permanent parking Such a canopy is not suitable, but the car under it is not afraid of any precipitation. If this is not enough, you should take a closer look at creating a full-fledged garage, but its construction will take much more time and effort. For a dacha, the option of an inexpensive canopy is ideal.

How to make a platform for a car at the dacha with your own hands? This question interests many people. Everyone who has a summer house thinks about creating a specially designated place where they can park their car. But most people are afraid to do this kind of parking with their own hands, because they consider this task to be quite complicated and expensive. But you can believe that by using this information, you will quickly and cheaply create parking for your car in your dacha.

It is advisable to have a private parking space at your dacha site.

Where to start building the site?

Materials and tools:

  • crushed stone;
  • gravel;
  • waterproofing material;
  • fittings;
  • welding machine;
  • geotextile backing;
  • shovel;
  • pressing machine (can be rented).

Choose a place on your plot of land, where there is an excellent entrance.

To protect the car from precipitation, it is necessary to consider a canopy.

Now you should decide on the dimensions and imagine what your parking lot will look like. IN best case scenario, this place should protect your car from weather factors, there should be no puddles or freezing in winter, but there should be reduced gusts of wind, and, of course, protection from rain, hail and direct sunlight.

The beginning of work is to remove a layer of soil 30 cm deep in the selected area. A shovel and several hours of work will help you with this; at this stage there is no cost of money.

After the pit has been prepared, cover its sides with a durable waterproofing material and, to secure it, drive in reinforcement every 15 cm around the entire perimeter. The reinforcement should go into the ground at least 20 cm, and top end should be slightly lower or level with the top of the pit.

The next step: you need to make a durable substrate. For this you will need quite a lot of crushed stone. They need to fill the hole almost completely, leaving only a couple of centimeters unfilled. At this stage, you may make a mistake that will force you to take everything apart and start again in a couple of days.

Many people forget about shrinkage, that is, the crushed stone, under its own weight and the weight of the machine, will begin to settle more tightly and sag. To avoid this, you will need to rent a vibration compacting machine.

The work should be carried out in stages, namely: they filled in 5 centimeters of gravel or crushed stone, leveled it, and passed it with a pressing machine, and so on to the very top. This substrate is quite dense, does not sag, and also allows water to pass through, which means that your parking lot will always be dry and no puddles will accumulate on it.

After completing all these steps, you will have a place for the car made of gravel, which is a couple of centimeters below ground level. On top, over the entire area of ​​this area, it is necessary to lay a geotextile substrate with a density of 140 grams per square meter.

This coating plays important role V:

  • pressure distribution over the entire area;
  • moisture distribution;
  • protection against possible small drawdowns.

After this, we cover the geotextile with gravel again and compact it to the same level with the ground. The creation of a kind of foundation is completed and now you can move on to the next stage.

You will need plastic lawn grate modules. They are quite durable, connected to each other with locks, and will make an excellent surface for draining water, and in winter they will not freeze, forming ice. The choice of such gratings is very wide, so you should choose one with the following parameters:

  • thickness not less than 3 cm;
  • with stiffening ribs;
  • The material contains additives that will prevent the grate from collapsing from extreme heat or frost.

After the final choice, cover the entire area of ​​your site. To fix it around the perimeter, you need to closely install curb blocks, which are not difficult to buy.

The parking for the car at the dacha is complete, and if this is enough for you, you don’t have to continue; for everyone else, let’s look at how you can improve your parking lot.

Additional parking improvements

Plastic modules of lawn grates perfectly remove moisture from the parking lot.

To limit the wind load, protect against hail and rain, you need to make small walls. To do this, you will need metal pipes that are driven or dug into the ground at least 60 cm, and the height above the ground should be 40-50 cm higher than the height of your machine.

You need to dig outside the curb, but as close to it as possible. The distance between the pipes should be no more than half a meter. Once installed, use the earth tamping machine you already know to hold them in place as firmly as possible.

Next, weld reinforcement or thick, but not very wide, strips of metal to them. The distance between them should not be very large, within 10 cm. Such lathing is enough to protect your car. Of course, you can do without welding with metal and replace it all with wood, but such protection will last no more than 3 years.

As you noticed, a large headroom was taken. This was done in order to comfortably install the roof on metal supports. Agree, it’s hard to imagine parking a car without a roof that would protect the car from sunlight, snow and rain. It is best to make a curved roof down on both sides, this will result in a larger roof area with a smaller footprint, and in addition, such a roof will be better protected from oblique sun rays.

To create a roof, you will need to buy lightweight materials such as andulin or polycarbonate in specialized stores, and you will also need to either order or make metal fixing supports yourself. To do this, it is quite possible to bend the side sheathings remaining after welding.

Roof work

Polycarbonate is perfect as a roof for a canopy.

Materials and tools:

  • pipes;
  • metal gratings;
  • metal stiffeners;
  • polycarbonate;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • bolts;
  • screwdriver;
  • welding machine.

Work order:

  1. Bend or prepare suitable stiffeners. Their length should be calculated as: the length between two parallel supports + the length of the bend extending beyond the supports.
  2. Select and purchase materials for roofing. They must be bendable, durable and lightweight. It can be organic glass, plastic and the like. More expensive option There will be a pair of roller shutters installed.
  3. Weld the stiffeners and secure the roof material to them with self-tapping screws or bolts.

The parking lot at the dacha was made with our own hands and is already fully suitable for parking a car, but since it was decided to make the parking as comfortable as possible, we will continue.

The entrance and the entrance itself can be paved with yard tiles. The width of such an entrance should be slightly larger than the width of the car, as this will allow you to move comfortably along it.

In order for such an entrance to serve you for a long time, before installation you need to compact the earth, add sand at the installation site, and install the tiles tightly. The edges will also need to be secured with a border, because pressure can cause the tiles to move apart.

There are two types of parking lot lighting. Basic lighting - for this you must conduct from the house electrical wire, bring it under the roof and install a lamp or a regular socket with a light bulb and a switch in a hermetically sealed shell. Thanks to this design, you can turn the lights on and off both from the parking lot and from home.

The second type is more for design and better orientation. These are LED lights along the entrance.

As you can see, it is quite possible to create not just a parking area for a car in the country, but even an excellent comfortable parking lot, while spending a minimum of money and time. Of course, you can find many others, more simple instructions, but thanks to this, you will have a parking lot that will serve you for decades, requiring only periodic painting and replacement of light bulbs, and so you will often hear praise from family and friends addressed to you. Good luck to you in this matter.

Owners of country houses and cottages very often acquire own cars to get to your home with maximum comfort. In this case, they manage to avoid getting to know all the “delights” public transport and not spend a lot of time on the road. However, now the question of a site for a car becomes especially acute. After all, stationary parking at the dacha will allow you to correctly distribute the space, dividing it into zones where there is room for a car, relaxation, and work in the garden. In addition, country roads are usually very narrow, so it is impossible to leave a car on them for a long time without damaging traffic. Leaving a car on damp ground will lead to contamination, and getting into such a car will be problematic due to the dirt surrounding it.


Call to the office - consultation, initial price indication on the first call, if you have the initial data

Visiting the site to measure the scope of work and provide consultations on site Estimate (required after inspection) and a plan (in 90% of cases) if necessary Departure of the team to the site (a contract is signed and work begins on the site on the same day) Upon completion of the work, a certificate of completion is signed

Possible parking arrangements

Type No. 1. Concrete parking

Concrete parking for a car at the dacha is done if the soil in your area does not heave. To make the coating durable, you need to remove the fertile layer of soil, fill it with a sand cushion and place formwork around the perimeter of the parking lot. Geotextiles are laid on top of the sand to separate the layers, and crushed stone is placed on top of the geotextiles. Next, the reinforcement is tied in, and 15 cm of concrete is poured. The total thickness of the site will be about 45 cm, which is quite suitable for passenger car or a jeep.

The cost of installing a turnkey concrete parking lot = from 2 800

Type No. 2. Parking on rubble

A more practical and cheaper option is filling with sand and crushed stone. To create it, the fertile layer of soil is removed and a base of 15 cm of sand and 15 cm of crushed stone is laid, with geotextiles between them. Formwork is installed along the edge of the site or sidewalk curbs are poured, which will hold the shape of the site. Such a drainage area will always be dry. In the future, you can pave the area with paving stones or paving slabs.

Cost of "economy" parking on crushed stone "turnkey" = from 1 350 rubles / m2 (work + materials)

Type No. 3. Parking on paving stones (paving slabs)

If the soil in your dacha is subject to heaving, then it is better to replace the concrete with paving slabs, because there will be gaps in this covering that will prevent the site from warping. In addition, moisture from the tiles evaporates faster. The tiles are laid on a sand-cement mixture, and the base is a sand-crushed stone base

The cost of installing a turnkey parking lot with paving stones = from 3 300 rubles / m2 (work + materials)

Types of parking for a summer cottage

The type of supporting layer and finishing coating is selected depending on the type of car, its dimensions, and the mode of operation of the site. Main types of parking at the dacha:

  • From paving bricks - this material provides a smooth coating surface, does not generate dust, and is not susceptible to cracking under the influence of frost. Paving bricks are laid on sifted sand.
  • Crushed stone - this option is considered the most economical. Such parking allows water to pass through and does not deteriorate under the influence of external environments. But such a surface is not convenient for movement, especially in heels, and in winter it is very difficult to clear this area of ​​snow. The thickness of the crushed stone layer must be at least 20 cm.
  • Concrete screed - this type of parking is considered the most popular and affordable option. The durable load-bearing layer allows you to use clinker tiles, natural or artificial stone for cladding the parking lot. The covering is laid on a special tile adhesive. However, it is worth worrying in advance about the installation of storm drainage and ensuring the necessary slope of the site in order to prevent water from accumulating. The site must be broken down with special seams every 5 meters to prevent thermal compression.
  • Eco-parking is comparative the new kind areas for a car, which looks like an ordinary green lawn. Reliable reinforcement mesh guarantees the strength and stability of the parking lot. Cells with lawn grass or paving stones are laid in the ground.

Very often, the owner also wants to install a canopy to protect the car from precipitation. This design can be made of metal, wood and plastic.

Construction of a concrete platform for a car:

  1. Project sketches are created, where all material consumption is indicated. If you need parking for 2 cars at the dacha, then the amount of materials increases.
  2. The parking area is cleared of debris, the soil is leveled, and the turf is removed. The territory is being marked. Standard sizes parking for a car near the house is 2.5 by 5 meters, but it is recommended to make it a little larger to leave room for minimal maneuvers of the car.
  3. A pit is dug, no more than 50 cm deep. The soil is compacted and covered with a cushion of sand and crushed stone. This is necessary to avoid soil subsidence, which can cause destruction of the finished slab.
  4. A storm drain is installed and a slope is provided for water drainage.
  5. The area is being concreted using concrete mixture(sand/cement/crushed stone). Formwork is created from boards and metal if the type of soil on the site is loose.
  6. Reinforcing materials are used to provide strength to the site.

At this stage, the canopy is also installed, if provided for in the work plan.

The main criteria for selecting material for the site:

  • Resistant to significant weight loads and mechanical damage;
  • Durability of operation;
  • The appearance of the material should organically blend into the overall landscape design of the site.

The shape of the parking lot can be any - it doesn’t have to be just rectangular. It all depends on the customer’s wishes and availability free space. Parking is usually located no more than 50 meters from the house, otherwise it will not be very convenient to take bags out of cars and walk from the car to the house along icy paths in winter. It is preferable to arrange parking in a shady place, behind a fence or house. After all, upholstery and paint materials quickly deteriorate in the sun. If the owner currently only has one car, but there is an opportunity to arrange parking for two or more spaces, he should definitely use it. This step will be appreciated when guests arrive at the dacha or there is a need to park bicycles, a motorcycle, and also find a place to unload construction materials.

When is the best time to order a platform for a car?

There is no clear framework during which you can arrange parking at your dacha. It is not recommended to carry out work in heavy rain or snow. But still, it is more advisable to arrange the parking lot in conjunction with all the landscaping work to improve the site, in order to ultimately get a holistic picture of the territory in the same style. Typically, such work is carried out from late spring to mid-autumn.

Construction of a site for a car from the First Dacha Company

If you need high-quality and durable parking for your dacha, contact our company. We will provide high-quality and fast installation of a site for a car according to the most favorable prices. The cost of such a service depends on the area of ​​the territory, type of foundation, cladding material, complexity of all preparatory work. Why is it beneficial to work with us:

  • Our staff is made up of employees with many years of experience in the relevant field who are not afraid of complex tasks;
  • The technical equipment of our team is performed at the highest level;
  • Free visit of an engineer to the site to carry out accurate calculations and prepare estimates;
  • Strict adherence to established deadlines for commissioning of the facility;
  • The pricing policy is as adequate and transparent as possible.

We take an individual approach to solving each problem, take into account all the nuances and features, select the optimal material for the arrangement, and optimize costs.