Buy a car for a young family. KIA joins the new Family Car and First Car programs. Is it possible to buy a vehicle under the Family Car program with maternity capital?

On March 1, 2019, the state program “Family Car” was renewed for families with 2 or more children

Bring children to kindergarten, school, or giving your wife/husband a lift to work is an excellent help for the formation of healthy relationships in the family. However, the cost of the car makes fulfilling such desires problematic. But the state has allocated a special initiative to resolve this issue - “ Family car", with which to purchase vehicle it becomes much easier.

Family Car Program 2019: conditions of participation

The requirements for the applicant are quite flexible:

  • citizenship Russian Federation and driver's license;
  • the family includes at least two children under 18 years of age;
  • behind Last year the vehicle was not purchased with borrowed funds.

Important: a person has the right to receive a car with state support once, but this prohibition applies only to a specific person. That is, a family can purchase two vehicles at preferential conditions- for the spouse and for the spouse.

Requirements for the selected vehicle

In addition to ensuring compliance with the conditions of participation, when choosing a car you will also have to pay attention to the criteria presented.

Additionally, it is necessary to take into account that not all brands of vehicles can be obtained on preferential terms. The state compiles a specific list annually. As of 2019, it includes:

Kalina, Granta, Vesta, Largus, Lada 4x4, Xray.

Almera, Terrano, Sentra.

Solaris, Elantra, Creta.

Focus, EcoSport, Fiesta.

Rio, Cee`d, Cee`d_SW, Cerato, Soul.

Duster, Kaptur, Logan, Sandero, Sandero Stepway.

Patriot, Hunter, Pickup.

Mitsubishi Lancer.

Important: acquisition is possible only with the use of borrowed funds.

Amount of benefit

The discount amount is determined taking into account regional characteristics:

Preferential conditions are updated when calculating the down payment, which allows you to reduce the overall loan rate.

Instructions for participating in the initiative

Following specific requirements is the primary responsibility of the applicant. To get a discount on car purchases, you must follow a specific sequence of actions:

  1. Select a bank to apply for a loan and clarify their conditions.
  2. Determine whether your candidacy meets the participation criteria and requirements of the financial institution.
  3. Visit the selected organization with a package of documents for submitting an application.
  4. Wait for the decision of the authorized structures. If the answer is satisfactory, you will have to visit the bank again to formalize the agreement.
  5. After transferring the funds, you need to obtain title papers for the car.
  6. All that remains is to register the vehicle and transfer the documents for the car to the financial institution.

Important: registration can be done not only through a bank, but also through a car dealership.

List of documents for participation

The updated list of papers depends on the bank’s requests and the status of the applicant. But in any case, the following documents will be required:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • SNILS and TIN;
  • income certificate;
  • child's birth certificate;
  • written confirmation that the vehicle was not purchased within the last year.

It is necessary to understand that employees of a financial institution have the right to request additional documents if the solvency of a candidate is in doubt.

Advantages and disadvantages of using a preferential rate

Among the advantages of the considered programs, the following positions were identified:

  • Almost all citizens can use the service - the conditions for participation are not too demanding in relation to candidates;
  • government programs are combined with commercial offers from car dealerships. Eg, Nissan company provides its buyer with the opportunity to receive an additional discount on the “Prime Numbers” project, which is relevant in relation to individual models cars. If the selected vehicle falls under state support, then the purchaser can count on a benefit exceeding 10% of the cost of the car;
  • You can repay a target loan without any restrictions. If the client decides to close the loan by paying off the balance in one payment, the bank does not prevent this.

The benefits are pleasant and quite significant - as they should be. But to make the right decision, it is important to take into account the disadvantages of the programs, among which we should highlight:

  • every year the Government sets a limited budget for the initiative, which creates a lot of problems and pushes citizens to hurry up;
  • limited choice. Support domestic auto industry- this is good, but still, it is not for nothing that his products are in little demand;
  • Not all financial institutions are participating in the initiatives, which further hinders one from obtaining the desired vehicle. Therefore, before applying, it is recommended to carefully analyze the list of available organizations in order to choose the most optimal option.

And yet, despite the obvious disadvantages, the state program is clearly popular among people who want to buy a car for the whole family - one only has to remember that the budget allocated for 2018 was spent in the first quarter. Therefore, if you want to take advantage of preferential conditions in 2019, it is recommended not to delay submitting an application for participation.

Agree that purchasing a car has always been a holiday for most families in our country, and funds for it have been collected for several years. You can get a small discount provided by car dealerships only when paying full price car, paying in cash. Unfortunately, large families (3 or more children) are not able to afford such a large purchase. It was for them that the “Family Car” program was created, and what is it, what are the conditions for obtaining a loan, let’s figure it out together.

State program "Family car"

Due to the market decline automotive industry The Russian government has developed a number of state programs aimed at stabilizing the situation. Among them:

In connection with the decline in the automotive industry market, the Russian government has developed a number of government programs.

  • “Car for the village”, aimed at helping agricultural enterprises and farmers when purchasing agricultural equipment;
  • "First car";
  • "Your own business" target audience which are private entrepreneurs;
  • "Russian tractor", car loans for purchase trucks domestic production;

What is the purpose of the program

According to the presented project, the state program “Family Car” plans to “kill two birds with one stone” - to secure orders from automobile industry enterprises and to enable large families to purchase a car on preferential terms; the state will pay 10% of the cost of the selected vehicle. The program covers: passenger cars, and commercial vehicles.
Please note that the cost of the car should not exceed 1 million 450 thousand rubles; in addition, the conditions of the family car program have a number of clarifications, which we will discuss below.

Which car can you choose?

A car for the whole family

It is worth noting that the cost of a car indicated in the terms of a car loan includes a fairly wide range of cars:

All cars offered under the program will have a minimum configuration.

  • almost all AvtoVAZ models;
  • foreign cars falling into the economy class category from manufacturers such as Skoda, Nissan, Renault, Volkswagen. The main condition for foreign representatives is that the cars must be produced on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Please note that all cars offered will have a minimum configuration.

Let's consider the conditions

So, the Family Car program 2017, the conditions for receiving a subsidy are as follows:

  • the family must have the right to receive the status of “large family”;
  • lack of a car;
  • the loan rate in the selected banking institution should not exceed 18% per annum;
  • year of manufacture of the car - 2016-2017. The purchase must be made exclusively through showrooms official representatives manufacturers;
  • mandatory deposit and prepayment of 20% of the cost of the car;
  • the loan is issued in national currency and does not provide for additional commissions or fees. However full terms and conditions Find out about applying for a car loan at a bank branch;
  • the duration of the contract should not exceed 3 years;
  • The weight of the vehicle should not exceed 3.5 tons.

Please note that under the terms of the program in 2017, it became possible to purchase a car using maternity capital. The main condition is two or more children.

We collect a package of documents

Change in car price under the Family Car program

To apply for a preferential car loan, you need a certificate confirming the status of “large family”.

Due to the finalization of the intricacies of the “Family Car” program within the framework of preferential car loans, the exact package of required papers is not yet known. However, one document will be needed for sure - a certificate confirming the status of “large family”.
Please note that issuing a certificate takes 30 working days, and for this you need to contact the regional (local) social security department or MFC. It was already issued a long time ago, then check if the validity period has expired. Since in some regions of our country the certificate must be constantly confirmed and renewed.

Bank conditions

Basic requirements of banks participating in the program:

  • the borrower can only be an individual;
  • have Russian citizenship and registration at the place where the loan was received;
  • work experience of at least 1 year, with at least six months at the last place of employment;
  • clean credit history;
  • The borrower's age is at least 21 years old at the time of receiving the loan, but not more than 60 years old. At the time of full repayment of the loan, the age of the borrower must not exceed 65 years.

If the borrower is a woman, many banks set an additional condition: the absence of children under 6 months of age.

Registration procedure

Family car

Main stages of obtaining a loan:

To apply for a preferential car loan, you must collect the established package of documents.

  • choose a car, taking into account all the details;
  • We analyze bank offers and choose the best option for you;
  • We collect documents and send them to the branch of the banking institution with the corresponding application;
  • we sign the purchase and sale agreement and make a down payment;
  • we register the car with the traffic police;
  • We arrange collateral, insurance and sign a loan agreement.

We remind you once again that the list of conditions, the required package of documents and the stages of registration may vary depending on the banking institution. Check directly with bank employees!

"Family car" support program large families- a real opportunity to buy a car. Explore lending options and you will definitely find an acceptable option for yourself.

The work of the Government of the Russian Federation to stimulate the economic activity of citizens is a complex and multifaceted process. An example of this is the state support program “Family Car”. The essence of the event is to assist citizens raising two or more children in acquiring motor vehicle for family use. But this is only the “first plan”. The program's impact on the domestic market is much deeper.

Let's consider how to take advantage of the preference, for whom it is being implemented, what benefits it gives to people and the country as a whole.

Legal basis

The terms of the Family Car program have changed several times. The developers strive to cover as many Russian citizens as possible with events.

Activities to help families purchase a car were approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 808 of 07/07/17. The validity of the regulatory act was extended to 2018, which shows the effectiveness of investing funds from the treasury. However, major changes have been made to the resolution to expand the opportunities for program participants.

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You are allowed to take advantage of the state program several times, provided that the applicant meets the requirements.

Attention: since 2018, no income tax will be charged on state subsidies for the purchase of a car.

Why are the activities developed?

The essence of the program is to provide financial support to buyers of products from the domestic automobile industry. The developers' logic is as follows:

  • families raising two or more minors cannot always allocate money to buy a car;
  • Parents need a car to organize a normal life for their children;
  • a small amount of assistance from the treasury removes part of the financial burden from parents, therefore, they will try to invest money in the necessary transport;
  • stimulated in this way:
    • parents' activities to improve children's lives;
    • activity of financial institutions issuing car loans;
    • production of the domestic automobile industry.
For information: one, in fact, financial injection from the budget affects several economic sectors at once.

Do you need information on this issue? and our lawyers will contact you shortly.

Basic conditions

The state supports families raising minors. Moreover, parents must have Russian citizenship.

  • According to the terms of the program, there must be two or more children. The following offspring are taken into account:
  • native;
  • adopted;


  • A mother or father who meets the following criteria can declare their desire to become a participant in the state program:
  • legally married;
  • having a driver's license;
    • raising two or more offspring:
    • minors;
  • up to 23 years of age, full-time students;

who have taken out a loan from a financial institution that works with the budget.

  • Assistance is provided under the following conditions:
  • the purchased vehicles are manufactured on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • its cost does not exceed 1.45 million rubles;
  • weight is limited to 3.5 tons;
age - no more than a year.

Important: the budget covers 10% of the cost of the car. Only the “body” of the loan is included in the calculation. The assistance does not apply to interest.

For example, if a family wants to buy a car for 1.0 million rubles, then they will receive 100,000.0 rubles from the budget. And for the remaining 900,000.0 rub. you will have to get a loan. Naturally, interest and insurance payments will be charged on the principal debt. Buyers will have to cover them themselves.

Which vehicles fall under the terms of the state program? IN There is a limit on the cost of the car. Please note that the price is based on insurance costs. In 2018, the list of vehicles was expanded. It included some inexpensive SUVs, since not everyone is satisfied with low-budget cars.

Thus, the following models fall under the criteria of the state program:

  • Polo and Jetta, manufactured by Volkswagen;
  • SUV from Hyundai Tucson, as well as more small-sized models companies: Solaris and Elantra;
  • most Ford and Keogh models;
  • cars domestic assembly from Lada, UAZ and Renault-Nissan;
  • Octavia and Rapid, assembled at Skoda factories.
Hint: applicants for state aid need to inquire in showrooms about the terms of sale of certain models.

Features of the implementation of events

To understand how to take advantage of the privilege, it is necessary to understand the methodology for implementing the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. The developers have come up with a mechanism that can interest not only buyers, but also manufacturers. Its essence is as follows:

  1. A contract with the state for participation in the program is concluded:
    • enterprises engaged in assembly within the Russian Federation;
    • sales companies.
  2. The former implement the agreement through their own car dealerships, the latter also work to provide citizens with privileges.

In practice, the work is carried out as follows:

  1. The buyer declares his desire to receive preference at the car dealership.
  2. The seller informs the person about the currently available preferential offers.
  3. If citizens fall under the terms of the Family Car event, they are invited to write an application.
  4. The application must be supported by documents.
  5. Car dealership employees send a package of documents to the government agency with which the company has signed an agreement.
  6. Civil servants check the compliance of the applicant’s data with regulatory requirements.
  7. The answer is sent to the person within a month: by letter or SMS message.
Hint: you can only receive government assistance if you take out a loan for your car. That is, money from the treasury goes to the banking institution.

What documents will be required

The applicant for a preference must confirm full compliance with regulatory requirements (listed above). For this you will need the following documents:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • certificates of birth of minor offspring (at least two);
  • court decision on adoption;
  • decision of the guardianship authority to place the child in a family;
  • marriage certificate or document confirming the absence of a spouse.

In some situations, more certificates will be required. For example, a single mother is required to confirm her status with a certificate from the registry office stating that the father is registered according to her words (for each offspring). If a family has children from different marriages, then the change of the mother’s surname will have to be confirmed with evidence of the severance of previous ties. On young man Under 23 years of age receiving full-time education, a certificate is obtained from an educational institution.

Attention! Authorities are required to verify the following information:

  • the presence of legal ties between parents and children within the framework of the Family Code;
  • absence of court decisions on the cancellation or restriction of parental rights;
  • minors living with mom and dad;
  • other.

In addition, government officials are checking with banks to see if the family has an outstanding car loan. According to the terms of the program, such assistance is not provided.

The Resolution contains another important limitation. The applicant must live in Russia for at least three years. This fact is also verified. An applicant for assistance can proactively confirm the fact of residence in the country with an appropriate certificate (taken from the branch of the Federal Migration Service).

How many times can you get government assistance to buy a car?

The government limited parents to only one factor - the term of repayment of the car loan. As soon as it is fully repaid, people will be able to issue new car with the participation of the state. Applicants will be able to receive assistance from the budget many times under the following conditions:

  • no outstanding debt on the previous loan;
  • presence of two minors in the family.
Hint: grown children are not taken into account when providing government assistance. The developers believe that they themselves can already apply for participation in the state program, for example.

Legal features and risks

A bank provides a loan to purchase a car. The Government of the Russian Federation limits the parties to the contract to a contract period of three years. In this case, the guarantor of loan repayment is, among other things, government agency, who signed an agreement with the bank.

Therefore, the citizen’s rights are somewhat limited:

  • some financial institutions require a written commitment not to issue other loans during the term of the agreement;
  • the applicant's financial history is carefully checked;
  • government agencies monitor the implementation of the loan contract.
Attention: if citizens are deprived of parental rights before the loan is repaid, then state assistance will have to be returned in court.

Recycling program

Reduce cost new car citizens can use the trade-in offer. Its essence is the sale of an old car to a recycling company. Such events are carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation also on the initiative of the Government. The goal is to renew the vehicle fleet and increase road safety.

Developers and businesses working on domestic market, agreed to implement two different proposals for citizens:

  • complete recycling;
  • trade-in - purchases for the purpose of resale.

Car dealerships communicate with customers. They offer citizens discounts on new models if they return their old car. In this case, the following requirements are imposed on the vehicle:

  • age no more than:
    • 10 years for disposal;
    • 6 years for resale;
  • the owner is the only one;
  • condition is normal.

The government has established quotas for the use of government money to implement recycling activities. Up to 30% of all financing is allocated to the passenger segment. It is recommended to provide a discount to citizens of up to 50.0 thousand rubles. The specific amount is determined by the salon employees and depends on the model, condition and period of use of the vehicle.

How to recycle an old car

Vehicles are accepted at a car dealership or recycling facility. The only condition is the purchase from the enterprise of a new model included in the program. Cash for trade-in and disposal is not issued. The owner needs to prepare:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • technical certificate;
  • a certificate from the traffic police about deregistration of the car (otherwise you will have to pay for additional services).

The transfer of the car to the trade-in dealership is confirmed by the relevant act. The document is drawn up on the spot. If the transport is being recycled, it is taken to the enterprise. There, a transfer and acceptance certificate is drawn up, which is provided to the car dealership.

Which banks work with the state budget

State programs are designed in such a way that the following parties take part in their implementation:

  • financial institutions;
  • vehicle manufacturers;
  • sellers of finished products;
  • citizens.

Controls all regional branches of the federal government. IN in this case Ministry of Industry and Trade. But the communication between counterparties is carried out by banks. They are the ones who allocate money to guarantee the implementation of a multilateral agreement. The Government of the Russian Federation is working with financiers. Moreover, the conditions put forward to clients are formed by bank employees on the basis of agreements reached by their bosses. For example, Sberbank in 2017 required a 15% down payment. But since the beginning of 2018, conditions have changed.

Due to the constantly changing situation in global market, citizens need to do the following:

  • at a car dealership, ask for a list of financial institutions working with the budget;
  • carefully study all proposals;
  • choose the most profitable one.
Hint: if at some point the banks stop supporting the state, then you should wait a few months. Currently, conditions and agreements are changing very quickly.

Video about the programs Family car, First car

July 29, 2018, 19:35 March 3, 2019 13:35

In July last year, targeted state programs for preferential car loans “First Car” and “Family Car” were launched in Russia. “Wow, a discount!” - citizens exclaimed and rushed to storm car dealerships in order to, in most cases, leave them without a slurp. Why was it not so profitable to purchase cars with government support?

Victoria Bazyleva
Russian people love freebies - this is an indisputable fact. And if buying a new car for 1,400,000 rubles seems to be an unaffordable luxury for many, then the price tag of 1,260,000 rubles seems to free up their hands and wallets. Blinded by the unprecedented generosity of the authorities, motorists rush to grab their discount, completely forgetting that free cheese only comes in a mousetrap. But state support programs also have several pitfalls that buyers should be aware of.

But first things first. According to the terms of state programs, benefits for “first” and “family” cars are provided to those who buy a car for the first time, as well as to families raising at least two minor children. In other words, you can count on a 10% discount if you have not previously registered a single car, or if you are raising two or more children whose age does not exceed 18 years.

Alas, on new Jaguar XJ, whose price tag slightly exceeds 6 million rubles, will not be discounted by 600,000. The programs strictly cover models costing no more than 1,450,000 “wooden”. In addition, the car must be produced in Russia. So you won’t be able to save money on, say, a Mazda3 supplied to our country from abroad. And remember that in addition to the price list and place of “registration”, the release date is also important - only 2018. I think it is unnecessary to remind you that benefits are given exclusively for new cars.

“Here it is, my chance to buy the coveted KIA Rio at a super low price!”, you think. But what to do next? It's simple: after you are sure that the car meets all the criteria, you need to find out whether the manufacturer participates in these programs. You can call on hotline Russian representative office brand or to any specific dealer. Better - go straight to the car dealership.

Having decided on a specific car, having found out from the seller its final cost with all dealer discounts and additional equipment, contact the insurance and lending department. Tell the lovely girls that you want to take advantage of the First Car or Family Car program. For the most part, they are familiar with the conditions for providing subsidies, and therefore it will not be difficult for them to calculate how much a vehicle will cost you, taking into account the benefits.

Now attention! Yes, in fact, such attractive government programs imply a discount of 10% on the total cost of the car. But it is achieved not by directly “cutting” the price tag, but through credit benefits. Credit! In any case, you will have to borrow a certain amount. How much exactly - check with that same nice employee of the department. Each dealer or bank has different conditions - one car dealership will require you to borrow 150,000 rubles, another - all 500,000.

the main problem is that when applying for a car loan, dealers impose on clients an extended CASCO insurance, which protects almost from alien invasion, as well as insurance against accidental death, loss of work and a broken toe. That is, they add another thousand, maybe a hundred, to your check. It turns out that the subsidy honestly allocated by the state is not spent on repaying the main debt, but on additional services that are completely unnecessary for some.

So, before you sign up for a “heavy” car loan, seasoned with the sweet sauces of “First Car” or “Family Car”, calculate everything carefully and more than once. Have you already calculated it? Do it again! In general, if you don’t have a couple of hundred thousand for the car you want, it’s more profitable to take out a loan for personal needs from a bank rather than a car loan at a dealer’s showroom - the latter’s interest rates are much more humane.

However, if you come to the conclusion that government programs will still protect your wallet, despite the extortions in the form of additional services, hurry up! Last year, quotas ended before motorists learned about the existence of subsidies - a ten percent discount was distributed for only two to three months. And given last year’s experience, we can assume that the current “First Car” and “Family Car” are unlikely to “make it” even until the summer.