Basic scams at car dealerships - what to do if you suspect a car dealer of deception? Very low price: worth being wary. What to do if I was deceived when buying a car at a car dealership and concluding a loan agreement

When buying a car, many of us complete safety they go to buy a car at a car dealership, because when buying a car at a car dealership, the buyer expects everything to be processed as quickly as possible, everything to be completed honestly, without any delays, unfortunately, this does not always happen. Very often, a buyer gets scammed at a car dealership when buying a car, and buying a car at a car dealership has recently become a problem for many buyers. With the current practice, deception at a car dealership has become a very common occurrence and deception at a car dealership has become a widespread phenomenon, regardless of the region and place of purchase. In many cases, when buying a car at a car dealership, the buyer not only receives a used car, but may also lose Money, as well as get a big loan when buying a car or get stolen car, or a car with altered license plates.

Too cheap car in a car dealership

Very often, we see advertisements in newspapers, magazines, and on the Internet that are for sale. good car, at a price below the market price. When we contact a car dealership, an employee over the phone confirms the cost of the car at a low price, explaining that it special offer or last car. When the buyer arrives at the car dealership, looks at the car, signs all the documents, he discovers that the amount is not at all what it was originally, but much more. The manager of a car dealership or an employee of a car dealership begins to assure that they have added equipment, wheels, an alarm system, etc. This scheme occurs very often when buying a car at a car dealership.

Also, sometimes the cost increases after making an advance payment. And when the buyer wants to terminate the contract or return the advance, they tell him that the advance is not refundable and take it at this price and the buyer has to pay extra, or they say that the contract is not terminated and the goods are technically complex product and is not refundable and you also have to pay extra. The difference in surcharges can be very significant, sometimes amounting to several hundred thousand rubles. Many car dealerships use such schemes. There is also a very common scheme of deception in a car dealership when buying a car, when an advance is made, and the buyer discovers in the contract that the advance is not refundable and if the buyer does not pay extra within a few days, the money is not returned and the buyer is left without a car at all.

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Fraud at a car dealership when buying a car on credit

A common scheme for deceiving buyers at a car dealership is when the buyer wants to buy a car at a car dealership on credit. Initially, the buyer is told that this is not a loan, but an installment plan and interest does not need to be paid, but after signing a loan agreement at the car dealership, the buyer discovers that the cost of the car, including interest, is several times higher. According to this scheme of deception at a car dealership, the buyer purchases cheap car an amount several times greater than the cost of the car itself.

Deception at a car dealership when selling a used car

A common occurrence and common scheme of deception at a car dealership when selling a car is the sale of a used car. When a buyer purchases a used car at a car dealership, he cannot determine the quality and condition of the car. But later he discovers that the car is either a changeover, or after an accident. It can also be a used car, bought at a car dealership, with the number plates altered or with completely worn out parts (engine, suspension, chassis, body), and the car can also be repainted. It is not always possible for the buyer to prove that he was sold a low-quality product, and it is not always possible for the buyer to get his money back.

Deception at a car dealership with the price of a car

There is such a scheme of deception in a car dealership when selling a car, when a buyer wants to buy a car he likes and the price has already been agreed upon, they begin to tell him that there is still a buyer for this car, but there is no such car with the same characteristics anymore. With this scheme, at a car dealership, they try to increase the cost of selling a car by several tens of thousands of rubles, and sometimes by several hundred thousand rubles. It is also very common for car dealerships to sell cars for foreign currency, although this is prohibited by law. When selling a car at a dealership for foreign currency, the dealership sets its own exchange rate according to its own rules, although this is prohibited.

What can you do if you were deceived at a car dealership and where can you turn if you were deceived at a car dealership?

If the buyer was deceived at a car dealership when buying a car, then in accordance with the Federal Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, you can write a pre-trial claim to recalculate the price for the car, to terminate the car purchase and sale agreement, or to eliminate defects in the car. If the issue is not resolved before the court, then you can go to court with a statement of claim to terminate the car purchase and sale agreement, return the money, eliminate deficiencies, recalculate the cost of the car. When filing a claim in court, against a car dealership, the court is obliged to fine the seller (car dealership) 50% of the price of the claim. Also, in accordance with Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, fraud is punishable long term. If you are deceived at a car dealership, it is better to contact a lawyer or lawyer.

There are many lawyers and advocates registered on the Russian Legal Portal who have extensive experience in solving problems with car dealerships, both pre-trial and judicial practice. You can leave a request on the Russian Legal Portal if you have problems with a car dealership so that a lawyer or lawyer can help you, and you can also call the legal hotline at 8-800-777-32-63.

There are several common deception schemes:

The first scheme is the most common:

  1. In the price list of a certain dealership, the buyer sees the price of the desired car a little lower than that of competitors.
  2. The buyer calls the salon, he is assured that the requested car is in stock, the price is as indicated in the advertisement (the most common phrase is “We have a promotion, hurry up”).
  3. A potential client comes to the showroom, inspects the car, and agrees to purchase.
  4. Then the “divorce” itself begins. The manager begins to delay the purchase process in every possible way. For some reason, each procedure begins to take an hour or two. Classic excuses:
    • the director has left, will be back in an hour;
    • the database froze, a specialist was called;
    • The courier is about to deliver the documents for the car;
    • the bank does not accept payments;
    • seal at the main one, the main one in the second salon, formalizes the deal.... and so on.
  5. As a result, exhausted from the long wait, the buyer signs all the papers brought without looking - just to leave as quickly as possible.
  6. In the end it turns out that:
    • the price of the car in the contract is higher than stated;
    • the contract contains options that greatly increase the cost of the car;
    • you purchased a car that was not at all what you had planned, but a much cheaper one at an inflated price;
    • interest on the loan is absolutely exorbitant;
    • the cost of insurance and maintenance significantly exceeds the same amounts from competitors.

The calculation is made on the psychology and legal illiteracy of the buyer. According to statistics, more than 60% of people fall for these schemes and buy a car at a higher price than they could do at any other reputable dealership.

As soon as you feel that the manager is starting to try to “delay out” the paperwork procedure, refuses to show the car on far-fetched pretexts, asks for an advance payment, starts coming up with excuses - take the documents and leave.

It’s a good idea to come to the transaction with a lawyer. He will definitely read all the clauses of the contract, no matter how large it is, and demand that it be drawn up in the proper order - stitched, signed every sheet, so that there is no possibility of replacing part of the contract.

In order not to buy a used car under the guise of a new one, it is advisable to come to the dealership with a mechanic who is well versed in cars and carefully check the documents for the car. Must be required before purchasing:

  • original PTS;
  • documents about the year of issue;
  • engine and body numbers.
If possible, you should “punch” the car through the databases. There are cases when a salon sells not just a used car under the guise of a new one, but even a car that has been restored after a serious accident.

Important! Before signing the contract, carefully check the compliance of the agreed options. If the car is equipped with them, don’t be lazy to check their prices at other dealers.

Before purchasing, it makes sense to inspect the car you are purchasing extremely carefully, preferably with a specialist. This will protect you from “surprises” in the form of a dent or camouflaged scratch, as well as from the need to constantly go to the service center to replace defective parts.

A very common scheme is in which taken into account old car are drawn up not under a purchase and sale agreement, but under a gift agreement. That is, the same substitution of documents takes place, in which the first contract read by the buyer, as a result of delays in time and a decrease in vigilance by the clients, is changed to another.

What schemes can be used when purchasing a vehicle on credit?

Lending scam is the easiest for scammers. The schemes are usually like this:

Read the contract very carefully, check all the numbers before signing the papers.

Signs of fraud or money scam

Practically all salons operating under “divorce” schemes operate according to the same scheme. What should alert you first and make you think that you are being deceived:

  • the car dealership claims that it is an official dealer, but there is no mention of it on the automaker’s website;
  • the legal entity was registered just a couple of months ago;
  • all over the Internet negative reviews about the salon or there are none at all;
  • the prices stated by the salon are lower than competitors, sometimes significantly.

Low cost of the machine

The automaker always has recommended retail prices for specific vehicles. No car dealership that operates officially and honestly will underestimate them and operate at a loss. There are quite official promotions that, as a rule, all dealers carry out - discounts on cars of the previous year of production, seasonal promotions.

If a particular car dealership has a price list for a car that is 20-30% lower than its competitors’ prices, they are almost certainly scammers.

Preparation of additional documents

When purchasing a car, the manager may ask for additional documents- except for the purchase and sale agreement. For example, an insurance contract, a separate document describing options, a whole bunch of additional documents for insurance or a loan, drawn up in fine print.

Sign documents only after you have read them carefully. If the manager is in a hurry, he persuades you to read only the first page, since the “contracts are standard” - it is better not to contact this salon at all.

Failure to provide information and documents

The manager must provide everything before completing the transaction Required documents – the original PTS for the car, all documents for it, the original purchase and sale agreement, all information about the car – the cost, officially confirmed.

Also, the buyer should have the opportunity to inspect the specific car he is buying BEFORE purchasing.

If they don’t provide documents, they drag out time, come up with excuses - under no circumstances leave a deposit and don’t give the manager your documents. It’s better to wait and make a deal in another salon.

You can find out in detail about what documents are needed when buying a car at a car dealership and what the seller must provide to the future owner.

What do you need to know to avoid being deceived?

  1. Never be fooled by obviously low prices.
  2. Carefully check all the documents and the contract you sign, no matter how much the seller rushes you.
  3. Do not make a deposit for the car - today there is always a dealership that will sell the car without it, since competition among sellers is high and there are few buyers.
  4. Never sign anything you haven't seen. The contract is signed on every page!
  5. Find out in advance which banks the seller works with and what loan schemes he offers.
  6. Check the automaker's website for up-to-date information about official dealers.

If the contract is not favorable conditions was nevertheless signed - remember: it says that The buyer has the right to refuse to fulfill the terms of the purchase and sale agreement within a specified period of time. That is, a signed document is not a sentence; it can be changed.

Salons operating under such schemes are very afraid of publicity. Call the police, call a lawyer you know, and strictly demand the return of the deposit. Emphasize that in the event of a trial, the truth will be on your side. It is almost guaranteed that scammers will not contact a “savvy” buyer and will return the money and the agreement (read about whether it is possible to return a car purchased on credit or for cash back to the car dealership and how to do this).

Thus, Fraudulent schemes when buying even a new car are not uncommon. To avoid buying Daewoo Matiz by price Bentley Continental Supersport - use common sense, never sign an agreement without reading it, do not make a deposit.

Despite all of the above, it is still preferable to search for a vehicle at secondary market. Read the advice of our experts about the secrets and subtleties, as well as what time of year is best to make a purchase.

If you choose the right dealer, the car will most likely be worth the money you ask for. If you carefully inspect the car and ask for a test drive, strong and weak spots the cars will not come as a surprise to the client after leaving the showroom. In this article we will tell you how to properly purchase a car at a dealership for cash, so as not to overpay and buy exactly what you want.

Come to the transaction with a lawyer or a legally savvy friend. Check the car thoroughly before purchasing. Make sure the dealership officially represents the automaker. All this is almost guaranteed to protect you from meeting scammers.

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How to avoid becoming a victim when buying a car at a trade-in dealership. A private expert will tell you about the most common cases of fraud.

I continue the series of articles about deception at car dealerships. Previously, I wrote and told.

Here I will repeat that there will be no loud revelations with names and names of organizations, and what I write is solely my opinion, but I consider it my direct responsibility to tell you the system of deception.

So, you have decided to buy a car. I have absolutely no desire to travel by metro all day and look at options for buying a car from private sellers. You make a convenient and seemingly correct decision: to go to a private trade-in car showroom, where several dozen, or even hundreds of cars are displayed on one site.

To make my story interesting, as always, here is an example from my personal practice. This car It was not me who sold, but my colleague, so my soul is calm and pure, but such cases happen every day, several times a day.

So, the client brought a Land Rover from a fairly recent year of production to our dealership. The price for it for the seller was reduced to a ridiculous amount; at disassembly they would have given more for it. And the whole point is that the engine of this car demanded overhaul and smoked mercilessly, the roof and doors of the car were painted. In general, a classic “shifter” and even with a dead engine.

The Land Rover was driven into the repair area and the order was given to bring it into divine shape. Since we (the managers) had nothing to do with the repair zone at all, we didn’t even go there; we don’t know in detail what they did to this car.

Just a few days later this SUV was standing on the site, started well and did not smoke. The interior has been dry cleaned and the body has been polished. The mileage miraculously became 47,000 km, instead of 190,000 km. The price tag for the car was slightly below the market, so literally on the same day there were several calls regarding the ad.

One client offered to pay a deposit for him by bank transfer, and he himself promised to fly from a distant northern city next week.

Car dealership clients from the region! How much managers love them and how many of their deceived people have dispersed to the cities and villages of our homeland... Judge for yourself. A person flies (arrives/sails) from another city to pick up a car and money. He has no one here, nowhere to stay, the city is vain and alien. Such people buy a car almost without looking, because it attracts them with its washed sides and blackened tires, and they really want to get home quickly.

The client arrived and asked from the door where to take the money. The manager almost silently took him to the cashier and filled out the documents. The only question the client had was when the Land Rover sneezed when starting the engine and still produced a cloud of gray smoke. The manager was not taken aback and said something like “what do you want, it’s a diesel, and it’s been standing there for a long time, waiting for you”! The client smiled and left satisfied for his northern city.

By the way, this time the management decided to refrain from their favorite practice of increasing prices. I really wanted to get rid of the car quickly and earn half a million. The scheme is simple: at the moment when you deposit money into the cash register, you are informed that the price of the car has increased by 18%, which is the amount of VAT. In response to your fair refusal to purchase, they show you PTS car with your data and an agreement signed by you, in which all this is spelled out in fine print. IN as a last resort, if the buyer makes a very loud noise and threatens all punishments, this amount is reduced to 10,000 rubles as a “fee for processing documents.”

Still want to buy a car from a private trade-in dealership? It is quite possible that there are honest car dealerships where managers sell honest cars By fair price, but I haven’t come across these yet.

In the showrooms of the official dealer, things are little better. There is still a possibility that you can buy a more or less live car from them, but you need to search for it for a long time and with a professional approach.