We create a security complex. Anti-theft systems Integrated anti-theft system

Before choosing the components of a security complex, it makes sense to figure out what are the main types of theft:

Night thefts

Fast Hijacks


Theft with a tow truck

Leap attack

Night hijacking is a common phenomenon in the sleeping areas of St. Petersburg, highly qualified specialists are involved in such hijackings. High-tech tools and high-quality tools are used. As a rule, the hijackers have enough time to deal with the installed security system.

Quick hijack- as a rule, these are thefts that occur in parking lots shopping malls. In this case, the hijacker's arsenal necessarily contains technical means that allow you to scan a car alarm or relay a signal from regular key. In most cases, attackers have only a few minutes for the entire event.

Pickpockets- everything is extremely simple here: a professional thief steals the car keys, gets in and leaves. In this case, a simple pickpocket is operating, not a technical specialist.

Theft with a tow truck- despite the apparent simplicity, this type of hijacking is used quite rarely and does not happen so quickly - up to 15 minutes. As a rule, premium cars are stolen by a tow truck. The risks involved in car theft are very high.

Leap attack- most often in this way cars are stolen in winter. A motorist starts the engine to warm up, and then cleans the snow from the car. Here comes the very moment when the attacker jumps into the car and leaves; as a rule, the owner does not have time to do anything. Also, hijackers simply distract the driver and force him to leave the already running car.

So, now we can talk about what kind of alarm can be opposed to the hijacker.

Security systems can also be divided into three groups:

Often, the consumer believes that by setting the alarm, he secured his car. Unfortunately, this delusion. No matter how modern and reliable the alarm is, its characteristics do not allow creating serious obstacles for the hijacker. This is due to the fact that the alarm unit itself and the engine block are located in the passenger compartment and, as a rule, are not very deep. In general, you should not expect something supernatural from a device that is only intended to inform the owner about an attempt on his car.

car alarm- it is rather a means of comfort, and most of the functions that can be implemented are aimed precisely at this (, turbo timer, raising windows, unlocking the trunk, etc.). An exception can be considered those systems that can be attributed to security systems, although they can be positioned as alarms.

Despite the foregoing, when choosing an alarm, you should choose a system with a modern dialogue code(Pandora, Starline, MS, etc)

If you are faced with the task of securing your car from theft, Special attention should be given to active safety systems. A classic solution for many cars is a set consisting of an immobilizer and a hood lock.
Immobilizer blocks the engine, and the lock protects the engine compartment, where the blocking itself is made. You can also add a secret to the complex. The security complex of the car must consist of at least 2 active security systems. Modern immobilizer at correct installation and operation can withstand almost all types of theft, except, of course, a tow truck.

A good electronic secret will perfectly help against a pickpocket and make you sweat during a night theft, and with a quick theft near a supermarket it will become an insurmountable barrier, but it is useless when stealing from a swoop or with a tow truck. An excellent means of protection against theft is the steering shaft lock, but it has drawbacks, it is not very comfortable to use it, and not all cars have a lock.

One of the new frontiers in active security complexes has become diagnostic connector blocking– this system does not allow to carry out diagnostics of the car without the knowledge of the owner. In other words, the attacker has no way to connect to the "brains" of the car in order to disable the factory security system. A very relevant measure for many modern cars. Also, the undoubted advantage is the inability to prepare the car for theft at the service.

Do not forget about beacons and satellite bookmarks, although they will not save you from theft itself, there are good chances return the car. It is these systems that are able to protect the car from a tow truck. The so-called "last hope" in the form of a beacon often helps to find a stolen car.

When choosing systems for the security complex of your car, it would be useful to get advice from different installation centers. We recommend contacting specialized companies dealing with additional equipment. It is in such companies that you can get a high-quality installation, and in fact, the resistance of the car to various thefts depends on the quality of work by 70%.

Collect information about various components and choose an installer. Often, after monitoring, you can find really high-quality products for a reasonable price. Remember that systems that have a lot of advertising, in fact, may turn out to be just an advertised dummy, moreover, by buying such a product, you pay and advertising company manufacturer.

Pay special attention to the choice of the installer. Remember, if you are told directly on the phone in 3 minutes how to effectively protect your car, then most likely we are talking about a streaming installation. standard systems. By calling installation center, immediately make it clear that you are interested in not just a standard set of anti-theft, namely security complex which will protect against theft.

In a good service, you will most likely be invited to a personal consultation and already at the meeting they will tell you how you can protect your car from theft. After all, in order to choose a truly reliable complex, you need to take into account many factors: what kind of car (brand model), what engine, what gearbox, who is the driver, where the car is stored, in what area, etc.

After the protection systems are installed for you, pay attention to how to use the systems in everyday life, how to transfer the car to the service and what to do in emergency situation. When accepting a car from the master, do not hesitate to take notes. In a good service, they will not only install the equipment with high quality, but also tell you in detail how to use it correctly, take your time and do not rush the master.

Remember, car safety is in your hands, take it seriously!

Have you recently bought a car and want to protect it from theft? If you are worried when you hear alarms on other cars, fearing for the safety of your vehicle, then you need to take care of theft protection. We can help you save not only your nerves, but also the car. Auto protection compact 1 – anti-theft kit, which is the minimum reasonable set to protect your vehicle.

Protecting your car from theft is an important question that all car owners ask. Focusing on the wishes of car owners, many entrepreneurs are trying to create new products in the field of vehicle protection for favorable price. The anti-theft complex "Basic" is a budget option protection at an affordable price.

The desire to save your vehicle from theft is quite acceptable. Moreover, this desire can be made a reality if you use a high-quality anti-theft security complex "Autoprotection Compact 2", which is not only affordable, but also effective in protecting cars of any brand and size.

Protecting the car from theft is the desire of every owner vehicle. We can help you save not only your nerves, but also the car, because the main condition for providing professional protection against theft is A complex approach. The Federal complex was created to provide a car effective protection from theft at maximum level comfort with intelligent telematics.

Anti-theft complex Classic is reliable protection your car from the danger of illegal intrusion by an unauthorized person. Security technologies that are used in this type of protection are effective and reliable. Thanks to them, you can resist theft of any car, even with the use of technical means or the human factor.

The medium anti-theft complex has proven itself well among its counterparts. Security technologies that are used in this type of protection are effective and reliable. Medium is a reliable protection of your car from the danger of illegal intrusion by an outsider. MS STALKER LAN 3 is a car alarm that has the best long-range key fob with an LCD display and interactive authorization.

The Auto Protection Comfort 1 set differs from its counterparts in the highest level of anti-theft technologies used, as well as in the most comfortable algorithm for using it. The owner of the vehicle does not have to worry about the safety of his car, and no action is required from him. The complex can live an "independent life", focusing only on the owner's mark.

Auto Protection Expert Kit is a unique anti-theft technology that can protect any vehicle from danger. It has high-quality two-level reliable car owner access and the function of constant monitoring of the communication channel, which allows you to monitor the condition of the car more objectively and correctly.

The Auto Protection Comfort 2 set is the best among its counterparts, as it combines the best anti-theft technologies with a comfortable usage algorithm. The complex can live an "independent life", focusing only on the owner's mark. The owner of the vehicle does not have to worry about the safety of his car, and no action is required from him.

Telematic security car complex StarLine has no analogues. Dialogue non-scannable control code, intelligent autostart, integrated GPS and GSM interfaces, hood lock and built-in 2 CAN interface are not all the benefits this complex. It is equipped with an autonomous search beacon and an anti-jamming 512-channel transceiver with a warning range of up to 2000 m.

The Insurance anti-theft complex is revolutionary, as it combines two independent satellite monitoring devices and has anti-fraud protection. Thanks to the security technologies used in this type of protection, it is possible to resist the theft of any car, even with the use of technical means or the human factor.

Equipment Cost, with installation from, rub.
Auto Protection Compact 1 21600
Auto Protection Basic 22900
Auto Protection Compact 2 26100
Auto Protection Federal 35600
Auto Protection Classic 42800
Auto Protection Medium 43600
Autoprotect Comfort 1 46700
Auto Protection Expert 50400
Autoprotect Comfort 2 51400
StarLine will win 51600
Auto Protection Insurance 57400

Anti-theft security complex

It's no secret that reliable car protection is possible only through the use of different, complementary and supportive security systems. These can be proprietary developments or copyright anti-theft systems. What are they? What elements should the scheme be designed for? And thanks to what high-quality individual anti-theft systems are formed, designed specifically for your vehicle? Many car enthusiasts try to find answers to these questions on their own, using the experience of friends, information from Internet forums or magazines. The information in them is often contradictory and not always up-to-date. Therefore, we offer you a professional review, the task of which is to find out which anti-theft system is the best. Of course, we do not claim to cover the entire market, but we will consider the most popular brands.

What should be considered when choosing an anti-theft complex?

The system is selected based on the characteristics of your machine and the tasks that you set for yourself. It is necessary to take into account the brand and modification, year and series of production, features of the motor and gearbox, basic equipment, as well as the possibility of its expansion, optional equipment. Far from the last place is the cost of the car, on which its popularity in the criminal environment depends. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the choice of installing anti-theft systems can be influenced by such seemingly insignificant details as the conditions and nature of operation, the number of people using the vehicle, individual driving habits, attitude towards car security, etc.

However, despite all of the above, there are basic rules. First of all, car anti-theft systems include high-quality alarms that are not subject to code grabber or deliberate scanning. On vehicles equipped with KeyLess, i.e. unlocked without using a key, it is recommended to use an additional owner identification tag when unlocking. Good feedback have anti-theft complexes with a reverse notification system via a GSM channel to the car owner's smartphone. They allow you to receive information about the location of the machine even in the event of interruptions in satellite communications.

The next obstacle in the path of the car thief should be reliable immobilizer which blocks the engine from starting.

All high-quality anti-theft complexes for cars include an owner identification system before starting. This is usually done using a presence tag. At the request of the motorist, identification can be carried out after each stop of the car or opening the doors. The system can also be programmed to put the transmission into park, exceed a certain speed level, or press the brake pedal. When a "stranger" is detected, the device must promptly transmit information to the owner of the machine.

Mechanical anti-theft systems usually include an optional hood lock that protects other elements of the car's internal security. As well as one or more electromechanical locks. In some cases, it can be extremely useful to block the steering shaft, gearbox, diagnostic connector, pins in the doors. ECU protection and satellite beacons in combination with search modules have proven themselves well.

Anti-theft complex ASP Hard

The company for the production of machine protection systems was founded in 2011, that is, today it already has good experience in this matter. The developers set themselves the goal of designing fundamentally New Product. As a result, the complexes "ASP HARD" and "ASP PRO" were created. The brand is distinguished by a processor module that makes a decision in accordance with the installed program. The block for it is only an information node. For comparison, in other systems, the latter directly regulates the deactivation of vital systems during theft.
Additionally, it is possible to note a simplified disarming for the user and the provision of a guarantee for the entire period of ownership of the vehicle without a monthly fee.

Anti-theft complex Spring dynamic

Many car enthusiasts consider it one of the best in its niche. The system has increased resistance to hacking, both at the physical and electronic levels. The upgraded immobilizer SPR.pro reliably blocks the operation of important elements of the car. And the scheme of the design itself is such that it is practically impossible for an attacker to find and neutralize it.

The six individual modules are unlocked in two steps for even greater protection. Used by Spring mainly for expensive cars.

anti-theft mechanical complex Dragon

This brand has been produced by the well-known domestic company Cerber-M LLC since 2000. During this time, the company's products have managed to successfully prove themselves. Anti-theft satellite complexes this company is suitable for cars, and for minibuses of domestic and foreign production. They cover vehicles with traditional left-hand drive and right-hand drive. Each blocker is designed for a specific brand of car. One of the nice features of the company is the presence wide network those centers of warranty and post-warranty service.

Anti-theft complex Iron Security

The basic element of the system is the start blocking module, which distorts the data transmission bus or deactivates the operation of individual motor components. Iron Security prevents reading information from the factory key and does not allow you to register new chip required for car theft.

The peculiarity of the development is its small dimensions, which makes it possible to easily integrate it into the usual wiring of the machine and mask it with electrical tape. The anti-theft complex for Toyota or Lexus controls, among other things, the steering shaft lock. Work is carried out through the proprietary transponder immobilizer Kadinis Raktas.

is a combination of electronic, mechanical and other car theft protection systems. Together they form a single complex that can guarantee maximum protection and the safety of your property.

As a basis electronic system protection we use car alarms Pandora And Starline with dialogue code.

Set Basic price with installation 25500 rubles.

The kit is distinguished by the highest level of applied anti-theft technologies, combined with the most comfortable algorithm for use. Dialogue authorization, digital locks engine, engine compartment protection.

security system from feedback and key fob control with LCD display, implements keyless bypass native immobilizer using LIN or CAN buses to start the engine
capable of receiving information about the state of the vehicle at a distance of up to 2000m.
- created for intelligent control hood lock and engine blocking together with StarLine security systems, made in a waterproof design. Coded interlock relay with the ability to control the hood lock.

Set Comfort price with installation 33500 rubles.

The kit is distinguished by the highest level of applied anti-theft technologies, combined with the most comfortable algorithm for use. Dialogue authorization, digital engine blocking, cloud service, mobile applications.

- security system with digital buses Can-Lin, feedback and key fob with LCD display and GSM module, able to control and receive information about the state of the vehicle wherever there is a GSM network.
— a device with multi-channel interactive authorization at a frequency of 2.4 GHz and a label made in a waterproof design. Digitally coded blocking relay with the ability to control the hood lock.
- universal electromechanical hood lock. Prevents unauthorized entry into the engine compartment to disable engine locks and car theft. It has a high degree of protection against external hacking.

Set Expert 37500 rub. Price with installation

The kit is distinguished by the highest level of applied anti-theft technologies and includes a 2-level access for the car owner (LCD key fob and tag), as well as a number of independent security and anti-theft components. The maximum resistance of the complex is achieved by installing a digital blocking relay, the dismantling of which is impossible without access to the engine compartment. The hood lock is able to resist any kind of mechanical breaking for a long time. The included satellite beacon-bookmark is installed discreetly and has an autonomous power supply designed for 2 years.

— Reliable security system StarLine S96 BT 2CAN+2LIN GSM with auto start, non-scannable code, 2CAN+2LIN and GSM interfaces, Bluetooth Smart technology. Authorization of the owner is performed automatically by BLE-tag or smartphone.

The StarLine telematics and security car complex has no analogues. Dialogue non-scannable control code, intelligent autostart, integrated GPS and GSM interfaces, hood lock and built-in 2 CAN interface are not all the advantages of this complex. It is equipped with an autonomous search beacon and an anti-jamming 512-channel transceiver with a warning range of up to 2000 m.

Anti-theft complex Classic is a reliable protection of your car from the danger of illegal intrusion by an unauthorized person. Security technologies that are used in this type of protection are effective and reliable. Thanks to them, it is possible to resist the theft of any car, even with the use of technical means or the human factor.

Protecting your car from theft is an important question that all car owners ask. Focusing on the wishes of car owners, many entrepreneurs are trying to create new products in the field of vehicle protection at a bargain price. The anti-theft complex "Basic" is a budget option for protection at an affordable price.

Have you recently bought a car and want to protect it from theft? If you are worried when you hear alarms on other cars, fearing for the safety of your vehicle, then you need to take care of theft protection. We can help you save not only your nerves, but also the car. Auto Protection Compact 1 is an anti-theft kit that is the minimum reasonable set to protect your car.

The desire to save your vehicle from theft is quite acceptable. Moreover, this desire can be made a reality if you use a high-quality anti-theft security complex "Autoprotection Compact 2", which is not only affordable, but also effective in protecting cars of any brand and size.

The Auto Protection Comfort 1 set differs from its counterparts in the highest level of anti-theft technologies used, as well as in the most comfortable algorithm for using it. The owner of the vehicle does not have to worry about the safety of his car, and no action is required from him. The complex can live an "independent life", focusing only on the owner's mark.

The Auto Protection Comfort 2 set is the best among its counterparts, as it combines the best anti-theft technologies with a comfortable usage algorithm. The complex can live an "independent life", focusing only on the owner's mark. The owner of the vehicle does not have to worry about the safety of his car, and no action is required from him.

The medium anti-theft complex has proven itself well among its counterparts. Security technologies that are used in this type of protection are effective and reliable. Medium is a reliable protection of your car from the danger of illegal intrusion by an outsider. MS STALKER LAN 3 is a car alarm that has the best long-range key fob with an LCD display and interactive authorization.

The Insurance anti-theft complex is revolutionary, as it combines two independent satellite monitoring devices and has anti-fraud protection. Thanks to the security technologies used in this type of protection, it is possible to resist the theft of any car, even with the use of technical means or the human factor.

Protecting your car from theft is the desire of every vehicle owner. We can help you save not only your nerves, but also your car, because the main condition for providing professional protection against theft is an integrated approach. The Federal complex was created to provide the car with effective protection against theft with the maximum level of comfort using intelligent telematics.

Auto Protection Expert Kit is a unique anti-theft technology that can protect any vehicle from danger. It has high-quality two-level reliable car owner access and the function of constant monitoring of the communication channel, which allows you to monitor the condition of the car more objectively and correctly.

Equipment Cost, with installation from, rub.
StarLine will win 51600
Auto Protection Classic 42800
Auto Protection Basic 22900
Auto Protection Compact 1 21600
Auto Protection Compact 2 26100
Autoprotect Comfort 1 46700
Autoprotect Comfort 2 51400
Auto Protection Medium 43600
Auto Protection Insurance 57400
Auto Protection Federal 35600
Auto Protection Expert 50400

The best anti-theft security system for your car. What to choose?

Before talking about vehicle protection systems, I would like to clarify the situation a little in matters of theft. After all, it is with them, in the first place, we have to fight. Ever since the first car was stolen in a suburb of Paris in the 19th century, an unfortunate incident has become a threatening practice.

There is a whole classification of hijackings: committed at night, "quick", "pocket", with the help of a tow truck or "swoop".

The first, as you may have guessed, takes place in dark time days, usually in residential areas. Carried out by experienced drivers. At the same time, the most Hi-tech car openings and expensive improvised tools.

Fast hijacking most often occurs near large shopping malls. The attacker scans the alarm key code and after a few minutes drives the car to a safe place.

Pickpocketing gets its name from the qualifications of the criminals. "Pickpockets" simply "borrow" the keys from the careless driver and calmly leave in his car. In most cases, such thieves do not have a specialization in theft, but act according to circumstances.

Theft with the help of a tow truck is recorded relatively rarely. It will take at least a quarter of an hour to complete it. The risks of getting caught "hot" are very high, so robbers mostly decide to commit a crime for the sake of very expensive premium cars.

And, finally, stealing "with a swoop." It usually takes place in winter time years, and its implementation requires a certain knowledge of psychology, as well as the specific nature of the robber. The car owner starts the car to warm up and, of course, leaving the keys in the ignition, goes to clear the snow. At this moment, the attacker jumps into the car, leaving no time for the owner to come to his senses.

As you may have guessed, the complex burglar alarm for the vehicle is selected taking into account such specific points. However, as well as for a variety of unforeseen situations.

In general, security automobile complexes can be divided into the following groups:

notification modules, consisting of car alarms, satellite tracking systems, etc.;

· active safety units, such as immobilizers, steering locks, hood locks, gearboxes, various locks, etc.;

and, finally, passive safety systems, which include satellite beacons and bookmarks.

To date, the most popular among car owners are good security systems based on alarms. But, unfortunately, this is not enough. Firstly, the task of such a module is only to notify the owner of troubles. Secondly, the alarm unit itself and the engine block are located in the cabin. Their deployment does not pose a serious obstacle to decontamination by a professional.

The security complex based on the alarm system is rather a means of comfort for the owner of the car. It implements the functions of autostart or turning on the engine remotely, turbo timer, heating the cabin or vice versa cooling it with an air conditioner. The alarm unit can start the power windows or unlock the trunk.

But, of course, this is not enough to protect against intruders. If you are interested in real security, you need to install advanced security systems. Which will consist of several elements. The classic solution this case, there will be an installation of a security complex on a car, including an immobilizer and a lock on the hood. The first blocks the motor if necessary, and the second prevents it from opening.

In general, a security complex for a car should include at least two components that secure each other. One of the latest innovations in this direction - blocking the diagnostic connector, which prevents unauthorized diagnostics of the machine.

Of course, it is better to purchase a system from one manufacturer, since in this case reliable, uninterrupted work individual nodes. Let's take as an example short reviews the most popular brands in our country.

Security complex Starline

In the advanced models of this company, interactive user authorization with unique crypto keys is implemented. The feature of the system is stable work in case of possible interference, GPS coordination and operational GSM notification. Equipping locks with a digital relay, immobilizer operation at a classical frequency of 2.4 GHz.

In addition to the basic units (alarm, immobilizer, hood lock) Starline offers optional components: GSM/GPS units for long-range warning and vehicle tracking, as well as a beacon.

According to some experts, this is the best security system for cars today. However, a lot depends on the configuration of the vehicle and the tasks that you set for yourself.
Security complex Ghost

The company successfully specializes in the production of new generation systems. All alarms of the line have a pre-installed CAN-adapter. Thus the Ghost becomes a part general scheme regular electronic stuffing car, which guarantees quality and durability.

The advantage of the development is a satellite security system, an immobilizer with protection against force capture, sudden theft or theft from a parking lot. The alarm is activated by the standard key fob of your vehicle.
Security complex Pandora

Boasts a wide variety of features. Most of the systems are closed-loop modules equipped with key fobs with a liquid crystal display. Another feature of Pandora is its small size, which significantly complicates the work of a cracker.

Security complex Spring

The burglary-resistant system consists of a powerful immobilizer - the SPR.pro implant. In the "Protection" mode, it is guaranteed to block the machine's electronics both at the physical and digital levels. Includes six different modules distributed in different parts of the machine. Thus, there is no chance for the race car driver. Disarming - two-stage.

Most often, Spring is used on expensive premium cars.

Anti-theft complex- specially selected set anti-theft devices, which are able to provide the maximum possible protection of the vehicle and increase the time spent on the theft attempt. Practice shows that if hijackers fail to steal a car within 5 minutes, they stop trying to steal, as there is a high probability of being seen at the crime scene.

The following tasks are set for the anti-theft complex: providing multi-stage protection by mechanical and electronic means, limiting access to the car's control units, withstanding attempts at mechanical impact for a long time, informing the owner or special services about the encroachment on the car.

The efficiency of the protection elements, the secrecy of their location and the differences in the types of locks depend on the correct selection of components.

The composition of the kit that will be used to protect the vehicle is mainly formed by the budget of the car owner, but there is a minimum that should be adhered to.

  1. An independent electronic device that will block the operation of the engine, located under the hood (immobilizer, anti-theft lock or digital alarm blocking relay);
  2. Second no less important element is an electromechanical hood lock that will be controlled electronic device, described above, and block access to it, as well as to all units and circuits in engine compartment;
  3. A warning device, which can be a car alarm or a GSM module.

To increase stability and achieve maximum efficiency, you can add to the complex:

  1. Gearbox lock (checkpoint) (optimal for automatic transmission). It is desirable that the gear selection shaft be blocked (it is located under the hood, which in turn is closed electromechanical lock), not a cable or selector.
  2. A satellite search and security device or GPS/GSM beacon that will provide information about the location of the vehicle will help when searching for the vehicle by the first response team or the police. Some similar systems can block the engine at a long distance.

Basics of using the anti-theft complex

When leaving the car, even for a short time, you must always use all types of anti-theft protection. Very often, thefts occur in the most unexpected places, often when the car owner does not expect it.

When transferring the car to the service, switch all security devices to the "service mode" (this mode allows you to use the car without entering codes and using locks, and also blocks the ability to add additional devices management). You should never disclose the composition of the devices used, the principle of operation, codes and methods for unlocking strangers, and sometimes relatives.

The team of technical staff of the Point autoelectronics studio is ready to select the most effective set of anti-theft devices that will serve as guards for your car.