Exit diagnostics of the car before buying. How to check a car before buying: Test questions Checking a car before buying by wine

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According to statistics, 30% of Russians who bought a used car, during the first month of its use, reveal a huge number of problems, the elimination of which requires large financial costs. How can you avoid this situation? "Autocode" will tell you how to check the car before buying.


We advise you to carry out the first check of the car at the stage of viewing the ads. Choose the options you like, write down the license plate and check the cars using the Autocode service. The system will issue a report with a detailed history of the vehicle. If the information in the ad contradicts the data of the report, it is better to immediately abandon this option and not waste time meeting with the seller. Most often, sellers hide the real mileage, the number of owners, work in a taxi and participation in an accident.

Start your meeting by checking your documents. Next, proceed to visual inspection of the vehicle. Then take a test drive. Finally, go with the seller to the service station. Experts will identify all the technical flaws of the car. This will allow you to bargain or even refuse to buy a bad vehicle.

Documentation check

Before buying a used car, it is important to check the documentation:

  • vehicle registration certificate;
  • seller's passport.

Make sure that there are no special inserts and markings in the TCP. What's the catch here? Marks are put in cases where the numbers of the body or engine are broken, unreadable or unreadable.

Be wary if the seller has provided you with a duplicate title. A duplicate of the Title is issued if the original has been lost or damaged, as well as if there are no free lines left in order to enter the owners of the car. Therefore, you need to check with the seller how many owners the car had and for what reason a duplicate was made.

But do not rush to refuse to buy a car just because of a duplicate. Check your car using the Autocode service. If these checks do not contradict the words of the seller, then there is nothing to fear. If the service reports that the vehicle had two or more owners, and the seller claims that he is the first and last owner, then it is better to refuse the transaction.

Be sure to check the data from the seller's passport with the data specified in the TCP. Even small differences in documents can subsequently lead to the fact that you will not be able to register the car.

Checking the car for fines

There is always the possibility of purchasing a car with outstanding fines. Often, sellers themselves do not know about debts to the traffic police, but sometimes they deliberately conceal information so that all debts fall on the new owner.

Of course, if you buy such a car, you will not be forced to pay these fines, this is the responsibility of the former owner. However, there are situations when registration restrictions are imposed on the car due to non-payment of fines. In this case, the new owner will not be able to register the car.

To identify the presence of fines, you can use the following services:

  • the official website of the traffic police;

To check the vehicle through the official website of the traffic police, you need to know both the license plate number of the car and the number of the registration certificate. To check with the "Autocode" service, it is enough to know the license plate number of the car. At the same time, from the report, in addition to the history of fines, you will learn data on mileage, vehicle inspections, OSAGO, restrictions and a lot of other important information.

If the car owner takes out a loan secured by a vehicle or a car loan, then the car is a pledge. If you do not know this information when purchasing, then subsequently the bank or the mortgagee may oblige you to pay off the loan or collect the collateral from you.

You should not immediately abandon the purchase if the car is pledged to the bank. Sometimes the lending institutions themselves put up for auction and sell interesting models at a fairly low price.

How to check if a car is considered as collateral? To do this, you can use the following sites:

To check the car through the register of the notary chamber, you need to know the information about the pledgor, the registration number of the notification and the VIN of the vehicle. VIN or license plate is enough for Autocode.

Mileage check

More than 50% of car sellers roll their mileage. This procedure costs from 1,000 to 3,000 thousand, while the owner increases the cost of the car when selling a larger amount.

There are several ways to check the veracity of the mileage data:

  • check documents;
  • make a competent inspection of the vehicle;
  • contact specialists.

Check for participation in road accidents

More than 75% of cars have been involved in an accident at least once, and sellers often try to hide this fact.

In what cases are restrictions imposed:

  • if the customs authorities have suspicions that the vehicle was cleared under the “gray” scheme;
  • if the vehicle is the subject of a dispute in court;
  • if the owner of the car is obliged by the court to pay a certain amount of money by the bailiff

You can check the car for restrictions on the official website of the traffic police. For this you need to know VIN- code or chassis number.

You can also check through official website of bailiffs ... To do this, you need to know the passport details of the owner, SNILS or TIN.

Users of the Autocode service canlearn about restrictions superimposed on the vehicle, according to the license plate.

If you buy a used car that is listed in theft, there is a chance that you will have to sue the declared owner. In 85% of such situations, the judge obliges the new owner to return the vehicle to its real owner. In this case, you will lose not only the car, but also the funds spent on it. It is unlikely that it will be possible to return their money to a fraudster who concealed the fact of theft during the transaction.

To check, you can use the following methods:

  • check through the official website of the traffic police;
  • together with the seller, remove the car from the register (if the car is stolen, the seller will not be able to perform this action).

You can also use "Autocode" and get a more detailed report about the car in just 5 minutes.

Checking for work in a taxi

"Autocode" provides its users with the opportunity to check whether the vehicle was listed in the official taxi services.

If the check on the service gives you such information, then it is better to refuse the purchase. Such a machine, even if it is relatively young, is likely to have practically exhausted its resource. That is, constant repairs await you, requiring large financial investments.

Checking a car for recycling

Nowadays, there is a new scheme of fraud among unscrupulous car owners. They remove the vehicle from the register, dispose of it and, as soon as possible, try to sell the vehicle at a fairly low price. As a rule, buyers are attracted by the cheapness. But needless to say that it will not be possible for you to register such a vehicle. The money will be wasted.

Was the machine scrapped or not, you can learn from the report "Autocode". To do this, it is enough to enter the license plate number of the car.

In addition, you can contact the traffic police with a statement. However, this will require the personal presence of the owner of the car. Or you can use the official website of the traffic police. In this case, you need to know the VIN.

Technical check

A technical check is just as important as a legal one. During it, you can visually identify all the flaws and flaws of the vehicle. We will tell you how to properly check.

When checking a car, you need to pay attention to the following aspects:

  • tire wear;
  • the presence of corrosion;
  • paintwork;
  • replacement of body parts;
  • repair on the slipway;
  • motor operation.

To entrust a technical inspection to a specialist, use the on-site inspection service. An expert will be on site at the right time and will conduct an examination of the machine using special instruments.

Test Drive

A test drive is an integral part of checking the technical condition of a car. If the seller of a used car assures that he does not have time to drive around the city, then it is better to refuse to buy. Most likely, serious flaws are hidden from you, which appear during the movement.

Before a test drive, ask the seller what investments will be needed after the purchase. Most often, under the guise of minor flaws, rather large problems are hidden, which will have to be spent heavily. Carefully remember all the faults that the seller speaks of. During the test drive, they will have to pay more attention.

Walk at both low and higher speeds while driving. Check for abnormal noise or knocking. For example, if the steering wheel vibrates while driving, then later this can lead to the replacement of the box. And this procedure costs at least 30,000 rubles.

Checking a car with the help of specialists

If you are not confident in your own abilities, then it is better to check the car with specialists - in a diagnostic center or service station.

Thoroughly approach the choice of service station. You should not ask the seller for advice, since outbids have an agreement with the station workers. You will not be able to get reliable information from them.

It is better to choose a service station specializing specifically on your car brand for the following reasons:

  • the masters are well versed in this model;
  • there is specialized equipment;
  • there is diagnostic software on the computer.

Avoid dealerships. The price is high there and the service is poor.

Ask the workshop technician all questions that arose during the check. A competent employee will easily tell you whether parts have been replaced, painting and other manipulations with the car, which later can bring you a lot of trouble.

Now you know how to check a car before buying. Good luck!

We have collected all the most important information about purchasing a car in the book “Buying a Used Car Safely”.

by vin number, traffic police, pledge, technical condition, others.

Problems when buying a used car and how to avoid them.

Legal problems when buying a car

Technical problems

Restriction on the performance of registration actions

After the conclusion of the sales contract, you may be denied registration of the vehicle for the following reasons:
the car is on the wanted list, or restrictions are imposed on the performance of registration actions:
courts, investigative bodies, and other bodies of the Russian Federation.

Free check for restrictions on registration actions on the traffic police website

Car pledged

How to avoid buying a mortgage car.

The car is pledged for several reasons:

  • The car is a pledge for an unpaid car loan agreement.
  • The owner took out a loan from a bank or pawnshop secured by a car.
  • The owner took out a loan from an individual secured by a car.

Indirect signs that the car may be pledged:

1. The previous owner had a short-term car ownership.
If the owner sells the car after using it for less than two years, the owner may not have had time to fully repay the loan in such a short period of time.

2. PTS is a duplicate.
Sometimes banks take the PTS of a pledged car, and an unscrupulous seller receives a duplicate and tries to sell the car with it.
Here it is worth paying attention to the special marks, which indicate why a duplicate title was issued: instead of the one that had fallen into disrepair and handed over, or instead of the lost one. If instead of what was lost, then this should alert.

So: if the owner did not own the car for a long time, or he has a duplicate PTS,
check the car for a deposit through a special service.

How to avoid the risk of buying a car on pledge?

There are two cases when you can be sure that a used car is not pledged:

1. You buy a car in the trade-in department from an authorized dealer, while the car is owned by a car dealership, that is, the legal entity of the car dealership is inscribed in the TCP.

This way of buying often saves you from potential technical problems with the car, especially if the car is prepared for certification.

Attention! If the car is listed for a commission sale, it is better to check it.

2. If the car was purchased from an authorized dealer, the seller can present you with the Purchase Agreement, under which he purchased the car, and documents confirming the method of payment.
Together with the seller, you can contact an authorized dealer to confirm the method of purchasing the car.
If the car was bought on credit, the seller can provide you with a loan agreement and a certificate from the bank stating that the loan has been repaid.

If the car that interested you is not suitable for these cases, we recommend that you make a paid check for the subject of pledge and legal purity.

Free on-line collateral check:

Federal Chamber of Notaries.

This is a database of pledges issued through notaries.
entering the site of the register of pledges, select:
information about the subject of pledge / vehicle and enter the vin number.

This the database does not have information about pledges issued in banks- and this is the most common case.

Paid check of the legal cleanliness of the car.

There are several services that provide information about the history of cars, and in particular its legal and credit history.

Having carefully analyzed these services, we came to the conclusion that the best price / quality ratio is provided by the adaperio.ru service.

The service takes information from various sources: the traffic police, Rosstat, FCS (customs), the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation (base of court decisions), as well as from municipal authorities.

But most importantly, he takes information from the NBCH - the national bureau of credit histories, where he collects information on pledges and unpaid loans from all banks. It is not possible to find this information for free.

Free checks that will help you check the seller's details and documents.

The Federal Migration Service

Checking a passport by number for incapacity.
If the seller's passport is on this list, then it is fake.

Checking the correctness of the TCP number:

This service does not provide a 100% guarantee, but it can help identify a fake.

Federal Bailiff Service:

Databank of enforcement proceedings - this service checks whether enforcement proceedings have been initiated against the owner of the car, in this case, the sale of the car by him can be challenged.
This database also does not have 100% reliability, primarily because the orders of enforcement proceedings are circulating for a rather long time.
However, in order to reduce the risks, you can conduct a free check, by the Last Name and the Name of the seller, on the website of the Federal Bailiff Service.

Car with broken numbers

A car with broken numbers is a car with a changed Vin number, most likely in order to hide the fact that the car has been stolen.
If, in the process of registering the car, it is revealed that the license plate numbers are broken, then the car will remain in the traffic police until all the circumstances are clarified. It is unlikely that self-examination will help you avoid this situation.
If you want to be sure that the car you are interested in has original vin numbers, it is better to contact the professionals.

Technical problems

The technical condition of the car does not correspond to the declared one.

It may turn out that, without knowing it, you have acquired:

  • Damaged vehicle (vehicle recovered after a serious accident),
  • A car with a twisted run
  • Drowned man (a car that was in the flooded area),
  • A car engine or gearbox which will soon require expensive repairs.
    Many sellers, having learned about the upcoming costs, try to sell such a car after announcing the cost of repairs.

Nothing replaces your professional vehicle inspection.
If you have any doubts, it is better to spend 2000-4000 rubles to check the car at the service station, than then get problems for a much larger amount.

Firms that will help to carry out professional pre-sale diagnostics:
In Moscow: Avtodiagnost, Avtodelyka
In St. Petersburg: MotorPro Company

But there are ways to help you decide whether to buy a car and whether it is worth checking with a professional.

How to avoid buying a car with technical problems

Online services providing information about the technical history of the car.
Many services claim to provide such information. In particular, the history of dealer service, history of insurance claims, etc.
Basically, services that claim to have information about the technical condition of cars are paid.

We tested 5 services:

We checked the information about 12 cars of our employees and came to the conclusion that not a single database has complete information, but although the check for each specific parameter may be erroneous, in general you have a good chance of finding out something about the car that the seller trying to hide.

All of these sites promise due diligence and ask for different amounts of money for their services.

Least of all asks adaperio.ru, he also checks the maximum number of parameters: for hijacking,
history of registration actions over the past 5 years,
being pledged (according to the NBCH and the unified base of pledged property),
data on participation in an accident (according to the traffic police of some regions, and decisions of arbitration courts),
using the car as a licensed taxi (according to the regional executive authorities),
mileage - according to technical inspection data,
customs data,
repair work.

At the moment, checking adaperio.ru costs 299 rubles.
Sample report
Other services divide the report into parts, and for each part they ask for money, in total it turns out 700-1000 rubles.

The Audatex service stands apart. It provides information only about repairs carried out through insurance companies, and is the information provider for some of the services listed above.
Unfortunately, Audatex recently stopped providing information to individuals directly.

We have tried to list the most useful and available checks and pre-sale diagnostic methods. If we forgot about something important, or you know useful services that we have not mentioned, please write about them in the comments or by mail [email protected] site

When buying a used car, checking the technical condition of the car is a mandatory step, which in no case should be neglected. It can be very difficult for a layman to check the condition of the car, but, nevertheless, no matter how the seller or the manager of the car dealership assures you that the car is in good condition, you need to make sure of this yourself.

Assessing the technical condition of a car is a complex, complex process, and there are several tips to facilitate and structure it.

Most car defects can be detected with a simple visual inspection, so always start examining the car from its body. Remember that every damage to the surface of the machine, that is, a scratch or chip, is a potential source of corrosion.

Be sure to inspect the pre-washed car from all sides in daylight. If you notice variations in the color of the body, this indicates that the car has been painted, which means that an accident in the past is quite possible, and the technical condition of the car may not be ideal. Minor body defects are often hidden under stickers.

To check the technical condition of cars on the body, you have to look under the hood and in the trunk, paying special attention to the joints of the parts and the quality of the seals. You should definitely check how the doors open and close - this should happen effortlessly and smoothly.

Checking the condition of the car is unthinkable without engine diagnostics, at least by ear. To do this, start the car and listen to how it works. Smooth rumbling of the engine indicates that the car is in good condition, while all sorts of noises, tapping, whistles and interruptions in the operation of the internal combustion engine indicate the presence of malfunctions.

How serious the problem is - it is unrealistic for a beginner to determine, however, in fairness, let's say that eliminating a minor defect under the hood of a car can be a simpler and faster solution than finding another car in perfect condition.

Note to the buyer. Even a stretched alternator belt is already a sufficient reason to lower the price a little, so pay attention to every detail you can see and do not hesitate to bargain.

If the machine is equipped with an air conditioner, require it to work. Fixing an inoperative air conditioner is a very costly business, so even if you, in principle, are not going to use it, feel free to ask the seller for a discount of at least 10 thousand rubles.

If they are trying to convince you that the air conditioner simply needs to be refueled, do not give up your requirements: you cannot personally be convinced when buying that the system works in principle.

If the car is in good condition, its engine should start the first time, even in cold weather. In addition to diagnosing the operation of the internal combustion engine by ear, pay attention to the fastening nuts and bolts under the hood. If they were unscrewed, and this can be seen, it means that the car is unlikely to be in excellent condition, as the seller tries to assure you: it was not out of natural curiosity that the owner climbed into the engine!

Oil stains and smudges, "decorating" the components and assemblies, testify to the leakage of the units. In the course of machine operation, lack of tightness is fraught with lubricant leakage and related problems.

The next step in assessing the condition of the car is the color of the smoke from the exhaust pipe. A vehicle in excellent condition (at least in terms of engine performance) will have a light gray smoke.

Black smoke from the chimney indicates excessive fuel supply or increased oil consumption. In either case, engine adjustments will be required, for example, replacing worn out injectors, valve stem seals or piston rings, and this is an expensive pleasure.

An important parameter of the technical condition of a car with automatic transmission is the color of the oil. If the probe of the machine is available, it is not difficult to determine the condition of the machine, or rather, its most important and expensive part to repair.

To do this, drip liquid from the dipstick onto a piece of paper or white linen cloth. A clean liquid without a burning smell and impurities, slightly smelling of synthetic oil, is an indicator of the health of the hydraulics. This means that the car is in excellent condition, and the previous owner really followed it: did not overload the transmission and carried out maintenance in a timely manner.

What should alert the buyer of a used car with automatic transmission:

  • Opaque oil smelling like fumes (testifies about the merciless operation of the machine and the need for urgent replacement of filters and oil)
  • New oil, which has a pronounced odor and color, and is also quickly absorbed into the fabric (perhaps the replacement was made just before the sale in order to hide serious automatic transmission problems)
  • Dark liquid with the inclusion of metal particles (the condition of the car is critical and does not allow further operation without major, expensive repairs)
  • Cloudy liquid (testifies about coolant entering the filter, which prevents further operation of the machine without overhauling the automatic transmission and replacing the radiator)

We offer you to watch a video on how to check an automatic transmission in a car:

After you have checked the condition of the car on the spot, it's time to test the car while driving. To do this, drive on a flat road with a smooth increase in speed. A car in excellent condition does not drive on the road and can be controlled at any speed. At the same time, the engine noise remains smooth and the wheels do not emit unnecessary knocks.

An important step in checking the condition of a vehicle before purchasing is evaluating the brakes and suspension. To do this, it is advisable to test the car by driving over the bumps, but since a rare seller will allow you to do this, it is better to go with him for diagnostics at a car service and ask the masters two or three specific, substantive questions. This double check of those conditions of the car will give the best results.

If a car seller under various pretexts tries to evade a visit to a car service, this is a direct confirmation that the car is by no means perfect technically.

Finally, please note that any defect that would allow the vehicle to be considered to be in a condition other than that declared by the seller is a reason for a decrease in the selling value of the vehicle.

I bought myself a new Lexus, but there is no time to design it. You need to go on a business trip, write reports. I applied for a power of attorney. Very comfortably! I was notified of all the stages of registration via SMS, paid all the necessary duties and taxes, received new numbers and put the car on record. Very grateful!


I needed computer diagnostics of a car after I spent several hours trying to figure out what the problem is? Why is it difficult to start and work as if on one cylinder? I unscrewed and checked the candles, for a spark, there was a spark. I checked the coils and wires, everything was fine, I began to check it further, but this made it even worse, what if the nozzles ?! You can't check them on the street, and then I understood completely, sorry for the wasted time. I found this company on the maps, called, arrived and in just 10 minutes. I knew that I had to deal with the throttle valve, replaced the sensor and everything was fine. I advise everyone to value your time!


Having saved up money for my first car, I began to think about helping in buying a used car, leafed through many sites and forums and stopped in choosing Carchek, I was lured by the fact that they provide a full range of necessary services for purchasing a car, from checking to insurance, and that's all immediately in place. I am very glad that I was not mistaken in my choice, I am happy with everyone, I am grateful to everyone! Thanks!

YuliyaAssistance in buying a used car

I go out one morning, start the car, and it will work for a few minutes and stall. I try to step on the gas and move off, but it stalls and what is the matter is not clear. It seems that the fuel is of high quality and the car is not old. The most amazing thing is that the check-engine light on the dashboard did not light up. I called Sarchek.ru. About 40 minutes later, a guy arrived, connected the device to the car and found a malfunction in the crankshaft sensor. We replaced it right in the yard and the car still works like a clock. The price of the breakdown is 1500, and how much they would have pulled out in the service is not known ... Thank you !!!

AlexanderComputer diagnostics

I live in the region and I don't know Moscow, and even more so how the kitchen is cooked in this city, in terms of buying and selling cars. I contacted the karchek company in advance, talking on the phone with the operator inspired me with confidence in the services provided by this company. Indeed, having checked 3 cars with a specialist, I realized that I myself would not have been able to do it so thoroughly, guys, pros! If you need help buying a car in Moscow, you won't find a better office!

Currently, not everyone can afford to buy a new car with an absolutely transparent and legally clean history.

Various reports and infographics show that the new car market is in serious decline. For example, it indicates that the market has fallen by another 12.5% ​​and there are no trends for the sector's revival so far.

Therefore, many car enthusiasts turn to the secondary vehicle market, where you can almost always find a car at an affordable price. However, in this case, a thorough check of documents for the car will be required.

However, when purchasing a used car, you want to be sure that there is no criminal trail behind the car. Nowadays, this is a rather expensive purchase, so the desire to check the legal purity of a car before buying is a reasonable step.

If you take your time and have a certain amount of cash, you will notice that there are a lot of offers in Russia.

How can you do it? How to check the legal cleanliness of a car upon purchase? To answer the question posed, our article was written. In it, we will consider what problems with vehicles can be, what should be alarming when making a deal, and by what means you can check how clean the car is from a legal point of view.

What should you be wary of when buying a car?

Any large purchase in Russia requires responsibility and attention. Buying a car is no exception here.

On the contrary, it is the simplicity of registration of the purchase and sale transaction, the high mobility of the transport itself and other specific factors that lead to the fact that many cars have a trail that can hardly be called legally clean. Therefore, before purchasing, any proposed vehicle should be checked for legal purity. You can use it to get detailed information about a car: participation in an accident, being pledged or hijacked, the fact of twisting the run.

Common reasons for the excitement of car enthusiasts:

  1. Car theft.

    If you purchase a vehicle, the loss of which is reported to law enforcement agencies, you will be left without money and without goods. In addition, you will have to prove your innocence in the crime.

    Fortunately, now checking a car before buying it for theft is a fairly simple procedure. Almost every traffic police officer has access to the general database of the traffic police, and with any contact to the unit, they will quickly check the legal cleanliness of the car.

  2. Mortgaged property.

    The credit machine promises its new owner many pleasant surprises, including the need to repay someone else's loan. Whose? A cunning borrower who managed to pull off a semi-legal deal.

    In this case, it is more difficult to check the cleanliness of the car from a legal point of view. The fact is that the TCP can be easily restored, citing a loss. After which nothing will indicate that the vehicle.

    In Russia, there is no single, official database of vehicles pledged by banks.

    The problem can only be solved by a well-drafted purchase and sale agreement. However, given that many people prefer to sell and buy cars under a general power of attorney, this is the problem that overtakes unwary motorists.

  3. Restrictions on registration actions.

    State traffic police or courts can issue a decree prohibiting any actions with the car for a number of reasons. For example, due to the behavior of its owner. Or, if there is a legal battle over the ownership of the vehicle to one or another owner. In this case, it is difficult to say that the car is legally clean, and it will take a long time to defend your right to the purchased iron horse.

  4. Suspicious story.

    If a foreign car changes owners every six months, it says a lot. For example, that it gives rise to such a development of events. From a legal point of view, the car may be clean, but there is clearly something wrong with the car itself.

    To make ends meet, it will be difficult to untangle the ball. You will never understand how to check the legal purity of the car you are buying if it has been in the hands of a whole crowd. The last one will not be found. So, if we are not talking about and there are other similar options, then the purchase should be abandoned.

  5. Driven car.

    The professional activities of the former owner may also be alarming. If he taxed on this vehicle or carried out - this is a reason to think about looking for other options and offers. Although, of course, this factor has nothing to do with the legal purity of the car.

Checking documents for a car

How to check the car? You need to start with the simplest: make sure that the package of documents consists of all the necessary papers. It should contain:

  • Registration certificate.

How to check a car if it is sold not by the owner, but by his representative? He must have a power of attorney certified by a notary in accordance with the requirements of current legislation. This is an indispensable condition.

This is an important factor in the legal cleanliness of a car, which is the easiest to check. What comes first on the list?

Passport. The ideal is the original. If the provided document is a copy or duplicate, play it safe and refuse the deal, without even taking the time to check the rest of the points. Next, the TCP is checked for watermarks.

Do not forget to run your hand over the inscription "Vehicle passport". If the letters are smooth, then you have a fake.

This document has a title in relief. When they try to sell a car, showing a fake PTS, there can be no question of any legal purity.

In PTS you should be interested in the VIN code. Write it down, it will be useful for the subsequent steps of checking the cleanliness of the car.

Where can the legal cleanliness of a car be assessed?

  1. Traffic police base

    This step can only be performed if the previous owner did not deregister the car. Just visit the MREO traffic police together with the seller, they will tell you everything about the vehicle you are interested in.

    Here you can check before buying:

    The authenticity of the VIN-code of the vehicle.

    Whether the car is on the wanted list or not.

    Does the vehicle have judicial arrests?

    What if the vehicle is not registered? Ask any traffic police officer to check the vehicle identification number on the base. In theory, few people can deny this.

  2. Internet

    Another way to check the technique is to find information about the car on the network. Again, the VIN code rushes to our aid. First, the usual one will help you to learn a lot. Comparison of the data with those told by the seller will make it possible to assess not only his sincerity, but also the legal purity of the car.

    In addition, it is on the basis of the identification number that most of the databases are arranged, according to which the cleanliness of the owner and the vehicle is checked. What sites should you look at? On the official resource of the traffic police. You can also search for information on auto.ru.

    Alternatively, drive in the VIN number into a regular Yandex search and see if the owner and / or the car is in questionable stories. Now many car enthusiasts share information on forums. And if someone tried to sell a legally "muddy" car, then a vigilant buyer could well have left a message about it in order to warn other citizens.

  3. Check credit history

    Not a single third-party resource has a database from which you can find out whether the car is pledged or not.

    How to protect yourself from buying a mortgage vehicle? Introduce a clause in the contract, according to which the former owner guarantees that his property is not pledged. In this case, at least in the future, it will be possible to appeal to the courts and prove the fact of fraud.

    Better to buy cars with hull insurance. Then there will be no doubt about the legal purity.

  4. Customs check

    Produced when buying a car recently imported from abroad. Not everyone knows, so first they take the vehicle to Russia, and then they think about how to get rid of it. Cars are offered to inattentive buyers who are then forced to deal with customs on their own.

    When buying, checking the legal purity begins with a careful acquaintance with the vehicle title. Regardless of the brand and model (even if by some miracle a LADA came from abroad), the vehicle's passport is issued at the customs. And the mark about this will be in the original TCP.

    It is worth paying attention to the item "Customs restrictions". The fact is that up to a certain point in the Kaliningrad region there was a practice when a car could only be used on the territory of this region. And if the car had to be used in other regions of Russia, it was required to pay customs duty. A note about this was put precisely in this paragraph of the TCP.

    Bottom line. When buying a car, you need to be attentive to various details. Do not rush and buy a "pig in a poke", the purity of which is in doubt.