Will right-hand drive be banned in Russia? Prohibition of right-hand drive on the territory of the Russian Federation: to believe or not to believe? Will right hand drive be banned in a year

Good afternoon, dear reader.

This article will talk about the 2019 right-hand drive ban in Russia.

Below we will consider the technical regulations of the customs union on the safety of wheeled Vehicle. It is this document that imposes restrictions on the release into circulation of vehicles with a right-hand drive.

If you wish, you can read the full text of the document, but keep in mind that its volume is several hundred pages:

Distribution of right-hand drive cars in Russia

A possible ban on right-hand drive is primarily of interest to readers living in the Far East. It is there that the largest number of right-hand drive cars imported from Japan are operated. And their owners want to get the latest information on the subject.

The problem does not greatly affect the inhabitants of the European part of Russia, because the number of right-hand drive cars here is relatively small. However, in the Far East, the situation is completely different. Used Japanese right-hand drive cars occupy more than half of the market there, and many of the readers own 2-3 Japanese cars and are very happy with them.

Note. Right-hand drive in eastern Russia is so widespread that there are even driving schools specializing in Japanese cars and private driving instructors.

In general, it is not surprising that the problem of right-hand drive cars in the Far East is very acute.

Features of the prohibition of the right rudder

So, let's consider the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of wheeled vehicles". For right-hand drive vehicles, paragraph 19 of Chapter IV applies:

19. It is prohibited to release into circulation vehicles with right-hand drive of categories M 2 and M 3.

In the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Kazakhstan, it is prohibited to release into circulation vehicles with right-hand drive, belonging to other categories.

Let's start with the second paragraph, since it is he who is easier to understand. It prohibits the release into circulation of any right-hand drive cars on the territory of Belarus and Kazakhstan.

As for the territory of Russia, it is discussed in the first paragraph, that is, the right-hand drive ban applies only to cars of categories M 2 and M 3.


In the current technical regulations all cars of category B belong to category M 1 . Thus, the right-hand drive ban on private cars in 2019 does not apply. As well as all other cars.


Consider the categories of vehicles for which the use of the right hand drive is prohibited from January 1, 2015. These are cars of categories M 2 and M 3, i.е. passenger buses for more than 8 people. According to the usual classification, such vehicles belong to.

Please note that we are talking about all cars with more than 8 passenger seats. For example, there are crossovers that have 4 rows of seats and belong to category D. The ban also applies to such cars with right-hand drive.

Let's sum up summary of this article:

  1. The technical regulation of the customs union "On the safety of wheeled vehicles", which came into force on January 1, 2015, is considered above. This document is valid and imposes restrictions on the operation of right-hand drive vehicles.
  2. Starting in 2015, right hand drive is prohibited only for cars with 8 or more passenger seats. Passenger cars of category B are not affected by the right-hand drive ban in 2019.

If the technical regulation changes in the future, then the corresponding article or series of articles will definitely appear on the site. I recommend that you subscribe to the news of the site so as not to miss information related to the use cars right hand drive:

And finally, I suggest you watch a funny video about the first batch of left-hand drive cars arriving in Primorye:

For 20 years I have been driving a car with a right-hand drive, not out of necessity, but out of a conscious choice. I have a choice.

20 years before that, I did not know the right rudder. Passed from deep childhood karting, buggy, my father's "Volga". I am right handed by nature. For me, the right steering wheel is natural, like a pencil in my right hand. The insane stupidity of the legislators to prohibit the right-hand drive! Headlights - yes, but easily corrected with black stickers.

Of two identical cars for our right hand roads In any case, I will choose the right-hand drive. Thanks to this, I am alive three times! And good luck to you!

The whole family drives on the right wheel. For my father, his right-hand drive car is the No. 1 breadwinner, so if right-hand drive cars are banned, it will collapse. I myself am going to buy a car with a RIGHT-hand drive, in my city where I live, it will look like, at a minimum, a selection from the gray mass against the background of left-handed cans, Solaris, Rio, Rough 4, chords and lanos

Japanese cars, which were imported in 90-2000, were very good. There can't be two opinions here. Even based on the fact that many of these cars were "designer", or beaten and made. The quality of the "Japanese" released for domestic market just excellent.

BUT... on this moment(it’s already 2016) this fleet of previously imported right-hand drive cars is gradually becoming obsolete. And even Japanese quality does not withstand time or our roads. I myself live in Novosibirsk and see how the percentage of right-hand drive cars on the roads is declining year after year. Many cars (those that were broken) gradually rot. Yes, and cars break down, some of which are already more than 20 years old or will soon be so, despite the well-established opinion of motorists that the "Japanese" do not break down, more and more often.

I myself have many friends and acquaintances who drive right-hand drive. But gradually, who gets rid of them. And who cuts out, changes the key to the key, trying to hide the defects of their cars and exchange for what seems acceptable to them.

I don't think right hand drive should be banned. In a few years, they will outlive themselves. Already, their percentage on the roads, compared to what it was a few years ago, has significantly decreased.

As for me, I moved 1.5 years ago to "Duster". Father also changed his mazdochku in the salon "Autoworld" for a new Suzuki left-hand drive. And thank God that all this happened before the crisis. Now, too, the dollar began to gradually decline against the ruble. Gradually, people will change old cars for new ones. And of course there will be people driving old right-hand drive cars for a few more years. And some will keep rarities for decades. You don't need to disturb people. Life will take its own.

For owners of right-hand drive cars, the smell of fried again - social activists raised the issue of a ban on the purchase and operation of such cars throughout Russia. The corresponding voting recently started on the website of the Russian Public Initiative. True, so far it has gained more supporters of "right-hand drive" than their opponents.

Right-hand drive fight: background

History of fighting right-handed cars has been going on for a couple of decades. Back in 1993, Viktor Chernomyrdin signed a decree banning the import and operation of such machines. This led to serious unrest and mass discontent - primarily in the Far East, where the fleet was saturated with used right-hand drive "Japanese". As a result, Boris Yeltsin canceled Chernomyrdin's decision. But the battle is not over to this day.

In the 2000s, there were several attempts to ban right hand drive through changes to the technical regulations. History repeated itself every one or two years, was accompanied by riots of Far Eastern car owners and, as a result, was once again postponed for an indefinite period. On the other hand, new duties on the import of used foreign cars appeared, and the flow of right-hand drive vehicles to Russia decreased significantly.

It would seem that the problem was solved by itself - it became unprofitable to buy "Japanese", and the renewal of the country's car fleet will gradually and naturally relieve the roads of the right-hand drive. But attempts to ban the import and operation of such cars have not stopped. One of the latest is from 2013. Then a draft law was submitted to the State Duma prohibiting the use of cars older than eight years, in a coupe body and with a right-hand drive as a mode of transport that carries out individual transportation of passengers. And again, nothing has changed.

With the beginning of 2017, the public raised this issue again. Today they propose to ban the purchase and operation of cars with the right-hand drive on the roads of Russia. In cases where a person already owns a "right-hand drive", he will have to re-equip it. An exception is made only for guests who have come to our country for a short time.

Why did right-handed cars not please the public?

- A large number of accidents occur with the participation of cars with a right-hand drive. This is the result of poor visibility. traffic situation driver, - this is the official version of the authors of the federal initiative. - The practical result of the ban will be a decrease in the number of accidents on the roads of Russia.

Another reason: MPs who called for a ban on right-hand drive in 2013 argued that such cars have a different distribution of the headlight beam, which leads to blinding drivers on oncoming lane movement.

But is it? Actually nobody knows. Such a parameter as the location of the steering wheel in the car is not indicated in the statistics of the traffic police. And how objective would that be? After all, the bias in the number of right-hand drive cars still remains in the Far East. Accordingly, there will be more accidents involving such cars than, for example, in the South Urals.

Are there many right-hand drive cars in Russia?

A year ago, Avtostat calculated that every sixth foreign car in our country is right-hand drive. In total, there were about 3.5 million of them. The figure looks solid. But if we take into account the remaining 85% of foreign cars, and even representatives Russian car industry, it will become clear that there are not so many right-hand drive vehicles in our country. In total, there are about 56 million cars in Russia. So it turns out that right-hand drive of them - only 5%.

In addition, the analytical agency confirmed the uneven distribution of such machines on the territory of our vast motherland: 3 million are in Siberia and the Far East, while in the Urals their share is 9%, in the south - 6.5%, in the Volga region - 3%, and in the Central and Northwestern federal districts less than 2%.

With the introduction of import duties and the depreciation of the ruble, interest in right-hand drive cars faded. Today, their share in the Russian car fleet is gradually decreasing.

Recall also that from January 1, all cars imported into Russia must be in without fail equipped with the Era-Glonass emergency call system. Such a requirement would effectively kill the import of used RHD cars from Japan.

Will a ban on the import and operation of right-hand drive cars find support?

To date, 619 people have voted to ban right-hand drive cars. Against - 2739. The figure is constantly changing, but the bias is strong and tangible. Voting will end in exactly one year. But, I think, the results will not seriously change by that time. Firstly, because the "right-hand drive" and so are gradually leaving Russian roads– natural and painless. Secondly, because the arrival of new "old right-hand drive vehicles" is hindered by substantial duties, an already unattractive price, waning demand and obligation with Era-Glonass. What do you think?

Is it possible to ban the right-hand drive in Russia, or can owners of cars with such equipment still breathe easy? Such concern among motorists is justified, because if a ban is imposed on vehicles with such a design solution, it will be impossible to use them. What should the owners of such cars do and will the right-hand drive be banned?

In the countries of the West and Asia, there is no problem of the location of the steering wheel as such. There are no "right" and "wrong" cars. For example, Sweden produced cars with both steering positions for the domestic market.

Vehicle statistics show that right-hand drive in Russia is not so common. The percentage of cars with this feature in relation to the total traffic flow is very small. In the western part of the country, such cars are rare at all, most of the owners of right-hand drive " iron horses'is concentrated in the east.

Right-hand drive cars are in demand Japanese manufacturer, due to their efficiency, reliability, maneuverability, and, most importantly, the low cost of aggregate connecting units, parts and components. They are unpretentious in service and care. Also, the prevalence of these vehicles in the eastern part of the country led to the emergence of specialized driving schools, in which instructors teach people how to drive a car with a right-hand drive.

Why is such a ban even possible in our vast country, and what justifies the danger of right-hand drive cars? At the moment there are two opinions on this matter:

  1. They want to ban vehicles for the simple reason that the traffic police are concerned about the problem of road safety, since right-hand drive cars do not provide the necessary visibility on right-hand traffic roads. This is especially true for sections of the roadway where overtaking is possible.
  2. Some right-hand drive enthusiasts believe that the media is fanning the rumor that right-hand drive vehicles are more dangerous for right-hand traffic, in order to encourage citizens to purchase vehicles of the domestic auto industry.

Can right-hand drive cars be banned?

Many people believe that the opinion about the danger of vehicles with a peculiarity of the steering wheel location has no basis, therefore it is impossible to forbid driving them. Indeed, in the statistics of accidents, a larger percentage of accidents occur in ordinary cars.

The topic of banning right-hand drive cars in the Russian Federation was the subject of conversation back in 2008. At that time, officials were just starting discussions on this matter, but they did not dare to introduce a restriction, firstly, in order not to incur disfavor with citizens who own a car with a steering wheel on the right, and secondly, there was no logical and legislative justification for this.

Currently, there is only one document that can shed light on whether right-hand drive vehicles will be banned - this is the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union. Conclusions drawn from it:

  • The restriction that prohibited the movement of such cars through the territory of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Belarus has been in force since the adoption of the document.
  • The ban on right-hand drive in Russia is imposed only on vehicles of categories M2 and M3.

The above categories of vehicles can be deciphered as follows:

  • M2 - vehicles intended for the carriage of passengers with a number of seats of 8 or more and weighing no more than 5 tons.
  • M3 - vehicles intended for the carriage of passengers, with the number of seats 8 or more, and a mass of more than 5 tons.

At the moment, a collection of signatures has been organized at the site of the Russian Public Initiative, with a proposal to abolish right-hand drive cars. By general rule, consideration of appeals by the authorities is carried out with a set of 100 thousand signatures.

Answering the question of whether the right-hand drive will soon be banned in Russia or not, we can say that the owners of passenger vehicles and persons involved in cargo transportation will not be affected by this yet. However, it should be remembered that the authorities can amend the Customs Regulations, including on the basis of citizens' appeals. It may well be that the ban on right-hand drive cars in the future may be another innovation and unpleasant surprise for a narrow circle of motorists who prefer the right steering wheel to the left.

When the authorities came up with a story with the obligatory equipping of all new cars in Russia with "panic buttons" on the basis, few people thought that this would also lead to a complete ban on the import of used cars into Russia. This problem, by and large, is of little interest to the inhabitants of the European part of Russia. Here, for a long time, the market for used cars imported from abroad has shrunk to an inconspicuous size. Most of the used cars sold and bought here were either imported into the country new through official dealers, or at one time produced at car factories localized in Russia. The situation is quite different in the Far East. The basis of the local car fleet is traditionally made up of second-hand foreign cars imported from Asian countries - mainly the notorious "right-hand drive" Japanese brands.

In this regard, new foreign cars, especially those assembled in Russia, are simply not profitable to take there. There is too much competition from used right-hand drive cars. Moreover, European foreign cars still need to be delivered to the Far East region, and transportation costs additionally increase the price - and significantly. So it turns out that at the moment there are almost 3 million Japanese right-hand drive cars in the fleets of the Far East and Siberia. Moreover, it must be borne in mind that these are, for the most part, very old cars. So, average age vehicles in Kamchatka Krai is 20.9 years, in Primorsky Krai - 20 years, and in Sakhalin - 19.2 years.

And since January 1, 2017, when the system became prerequisite import of cars Russian territory, the usual "Japanese" channel for replenishing the livestock of these relatively cheap cars turned out to be covered. This means that in the very near future, in the territory east of Lake Baikal, when right-hand drive wrecks begin to go to landfill en masse, there will be a real shortage budget cars. And what will automakers offer to Siberians and Far East residents instead of right-hand drive vehicles? There really isn't much. Dealer network even at AVTOVAZ and Korean stamps there, to put it mildly, underdeveloped at the moment. car assembly plants- also with a gulkin nose.

Mazda factories existing there at the moment and SsangYong situation they won't save. The line is designed for 25,000 cars per year. AND " people's cars” is currently not visible in its product line. And SsangYong actually froze sales and assembly of its cars in Russia. Yes, and his Aktyon, who was going to Vladik, is also in the category budget models clearly does not fit. Considering all this, it can be assumed that in the coming year, dealers in used cars in the European part of Russia will have a new huge sales market - the regions beyond Baikal. It’s just that the inhabitants of the eastern regions of the country will have no other choice: either get used to legendary quality AvtoVAZ products at the price of a comfortable “right-hand drive” 5-7 years old, or take cheap used foreign cars from the Urals ...

But is it? Actually nobody knows. Such a parameter as the location of the steering wheel in the car is not indicated in the statistics of the traffic police. And how objective would that be? After all, the bias in the number of right-hand drive cars still remains in the Far East. Accordingly, there will be more accidents involving such cars than, for example, in the South Urals.

Previous publications

Stroke: life goes on

January 2006

German service technical supervision(TUV) published the first machine reliability data in 2005. The most important result of the past year is not that Japanese cars are again recognized as the most reliable.

Experts draw attention to the fact that in Germany every year there are more and more faulty vehicles on the roads that cannot pass inspection.

In 2005, their number increased by 0.2% and amounted to 18.9% of the total number of registered cars, Deutsche Welle reports.

The law prohibits the movement of right-handed cars in Russia

roads. But all reasonable automobile mankind drives either on the right or on the left side of the roadway. It all depends on what country this reasonable humanity lives in.

Surely, everyone wondered why there is no consensus in the world on the question of which side of the road to drive on, and, accordingly, on which side the steering wheel should be located. To date, 66% of the world's population travel on right side and 34% on the left.

Import of used foreign cars without ERA-GLONASS module to Russia may be suspended from January 1

From January 1, 2018, the import of used foreign cars into Russia may be suspended. The reason is the entry into force of updates in the technical regulations "On the safety of wheeled vehicles" of the Customs Union.

The essence of the innovations comes down to the mandatory presence of a car on board " panic button”and the security module of the ERA-GLONASS system, according to the automotive portal Drom.ru. In the event of an accident, a passenger or driver of a car sends a call to emergency services by pressing a button, which, according to legislators, reduces their response time by 30%.


Will right-hand drive be banned in Russia?

I am one of the many right hand drive owners. Japanese cars. I have . In the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Government has banned the import and plans to ban the operation of right-hand drive cars for 1 year. The motivation is the increased accident rate with their participation, the protection of the domestic market from old cars that Japan is getting rid of.

(I have never seen an old right-hand drive Japanese, but every second German or Lithuanian is not older than 1991.

Prohibit the use of right-hand drive cars proposed on the website of a public initiative

On the website of the Russian Public Initiative, a collection of signatures for the abolition of the right-hand drive has begun.

The petitioner points out that these cars are unsafe, and their ban will reduce the number of accidents. If during the year the initiative collects one hundred thousand signatures, it will be considered by the authorities. A large number of accidents occur with right-hand drive vehicles.

This is a consequence of insufficient visibility of the road situation by the driver, the author wrote laconically.

At the same time, neither figures, nor statistics, nor any other analytics are given.

Ministry of Internal Affairs initiated a complete ban on the import of right-hand drive cars

The Ministry of Internal Affairs submitted to the government a draft law “On amendments to the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic “On road traffic in the KR".

According to the amendments, the Ministry of Internal Affairs proposes a complete ban on the import of right-hand drive cars, and not an increase in customs duties, as previously proposed.

According to the agency, the import of right-hand drive vehicles into the country is increasing every year. In 2009-2012 alone, the growth averaged 30% of the total number of vehicles imported into the republic.

Will right-hand drive cars be banned from registration?

Sore for many motorists, the topic of the right steering wheel has received a new round of development. Now right-hand drive cars in Russia may be officially banned.

The provision on such a ban is in the draft technical regulation, which will be in force in the countries of the Customs Union.

Such a law is already in force on the territory of Kazakhstan and Belarus, where it is impossible to register cars imported from Southeast Asia.

Right hand drive and left hand drive cars

During the existence of human civilization, it has been found out that an agreement on which side of the road to drive on significantly reduces the number of incidents and collisions. Now most of the world's population drives on the right side, which is about sixty-five percent, while the rest prefer left-hand traffic.

The choice of the side of the movement is made at the state level.

Some countries have changed their traffic laws from driving on the left to driving on the right.

Right hand drive - unnecessary trash?

From now on, the import and registration of right-hand drive cars is prohibited in Kyrgyzstan.

Vehicles with "incorrect" steering positions have become illegal. In the struggle for safety on the roads, officials, and with them the deputies, did not see a legal conflict. As a result, owners of right-hand drive vehicles already imported into the country before the ban will no longer be able to issue them.

There are 182,897 right-hand drive cars in Kyrgyzstan.

Prohibition of the right hand drive in 2012

A large number of reports appeared in the media that in 2012 a right-hand drive ban will be introduced and it will affect the territory of the whole of Russia. Particularly excited by this news are residents of the Far East, a region where more than half of the car market is made up of Japanese-made cars.

Various sources give different dates for the introduction of this ban: the beginning of summer, the beginning of autumn, the next year.

Right hand drive ban in 2019

Earlier, it was generally reported that the ban would be introduced after the presidential elections, however, as we see, this did not happen. Let's try to figure out the history of the emergence of this hearing.

The technical regulation of the Customs Union "On the safety of wheeled vehicles" gave birth to it. This document is designed to improve safety on the roads of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan - the member states of the Customs Union. The document was approved on December 9, 2011. Its volume is 465 pages, but in this article we are interested in those of its points, on which the fate of right-hand drive vehicles depends.

So, the regulation says that the ban applies only to those vehicles that have the right hand drive, which belong to the categories M2 and M3. Coглacнo дeйcтвyющeмy тexничecкoмy peглaмeнтy, к кaтeгopии M1 (нa кoтopyю нe pacпpocтpaняeтcя зaпpeт) oтнocятcя тe мaшины, кoтopыe пepeвoзят пaccaжиpoв и в кoтopыx чиcлo мecт (кpoмe вoдитeльcкoгo) нe пpeвышaeт вocьми. This means that ordinary right-hand drive cars will not be banned in Russia, and right-hand drive buses will be banned. Residents of Belarus and Kazakhstan, who prefer cars with a right-hand drive, are in for an unpleasant surprise: all vehicles with a similar cowl will be banned there.

The new regulation will come into effect only from January 1, 2015. There will be no right-hand drive bans this year. So there is time to prepare.


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A blow to right-hand drive: social activists are trying to ban the import of right-hand drive cars into Russia

For owners of right-hand drive cars, the smell of fried again - social activists raised the issue of a ban on the purchase and operation of such cars throughout Russia. The corresponding voting recently started on the website of the Russian Public Initiative. True, so far it has gained more supporters of "right-hand drive" than their opponents.

Right-hand drive fight: background

The history of the fight against right-handed cars goes back a couple of decades. Back in 1993, Viktor Chernomyrdin signed a decree banning the import and operation of such machines. This led to serious unrest and mass discontent - primarily in the Far East, where the fleet was saturated with used right-hand drive "Japanese". As a result, Boris Yeltsin canceled Chernomyrdin's decision. But the battle is not over to this day.

In the 2000s, there were several attempts to ban right-hand drive through changes in the technical regulations. History repeated itself every one or two years, was accompanied by riots of Far Eastern car owners and, as a result, was once again postponed for an indefinite period. On the other hand, new duties on the import of used foreign cars appeared, and the flow of right-hand drive vehicles to Russia decreased significantly.

It would seem that the problem was solved by itself - it became unprofitable to buy "Japanese", and the renewal of the country's car fleet will gradually and naturally relieve the roads of the right-hand drive. But attempts to ban the import and operation of such cars have not stopped. One of the latest is from 2013. Then a draft law was submitted to the State Duma prohibiting the use of cars older than eight years, in a coupe body and with a right-hand drive as a mode of transport that carries out individual transportation of passengers. And again, nothing has changed.

Since the beginning of 2017, the public raised this issue again. Today they propose to ban the purchase and operation of cars with the right-hand drive on the roads of Russia. In cases where a person already owns a "right-hand drive", he will have to re-equip it. An exception is made only for guests who have come to our country for a short time.

Why did right-handed cars not please the public?

- A large number of accidents occur with the participation of cars with a right-hand drive. This is a consequence of insufficient visibility of the road situation by the driver - this is the official version of the authors of the federal initiative. - The practical result of the ban will be a decrease in the number of accidents on the roads of Russia.

Another reason: MPs who called for a ban on right-hand drive in 2013 argued that such cars have a different distribution of the headlight beam, which leads to blinding drivers in the oncoming lane.

But is it? Actually nobody knows. Such a parameter as the location of the steering wheel in the car is not indicated in the statistics of the traffic police.

Is a right-hand drive ban in Russia in 2017 being prepared?

And how objective would that be? After all, the bias in the number of right-hand drive cars still remains in the Far East. Accordingly, there will be more accidents involving such cars than, for example, in the South Urals.

Are there many right-hand drive cars in Russia?

A year ago, Avtostat calculated that every sixth foreign car in our country is right-hand drive. In total, there were about 3.5 million of them. The figure looks solid. But if we take into account the remaining 85% of foreign cars, and even representatives of the Russian automobile industry, it becomes clear that we don’t have so many right-hand drive cars. In total, there are about 56 million cars in Russia. So it turns out that right-hand drive of them - only 5%.

In addition, the analytical agency confirmed the uneven distribution of such machines on the territory of our vast motherland: 3 million are in Siberia and the Far East, while in the Urals their share is 9%, in the south - 6.5%, in the Volga region - 3%, and in the Central and Northwestern federal districts, less than 2%.

With the introduction of import duties and the depreciation of the ruble, interest in right-hand drive cars faded. Today, their share in the Russian car fleet is gradually decreasing.

Let us also remind you that from January 1, all cars imported into Russia must be equipped with a calling system without fail. emergency services Era-Glonass. Such a requirement would effectively kill the import of used RHD cars from Japan.

Will a ban on the import and operation of right-hand drive cars find support?

To date, 619 people have voted to ban right-hand drive cars. Against - 2739. The figure is constantly changing, but the bias is strong and tangible. Voting will end in exactly one year. But, I think, the results will not seriously change by that time. Firstly, because the "right-hand drive" and so gradually leave the Russian roads - naturally and painlessly. Secondly, because the arrival of new "old right-hand drive vehicles" is hindered by substantial duties, an already unattractive price, waning demand and obligation with Era-Glonass. What do you think?

Marina Fomina especially for Auto.63.ru

Photo from the section "Car accidents"

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