A car for all occasions. Cars for all occasions Comfortable car for all occasions

When choosing a car, some are looking for the most economical, some for the most passable, and some for the most extravagant. But when a person starts a family, priorities very often change, and with them the requirements for a car. In our review, the “seven” most family cars different classes.

1. Best budget car - Mazda 3

Mazda car 3 can safely be called the best family choice from a purchasing budget point of view. You can buy one of two models. It could be a hatchback for 19 thousand dollars or a sedan for 18 thousand. The cars have a 2.0-liter V4 engine. On top of everything else, the Mazda 3 is quite economical car regarding fuel consumption.

2. Car for long distances - Volkswagen Golf TDI

In the category " best mileage"among family cars one can call such a beast as Volkswagen Golf TDI. The car has a whole lot of advantages. It consumes little fuel when fully charged this the car will pass about 900 km without refueling. In addition to this, the machine has high safety and reliability indicators.

3. Best Family Sedan - Hyundai Sonata

Best sedan this, of course Hyundai Sonata, of course, if you buy it for family purposes. The car is equipped with a turbocharged 1.6-liter V4 engine. The machine has a stylish design and high performance security. Fuel consumption is relatively low, both on the highway and in the city.

4. The best family car for the city - Subaru Outback

The best city car for work and family trips is Subaru Outback. Pleasant interior, a lot of free space, particularly cargo space, high fuel efficiency. Drives a 2.5-liter four-cylinder engine. It has modern system security.

5. Best Family Crossover - Honda CR-V

You can also buy a crossover for family needs. Can be considered the best in this category Honda CR-V. The car has a standard set of functions in all directions, but the infotainment center available in the cabin for the driver and passengers should be highlighted separately.

6. Most spacious car - Toyota Sienna

Large families or families with a lot of friends should consider purchasing Toyota Sienna. This car will definitely be able to accommodate everyone at once! The cost of this car is 29 thousand US dollars. In 2015, at a security competition, in its Toyota class Sienna took top honors. Unlike all predecessors and competitors, this model has a more rigid structural structure.

It’s quite hard to say which is better: the versatility of a car or its narrow specialization. Therefore, many models on the market can be considered universal to one degree or another. Except, of course, hypercars, sports cars and the like. However, even these models manage to be used as a daily car or a city car. When it comes to versatility, SUVs and pickup trucks are best suited for this title. But since not every all-terrain vehicle can be used as small truck– the primacy in this category of cars clearly belongs to pickups. And if such representatives of the class as Ford Ranger, Nissan Navara or Mazda BT everyone knows, that is, cars that deserve no less attention. We'll tell you about them.

Great Wall Wingle 5

Despite the restyling and other tricks, the Wingle is, first of all, a frame, springs and a rigidly connected four-wheel drive. Engine - 2.2 liter petrol with a modest 106 “horses”, controlled by a 5-speed manual transmission transmission Recruitment in minimum configuration worthy of attention - central locking with remote control, air conditioning, radio and power windows. This is the most a budget option from those presented in this material.

UAZ Pickup

The pickup truck, unlike the Patriot, has not yet been updated and is sold at slightly reduced prices by the end of the year. There are two engines to choose from - 2.7 liter petrol (134 hp) or 2.2 liter diesel (113 hp). They have only a 5-speed manual transmission with a two-speed transfer case with electric drive. There are only four trim levels, and with a diesel engine - only the maximum, and the two younger ones are deprived of ABS, alarm and “music”. It can also be considered a budget option.

Fiat Fullback

Quite a newcomer - it went on sale a month ago and filled the niche left by the Mitsubishi L200. Actually, this is the L200 - the same frame, the same diesel engine, the same transmission. Diesel with two levels of boost - 154 and 184 “horses” (with a volume of 2.4 liters). Available with both 6MT and 5AT depending on the configuration, of which, scary to say, there are ten! The initial two are with plug-in all-wheel drive, the rest are with permanent all-wheel drive. For an additional fee, it is possible to equip the body to your taste - a kung with side windows, a hard roof with a roll bar, a hard roof with a spoiler or a soft awning.

Toyota Hilux

The eighth generation of the Honored Worker of Roads and Fields is offered with two diesel engines- 2.4 and 2.8 liters, coupled with a 6-speed automatic or manual transmission. The minimum configuration has a full set of systems active safety, including lift assist and driver's knee airbag, and even additional heater interior and engine.

VW Amarok

“People’s” pickup truck with the most anti-people price tag. True, there is something for it - in addition to the well-known German ergonomics of the interior, any Amarok has complete set active safety. There are two diesel engines of the same volume of 2.0 liters to choose from: a 140-horsepower turbo engine and a 180-horsepower biturbo with a 6-speed manual gearbox or an 8-speed automatic transmission. Any version, starting with the youngest, will have all-wheel drive.

​In most cases, a car is necessary for its owner in order to fulfill all the goals and objectives set for him: to travel on business, to be able to take his family out of town at any time, to transport cargo. Transport can be personal or business, but in any case it must meet certain criteria and requirements, because, for example, buy a hearse- a solution that can only be relevant for a very narrow focus.

When it comes to the average person and a car for family use, then find vehicle, which would satisfy all needs, is, in principle, not difficult. It is only important to decide on the tasks that it will have to perform. For example, if the owner has his own store and he may need to bring personal car some product, which means you should think about a model with good capacity (pickup, jeep, station wagon).

If you need a car that can easily accommodate up to eight people or go on a trip with family and friends, then a minivan is perfect. But its downside is always high fuel consumption and low cross-country ability, so you should think carefully about your route so as not to get stuck on rough terrain. It's a different matter when it comes to a car. executive class or simply a “workhorse”. In the first case, the prestige of the brand is important and appearance, and in the second - reliability, maneuverability, efficiency and comfort for the driver, who will be on the road almost all the time.

But what all these cases have in common is that the most important parameters when choosing, the amount of expenses for service maintenance, cost of spare parts for this model, fuel consumption and much more. In addition, when a machine is constantly used for work, problems with its chassis and this practically does not depend on the make and model of the car. All this is important to take into account, as spare parts will be needed High Quality, which are always expensive.

A striking example of the difficulty of choosing a car can be the purchase of official transport. If this is a fleet for a taxi service, then you will really need cars “for all occasions” ( different brands, capacity), and if this is a company that specializes in providing funeral services, then it is absolutely necessary buy crafter(hearse) or funeral bus. No other machine is simply suitable due to its inability to cope with the peculiarities of such operation.

It’s not easy to choose a car for a novice driver. When choosing a car for such a situation, the slogan “reliability first” applies. All the attention of an inexperienced driver is always focused on the road, signs, and the interval between cars, so he simply will not pay attention to strange car sounds. Until you have sufficient experience, you should pay attention to used cars in good condition, which are relatively inexpensive to repair, but reliable enough to withstand this “young fighter’s course.”

27.04.2012 70595 2 0

In the European part of Russia, the summer season officially and unofficially opens. Realizing that today “dacha without a car” is complete nonsense, the site offers those who are determined to update their vehicle fleet for the season a gallery of cars for their dacha - for all occasions.

1. For a good road and travel not only outside the city

Let's start with the banal. An ordinary, mid-size, and at the same time a city sedan - also quite smart choice, If:

a) the road to your dacha is relatively flat

b) you do not follow the principle “I take everything with me”

c) you have one car in your family, you use it mainly in the city, and driving around in an expensive suit is not comme il faut.

Moreover, you can get to most summer cottages in an ordinary 4-door car, and for a rare global trip you can order a Gazelle once a season.

A clear and popular option is . So much has been written about the Vsevolozhsk bestseller that adding anything else here is pointless. If your country mansion is located in a relatively civilized place, I’m sure you will find several tricks in the neighborhood.

Who else

And these two cars have a good reputation, spacious salon, normal, although not a gigantic trunk. However, Skoda is impressive and luggage compartment: a narrow but long space provides more than 500 liters of free volume!

2. For bad roads and light off-road

Popular situation. Machine with standard ground clearance(150-160 mm) will pass 98% of bumps, but a couple of times during the trip you will still hear a grinding sound from under the bottom: “Scratched, damn it!” For the same reason, it is difficult to go by car to pick mushrooms or to a forest lake. And I want...

The logical solution in this case is a crossover. All-wheel drive is a must, preferably not one of the most expensive ones. The vast majority of manufacturers have these.

Look, for example, - assembled near St. Petersburg, proven, not particularly elegant, but reliable. Among other advantages Nissan dealers constantly make some kind of “special offers”, as a result four wheel drive vehicle can be bought for about 1,000,000 rubles.

Who else

Who else

These options, as they say in the famous, but not at all automobile advertising, are “comfort and dryness.” Fantastic cars that emphasize the status of the owner and give him a feeling of absolute superiority over, firstly, nature, and secondly, other road users.

4. For hard off-road

If your site is located in an area where there are “not roads, but directions,” you need a car with maximum cross-country ability. The very best are frame cars, all-wheel drive with lowering; of course, with decent ground clearance - you can also install a winch and other bells and whistles on them. There are few such all-terrain vehicles: most manufacturers have abandoned the frame. Generally speaking, a rigid “base” does not always provide an advantage in cross-country ability, but since we have agreed to consider only “real crooks”... Excuse me!

From the point of view of cross-country ability, the car is enviable. UAZ "Patriot" is the most modern model in patriarchal, in general, model range Ulyanovsk residents Numerous craftsmen will supply the SUV with everything necessary, if desired, increasing its minimum cost (from 525,000 rubles) many times over. Yes, the likelihood of a breakdown in such a car is high, but buyers of such cars, as a rule, know what they are paying for and what they are risking.

Who else

And, of course, they are not competitors at all, but “both thick and thin” are capable of solving different problems with equal efficiency. The massive Defender, apparently, will be the last in the history of the automotive industry to abandon off-road gadgets, and Jimny has no competitors in the “small but daring” section. The almost twofold difference in price (1,387,000 versus 719,000) is explained by the brutal power of the “defender,” as well as its ability to deliver both people and things to their destination. Suzuki will accommodate one thing.

5. For a large family

What number the “big one” begins with is something everyone decides for themselves. Suppose five or six people (including the driver) are going to the dacha. And sometimes you don’t want to sit in a cramped space, and the third row of seats can come in handy. In any case, on the way back, when the luggage is laid out and space is freed up in the cabin for people.

Initially it could be either 7- or 5-seater. Now the old generation is being replaced by a new one, but for now in showrooms there is still a less bright, but more cheap model. The third row of seats in it, of course, is for short-legged people, but if there is a choice between a car and an electric train, I think many will still prefer the first. The new generation of the Opel minivan will reach Russia towards the end of summer. The car will be more expensive (about 800,000 in the database), but you can’t call it faceless.

Who else

Both cars enjoy well-deserved, but not mass, popularity, although the S-Max is already an old-timer on the market, and the Orlando appeared in Russia this year. Such minivans are quite comfortable both in the city and outside the city; their driver does not feel like the captain of a ship, and even very good configuration can be purchased for a 6-figure sum.

6. For very large family and friends

The family is large, there is a lot of burden... It seems like joy, but on the other hand there is a problem. This is solved by minibuses, like the ones we recently tested. The driver will have to get used to such a car; in the parking lot it will take up more space than any other, but a cheerful company will be accommodated in one cabin, and only one person - the driver - will not be able to start relaxing from the very first meters of the journey.

Nine seats, familiar interior, comfortable third row of seats, economical diesel engine, front-wheel drive and a lot of space for cargo - this or even better. A practical and pragmatic car from a respected manufacturer provides the main thing for such a car - well-known comfort and well-known reliability. Priced at a little more than 1,000,000 rubles.

Who else

The class of minibuses is small, the differences between them come down to centimeters of size, features of maintenance and credit, and personal love for one or another brand. You will not find any significant differences in dynamics, handling or other driving parameters.

7. For transporting seedlings or animals

Both plants and pets require a special place. They cannot be placed in a dark, low trunk or in the back seat. This means you need to choose a station wagon. Preferably more spacious. But still not expensive.

Massiveness, sluggish steering, soft suspension leading to swaying, lack of a sporty spark - these are not the disadvantages of a station wagon. This is a continuation of his virtues. Among which: price - 517,000 rubles, albeit in basic version, it is cheap; 1,410 liters - trunk volume when folded rear seats. Hello, Tuzik, Bobik, Polkan and two blackcurrant bushes!

Who else

The choice in this class is also small; in addition to the ones mentioned above, there are also. All of them are more expensive than Lacetti, they are bought more often with “mechanics” and are used to their advantage...

8. For transporting a small family and a bunch of junk

We highlight in a separate category... not cars - drivers whose family is 3-4 people, but whose main home is where they are now. These people, going out of town even for a weekend, take with them all their belongings: children's bicycles and sleeping bags, dishes and small furniture, a year's supply of food and a barbecue (of course, a stationary one).

They need cars with a solid luggage compartment, convenient system loading unloading... They need wide and deep. And don't care bright appearance With special comfort control!

Where there is a Peugeot, there is a Citroen - they are twin brothers. And Fiat heels account for the lion's share of sales Italian brand, which will not determine its position on the Russian market. All such models have a very competitive price, which is not least explained by the fact that in the configuration of such cars there is nothing superfluous - air conditioning, radio, ABS, electrical accessories. Moreover, almost everything is optional, i.e. at the request of the owner.

9. For carrying large loads and off-road trips

A small truck - what could be better for transporting an old refrigerator, a tube TV and endless pieces of wood from the balcony. A pickup truck is the natural choice in this case. Let u rear passengers not as much space as we would like, even though the driver is deprived of the opportunity to play with numerous buttons, and the mother-in-law (what a joy) has difficulty climbing into the cabin! But diesel (of course diesel!) is quite economical, and all-wheel drive allows you to drive through any abyss, and even pull out your neighbor.

. On these cars we and and. In any case, these are serious cargo carriers, passable, intelligently powerful, and inevitably popular on our roads.

10. Out of competition. For show-offs (inexpensive)

Meeting neighbors whom you have not seen for more than six months is a definite summing up. What he achieved, what he managed. You say it's nonsense? Not at all! For many, a dacha is a showcase of success, and it’s a nice thing to put a new exhibit in the showcase. If you come, it will be on something new and still rare.

Who else? Your neighbor, even if he wants the same one, will have to wait a year, or even more. Get to your dacha in a new Renault and be sure: even if it lands next door spaceship, it will attract no more attention than a new ax or pruning shears. Scarcity is always in fashion! Even more useful...

Purchasing a car is always an important event, since such a product is expensive and so expensive purchases people don't exercise every day. Few people can afford to have several cars for different life situations, because, firstly, they need solid financial opportunities to purchase several vehicles, secondly, you need an additional parking space or garage. This is why most people try to purchase one, but universal car"for all occasions".

If you want to drive unhindered off-road and feel great on the city highway, then it makes sense to think about buying a Skoda Yeti. The car of this model is rightly dubbed by experts as the standard of versatility. Thanks to excellent technical specifications and a successful body shape, the car is a universal soldier who can cope with a task of any degree of complexity. This car performs excellently in city driving conditions. At high power and it has enough interior space compact dimensions. The small size of the vehicle allows it to easily maneuver on congested roads big city. Compact dimensions the vehicle makes it easier to park - the car can easily be left where another car would simply not be able to park. In addition, the streamlined shape of the compact car body improves aerodynamics and reduces windage.

In addition to city driving, the ŠKODA YETI is capable of efficiently overcoming any obstacles that arise when driving in off-road conditions. This car performs well on rough terrain, which allows it to be used for trips to the country, outings, driving on country roads, and so on. High ground clearance prevents damage to the underbody of the car and allows it to easily overcome any obstacles - be it a fallen tree blocking the path, holes, potholes in the road, small hills, and so on. In general, the car is a kind of all-terrain vehicle that provides high level comfort and safety when driving in any road conditions. By the way, this vehicle is ideal for big family, because it has spacious interior, is equipped with the most modern elements of the safety system and is suitable for traveling over different distances - you can either go to the supermarket for groceries or go on a trip with the whole family to car trip abroad.