What does overdrive mean on an automatic box. What is overdrive and how to use it. What are adaptive transmissions

Long driving on endless tracks is a pleasure if the car has comfort. In addition to cruise control and, for example, comfortable seats, overdrive should be added to the number of necessary comforts.

Overdrive in English in automotive terms means overdrive for owners of an automatic transmission. In a car with a manual transmission, this gear is the fifth. The overdrive gear ratio is less than one, it is at this number that the driven shaft has a greater number of revolutions than the drive shaft. In the automatic box, after the fourth gear and acceleration, the overdrive automatically turns on, but it is a mistake to consider it the fifth gear. At the slightest touch of the brake, an automatic shift from fourth gear and down occurs again. This mode is kept constantly, when you press the gas, the car again enters the overdrive mode, and when you press the brake, it automatically decreases.

If the overdrive mode is disabled, then it will take much high speed, the same transmission is maintained even with emergency braking. Downshifting will only occur after the engine has slowed down.

It’s worth getting used to driving in high gear, many are delighted with it, other opponents can argue ad infinitum, citing not entirely well-reasoned arguments as an example.

Enhanced mode requires disabling when overtaking on the highway at speeds over 110 km/h, then it can be re-enabled. One way to disable overdrive is kickdown - this is a sharp pressing of the gas pedal to the floor. Also, overdrive can be useful during heavy braking, with its help the engine speed changes well.

ATS must be turned off when:

  • towing emergency vehicles and heavy trailers;
  • when overtaking at speeds over 100 km/h;
  • when driving over rough terrain or even just on a bad road.

How overdrive works

In an automatic transmission, there is a button on the shift lever with an on | off mode, in fact, it turns it on or off. To turn on, it is enough to bring the button to the working position, while you will not receive any messages. But here in the disabled mode you have on dashboard an annoying yellow light will signal.

Important points of working with ATS

When the ATS is on, the automatic box itself will smoothly shift from first to fourth gear during acceleration, depending on the set speed. After reaching the maximum, a slight jolt is felt - this is the torque converter locking up, indicating an upshift. The reverse is downshifting when braking occurs. When asked why it is necessary to turn on the ATS in the city, the answer is simple - when it is turned off, the gears are blocked and you cannot turn it on above the third.

Turning on and off the ATS

Arises reasonable question Why turn it on or off at all? Much here depends on the intensity of traffic in the city, on the relief of the road. For example, if you are climbing in a car stream on a gentle slope, keep the speed up to 60 km / h, then with the ATS on, you can feel the process of sequential gear shifting. Then the moment will be unpleasant when you have to brake sharply due to a stop in the flow of traffic, the a sharp decline gears. Now imagine, the ATS just processed the gears after the emergency brake, and the flow began to pick up speed again. Your engine is at minimum speed and in order to accelerate, you need to press the gas pedal to the end, the gear will decrease from fourth, and the speed will increase. And in this mode, you have to go with the overdrive turned on, so sometimes you have to turn it off. With the ATS turned off, you don’t have to pull the engine and yourself are constantly nervous due to constant changes in speed, you will switch to the usual driving mode with automatic transmission.

Fuel consumption during overdrive operation

With the overdrive turned off, the speed is high, and the gear is low, in this scenario, the engine should consume more fuel at higher speeds, but this is not so. But if you go to high speeds and at the same time, the ATS will be turned off, then consumption, although it will increase, but not significantly. The moral is, you won't save or use up too much fuel with overdrive on or off. So don't look at the fuel and use the ATS mode when you need it.

Correct and effective use

The manufacturer does not have any recommendations on this matter, everything that you read below has been developed over time and personal experience many drivers, you may or may not heed it. Everyone has their own driving style, and over time you will develop your skills.

  • on roads with long ascents or descents;
  • when driving in traffic jams, with frequent braking and acceleration;
  • at low speeds below 50 km/h.

Although it is recommended to turn off overdrive when overtaking at speeds over 110 km/h, many drivers recommend not to do this if an overtaking maneuver has already begun. This is explained by the fact that this creates unnecessary distractions, the situation of overtaking at speed requires control of the steering wheel and the road. If you still turn off the overdrive, then this will cause a sharp increase in speed, and there is no guarantee that the speed will not reach a peak at this moment.

On the tracks, use a kickdown (all the way to the gas), then you completely give automatic box transfers freedom of action, she will do everything herself and correctly. As a minus, it is worth noting that the use of kickdown requires some skills, which, however, can be easily acquired in a few workouts.

  • on the tracks;
  • if you keep a speed of at least 120 km / h;
  • if the trip for a long time has to high speed.

For beginners about overdrive

From all of the above, it can be understood that overdrive is quite convenient and even a necessary thing, but subject to understanding of situations and knowledge of the principles of overdrive. The second condition is that you need to know how to use it correctly, because it can both make driving easier and make it unbearable. Many pros consider overdrive to be just prerequisite for auto. When a driver gains experience and knowledge in driving with overdrive, he can already foresee in which segments of ATS it is better to use and where to turn it off.

It is impossible to say unequivocally that overdrive should be used or vice versa is not necessary. If you have never used it, then even having it at hand, you may not be interested in it at all, while you will not gain anything, but you will not remain in the loser either. To use the ATS or not, everyone decides for himself, it's just worth trying it out for a while and understanding whether you like it or not.

Overdrive (Overdrive) this is the highest (overdrive) gear of an automatic transmission (automatic transmission), is an analogue of the 5th gear of a manual transmission (manual transmission).

The nominal mode is the included overdrive (i.e. gears - 4) (in this case, the O / D OFF indicator on the dashboard is not lit). When the overdrive is on, the economy shift mode is used, i.e. when you release the gas pedal during acceleration, the box will shift to an increased gear, and when you press the brake, it will turn on the 4th gear, when you next press the gas, the gear that is optimal for movement.

Sometimes the overdrive needs to be turned off (press a button), in which case the O / D OFF indicator on the dashboard is lit.

With overdrive disabled, shifting to the next gear takes more high revs, than in normal mode. During braking, the automatic will keep the current gear, switching down only after reaching a certain speed or engine speed. It makes sense to turn off the overdrive while overtaking on the highway in modes of 110-130 km / h, i.e. remove 4th gear from the game. After overtaking, overdrive must be turned on. In this case, the overdrive off mode can be obtained by the so-called. kickdown (press the gas pedal all the way). Also turning off the overdrive leads to better braking engine.

It should be remembered that our box (and the car in general) forgets about the overdrive turned off when you turn off the car (ignition key to the LOCK position). Those. after you start your car again you have all 4 gears working!

As a result, the overdrive is turned off in cases where:

Overtaking at speeds over 100 km/h when you need to accelerate sharply. Up to 100 km / h kickdown works fine.

Off-road driving.

Heavy trailer towing.

Contrary to popular belief, overdrive should be on in the city.

Significant amount modern cars equipped with an automatic transmission. Its use is characterized by distinctive features compared with manual transmission. One of these nuances is the trip with the overdrive mode turned on.

What is overdrive for?

In terms of functionality vehicle, overdrive performs the same overdrive function as in a manual transmission. Photo: media.ed.edmunds-media.com

In order to know the features of this mode, you must first understand its purpose. The main reason for its use is to create gentle operating conditions for the transmission and the engine as a whole, which will help extend the life of such important nodes cars. IN English transcription the name means "engine ride".

The main task that the designers assigned to it is to choose the optimal style of movement based on the torque and speed of the car. Its use can significantly reduce the load on the mechanical parts of the gearbox and engine. This results in significant fuel savings.

The inclusion of overdrive mode allows you to achieve gear ratio between the transmission shafts in a ratio of one to one.

When to use

Inclusion order. In order to turn it on, you must use the button on the selector lever. It can be located on the top of the handle or on one of the sides, depending on the model of the car. At the same time, its inclusion is indicated by a light signal located on the instrument console between the tachometer and the speedometer (odometer). You should focus on the following indications:

  • the “O / D” icon lights up in yellow (bright orange) with the prefix “OFF” - overdrive is turned off;
  • the “O/D” symbol changes color to green and the “ON” indicator appears - the mode is on.

The inclusion of overdrive can also occur on Idling engine. In this case, the indicator will notify about the operation of this mode, but the overdrive itself will not turn on, since the engine has not yet warmed up.

This paradox is explained design features vehicle equipped with O/D mode. A solenoid has been added to the switching chain on them, which controls the overdrive using a thermal controller. When starting, respectively, the motor has not yet gained the desired temperature. This is the reason for the discrepancy between the pointers on the dashboard and the actual performance of the O / D function.

Situations when using the optionO/Dappropriate

The inclusion of overdrive must be used in areas where it is expected to move at a constant speed for a more or less long period. As a rule, it shows its full potential on suburban highways.

Although there is no certainty in the advisability of using the O / D function, but most of the opinions of motorists indicate that it should always be used, except when it is better to turn it off.

When turned on, there is a push of the machine, which is associated with the blocking of the torque converter.

Preconditions Requiring Disabling Overdrive

The main situations when O/D should be disabled are:

  • when performing a sharp overtaking at a speed of 100 km / h;
  • moving over rough terrain;
  • climbing or descending when the engine is needed for braking;
  • with a change in driving style.

The last point is devoted to urban conditions. When you haven’t really had time to accelerate yet, but you already need to slow down. This traffic situation is a common situation for urban traffic where a large number of other participants traffic, the presence of a significant number of intersections (intersections, flyovers, pedestrian crossings). There is also a high chance of a blockage.

Under such conditions, overdrive is superfluous and will lead to a quick failure of automatic transmission components.

Overdrive analogue

For novice drivers or those with little driving experience, using overdrive is problematic. Since it is not always possible to understand when it should be enabled, and when it is better to refuse this function. Therefore, in a traffic environment where decisions must be made in as soon as possible, such a delay is unacceptable. At the same time, to regulate the mode, one should partially rely on the automation of the machine and the computer.

Some cars with automatic transmission have a different electronic mode "KickDown", which means "heel to the floor." Photo: ytimg.com

It allows an inexperienced driver to quickly adapt to the peculiarities of driving on an automatic transmission.

Pros and cons of overdrive

Objective evaluation of O/D allows you to highlight it positive points and negative sides. The pluses are:

  • the possibility of saving fuel when driving on the highway;
  • a small number of revolutions, which allows to reduce the friction forces between mechanical parts engine, which directly affects their wear;
  • the presence of a separate indicator-bulb, by which you can accurately determine the current state of the driving mode.

The number of minuses that experts single out is the same as the pluses. They are defined by the following points:

  • The instruction from the manufacturer imposes a restriction on the use of this option. It is categorically not recommended when driving in difficult and especially difficult conditions.
  • The number of gear shifts is greater, which is not good for an automatic.
  • The possibility of using the engine to slow down the car is practically leveled.

The balance of positive and negative characteristics of an overdrive does not give an unambiguous answer to how often it should be used. Therefore, the prerogative of choice in this aspect is individual for each driver.

Common malfunctions and solutions

Occurrence sign problem situations with overdrive mode is a flickering signal indicator on the console. It may indicate the presence of the following troubles:

  • Faulty shifting of one of the gears;
  • Wiring problems;
  • Solenoid failure;
  • Failures in the on-board computer.

The most common problem is an open in the switching circuit. Therefore, it should be visual inspection and try to find the place where the wires are broken. Also check the voltage at the connecting terminals.

If your computer crashes, you should roll back software or order a flashing from specialists. Photo: a.d-cd.net

Sometimes the problem is fixed by replacing the overdrive switch. IN rare cases it is possible to find the error yourself and simply remove it from the computer.

The best way out is to contact a car service for carrying out complex diagnostics electrical equipment of the machine.
About other features of using overdrive and its analogues - in this video:


So, at its core, O / D is one of the electronic modes of a car, aimed at helping the driver in choosing the optimal driving style and increasing the life of the car. However, there are a number of specific points that can affect the wear of engine and transmission components. Therefore, the driver needs to develop individual driving tactics with the help of overdrive, which will maximize the life of the car.

An automatic transmission differs from a manual transmission in that gear shifting occurs automatically. The electronic unit control itself selects the optimal mode of movement for certain conditions. The driver simply presses the gas or brake pedals, but squeeze the clutch and select the desired speed mode he doesn't need to. This is the main plus of driving cars with automatic transmission.

If you have such a car, you probably noticed the Overdrive and Kickdown modes. What is Kickdown, we are already on the site site, and in today's article we will try to figure out what overdrive is:

  • How does he work;
  • how to use overdrive;
  • pros and cons, as displayed on the serviceability of the automatic transmission.


If Kickdown is an analogue of downshifts on the mechanics, which turn on when needed maximum power engine for hard acceleration, for example, then overdrive is the exact opposite. This mode is analogous to the fifth overdrive on a manual transmission.

When this mode is on, the O/D ON light on the instrument panel lights up, but if you turn it off, the O/D OFF signal lights up. Overdrive can be turned on independently using the corresponding button on the selector lever. It can also turn on automatically as the car accelerates on the highway and travels at one constant speed for a long time.

You can turn it off in different ways:

  • by pressing the brake pedal, the box at the same time switches to 4th gear;
  • by pressing the button on the selector;
  • hard pressing gas pedals when you need to pick up speed sharply, while, as a rule, the Kickdown mode starts to work.

In no case should you turn on overdrive if you are driving off-road or pulling a trailer. In addition, turning off this mode are used during engine braking, that is, there is a sequential switching from higher to lower modes.

So Overdrive is very useful feature automatic transmission, as it allows you to switch to more economy mode engine operation.

When should overdrive be enabled?

First of all, it should be said that, unlike the Kickdown option, overdrive does not have to be turned on regularly. That is, in theory, it can never be turned on at all and this will not be reflected negatively on the automatic transmission and the entire engine as a whole.

Notice one more thing. It is generally believed that O/D ON consumes significantly less fuel. However, this is true only if you are driving at speeds of the order of 60-90 km / h. If you travel on a highway at 100-130 km / h, then the fuel will be consumed very decently.

Experts recommend using this mode in the city only for long-term driving at a constant speed. If the usual situation develops: you are driving in a dense stream along a gentle slope at average speeds of the order of 40-60 km / h, then with active OD, the transition to one or another speed will occur only if the engine reaches the required speed. This means that you will not be able to accelerate sharply, much less slow down. Thus, in these conditions, it is better to turn off the OD so that the automatic transmission runs more smoothly.

It is not always easy for beginners to understand this function on own experience, but there are standard situations when it is recommended to use it:

  • while traveling out of town long trip along the track;
  • when driving at a constant speed;
  • when driving at 100-120 km / h on the autobahn.

OD allows you to enjoy a smooth ride and comfort while driving. But if you prefer an aggressive driving style, accelerate and brake sharply, overtake, and so on, then it is not advisable to use OD, since this will wear out the box faster.

When is overdrive turned off?

There is no specific advice on this issue, however, the manufacturer himself does not recommend using OD in such cases:

  • driving on long ascents and descents when the engine is running at full power;
  • when overtaking on the highway - the gas pedal to the floor and automatic switch on Kickdown;
  • when driving around the city, if the speed does not exceed 50-60 km / h (depending on the specific car model).

If you are driving along the highway and are forced to overtake, then you need to turn off the OD only by pressing the accelerator sharply. Removing your hand from the steering wheel and pressing the button on the selector, you risk losing control of traffic situation which is fraught with serious consequences.

Advantages and disadvantages

The benefits are as follows:

  • more smooth operation engine at low speeds;
  • economical consumption of gasoline at speeds from 60 to 100 km / h;
  • the engine and automatic transmission wear out more slowly;
  • comfort when driving long distances.

There are a lot of cons too:

  • most automatic transmissions do not provide the option to refuse OD, that is, it will turn on on its own, even if you gain the required speed for a short time;
  • in the city at low speeds practically useless;
  • with frequent switching on and off, a push from the torque converter blocking is clearly felt, and this is not good;
  • the process of engine braking becomes more complicated, which is necessary, for example, when driving on ice.

Fortunately, OD is not a regular driving mode. You can never use it, but because of this, you will also not be able to use the full functionality of your own car. In a word, with a smart approach, any function is useful.

To provide economical and comfortable trip on the motorway, it is recommended to include an overdrive, sometimes called overdrive. Understanding what it is and overdrive on a trip will greatly facilitate the life of the driver.

Overdrive (Overdrive) is overdrive, which is available in an automatic transmission (automatic transmission), which is analogous to 5th gear in mechanical box gears (manual transmission). The nominal mode is fourth gear. This means that by releasing the gas pedal during acceleration, the box shifts to an increased gear, if the brake is pressed, then a shift to fourth gear occurs. The next time the accelerator pedal is pressed again, the optimum gear shifts again.

When overdrive is engaged, a more economical mode is used for shifting gears.

If the overdrive is disabled, then the shift to another gear occurs at a higher engine speed than in normal mode. the machine keeps the current gear, and downshifting occurs only when a certain speed and engine speed are reached.

It is recommended to turn off the overdrive when overtaking on the highway when driving at a speed of 110-130 km/h. After overtaking is completed, it must be turned on again. In this case, the overdrive off mode can be obtained by the so-called. kickdown (press the gas pedal all the way). When braking, a situation may arise when it is necessary to change the engine speed, resulting in overdrive.

Experts advise turning off overdrive in the following cases:

  • when overtaking at a speed of more than 100 km / h, if it is necessary to accelerate sharply;
  • when driving off-road;
  • when towing a heavy trailer.

Despite popular belief, overdrive should be enabled in the city.

How Overdrive Works

There is a button on the lever called "O/D (on|off)" that controls the overdrive switching mode.

Pressing the OVERDRIVE (O/D) button provides the ability to enable or disable automatic transmission shifting to fourth gear. To turn on the overdrive, you just need to press the button, and no indication turns on. Disabled overdrive, when the button is released, is signaled by the light of yellow signal light with the inscription "O / D off" located on the instrument panel.

Subtleties of overdrive

What does overdrive mean? This means - during acceleration, the gearbox shifts sequentially from first to fourth gear, and then turns on the torque converter lockup. The last moment is accompanied by a slight push, which is perceived by some as a shift to fifth gear, although this is not true.

Reverse sequence downshifts during deceleration.

When the overdrive is off, the ability to shift to a gear higher than third is blocked.

Why turn overdrive on and off

Here good example, how to use the overdrive in the city. The car moves on a long gentle slope with heavy traffic and frequent changes in the speed of the flow of cars - 40 - 60 km / h. If you turn on the overdrive, you can feel the change in the operation of the gearbox. During acceleration, the gears 1-2-3-4 were switched sequentially, sometimes the torque converter has time to block. The car moves at 60 km / h, with a minimum engine speed of less than 2 thousand. If the flow rate has dropped sharply, the brake is pressed, the speed drops accordingly.

If at this moment overall speed the flow will increase and there will be a need to accelerate on its own, the car will not be able to quickly respond to this, since the fourth gear will remain on, and the engine speed is clearly not enough for it. You can press the gas harder and the downshift will work. The result will be achieved and the gear will decrease, the engine speed will increase.

However, this situation will repeat itself soon. Further, it is clear that such periodic switching bothers, the comfort of the trip decreases, the gearbox wears out when changing gears.

And if you now turn off the overdrive, the result will be completely different. There are no switchings in this speed range. The movement has become more comfortable, the car responds more adequately to the work of the gas pedal.

How O/D work affects fuel consumption

If the overdrive is off, the gear is lower, and the speed is higher, then it seems that the car, as the engine is running at increased speed. So it seems at first glance.

If you drive at high speed with overdrive turned off, then it is quite possible to increase fuel consumption.

If you use an overdrive "with your head", then the measurements of specialists made on various models cars, show that the difference, if it exists, is very imperceptible. Therefore, I recommend that you engage in the practical use of overdrive and apply it in the right place at the right time.

How to use overdrive effectively

Manufacturers do not give specific recommendations on this issue. Therefore, numerous recommendations are of a purely private nature. However, many drivers have developed them based on their own many years of experience, and they should be heeded. Having insignificant, it is better to follow the advice of professionals. Over time, increased driving practice can bring its own changes, according to individual preferences and driving style. Someone likes a quiet ride, without jerks and gear changes, while someone pays more attention to fuel consumption. You can try everything, and then decide for yourself.

It is reasonable to turn off overdrive when:

  • long descents or ascents;
  • "torn", periodically changing the pace of movement of the flow of cars in urban conditions;
  • for more comfortable driving at speeds below 50 km/h.

There is an opinion that you should turn off the overdrive during overtaking when driving on the highway. However, many experts do not agree with this for the following reasons:

  • when overtaking, confusion is unacceptable, the situation should be controlled, and to work with overdrive, you need to press a button, which means taking your hand off the steering wheel, which is no longer safe;
  • if the car high speed, then the overdrive turned off will cause a sharp increase in speed. However, there is no certainty that they will not reach the red zone.

In this case, the “brain” of the automatic transmission will think of everything on its own and do what is needed in this situation. True, you also need to be able to use this technique, but that's another story.

It is reasonable to enable overdrive in the following situation:

  • when driving on the highway;
  • when driving for a long time at a constant speed;
  • at high, over 120 km / h, speeds.

How to use overdrive for beginners

Overdrive is a useful and necessary thing, but you need to know how to use it. Some professional drivers consider this small button an absolutely indispensable thing. With experience comes the ability to predict the situation on the road, in terms of simple recommendations, you can turn on the necessary mode in time.


If someone does not want to bother with using this mode, it can be advised not to do this. Overdrive, rather service than regular, mode. Both the driver and his car have little to lose if the O/D on|off button is never used.

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