Hybrid bus. News and analytical portal "electronics time". Sergey Chemezov: Rostec is already one of the ten largest engineering corporations in the world

In Gothenburg, specialists from the famous car company Volvo tested the first branded hybrid bus. The result exceeded even their wildest expectations - fuel consumption decreased by 80% and energy consumption by 60%. This was said in a statement.

“The test results were better than we expected. A hybrid bus consumes less than 11 liters of fuel per 100 kilometers. This is 81% less than a regular one consumes diesel bus“says test manager Johan Helsing. In addition, the data on overall energy savings turned out to be higher than planned. Chargeable hybrid bus uses 61% less energy than required environmental standards Euro 5 for diesel buses.

Principle of operation hybrid bus quite simple. Moving along an established city route, the bus periodically recharges its battery at stops using a connection to charging buses.

The charging rods placed on the roof are somewhat reminiscent of the pantographs on trolleybuses or trams. To charge, they automatically rise and come into contact with the electrodes charger while passengers board or exit the bus.

A scheme with periodic battery recharging allowed hybrid buses to travel most of the route on electric traction. Company representatives also note that this technique causes less damage. environment, provides passengers and driver more comfort by reducing emissions and noise.

Drivers who operated the buses during testing noted a quiet and comfortable ride without vibration. The diesel engine was switched on very rarely, despite the fact that the routes are full of climbs. The total duration of operation on electricity was about 85% of the total time spent by buses on routes.

Testing of hybrid buses is still ongoing. Their program includes 10 thousand hours of operation and will continue for most of the next year. Another similar project will begin in Stockholm, where 8 hybrid buses will be deployed on routes.

However, as noted in the company's statement, a number European countries have already expressed interest in introducing hybrids into the scheme passenger transportation. Contracts for the supply of hybrid buses were signed by the authorities of Hamburg and Luxembourg in 2014 and 2015. In 2015, Volvo plans to begin commercial mass production similar machines.

Drive hybrid Volvo bus consists of a small diesel engine and an electric motor powered by lithium battery. The bus can travel exclusively on electricity, without noise or emissions, for about 7 kilometers. Charging the batteries takes 5-6 minutes.

65 nanometers is the next goal of the Zelenograd plant Angstrem-T, which will cost 300-350 million euros. The company has already submitted an application for a preferential loan for the modernization of production technologies to Vnesheconombank (VEB), Vedomosti reported this week with reference to the chairman of the board of directors of the plant, Leonid Reiman. Now Angstrem-T is preparing to launch a production line for microcircuits with a 90nm topology. Payments on the previous VEB loan, for which it was purchased, will begin in mid-2017.

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Sergey Chemezov: Rostec is already one of the ten largest engineering corporations in the world

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At the international congress transport companies UTP in Helsinki Neoman Bus Group and department MAN buses Nutzfahrezeuge AG presented their new bus concept. The launch of the first introduced hybrid MAN Lion’s City into mass production is scheduled for 2010.

The new bus is based on serial hybrid technology. Inline 6-cylinder MAN engine DO836 LOH (MAN Pure Diesel), which complies with EEV exhaust gas regulations without the use of special additives, drives a powerful electric generator, which in turn powers two electric motors.

Through a summing gearbox they rotate rear wheels. Rear axle designed specifically for low-floor buses, wide-profile tires are used. Electricity is stored in a roof-mounted “energy storage system” that includes 12 high-capacity capacitor modules.


The developers believe that capacitors store braking energy more efficiently than traditional batteries, making them ideal “electricity storage” for urban shuttle buses. The entire power plant is controlled by an electronic unit.

Electric motors can be powered either from a diesel generator and capacitors, or only from capacitors. From stops and, more importantly, due to the excess of transport, from bus stations, Lion’s City drives away on pure electric power without emitting any exhaust gases. Then, as it accelerates, it starts and starts working. "main" diesel generator. Electronics and auxiliary electrical consumers are powered by supercapacitor batteries. Both the air conditioning and power steering operate solely on electric power.


When driving, electrical consumers switch to the generator. The excess energy is used to charge the capacitor bank.

For braking under normal conditions, exclusively electric motors are used, switching to generator mode. The energy they produce (up to 150 kW) also recharges the battery. The traditional braking system is only used in emergency situations. Since city bus stops are usually located within a few hundred meters, the battery discharge and recharge modes (recuperation) alternate almost every minute.

Modern capacitors (MAN specialists call them supercapacitors) differ from other means of storing electricity due to their high power dissipation density, larger capacity, reliability, ability to absorb and release more power, no moving parts, no leaking fluids, and no need for maintenance.

A hybrid bus equipped with supercapacitors is significantly lighter than its battery-powered counterpart and is almost comparable in weight to city buses powered by compressed natural gas.

Less internal resistance ensures reduction of energy losses during its storage. New system air cooling increases the service life of the capacitor bank to that of the production bus itself. Even after prolonged inactivity, electric motors produce a total torque reaching 800 Nm.


The interior of the bus is practically no different from the interiors of ordinary buses, but for accommodation additional equipment engine compartment slightly increased in size. Some of the units are located on the roof. Payment for technical progress- reduction in the number of seats by two. Two- and three-door modifications are possible. It is likely that in preparation for serial production some changes will be made to the design of the bus.

MAN Lion's City- perhaps the first economically viable hybrid city bus project. Apart from relatively low price, it is distinguished by significant benefits during operation. Power hybrid installations comply with all current and a number of future environmental protection requirements.

Both the very principle of their operation and the set of additional measures taken by German engineers to reduce energy costs made it possible reduce fuel consumption by 20–25%. The developers promise cost savings and reduced labor costs for Maintenance, increased service life of units and equipment.


Work on a hybrid bus was carried out as part of the project IDEAS(Innovative diesel-electric hybrid systems for city buses), supported by the German Federal Ministry of Economics by MAN Nutzfahrzeuge AG and Siemens A&D and part of the national research program Mobilitat und Verkehr. The buses developed during the implementation of the IDEAS project are undergoing trial operation in the Bavarian Nuremberg, carrying passengers on city routes.

I would never want to be behind a bus when it's stuck in traffic. Horrible, bad smell, the smoke and exhaust are simply unbearable. And while some designers are making green concept cars, others are working on creating an environmentally friendly bus.

After all, without public transport In general, we won’t be able to live - cities are developing, a trip from one end to the other sometimes takes long hours, and the metro does not always suit us. Can we survive without buses? No. But without pollution - we simply must! After all, cities are full of buses and other types of public transport, and significantly worsen our environment.

Volvo company, which created the project for the first green hybrid bus, the Volvo 7700, proposes to combat this. The designers promise that this bus will reduce fuel consumption by 30%. And this is an excellent solution in connection with the constant increase in gasoline prices. Well, compared to other buses, emissions harmful substances into the air is reduced by as much as 40-50%. Why is the bus called a hybrid? And because it can be used with electric motor, equipped braking system, or maybe with diesel fuel, which can be used separately or simultaneously.

On September 9, 2008, as part of the International Motor Transport Forum 2008 “Russian Buses” (bus division of the GAZ Group), it presented the low-floor city bus LIAZ 5292 with a hybrid drive - an original development by Likinsky bus plant. This is the first Russian bus with a hybrid drive, which has no analogues domestic manufacturer.

The LIAZ 5292 bus with a hybrid drive is designed to operate in large cities. Certification tests new modification will be held this year. The first pilot batch will appear on the market in 2009.

The bus is unified with the existing low-floor buses of the LIAZ brand in terms of body and type of units, which will complement the GAZ Group product line that runs on alternative fuels (diesel-gas-electricity).

At the same time, this will allow large passenger carriers to create the most efficient urban route network, combining different types of public transport on one base, and thereby reducing operating costs.

The LIAZ 5292 bus is equipped with a Cummins four-row diesel engine environmental standard Euro - 4 and a set of traction equipment, consisting of a traction asynchronous motor-generator TAG 225-280, a traction asynchronous reversible motor TAD 225-380, a system of neutralizers and supercapacitors. The use of a hybrid power drive on a city bus allows:
- reduce the level of harmful emissions several times when driving in the urban cycle;
- reduce fuel consumption by 25-30%;
- apply engine internal combustion power is 25-30% lower while maintaining torque on the drive wheels;
- increase the comfort of the bus (reduce noise levels, vibration, etc.);

According to the Director of the Buses Division of the GAZ Group, Nikolai Borisovich Odintsov, “the concept of a bus with a hybrid drive forms the best offer for urban programs for our customers. Hybrid drives are ideal for city buses, which often need to brake and accelerate on routes with heavy passenger traffic, such as at stops and traffic lights. And the use of this technology will reduce CO2 emissions into the environment.”

In addition, the exhibition presented a new modification of the KAVZ 4239 bus, serial production of which was launched in July 2008. The difference between the new modification and the base model is the use of a two-door body, which made it possible to significantly increase the size of the rear platform for passengers and expand the passage to the rear by 120 mm platform. After testing the KAVZ 4239 prototype in the “Russia – Russian Buses” motor rally, a number of improvements were made to the design of the bus. The bus went into serial production with improved ergonomics of the driver's seat, new panel instruments, a continuous partition of the driver's seat.

At the exhibition the company also presented joint development"GAZ Group" and "Marcopolo" - a small urban bus "Real". The basic modification of the bus has undergone some changes: the side pillar of the body has been strengthened, the rear-view mirrors, the driver's window, and the driver's door have been changed.

The bus is designed to operate on city routes. This small class model on the Hyundai chassis is designed for 22 seats(total capacity - 29) and is designed to operate on urban and suburban routes. Bus dimensions - 7890/2040/2680 mm.
The bus interior is equipped with safety handrails, anti-vandal seats, luggage racks driver, central lighting, individual lighting of the driver's and front passenger's workplaces. The layout of the cabin allows passengers to sit while standing. The cabin provides storage space for the driver's tools. The side windows are inserted into rubber profiles, which reduced their cost, and the vents on the windows slide apart in different directions.

KAVZ 4239
This bus is designed to operate on city routes. Large windows in the driver's cabin provide good visibility. Roomy and beautiful salon, stylish and bright design.
Bus dimensions - 10290/2550/3080 mm. The bus is equipped with a Deutz engine of Euro 3 standard and an EATON FAW gearbox. The total passenger capacity is 89 passengers, including 23 seats.

LiAZ 5292 with hybrid drive
City bus big class With low level floor. The engine is located longitudinally in rear overhang. The bus allows you to transport people with disabilities. In the cabin, along with a special ramp, there are places for securing wheelchairs.

When working diesel engine transfers part of the energy directly to the wheels, and the rest goes to the electric generator. From the generator, part of the current goes to recharge the lithium-ion batteries, which are located on the roof of the bus, and part is returned to the four electric motors in the wheel hub, which rotate the wheels. When the bus approaches, stops and departs from a stop, it can operate entirely on electricity, which not only reduces the amount of harmful emissions, but also ensures quiet operation.

The total passenger capacity of LiAZ-5292 is 100 people, including 22 seats. Bus dimensions -11990/2500/2880 mm.