What kind of oil should I put in the trimmer? What kind of oil to put in gasoline for a trimmer. Rules for the use and storage of fuel and lubricant mixture

Summer residents, owners of private country houses, buy small mechanization equipment to care for lawns and mow weeds. Prefer motor-driven trimmers internal combustion, pouring in a properly diluted mixture of gasoline and oil.

Motorized scythes require maintenance and the use of combined fuel. By observing the ratio of gasoline and oil, it is easy to achieve the performance of a brush cutter.

When comparing with similar mechanisms, when choosing, they give preference to brush cutters based on the following functional indicators:

  1. The mobility and light weight of the unit allow it to be transported over distances and used in hard-to-reach places for mowing.
  2. Versatility. The brush cutter is equipped with a unit for changing working elements directly during operation of the unit.
  3. Simplicity of design allows you to use the scythe for a long time without frequent adjustments.

These others positive characteristics, give customers confidence that when purchasing a trimmer, they are making the right choice.

Types of brush cutters

Today on liquid specialized trading platforms big choice mechanisms for cutting grass and small bushes. For example, lawn mowers are available with electric motor, with petrol power plants. Brush cutters equipped with diesel engines, because they are low-speed.

Liquid statistics show the advantage of lawn mowers with internal combustion engines over their electric counterparts. Electric scythe is used in places where there is a stationary electrical network.

Two-stroke and four-stroke

The internal combustion engines used in trimmers are two-stroke and four-stroke. According to the design solution two stroke engines not complicated. But they require a high-quality fuel mixture.

Gasoline for a trimmer with a two-stroke power plant requires an accurate dosage of lubricating fluid. Ignoring the requirement leads to a sharp reduction in engine life. There are problems starting it.

Four-stroke engine does not require correct proportion oil and gasoline. The formation of the desired mixture is automatic. The components of the combustible mixture are stored in different containers. Fuel is expensive, but the costs are covered due to the silent operation of the unit and the environmental purity of the exhaust gases.

How to choose the right proportion?

The gas mower is fueled with A-92 gasoline. There are other factory instructions that require gasoline of a different octane number. For example, A-95. The difference in cost is minimal.

The selection of oil does not accept liberties. For two-stroke API engines establishes a specific order:

  • for walk-behind tractors, brush cutters, air-cooled mopeds - TA class;
  • engines with a cylinder capacity of 200 cm³ - TV class oil;
  • For all-terrain vehicles and motorcycles, it recommends using TC class oils;
  • yacht engines, hydro scooters, motor boats use TD brand lubricant.

From the above list lubricant motor fluid The last two positions are not recommended for use with trimmer power plants. Letter designations indicates what petroleum products the lubricating fluid is made from.

Attention: If you buy a product on liquid domestic trading platforms, take an interest in the markings on the container. English words self mix says that self-mixing with gasoline is not required. If the phrase pre mix is ​​on the label, you should prepare the flammable mixture yourself.

How to properly prepare the fuel mixture for a trimmer?

We'll tell you how to dilute gasoline with trimmer oil. You should first address organizational issues:

  1. Selection of containers for storing fuel mixture components. Buy metal cans for gasoline. For lubricating fluids, the factory packaging is sufficient.
  2. You should not prepare a large volume of a mixture that is flammable in engines, as its structure will be disrupted. Separation into fractions will begin: the heavy one will sink to the bottom, and the light one will form the top layer.
  3. Prepare a medical syringe for precise dosage lubricating fluid to add to dilute gasoline.

We draw the attention of trimmer owners to one detail. You should not buy lubricants for future use. Buy enough to last for the coming season.

Component ratio

Carefully reading the instructions included with the lawn mower will help you dilute gasoline. Aggregates different manufacturers differ in the volume of fuel tanks and the materials from which they are made. The instructions included with the units give an exact answer to the question of how much oil is required per liter of gasoline.

The exact proportion of oil guarantees flawless operation of the trimmer throughout the summer season.

What don't two-stroke engines like?

Cooking working mixture manually, it should be remembered that two-stroke engines do not reach their designed operating power if the proportions of the fuel mixture are violated. The above condition forces the owner of the unit to comply with the proportions. As practice shows, using under-filled brush cutters lubricant product, observed oil starvation engine, which does not allow the unit to reach standard power.

Excess lubricant prevents the engine from developing the required power. When preparing the working mixture, it occurs reasonable question how much oil needs to be mixed in gasoline. Helps to accurately determine the standard. It is recommended to fill gasoline into the trimmer according to the following mathematical calculation. If fuel tank holds 5 liters, 1 liter of gasoline is divided by 50. That is, for 5 liters of gasoline for a trimmer mower, pour 100 ml of lubricating consistency. The owner of a brush cutter receives an ideal fuel based on its structural composition.

Algorithm of actions

The quality of the fuel increases with proper mixing of the mixture components. Before mowing, the question arises: how to breed, in what sequence. When starting to mix the components, pay attention to whether the containers are clean. An insignificant suspension can block the flow of fuel to the carburetor. The fuel tank should be refilled from a special container with a filter device.

This is the order. Half of the available gasoline is mixed with the specified amount of lubricating fluid. This is followed by the mixing process.

When the components acquire a homogeneous consistency, pour 50% of the remaining fuel into partially diluted gasoline. This is how it is recommended to dilute fuel for the trimmer.

Important Feature

The prepared combustible mixture for the trimmer enters the combustion chamber of the cylinder in the form of a whitish mist. Oil fluid integrated into gasoline lubricates crankshaft, cylinder walls. Underfilling oily liquid in fuel is fraught premature wear trimmer parts and components. Exceeding the norm leads to carbon deposits deposited on the working parts, which also leads to premature technical wear of the brush cutter.

A gasoline mower will serve its owner for a long time, provided that the fuel tank is filled with high-quality fuel rather than any kind of gasoline.


Today, purchasing a trimmer for yourself is not a problem. It occurs during mowing if the mower has prepared the fuel mixture incorrectly. The engine often stalls unexpectedly, like blowtorch. You have to start the engine over and over again by pulling the semi-automatic winding device, popularly nicknamed the “shvorka.”

Video instruction

Today there are few people left who use a regular scythe in their garden. This "old-fashioned" method practically never occurs. And many already have no idea how to handle it, sharpen it and rivet it. With the development of technology, devices called trimmers appeared.

What types of trimmers are there?

There are two main types of such devices. These are gasoline and electric. From the name it is clear that their main difference is the power source. Each type has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage of gasoline ones is the absence of a power cord, which does not limit the owner’s movement around the site during work. The electric one needs a 220 V network for power. There is no way to do this without an extension cord, which will constantly get in the way and get under your feet.

A modern fuel-powered trimmer, thanks to the presence of various replaceable heads, has transformed from an ordinary scythe into a small-scale mechanization tool with many functions. By installing the appropriate attachment, it will not be difficult for the owner to form a crown for shrubs on his personal plot. In snowy winters it can be used as a snow blower. Replacing the trimmer working heads itself will not take much time and can be done either with or without a tool.

Which trimmer oil to choose?

When using a device such as a gasoline trimmer, its maintenance is especially difficult. When it comes time to change the oil, many people do not know what oil to put in their trimmer.

In each individual case, it all depends on the type of trimmer engine. For the most part, these are similar, only more power, are used in the production of mopeds. Therefore, it is necessary to use oils for trimmers that are marked 2T.

In most devices of this kind, oil is poured along with gasoline. Therefore, the owner must know the ratio of gasoline and oil when using a trimmer. In most cases, take 20 g of oil per liter of fuel. Moreover, the higher the quality of the fuel, the lower its consumption.

There are also 4-stroke engine models for trimmers. In these types of trimmer oils are poured into a separate container, which does not cause any particular difficulties. One of the main advantages of these devices is their low noise level, which allows you to work without headphones. Oils for trimmers are marked 4T, which is something you must pay attention to.

Advantages and disadvantages of gasoline trimmers

Thus, to summarize the above, it is necessary to note the main advantages and disadvantages petrol trimmers. The advantages include:

The disadvantages include:

  • greater weight;
  • The amount of noise produced during operation is greater than that of electric ones. Despite this, the number of gasoline trimmers in summer cottages is only increasing.

Petrol mower from all other types garden trimmers differ in that they are equipped with a gasoline engine. For the latter to function properly, it needs not only gasoline itself, but also oil.


Without this substance, the engine will run, as they say, “dry”. And experience shows that such a regime leads to rapid wear rubbing parts and burnout.

Engine oil performs several functions:

  • reduces friction between contacting parts to a minimum - in fact, acts as a lubricant;
  • prevents rapid wear by minimizing friction losses;
  • removes heat, maintaining the permissible temperature on the surface of parts;
  • reduces vibration and, therefore, helps reduce noise from a running engine;
  • acts as a cleaning system.

Types of material

Oil is a rather arbitrary name. It is an oil base with various additives. Without them lubricating qualities its not that big.

Based on their origin, the base is divided into two types:

  • mineral - obtained by refining oil. Its properties significantly depend on the composition of the feedstock and are not stable, so a large number of different additives are added to the mixture. Despite their action mineral material It is recommended to replace as often as possible;
  • synthetic - obtained by directed synthesis. The properties of the mixture are set in advance and are stable. Synthetic compounds They last longer and have to be replaced less often.

Additives added to the base impart various additional properties to the finished mixture:

  • antioxidant – prolong the “life” of the mixture itself;
  • corrosion inhibitors – protect the engine from rusting;
  • anti-wear – reduce wear of parts;
  • thorn modifiers and so on.

To obtain the same properties in synthetic and mineral base add various additives and in different proportions. Therefore, you should never mix the ingredients.

Lubricant mixtures for trimmers

The composition for a lawn mower is determined by the device of its drive.

  • Most household trimmers are equipped with two-stroke engines. Their operation is ensured by the consumption not of gasoline, but of a special fuel mixture consisting of gasoline and oil. Such an engine does not have a lubrication system, whose role is played by the oil additive in the fuel.

A mixture is prepared from gasoline of the appropriate grade - not lower than AI-92, and a composition intended specifically for a two-stroke engine - marked 2T. The ratio of parts depends on the class of the base and the service life of the device:

synthetic ones are added strictly in a ratio of 1:50 without variations;

mineral is added in a ratio of 1:40, or even 1:35 if the lawn mower is not new.

The proportions must be specified in the product passport. Store the finished mixture in a metal or glass container if it was not possible to use it immediately. The composition will quickly destroy plastic packaging. The photo shows oil for lawn mowers.

  • The four-stroke engine has a special crankcase for oil, into which the mixture is poured. In this case, there is no need to prepare the fuel composition, but the oil lubricant will have to be changed separately - every 50 hours of continuous operation. The fact is that they don’t install oil filter, as a result of which the mixture thickens and becomes dirty quite quickly.

The material used is marked 4T, the viscosity of the composition is 10W40.

Change of oil

Replacement is carried out after the gasoline in the tank is completely exhausted. It is better to carry out the procedure while the engine remains warm: the composition is in a liquid state and is easier to remove.

  • The trimmer is installed at a certain angle towards the drain hole.
  • Unscrew the plug and allow the spent mixture to drain.
  • A new portion is poured through the neck.

About 5% of the old mixture remains in the tank. Therefore, if you intend to use a new grade, then it is better to fill it after flushing the engine.

Spent mixtures must be disposed of or can be used for heating.

The video explains in detail how to change the oil in a lawn mower engine.

We learn the rules of choosing oil for lawn mowers of different brands

Home appliances with gasoline engines require a responsible approach to maintenance. In order for the tool to provide trouble-free operation for a long time, you need to use fuel and oil for the lawn mower according to the instructions for technical operation. Two-stroke gasoline engines They work by adding oil to the combustible mixture; four-stroke engines have a separate reservoir in the fuel tank.

Types of motor oils, their purpose

Engine oil is a special composition containing solvent and additives that reduce friction, create suitable fluidity and prevent thickening when the temperature drops.

According to the method of obtaining the composition there are:

  • minerals acquired during the distillation of oil;
  • synthetic – by synthesis or processing natural gas;
  • semi-synthetic – improved mineral oil due to the introduction of synthetic components.

For safety reasons, so as not to confuse the products, the oil is colored reddish, blue or green color. The assortment varies in composition; the user must purchase oil marked: “for garden equipment» 2T, if it is necessary to prepare a mixture for two stroke engine, 4T for filling into the crankcase.

Synthetic and mineral oils have different base, they cannot be connected. When switching to another type of oil, the system must be thoroughly washed.

Oil for lawn mowers should be classified as vehicle oils created for engines with air cooling with a combustion chamber volume of 50-200 cm 3 When choosing a product, the fundamental parameter is not the cost, but the protective characteristics for the motor certain brand. Therefore, first they purchase the recommended oil, and if it is not available, they select one that is similar in terms of performance.

Determines the quality of oil for lawn mowers base number. Alkali neutralizes the oxidation process of rubbing materials and slows down the destruction of the surface. When oil becomes oxidized, it loses its protective properties. The usual pH of oil is 8-9 units.

The key indicator is viscosity. That’s why there are winter, summer and all-season oil. Which one to use oil for a lawn mower it depends whether the user will work with sub-zero temperature. Summer oils thicken even with slight cooling. The flash point indicates how quickly the oil will burn out of the composition. Features of fuel for two-stroke engines and classification of oils. Practical advice how to dilute gasoline with trimmer oil. It is normal if this indicator is more than 225 C.

The use and importance of oil in a two-stroke engine

The operation of the motor is associated with friction of the moving parts of the cylinder and liner, cams, and hinges. When parts rub, the surface heats up, and when they expand, scratches occur. If in the gap between the mating parts there is a composition in a suitable proportion of oil and gasoline for a lawn mower, a number of problems are removed:

  • parts in the engine operate with reduced friction and heat up less;
  • lubricant in the gaps prevents corrosion of parts during long-term storage and washes out particles acquired during friction;
  • the service life of the motor is extended.

Preparation of the fuel mixture for two-stroke engines

The video shows how to make a fuel mixture for two-stroke engines. Refueling mowers, chainsaws, etc.


In this video I will tell you about proper preparation fuel mixture for two stroke engines!

Appearance additional properties The additives used in the oil in an amount of 5-15% contribute. It is the additives that create the anti-corrosion, anti-wear and frost-resistant properties of oils.

An incorrect oil composition can destroy the engine, forming carbon deposits in the cylinders, leading to coking and rapid engine wear.

It is important to know how much oil you need to add to the gasoline for your lawn mower. First of all, you should study the instructions and follow the recommended proportions. Using a composition that takes into account the engine model and configuration, climatic conditions and load will extend the life of the lawn mower. Experienced users advise that when purchasing a tool, immediately buy the recommended oil in reserve.

Requirements to combustible mixture For two stroke engine

Difference two stroke engine in his increased power compared to four stroke. The combustible mixture for it is prepared in a certain ratio of gasoline and special oil. The optimal ratio of oil and gasoline for a lawn mower is written in the instructions. The recommended proportions must be followed exactly. When adding additives, the manufacturer took into account the type of engine. Therefore mix various oils prohibited.

When using mineral oils, mixing occurs in proportions of 1:25, 1:30, 1:35. For synthetic oils, a ratio of 1:50 or 1:80 is used. Properly cooked fuel mixture for two-stroke engines oil for how. This means, in each of the proposed mixtures required quantity oils are dissolved in a volume of gasoline. You can mix gasoline with lawn mower oil like water and syrup. It is necessary to pour gasoline, add the exact amount of oil and shake the mixture. It is advisable to use fresh solution for work. If stored for more than 2 weeks, the composition changes, and the oil film will cause carburetor malfunctions.

For breeding and storage combustible mixture PET bottles cannot be used. Gasoline destroys plastic, the polymer dissolves in combustible mixture and further deteriorates the quality of the fuel, creating the danger of stray currents.

Choosing the right oil for lawn mowers

Two-stroke engines are fueled with a mixture of unleaded gasoline and oil marked 2T. In this case, you need to use the recommended AI-92 gasoline. How to dilute gasoline for a trimmer? How to Sell special oil for How to correctly. If you use a brand with a higher octane number, the flash and combustion temperatures will be higher, the valves will burn out prematurely. The same applies to butter. The recommended composition is not the most expensive. But using another brand is unacceptable. The viscosity will change, this will lead to insufficient lubrication of conventional products made without high-precision lapping.

If oil is added in excess, incomplete combustion will lead to the formation of soot and excessive exhaust into the atmosphere. Rich mixture harmful to the engine. Features of fuel for two-stroke trimmer engines How to dilute oil. For four stroke engine Oil is poured separately from gasoline. It washes the components, cools them, and reduces friction. During operation, the oil becomes contaminated and must be replaced after 50 working hours. What kind of oil to pour into the lawn mower is indicated in the passport. Owners of two-stroke engines are already before switching to oil for two-stroke. The composition must be marked 4T with a viscosity of 10W40.

The best oil for any engine is the recommended one. However, Shel oil is world famous Helix Ultra. The company has been developing for 40 years new technology obtaining synthetic oil from natural gas. Pureplus technology made it possible to obtain an improved composition base oil. Based on it, with the addition necessary additives, leading manufacturers receive recommended oils for their equipment.

The choice of oil primarily depends on the manufacturer’s recommendations. Thus, only branded oil is used for Stihl lawn mowers. The same oil is suitable for the Vityaz brand, since the engines are of the same brand. There is an opinion among experts that oil from any manufacturer intended for one type of equipment is suitable for use on all brands. But if possible, it is better to use the recommended one.

What kind of oil to pour into a walk-behind tractor When servicing agricultural equipment, it is fundamentally important to correctly select the accompanying and Consumables. Particularly acute, in this sense, is the question: what kind of oil to pour into the walk-behind tractor. The performance of the equipment, its service life and a number of other factors that relate to a specific brand of walk-behind tractor depend on this choice. Some p...

Oil plays a huge role in the performance and durability of a gasoline trimmer, as it protects the parts of the cylinder-piston group from rapid wear.

In order for a lawn mower to please its owner with trouble-free operation, a competent approach to maintenance is necessary. Currently, it is customary to distinguish between two main types of engines based on the number of power strokes:

Operating principle of two- and four-stroke engines

  1. two-stroke engines, where oil is added directly to the fuel tank;
  2. four-stroke engines with separate oil reservoir. An exception in this category is the STIHL 4-MIX engine, which runs on an oil-gasoline mixture, but at the same time has 4 cycles of operation.

However, most trimmers on our market are equipped power units operating on a mixture previously prepared and poured into the fuel tank.

Choosing oil for a gas trimmer

Engine oil for a gasoline trimmer is a lubricant that serves to reduce wear between the rubbing components of the internal combustion engine.

The oil composition includes residual hydrocarbons and various additives that improve the properties of the final product. To ensure long-lasting and trouble-free operation of lawn mowers, experts recommend using oils that, in their physical and chemical properties, correspond this type motor.

Today it is customary to distinguish three main types of oils according to the method of their preparation:

  • Minerals created during the distillation of hydrocarbons;
  • Synthetic oils obtained by processing natural gas or synthesis;
  • Semi-synthetic, containing improved mineral oil with the addition of some synthetic components.

To prevent confusion various types The manufacturer adds a dye to the oils, which indicates the difference in the composition of the lubricant.

Choosing oil for lawn mowers

For trimmer engines, it is necessary to choose oils marked “2T”, which are used for internal combustion engines with a volume of 50 to 200 cm 3 and have air cooling. First of all, when buying oil, you should pay attention not to the price, but protective properties material, since small savings can subsequently become a real headache for the owner and, as a rule, high costs.

Two-stroke oil for lawn mowers

The main factor determining the quality of trimmer oil is the base number. It is this component that prevents oxidation of rubbing parts and slows down their destruction. During operation, the oil gradually loses its alkalinity and becomes oxidized. Optimal level acidity (Ph) should not be less than 8-9 units.

The viscosity of the brush cutter oil also has an effect big influence on the work process petrol tool. This indicator determines the ability to operate the trimmer at different temperatures. For example, summer stamps lubricants thicken even with a slight drop in temperature. Due to the use of lawn mowers exclusively in the spring-autumn period, excellent option the oil will become summer labeled.

The flash point for trimmer oil must be more than 225C, otherwise the oil will quickly burn out and piston group will be subject to heavy wear and tear.

What to look for when choosing oil?

Modern two-stroke engines of brush cutters are fueled with a mixture of AI-92 gasoline and oil marked “2T”. Using fuel with a higher octane number will increase the flash point and, as a result, burn out the lubricant.

Types of Shtil oils

Undoubtedly the best oil for a trimmer is recommended by the manufacturer, but the owner does not always have the opportunity to purchase exactly the “branded” lubricant. Experts recommend Shell Helix Ultra, based on Pureplus technology, which helps improve the basic properties of the lubricant.

For petrol trimmers German manufacturer Calm, you need to use Stihl HP Ultra, Stihl HP, Stihl HP S oils. A budget substitute can be the products of the Vityaz company, which in their properties are most similar to the recommended material.

How much oil should I put in the trimmer?

Depending on the number of engine strokes and the type of oil used, it is necessary to strictly observe the proportions when preparing the fuel mixture.

Proportions of gasoline and oil

So, when preparing fuel with mineral oil proportions can vary from 1:25 to 1:35. For high high-speed engines With synthetic oil the portion of lubricant and gasoline can be 1:50 or 1:80. Preparing fuel involves pouring a certain amount of oil into gasoline and then mixing it.

PVC containers are not suitable for long-term storage of a diluted mixture, since the solution loses its properties when interacting with plastic. Long-term storage of prepared fuel (more than 2 weeks) should not be allowed, which leads to the formation of an oil film and malfunctions of the fuel system.

Trimmer oil: choice and proportions was last modified: July 4th, 2018 by Administrator