What mileage is considered normal for a car? . What affects the cost of a car? What influences the cost of a used car more: year of manufacture or mileage

The price tag for a used car depends on its appearance, technical condition, popularity of the model, prestige of the brand. Of course, the owner’s greed also contributes. But we will focus on the main points that affect the cost of the car at secondary market.


Simple truth: than bigger car“run up”, the lower its value falls. Here a conflict arises between the seller and the buyer. The first one wants to sell at a higher price, the second wants to buy at a lower price. Therefore, a “compromise,” so to speak, was found. On almost every used car, this same mileage is reduced to a psychologically acceptable level.

Therefore, you can easily find an advertisement for the sale of a conditional Passat B6 produced in 2010 with a figure of 50-60 thousand kilometers on the odometer, and the obligatory note: “the third car in the family, almost never driven.” And the potential buyer gets a so-called feeling of false calm. But if he decides to carry out maximum diagnostics car, experts will quickly discover inconsistencies with the “legend”: technical condition The car will give her away completely.

This applies to almost all cars on the secondary market: 9 out of 10 of them have real mileage does not match the odometer reading. You can even find a 20- or 30-year-old Mercedes with less than 100,000 miles. Well, supposedly they haven’t driven it all these years - that’s all.

Visual component

Particularly careless sellers don’t even try to create any kind of mess. This is usually explained by the phrase: “I have nothing to be ashamed of, let them think what they want.”

At the same time, scratches, traces of rust, chips or dents on the body for them are not an argument in favor of reducing the value of the car - “the car drove.” The same applies to any damage to the glass. In fact, such “jambs” greatly affect the resale value of the car. Therefore, an experienced buyer with eloquence can extract a substantial discount from the seller.

The price, of course, is also influenced by the condition of the interior. If the chairs are very worn out, or sewn up in some places, and some light bulbs do not work, this is a good reason to start bidding. The same applies to foreign odors. The “spirit” of cigarettes or anything even more specific hits the price tag hard.

But, as a rule, sellers add polish to make the car look like new. Conduct pre-sale preparation, hide scratches and chips, update the interior. As a result, the car ends up in the “sit and go” category. And this quite ordinary trick can work on someone.

By the way, in order not to get into trouble, you should take a closer look at the steering wheel and gearshift lever. Rubs and scratches on them are more difficult to hide.


And here is the most interesting thing. Any deviation from the norm entails a reduction in the price tag. Be it extraneous noise, oil smudges, twitching, creaking, etc.

Engage in serious repairs, for example, “seventh” BMW started 2000s before selling no one. Because it will result in a fantastic amount. And as soon as something goes wrong with the “German”, they try to get rid of him. Therefore, the price tag of 700 thousand rubles, or even 600 thousand, should not please, but alarm. Yes, the car will be running. And, quite possibly, some problem will come out after a certain time, but it will definitely come out. Moreover, the first one for real serious damage is capable of returning the most careless and arrogant person to the mortal earth.

It can be very difficult to answer the question “What mileage will be normal for a car?”, since the condition vehicle does not always depend on the number of kilometers left behind. However, in the secondary market this indicator is greatly manipulated, and if the car has low mileage, then its price can be as good as that of a new one. Below we will try to figure out what mileage a used car should have, how this can affect its condition, and what “tweaking” mileage indicators leads to.

Is it possible to clearly answer the question of what the “norm” depends on?

The concept of “normal mileage” for a car is very vague, since it is very difficult to determine what mileage is considered high for a foreign car. The difficulty arises due to the following factors:

Important! The mileage of a car is determined not by the speedometer (the popular phrase is “twisted speedometer”), but by the odometer. After all, the speedometer determines the speed of the car, but the kilometers traveled are recorded on the odometer, which may be located directly next to the speedometer needle.

Where was the car running? If abroad, where the roads are of relatively high quality, and car owners take good care of their cars and replace all consumables on time, then even if the car covered 20 thousand km every year, this will not affect its general condition. But if we are talking about a foreign car that left the showroom for domestic roads, then even if average mileage the car will be 2 thousand km per year, this cannot be promised excellent condition such a car.

How old is the car? The older the car and the more mileage it has, the lower its price will be, since these indicators indicate wear and tear on the car and its parts. However, even a very old car can have very low mileage.

About what type the car is coming speech? If it's small passenger car for the city, then it can cover about 20-30 thousand kilometers per year, if an SUV used exclusively for traveling out of town, it is unlikely that it will be able to cover ten thousand in a year, and if a heavy-duty vehicle that was in constant use , then it can cover 10 thousand km even within 1 month.

Thus, the normal mileage for a car should be calculated as a mathematical formula, in which, in addition to the mileage, it is worth correlating the origin of the car, its age, the number of owners, the presence of accidents, the type of car and its general condition.

Did you know? When determining a car's mileage, you need to take the reading on its odometer and divide it by the age of the car (or the time the seller owned it).

In fact, the concept of high/low mileage appeared in car markets, where it is beneficial for owners of cars with low mileage to focus on this, trying to prove to buyers that their car is as new as possible and has practically never been in use. But if you are planning to buy a used car, you should not pay special attention to all these stories about the “normal” mileage. What average mileage per year is considered normal?

The average mileage of a car per year and its norm, again, are rather vague concepts. The optimal mileage for a used car should be approximately 20-30 thousand km per year, and only if the car has been used regularly.

If it was used occasionally, many drivers drive no more than 5 thousand km per year.

In any case, when buying a car, you should ask the seller in as much detail as possible about the car and how he used it, and then correlate this data with the readings on the odometer. If, in general, the picture looks logical and you have no doubts about the presence of deception, it means that you have a truly normal mileage.

As for what mileage is considered high for a car, it is impossible to give an exact answer to this question for the reasons described in the previous section. For each type of car, its own mileage is calculated, and, for example, in the case of heavy vehicles, even 200 thousand km per year will not be considered excessive mileage.

But if you are going to sell your passenger car, then a car with a mileage of more than 30 thousand km per year will be offered at a lower price, since such mileage is quite large for it. If, say, we are talking about a five-year-old city car, then its odometer should show an indicator of 80 to 120 thousand km.

The greater the mileage of such a car, the lower its price will be.

How to approximately calculate normal mileage when buying a car? When determining the mileage of a car, it is worth objectively assessing the condition of the car. If it looks fairly used, but the mileage is minimal, you should have additional questions for the seller: “Is the odometer showing the correct mileage?”, “Is the seller the original owner of this car?”, “Has the car been in an accident, and what kind?” Did she undergo repairs at the same time?” To roughly calculate what mileage will be normal for

specific car , you should ask its seller the following information: “How old is the car?” and “How intensively was it exploited?” For example, if a car is sold by a taxi driver, then even a 5-year-old foreign car can have a mileage of more than 200 thousand km. And this indicator for

It is also worth understanding that in order to increase the value of their car on the market, many motorists resort to illegal manipulations, such as adjusting the odometer readings. Unfortunately, indicators can be falsified either by mechanical device, and electronically. If you have any doubts about the veracity of the mileage stated by the seller, it would be a good idea to check it.

How to determine the actual mileage of a car?

In order to “get to the bottom of the truth” and find out how much mileage the car offered to you for purchase actually has, first of all, it is worth checking the odometer for interference.

If we are talking about a mechanical device, then you can see signs of interference with its integrity by the condition of the speedometer drive cable, which is attached to the gearbox. If it is noticeable that it was recently dismantled and re-attached, you can bring reasonable charges against the seller for fraud.

Another clue is the position of the numbers on the odometer. E If they are set exactly in one stripe, most likely they were adjusted, because if the device really counted kilometers, the numbers would appear on the dial gradually.

Calculate deception on electronic odometer much more difficult, since interference with the vehicle's ECU is very difficult to detect. At a minimum, you will have to contact a service center, where specialists can do this using special equipment.

Did you know?In America, for trying to deceive a buyer and tweak the odometer readings, a car owner can be sentenced to criminal punishment.

The service workers who last changed the oil on the car can also tell you the actual mileage of the car (unless, of course, former owner contacted the service center). According to existing rules, craftsmen must leave a sticker with the date on the car last replacement and the mileage that the car had at that moment.

A clue to the fact that a car is really old, no matter what mileage is on its odometer, will be the condition of the interior. Why salon? Because, often, during repairs, it is the body that is restored - to make it look new, you can simply repaint it and the buyer is unlikely to guess that the car was in a serious accident. But the interior usually receives less attention, so its condition can tell you a lot about how the former owner treated his “four-wheeled friend” and how long it will last. In particular:

Look at how the hinges on the car doors work - do they sag and do they create any backlash when opening.

Assess the condition of the driver's seat. With a mileage of 100 thousand km, you will 100% see a worn seat. If the mileage exceeds 200 thousand km, then the leather is driver's seat it will definitely be covered with cracks; if it is fabric, it may already be completely torn.

The timing belt is another very reliable indicator of mileage. If the odometer shows a very insignificant number, and when you remove the belt you see that it is very worn, most likely the numbers have been adjusted. But if the belt is completely new, it means the car’s mileage is so high that the owner has already had to change it. Also inspect the radiator from its front. If the car has a mileage of more than 100 thousand km, then it will have multiple damages from impacts of stones and sand.

Important! You can find out the actual mileage of a car that was imported into the country from abroad thanks to special questionnaires on car sales services. If the car “came” from Japan, you can find it at one of the auctions, where there will definitely be a presence auction sheets. If we are talking about American car, try to find the car in the Autocheсk or Carfax database.

How more mileage, the more it will change its color and exhaust pipe, becoming more and more red. There is no such sign only if the car has a mileage of up to 50 thousand km. Pay attention to the color too exhaust gas. If it is gray or black, it means there are problems with the engine, which in turn indicates a high mileage.

Another way to find out about the actual mileage is to contact an official service center. But again, this option is only possible if we are talking about a foreign car that the driver serviced under warranty.

Important! If you do not know the reliable mileage of the car, you will not be able to replace it in a timely manner. Supplies, which in turn can lead to an accident.

Well, ultimately, compare the indicator on the odometer with the condition of car treads. If the car has really been driven a lot, they will be very worn out, although often, before selling, many car owners install new protectors on their cars (it is clear that this is done solely in order to sell the car at a higher price).

Does the condition of the car depend only on the mileage?

In fact, no, and the answer to the question, “What mileage is critical for a car?” can be answered differently in each individual case. A car with even the lowest mileage can be so worn out that after leaving the parking lot it falls apart. This is often due to driving style and driving conditions - off-road conditions always leave their mark on the car.

But if the owner resorted to service on time and replaced all worn-out parts only with originals, then even the largest mileage indicator will not be able to tell about real state auto.

Therefore, when buying a used car, always pay attention to its technical condition, and, if possible, agree with the seller to carry out independent examination V service center or any service station.

This way you can find out not only how much the car has already driven, but also guess how much longer it will actually be able to travel and whether it is worth buying. Thus, the odometer reading should not be taken as the final verdict on the condition of the car. This indicator is only important in the implementation service

, which is recommended after a certain number of kilometers traveled. Many buyers are intimidated when choosing a used car. long mileage for the reason that this indicator supposedly directly affects the technical condition of the car, and the larger it is, the worse it is for the car. In fact, mileage is far from the most important factor

when evaluating a car. Much more important is the actual condition, which has only an indirect relation to mileage.

The key factor influencing the condition of the car is operating conditions. Agree, driving on smooth Moscow roads and driving along Siberian “directions” are completely different things. In conditions bad roads

car parts wear out much more intensively, and this applies not only to the suspension, but also to the body, engine, and even the interior.

It is not the mileage that is important, but the operating conditions. An equally important factor is the driving style of the previous driver.

An equally important factor is the driving style of the previous driver. Some hot “macho guy” can easily kill the suspension and engine in just a few months, but a dandelion grandma can drive her Volvo for years, and the car will still be like new.

When evaluating a car, the odometer readings should not be the ultimate truth for you. If the diagnostics do not reveal any serious defects in the car, the mileage data is completely unimportant.

It can be very difficult to answer the question “What mileage will be normal for a car?”, since the condition of the vehicle does not always depend on the number of kilometers left behind. However, in the secondary market this indicator is greatly manipulated, and if the car has low mileage, then its price can be as good as that of a new one. Below we will try to figure out what mileage a used car should have, how this can affect its condition, and what “tweaking” mileage indicators leads to.

Is it possible to clearly answer the question of what the “norm” depends on? How to approximately calculate the normal mileage when buying a car? How to determine the real mileage of a car? Does the condition of the car depend only on the mileage?

Is it possible to clearly answer the question of what the “norm” depends on?

The concept of “normal mileage” for a car is very vague, since it is very difficult to determine what mileage is considered high for a foreign car. The difficulty arises due to the following factors:

Important! The mileage of a car is determined not by the speedometer (the popular phrase is “twisted speedometer”), but by the odometer. After all, the speedometer determines the speed of the car, but the kilometers traveled are recorded on the odometer, which may be located directly next to the speedometer needle.

Where was the car running? If abroad, where the roads are of relatively high quality, and car owners take good care of their cars and replace all consumables on time, then even if the car covered 20 thousand km every year, this will not affect its general condition. But if we are talking about a foreign car that has left the showroom on domestic roads, then even if the average mileage of the car per year is 2 thousand km, this cannot promise the excellent condition of such a car.

How old is the car? The older the car and the more mileage it has, the lower its price will be, since these indicators indicate wear and tear on the car and its parts. However, even a very old car can have very low mileage.

What type of car are we talking about? If this is a small passenger car for the city, then it can cover about 20-30 thousand kilometers per year, if an SUV used exclusively for traveling out of town, it is unlikely to be able to cover ten thousand in a year, and if it’s a heavy-duty vehicle, which was in constant use, it can cover 10 thousand km even within 1 month.

Thus, the normal mileage for a car should be calculated as a mathematical formula, in which, in addition to the mileage, it is worth correlating the origin of the car, its age, the number of owners, the presence of accidents, the type of car and its general condition.

Did you know? When determining a car's mileage, you need to take the reading on its odometer and divide it by the age of the car (or the time the seller owned it).

In fact, the concept of high/low mileage appeared in car markets, where it is beneficial for owners of cars with low mileage to focus on this, trying to prove to buyers that their car is as new as possible and has practically never been in use. But if you are planning to buy a used car, you should not pay special attention to all these stories about the “normal” mileage.

What average mileage per year is considered normal?

The average mileage of a car per year and its norm, again, are rather vague concepts. The optimal mileage for a used car should be approximately 20-30 thousand km per year, and only if the car has been used regularly. If it was used occasionally, many drivers drive no more than 5 thousand km per year.

In any case, when buying a car, you should ask the seller in as much detail as possible about the car and how he used it, and then correlate this data with the readings on the odometer. If, in general, the picture looks logical and you have no doubts about the presence of deception, it means that you have a truly normal mileage.

In any case, when buying a car, you should ask the seller in as much detail as possible about the car and how he used it, and then correlate this data with the readings on the odometer. If, in general, the picture looks logical and you have no doubts about the presence of deception, it means that you have a truly normal mileage.

But if you are going to sell your passenger car, then a car with a mileage of more than 30 thousand km per year will be offered at a lower price, since such mileage is quite large for it. If, say, we are talking about a five-year-old city car, then its odometer should show an indicator of 80 to 120 thousand km. The greater the mileage of such a car, the lower its price will be.

When determining the mileage of a car, it is worth objectively assessing the condition of the car. If it looks fairly used, but the mileage is minimal, you should have additional questions for the seller: “Is the odometer showing the correct mileage?”, “Is the seller the original owner of this car?”, “Has the car been in an accident, and what kind?” Did she undergo repairs at the same time?”

To roughly calculate what mileage will be normal for a particular car, you should ask its seller for the following information: “How old is the car?” and “How intensively was it exploited?”

For example, if a car is sold by a taxi driver, then even a 5-year-old foreign car can have a mileage of more than 200 thousand km. And this indicator will be normal for this car. If the car is sold by a married couple who used it only for rare trips to their summer cottage, then even for a 20-year-old car, a mileage of only 100 thousand km will not be surprising.

It is also worth understanding that in order to increase the value of their car on the market, many motorists resort to illegal manipulations, such as adjusting the odometer readings. Unfortunately, it is possible to falsify indicators both on a mechanical device and on an electronic one. If you have any doubts about the veracity of the mileage stated by the seller, it would be a good idea to check it.

How to determine the actual mileage of a car?

In order to “get to the bottom of the truth” and find out how much mileage the car offered to you for purchase actually has, first of all, it is worth checking the odometer for interference.

If we are talking about a mechanical device, then you can see signs of interference with its integrity by the condition of the speedometer drive cable, which is attached to the gearbox. If it is noticeable that it was recently dismantled and re-attached, you can bring reasonable charges of fraud against the seller.

Another clue is the position of the numbers on the odometer. If they are set exactly in one stripe, most likely they were adjusted, because if the device really counted kilometers, the numbers would appear on the dial gradually.

It is much more difficult to detect fraud on an electronic odometer, since interference with the vehicle's ECU is very difficult to detect. At a minimum, you will have to contact a service center, where specialists can do this using special equipment.

Did you know? In America, for trying to deceive a buyer and tweak the odometer readings, a car owner can be sentenced to criminal punishment.

The service workers who last changed the oil on the car (if, of course, the former owner contacted the service center) can also tell you the actual mileage of the car. According to existing rules, technicians must leave a sticker on the car with the date of the last replacement and the mileage that the car had at that time.

A clue to the fact that a car is really old, no matter what mileage is on its odometer, will be the condition of the interior. Why salon? Because, often, during repairs, it is the body that is restored - to make it look new, you can simply repaint it and the buyer is unlikely to guess that the car was in a serious accident. But the interior usually receives less attention, so its condition can tell you a lot about how the former owner treated his “four-wheeled friend” and how long it will last. In particular:

Look at how the hinges on the car doors work - do they sag and do they create backlash when opening.

Assess the condition of the driver's seat. With a mileage of 100 thousand km, you will 100% see a worn seat. If the mileage has exceeded 200 thousand km, then the leather on the driver’s seat will definitely be covered with cracks; if it is fabric, it may already be completely torn.

The timing belt is another very reliable indicator of mileage. If the odometer shows a very insignificant number, and when you remove the belt you see that it is very worn, most likely the numbers have been adjusted. But if the belt is completely new, it means the car’s mileage is so high that the owner has already had to change it. Also inspect the radiator from its front. If the car has a mileage of more than 100 thousand km, then it will have multiple damages from impacts of stones and sand.

Important! You can find out the actual mileage of a car that was imported into the country from abroad thanks to special questionnaires on car sales services. If the car “came” from Japan, you can find it at one of the auctions, where auction sheets will certainly be present. If we are talking about an American car, try to find the car in the Autocheсk or Carfax database.

The greater the mileage, the more the exhaust pipe will change its color, becoming more and more red. There is no such sign only if the car has a mileage of up to 50 thousand km. Pay attention to the color of the exhaust gas. If it is gray or black, it means there are problems with the engine, which in turn indicates a high mileage.

Another way to find out about the actual mileage is to contact an official service center. But again, this option is only possible if we are talking about a foreign car that the driver serviced under warranty.

Important! If you do not know the correct mileage of the car, you will not be able to replace consumables in a timely manner, which in turn can lead to an accident.

Well, ultimately, compare the indicator on the odometer with the condition of car treads. If the car has really been driven a lot, they will be very worn out, although often, before selling, many car owners install new protectors on their cars (it is clear that this is done solely in order to sell the car at a higher price).

Does the condition of the car depend only on the mileage?

In fact, no, and the answer to the question, “What mileage is critical for a car?” can be answered differently in each individual case. A car with even the lowest mileage can be so worn out that after leaving the parking lot it falls apart. This is often due to driving style and driving conditions - off-road conditions always leave a mark on the car.

But if the owner resorted to service on time and replaced all worn-out parts only with originals, then even the highest mileage indicator will not be able to tell about the real condition of the car.

Therefore, when buying a used car, always pay attention to its technical condition, and, if possible, agree with the seller to conduct an independent examination at a service center or any service station. This way you can find out not only how much the car has already driven, but also guess how much longer it will actually be able to travel and whether it is worth buying.

Thus, the odometer reading should not be taken as the final verdict on the condition of the car. This indicator is important only in the implementation of service, which is recommended to be carried out after a certain number of kilometers driven.

The price tag for a used car depends on its appearance, technical condition, popularity of the model, and prestige of the brand. Of course, the owner’s greed also contributes. But we will focus on the main points that affect the cost of a car on the secondary market.


A simple truth: the more the car has run, the lower its value drops. Here a conflict arises between the seller and the buyer. The first one wants to sell at a higher price, the second wants to buy at a lower price. Therefore, a “compromise,” so to speak, was found. On almost every used car, this same mileage is reduced to a psychologically acceptable level.

Therefore, you can easily find an advertisement for the sale of a conditional Passat B6 produced in 2010 with a figure of 50-60 thousand kilometers on the odometer, and the obligatory note: “the third car in the family, almost never driven.” And the potential buyer gets a so-called feeling of false calm. But if he decides to carry out maximum diagnostics of the car, experts will quickly discover inconsistencies with the “legend”: the technical condition of the car will give it away.

This applies to almost all cars on the secondary market: 9 out of 10 of them have actual mileage that does not match the odometer reading. You can even find a 20- or 30-year-old Mercedes with less than 100,000 miles. Well, supposedly they haven’t driven it all these years - that’s all.

Visual component

Particularly careless sellers don’t even try to create any kind of mess. This is usually explained by the phrase: “I have nothing to be ashamed of, let them think what they want.”

At the same time, scratches, traces of rust, chips or dents on the body for them are not an argument in favor of reducing the value of the car - “the car drove.” The same applies to any damage to the glass. In fact, such “jambs” greatly affect the resale value of the car. Therefore, an experienced buyer with eloquence can extract a substantial discount from the seller.

The price, of course, is also influenced by the condition of the interior. If the chairs are very worn out, or sewn up in some places, and some light bulbs do not work, this is a good reason to start bidding. The same applies to foreign odors. The “spirit” of cigarettes or anything even more specific comes at a heavy price tag.

But, as a rule, sellers add polish to make the car look like new. They carry out pre-sale preparation, hide scratches and chips, and update the interior. As a result, the car ends up in the “sit and go” category. And this quite ordinary trick can work on someone.

By the way, in order not to get into trouble, you should take a closer look at the steering wheel and gearshift lever. Rubs and scratches on them are more difficult to hide.


And here is the most interesting thing. Any deviation from the norm entails a reduction in the price tag. Be it extraneous noises, oil leaks, twitching, creaking, etc.

No one will do serious repairs to, say, the “seventh” BMW of the early 2000s before selling it. Because it will result in a fantastic amount. And as soon as something goes wrong with the “German”, they try to get rid of him. Therefore, the price tag of 700 thousand rubles, or even 600 thousand, should not please, but alarm. Yes, the car will be running. And, quite possibly, some problem will come out after a certain time, but it will definitely come out. Moreover, the first truly serious breakdown can return the most careless and arrogant person to this mortal coil.

Receipts/work orders/invoices for work performed also affect the price. When the service history of a used car is transparent, then the price tag, accordingly, does not decrease much. However, everyone wins. The seller will receive the required amount, and the buyer does not have to worry about running into any pitfalls.

If everything is not going smoothly with the car’s history, you need to spare no expense and carry out the most thorough inspection. Try it on paintwork thickness gauge, check the condition of the suspension, engine and gearbox. Most likely, the money spent can be recouped through a seller discount.


Everything is clear here. A self-respecting motorist should have no trace of rust on his car. But sometimes its occurrence cannot be prevented. This is especially true after winter season. It just so happens that the Russian winter is now severe not because of frost, but because of reagents, from which, first of all, cars suffer. And if the rust is superficial, it can be quickly and efficiently removed. And if it’s neglected...

There are two ways here. First, sell the car with rust, reducing the price. Secondly, try to eliminate the rust and hide the “traces of the crime.” But then to say that the car has not been painted is stupid: a painted element can easily be detected by a thickness gauge.

Color and tuning

Everything here is also quite interesting. Classics, as we know, never get old. Therefore, the price of cars in black, silver or white will always be higher than those of their counterparts painted in red, green or yellow.

In addition, a car in a non-standard color always sells worse. The same applies to various car “tattoos”. Not everyone wants to see an image of some animal or mythical creature on their “steel horse”.

Tuning is also not easy. Both garage “pumping” and “pumping” by qualified craftsmen are assessed by sellers, oddly enough, almost always the same. And the cost of the car, of course, in this case will be overstated.

Geography and demand

Everyone knows that the larger the city, the cheaper the cars. That is why buyers are drawn in lines from Tambov, Lipetsk, Bryansk and other regions to Moscow or St. Petersburg. After all, the difference in cost can be quite significant.

The resale price tag is also influenced by the population’s need for a given brand and its prevalence. It is clear that a car from any limited edition will cost more than its regular “brothers”. On the other hand, popular crossovers are the same Renault Duster— they don’t lose much on resale precisely because they are in demand.