Restrictions for novice drivers. Restrictions for novice drivers in the traffic rules. Penalties for novice drivers

Government Russian Federation published on its website two regulations that affect motorists and motorcyclists. The first of them regulates the receipt of a driver’s license after its expiration or loss: it can now be obtained at multifunctional centers (MFC). The second document introduces some restrictions for motorists and bikers with up to two years of experience. What innovations await drivers are on TASS cards.

Where can I exchange old “rights” for new ones?

Previously, it was possible to “renew” a driver’s license only at the traffic police departments and only after its expiration date, as well as if the document was stolen or disappeared, if it had lost its “marketability.” Now this procedure can be completed at the MFC, and the motorist has the right to exchange documents at any time while his old license is valid.

What documents are needed to replace old “rights” with new ones?

If you have lost your “rights”, change your personal data (for example, last name) or simply want to replace a document, then the list has not changed: you need an application, passport or other identification document, and an old “driver’s license”. A medical certificate is not required, but if you do not bring one, the validity period of the new documents will be the same as the old ones. And having a doctor’s certificate will allow you to drive a vehicle for another ten years. If the validity period of your old “rights” has come to an end or you have medical contraindications to driving a car, then a doctor’s opinion must be provided.

What changes will affect motorcyclists?

For their owners, a speed limit is introduced on highways and roads outside settlements. Now motorcyclists are not allowed to drive at speeds higher than 110 km/h on highways and 90 km/h on other roads. This rule has been applicable to motorists and truck drivers for a long time.

In addition, it is possible to carry passengers on a motorcycle only if the biker has had a category A or A1 license for more than two years. If you have less experience, you can only travel alone. You can also ride passengers on a moped after two years from the date of obtaining a driver’s license - however, of any category.

What innovations await novice drivers?

If you have less than two years of driving experience (according to the Rules traffic(Traffic Regulations) such drivers are classified as novice drivers), your car, motorcycle or moped must have a “novice driver” sign on it. It's a yellow square with an exclamation mark. Previously, such a requirement already existed, but no liability was provided for its failure to comply. Now the absence of this sign will be classified as a malfunction in which the operation of the vehicle is prohibited.

According to the traffic rules, the driver is obliged to fix the problem on the spot (that is, stick a sign) or stop driving. In addition, this violation is subject to a fine of 500 rubles or a verbal warning.

Another innovation is that a novice driver does not have the right to tow another vehicle with his car. At the same time, if the “newbie’s” car breaks down, he will be able to drive on a cable or a rigid hitch - the rules do not provide for any restrictions for towed cars.

Sergey Kruglov

Every year the number of cars on the roads is growing. This is largely due to the replenishment of the ranks of car enthusiasts by novice drivers. Of course, in any study there are exceptions, but as the data shows, for the first year after driving school a person drives very carefully and does not exceed the speed limit, but is overly nervous, which is often the cause of even minor, but very unpleasant accidents. After a year of driving, most people experience euphoria and the person is completely confident that he has a wealth of experience, as they say, “the sea is up to his knees.” It is at this time that newcomers become involved in serious road accidents. In this regard, in our country, a novice driver is a kind of separate category, which has certain restrictions. We will talk about who novice drivers are, what will now be required of them and what will be prohibited from them starting in 2017 in our new article.

As you know, you can get a driver’s license to drive a car or a powerful motorcycle in our country from the age of 18. Based current Rules In road traffic, a novice driver in our country is considered to be a citizen with less than two years of driving experience. Employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate note that based on the results of numerous surveys of people who have just received their license, a clear conclusion can be made that beginners themselves admit discomfort and fear in driving a car in the first year. After graduating from a driving school, knowledge of the theory of traffic rules is sufficient, but practice, as a rule, is not enough.

We can’t do without sad statistics. In 2016, about 12 thousand accidents occurred on the country’s roads involving new drivers, almost 17 thousand people suffered injuries of varying severity, and more than a thousand lost their lives.

There are many reasons for this - the learning process in driving schools, the lack of sufficient practice for novice car enthusiasts and restrictions for them. Having actually received the driver's license, a person can immediately go on the track and maximum speed“drive” in the far left lane. For many European countries– this is impossible.

For example, in Germany, after graduating from a driving school, the driver is given a temporary license with which he drives for a year. After this, a special service studies whether he had any violations and in what quantity? If the driver does not follow the traffic rules in good faith and there are many violations, then his temporary license is extended for another year and he is offered a voluntary-compulsory re-training. This can last until the behavior of the newcomer suits the control inspection. Thanks to this practice, the number of accidents involving novice drivers in Germany is decreasing from year to year.

We are still a long way from such restrictions, however, novice drivers are already faced with certain financial barriers when applying for insurance. , like CASCO for beginners, is much more expensive than for experienced drivers. But this limitation is more related to the financial risks of insurance companies.

The first legislative “swallow” was, within the framework of which novice drivers face fines for violating certain requirements for them. Despite criticism from auto experts and road safety specialists, this legal act has been adopted and is in force in our country. With the exit of this Resolution The government can clearly speak about strengthening control over motorists - novice drivers in the Russian Federation.

Mandatory identification badge for novice driver

“Beginner Driver” sign

Before the adoption of Government Decree No. 333 of March 24, 2017, novice drivers could, at their discretion, inform other road users about their lack of experience driving a vehicle. Some glued a “teapot”, others an orange square with an exclamation mark.

Now a single standard has been established for all novice drivers. In accordance with the List of faults in which the operation of a vehicle is prohibited according to the Traffic Rules, it is prohibited to drive a vehicle that is not equipped with warning signs. This is stated in paragraph 7.15(1) of this List of faults.

In accordance with paragraph 8 of the Regulations on permission to drive a vehicle, if the driver is driving with less than 2 years of experience, then the car must have a special identification sign for a novice driver. This sign is a yellow square with a black exclamation mark, which is located at the rear of the vehicle, usually on rear window left in the upper or lower corner.

Fine for driving without a sign for a novice driver

If a traffic police officer, when checking a driver’s documents, determines that with less than two years of driving experience, a novice driver sticker will not be placed on the rear window of his car, then he will face an administrative fine.

Responsibility for the absence of a special identification mark for novice drivers is established by part 1 of article 12.5 of the Code of administrative offenses. According to this norm, a novice driver will face a fine of 500 rubles if he does not have a sign.

What is prohibited for novice drivers?

The next change to the Rules of the Road was the restriction for novice drivers to tow vehicles. Section 20 of the Russian Road Traffic Regulations is supplemented by clause 20.2(1), which states that driving a towing vehicle is possible for drivers with more than 2 years of driving experience.

If a traffic police officer determines that a novice driver is towing, he will face a fine of 500 rubles in accordance with Article 12.21 “Violation of towing rules” of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Another innovation of the Government Resolution No. 333 of March 24, 2017 was Article 22.2(1) of the Road Traffic Rules, which introduces a ban for novice motorcyclists to carry passengers. Behind this offense The driver faces a fine of 500 rubles under Article 12.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

These changes caused a storm of discussion and controversy among both car enthusiasts and car experts. Some argue that increasing responsibility for novice drivers will help reduce accidents. Others believe that these changes will only worsen the situation on the road. As you know, many “experienced” drivers provoke newcomers with an exclamation mark by cutting off and sharp braking. In addition, a very large number of people, having received their license, do not drive for several years. After two years, with virtually no experience, they hit the road as an experienced driver. However, the Russian Government’s policy for monitoring novice drivers has been outlined, amendments have been approved and included in the current edition of the Traffic Rules, which means you will have to comply with them or pay an administrative fine.

Do you support stricter traffic rules for novice drivers?

The changes to the traffic rules regarding restrictions for novice drivers with less than two years of experience, introduced today by the Government, are absolutely adequate and reasonable, said the head of the Federation of Car Owners of Russia Sergei Kanaev to the Parliamentary Newspaper.

“If a person just got behind the wheel, why should he transport passengers on motorbikes? So many deaths, why spread it further? A novice driver should be told: “First, guy, learn to drive yourself, when this is your only life, and then get everyone else to join you,” Kanaev said. The rule banning the carriage of passengers for novice drivers, he said, is in effect in many countries and really helps improve road safety.

As for the ban on the transportation of large cargo, trailers, and towing for drivers with little experience, this is also normal, Kanaev is sure.

“Let a person see how this is done, maybe someone will teach him this on the road, because they don’t teach this in driving schools, it takes practice. Those who have just received a license do not understand how to do this,” said the head of the Federation of Car Owners.

Regarding penalties for the lack of identification marks, “a novice driver” is also a “not out of the ordinary” restriction, Kanaev is sure.

“When you see this icon, you react normally. And when you don’t understand what’s happening, why a person stood in the middle of the road and what he wants to do, this, of course, annoys car owners. They start getting out of their cars, honking their horns... And when you see that it’s a newcomer, you drive around calmly and move on,” said Sergei Kanaev.

It will be easier for beginners if they are marked on the road, he is sure. But, unfortunately, not everyone is going to install these signs on their cars, which is why penalties are introduced.

“You can easily buy this “novice driver” badge for a maximum of 200 rubles, there are no problems - stick it on and drive normally,” Kanaev concluded.

Let us recall that back in February of this year, it was proposed to introduce restrictions for inexperienced motorists in the Union of Moscow Driving Schools. Including bans on driving at night, according to federal highways, special speed mode, a ban on the transportation of passengers and cargo, a two-year probationary period for obtaining a license and temporary driver license for newbies.

Of all the proposals, the traffic rules included a ban on drivers with less than two years of experience driving towing vehicles. vehicles, transporting passengers on a motorcycle and operating vehicles in the absence of a “novice driver” identification sign (a yellow square with a black exclamation mark is installed at the rear of the vehicle).

For violating the towing rules in the Code of Administrative Offences, there is a warning or a fine of 500 rubles; for transporting a passenger on a motorcycle and for the lack of an identification mark, newcomers will also face a fine of 500 rubles.

From April 2017, new clauses will be added to the Traffic Rules that relate to restrictions for drivers with less than 2 years of experience. They are put into effect by Government Decree No. 333 of March 24, 2017.

Drivers with less than two years of driving experience are prohibited from:

Towing other vehicles;

Transportation of passengers on motor vehicles (motorcycles and mopeds).

The fine for violating towing rules is 500 rubles or a warning (Article 12.21 of the Administrative Code).

The fine for violating the rules for transporting passengers is 500 rubles (Article 12.23 of the Administrative Code).

In addition, changes affected the maximum speed of motorcycles and the rules for the use of identification marks, such as novice driver, spikes, road train, deaf driver, etc. Let's take a closer look.

Maximum speed of motorcycles on highways

Clause 10.3 of the traffic rules “driving outside populated areas is permitted:

Passenger cars and trucks with permitted maximum weight no more than 3.5 tons on highways - at a speed of no more than 110 km/h, on other roads - no more than 90 km/h;

Intercity and small buses and motorcycles on all roads - no more than 90 km/h;

Movement outside populated areas is permitted:

Motorcycles, passenger cars and trucks with a permissible maximum weight of no more than 3.5 tons on highways - at a speed of no more than 110 km/h, on other roads - no more than 90 km/h;

Intercity and small buses on all roads - no more than 90 km/h;

Motorcyclists will now be able to travel on motorways at a speed of 110 km/h instead of 90 km/h from April 4.

Towing restrictions for novice drivers

Traffic regulations clause 20.21. When towing, driving towing vehicles must be carried out by drivers who have been licensed to drive vehicles for 2 years or more.

Let's figure it out - restrictions are imposed on the driver of the towing vehicle. The driver of the towing vehicle must have the right to drive vehicles of any category for 2 or more years.

Features of installing the “Beginner Driver” sign

The “Beginner Driver” sign is in the form of a yellow square (side 150 mm) with a picture exclamation point black, 110 mm high - behind motor vehicles (except for tractors, self-propelled vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds) driven by drivers who have been licensed to drive these vehicles for less than 2 years.

Until April 4, 2017, the “Beginner Driver” sign had to be on the back of mopeds. After traffic rules changes this requirement is canceled.

New paragraph 7.151 has been added to the list of malfunctions and conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited:

7.151. There are no identification marks that must be installed in accordance with paragraph 8 of the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and responsibilities officials to ensure road safety, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers - Government of the Russian Federation of October 23, 1993 N 1090 “On Road Traffic Rules”.

From April 4, 2017, the operation of vehicles without identification marks is prohibited:

Identification sign "Spikes" identification mark"Transportation of children", Identification sign "Deaf driver", Identification sign "Educational vehicle", Identification sign "Speed ​​limit", Identification sign " Dangerous cargo", identification mark" Oversized cargo", identification sign "Slow-moving vehicle", identification sign "Long vehicle", identification sign "Beginner driver".

For the absence of the above signs, you can now receive a fine of 500 rubles (Part 1 of Article 12.5 of the Administrative Code).

MOSCOW, March 27 – RIA Novosti. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev approved changes to traffic rules. The amendments apply, in particular, to novice drivers whose experience does not exceed two years.

"Pulled up" MFC

One of the government resolutions signed by Medvedev gives multifunctional centers the right to issue new licenses to drivers. Now these functions are assigned to units of the State Traffic Inspectorate.

The document states that MFCs will be able to issue drivers new licenses received from the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, as well as international driving licenses.

In addition, the resolution clarifies the issues of replacement driver's licenses before expiration - drivers who provide a medical certificate will be able to obtain new licenses that will be valid for ten years. Now the originally established deadline cannot be changed.

The government expects that the changes will help improve the quality of public services, reduce the financial and time costs of Russians, and also reduce the likelihood of corruption when issuing driver’s licenses.

Restrictions for beginners

Medvedev also approved restrictions for novice drivers. This definition will include motorists whose driving period does not exceed two years.

According to the new rules, newcomers will not be able to tow other cars, carry passengers on motorcycles, mopeds and scooters, or drive vehicles with large, heavy or dangerous loads.

Also, beginners will have to “tag” their cars with the “Beginner Driver” badge.

Expert opinion

The head of the Federation of Car Owners of Russia, Sergei Kanaev, positively assessed the innovations for “automotive beginners”.

“We can say that they are quite reasonable. I don’t see anything so terrible there. The fact that they (newcomers - ed.) will be limited somehow a little, but this is to stimulate,” Kanaev told RIA Novosti.

The head of the FAR also called for restrictions on the power of cars and motorcycles to allow newcomers to “get used to less powerful vehicles.” According to him, a kind of probationary period can be introduced for novice drivers.

“Relatively speaking, after graduating from a driving school, you receive a two-year probationary period, during which, in fact, you should not get into an accident, you should not commit gross traffic violations. And if this happens, then you go to retake,” added Shkumatov .

In turn, the coordinator of the “Blue Buckets” Pyotr Shkumatov criticized the new rules. According to him, the restrictions are “practically unjustified.”

“Not a single figure that, for example, would say that novice drivers towing another car will definitely get into an accident... there is no such data. That is, in fact, these proposals, in my opinion, were adopted on the basis of some unfounded assumptions, hypotheses that need to be verified,” Shkumatov noted.

At the same time, he agreed that in case of rude traffic violations(for example, for driving through a red light), newcomers should not only be fined, but also sent for retraining. According to the expert, novice drivers should be prohibited from driving commercial transport, for example, taxi.

USSR experience

Restrictions for novice motorists existed in traffic rules back in the Soviet Union. Then newcomers were also given a “temporary license” - a unique document that has no analogues in the world. But in 1991 this practice was abandoned.

Meanwhile, the problem of accidents among novice drivers continued to attract the attention of relevant departments. In 2012, the Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs proposed to partially revive Soviet requirements: to limit the speed of novice drivers to 70 kilometers per hour. The department also asked to prohibit the carriage of more than one passenger and traffic in dark time days.

At the beginning of 2015, the traffic police published a draft normative document. Drivers with less than two years of experience were prohibited from towing other cars, carrying passengers on motorcycles, or driving vehicles carrying heavy, bulky or dangerous cargo.

In March of the same year, it was again proposed to ban experienced drivers drive at speeds over 70 kilometers per hour.

Experts criticized the project on several points. Thus, the chairman of the College of Legal Protection of Car Owners, Viktor Travin, noted that it is not clear why the experience of a beginner is limited to exactly two years - after all, there were no statistics on this matter.

In addition, according to traffic rules, the driver must drive along the road at the speed of the flow, if it does not exceed the permitted speed, but the idea of ​​​​imposing restrictions on beginners directly contradicted this.