Car battery warranty. Does the warranty cover accessory batteries? Warranty card for car batteries

It’s hard to imagine that just a purchased battery can break, because it costs at least 2-3 thousand rubles and a lot of wasted time. However, do not rush to part with money and get it in order to start the engine. A failed battery can be replaced under warranty. Of course, not always. We will discuss further what kind of breakdowns happen, what causes them, and whether you can count on replacing the battery.

So, problems with new battery can be caused by two main reasons. The first is improper installation or operation, the second is a manufacturing defect. Of course, the battery can only be replaced under warranty in the second case, namely under the following circumstances:

  • When a defect is detected, it is called a cold junction. Basically it's a break electrical circuit, as a result of which the battery becomes inoperative. In order to explain the features of this process, we will have to recall information about the design and operating principle lead acid batteries. You probably know that all positive electrodes or plates are connected to each other in series using a so-called bridge. On older batteries it is located on top and looks like lead jumpers; on modern batteries the bridge is hidden in the case. The positive electrode, together with the negatively charged plate, alternates and forms one block with a voltage of 2 Volts (there are 6 such cans in a 12-volt battery). To separate the electrodes from each other, special plates or separators are used. During the manufacturing process of automobiles and in factory conditions, sometimes there is no reliable contact between the jumper and the plate due to defects. As a result, the contact oxidizes and the lead melts under the influence of high temperature, which arose due to increased resistance in the oxidized area. That is, the chain breaks. This phenomenon is called a cold junction.
  • Due to a short circuit resulting from misalignment of the electrodes inside the housing. It is known that the plates or electrodes of a battery are separated by separators, which often have the form of envelopes. During the production process of the battery, the plate is lowered into the separator, and sometimes it becomes skewed. Having sharp corners, the electrode can damage the “envelope” that serves as an insulator. As a result, short circuit and breakdown of the battery.

In conclusion, it is worth talking about one more manufacturing defect, which is considered a full basis for replacing the battery under warranty. This is a short circuit caused by malfunction technological equipment. Automated lines, working in battery factories, sometimes make “mistakes” due to incorrect adjustment. It is this circumstance that often causes the appearance of manufacturing defects in the form of too much shrinkage of the overly stretched separator film and exposure of the plate, causing a short circuit.

What to do if a warranty case occurs.

The warranty period for a car battery assumes the absence of manufacturing defects during the period indicated in the warranty card. Identification and confirmation of a battery defect, especially after 10-12 months of operation, should be carried out in specialized centers by opening it.

When buying a battery, you need to make sure you have a warranty card and a cash or sales receipt. When advancing warranty case you need to charge the battery and submit it for examination to the warranty service center.

Battery failure occurs in two cases: a manufacturing defect and operational defect.

What is a factory defect?

The warranty only applies to manufacturing defects that the manufacturer could not identify during production. By issuing a warranty card, the manufacturer insures the quality of its products. According to statistics, manufacturing defects are detected in the first six months of operation.

If the connecting bridges between the banks, as well as the pole terminals, are welded poorly, a break in the discharge circuit occurs inside the battery, which does not allow it to be used as an energy source. IN warranty period This battery must be replaced.

A short circuit in one of the cans reduces the voltage by 1.5-2.0 V, but the battery can remain operational. A short circuit between the plates occurs at low currents and voltages of one block (can), and the discharge process occurs in a liquid (electrolyte). A “shorted” can loses its ability to give off energy (as well as receive it when charging), and “boils away” when charging during operation. Filled with low-density electrolyte, it becomes a “ballast” in the battery. So there is a short circuit inside starter battery leads to a decrease in its potential energy stored in the active mass of the plates and electrolyte during charging.

As practice shows, if such defects are present, the battery cannot operate for more than a year.

Batteries considered defective (for production reasons) may include batteries whose electrodes contain unformed active mass (during battery formation). They have low starting characteristics and provide a small number of attempts to start the engine (2-3). The battery boils intensely when charging and discharging.

What is an operational defect?

The battery life depends 90% on the driving mode of the car. Don't expect the battery to last long if you have a large engine and short mileage. By starting the engine, you discharge your battery. Not receiving enough charge from the generator (during short runs the battery does not have time to fully charge), the battery begins to desulfate, loses its capacity, and is subjected to deep discharges, which leads to his quick death. The same thing happens when the battery operates in taxi mode. The manufacturer cannot control the mileage, charge level of the battery during its operation and general state cars. Therefore, the warranty is given only for manufacturing defects, and not for the service life of the battery. Those. Failure of the battery in these cases is a defect resulting from improper operation. And the manufacturer is not responsible for it.

Also, the warranty does not apply to:

Mechanical damage resulting from operation, improper storage or transportation of the battery.

Incorrect installation and connections.

When making constructive changes not provided by the manufacturer.

Be careful. At the warranty workshop common cause failure to replace a defective battery will result in scratches and small dents on the body and pole terminals of the battery. When describing appearance The battery is written about the presence of traces of mechanical damage. Although, according to the instructions, the driver is obliged to regularly check the condition of the battery (recharge to full capacity). On many vehicles this cannot be done without removing the battery from the vehicle. And during any work, including removal and installation, “traces” almost always remain, which should be qualified in the description as “traces of operation and maintenance.” TO " mechanical damage"Only those damages that can affect specifications batteries: leakage of electrolyte, deformation of electrodes, damage to separators.

Does the warranty cover the phone battery? The battery is a component that often fails. When purchasing a smartphone, the buyer wants to know whether he can replace or repair the power supply if it breaks. According to Article 20 of the collection on consumer protection, the buyer has the right to compensation if the device breaks down through no fault of his own.

The right to repair is granted for mobile phone together with components, including the battery. To know guarantee period on the battery of the purchased phone, you can look at the warranty card. There are several warranty options:

  1. General (for all devices).
  2. General, but battery is not provided (this must be stated in writing).
  3. There is no warranty for the cell phone, but there is a warranty for the battery.
  4. There is a warranty period for both the battery and the smartphone, but their duration does not match.

All cases, except the second, are grounds for visiting the company’s service center to replace or repair the battery charge. In the second case, it will not be possible to repair or replace the part according to the law. This is likely only if, as a result of the inspection, the manufacturer (more precisely, the service center representing it) decides to extend the coupon to battery pack to resolve the conflict.

How long is the warranty on a phone battery?

According to the current article, the deadline for providing repair work is distributed from the information specified in the coupon. There is no general guarantee template. Its validity period can be from 1 month to 3 years. Basically, this is 6 months or 1 year - exactly how much is determined by each specific manufacturer (Samsung, Apple, etc.).

Let's consider several options:

  1. There is a document for purchase, information about the nutritional details is not indicated, you need to act immediately. You can contact the service before the warranty card for the entire device expires.
  2. The deadline for the component is specified separately. It is longer than the period for the product itself. You can contact the company while the block coupon is valid.
  3. The battery replacement period expires earlier than the product coupon period. You can still try to repair the damage.

For a better understanding, you can refer to the table:

Type of paperCirculation period
For the entire mobile phoneUntil the end of the validity period of the device coupon
Only for power supplyUntil the end of the battery warranty
For the battery and smartphone, the battery expires earlierThe entire validity period of the paper on the smartphone
On the block and phone, on the mobile phone it expires earlierThe entire period of validity of the document for the component
Free repairs and battery replacements are prohibited.Never

Warranty claim procedure

If warranty document is still valid, you should contact the manufacturer’s service center. The official website indicates which address to contact if the device breaks down.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. The device along with the battery is sent for repair;
  2. An examination is carried out to determine what exactly has failed (the unit, contacts or the cell phone itself);
  3. It is found out whose fault the failure occurred (the company or the owner);
  4. If the culprit of the failure is the company, then the service center will compensate for the damage.

Compensation for damage is carried out within 45 days from the date of receipt of the device for repair. If the company is conscientious, it will perform the necessary operations on the first day or within a week.

What is necessary

When contacting the service center, you must have with you:

  • drawn up circular;
  • product purchase receipt;
  • passport.

Be sure to take your smartphone with you and battery charge, which is out of order. Otherwise, the component cannot be inspected and repaired.

Subtleties and nuances of the procedure

The owner of the part must claim compensation for the damage. Types of compensation:

  • financial compensation;
  • part replacement;
  • repair parts.

You cannot receive multiple types of compensation at once. It is also impossible to completely replace the device if the battery breaks.

Free repair carried out only if the part has failed due to the fault of the manufacturer (due to defects, defects).

To submit the battery to the warranty point, you need a correctly completed warranty card. It is issued at the time of purchase. The coupon must contain the following information:

Battery type and data: EMF, voltage indicators occurring at a load of up to 200 A during 7 seconds of discharge, battery testing mark.

Battery sale date.

Signatures of the seller and the person who made the purchase.

Stamp of the store that sold the battery.

Instruments for testing and diagnosing batteries

1. Special hydrometer.

2. Tester that measures EMF.

3. Load plug-probe for 150-200 A.

4. Charge-discharge stand (designed for discharge up to 700 A).

5. A device (tester) that evaluates battery parameters.

Procedure for inspecting and diagnosing the battery

First of all, they are examined to identify defects. First of all, they check the integrity of the battery case itself - in order to determine whether there are dents and cracks, as well as traces of leaks on the side walls.

The inscriptions on the battery must completely match the data on the warranty card.

Then static indicators are measured. These include emf, density and temperature of the electrolyte. In a battery with plugs, the level above the plate blocks themselves is also measured.

The color of the indicator (if available) is fixed.

In test mode, the battery is discharged to the test plug (150-200 A). Any change in voltage level is measured using an accurate tester that is connected to the battery poles. Then, by comparing the static indicators of the battery with the discharge data, the expert assesses the condition of the battery being tested.

Sometimes the battery is checked for such a parameter as the integrity of the internal circuit. To do this, the battery is connected to a charger, which must be equipped with a knob that regulates the current and charge voltage level (corresponding to a minimum of 20 V). This should be done, since deep discharge batteries have increased internal resistance. If it turns out that charging current missing, you need to check whether there is a gap between the banks. The test is carried out through special holes in the battery cover (the voltage surge between several banks is checked).

Fully charge an already depleted battery

It is made in a state direct current or DC voltage(until the desired indicators stabilize). These include the density of the electrolyte (reduced to 25°C), the voltage level at the poles of 16.0-16.3 V, achieved at a current at the end of the charge of 5% of the nominal capacity. The density of the electrolyte while charging is in progress must be monitored in all battery banks. The so-called boiling of the electrolyte should be monitored, and at the end of the charging process, density correction is carried out in banks where there is a deviation from the desired indicators.

When the battery is fully charged and a pause is made (the so-called release), the battery is tested with a current discharge of 0.4-0.6 EN (the desired temperature is about 26 degrees).

It is the voltage that is obtained during a discharge of half a minute that demonstrates the current condition of the battery and the degree of wear. Please note that the voltage should not drop below 10 V.

If everything goes according to the above plan, then the battery is considered to be in good condition.

If there is a malfunction in the battery, then boiling of the electrolyte in the faulty bank will occur, as well as the release of vaporous gas having bad smell. In this case, the battery should be opened to understand the causes of the defect. There are two options: it could appear as a result of a manufacturing defect, or it could arise during operation.

The main task of the test is to confirm the presence of a defect in the battery, which has lost its performance during start-up mode. Naturally, with a valid warranty.

Checking batteries belonging to the category of “plug-free”

It is more complex. Several holes with a diameter of no more than 6 cm are checked in the battery cover. Thanks to them, both the level and density of the electrolyte in the battery are assessed. If the battery is in good condition, the resulting holes are sealed with a soldering iron using plastic blocks or strips. Faulty batteries must be opened in order to determine the cause and characteristics of existing defects. But to carry out such actions (especially drilling) you need special skills and compliance with safety precautions

Causes of problems with maintenance-free batteries

Very often the status " maintenance free battery» misleads inexperienced motorists. Namely: drivers believe that purchasing this battery makes it unnecessary to monitor the state of charge of the battery when different situations. Meanwhile, as a result of intensive long-term movement and increased temperature under the hood, the electrolyte often boils away and its level decreases. This is a harsh reality: the electrolyte level becomes lower due to boiling and will not be equal to the stated standards. The consequences of lack of control during operation will lead to problems with the battery.

Return back to

The warranty period for a car battery assumes the absence of manufacturing defects during the period indicated in the warranty card. Identification and confirmation of a battery defect, especially after 10-12 months of operation, should be carried out in specialized centers by opening it.

When buying a battery, you need to make sure you have a warranty card and a cash or sales receipt. If a warranty case occurs, you need to charge the battery and submit it for examination to the warranty service center.

Battery failure occurs in two cases: a manufacturing defect and an operational defect.

The warranty only applies to manufacturing defects that the manufacturer could not identify during production. By issuing a warranty card, the manufacturer insures the quality of its products. According to statistics, manufacturing defects are detected in the first six months of operation.

If the connecting bridges between the banks, as well as the pole terminals, are welded poorly, a break in the discharge circuit occurs inside the battery, which does not allow it to be used as an energy source. During the warranty period, such a battery must be replaced.

A short circuit in one of the cans reduces the voltage by 1.5-2.0 V, but the battery can remain operational. A short circuit between the plates occurs at low currents and voltages of one block (can), and the discharge process occurs in a liquid (electrolyte).

A “shorted” can loses its ability to give off energy (as well as receive it when charging), and “boils away” when charging during operation. Filled with low-density electrolyte, it becomes a “ballast” in the battery. Thus, a short circuit inside the starter battery leads to a decrease in its potential energy stored in the active mass of the plates and electrolyte during charging.

As practice shows, if such defects are present, the battery cannot operate for more than a year.

Batteries considered defective (for production reasons) may include batteries whose electrodes contain unformed active mass (during battery formation). They have low starting characteristics and provide a small number of attempts to start the engine (2-3). The battery boils intensely when charging and discharging.

The battery life depends 90% on the driving mode of the car. Don't expect the battery to last long if you have a large engine and short mileage. By starting the engine, you discharge your battery. Not receiving enough charge from the generator (during short runs the battery does not have time to fully charge), the battery begins to desulfate, loses its capacity, and is subjected to deep discharges, which leads to its rapid death.

The same thing happens when the battery operates in taxi mode. The manufacturer cannot control the mileage, the battery charge level during its operation and the general condition of the car. Therefore, the warranty is given only for manufacturing defects, and not for the service life of the battery. Those. Failure of the battery in these cases is a defect resulting from improper operation. And the manufacturer is not responsible for it.

Also, the warranty does not apply to:

Mechanical damage resulting from operation, improper storage or transportation of the battery;

Incorrect installation and connection;

When making design changes not provided by the manufacturer.

Be careful. In a warranty workshop, a common reason for refusing to replace a defective battery is the presence of scratches and small dents on the case and pole terminals of the battery. When describing the appearance of the battery, they write about the presence of traces of mechanical damage. Although, according to the instructions, the driver is obliged to regularly check the condition of the battery (recharge to full capacity). On many vehicles this cannot be done without removing the battery from the vehicle.

And during any work, including removal and installation, “traces” almost always remain, which should be qualified in the description as “traces of operation and maintenance.” “Mechanical damage” should include only those damages that can affect the technical characteristics of the battery: leakage of electrolyte, deformation of the electrodes, damage to the separators.