When the car does not want to drink or what to do if water gets into the gas tank (how to drain water from the gas tank). Do you know that there is water in the gas tank of your car? What happens if water gets into gasoline?

Water in the fuel tank is a fairly common occurrence. Due to the condensate that appears, the high-pressure pump, fuel line, injectors, injector nozzles, etc. may fail. Therefore, for safe operation It is extremely important for a car to detect the problem in a timely manner and take measures to eliminate it.

Causes and symptoms of water in the fuel tank

Typically, water enters the gas tank through the hatch and neck before refueling. A hissing sound when the plug is unscrewed indicates the presence of air in the tank, the amount of which depends on the fuel level. The air contains moisture vapor, which accumulates in condensed form on the walls of the tank, and later turns into droplets at its bottom.

The appearance of water in the gas tank can cause failure of the fuel pump and other components of the car.

Condensation accumulates for quite a long time (several years may pass), but significant damage to the car, especially in cold weather, can be caused.

In addition, water in the tank may appear as a result of:

  • adding water to fuel at a gas station;
  • violations of fuel transportation and storage technology;
  • intentional addition of water by third parties.

And finally, water can get in along with air if the seal of the gas tank is broken.

A leaky gas tank can also cause water to appear in it.

You can detect water in a gas tank quite simply by a number of indirect signs.

Water that gets into the engine from the gas tank can cause corrosion. Moreover, turning water into ice can cause the motor to freeze.

Methods for removing water from a gas tank

Water should be removed from the fuel tank before starting the engine. To do this, you can use special chemical compositions, and do without them.

Mechanical removal of water from the gas tank

The following methods are most often used.

Removing water using special means

Clear fuel tank moisture can be removed using special chemicals.

Use of additives

Additives added to oil or fuel are divided into four types:

  1. Fuel saving additives. They are added to gasoline and reduce its consumption by about 10% by cleaning the engine. The additive, along with the fuel, passes through the combustion chamber, valves and other components and cleans power unit. These funds are used when unstable work cars for Idling or insufficient engine power.

    Water can be removed from the gas tank using special additives

  2. Dehydrogenating additives. They are usually used at low temperatures, when a mixture of gasoline and water is in fuel system may freeze.

    Dehydrogenating additives effectively remove water from the gas tank

  3. Stabilizing additives. They are added to engine oil and regulate the composition exhaust gases. Such additives increase the viscosity of the oil at elevated temperatures, minimizing the amount of carbon monoxide in the exhaust, and are used only for preventive purposes.

    Stabilizing additive makes vehicle emissions less harmful to the environment

  4. Antifriction or restoration additives. They are used for high mileage car (more than 100 thousand km). Cleansing inner surface engine from dirt, such additives restore cylinder walls and other components when small scratches and cracks. As a result, compression increases.

    Anti-friction additives stabilize engine performance

The attitude of car enthusiasts towards additives is ambiguous. In any case, it is better to try to prevent the “illness” of the car than to “treat” it with the help of additives.

Main brands of water removal additives

The following brands of additives are most popular among car owners.

  1. E.R. The additive is popular among owners of cars with high mileage. Its effectiveness has been confirmed by laboratory studies. This is a kind of “metal conditioner” that minimizes friction between individual components of the car. As a result of using ER, fuel consumption decreases, engine torque and power increases, the engine runs quieter and the mileage between oil changes increases. The advantages of ER include its low cost.

    ER additive increases engine life

  2. ZTON. One bottle costing 450 rubles removes 26 ml of water. In addition, it washes and dries the inner walls of the gas tank.

    3TON additive effectively removes moisture from the gas tank

  3. Liqui Molly Cera Tec. The additive is designed to increase the service life of metal engine parts. It evens out all microscopic damage to the engine cavity and reduces friction between its individual components. The operating time of the additive corresponds to approximately 50 thousand kilometers. As a result, oil and fuel consumption will decrease, engine life will increase and noise will significantly decrease. This additive costs about 1,500 rubles.

    Protective anti-friction Liqui additive Molly CeraTec helps effectively remove water from the fuel tank

  4. "Suprotek - Universal 100". Designed specifically for small trucks and passenger cars with an engine capacity of up to 2.4 liters and a mileage of more than 200 thousand km. The additive reduces gasoline and oil consumption and also stabilizes idle speed. The resource of the fuel system is increased to the level of engines running on gas. Despite the relatively high cost(about 1 thousand rubles), the additive has proven its effectiveness.

    Suprotek-Universal 100 additive is designed for small trucks and cars

  5. STP. One package removes 20 ml of water from the tank. The cheapest among analogues (about 85 rubles). It does not contain alcohol, so the efficiency of water removal is quite low.

    Inexpensive STP additive will remove water from a car’s gas tank

Ways to prevent water from entering the gas tank

In any case, it will not be possible to completely remove water from the gas tank. However, you can reduce the likelihood of it getting into the tank using the following recommendations:

  • do not refuel at unfamiliar gas stations;
  • do not open the gas tank cap frequently - get rid of the habit of refueling with a small amount of fuel;
  • in wet weather, fill full tank gasoline, due to which water is completely displaced from the container;
  • in the fall, add about 200 grams of alcohol or special additives to the tank;
  • change in a timely manner fuel filter;
  • Empty the gas tank every fall, then dry the gas tank well and refill maximum amount fuel;
  • Install a lid with a complex lock on the tank neck.

Freezing water in the gas tank and solutions to the problem

In winter, water that gets into the gas tank freezes. This is quite dangerous. Pieces of ice begin to block the flow of fuel into the system. This may cause the fuel pump to fail. Even if the car starts, the engine will run unevenly, with dips. This will be especially noticeable when driving uphill.

Frozen water in fuel can quickly damage a car.

If water accidentally gets into the fuel line, it will freeze in winter. Gasoline will not flow into the engine and the car will not start. Since water expands when it freezes, the injector nozzles may be destroyed and the injection system will stop working. In addition, repeated attempts to start the engine in winter can drain the battery or damage the fuel pump. In this case, you need to drive the car into warm garage or remove the gas tank and melt the ice with a stream of warm, dry air.

Video: removing water from the gas tank

More or less water is present in any fuel tank. The main thing is to promptly recognize the signs of the negative impact of moisture on the car. Of great importance are preventive measures, including the use of high-quality fuel.

Almost everyone more or less experienced driver I heard about the practice of using alcohol as a gas tank cleaner to remove water. Taking into account the fact that winter cold will arrive very soon, it is simply necessary to remove excess liquid from the tank, because it can cause some problems (we will talk about them below). Some people believe that you can pour alcohol into a gas tank, which will effectively remove water, but there are also opposing opinions. Nevertheless, various moisture displacers are now sold on the market, but their prices are quite high (a regular branded tube can cost 400 rubles or more). Therefore, many drivers prefer to mix alcohol and gasoline, which will cost only 20-30 rubles. Let's try to figure out what kind of practice this is and whether it is dangerous to use it.

Why pour alcohol into the gas tank?

There are various reasons why water can get into the tank. Given that its density is higher than the density of the fuel, it settles at the bottom of the container. The gasoline pump pumps fuel almost from the bottom, so some of the water can be captured along with gasoline. This will have a negative impact on the efficiency of the power system and engine. If possible, it is better to avoid this.

In winter, the bottom layer of water in the tank may freeze, and the ice will block the path for gasoline. As a result, the car won't even start. And if a car is picked up from a cold street, brought into a warm garage and after that it starts successfully (the ice melts), then this indicates the presence of water in the tank. In this case, you can try to pour alcohol into the gas tank to remove excess moisture.

How does water even get there?

There are different ways that water can form in the tank. At least three can be distinguished:

  1. Condensate. Over five years, about 100-200 ml of water can form in the tank. This is negligible.
  2. Precipitation. When refueling occurs in snow or rain, water may enter the tank in small quantities. On average, about 100 ml of water can flow over several years.
  3. Petrol. The fuel itself, which is located in underground storage, may also contain water. This indicates either the presence of condensation or dishonest sellers. Even when purchased at a usually higher price, it cannot be guaranteed that there will be no condensation in it.

If we take into account all sources of moisture, then in 3-4 years 100-200 ml of water can form at the bottom, which it is advisable to remove from there.

Why is moisture in the tank dangerous?

Many untreated metal fuel tanks can simply rust from water. However, most often the danger lies precisely in the freezing of water at negative temperatures. Now in almost all modern cars The fuel pump is installed directly in the tank. It has a fine mesh that prevents debris from entering the fuel system. It doesn't let anything through except gasoline. It is on this mesh that moisture settles, and in winter it turns into ice, thus blocking the passage for fuel. Because of this, the fuel pump may even fail due to overheating.

What to pour?

Alcohols remove moisture perfectly. Regular ethyl alcohol works well; you can also use isopropyl or methyl alcohol (poisonous). You only need to add a little to the tank - about 200 ml per 40 liters of gasoline.

The density of alcohol is higher than the density of fuel, so when added, alcohol sinks to the bottom and mixes with water. To put it very roughly, when mixed, vodka is formed (this is if you pour ethyl alcohol). However, due to the ban, it is not sold in pharmacies, and it is difficult to find. However, isopropyl can be found at hardware markets or in radio products.

You can also use solvent or acetone. Of course, it is best to add alcohol to gasoline. It is more effective to remove water with its help, but these drugs will also cope. Solvent is a little worse in this regard, since its octane number is in the region of 60-70, and the number of acetone is about 100.

They also need to be poured into the tank in small quantities - about 250-300 ml per 40 liters of fuel. Moreover, it is advisable to pour them immediately after refueling.

What happens if you add alcohol or acetone to gasoline?

Considering that alcohol or acetone does not mix with gasoline, questions arise about the effectiveness of this method of removing moisture from the tank. In fact, the job of alcohol is not to mix with gasoline. Alcohol or acetone when mixed with water forms a flammable mixture that can easily pass through the filter fuel pump and ignite in the combustion chamber.

As a result, excess moisture or water will be removed from the fuel tank, and the water and acetone itself, in very small quantities, will not cause any significant harm to the fuel system or the engine itself. Therefore, it is absolutely not necessary for acetone to be mixed with gasoline in order for the tank to be effectively cleaned of water. Therefore, it is not always appropriate to pour alcohol into the gas tank. You can even get by with regular acetone, which is sold everywhere.

As for the cost, 500 ml of acetone costs an average of 70 rubles. We only need half of this (250 ml), which will cost 35 rubles. It is cheap enough to completely remove water from a fuel tank.

Magazine displacers

Many car owners believe that acetone or alcohol can harm the engine or its power supply system, so they prefer not to pour these products into the gas tank. Some write that such products harm rubber bands, plastic, and even sensors of various car systems. And although all this is at the level of rumors, many car owners do not want to take risks. Although there is no need to panic about this, since 250 ml of acetone will definitely not cause any harm. Moreover, there is a chance that acetone will be able to dissolve years of deposits at the bottom of the fuel tank, and in some cases it will even clean the injectors so that they will work better. Rubber and plastic in the fuel line structure are also exposed to acetone, but adding 250 ml of this product every 4 years will not harm.

In general, you can buy some cheap store-bought product (fuel dryer) and fill it up. If you read the composition of this product, then most likely the following substances will be indicated: ethers, alcohols, solvent, surfactants. Essentially, it's the same thing, only in special packaging. The cost of such a drug can vary between 100-400 rubles. Manufacturers recommend using them for prevention, which is logical, because water has to be removed every 3-4 years. It is beneficial for the manufacturer that their dehumidifier is purchased more often.

Is it possible to add vodka?

Some drivers pour vodka into the tank, but this is a completely stupid thing to do. Yes, it contains alcohol, but it contains even more water. Therefore, under no circumstances should you pour vodka to remove liquid from the tank. This will only increase the water content at the bottom. Only alcohol (or acetone) can dissolve and absorb it.


Alcohol in the gas tank is almost folk remedy to remove condensation from the bottom. It is cheap and effective, and its presence in the fuel will not harm the engine or fuel lines in any way. Moreover, some specifically use alcohol as an additive to increase octane number, which once again confirms complete safety its use.

Taking into account the price of 95 gasoline and alcohol itself, removing water from the system will not require large financial investments. Therefore, if you suspect that there is liquid in the tank, then feel free to add 200 ml of alcohol and forget about this problem for the next 3-4 years. Judging by the reviews of car owners, this method really working and efficient. However, drivers often argue about exactly how much alcohol or acetone should be added. But it’s clearly not worth being zealous here. It is logical that a liter of alcohol in the fuel tank with a small amount of gasoline will only harm the car.

If you doubt the use of acetone or alcohol, then buy some kind of fuel tank dehumidifier at the store and follow the instructions. It will be safer this way.

Water in a car's gas tank can cause a lot of trouble, especially for diesel and injection engines. Actually, the engine itself will survive the water, but either the injection pump (high pressure fuel pump) or the fuel injection system will fail.
Water in the gas tank is especially dangerous in winter. It does not mix with gasoline in a calm state and accumulates at the bottom of the gas tank. If the driver is one of those who like to spend gasoline to the last drop, then sooner or later water will get into the gas line. And it might simply freeze there, blocking the path for gasoline. And there is no other way to get rid of water (or rather, ice), other than to put the car in warm box, it won't happen anymore. And again, water will go to the engine with possible very unpleasant consequences. The driver, thinking that he just ran out of gas, will pour it into the gas tank and try in vain to start the car.
Water can enter the gas tank, for example, as a result of condensation of moisture from the air. There are motorists who constantly keep the tank half empty: they drive with a minimum supply of fuel, adding 10-15 liters when refueling. When the weather changes frequently, especially in the off-season, it is very easy to get into a situation where warm, humid air from high content water vapor.
Remember the situation? The tank was full, the fuel was almost empty, we drove up to refuel. We open the lid - p-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh... Atmospheric air entered the tank. And we fill it halfway. As the temperature drops, moisture condenses and, already in liquid form, sinks to the bottom of the gas tank. But it cannot evaporate from it - gasoline is lighter than water, “covers” it and does not allow it to evaporate. And so, drop by drop, water begins to accumulate in the gas tank.
Therefore, to prevent water from accumulating in the gas tank, it is advisable to keep it as full as possible and refuel every time. opportunity. If the situation allows, avoid refueling on particularly foggy days with empty tank, pouring the minimum. If you are already refueling, pour under the cap to almost completely displace the moist air from the gas tank.
We won’t talk now about the “cunning” gas station owners who are not averse to increasing the volume of fuel sold by adding water. It’s better to avoid “casual connections” and use proven gas stations. At long trips It's better to take a canister with you than to take risks.
But no matter how hard the owner tries, there is always water in his gas tank, at least 50-100 g, but there is. And no matter how carefully you behave, sometimes there are situations when signal light lights up, and there are still dozens of kilometers to a decent gas station... Therefore, you need to get rid of the water, best before the cold weather.
And getting rid of water in the gas tank is quite simple. Water practically does not mix with gasoline. But it mixes well with alcohol! Almost any: ethyl, methyl, isopropyl. The main thing is that it is not already diluted. However, the degree of water content in alcohol can be easily checked by igniting it. Pure alcohol burns with an almost invisible flame.
Therefore, in order to dissolve water in a gas tank, you need to pour 200-500 ml of pure alcohol into it. When mixed with water, alcohol forms a mixture with the same density as gasoline. And this mixture, firstly, will not freeze, and secondly, it passes through the entire fuel system without problems for the engine and burns like regular fuel. Moreover, its quantity is negligible compared to gasoline.
Today, car stores offer various water removers from the gas tank, fuel system cleaners STP, 3TON, RunWay, Expert, BBF. Judging by the descriptions, they bind water, “lifting” it from the bottom in order to send it along with the fuel into the combustion chamber and from there into the exhaust pipe.
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On a note
If you pour alcohol into a gasoline tank, it is better not to drive immediately after that, but to refuel the car to capacity. But it’s more efficient to fill 50 liters of diesel fuel with about half a liter of diesel fuel. machine oil. When driving, oil and water from shaking form an unstable emulsion that burns well. If your diesel engine has a sump, then you don’t need to fill it with anything other than diesel fuel. In any case, getting rid of water, whether in the case of gasoline or diesel, is a very good thing to do before a long trip. During this trip, you must try to burn all the fuel to the end. The main thing is not to stay on the road: it is still better to fill up with the last liters before the traffic jam.

Water in the gas tank is a fairly common problem, and not all motorists can guess its presence. Meanwhile, excess liquid in the fuel system is not at all what is prescribed for your iron friend.

It is quite easy to find out that water has entered the gas tank. To do this, you do not need to regularly remove the tank, drain the fuel, or carry out any complex examinations; it is enough to know the behavior of your car. The following situations are often common:

  • In the morning without visible reasons you cannot start the car or it starts, but not the first time. If everything is fine with the battery, and yesterday the car was working properly, water got into the tank. Gasoline has a lower density and rises upward, while water accumulates at the bottom of the tank. Most cars draw gasoline from the bottom, but in your case, the fuel system receives water, which is drawn in by the fuel pump.
  • The second symptom of water in the gas tank is improper functioning of the engine. It seems to be tripping, but the spark plugs are in order, all the cylinders are working and the speed is set correctly. The cause is fuel diluted with water.

How does water get into the gas tank?

More often than not, water enters the tank in several ways. The first reason is that it gets in with the fuel. Gasoline contains many impurities, but if it Low quality, there will be a large admixture of water in it, which will settle at the bottom of the tank. You should not refuel at little-known gas stations that may offer diluted gasoline.

The second common reason is the formation of condensation. The car's gas tank is leaking and contains gasoline and air. The air contains a certain amount of moisture, which will settle on the walls of the tank if it is not full, and over time gets into the fuel and to the bottom, making it difficult for the engine to operate. Condensation accumulates slowly. To ensure that there is accumulation at the bottom of the tank sufficient quantity water may take several years. More often, this problem worries motorists living in humid climates and in the off-season, when the air becomes extremely humid.

Of course, you yourself can pour water into the gas tank (asking yourself: “what will happen in this case?”), but in this case you shouldn’t even be surprised by problems with the car.

Danger of water in the tank

If the car is gasoline and has a carburetor, water is not very dangerous for it, since some of the moisture will accumulate at the bottom of the carburetor, and you can easily pour it out. Injection and diesel cars suffer much more.

Water poses the greatest danger in winter time years: with the onset of frost it often freezes. Water and gasoline do not mix, so the ice will prevent fuel from entering the fuel system. The fuel pump may also break.

If you manage to start the car, the engine does not work correctly: the car will jerk and drive with difficulty on inclines. This is especially noticeable on uneven road surfaces.

If water gets into the fuel line, it will freeze in cold weather. As a result, fuel will not be able to supply the engine, and the car will no longer start or drive. Another danger is that water can seriously damage injector nozzles because it expands when it freezes. The fuel injection system freezes and stops working.

A common mistake that car owners make is that they think they have run out of gas and refuel the car while trying to start it. However, this method does not help and the problem does not go away; As a result of such attempts, the fuel pump often fails and the battery runs out.

If the car gets into heat, the ice that has occupied the fuel line will turn into water and get into the engine; This leads to an even more unpleasant problem - if water gets into the cylinder, a water hammer can occur, and the engine will become unusable. You will have to make expensive repairs.

Other troubles that occur due to water in the warm season are the formation of rust in places where water accumulates and comes into contact with metal parts of the structure.

Removing water from the gas tank

To prevent water from accumulating in the tank due to natural conditions, the following preventive maintenance should be carried out on the car in the fall. The gas tank needs to be emptied. This can be done naturally by using up gasoline or pumping out the fuel using a special pump. The pump also draws out water, so you do not need to remove the tank. The same procedure is possible at any time if you find signs of water in the tank.

Some models of gas tanks have a special fuel drain plug at the bottom: if you have such a model installed, you will not need a pump. After the tank is dry, it will need to be filled until it is full. This will prevent condensation from forming.

There are other ways to deal with water in a gas tank. Some car owners use auto chemicals that bind water molecules when added to the fuel tank. This will protect the car, but will not get rid of foreign liquid. Such technologies should be used with caution, because it is impossible to say with certainty how they affect the engine.

If the car is diesel, sometimes the following method is used: 50 liters of fuel are diluted with 0.5 liters of engine oil. The oil is mixed with water, and the resulting emulsion burns.

For gasoline car This method is also used: a glass of medical alcohol is poured into the tank. This liquid mixes easily with water and creates a flammable mixture. If there is no medical alcohol, take any other one, it is important that it burns. The mixture obtained in the tank is mixed with gasoline and burns without causing harm to the engine and fuel system. This procedure requires that there be as much gasoline in the tank as possible, so it makes sense to fill the entire container before you add alcohol to it.

However, alcohol has one more feature: it will definitely raise sediment, which accumulates at the bottom of the gas tank. To avoid trouble, you will need to replace the fuel filter, as sediment will lead to accelerated clogging. It is recommended to add alcohol in the fall, when the first frosts have not yet set in: this will allow you to protect your car from ice forming in the tank or fuel system.

There is another way to get rid of water: the liquid is pumped out through the fuel rail. To get to the unwanted moisture, you will need to unscrew the fuel rail valve and connect a hose to it. Then, voltage will need to be applied to the fuel pump through the diagnostic block. The water from the tank is drained.

Another option is to remove the fuel pump and pump out the water through the tube. You will need a hose from a medical dropper, which is lowered to the bottom of the tank. Place a bucket below the tank into which you lower the other end of the hose. You will have communicating vessels, and the water will flow into the lower vessel (bucket).


To prevent water from forming in the gas tank, the following preventive measures are taken:

  • The car must be refueled only at proven gas stations.
  • It is recommended to keep the gas tank full at all times.
  • In the fall, you need to add 0.2 liters of alcohol to the tank.
  • To prevent hooligans from pouring water into the tank of a car or pouring it there harmful substances, the container is locked using a special lid with a lock.

Bottom line

Of course, there is water in any gas tank; the main thing is to promptly identify the symptoms of the harmful effects of the liquid on your car. Remember that prevention will help minimize the risk of an unfavorable outcome, and if something happens, you can use several methods to remove water from the gas tank.

Every year famous global companies I am releasing newer and newer cars. Each car has its own characteristics, new developments and gadgets. However, no matter how good the car is, there is a risk of water getting into the gas tank. New to automotive, they will probably think that there is nothing wrong with this, but the water in the gas tank is dangerous for both the car and the person. What happens if you pour water into the gas tank, you ask? Problems can range from minor rust to car breakdown. IN diesel engines water can cause damage to the fuel pump, or more precisely, the plunger pair. It can destroy these car parts in a matter of days. Concerning gasoline engine, then a dangerous pest may cause damage to the sprayer or nozzles.

Water getting into the gas tank can cause unpleasant consequences

What happens if water gets into the gas tank in winter?

Water in the gas tank is especially dangerous in winter period. Then it can freeze in the pipelines and form an ice plug. There is a way out - this is a warm garage. However, not everyone has a garage. This means that it is necessary to deal not with the consequences, but to destroy the root cause, which we will discuss below. If the water is still frozen in the pipelines, then you can get rid of the ice plug by completely disassembling the engine and blowing out the pipeline warm air. However, this is a very labor-intensive and time-consuming process.

Water in the gas tank: where does it come from?

Three ways to get rid of water

What to do if you find yourself with the symptoms listed above?

The first method is the simplest - this. You can completely drain the gasoline from the tank and then refill new gasoline"to capacity." This method is simple and reliable, but then you will have to constantly ensure that water does not enter the tank again. You will have to keep the gas tank filled to the brim at all times, and this is quite difficult.

The second method will not help you get rid of water, but it may make the task easier. There are special chemicals, which bind water molecules and make them heavier. Of course, such products can help, but the water will remain in the tank. After using such a product, to remove water, you should resort to the first method.

The third method, the most common and also the most effective, is the use of alcohol. Alcohol will help you remove water quickly and reliably. The method of removing water using alcohol has been known to car enthusiasts for decades. This method was passed down from generation to generation, from your grandfather to your father, and then to you. But if you still didn’t know about this miracle remedy, then we will now share this magical method with you.

To begin with, you should take 300–400 ml of alcohol. Before filling the tank, add this amount of alcohol. Alcohol, when mixed with water, forms a substance that is similar in density to fuel. Thanks to this substance, one might say “vodka,” water will never freeze in the tank and pipelines. Moreover, “vodka” will burn in the same way as gasoline. It should be said that store-bought products for removing water from a gas tank are based on alcohol. So this method will not only remove water perfectly, but will also save you money.