What does immobilizer on mean? How to use an electronic immobilizer. What to do if the immobilizer does not allow the car to start

Immobilizer- a type of anti-theft system that prevents the engine from starting. On early stages immobilizers used 32-bit encryption, which corresponds to billions of combinations. New immobilizers, including car alarm key fobs, use 40-bit encryption.
One of the first immobilizers was installed on a Mustang in 1997 by Ford Motor and the Mustang theft rate fell 70 percent over the next two years. Other automakers couldn't help but take notice and followed suit. example Ford Motor, began installing immobilizers on their cars.

The operating principle of the immobilizer is based on radio frequency identification (RFID - Radio Frequency Identification). The simplest immobilizer consists of three parts, radio transmitter (transponder), receiving antenna and control unit. The transponder is a chip built into the top of the ignition key. This chip sends a code in the form of radio frequency pulses when the driver inserts the key into the ignition. Without this code, the car's engine will not start, so even if an attacker makes a copy of the ignition key, he will not start the engine. It must be said that cars on which an immobilizer is installed have a special service key - a “valet key”, with which you can start the car and even drive a couple of meters, but no more. Such a key is useful when the car remains at the service center for repairs, and in some restaurants it is prohibited to give the car to the valet without a “valet key”.

Job burglar alarm car is very similar to the operation of an immobilizer. When we, leaving the house, press the button on the key fob to unlock the car doors, the transponder located in the key fob sends a code, respectively, the alarm control unit located in the car receives and analyzes it, if the code is correct, then the doors are unlocked. In this case, the key fob is also called an active RFID tag, because it has its own power source - a battery. With the immobilizer, everything happens according to a similar scenario, only its tag is passive and it works as follows. When we insert the key into the ignition switch, the antenna located on the ignition switch begins to emit radio waves; the key has the same antenna that picks up these radio waves and converts them into electrical energy and stores it in a capacitor. When the energy stored in the capacitor reaches a certain value, the transponder located in the key is activated and begins to send a code. This code is then received by the antenna, analyzed by the immobilizer control unit, and if the code is correct, the immobilizer control unit gives permission to start the engine.
We have reviewed basic principle how the immobilizer works, let's look at how car manufacturers modify the work of the immobilizer.

Immobilizer with variable password. After the key is inserted into the ignition, the transponder begins to send its password, stored in memory, adding its own identifier to the password. The antenna receives this message and, if the expected password matches the accepted one, gives permission to launch. The most interesting thing happens next: the immobilizer control unit generates a new password and sends it to the transponder, which writes it into memory instead of the old password. This way the transponder is ready for the next time the car is started.

Immobilizer with rolling code. This system uses a crypto transponder, which has its own encryption function. This system works as follows: the immobilizer control unit generates a pseudo-random code, which it sends to the transponder. He, in turn, using the encryption key located in his memory, generates a digital signature and sends it to the immobilizer control unit. The encryption key is stored in the memory of the immobilizer control unit and it performs the same operations with the pseudo-random code as the transponder and if digital signatures, which was generated by the transponder and the immobilizer control unit coincide, the immobilizer control unit gives permission to start the engine. It must be said that, in essence, the encryption keys, transponder and immobilizer control unit, which do not appear on the radio, are compared. Thus, the code to start the engine looks different every time, which is why the system is called rolling code immobilizer.

In conclusion, I would like to say that in those cars where you can start the car using the alarm key fob, the so-called autostart, an immobilizer crawler is installed, which is a well-hidden key with a chip, and when autostart is activated, the immobilizer reads the code from this key.

Happy owners of cars with an immobilizer (IMMO) may not be interested in this article. But it will strengthen the confidence that sound sleep and confidence in the safety of a car standing unattended is a merit of IMMO. These lucky ones sometimes don’t know where the immobilizer is. But the fact that it is there reminds them of the indicator on the instrument panel, the chip key and the personal tag.

Those car enthusiasts who do not yet believe in the miraculous power of IMMO or doubt it will find it useful to learn about its capabilities. Find out what is hidden behind the English “immobilizer” and the unfriendly Russian – immobilizer. This faithful sentry is constantly in the car and begins to serve when there is no one else to do it. Any action in the car that IMMO does not understand is perceived as hostile.

Car alarm and immobilizer - unity and contradictions

The immobilizer in no way opposes itself to the alarm system. There is no duty to frighten potential intruders with the terrifying roar of a siren and fireworks of light flashes. A standard installed IMMO operates secretly for hijackers. He will even let them start the car and drive away. But the result will be the same - the car will be immobilized in the wrong place.

The main task of the device is to recognize the owner among thousands of others and allow him to use the car. Otherwise, no matter who gets behind the wheel of the car, he will not be able to use it. The defense has many options to find out the owner:

  • according to a pre-written code, dialed on a remote control located inside the car;
  • if the driver has a tag with a built-in chip. The tag, in the form of a bank card (by size) or key fob, can be located separately from the keys and documents for the car;
  • when the driver inserts the chipped key into the car's ignition switch;
  • by the fingerprint of the car owner.

Important: the place where IMMO is located is also the secret of its general, secret mission. Although the place where they are normally installed devices, often unknown only to the owners.

How does it work

If the car is normally installed immobilizer, then he is constantly waiting for the encoded password addressed to him. He can receive it in both contact and non-contact ways. In the first case, this happens when typing secret code or when turning on the ignition with a chip key. In the second case, when a standard installed IMMO itself detects the driver’s personal tag.

With each of these options, he analyzes the received password with the data that is pre-registered in his memory:

  • if there is a match, IMMO, which can be located anywhere in the car, transmits the results of the analysis to the ECU (control unit) of the car;
  • The ECU, having received the IMMO signal, unlocks the corresponding relays, which are located in several electrical circuits of the car;
  • If an attacker discovers where the immobilizer is located and dismantles it, he will not receive a positive result. The ECU will wait for a signal from a device that does not exist, since receiving the IMMO signal is written into its program;
  • thus, you need to either rewrite the ECU program or install a clean electronic element(chip) responsible for this process. Attackers don’t have time to reprogram and re-solder.

Important: the standard IMMO will conflict with the alarm system if it has an auto-start function. You should use the key or keyless crawler IMMO. In this case, it is necessary to foresee in advance where the key crawler will be located.

Innate curiosity or an irresistible thirst for creativity

What is the point in replacing an electronic unit that performs important security functions. And the reason should be quite serious, since the consequences, after unsuccessful attempt independent intervention will be extremely sad. Moreover, if there is no experience in such work and no idea where the IMMO itself is located and how to find it.

Reasons why car owners want to dismantle standard immobilizer or reconstruct it, not much:

  • regular IMMO periodically does not execute commands from a chip key or personal tag;
  • he stopped accepting commands and immobilized the car;
  • a standard immobilizer prevents careless car mechanics from diagnosing the cause of failures of some car components;
  • opposition to mounted alarm system, with remote start, IMMO;
  • natural stinginess and desire to save, regardless of the consequences.

For all of the above reasons, there is one simple solution - contact professional car service. It is his specialists who will reflash the ECU or replace it. In this case, a trained set of keys or tags will be handed to the driver with warranty obligations. For a simple motorist, who sometimes has little understanding of all the intricacies of an electrician’s work, it will not be at all easy to even find a standard IMMO.

You will have to search for a long time and with big problems. Devices that are assigned security functions are not displayed. The secrecy of the device is the first line of defense for the car. You can try to find the place where it is located - there is time and there are conditions for this. Another thing is car thieves. They have neither time nor conditions.

In such searches, you will have to take apart a lot and, having sorted it out, you will not find what you wanted to find.

In such searches, even the smallest landmarks are important:

1. For standard immobilizers with LED indication;

  • this place can be detected by the wires coming from the LED;

2. For standard IMMOs with chip keys and contact marks;

  • Not far from the steering wheel, along with the engine start switch, there is a special antenna that receives the signal from the key transponder. Its switching will indicate the location where the immobilizer is located;

3. For standard immobilizers with a transponder, contactless tag or card;

  • Finding the place where the desired device is located is not just difficult, but physically impossible. We'll have to go through half the car.

Important: justification for activities self-replacement IMMO there can only be one thing - the absence, in the vast expanses of the Motherland, of accessible auto centers with the necessary specialists.

Where is it located during standard installation?

The problem of finding places where a standard immobilizer may be located can be solved by the fact that the device is “standard”. On the assembly lines of car factories, they did not bother to solve the problem of changing the location of the IMMO for each car. In-line production is just that: in-line and monotonous. Any change is a disruption to the operation of the conveyor.

It is enough to know the place where the standard immobilizer is located on one car, and it will immediately become clear where it is located on other cars of this model:

1. Where is the immobilizer located on LADA car Priora;

immobilizer APS6 (small box, 100 mm in size - located behind the side covers of the center console. In its lower part.

2. Where is the immobilizer located on LADA Kalina;

  • The APS6 immobilizer is located behind dashboard, radio and heating controls;

3. Where is the IMMO on LADA Granta;

  • The immobilizer is located behind the vehicle's dashboard. Exactly where the wiring from the ignition switch antenna leads;

4. Where is the IMMO on the Chevrolet Niva;

  • it is located in the center console, next to the driver's right foot;

5. Where is the IMMO located on LADA 2110;

  • The immobilizer of this car is located behind the side panels of the center console. Below it you can find the ECU.

Important: implementation of all listed vehicles carried out with non-activated immobilizers. They can be easily activated upon purchase, but you can also activate them yourself using the instructions.

The most a safe place installation (reinstallation) of the contact IMMO is the locking hood of the car. Don't neglect protective functions immobilizer They are quite reliable and durable. Possibilities for restoring their functionality, in professional centers, simple and inexpensive. Folk art often harms not only the health of the car, but also the wallet of its owner.

As the main protection against car theft, most drivers use the popular alarm system. However, recently the popularity of such a device as an immobilizer has been growing; we will look at what it is in a car and how the device works in our article.

Foreign cars premium class are often equipped with this device already at the manufacturer, and Insurance companies We are ready to provide a discount for CASCO policies to cars in which car owners have already installed such electronics. A high degree of security against radio signal interception makes impossible job scammers armed with pirated scanners.

The main task of this device is to protect the car from theft. He does this with the help of a break in the electrical circuit that ensures the operation of the ignition system, fuel supply and starter.

It is equipped with more advanced intelligent system as opposed to signaling. It’s not for nothing that the English term for electronic immobilizer is translated as “immobilizing.”

Any immobilizer consists of the following elements:

  • Electronic control unit. Its task is to process signals generated by car nodes, decipher them and issue the necessary commands based on such data.
  • Electronic relay. Its functions include breaking the electrical circuit through which the starting components of the car are powered.
  • Fuel valve. It is often installed on new models of systems to block the supply of gasoline or diesel fuel to the system.
  • Ignition key.

You should not lose the key, because without it the car will not start, because recognition occurs using a chip built into such a key.

Types of immobilizers

Based on the type of action, there are several options for electronic car locks. Let's look at how an immobilizer works in a car with various options communications.


To start the engine, you will need to insert the key into a special slot on the car panel. Only after this operation the codes are read from the chip. This option is an early modification of the systems. On modern cars it is less common.

Installing a contact immobilizer

The disadvantage of this design is that the fraudster already knows where the reading device will be attached. Moreover, this class of immobilizers required entering a code using a keyboard switch, which is an additional weak link in this chain. After all, the hijacker could have chosen the code himself.


With such devices you do not need to enter any codes. The principle of operation of the immobilizer with contactless system is based on the fact that it itself sends a signal to the key and receives a response from it. The electronic password is generated within the service, and not by pressing keys by the user.

Elements of a contactless immobilizer

A positive feature is the implicit presence of this security system. It cannot be recognized from a distance.

Such services are divided by range. In the case of a small recall distance (often up to 20 cm), you will need to bring the key with the chip into the signal propagation zone. To do this, the key fob is brought to a certain place on the panel, and the automation allows the engine to start. The disadvantage of the design is that the key is presented in such a way. Fraudsters may notice a characteristic movement of the driver, which will indicate the presence of an electronic blocker.

A more modern standard immobilizer works at a distance of several meters. In this case, there is no need to bring anything anywhere. The service independently recognizes the owner with the chip. The signal is encoded using fairly complex secure algorithms. To intercept it and quickly decrypt it, you will need unreasonably expensive equipment operating at these frequencies. The devices are powered passively, which ensures long-term battery life.


One of latest developments In this area is blocking while driving. Even in a situation where the burglar manages to get into the car and move away several tens or hundreds of meters, the engine will stall and will not allow him to continue driving. A fraudster will understand what an immobilizer is in a car only after the car stops in the middle of the road.

This option is relevant if the driver was literally thrown out of the car and the keys were taken away. However, it is required to keep the electronic key fob separately from the general bundle. The obvious difference from other types is that the system blocks the fuel supply, etc. while the engine is running, and not before it starts. This option will make hacking more difficult.

Choosing the right immobilizer

In order for this security system gave maximum effect, you must follow several rules:

  • to start the engine you will need to have at least two keys, one of which must be kept at home, and the second - separately from the entire bunch in your pocket;
  • The electronic blocker must be installed at certified stations and not announced to strangers;
  • Before use, you must read the operating instructions and connection diagram;
  • write down in your phone the number of the service center that installed the electronics, in case of problems with the software;
  • install in addition to the immobilizer in the car additional funds protection, such as alarms.

Immobilizer operation diagram

Voluntary blocking of the “immobilizer”

By various reasons drivers have to temporarily refuse to operate this system. In some cases, this is due to incorrect functioning of the electronics, and sometimes its presence interferes with the installation of additional anti-theft systems. To carry out this operation, you should not resort to third-party experts or independent intervention.

These actions can disrupt the integrity of the standard electrical appliances and then require more expensive intervention for repair. You need to contact the place where the original installation was carried out. They will also be able to diagnose the functionality of the immobilizer.

For many, the word immobilizer is the same as a hadron collider, that is, something that you don’t know about and, in principle, you don’t need to know... In fact, a car immobilizer is useful and very effective security device, which many of you encounter almost every day.

In my article today I want to talk about what is an immobilizer and about how it works and what it is.

So, let's go...

Seeing or hearing an immobilizer in some cases is not fate, since it is located away from the bad eyes of intruders and curious drivers who constantly want to twist something... The owner of a car with an immobilizer does not see or hear this device, which stands guard his safety vehicle. Every day, when you insert the key into the ignition, you, or rather your “unusual key,” communicates with the immobilizer through invisible and inaudible impulses that turn off the protection and allow you to start the engine. After the key is removed, the “invisible” device again takes the car under protection, like to the faithful dog. IN in this case we're talking about about one of the most popular and simple immobilizers, which involves installing a chip directly into the key itself. Available for sale today huge selection these devices that can recognize the owner and react to his presence from afar. Next, I will tell you how immobilizers work and what the principle of their operation is.

Immobilizer Today, it is the most effective anti-theft device, car alarms have become obsolete, as I already wrote about in the article: but the immobilizer, according to many experts, is the future of automobile safety.

What is an immobilizer?

From the English "immobilizer" immobilizer is translated as "immobilizer". The device includes an entire electronic complex, the task of which is to exclude the possibility of starting the engine without the participation of the key owner, that is, the owner of the car. The immobilizer prevents the normal functioning of one or several “vital” car systems, without which it will not move, as a rule, this is the fuel supply system and.

How does an immobilizer work?

The principle of operation is to break the electrical circuit or, on the contrary, to supply power to special mechanisms that already block the engine. In other words, the motor simply will not be able to start or will stop after a while. With the immobilizer, things like: “broken wires”, “disassembling the device itself” do not work; if the system detects an attempt to break into or open the elements of the immobilizer, it is automatically blocked and blocks all available systems of the car. Immobilizers, as a rule, are equipped with an automatic activation system, that is, if the car has not been used for a certain time (set by the manufacturer), the protection system automatically puts the car under protection.

What does an immobilizer consist of?

The standard immobilizer configuration is as follows:

  1. Control unit. As you understand, this is the “brain” of the protection system, just like a human one, it processes signals that come from sensors and makes decisions and sends commands.
  2. Electromagnetic relay (microimmobilizer). This block produces a direct break in the chain.
  3. Car owner key. This item serves as a password for the system described above; if the key is recognized, everything works; if not, it is blocked. The key has a chip or tag card installed in it, which contains an encoded signal or cipher that the “brain” recognizes or does not recognize, then you know...

Car immobilizers are divided into two types:

  1. Contact - which requires a contact key to activate.
  2. Contactless - a transponder or tag card is used for activation.

There are also code immobilizers; to (de)activate them, you need to dial a certain combination on a special panel.

It’s impossible not to mention the super-sophisticated systems that work with the owner’s fingerprint.

The principle of operation of the immobilizer It is close in similarity to the operation of the alarm system, but at the same time it has many fundamental differences. Cool anti-theft systems boast quite a wide functionality; they are able to track the car’s coordinates via satellite, as well as inform their owner about unauthorized entry. As for the immobilizer, everything is much simpler and more modest; its main task is to interfere, to prevent the engine from starting and the movement of the car. The immobilizer's coverage area is small, only a few meters or even centimeters in some cases. Feature which I mentioned earlier - the location of the immobilizer, it is as hidden as possible, and in order to find it it will take more than one hour, maybe even a day... Sometimes you can find it immobilizer it is impossible even over wires; the operation of such “encrypted” systems is built through a standard electrical network using special high-frequency waves; in many cases, the components of the immobilizer can look like ordinary automotive equipment.

Microimmobilizers (relays) can also be carefully disguised as certain devices or parts. For example, a microimmobilizer relay can be made in the form of a simple fuse and installed in the unit without attracting attention. The time it takes to search for sensors and relays is a characteristic trump card of this device; in order to find and neutralize a dozen such microdevices it will take several days.

There are also immobilizers with a delayed start of engine blocking, this is a kind of “trick” or a trap for a car thief. This system works as follows: after breaking the car’s lock, the thief successfully starts the car and quietly “does his thing,” but after a few hundred meters the stolen car suddenly stalls. A car stopped on a busy highway will one way or another attract the attention of others, and the would-be car thief himself will either have to start fiddling with the reason for the stop right on the road (which is completely impossible) or go on the run.

Modern models of immobilizers are equipped with a transponder system, which minimizes the possibility of car theft; it becomes almost impossible for thieves, with all their skill, to do this. To deactivate or neutralize this system, it is necessary to go through the car almost to the ground. Transponder system It has non-contact principle work. The owner of the car carries with him a special key fob, or card, which contains a highly complex coded code. After the owner gets into the car, the key fob with the code falls into the range of the receiver, which reads the code. After successful authorization, the immobilizer is turned off, otherwise the car continues to remain locked.

As with microimmobilizers or relays, the difficulty for attackers is that the receiver is very difficult to find. It is disguised in such a way that an unknowing person can never detect it. The location of the receiver can be anywhere, from chairs and upholstery to some device or in the body of the device itself. The receiver does not manifest itself in any way, so it is almost impossible to detect or find it using technical devices.

Immobilizers produced by such companies as: Green Bux Pandect, Geolink Electronics ( Black Bug), Sheriff and others.

Installing immobilizers is a complex and responsible procedure that requires high professionalism and extensive knowledge about this device. It is recommended to install immobilizers in certified service centers who have experience in installing these devices and can guarantee you quality and further service.

That's all for me, I hope now you will not confuse the immobilizer with ABS or ESP, because you will know exactly what it is intended for. Those who want to complement me can do so in the comments. Thank you for your attention, good luck!

What is an immobilizer? I am sure that many have heard this word, but only a few can explain what it is and how it works. Actually understand how it works anti-theft device, very easy, just familiarize yourself with its design.
The immobilizer is perhaps the most existing one.

Differences between an immobilizer and alarms

Alarms and mechanical locking devices make themselves known immediately when an attempt is made to steal, but the presence of an immobilizer will only be known when an attempt is made to start the car. And even then, nothing will be clear - the ignition is on, the starter turns, but the car does not start.
This is the whole secret - the immobilizer recognizes a non-original key, and when you try to start the car with it, it breaks one or more electrical circuits of the car, which makes its movement impossible.

Typically, these circuits are the fuel and ignition systems. In addition, the immobilizer may have an additional electromagnetic system that controls non-electric circuits, which will make theft even more impossible.


The immobilizer must have three main components:

  1. Electronic control unit. It contains a microcircuit with its own program, which exchanges information with the chip, and control circuits for blocking devices. The ECU also includes a reading coil that recognizes the key chip.
  2. Several relays that break electrical circuits car, which prevents theft.
  3. A key with a chip into which a special program is embedded that is recognized by the ECU.

Principle of operation

The principle of operation of the immobilizer is as follows. When the ignition is turned on, an electromagnetic field is created in the coil (which is usually located near the lock), through which information is exchanged between the chip and the ECU: the control unit sends a signal and waits for a response from the chip. If the correct response code arrives, a signal goes to actuator, which closes open electrical circuits and makes it possible to start the engine. If the answer from the key is incorrect, or there was none at all, the circuits remain open and the engine cannot be started.

Types of immobilizers

There are main types of immobilizers:

The main principle of the immobilizer is its secrecy, the control unit is hidden somewhere deep under the panel, the chip is sealed in the key, and you may not even be aware of the presence of any relays in the electrical wiring system. This is what the creators of the device were counting on - the hijacker, faced with an obstacle that he cannot overcome in a short time, will stop all his attempts.
By the way, there is a type of immobilizer that allows an attacker to start a car and even drive a few hundred meters.

However, after this the car stalls, and further attempts to start it lead nowhere, which attracts the attention of others to the thief, and forces him to either hide or wait for help from his accomplices.