Who gives in while changing lanes at the same time? Interference on the right - what is it and who should give in? Who should give in while changing lanes at the same time?

First, a little theory. Let's figure out what rebuilding is and how to do it correctly. Let's turn to the Rules traffic:

Changing lanes is leaving an occupied lane or occupied row while maintaining the original direction of movement.

Traffic lane - any of the longitudinal stripes of the roadway, marked or not marked with markings and having a width sufficient for the movement of cars in one row.

There is no definition of “traffic lane” in the Rules, but I think it is clear that this is the arrangement of several cars on one conventional line in the direction of travel. According to current standards, lane width can vary from 3 to 3.75 meters. It turns out that two rows of cars can fit in one lane. True, it will be cramped and quite dangerous. However, the Rules do not prohibit the movement of vehicles in two rows in one lane. This is usually used. In this case, leaving the occupied lane, even if you have not left your lane, is also considered changing lanes.

What if the lane width allows you to move in two rows? Moreover, if from this strip turn allowed right or left, the question arises: is it possible to turn, albeit from the “correct” lane, but from the second row? Clause 8.5 of the Rules states that the driver must take the extreme position on the roadway before turning. Not stripes, as many people think.

Parking area

The Rules establish cases when it is prohibited to cross certain types of markings: 1.1 (separates traffic flows), 1.2.1 (indicates the edge of the roadway, while crossing this line is allowed to stop in permitted places) and 1.3 (separates opposite flows when driving 4 or more stripes). However, it is indicated that this line also marks the boundaries of parking spaces. That is, when moving along parking markings, you can get a 500-ruble fine (Part 1 of Article 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). However, to be honest, which of us, when parking, does not run into these markings? This also includes islands that define the beginning and end of the parking zone.

Not a tram!

Surprisingly, many drivers sincerely believe that driving along tram tracks completely prohibited. Actually this is not true. Clause 9.6 of the Rules states: “Movement on tram tracks in the same direction is permitted, located on the left at the same level as roadway when all lanes in a given direction are occupied." However, if road signs are installed in front of the intersection or 5.15.2 (determine the direction of movement along the lane), you cannot drive along tram tracks through the intersection. Please note that, for example, in Moscow such signs are installed at almost every intersection.

Now let's look at typical emergency situations.

Entering the road from the acceleration lane or side of the road

What is the danger? We start moving at a speed lower than the main flow we plan to “wedge” into. You need to search at the same time free space on desired lane and look forward, as there may be some obstacle right in front of you.

The most typical accidents in such places are side collisions and passing “trains”. If you drive onto a main road and run into a car driving straight in its lane or lane, the blame will be on you.

If you managed to get onto the main road and took your lane, but the driver of another car, due to your sudden maneuver, did not have time to brake and pulled up behind you, the blame will also be on you. True, only in theory. After all, the Rules in this situation require giving way to the one who has the advantage. That is, if the driver was forced to suddenly brake or change direction because of you, the fault is yours. But in practice, everything happens exactly the opposite. As a rule, the accident is blamed on the one who “attached” behind. The only thing that can help in such cases is where an unsafe lane change is visible.

Multiple lane changes

In this case, the risk of side collisions is very high. Imagine this picture. For example, you are driving in the leftmost lane of a multi-lane road. For some reason, you missed your right turn. More precisely, they didn’t miss it, but realized that there was a turn, several tens of meters ahead, and in all cases you should already be in the far right lane (and in the far right position, as required by the rules). What to do? There are two options.

The first and safest is to drive to the next turn without making sudden movements. The second one is still in the right lane in a fairly short time. If the road is clear, then after turning on the turn signal you can “cut” through all the lanes in a straight line to your goal. The rules don't prohibit this. But our roads are usually busy, so you have to squeeze through heavy traffic. Everything here is the same as during a one-time rebuild. The only thing I would add is to not turn off the turn signal until the end of the maneuver. And even change lanes in stages: take the next lane or row, drive straight a little, then move on. And so on until we find ourselves in the desired lane. The main thing is not to change lanes blindly when your car is at such an angle that what is happening in the next row is not visible even in Side mirror.

Simultaneous lane change

Drivers have a lot of disputes, and often emergency situations, causes a mutual restructuring. Let's imagine the following picture. You are driving on a three-lane road in the far left lane and begin changing lanes into the middle one. And from the extreme right lane Another driver changes to the middle one. ?

Paragraph 8.4 of the traffic rules states that when simultaneously changing lanes of vehicles moving in the same direction, the driver of the car on the right has priority. Therefore, when changing lanes to multi-lane road(both disposable and reusable) look carefully not only at the lane you are about to enter, but also at the neighboring ones. If you see that the driver on the right is starting a maneuver, you will have to take the second number. It is clear that you only need to yield to the one who started changing lanes on the right if your trajectories intersect, that is, lateral contact is possible.

To summarize, I would like to draw your attention to the following. To avoid getting caught unpleasant situation, you need to remember:
  • When changing lanes, you must give way to those who are moving straight in the lane you are about to enter. Your actions should not force other drivers to brake sharply or change their trajectory.
  • Remember that when changing lanes at the same time, the one on the right has the advantage.
  • Rebuilding is possible only when it allows road markings. If you drive through a continuous road (parking markings don’t count), be prepared to receive a “letter of happiness” with a fine. There are too many cameras in cities and towns now. Many of them are trained to record such violations.
  • And of course, before you start changing lanes, you need to turn on the turn signal. It is important. It is the turned on turn signal that tells other drivers about your intentions.

Good afternoon, dear car enthusiasts!

In this material we will consider the issue of priority when narrowing the road. With proper organization of traffic, the narrowing of the road is indicated by appropriate signs and markings, however, in practice, it is not uncommon for drivers to find themselves in a “neck” in the absence of means of organizing traffic.

For example, take the narrowing of the road at a bend.

Cars moving in two rows in the same direction are forced to divide the remaining lane among themselves. There are only two options, or inferior white car, or blue.

Basically, for this situation, drivers apply one of two points of the Rules of the Road.

Some people consider this a rebuild:

8.4. When changing lanes, the driver must give way to vehicles moving in the same direction without changing direction. When simultaneously changing lanes of vehicles moving in the same direction, the driver must give way vehicle, located on the right.

For others, this situation is not regulated by the rules and they apply clause 8.9 of the traffic rules:

8.9. In cases where the trajectory of vehicles intersect, and the order of passage is not specified by the Rules, the driver to whom the vehicle is approaching from the right must give way.

Arguments to receive from a white car: “I’m moving in the left lane, there are no obstacles in this lane, I’m not maneuvering, I’m not changing lanes, the blue car is changing lanes left lane.

Arguments for gaining an advantage blue car: “The road is narrowing, two lanes end, only one remains, and both cars simultaneously change lanes into this remaining lane” or “In in this case the order of passage is not specified by the rules, and the one with the obstacle on the right gives way.”

It turns out that both cars have the right to count on an advantage, but this cannot happen. So let's look at this in detail. traffic situation. First, for convenience, we will “straighten” the road, since the bend itself has no direct relationship to the number of lanes on the road. From the point of view of the Road Traffic Regulations, driving along a curved road is straight. All direction changes are carried out. The fact of narrowing is important, but the narrowing along the radius or along the straight line does not matter.

In the absence of markings or road signs, the number of lanes is determined in accordance with clause 9.1 of the traffic rules

9.1. The number of lanes for trackless vehicles is determined by markings and (or) signs 5.15.1, 5.15.2, 5.15.7, 5.15.8, and if there are none, then by the drivers themselves, taking into account the width of the roadway, vehicle dimensions and required intervals between them. In this case, the side intended for oncoming traffic on two-way roads without a dividing strip is considered to be half the width of the roadway located on the left, not counting local widenings of the roadway (transition and express lanes, additional lanes on the rise, pockets of stopping places for route vehicles) .

At this point we see that the Traffic Rules determine the line of the middle of the roadway.

The next step is to determine the number of lanes.

“Traffic lane” is any of the longitudinal stripes of the roadway, marked or not marked with markings and having a width sufficient for the movement of cars in one row.

From the definition it follows that the lines of all lanes are located along the direction of the roadway. In our case, the edges of the roadway are narrowing, so you should start from the guide line, which is the axis of symmetry of the roadway, otherwise there will be a contradiction with the definition of the traffic lane and the lanes will not be longitudinal.

It is worth noting that the so-called counting of stripes from the center line is not a rule. The rules do not keep track of the number of lanes (the “second lane” is mentioned once in the rules for driving on a motorway). We need the center line to determine the direction of the roadway and to construct longitudinal stripes. The edges of the roadway can change and locally change direction, but the direction of the roadway does not change.

The center line always remains a guide line relative to the direction of the roadway, even if the center is determined taking into account local widening, it will be shifted, but the direction of the roadway will be determined correctly. The direction of the carriageway on a one-way road should be determined in the same way.

In this image you can see that the white car is moving without changing lanes, and an obstacle appears in the blue lane in the form of a narrowing of the roadway. Once again I would like to draw attention to the fact that the roadway is narrowing and to the determination of its middle in accordance with the Traffic Rules. The opinion that lanes should be counted from the edge of the roadway is erroneous. For clarity, let's shorten the narrowing interval.

At the very beginning, we mentioned that the narrowing of the road should be indicated by signs, but if there are none, it should be understood that the roadway is narrowing, it narrows accordingly not from the middle, but from the extreme borders, and the obstacle appears precisely on the strip closest to the border of the roadway.

Thus, the white car has the advantage.

For clarity, look at another perspective view:

Neither the direction of the road, nor the direction of the carriageway, nor the direction of movement changes, however, in order for the car to continue moving from the right lane to forward direction a rebuild needs to be done.

Lane changing is the process of changing lanes that occurs while vehicles are moving on the road. Drivers often use this maneuver, because they cannot do without it when they need to overtake, get ahead of them, or go around. The same applies to turns and reversals. Many people are interested in the question of who should give way when changing lanes. Before answering it, it wouldn’t hurt to consider the main points of performing the maneuver.

How to act correctly on the road?

If you need to change lanes, you first need to pick up the speed at which the cars are moving in the lane you want to move into. It is important not to forget to turn on the appropriate turn signal, this way you will warn other road users about your planned maneuver on the roadway. You should always look in your side and rear view mirrors to properly assess the situation. Moving to an adjacent lane should only be done when full confidence in the safety of this action. Upon completion, you can turn off the turn signals and move on.

The traffic rules clearly state that anyone who wants to change lanes must give way to cars moving in the same direction without changing direction. If you see that the car on the right is also starting to change lanes, you must yield to it. Speaking in simple words, the advantage is always on the side of the one on the right, meaning cases when mutual movement occurs.

Attention! In theory, everything is simple and clear, but practice shows that most traffic accidents occur while changing lanes. The reason for this is increased density traffic flow.

Drivers with extensive driving experience manage to move without any problems even at an acute angle on a section of 50-60 m long. At the same time, he manages to adapt to the speed of the neighboring traffic. This ensures safe movement.

If we talk about novice drivers, they, wanting to move to another row, choose the slowing down method. It seems to them that it will be much easier and safer to wait until there is clearance on the neighboring part of the road, and then, slowing down the speed of their car, take free place. However, in practice everything happens completely differently. As soon as it stops at a reduced speed, a sound characteristic of a vehicle impact is heard. From this we can conclude that it is necessary to occupy the left lane only after reaching the speed of the adjacent traffic. This approach allows you to easily fit into a gap on the road, even if it is small.

Attention! If we are talking about a forced lane change, for example, due to an obstacle ahead, the driver must stop, turn on the turn signal and wait until one of the drivers passing nearby allows you to pass.

We behave correctly in heavy traffic

If you find yourself in a traffic jam, you must remember that slightly different rules for changing lanes apply here; they are based on human psychology. In a situation where the driver wants to pass only at his own discretion, no one guarantees that other cars will let him through. But if you ask for this by turning on the turn signal, the likelihood that they will let you through increases.

You can look at the driver of the car behind and make sure he agrees. If he nods in response, slows down the movement of his car or stops altogether, you can safely take a place diagonally; this should be done decisively, but without jerking. A serious mistake is entering a “dead zone”. This is the name for the viewing area that is inaccessible to the driver of the car. This greatly increases the accident rate.

As for driving around the ring, the same rules apply in this case as on a straight road. A common mistake drivers make is leaving the roundabout from the left lane. According to traffic rules, turns are only allowed from the far right lane. You should change gears to it in advance, and not just before leaving. Your actions should be understandable to other road users, as well as predictable. To provide safe conditions, you must first turn on the turn signal on the side in which you intend to move.

Important! I would like to focus on the fact that the free section of the road that you plan to occupy must accommodate two of your cars. To understand whether there is enough space to change lanes, you need to look in the side mirror; you should be able to see the entire car moving behind you, including the roof and wheels touching the road surface.

What do the traffic rules say?

Continuing the topic of who should give way when mutual reconstruction, I would like to note the following details.

  1. If you are moving in your lane, but the driver on the side wants to move, you are not required to give way to him, regardless of which side of you he is on. You can skip it if you wish.
  2. If you want to change lanes, you will have to wait until there are no more cars on the other part of the road and there is clearance. The “interference from the right” rule does not apply in this case.
  3. Who must give way when changing lanes at the same time? It all depends on what lane you are on. According to the rules, they give way to the one on the right. But there is no need to rush, you need to be sure that they really give way to you.

If you are driving on the left and want to move to the right lane, then in this case your car gives way, because in such a situation the rule of interference on the right applies.

When changing lanes, the driver passenger car must give way to the motorcycle driver on his right.

Moving in the left lane, you intend to change lanes to the right. Which picture shows a situation in which you are required to give way?

When you change lanes from the left to the right, you must give way to the driver of a car moving in the adjacent right lane, both when he is moving without changing direction, and when he is changing lanes at the same time as you. Thus, you are obliged to give way in the situations shown in both pictures.

Who is required to give way?

The “End of lane” sign informs about the end of the lane. Consequently, the driver of a passenger car will have to change lanes to the left, and when changing lanes, he will have to give way to a truck moving in the same direction without changing lanes.

Are you obliged, when moving in the right lane, to give way to the driver of a car who intends to change lanes into your lane?

You are moving without changing direction and therefore are not required to give way to the driver of a car who intends to change into your lane.

Are you obliged, when moving in the left lane, to give way to the driver of a car who intends to change lanes into your lane?

Since there is a narrowing of the road ahead, as warned by the sign “Narrowing of the road”, the driver truck will have to change lanes into the adjacent lane, and when changing lanes, he must give way to a passenger car moving in the same direction without changing the direction of movement.

The driver of a car changing lane to the right lane in this situation:

The driver of a car changing lanes, including completing overtaking, must not interfere with a car moving in the same direction without changing the direction of movement.

When changing to the right lane in this situation, you:

You need to change lanes to the right, while giving way to all vehicles moving along it.

In this situation, in order to continue driving in a forward direction, you are allowed to:

To continue moving, you have the right to perform any of the listed actions. It should be taken into account that when changing lanes to the right, you must give way to all vehicles moving in the same direction.

Moving in the right lane, you intend to change lanes to the left. Which picture shows a situation in which you are required to give way?

When changing lanes from the right to the left, you must give way to a passenger car moving in the same direction without changing direction in the left lane. When changing lanes at the same time, the advantage remains with you. Therefore, you are obliged to give way in the situation shown in the left picture.

Who must give way when changing lanes?

When changing lanes, the truck driver must give way to the passenger car driver on his right.

Even such a simple maneuver as moving a car from one lane to another can result in an accident. This happens especially often during heavy traffic.

As in all such cases, the culprit is determined by the circumstances of the incident.

Read in this article

Rules for changing lanes

Features of the maneuver are written in the subparagraphs of Section 8 of the Traffic Regulations:

  • before changing lanes, the motorist must make sure that during the action he will not interfere with other road users or create an emergency situation;
  • he is obliged to let other drivers know in advance about his intention to change the trajectory by turning on the turn signal;
  • the motorist must let ahead of those who are already driving in the lane into which he is about to change lanes;
  • When two cars change lanes at the same time, the one on the right goes first, and the other is inferior.

Rules for changing lanes according to traffic rules

Rules for changing lanes d and in accordance with the traffic rules are as follows:

  • those who wish to change the direction of travel must signal this to other drivers by turning on the turn signal;
  • if the light bulb does not work, the intention to change lanes should be shown by extending your arm to the side;
  • You can move to another lane only after cars moving in the same direction have passed along it without changing the trajectory, that is, you should give way to them;
  • If two cars start a maneuver at the same time, you need to let the one that ends up with right side, she has the advantage;
  • An action is permitted only when it cannot interfere with other traffic participants or create a threatening situation.

These rules are fixed in paragraphs 8.1 and 8.4 of the traffic rules.

Mutual lane change according to traffic rules

Mutual rebuilding is regulated traffic rules clause 8.4: the car located to the right of the opponent has the advantage. And if we are talking about cars moving along different lines in parallel or one a little faster than the other, it is clear who is inferior to whom. What difficulties may arise with such a maneuver:

  • Sometimes it is started by cars driving behind each other, this is also a mutual action. But in this situation, clause 8.4 cannot be applied and it is also impossible to clearly determine who has the advantage. Drivers should assess the general road conditions and act accordingly. The one who rides behind is in a more advantageous position, since he sees the opponent and controls his movements without straining.

The driver of the car ahead can track the actions of the second motorist only with the help of car mirrors, which is much more difficult. In such a situation, common sense rather than rules works. Perhaps the driver of the car driving behind should slow down in order to let the one in front pass and avoid a collision. Both must also take into account the requirement of the second paragraph of clause 8.1 of the traffic rules:

When performing a maneuver, there should be no danger to traffic or interference with other road users.

  • The maneuver can be performed on a multi-lane road on a bridge. Actually, the rules here are the same: give way to anyone who does not change their trajectory to the obstacle on the right, do not create a dangerous situation, do not interfere with other vehicles. But if the road is two-lane, moving to the adjacent traffic line on the bridge is generally prohibited. The restriction is regulated by clause 9.4 of the traffic rules:

Outside populated areas, as well as in populated areas on roads marked with signs 5.1 or 5.3 or where driving at a speed of more than 80 km/h is permitted, vehicle drivers must drive them as close as possible to the right edge of the roadway. It is prohibited to occupy the left lanes when the right lanes are free.

Mutual lane change according to traffic rules

Mutual restructuring in sections of traffic rules is not considered separately, which means it is carried out as prescribed in paragraphs 8.1 and 8.4. But There may also be nuances here:

Here the requirement of clause 8.4 of the “Rules...” must be met.

  • The need to maneuver through several lanes. If a car needs to move from one extreme to the other through the center, all areas should be monitored. Because the requirement to give way to those driving straight along a constant trajectory and those approaching from the right is not canceled. Important detail action: the turn signal must be turned on until the car is in the desired place.

The maneuver in question before the intersection may also be difficult. It is allowed here, because we are not talking about overtaking, but just moving to the next lane. The rules are the same: yield to the next in the row strictly straight ahead and to the cars on the right. But the driver needs to be especially careful and try to complete the action before entering the intersection. Otherwise, vehicles traveling along an intersecting road may get in the way.

If he approaches from the right, his direction is the main thing, they also give way to him.

Interference on the right when changing lanes

The interference on the right, as a rule of traffic, when changing lanes, works only if the cars change lanes at the same time. When one of them drives in his own lane and does not change it, and the second moves to the adjacent one, the first has the advantage in any case. It's easier to understand this with examples:

  • S is in the left lane and is about to move into the middle lane. L at the same moment moves from the right to the central one. S must yield, since he is changing lanes, and L is the very obstacle for him.
  • F is driving in the center, V wants to move there on the right side. But F must not yield. In this case, he has priority, because he does not change the trajectory. And here the rule of interference on the right does not work.

Advantage when changing lanes

There is an advantage over your opponent when changing lanes from row to row:

  • a car driving without changing lanes in the same direction;
  • at a car approaching from the right, with simultaneous or mutual movement of the vehicle into the adjacent lane.

Who gives in during a mutual restructuring

Who gives way during a mutual lane change depends on the initial location of the vehicle:

  • if they move onto the same line of movement from different ones, the one who has an obstacle on the right lets the opponent pass;
  • if they are driving in the same lane one after another, the car that can do it easier without emergency braking and otherwise creating a threatening situation.

Who is to blame for an accident while changing lanes?

An accident during a maneuver may occur in different situations. The culprit is identified based on the totality of violations of the rules.

To the right lane

Moving from the left lane to the right may be necessary in order to leave a roundabout or for other reasons. But not all drivers perform the maneuver correctly. As a result, rushing cars collide.

To determine the culprit, you need to find out who was closer to the right edge of the lane. He has the advantage written in subclause 8.4 of the traffic rules:

When changing lanes, the driver must give way to vehicles moving in the same direction without changing direction. When simultaneously changing lanes of vehicles moving in the same direction, the driver must give way to the vehicle on the right.

This means that the driver driving to the left violated the rule. And it doesn’t matter that he signaled a change of lane or was slightly ahead of his opponent. It will not help to determine who is responsible for the accident if the driver right car turned out to be drunk or did not have documents with him. He will be punished for these violations. But the one who did not give way to him is found guilty.

Accident when changing lane to the right lane

To the left lane

Changing lanes from the right lane to the one located to the left can also result in an accident if this path is not clear. The fault will be the one who did not allow the car to pass without changing lanes. That is, the driver of a car changing lanes. According to the rules, he must wait until the left vehicle passes (clause 8.4 of the traffic rules). And only then move to this row yourself. The “right hand” rule does not work here, since the car that does not change its trajectory has priority.

Controversial situations

It is more difficult to determine the culprit of an accident if the road is multi-lane, or there are factors that can be interpreted in favor of any participant.

If this was the case, the driver of the right vehicle is guilty. But this also needs to be proven.

When overtaking

A driver in a hurry may feel that a car driving in the next lane or in his lane is moving too slowly. He may want to overtake a leisurely vehicle, then move into its lane. In such a situation, an accident is also not excluded. Guilty of it even when performing a maneuver in a permitted place:

  • the driver of the overtaking vehicle, if he did not turn on the turn signal or did not take into account that another car was coming towards him, there are other reasons not to perform the action;
  • the driver of the overtaken car, if he deliberately prevents the opponent from performing a maneuver (changes the trajectory of movement, increases speed, etc.).

Difficulties in determining the culprit of the accident are also likely under such conditions. To accurately establish it, an examination is carried out and eyewitnesses are interviewed.

About the accident when changing lanes, watch this video:

Fine or other punishment for an accident?

If an accident occurs, the motorist will not get away with just a fine. And the sections of the Code of Administrative Offenses under which the violator will be punished are different:

  • if he exceeded the speed limit when changing lanes, he will pay under Article 12.9 from 500 rubles. up to 5000 rub. or will lose your driving license for a period of 4 months to a year, depending on how much more than the permitted indicator was;
  • the one who drove along the markings for a long time during the maneuver will pay 500 rubles. under Article 12.16;
  • if you do not turn on the turn signal before changing lanes, you will be punished under Part 1 of Article 12.14:

Failure to comply with the requirement of the Traffic Rules to give a signal before starting to move, changing lanes, turning, turning around or stopping will entail a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.

  • Part 3 of Article 12.14 will apply to those who prevented the passage of those who had priority:

Failure to comply with the requirement of the Traffic Rules to give way to a vehicle enjoying the priority right of movement, except for the cases provided for in Part 2 of Article 12.13 and Article 12.17 of this Code, entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.

The insurance company of the culprit will repair the damaged car of the victim. But if this money is not enough, the latter will most likely face a claim for damages. It is possible that he will have to pay for it if the accident involved injuries or deaths. Fortunately, the latter is very rare in these types of accidents.

Fine for changing lanes at an intersection

There is no fine for actually changing lanes at an intersection, since this maneuver is not prohibited in this area. The driver can be punished:

Penalty for violating lane markings when changing lanes

A fine for violating the marking requirements during a lane change is imposed under Part 1 of Article 12.16 of the Administrative Code:

Failure to comply with the requirements prescribed road signs or marking the roadway, except for the cases provided for in parts 2 - 7 of this article and other articles of this chapter, entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.

You cannot cross lines 1.1, 1.3. Both of them are solid and are designed to delimit the trajectories of transport; they are used where their crossing can create dangerous situation. It is also prohibited to cross 1.11 if its dotted component is located on the left.

Accidents during lane changes usually do not have serious consequences, but they are best avoided. Or move in such a way that in the event of an accident you will not become the culprit. This is possible if:

  • stick to the right edge of your lane (this gives more freedom for maneuver and less risk);
  • do not run into markings without the intention of changing lanes;
  • analyze the traffic situation taking into account the behavior of other motorists;
  • before changing lanes, use the car mirrors to make sure that it is safe (you need to see two adjacent lanes and what is happening behind);
  • do not jerk when performing the maneuver, drive smoothly.

Changing lanes should be done if it is really necessary and possible. If the driver is not confident in his abilities, even in a traffic jam it is better to stay within the same lane. And never change lanes in a “dead zone.”

Useful video

To learn how to rebuild correctly, watch this video:

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