12 Stop and parking. Road rules with comments and illustrations. PDD section: General Stop and Parking Principles


on the complaint about the decision on the case of administrative offense

Leninsky District Court of:

the presiding judge of the Nasteeva MA,

at the secretary of Simonyan S.M.,

examined in open court a complaint Katalnikova A.V. On the Resolution of the Inspector of the Branch of the IAZ Regiment of the traffic police in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for DD.MM.YYYY in relation to Katalnikova A.V. On bringing to administrative responsibility in the form of a fine in the amount of rubles under Part 3.2 of Art. RF


Katalnikov A.V. He applied to the Leninsky District Court with a complaint about the decision of the Inspector of the Branch of the EAZ regiment of the traffic police at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia according to DD.MM.YYYY. In relation to Katalnikova A.V., which he was brought to administrative responsibility in the form of a fine of rubles under Part 3.2 of Art. RF.

The complaint states that DD.MM.YYYY his car, which was attempted to evacuate. In the protocol, the traffic police inspector indicated that Katalnikov A.V. carried out stop and parking vehicle From the edge of the roadway to a solid markup line less than 3 meters, thereby violating item 12.4 of traffic police of the Russian Federation. The offenses is indicated. The video capture made by the traffic police inspector did not confirm the violation recorded in the protocol and the resolution: the car did not stand on the road, the width of which from the edge of the carriageway to a solid markup line less than 3 meters. From the fragment it is clear that the width of the road from the edge of the roadway to a continuous line of markup is not less, and more than 3 meters, and amounts to about 5 meters. In the decision on an administrative offense case, it is indicated that the driver carried out a stop and parking of the vehicle with a violation of traffic police of the Russian Federation, providing for the violation of paragraph 12.4 of the PDD, which prohibits the parking lot of the vehicle closer than 3 m from the edge of the carriageway. However, paragraph 12.4 of traffic police of the Russian Federation does not contain a ban on the production of TS closer than 3 meters from the roadway. The decision describes the non-existing violation of the traffic rules - a ban on stopping-parking TS closer than 3 m from the edge of the carriageway. Video is contrary to the protocol and decree.

In addition, he was appointed a penalty in accordance with Part 3.2 of Art. RF - for the parking lot of the car on the tramway either for the parking lot of the car further from the edge of the carriageway. There are no tram tracks at the vehicle parking lot, there can be seen on the video that the car is in the first row from the edge of the carriageway. Also in the ruling as a place of commission of an administrative offense, and the parking was carried out on.

Recalling the above, asks the decision to cancel, and the proceedings are discontinued due to the lack of an event and the composition of the offense

Applicant Katalnikov A.V. At the court hearing supported the arguments of complaints in full.

After listening to the applicant, having studied the materials of the case, the court came to the following conclusion.

As follows from the materials of the case, by Resolution of the Inspector of the Branch of the EAs Regiment of DPS of the traffic police at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia according to DD.MM.YYYY. No. Katalnikov A.V. It is found guilty of committing an offense provided for by Art. Part 3.2 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation with the appointment of punishment in the form of a fine of rubles.

Meanwhile, as part of the video recording of an administrative offense, Kaltnikov A.V. is seen from the case. Carried out the vehicle parking directly next to the edge of the roadway on the road with a double-sided movement having two lanes: one strip in each direction. Moreover, each of the bands has a width sufficient to move cars only in one row. So in this case The first side of the roadway is the path of the movement on which Katalnikov A.V. carried out the stop of his car. Also from the video it follows that there are no tram tracks at the vehicle parking lot.

Under such circumstances, the conclusion of the DPS inspector that Katalnikov A.V. Carried out the vehicle parking. Next, the first row from the edge of the roadway is not true, but the qualifications of its actions under Part 3.2 of Art. RF illegal.

In addition, the decree on an administrative offense states that Katalnikov A.V. Carried out a stop-parking vehicle closer than 5 meters from the edge of the roadway. However, on paragraph 12.4 of traffic police of the Russian Federation, by Part 3.2. Art. The Russian Federation does not contain a ban of a stop-parking lot closer than 5 meters from the edge of the carriageway.

At the same time, according to the applied video, it is clear that Katalnikov A.V. carried out a vehicle parking in a place where the distance between solid line Marking and stopped by a vehicle less than 3 m, and nams 2 m 95 cm, which is prohibited by paragraph 12.4 of the RF traffic police.


Katalnikova complaint A.V. on the Resolution of the Inspector of the Branch of the EAZ regiment of the traffic police in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia according to DD.MM.YYYY. In relation to Katalnikova A.V. On bringing to administrative responsibility in the form of a fine in the amount of rubles under Part 3.2 of Art. Of the Russian Federation, satisfy, the decision of the inspector from DD.MM.YYYY - to cancel, and the proceedings are to stop for the ability of the perfect offense on the basis of Art. RF.

The decision may be appealed to the Samara Regional Court through the Leninsky District Court.

Judge / Signature / M.A. Natcheeva

Copy is right.


Leninsky District Court of Samara (Samara region)


Nasteeva MA (judge)

Judicial practice on:

According to traffic violations

Arbitrage practice Using the norms of Art. 12.1, 12.7, 12.9, 12.10, 12.12, 12.13, 12.14, 12.16, 12.17, 12.18, 12.19 of the Codecha RF

12.1. Stopping and parking vehicles are permitted on right side Roads on the sidelines, and in its absence - on the roadway from its region and in cases established by paragraph 12.2 of the Rules, on the sidewalk.

On the left side of the road, stopping and parking are permitted in settlements on roads with one roadway for each direction without tramways in the middle and on the roads with one-way movement (trucks with permitted maximum mass More than 3.5 T on the left side of the roads with one-way movement is allowed only to stop for loading or unloading).

12.2. Putting the vehicle is allowed in one row parallel to the edge of the carriageway. Two-wheeled vehicles without a side trailer are allowed to put in two rows.

(see text in the previous edition)

The combination of sign 6.4 with one of the plates 8.6.4 - 8.6.9, as well as lines road markup It allows the vehicle formulation at an angle to the edge of the carriageway in the event that the configuration (local broadening) of the roadway allows such location.

(see text in the previous edition)

12.3. Parking with a target long rest, overnight, and the like outside the settlement is allowed only on the venues provided for this site or outside the road.

12.4. Stop it is prohibited:

on the tramways, as well as in close proximity to them, if it creates interference by the movement of trams;

on railway movies, in tunnels, as well as on overpars, bridges, overpasses (if there is less than three bands in this direction) and under them;

in places where the distance between the solid linen of markup (except the designating edge of the roadway), the separation strip or the opposite edge of the carriageway and the vehicle stopped less than 3 m;

(see text in the previous edition)

on pedestrian crossings and closer than 5 m in front of them;

on the roadway near dangerous turns and convex fractures of the longitudinal profile of the road at sight of the road less than 100 m at least in one direction;

at the intersection of passage parts and closer than 5 m from the edge of the intersectable roadway, except for the side opposite the side passage of trilateral intersections (intersections) having a solid markup line or separation strip;

closer 15 meters from shuttle vehicles or parking sites passenger taximarked with marking 1.17, and during its absence - from the pointer to the stop of the shuttle vehicles or parking lot taxi (except for stopping for landing and disembarking passengers, if it does not create interference by the movement of transport vehicles or vehicles used as a passenger taxi);

(see text in the previous edition)

in places where the vehicle will close from other drivers traffic lights, road signs, or make it impossible to move (entry or departure) other vehicles (including cycling or cycling tracks, as well as closer than 5 meters from the bike or cycling track cargo part), or will create interference to the movement of pedestrians (including in places of pairing of the roadway and the sidewalk in one level intended for the movement of small citizens);

(see text in the previous edition)

Good evening!
Help disassemble, am I a fool or inspector?
The car stood like this:

before the reservoir:

The following happened:
I saw in the window how the tow truck is attached to my car with a DPS machine. We grab the jacket run into the street, Krychka leave the car - the action continues, the evacuator makes the view that I do not. I apologize to the IDPS I ask:
- Do not tighten the car, so I come to fix the violation (if any).
- Who are you? Do not interfere with working.
- I am the master of the car, see the documents.
As a result, the inspector refuses to see the documents until the departure of my car on the tow truck.
Then he invites to go to him into the car, begins (or continues) to fill in the ruling. Requests my documents, says that everything is in order with the documents and asks what I did not presented them before. And also warns that the video recorder in his car just recorded the moment of transferring the documents to him (no words - the police). It's a shame for 3000r. Already got - the car left.
-What did I violate?
He says PDD. 12.4. I ask to get traffic rules and clarify. Reads - "The stop is prohibited - in places, where the distance between the solid line of the markup (except the reference edge of the roadway), the separation strip or the opposite edge of the carriageway and the vehicle stopped less than 3 m." Shows a picture:

I'm trying to prove that the case is not mine, because From the interpretation and pattern to clause 12.4, I understand that the car is not by the rules, I forcing the participants of the passing movement with me to the departure to configured stripe For the leak of my vehicle, but this is not the case! Because Both bands move in one direction and no interference for other TS I do not create!
He does not listen to me, says sign up the protocol, I do not agree. I do not agree, then come tomorrow from 14 to 16 to the investigator and after you take the car. We sign - you can go for a car to a fine parking lot. I ask: "Why do I write down the ruling, and not the protocol?". Explains that in this situation he may write only the ruling if the protocol is needed - then tomorrow to the investigator. The word "tomorrow", relative to the car just scares me. The car is needed, you need to work. To go to the investigator - another working day is lost. In the result, he forced me to write me under the dictation: "I agree with a violation, I disagree with evacuation in my presence." After that, the protocol on the detention of the vehicle, I signed that I received a copy and went for the car.
On SC paid 2700, signed in some magazine about the acceptance of the car and in the act which was compiled during the evacuation that the machine without damage. Judging by the damage from the act before evacuation, the car had mens thresholds and scratches on the body (actually no dents). He took from the SC without dents on the thresholds and scratches on the body)). I took the car, left ...
Before starting the fight against "shorts in bulk" by appealing to the prosecutor's office, I want to discuss with you a violation and I understood violated or not.

Permanent, uninterrupted vehicle movement is impossible: both the driver and technique should relax. Or, in other words, go to stop or parking mode.

We note only one important circumstance: the presence and signs, and markings are an incomparable benefit for the driver. And all because they are a very visual way to regulate stopping and parking, and the auto owner of the sideline can be convinced of the correctness (or, unfortunately, the wrongness) of his actions.

However, the presence or lack of the characters mentioned earlier and the markups are not yet exhausted, the principles of stop and parking, for which a special section is highlighted in traffic rules.

12 PDD section: General Stop and Parking Principles

12-y. section PDD Especially dedicated to the rules for stopping and parking (in the event that they are not prohibited by the already considered signs and markup).

So, the driver needs to be sacred " golden Rule »: and stop, and parking are allowed on the right side of the road - on the side.

Under any circumstances, the car owner, planning parking, can take it precisely here (if it is, of course, not prohibited by other requirements of traffic rules).

However, in large and medium settlements of the side of the road, as a rule, there is no. In such cases, the rules allow stopping and parking on the right side of the road - on the edge of the carriageway.

The driver must clearly understand that with the extension and the ability to stop and parking on it, it is forbidden to use for these purposes. cargo part.

Such tactics will be a gross violation of traffic rules, and most often drivers make it when driving outside the settlement. Thus, they not only form interference to move other vehicles, but also contribute to the creation emergency situation Under the conditions of speed movement.

The rules provide for stop and parking not only on the right side of the road. In two cases allowed to park and on the left side. But both of these options are directly related to the areas of the settlement of the settlement.

1. Two-band road (one strip for each direction) on which there are no tram paths in the middle.

Stopping and parking on the left side of such roads, at first glance, looks unsafe. After all, departure from such a parking will be carried out from the headpoint. However, in the settlement - in conditions active limit speed \u200b\u200bregime - This danger does not seem to be so serious. But the need to search for parking space - on the contrary, looks like a fairly relevant problem.

It becomes quite understandable to the requirement of the absence of tramways in the middle of the road.

It's just in this case the exit of the vehicle from the parking lot on the left side of a very wide road will be unsafe.

2. The road with one-way movement.

The right to stop on the left side of the road with one-way movement should not cause skepticism or rejection, because traffic across the entire width of the roadway is carried out in one direction.

True, drivers truckswhose allowed maximum mass exceeds 3.5 tons, it must be remembered that it is permitted only in these conditions and is permitted and exclusively for loading-unloading the vehicle.

As for the situation outside the settlement, here any driver must refrain from stopping on the left side of the road, as well as from a long parking lot (for a long stay, overnight stay, etc.) within the road. He should find a special platform provided for parking or go beyond the road.

This requirement aims to ensure maximum security of both the vehicle standing and moving along the road. In unforeseen cases, the side can become a plot, thanks to which a collision can be avoided by rebuilding him. Therefore, the sidelines outside the settlement is desirable to be free.

But on the "motorway" (5.1), for example, as on or m4, and "road for cars" (5.3), stop and parking, in general, allowed only on special sites, which, in addition, must be indicated by the corresponding signs indicating the possibility Parking.

Within such a road - both on the roadway, and on the side of the road - stop and parking are categorically prohibited. This limitation is connected with the intensity of movement in such areas of the road, and from them.

Location TC on parking

When the vehicle is located in conditions of stop and parking, it is necessary to remember another "golden rule": the vehicle is allowed to put only in one row and only parallel to the carriageway. An exception to this rule is only two-wheeled vehicles that can be placed in two rows.

A different way of parking is allowed only with the corresponding indication on it signs "The method of setting the vehicle in the parking lot", as well as lines of horizontal road markings, denoting parking "boxes".

In this case, it is allowed to stop and parking at an angle to the carriageway and even using paving space. But in this case there must be a corresponding indication of the signs on this method of formulation.

In these Terms, the driver must remember another requirement: only passenger cars, motorcycles, mopeds and bicycles allow at the corner of the roadway or on the sidewalk. Other vehicles put at an angle to the carriageway or with the use of paving space is prohibited.

All other vehicles are not available to all vehicles. They can stop and parking only parallel to the carriageway and only when such a way is allowed.

Thus, the location of the vehicle during parking relative to the roadway should be parallel if the signs and / or markup does not specify another method of setting the vehicle to the parking lot.

Where the stop and parking of vehicles is prohibited

Special Estimation Prohibition Cases

Paragraph 12.4 of the traffic police is dedicated to cases when drivers are categorically forbidden to stop (and, consequently, the parking lot). All these cases provided for by the rules combines one general property: in such sections, stopping and parking is not safe.

1. The stop is prohibited on the tramways and in the immediate vicinity of the tram paths, if at the same time stopped the vehicle will create some interference to move the tram.

The ban on stopping in such places is associated with the impossibility of continuing the movement of rail vehicles, because the tram will not be able to drive around the obstacle on its rails.

2. Stop is prohibited on railway moving.

It is unlikely that a sensible person will object to the stop of the stop on the railway paths, which are particularly dangerous portion of the road. The driver must remember that the boundaries of the railway crossing are limited to barriers or signs "Single railway"(1.3.1) or" multi-fingered railway "(1.3.2), installed on the entrance to moving and leaving it. It is here that stop is forbidden.

3. Stop is prohibited in tunnels.

As a rule, tunnel portals are not so wide, and the stop here will create interference to unhindered and safe Movement other vehicles. Yes, and the drivers themselves seek to drive limited space Tunnels as quickly as possible.

4. Stop is prohibited at bridges, overpass, overpass and under them (there is an exception).

The ban of stopping on artificial fleeting structures is determined by a number of circumstances:

  • limited space;
  • the danger of accommodation here is a large number of vehicles, creating pressure on the supporting structures of the structure, etc.

The ban of stopping under such artificially created objects is caused by the same limited space.

However, the driver must remember the important exception to this rule.

If on the bridge, on the overpass, on the overpass (but not under them) in this direction there are at least three lanes for the movement, then the stop and parking on such structures are permitted.

5. The stop is prohibited in areas where the distance between the stopped TC and the solid linen of markup (except 1.2.1), opposite the edge of the carriageway or separation strip, is less than 3 meters.

We'll figure it out in the intricacies of this situation.

The absence of a 3-meter interval between stopped vehicles and a solid linte of markup makes their detour without a traffic violation for others. They will be forced to violate the rules.

The same circumstance also acts in the case of a separation strip and the opposite edge of the carriageway, when drivers of other TCs and physically (due to the border), and will not legally be able to drive around traffic.

6. Stop is prohibited on pedestrian crossings, as well as closer than 5 meters in front of them.

The stop of stopping and parking at a pedestrian crossing is clear: otherwise, the movement of pedestrians will be created, which in this area use the advantage.

The required 5-meter distance before a pedestrian crossing should provide visibility to the driver of an approaching vehicle. In this case, the pedestrian going to the pedestrian crossing will not be an unpleasant surprise for drivers.

7. Stop is prohibited on the carriageway in conditions limited visibility (less than 100 meters in any direction).

This stopping and parking restriction is introduced in order to road conditions On the roadway there were no obstacles in the person of stopped vehicles. This circumstance greatly complicates the oncoming travel. But this rule is valid only on.

On the side of the bus stop and parking are not prohibited.

8. The stop is prohibited at the intersections of the passage parts and 5 meters before and after them (there is an exception).

The prohibition of stopping and parking at the intersections of the passage parts is quite natural. After all, as in this case, other participants will move road?

Very important circumstance. Some drivers suggest that stopping and parking is prohibited. It is wrong: it is at the intersections of passage parts and 5 meters before and after them. And it is fundamentally!

Turn to the next example.

Before us - Crossroads with circular motion. It is formed by three intersections of passage parts. And the stop (with a parking lot) at such an intersection is allowed, but when complying with a 5-meter distance to each intersection.

It is important to note that from this rule there is one exception: on the T-shaped intersection with a solid line of marking (or separation strip) opposite the side of the side, stopping and parking are permitted. Naturally, when complying with the 3-meter interval to a solid line (or separation strip).

Such an exception is quite explained. With a continuous line (or separation strip) at such an intersection, turns left and reversal are prohibited. Therefore, the vehicle standing opposite the lateral passage will not create interference for the rectilinear movement of other TCs.

And, on the contrary, the intermittent markup line at the crossroads will create a crushing and lead to the drain.

9. Stop is prohibited in places of stops public transport (Route vehicles) and parking lots of passenger taxis, as well as 15 meters before and after them (there is an exception).

Such a restriction of the stop and parking is due to the need for the unhindered movement of route vehicles and passenger taxis.

As for the 15-meter distance before and after such places, this requirement is associated with the prospect of the unimpeded exit of such transport from the specified areas of the road.

If there is a markup of the "yellow broken" (1.18), the driver must measure the laid 15 meters on each side of the drawing line. And in the absence of marking - from the signs 5.16 - 5.18.

The exclusion from the considered rule is as follows: drivers are allowed to stop in places of public transport stops and parking lots of passenger taxis only under the compliance with two conditions (at the same time):

  • for landing and disembarking passenger;
  • under the condition of the disadvantage of the vehicles and a passenger taxi.

Therefore, not necessarily when boarding passengers on bus stop. The main thing is not to create interference to "minibuses", planting or seating passengers.

10. Stop is prohibited in those places where stopped TC make it impossible to enter or leaving to another TC, will create interference with pedestrians, and also closes the means of regulating the road traffic (signs or traffic lights).

Such a ban is obvious.

For example, a truck driver closed for other drivers visibility road sign "Stop is prohibited."

And with this situation you need to understand very long. There are many offenders here. Only this is how they will be able to disperse.

11. Stop is prohibited on the cyclists band.

Everything is clear here and without comment. This is a strip for cyclists only, and there is nothing to do with drivers of mechanical vehicles on it: neither for movement or stop or parking.

Special Parking Prohibition Cases

According to traffic rules, the parking is prohibited in those places where the stop is prohibited. This circumstance is quite logical, because, as noted earlier, it is impossible to park, after not having stopped (at least 5 minutes).

So, parking (as well as stop) is prohibited:

1) on the tramways and in close proximity to the tramways, if at the same time stopped the TC will create some interference to move the tram;

2) on railway moving;

3) in tunnels;

4) at bridges, overpass, overpasses and under them (except when on the bridge, on the overpass, on the overpass (but not under them) in this direction there are at least three lanes for the movement);

5) in areas where the distance between the CU stopped and the solid laying line (except 1.2.1), which, the opposite edge of the carriageway or separation strip, is less than 3 meters;

6) on pedestrian transitions, as well as closer than 5 meters in front of them;

7) on the carriageway in conditions of limited visibility (less than 100 meters in any direction);

8) at the intersections of passage parts and 5 meters before and after them (except for the occasion of the parking on the T-shaped intersection with a solid line of marking (or separation strip) opposite the side passage);

9) in places of public transport stops (route vehicles) and parking lots of passenger taxis, as well as 15 meters before and after them;

10) in those places where stopped the vehicle to make the impossible entry or leaving to another TC, will create interference with pedestrians, as well as close road regulatory tools (signs or traffic lights);

11) on the strip for cyclists.

In addition to these cases, the parking is forbidden on two sites.

1. Parking is prohibited outside the settlement on the roadway of roads marked "Main Road" (2.1).

The ban on the parking lot on such a section of the road is due to high speed Movement outside the settlement. Especially if the movement is carried out on the main road. In such conditions, the vehicle that stands on the roadway will be obvious interference. And if the short-term stop is allowed here, the parking lot using the roadway by the rules is excluded for the considerations of elementary safety.

Consequently, outside the settlement on the carriageway of the road marked by the "Main Road" sign, the parking is permitted exclusively on the side of the road or outside the road.

2. Parking is prohibited in a 50-meter zone before and after railway crossings.

Parking, like the stop, is prohibited on the railway crossing. This is not discussed. But the parking lot can not be carried out at a distance of 50 meters before and after moving.

Such a ban is explained by the danger of this section of the road, which is in the immediate vicinity of the railway tracks.

Actions of the driver and passengers when stopping and parking

When stopping or parking, the driver and passengers are forbidden to open the doors of the vehicle, if these actions create interference with other participants in the movement.

Agree, the textbook example and a very common mistake and drivers, and passengers.

In the event that the driver is going to leave the vehicle and leave it without observation, it is obliged to take everything possible to eliminate the possibility of involuntary Motion of the vehicle, as well as its unauthorized use.

This means that it is necessary to limit the access of unauthorized persons to the vehicle (close the locks of doors and trunk, to use the design provided anti-theft system, put a car on the alarm, etc.).

Thus, the driver's knowledge of the rules for stopping and parking vehicles will allow, on the one hand, to avoid punishment in accordance with the current legislation (in the form of an administrative penalty and), and on the other, to preserve its vehicle in immunity (or at least make an unauthorized Penetration into it and illegal sharing them).

Video - PDD Stop and Parking - a detailed explanation:

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Comments on the article:


    In Europe for micro-car (for example, Smart) to instill interest, a number of overlooks in the orientation of the car at the parking lot are made: 2 cars per place, permission to put across, etc. It seems to me that this is not bad to introduce both in our traffic rules - you look, the people and will restore from their huge cars, freeing a bunch of space!

    Dmitry Borisovich

    I agree with Vitaly, when parking is near the sign on the side of the sidelines, it is not calm in the soul.
    In general, it is necessary to know the rules of parking, our DPS people love to write out the fines allegedly for wrong parking. Not everyone has traffic rules and is able to argue inspectors.


    With parking for people with disabilities we have trouble. Occupy quite healthy people. I myself 2 weeks ago paid for parking. Rose into the territory of the paid parking. But the car drove the tow truck, and I got to the parking lot on the places for the disabled. On the road covering The markup "For the disabled" was absent, only the sign "Parking for the disabled", hidden in the foliage of the tree. That's how you caught my inattention. It turns out that the society of disabled seemed little parking venues In the city, on demand they were increased by 10%, and the markup did not have time to update.


    I often reread information about road signs and markup on the Internet. Innovations can enter into force and can not learn about them! Each driver should always be aware of the rules, and the repetition, as they say, the mother of the teachings!


    I myself go to Toyota IQ, it would be nice if B and in our country we led similar crossings for mini cars. In general, it's sad with a parking lot, constantly see cars, standing straight under signs and nothing .. only in the center of the city still somehow traffic cops and the tow truck works


    The most sore theme for both car enthusiasts and pedestrians. Now with the introduction of paid parking options not so much where to leave the car. Previously, he often went to Europe, and there for a long time you can leave your Smart Mini next door to the same mini in one place. Most likely, in Russia, such a law accepted such a law, you would look at SMART MINI.


    It is a pity that not everyone knows the rules proper parking, and put cars where they want, and then they complain that they were taken to the throat. In resort cities, evacuators are actively working, and we are constantly traffic jams because of those who are too lazy to go extra 50 meters from the parking lot.
    And it is necessary to update knowledge about traffic rules, otherwise unnecessary fines Do not finish.


    Stood somehow in traffic jam and see how some motorists circle a row on the sidelines. Outrageous. What kind of it can threaten? Of course, it is hardly deprived of right, I think the penalty will write out if yes, then in what size?


    I read the article and decided that the traffic rules should be redistributed. Over time, information is forgotten, now focusing only in ordinary road situations.


    He was in St. Petersburg, the museums stay almost no place to leave the car far along the road, so noted that traffic cops with a roulette measured the distance from machines to intersection and pedestrian crossings. Half-meter drove on the tow truck!


    Once he argued his right to the inspector. I stopped on the bridge, the view was beautiful to the city, I decided to take a picture. Drive up the traffic police and inspector in the population of me that the stop in this place is prohibited. There were three stripes in one direction, especially since I often saw that the cars were stopped here. In the distance they visited the sign, which, according to the inspector, prohibits the stop here. I had to go, make sure that the visible sign does not apply to this site. As a result, we went without a fine, but the inspector promised to catch me elsewhere. Ten years have passed since then, I did not see him anymore.


    Especially straining the signs of the parking lot and at even and odd numbers. Confused the date, I was looking for a car. I thought stolen, and this was a tow truck


    In the forces, good times, when cars on the roads were significantly less, then the violation of the rules of stopping and parking was not uncommon. The most common violations were: stopping the city on the left side of the road, unloading passengers on the roadway road. Many drivers did not understand what the difference between the signs of "stop forbidden" and "Parking is prohibited." Often the drivers were stopped in prohibited locations, making it difficult to move on to other cars. Currently, the situation sharply aggravated, especially in major citiesYes, already in district centers. Machines participating in motion so much that the permanent problem is the arrangement of organized parking and violation of the rules of parking. The caste of arrogant drivers, a favorite habit of which is to stop the vehicle on the roadway, hiding behind the accident on the accident.


    Car on the road every day is becoming more and more, but the number of competent drivers unfortunately decreases progressively. I am no longer surprisingly parked car across parking markup.


    When I received right could not remember what kind of parking sign, but which stop. Yes, it was still confused where in even and odd, on weekends it is forbidden to park. Periodically, I also reread about signs, so as not to miss the new one.


    In the near future, all regulation should be transferred to video surveillance cameras, naturally the number of traffic police will reduce. If for example, I have a forced stop in the wrong place - breakdown, bad well-being I.T.P. In the usual case, you will be able to stand as much as you eliminate the problem or until the traffic police officers do not notice you, but in this case your no guilt can be proved in place. And what about the surveillance cameras, after the penalty comes, because in most cases the base may be absent for many reasons.


    For the last month, three fine, for parking in the wrong places. And I see, in one place, the police were not right.


    Despite the solid driving experience, parking in the city still causes certain difficulties. A lot of transport, everything is more or less suitable places They are scored, markup is often either very clouded, or lost from old age, the inspector love to catch the violators and it is not always possible to prove their right, given the rather difficult regulation in traffic rules, the mass of the nuances, which, to be honest, is not enough who knows. Sometimes it is easier to go through a kilometer than to suffer, trying to get into the liberated "pockets". Outside settlements Simply, but when the parking lot on the "shunter" motorways, of course, it is very desirable to go away from the curb, and then many unpleasant stories happen, starting with fines, ending with an accident.


    Parking is serious problem Our roads and yards. If parking rule on the road is still observed, then in the courtyards with this trouble. Park where they want, in playgrounds, on the flower beds.


    Here I read all the feedback and surprise, most complains that the stop sign is straining. I often see this situation: the driver approaches where the stop is prohibited, includes accidents and went on their own business. Specially ceased time, sometimes it reached half an hour. Well, what kind of culture can then speak at all. And correctly, what to take on the towers, and then complaining that the car should be sought. Let's comply with the requirements and then everyone will be happiness.


    Recently paid parking near TC, mass events, etc. It is not completely selected and often simply semi-empty. Drivers have to do bypass maneuvers in other free places and create inconvenience both to themselves and others. I, for example, do not want to pay to freebies. And thus the city administration together with the traffic police for the purposes of profit, through which IP creates emergency sites and contributes violations of traffic rules Removing profits even counting fines and evacuation.


    He stopped for photographing the dam through the yellow solid line, immediately drove the traffic police and began to write a fine! But who determined that I stand more than 5 minutes and how to prove my right point, is there such an opportunity?


    In order not to find out the relationship with the traffic police when I am going along the M2 highway, then most often I do not use the road, but the congresses in the forest or in the field, there are already these rules there, and there is almost nothing to complain about the traffic police. And the best calm itself, the trucks do not fly.


    That's just yesterday. Food down the street, ordinary three-meter width of the road. Ahead is driving a car. I keep the distance. Suddenly it begins to slow down and stops stopping on the road. I decide which side to drive around, how suddenly the car stopped starting the movement by reverse right on me. Barely managed to dodge. That's what the violation of the stopping rules means. At first, I wanted to beat the driver who was justified that he did not see me. Ram.

    Sergey Sergeevich

    Here are smart people - invented a sign for stopping / parking "Place of rest", that's just forgot to specify the range of action. What just do not come up - where to work, just not to work. For all country tracks, I have the right to stop where I want abroad of the roadbed, on any side of any side where there are no prohibiting signs. For this, why such a sign is needed.


    What such a stop and parking is clear to me, do not frighten and signs denoting sites, parking and organized places of recreation. But the prohibition signs are delivered not to little hassle, especially I do not like the yellow markup, it would be better to hang a sign.


    As always suddenly came Winter. In our city, and in others, probably, the fulfillment of the rules of stopping and parking are complicated due to the coverage of their snow. Organized parking even night utilities can not be cleaned, as they are busy cars. For this reason, the snow rolls and becomes higher and higher. At the first thaw, the troped snow turns into porridge. It's hard to go to the parking lot and not so easy to leave the car drops. How to solve this problem can not understand, because the perpetrators of this situation are not even urban authorities, and we, drivers.


    Yes, in the winter, the car parking rules are sometimes impossible because of the snowdrifts. And on the track and at all trouble. Only "accidental" helps.

p 12.1 PDD. Stopping and parking vehicles are allowed on the right side of the road on the side of the road, and in its absence - on the roadway from its region and in cases established by paragraph 12.2 of the Rules, on the sidewalk.

On the left side of the road, stopping and parking are permitted in settlements on roads with one roadway for each direction without tramways in the middle and on unilateral movement roads (trucks with a maximum mass of more than 3.5 tons on the left side of the road with one-sided movement are allowed Only stop for downloading or unloading).

p 12.2 traffic rules. Putting the vehicle is allowed in one row parallel to the edge of the carriageway. Two-wheeled vehicles without a side trailer are allowed to put in two rows.

The method of setting the vehicle in the parking lot (parking) is determined by the 4.4 sign and road markup lines, sign 6.4 with one of the plates 8.6.1-8.6.9 and the road marking lines or without any.

The combination of a sign 6.4 with one of the plates 8.6.4-8.6.9, as well as the lines of road markings, allows the vehicle to perform a vehicle at an angle to the edge of the carriageway in the event that the configuration (local broadening) of the carriage part allows such a location.

Parking on the edge of the sidewalk, bordering the roadway, is allowed only to passenger cars, motorcycles, mosses and bikes in places marked with 6.4 from one of the tables 8.4.7, 8.6.2, 8.6.3, 8.6.6-8.6.9.

p 12.3 traffic rules. Parking for a long time, overnight stay and the like outside the settlement is allowed only on the venues provided for this site or outside the road.

p 12.4 traffic rules. Stop it is prohibited:

on the tramways, as well as in close proximity to them, if it creates interference by the movement of trams;

on railway movies, in tunnels, as well as on overpars, bridges, overpasses (if there is less than three bands in this direction) and under them;

in places where the distance between the solid linen of markup (except the designating edge of the roadway), the separation strip or the opposite edge of the carriageway and the vehicle stopped less than 3 m;

on pedestrian crossings and closer than 5 m in front of them;

on the roadway near dangerous turns and convex fractures of the longitudinal profile of the road at sight of the road less than 100 m at least in one direction;

at the intersection of passage parts and closer than 5 m from the edge of the intersectable roadway, except for the side opposite the side passage of trilateral intersections (intersections) having a solid markup line or separation strip;

closer than 15 meters from the places of stopping transport vehicles or parking lot taxi marked with marking 1.17, and in its absence - from the pointer to stop the shutdown vehicles or parking lot taxi (except for stopping for landing and disembarking passengers, if it does not create interference vehicles or vehicles used as a passenger taxi);

in places where the vehicle will close from other drivers traffic lights, road signs, or make it impossible to move (entry or departure) other vehicles, or will create interference to move pedestrians;

on the strip for cyclists.

p 12.5 traffic rules. Parking is prohibited:

in places where the stop is prohibited;

beyond settlements on the roadway of roads marked 2.1;

closer 50 m from railway crossings.

p 12.6 PDD. With a forced stop in places where the stop is prohibited, the driver must take everything possible measures To remove the vehicle from these places.

p 12.7 PDD. It is forbidden to open the vehicle doors, if it is creating interference with other road users.

p 12.8 traffic rules. The driver can leave his place or leave the vehicle if they are accepted necessary measureseliminating the spontaneous movement of the vehicle or using it in the absence of the driver.

It is forbidden to leave in the vehicle at the time of his parking child under the age of 7 years in the absence of an adult person.

Commentary on the section 12 rules of the RF traffic rules

Stopping and parking vehicles are allowed on the right side of the road on the side of the road, and in its absence - on the roadway from its region and in cases established by paragraph 12.2 of the Rules, on the sidewalk.

On the left side of the road, stopping and parking are permitted in settlements on roads with one roadway for each direction without tramways in the middle and on unilateral movement roads (trucks with a permitted maximum mass of more than 3.5 tons on the left side of one-way movement roads are allowed Only stop for downloading or unloading * (84).

First of all, point to the difference in the terms "stop" and "parking". "Stop" is a deliberate cessation of a vehicle movement for up to five minutes, as well as for more, if necessary for planting and disembarking passengers or loading or unloading the vehicle. "Parking" is a deliberate cessation of a vehicle movement for more than five minutes for reasons that are not associated with landing or disembarking of passengers or by loading or unloading the vehicle.

IN general The driver can stop its vehicle only on the right side of the road on the side of the road or on the edge of the carriageway - in the absence of the roadside. In strictly agreed cases, stopping and parking of vehicles and on the left side of the road are allowed.

In the presence of the side, adjacent to the roadway, leave the vehicle on the carriageway can not be.

On some roads, the roadside may have the same coating as the driving part. In this case, it is separated from the carriage of the corresponding line of markup. In such a situation, the rules require only on the sidelines.

If the markup is indistinguishable (due to the presence of snow, dirt or by other circumstances), then the driver is due to complexity visual definition The boundaries between the roadway and the coating, which is covered, and taking into account the prohibition of parking outside the towns on the roadway of roads marked 2.1, should refrain from the deliberate parking lot in such places, and with a forced stop - to take all the measures necessary to ensure the safety of road traffic (Put the vehicle as you can rightly and designate it in accordance with).

It is not allowed to place vehicles on the lawn separating the roadway from the sidewalk.

The order of stopping and parking of vehicles on the sidewalk is set out in the comments to clause 12.2 of the Rules. Within settlements, subject to the presence of the conditions specified in paragraph 12.1 of the Rules, the stop and parking are permitted on the left side of the roads. Such an exception is general rules Made to avoid dangerous and sufficiently complex in the narrow roadway of the turning point. At the same time, the departure to the left side must be carried out in compliance with all the rules of maneuvering and only in the absence of a solid markup line along the axis.

This item rules (clause 12.1) in the settlements allows stopping and parking on the left side of the roads with one-way movement. For trucks with a maximum mass of more than 3.5 tons in this case, the rules allow you to stop only for the execution of loading and unloading work.

The driver can be in difficulty in determining the possibility of attributing to the road with one-sided movement of the roadway separated by a wide separation strip from the roadway with the counter movement. In such cases, it should be guided by the rule: the road only refers to the roads with one-way movement, if it has a road sign "one-way movement". It acts to the place of installation of the "jackhable" sign "End of the road with one-way movement".

It is necessary to take into account some features relating to the order of movement in the settlement, indicated by 5.24 sign (with a blue background). On the road passing through the settlement marked with the mentioned sign, taking into account the requirements of the item of the rules and stopping and stopping vehicles on the left side are prohibited. However, when a distance from the specified road to other roads of this settlement, stopping and parking are permitted and on the left side of the provisions specified in this Regulation.

The vehicle is allowed in one row parallel to the edge of the carriageway, with the exception of those places, the configuration (local broadening of the carriage part) of which it allows other location of vehicles. Two-wheeled vehicles without a side trailer are allowed to put in two rows.

Parking on the edge of the sidewalk, bordering the roadway, is allowed only for cars, motorcycles, mosses and bicycles in places marked with 6.4 with one of the tablets 8.6.2, 8.6.3, 8.6.6-8.6.9 * (85)

In paragraph 12.2 of the rules, the phrase "broadening the roadway" appears. In the view of the authors of the comment and the fundamentals of investigations of an accident under the general edition of S.I. Giro, more acceptable would be the term "expansion". The exclusion about the parking lot during the broadening of the roadway is made only for two-wheeled vehicles without a side trailer, as well as for those parts of the road, where the driving part has a local expansion that allows other location of vehicles.

The item in question establishes the order of stopping and parking of vehicles both on the sidelines and the edge of the carriageway. Even if the width of the curb allows you to place two vehicles in parallel (for example, for small-sized passenger cars Almost this is possible with the width of the curb of 3.75 m), such a placement is unacceptable.

Under the location of the vehicles means their placement for parking or stop at an angle to the edge of the carriageway. The angle of setting is determined by the markup of the parking spaces, and in the absence of marking - the drivers themselves, but in such a way that the vehicles do not occupy the main roadway.

Due to the small sizes, two-wheeled vehicles without a side trailer are allowed to be installed in two rows. However, to put a motorcycle without a side trailer next to a motorcycle having a stroller is prohibited.

In some cases, in order to exclude the overtime of the carriage of the standing vehicles to increase bandwidth Road parking can be organized on the edge of the sidewalk. However, the parties are allowed to use the rules only if there is a sign of the "parking lot", supplemented by one of the tables 8.6.2, 8.6.3, 8.6.6-8.6.9, showing the method of vehicle formulations.

That is, placing vehicles it is necessary only in parallel to the edge of the carriageway. At the same time, in the presence of a traffic sign "Parking Place" with additional signs 8.6.2 and the other above, the placement of the vehicle must correspond to the method prescribed by these signs. In any case, it is necessary to ensure sufficient space for the movement and passage of pedestrians. And in order not to make it difficult to pedestrian movement, this possibility of parking on the edge of the sidewalk is provided only to drivers relative to compact vehicles - cars, motorcycles (including a side trailer), mopeds and bicycles.

To streamline the placement of vehicles on the sidewalk, in addition to the corresponding signs using markings 1.1, the boundaries of parking spaces may be designated. In this case, when performing vehicles in the parking lot, drivers should also be guided by lines of markup.

It should be emphasized that an indispensable condition for using a sidewalk to stop or parking, in addition to the presence of relevant road signs, is the direct adjoining of it to the roadway. In the case when the sidewalk is separated from the roadway to the lawn, the stop and parking on it is unacceptable.

Parking with the goal of a long rest, overnight chairs and the like outside the settlement is allowed only on the venues provided for this site or outside the road * (86).

Long-term parking on the road outside the settlement, where the speed of movement and the time of the response of drivers increase, increases the likelihood of a traffic accident on the standing vehicle, and also makes it difficult for road operational services, especially in winter.

Special platforms for long-term parking vehicles are provided every 15-20 kilometers on roads I and II categories, 25-35 kilometers on roads III Categories and 45-55 kilometers on the roads of IV category. These platforms are indicated by the "parking lot" signs, which can be guided by drivers when planning a long stay for rest. In addition, there are specially designed objects (hotels, motels, campgrounds), the presence of the corresponding signs "Hotel or Motel", "Camping", "Place for Recreation" is placed along the roads.

In the absence of special sites outside the settlements, the long-term parking should be carried out outside the road. Taking into account the definition of the term "road", given in, in such a situation, the parking should be performed on an unconvocible for the movement of vehicles of the land of the earth outside the road.

Stop it is prohibited: * (87)

On the tramways, as well as in close proximity to them, if it creates interference by the movement of trams;

On railway movies, in tunnels, as well as on overpars, bridges, overpasses (if there is less than three bands in this direction) and under them;

In places where the distance between the solid line of markup (except the designating edge of the roadway), the separation strip or the opposite edge of the carriageway and the vehicle stopped less than three meters;

On pedestrian crossings and closer than five meters before them;

On the roadway near dangerous turns and convex fractures of the longitudinal profile of the road when the road is less than 100 meters at least in one direction;

At the intersection of the passage parts and closer than five meters from the edge of the intersected roadway, except for the side opposite the side travel of trilateral intersections (crossroads) having a solid markup line or separation strip;

30 meters from the places of stopping transport vehicles marked with marking 1.17, and during its absence - from the pointer to the stopping place of the shutdown vehicles (except for stopping or disembarking passengers, if it does not create interference by the movement of transport vehicles);

In places where the vehicle will close from other drivers traffic lights, road signs, or make it impossible movement (entry or departure) of other vehicles, or will create interference to move pedestrians.

In addition to those specified in this paragraph of cases, if necessary, the ban on the stopping of vehicles can be administered in other places of installation of the road sign 3.27 "stop forbidden" and (or) the line of 1.4 road markings.

The road sign action 3.27 applies only to the other side of the road, where it is installed. In the presence of this sign, the stop is prohibited on the entire carriage of this direction, including local broadenings, "pockets" and places of stopping vehicles, as well as on the roads and sidewalks (since they are elements of the road as an engineering structure in accordance with the definition of this term in paragraph 1.2 rules).

The position of the PDD is prohibited on the tram paths relates to cases where the tram paths of the associated direction are located so that the movement of the fine vehicles is carried out with full or partial use of them.

Stopping vehicles on tramways or in close proximity to them for general rule is prohibited. But in accordance with the requirement of paragraph 12.4 traffic rules prerequisite The possibility of using the roadway in close proximity to tramway To stop a straight vehicle is the absence of interference by the movement of trams from the stopping vehicle. If such interference is not created, you can stay in close proximity to the tramway.

Further, a stop of stopping on rail movements, etc. In order to avoid hitting on stopped vehicles in dangerous areas of roads and increase the bandwidth of these sites.

It is necessary to clarify the condition imposed on the number of travelers in this direction on the overpass, bridges, overpass and under them. Through the entire text of the rules in cases where the number of traffic strips on the roadway, mean their actual number, that is, without taking into account the bands that are not temporarily not used for the movement of vehicles (for example, in the presence of temporary narrowing due to work carried out, snowy drifts etc.). In the case of the influence of these and similar factors, drivers must correctly adjust the counting of the actual number of travelers and, taking into account this, apply this position of the rules.

The width of the strip of movement of three meters is minimally sufficient for the passage of the car, taking into account the need to ensure the required side interval. A decrease in this width stopped by a car actually blocks the traffic strip and forces other drivers to cross the continuous line of longitudinal road marking, that is, violate the rules of the road.

The main objective of the prohibition of stops on pedestrian transitions and in front of them (in the course of the movement of vehicles) - ensuring the necessary visibility by pedestrian drivers, passing the roadway. The requirement is valid only for ground pedestrian crossings, in the absence of marking - in places of installation of signs 5.16.1. and 5.16.2 "Pedestrian crossing". Consequently, it is forbidden to stop both at the transition itself and five meters in the course of the movement to it.

"Figure 16. Stop prohibition location in the zone pedestrian crossing (marked with red lines) "

This prohibition applies only to the roadway. Stops on the sidelines or sidewalk with compliance with the requirements of 12.2 rules are allowed.

The main criterion of action this Regulation It is a limitation of the visibility of the road less than 100 meters at least in one direction, which is often in the zone of dangerous turns and convex fractures of the longitudinal road profile. Dangerous turns Typically, warning road signs 1.11, 1.11.2, 1.12.1 or 1.12.2, which are set for 150-300 meters prior to the beginning of a dangerous area outside the settlement and for 50-100 meters - in the settlement.

In paragraph 7 of paragraph 12.4 of the traffic regime, it is not only about intersections, but also about all the intersections of the passage parts, as and wherever they have not formed. Therefore, this prohibition refers to the departures from the courtyards, from parking sites, petrol stations, territories of enterprises, etc.

Crossroads are distinguished by a large variety of planning characteristics. If the intersection is formed when crossing roads with a wide separation strip, then, as a rule, a stop can be resolved without prejudice to movement. Figures below show examples different types Crossroads (the places of crossing the passage parts are highlighted in blue, and stopping stops are marked with a red line). On T-shaped crossroads opposite the side drift, the stop is permitted independently of the distance from the edge of the adjacent roadway (including within the intersection of the passage parts) only under the condition that the oncoming traffic flows are separated from each other with a solid longitudinal layout or separation strip, and If the distance between the stopped vehicle and the solid linen of markup (separation strip) will be at least three meters. The presence of a break in a solid markup line or in the dividing strip makes the stopping of vehicles impossible, even when the turn is denied to be left using the corresponding signs and markup.

So, the intersection is formed by the intersection of passage parts. At these intersections, the stop is prohibited, but only at the intersections themselves. The borders of the intersection may not coincide with the edges of intersecting passage parts. For example, at the crossroads with a circular motion or on the usual intersection with a wide separation strip. The forbidden zone for stopping is declared the surface of the road for five meters from the edge of the intersected roadway.

Remember that on some T-shaped intersections you can dwell on the intersection of passages, but provided that the rest of the vehicles stopped vehicles will not interfere and will not create interference if they are separated by a separation strip or a solid line of markup from those who drive up to the intersection on the side or from the counter direction. In the latter case, you must remember the three-meter "free" zone. But if there is no markup or in the middle of the road there is an intermittent line, then the stop is not allowed on the T-shaped intersection, since the intermittent markup line allows other vehicles at this intersection to turn left and unfold * (88).

A similar approach to the definition of stopping zones is used on other intersections and areas of any sizes and configurations. At the same time, the area differs from the intersection by the fact that its territory exceeds the territory in size formed by intersecting passages, and the prohibition of stopping vehicles on other sites within the area is being implemented by 4.27 and (or) markup 1.4.

RULES B. specified places Forbid any deliberate stop, except for cases of landing or disembarking passengers and only if it does not create interference with the movement of route vehicles. In other words, the driver must immediately leave the stop location if its vehicle prevents the entrance or departure route bus or trolleybus.

The boundaries of places of stopping vehicles are determined by markup 1.17. In the absence of this markup of the zone in which the stop is prohibited, it extends to both sides of the location of the stopping vehicle stop.

This requirement also applies to the places of tram stop in the event that the stopping light vehicle will interfere with passengers producing landing in the tram or disembarking from it, as well as going from the sidewalk to the standing tram.

Drivers should take into account the dimensions and height of their vehicles so that when stopping, do not limit other participants in the visibility of traffic lights and road signs. Transport traffic lights, located on the side of the roadway, are installed at a height of two to three meters (from lower point The body of the traffic light to the surface of the roadway), road signs - at a height of 1.5 to 2.2 meters outside the settlements and from two to four meters - in settlements.

Interference entry or travel of other vehicles can be created not only when stopping the vehicle on the road with the territory adjacent to the road, but also when stopping at the gate, entry into garages, etc.

Parking is prohibited:

1) in places where the stop is prohibited;

2) beyond settlements on the roadway of roads designated 2.1;

3) closer than 50 meters from railway crossings * (89).

The locations of the stops of vehicles are listed in paragraph 12.4 of the Rules. Naturally, parking is prohibited in these places. In addition, the parking is forbidden in two places, named at this point, and, of course, in the range of road signs 3.27-3.30, as well as in places where 1.4 and 1.10 markup is applied.

Vehicle parking should be performed on the side of the road and only in the absence of the roadside - on the edge of the carriageway. Outside the settlement of the parking lot of vehicles on the roadway in the general case is allowed if the curb is missing either its width is insufficient to accommodate the vehicle. However, on the roads marked 2.1 "The Main Road", in the absence of the roadside the vehicle for the parking should be reserved outside the road.

Sign 2.1 is installed at the beginning of the road or in the place, starting from which the road has the status of the main one. Out of settlements, this sign may not be repeated. Drivers who left for the road not at its beginning and therefore have not seen a sign 2.1, receive information that they are on the main road, focusing on signs 2.3.1-2.3.3, installed in front of the intersections, or signs 2.4 or 2.5, Mounted together with a tablet 7.13 when traveling to the main road.

Batch area of \u200b\u200bparking from railway moving In this case, it can be calculated from the place of stopping vehicles when prohibiting movement through the move (see paragraph 15.4 of the rules). Parking is prohibited at a distance of 50 meters in both directions from moving.

With a forced stop in places where the stop is prohibited, the driver must take all possible measures to remove the vehicle from these places * (90).

Actions of a vehicle driver who committed a forced stop is regulated by a number of rules, in particular, paragraphs 7.1, 7.2, 12.6, 15.5, 16.2, and others. The fulfillment of the requirements of these items does not exempt the driver from the obligation to bring the vehicle outside the road area where the stop is prohibited . Under such sites, those places where the stop is prohibited in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 12.4 of the rules or road sign 3.27, and (or) the places where the line 1.4 road markup is applied.

Measures to accept the driver to remove the vehicle are dictated by the cause of the stop, the nature of the malfunction and other factors. If, for example, the car stopped in the middle of the roadway due to the fact that the engine strokes, then it should be left to the side or the edge of the carriageway using a starter, manually pushing or towing to another vehicle.

In accordance with paragraph 12.7 of the Rules, it is forbidden to open the vehicle doors if it creates interference with other road users.

This requirement of rules belongs to both drivers and car passengers. Interference should not be created in relation to passing vehicles and pedestrians.

The driver can leave his place or leave the vehicle if they are taken by the necessary measures that exclude the spontaneous movement of the vehicle or using it in the absence of the driver * (91).

To prevent the spontaneous movement of the parking (stop) of the vehicle, must be turned on parking brake And, preferably, the first transmission or transfer rear stroke. Selector automatic box The transmissions should be set to the "P" position corresponding to the parking mode. Additionally, it should be applied to the rotation of the front wheels with pressed to the onboard stone, lining under the wheels of various kinds of stops.

To prevent the use of the vehicle in the absence of a driver, it is not allowed to leave unlocked doors, lowered glass and the key in the ignition lock. Available anti-theft device and security alarm It is necessary to act.