Homemade combat vehicles. Homemade armored cars Homemade military equipment

” made us remember other examples of severe military equipment created almost at home. It is worth noting that there are quite a lot of craftsmen who skillfully create replica tanks from tractors that decorate the backyard, and even the scene in the film about the Second World War, and we are not interested in their works. We will tell you about the developments that have become participants in real battles.

Military DIY equipment in history

The first mention of the use of handicraft armored vehicles dates back to the First World War. Scattered detachments of partisans, rebels, militias, faced with the need to build defensive and offensive positions, were forced to oppose homemade armored vehicles military equipment of regular armies, which was gradually transplanted from horses. Often, tractors became the basis for such ersatz machines, which even then turned into the main agricultural and construction equipment.

So, in revolutionary Russia, the first who began to apply makeshift armored vehicles, were Whites. The professional officers of tsarist Russia were losing in battles against the peasants and the proletariat due to the insufficient technical staffing of their troops. They tried to compensate for this with homemade weapons and cars. One of the most clear examples artisanal equipment of that time was the armored car "Colonel Silent". Built on the basis of the Clayton tractor by the forces of the Don Army in 1918, the armored vehicle accommodated 11 crew members, was sheathed with thick metal sheets, and was also armed with a 76.2 mm field gun in the stern and six 7.62 mm Maxim machine guns of the 1910 model. of the year. However, in battle, the vehicle turned out to be extremely inconvenient due to its bulkiness and dimensions. An ordinary horse moved the cannons and guns of that time much faster.

The interwar period was the most striking in the development of the construction of armored tractors. In Russia and Europe, many copies of such equipment were created, often in a single copy. However, it would not be entirely correct to call it handicraft production, since tractors were sheathed with armor in the factory, under the supervision of engineers and designers, and, as a rule, they did not participate in real battles.

Second World War also prompted enthusiasts to hastily create heavy military equipment, which this time was supposed to withstand aviation and tanks of professional armies. So, for example, the NI-1 tank was created in the USSR (“For fear » ), an improvised armored tractor built in 1941 in Odessa for the defense of the city. A light cannon or a machine gun on a rotating turret was mounted on the roof of the NI-1. These tanks participated in many battles in the early years of the war, and some of them have survived to this day.

There are a lot of examples of this kind of equipment, similar ersatz tanks, armored cars and other surrogate heavy equipment were made in many cities with developed industry. However, again, to call such production artisanal would not be entirely correct.

But tiznaos, widely used during civil war in Spain, were a real example of "home-made ». About tyznaos due to the fact that any general characteristics this collective concept has no, not much is known. Many of these vehicles were rather formidable vehicles in urban environments: machine guns, turrets and light cannons mounted on their roofs were a serious force in the fight against government troops.

Post-war history was also rich in various instances of such equipment. Everywhere where the battles of the regular army against scattered rebel groups took place, starting from Vietnam, Afghanistan, the Middle East, and then the Balkans and the countries of the post-Soviet space, unique examples of the fantasies of local designers were found.

Speaking of home-made equipment, one cannot help but recall Marvin Heemeyer's armored bulldozer. The brainchild of the last American hero fought in only one battle, but deserves attention for in some way technical excellence. Armored with thick metal sheets, the Komatsu D355A-3 was not armed, but had special loopholes for firing from the inside, navigation cameras hidden in bulletproof plastic trunks, an engine cooling system and airtight cabin ventilation. 200 bullet hits and several grenade explosions did not cause any damage to the bulldozer, and only the collapsed roof of the building could stop it.

Sham-2 and Syrian artillery

Actually, Sham-2 itself. Country of origin - Syria. Built on the chassis of an unknown car, armor thickness - 2.5 centimeters. Unable to withstand a direct hit from a grenade launcher or tank gun. The dimensions of the improvised infantry fighting vehicle are 4 x 2 meters. A mounted 7.62 mm machine gun was mounted on the roof. The crew includes two people - the driver and the gunner. Navigation is carried out by five video cameras built into the body of the equipment, the shooter controls the machine gun using a gamepad. The vehicle is on combat duty near the city of Aleppo. There is no official evidence of Sham-2 participation in the battles, however, given the harsh economic conditions in which the Syrian rebels are forced to exist, it is safe to say that the vehicle was not built for entertainment and can perform the functions of an infantry fighting vehicle, providing fire support to local militants in urban and field conditions.

It is worth noting that in general, modern Syrians are leaders in the production of homemade weapons. The Internet is filled with examples of homemade grenades, artillery fire systems, flamethrowers and other equipment.

Unnamed multiple launch rocket system

This system was discovered by the Israeli military in 2010 in the Gaza Strip. MLRS is installed on the basis of a dump truck. The trailer is equipped with nine guide tubes for launching Qassam missiles, which, by the way, are the pride of the handicraft production of the Palestinians. Such a rocket is made from a hollow pipe from 70 to 230 centimeters in length, stuffed with explosives, and the accelerator is the usual mixture of sugar and potassium nitrate, which is used everywhere as fertilizer. When burned, this mixture releases a large amount of gas capable of sending a rocket to a distance of 3-18 kilometers. However, the quality of aimed shooting on such installations leaves much to be desired.

The advantage of such a MLRS is in excellent disguise. By approaching urban facilities without hindrance, such a garbage truck can be quickly put on alert.

Homemade armored vehicles of drug cartels

Criminal elements involved in the production and sale of drugs are distinguished by their special imagination. For example, we previously wrote about how to transport cocaine. And their colleagues from Mexico prefer a different technique - armored transport vehicles. Guns on such armored personnel carriers are not installed, however, the crew can conduct aimed fire through special loopholes. However, the Mexicans do not pay attention to the wheels, focusing on the speed of movement of such equipment, which, as a rule, becomes weak point at improvised armored personnel carriers. If you break through the rubber, moving on such a machine, given the weight of the armor, becomes almost impossible.

Armored vehicles of the Syrian Kurds

Photos of these wunderwaffes were allegedly taken in Syria and have been circulating on various information portals since the spring of 2014. No official information about homemade armored vehicles no, the belonging of the equipment can be determined by the drawings on the armor - such a logo is the official symbol of the Syrian People's Self-Defense Detachment, the combat wing of the Kurdish Supreme Committee participating in the Syrian armed conflict.

Homemade equipment of the Libyan rebels

Favorite weapon Libyan rebels, the so-called “technical” vehicles, are a home-made symbiosis of Soviet NAR, SZO units, anti-aircraft guns and various pickups.

Home-made equipment of security forces and militias of Ukraine

Photos homemade technology various forces, fighting on the territory of Ukraine, have also been surfing the Internet since the summer. With limited funding, Ukrainian security forces and militias are armoring Russian KamAZ trucks and converting old Soviet vehicles.

It is rather difficult to confirm the participation of most of these exhibits in battles. However, for example, the armored KamAZ "Zhelezyaka" of the "Azov" battalion participated in the battles near Mariupol and even became the hero of the news.

The first mention of the use of handicraft armored vehicles dates back to the First World War. Scattered detachments of partisans, rebels, militias, faced with the need to build defensive and offensive positions, were forced to oppose home-made armored vehicles to the military equipment of regular armies, which was gradually transplanted from horses. Often, tractors became the basis for such ersatz machines, which even then turned into the main agricultural and construction equipment.

So, in revolutionary Russia, the first to use home-made armored vehicles were the White Guards. The professional officers of tsarist Russia were losing in battles against the peasants and the proletariat due to the insufficient technical staffing of their troops. They tried to compensate for this with home-made and cars. One of the most striking examples of handicraft equipment of that time was the Colonel the Silent armored vehicle. Built on the basis of the Clayton tractor by the forces of the Don Army in 1918, the armored vehicle accommodated 11 crew members, was sheathed with thick metal sheets, and was also armed with a 76.2 mm field gun in the stern and six 7.62 mm Maxim machine guns of the 1910 model. of the year. However, in battle, the vehicle turned out to be extremely inconvenient due to its bulkiness and dimensions. An ordinary horse moved the cannons and guns of that time much faster.

The interwar period was the most striking in the development of the construction of armored tractors. In Russia and Europe, many copies of such equipment were created, often in a single copy. However, it would not be entirely correct to call it handicraft production, since tractors were sheathed with armor in the factory, under the supervision of engineers and designers, and, as a rule, they did not participate in real battles.

The Second World War also prompted enthusiasts to hastily create heavy military equipment, which this time was supposed to withstand the aviation and tanks of professional armies. So, for example, in the USSR, the NI-1 tank (“For Fright”) was created, an improvised armored tractor built in 1941 in Odessa for the defense of the city. A light cannon or a machine gun on a rotating turret was mounted on the roof of the NI-1. These tanks participated in many battles in the early years of the war, and some of them have survived to this day.

There are a lot of examples of this kind of equipment, similar ersatz tanks, armored cars and other surrogate heavy equipment were made in many cities with developed industry. However, again, to call such production artisanal would not be entirely correct.

But tiznaos, widely used during the Spanish Civil War, were a real example of "home production". Due to the fact that this collective concept does not have any common characteristics, not much is known about tyznaos. Many of these vehicles were rather formidable vehicles in urban environments: machine guns, turrets and light cannons mounted on their roofs were a serious force in the fight against government troops.

Post-war history was also rich in various instances of such equipment. Everywhere where the battles of the regular army against scattered rebel groups took place, starting from Vietnam, Afghanistan, the Middle East, and then the Balkans and the countries of the post-Soviet space, unique examples of the fantasies of local designers were found.

Speaking of home-made equipment, one cannot help but recall Marvin Heemeyer's armored bulldozer. The brainchild of the last American hero participated in only one single battle, but it deserves attention for some kind of technical perfection. Armored with thick metal sheets, the Komatsu D355A-3 was not armed, but had special loopholes for firing from the inside, navigation cameras hidden in bulletproof plastic trunks, an engine cooling system and airtight cabin ventilation. 200 bullet hits and several grenade explosions did not cause any damage to the bulldozer, and only the collapsed roof of the building could stop it.

Sham-2 and Syrian artillery

Actually, Sham-2 itself. Country of origin - Syria. Built on chassis unknown car, armor thickness - 2.5 centimeters. Unable to withstand a direct hit from a grenade launcher or tank gun. The dimensions of the improvised infantry fighting vehicle are 4 x 2 meters. A mounted 7.62 mm machine gun was mounted on the roof. The crew includes two people - the driver and the gunner. Navigation is carried out by five video cameras built into the body of the equipment, the shooter controls the machine gun using a gamepad. The vehicle is on combat duty near the city of Aleppo. There is no official evidence of Sham-2 participation in the battles, however, given the harsh economic conditions in which the Syrian rebels are forced to exist, it is safe to say that the vehicle was not built for entertainment and can perform the functions of an infantry fighting vehicle, providing fire support to local militants in urban and field conditions.

It is worth noting that in general, modern Syrians are leaders in the production of homemade weapons. The Internet is filled with examples of homemade grenades, artillery fire systems, flamethrowers and other equipment.

Nameless jet system salvo fire

This system was discovered by the Israeli military in 2010 in the Gaza Strip. MLRS is installed on the basis of a dump truck. The trailer is equipped with nine guide tubes for launching Qassam missiles, which, by the way, are the pride of the handicraft production of the Palestinians. Such a rocket is made from a hollow pipe from 70 to 230 centimeters in length, stuffed with explosives, and the accelerator is the usual mixture of sugar and potassium nitrate, which is used everywhere as fertilizer. When burned, this mixture releases a large amount of gas capable of sending a rocket to a distance of 3-18 kilometers. However, the quality of aimed shooting on such installations leaves much to be desired.

The advantage of such a MLRS is in excellent disguise. By approaching urban facilities without hindrance, such a garbage truck can be quickly put on alert.

Homemade armored vehicles of drug cartels

Criminal elements involved in the production and sale of drugs are distinguished by their special imagination. For example, we previously wrote about how Colombian drug lords build real submarines to transport cocaine. And their colleagues from Mexico prefer a different technique - armored transport vehicles. Guns on such armored personnel carriers are not installed, however, the crew can conduct aimed fire through special loopholes. However, the Mexicans do not pay attention to the wheels, focusing on the speed of movement of such equipment, which, as a rule, becomes a weak point for improvised armored personnel carriers. If you break through the rubber, moving on such a machine, given the weight of the armor, becomes almost impossible.

Armored vehicles of the Syrian Kurds

Photos of these "wunderwaffes" were allegedly taken in Syria and have been circulating on various information portals since the spring of 2014. There is no official information about home-made armored vehicles, the belonging of the equipment can be determined by the drawings on the armor - such a logo is the official symbol of the Syrian People's Self-Defense Detachment, the combat wing of the Kurdish Supreme Committee participating in the Syrian armed conflict.

Homemade equipment of the Libyan rebels

The favorite weapon of the Libyan rebels, the so-called “technical” vehicles, are a homemade symbiosis of the Soviet blocks of NAR, SZO, anti-aircraft guns and various pickups.

Home-made equipment of security forces and militias of Ukraine

Photos of home-made equipment of various forces fighting on the territory of Ukraine have also been circulating on the Internet since the summer. With limited funding, Ukrainian security forces and militias are armoring Russian KamAZ trucks and converting old Soviet vehicles.

It is rather difficult to confirm the participation of most of these exhibits in battles. However, for example, the armored KamAZ "Zhelezyaka" of the "Azov" battalion participated in the battles near Mariupol and even became the hero of the news.

Recently, photographs of armored cars, guns, rocket launchers and other military equipment created by the forces, skills and talents of enthusiasts and amateur designers have increasingly appeared on the Internet and the media. Most of these miracles of technology are born, as they say, out of poverty, due to a lack or complete absence of real military equipment. According to their characteristics and combat qualities, homemade or, in other words, dumbbells (gun truck - an armed truck - improvised combat vehicles, which American soldiers built in Vietnam) are significantly inferior to industrial designs, however, in capable hands, even they have every chance of turning the tide of battle and serving the cause of victory.

1. Odessa tanks "NI-1"

During the heroic defense of Odessa from the Nazi troops and their allies (summer-autumn 1941), the city was under siege. It was impossible to replenish the fleet of armored vehicles, despite the fact that the losses of military vehicles were constantly growing. It was then that the ingenious inhabitants of Odessa tried to at least to some extent solve this problem and arrange the production of their own armored vehicles.

A group of civilian and military specialists headed by the chief engineer of the Odessa Machine-Building Plant named after V.I. January Uprising P.K. Romanov. They were asked to sheathe the tractors, tractors and other available at the disposal of the city. tracked vehicles armor and install light weapons on them.

The purely civilian enterprises of the city were not adapted to the production of military equipment, there were no corresponding materials (in particular, armored steel), so the designers had to show miracles of ingenuity and engineering ingenuity. So armor protection on Odessa tanks (armored tractors) began to be made three-layer. Between the outer and inner layer of 8-10 mm ship steel, either a 10 mm rubber layer or a 20 mm layer of boards was laid. Of course, such armor did not protect against a projectile hit, but it held bullets and fragments very tolerably. For the manufacture of towers, a carousel machine from tram workshops was used, and sometimes towers from damaged and beyond repair T-26 tanks were installed on improvised combat vehicles.

The armament of the Odessa tanks was the most diverse, both in caliber and quantity, they put what was available. However, the most common option was: one DShK heavy machine gun in the turret and a DT machine gun in the front.

Odessa armored tractors received their name NI-1 after a night battle on September 20, 1941. That night, 20 armored tractors with headlights and sirens turned on moved to the trenches of the Romanian troops (allies of Nazi Germany). The intimidating effect was complemented by the terrible clang and roar that the machines produced during their movement. The Romanian troops could not withstand such a psychological onslaught and fled from the battlefield in a panic. Starting from that moment, homemade products began to be called NI-1, which, when decoded, means "To be frightened." Odessans did their best to maintain the formidable image of their tanks. To do this, the barrels of turret small-caliber guns were built up, and very solid dummies of guns were installed on vehicles without cannon armament.

In total, about 70 such tanks were produced during the defense of Odessa. Due to the fact that the base for these combat vehicles were various models tractors and tractors, as well as the fact that several factories were engaged in the production at once, NI-1 sometimes differed significantly in their appearance.

2. Combat vehicles of the PMR

During the 1992 military conflict in Transnistria, when the Russian-speaking population rose to defend the young Transnistrian Moldavian Republic (PMR) from pro-Romanian, Moldovan government-backed forces, homemade military equipment was again in demand. The militias had to create it in order to resist Moldovan armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles and tanks. For this, both purely civilian vehicles and military engineering and auxiliary equipment were re-equipped.

Pridnestrovians have tracklayers BAT-M also booked. The result was a kind of powerful battering rams, which soon had to work gloriously in a real battle. During the intensification of hostilities, the Moldovan armed formations tried to attack the barracks of the PMR guards on two BTR-70s, they even managed to knock out the Pridnestrovian MTLB. In response to the attack, the defenders launched their armored track-layers. The appearance of outlandish vehicles on a tank chassis, the roar powerful engines and the clang of caterpillars completely demoralized the police. While they were thinking about how to be and what to do, BATs rammed armored personnel carriers, one of which was even overturned. Abandoning their cars, the Moldovans fled in disgrace, and their armored personnel carriers passed into the possession of the PMR militia.

On all kinds of chassis available to the PMR, local craftsmen installed helicopter blocks to launch unguided aircraft missiles (NARs). According to the recollections of the participants in those events, the use of such impromptu MLRS produced not only a combat, but also a rather strong intimidating effect.

MLRS from NAR launch blocks (the old name - NURS) were made not only by the defenders of Transnistria, this was done both before them and after them, and is being done at the present time. In some publications, I happened to find dismissive, one might even say mocking assessments of this weapon. Like, the efficiency is low, it is almost impossible to cover the target, one noise and nothing more. I want to say that only amateurs can argue like that. Home-made MLRS from launch blocks of unguided aircraft missiles at distances up to a kilometer have quite decent density and accuracy of fire, which can cause very significant damage to the enemy. The proof of this is the use of such improvised systems in wars and armed conflicts around the world, even such far from recent armies as the American and Israeli did not disdain to install NAR units on their military equipment. And here are the recollections of a scout of the 668th separate detachment of the GRU special forces, who in Afghanistan at one of the checkpoints saw a similar home-made multiple launch rocket system:

“The installation with NURSs was adapted instead of the BRDM turret (we did not have time to find out the story of the loss of the turret, since our group quickly withdrew and left). The electric trigger button was placed on the instrument panel of the commander instead of the KPVT firing safety button. This BRDM stood in a caponier with radially marked walls. The area was shot at these marks. The fighters from the post said that the carrier of the BRDM could direct the installation so accurately that it was as easy to hit a Mujahideen with a rocket in the ear as eating a can of minced sausage.

Another illustrative example of the effective use of a mobile MLRS from the NAR unit is the Metla-2 installation, created by Major of the Airborne Forces Alexander Mikhailovich Metla. The history of its creation is as follows. Arriving in Afghanistan, Major Metla drew attention to the fact that most often the battalions of his brigade suffered losses in the same place. The shelling of the "spirits" columns, as a rule, was carried out from the bed of a dried up river. It stopped as suddenly as it began, after which the dushmans quickly left along the paths known only to them. The flat automatic-machine-gun fire of the paratroopers did not cause much harm to the attackers. Here a quick mounted fire of mortars was needed. But there was simply not enough time to deploy a mortar during the shelling of the column. And the "spirits" would not just sit and wait for a fire strike. It was then that Major Metla came up with the idea to place a rapid-fire 82-mm mortar 2B9 "Vasilek" on the frame of an anti-aircraft installation and place a firing point in the back of an onboard Ural.

The unit received its baptism of fire at the very first escort of the column. As soon as the shelling began, the mortar crew entered the battle. The paratroopers fired over 100 mines. The position of the "spirits" disappeared in fiery gaps and clouds of dust. Dushmans did not appear on that dangerous section of the road anymore, the lesson taught to them was too memorable. And the soldier's rumor quickly dubbed the mobile mortar "Broom".

After some time, the installation of Alexander Metla came under fire from a grenade launcher. Almost the entire crew was injured. After this incident, the major created a fundamentally new combat vehicle. "Broom-2" not only destroyed the enemy, but also protected its crew from bullets and shrapnel. In the back of the Ural-4320, a cut-out middle part armored hull of the BRDM along with a machine-gun turret, on top of which a UB-32-57 helicopter unit was piled up for firing 57-mm S-5 unguided rockets. The effect of the volleys of the improvised "Katyusha" was simply stunning. It is no coincidence that the "spirits" arranged a real hunt for such installations.

And here are other examples of ground use of NAR (or NURS) aviation units:

4. Armored train "Kraina Express"

A conversation about armored trains, perhaps, should begin with a reminder that at the beginning of the 20th century, this particular type of military equipment was the most powerful weapon of ground forces. In fact, armored trains were land-based dreadnoughts or mobile fortresses, which were incredibly difficult to resist. Why this is so, let's take a look at the points:

1. An armored train can consist of 3-10 wagons, each of which is equipped with artillery pieces of various calibers and numerous machine guns. This is a real flurry of fire along the 360 ​​perimeter, which does not allow the enemy to approach the distance of a direct shot.

2. The carrying capacity of railway platforms is tens of tons, which makes it possible to protect the crew with armor that tanks never even dreamed of.

3. Thanks to the same carrying capacity, an armored train has the ability to take tons of ammunition on board and not save them in battle.

4. A projectile hitting one of the wagons of an armored train has practically no effect on the combat capabilities of other wagons and most often does not lead to a decrease in the mobility of the entire train (with the exception of the case of damage to the locomotive).

5. High speed movement allows you to quickly leave the zone of artillery fire.

Undoubtedly, the main disadvantage of armored trains, which, in fact, led to the cessation of their construction, is attachment to railway tracks. Moving only on rails incredibly narrows the possibilities of their combat use, and undermining the tracks makes it completely impossible to complete a combat mission.

However, in some areas with an extensive railway network, armored trains can be very useful. An example of this is the Krajina Express armored train, created by Serbian railway workers during the war in Yugoslavia.

The armored train was assembled in 1991 in the city of Knin. Initially, it consisted of a General Motors locomotive and 2 cars attached in front of it, protected by sandbags. At that time, the Croats opposing the Serbs were just beginning to receive heavy weapons from abroad, so their main weapons remained submachine guns, rifles and machine guns. Based on this, the creators of the armored train came to the conclusion that the protection from the bags is quite enough.

The battles near Štikarne, where the armored train was opposed mainly by the Croatian infantry, showed the need for better protection. Therefore, in Strmica, steel plates 25 mm thick were installed on the wagons. At that time, only two cars were specifically combat. In front of one of them was installed a twin ZSU M38 caliber 20 mm, captured by partisans during the Second World War. The second car was equipped with launchers for Malyutka anti-tank missiles and a British ZSU M12 40 mm caliber. In addition, the armored train was armed with M53 machine guns (copies of the famous German MG-42).

After some time, the armored train was supplemented by another combat car, placed between the two already existing ones. The new car was equipped with a built-in anti-aircraft gun of 20 mm caliber. (manufactured in Yugoslavia under a Spanish license), a single-barrel ZSU M75 of the same caliber and two American machine guns M2HB caliber 12.7 mm. To protect the locomotive, two M84 machine guns (copies of the Soviet PC) were installed. The booking of wagons was again strengthened. Now, in the event of artillery or mortar shelling, the crew could take cover inside them or inside the equipment wagon. Camouflage paint was also applied to the armored train.

In this configuration, the armored train actively fought until the spring of 1992. It was at this time that the crew of the Krajina Express, taking advantage of the lull in hostilities, significantly increased the armament of their mobile fortress. On the front combat car, the captured German anti-aircraft gun was replaced by a Soviet ZIS-3 gun of 76.2 mm caliber. model 1942. Behind the guns, two NAR launchers for 57-mm unguided rockets were installed. In one of freight wagons a 120 mm mortar was placed.

In the summer of 1993, Krajina Express underwent modernization again. The ZIS-3 was replaced with the American M18 self-propelled gun. Such self-propelled guns were supplied to Yugoslavia in the 50s. Both the newly installed self-propelled gun and the entire armored train were equipped with anti-cumulative protection.

The armored train participated in active hostilities for almost five years. On his account, there are many military operations and glorious victories. All this time he remained on the move and quickly healed his wounds. The enemies did not manage to destroy the legendary armored train, its crew did it. On August 4, 1995, the Croatian army launched Operation Storm. In its course, the "Krajina Express" was in a semi-encircled. To prevent the enemy from getting the armored train, the Serbian crew derailed it, after which it left for the territory of the Republika Srpska.

The example of the Krajina Express armored train clearly proves that even in modern warfare, the skillful and competent use of armored trains can be very effective.

Some of these products have been developed in as soon as possible and look at the same time curious, strange and frightening.

Technique is far from the most best quality, but at the same time quite interesting and completely unique.

Combat armored vehicle"Azovets", which received the affectionate nickname "Navozets" from admirers of the talent of Ukrainian tank builders, is positioned as a "city tank". It is assembled from garbage containers mounted on the chassis of the T-64 tank - and this is perhaps the only thing that allows us to talk about its advantages for combat in urban conditions: at any time you can disguise yourself in the courtyard of some high-rise building. The main thing is that the garbage truck does not mistakenly take it to the landfill.

Until recently, the main hallmark"Azovets" were two independent combat modules with aircraft guns and anti-tank systems - probably so that one shooter could destroy the other if he turns out to be a secret agent of the Kremlin. Now there's another one unique feature: Avikos contracted low-quality optoelectronic devices, which, as the owners of the car from the neo-Nazi Azov regiment admit, are “made of cheap components Chinese made for household purposes. Among other things, on this plastic, “household parts that are used in door eyes or intercoms are used as the basis of the camera.”

On the other hand, you will agree that the peephole is much better suited for the "city tank" than the standard optics for armored vehicles. In addition, it will be the first tank in the world to have a concierge in the crew. As an additional innovation, we can also advise you to attach benches to the sides and seat grandmothers on them, which, by their exhortations, should significantly reduce drug addiction in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Flights in a dream and in reality

Another innovative product of the Ukrainian defense industry is a horse-drawn (oh, sorry, jet-powered) attack drone, which, according to the Ukrainian Channel 24, was developed by scientists from the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. It appears to be made from a cut-off shovel bayonet and wheels from a trolley bag, but it is claimed to "reach speeds of up to 800 km/h" and is capable of "destroying enemy vehicles up to 50 kilometers away." We will not argue with this, we will only add that the device is extremely versatile: first you destroy the enemy, who will die with laughter, and then you bury his corpse with the same drone.

With other types of letaks, the Ukrainians are also all right. Here, for example, "Lev-1", converted from an American light helicopter Bell 47G-4 of 1964 - that is, built during the lifetime of the inventor of the helicopter, Russian Kiev resident Igor Sikorsky. Savvy Ukrainians came up with the idea of ​​using this soap bubble not only to ensure air supremacy, but also to transport the wounded soldiers below the back.

"Where are you taking me?" - as if this unfortunate cyborg asks. How to where - of course, to the flayer. Well, or to the morgue, as the doctor says. And what - he tied the stretcher with tape, and ambulance ready for suicide. If, however, our wounded animal does not die from such an extreme, we can put a machine gun in its teeth, and in this way fly not only to the middle of the Dnieper, but also to the middle of the Volga. It is only necessary to take drones-shovels for escort.
Armor is strong

Failures with Ukrainian armored personnel carriers that are cracking from good hit fist, did not stop the flight of engineering. An idea came to someone's bright head to re-equip the old Soviet "shishigs" into armored cars ( army trucks GAZ-66).

The resulting product is called "Gadfly". It looks noticeably more decent than most Ukrainian “shushpanzers”, despite the fact that it is made in the form factor of a coffin. Actually, it is rather difficult for a living person to be in his cabin, although, as psychologists say, the fetal position helps to overcome fear and feel safe. This will be especially true when, after another pothole, the driver and passenger knock out their teeth with their knees.

And look how elegantly trimmed interior leatherette. The only thing missing is a box of change and a rosary hanging over it.

Another wonderful specimen, though not yet in series, is the Joker armored personnel carrier. “The servicemen did not come up with such a name for the combat vehicle for nothing - if the Joker helps the player win in the cards, then in battle the improved armored personnel carrier will give the Kalinovsky Guards more chances for a quick victory,” Ukrainian media write. To be honest, the combat capabilities of this BTR-80 with four anti-tank grenade launchers are more reminiscent of the situation that players in preference call "buy two aces on a minuscule." It is not for nothing that a cemetery fence has already been built into this mass grave on wheels.

The conversion in Ukrainian looks something like this. There is the Antonov aircraft plant, a heavy legacy of the communist past, which during the years of the “Soviet occupation” produced the largest aircraft in the world that no one needed. Now, under the current European-integrated regime, the employees of the enterprise can finally work on truly useful and sought-after products. Look at what a wonderful armored Ford they have turned out, in which everything is Chekhov's perfect: streamlined contours, triangular profiles welded with a herringbone, and a trident on the hood, and mudguards in the form of a fringe of chains. Aircraft builders have something to be proud of!

The labor baton is taken over by workers of the Nikolaev diesel locomotive repair plant. Since the new Ukraine does not need prehistoric diesel locomotives, it is better to make modern killer cars, tuned with fittings and other junk. Some rods are not welded tightly - so that the cyborgs can tear off a couple and go hand-to-hand with them, and in last resort- and use them instead of prostheses, since Ukrainian factories for the production of prostheses have long been converted to the manufacture of hats for collecting alms.

Here is another development based on the principle of reverse conversion - the Tortilla combat vehicle, consisting of caterpillar base tractor T-150 and half of the tank, which are usually installed above country showers. One can argue for a long time about its merits (among which are the speed of 40 km / h, the capacity of 30 paratroopers and, of course, excellent armor), but one cannot but agree with one statement: there are no analogues of this car in any army in the world. In addition, the creator brilliantly brought to life the idiom "cover yourself with a copper basin."

And here is the competitor of Russian tank robots - a self-running remote-controlled combat cart.

Well, that is, as a remote - where the wires from the outlet are enough.

Another thing that is extremely necessary in the household is a blinded mobile bath. Equipped with two engines at once: wood and steam.

Included with the bath is a pepelats trailer, which fits up to two hundred buckets of vodka.

And after taking a steam bath, you can drive with your brothers to the nearest auto shop and grind this thing with a glass washer.

Universal armored car for cultural activities. Weddings, corporate parties, funerals.

Speaking of the latter, there are any types of military equipment in the service of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Even combat hearses.

This brainchild of designers from the intensive care unit of the Zhytomyr psychiatric clinic did not pass the casting for the film "Mad Max".

And this is from a wonderful cosplay computer game Carmageddon.

The flagship of the Ukrainian fleet of wheeled armored trains "Flying Hochlander".

Another variation on the theme of a trash can on wheels. As we know, in the country of the victorious Euromaidan, they like to carry out lustrations with the help of garbage cans, and here we have a natural mobile lustrator.

A combat car, which was previously planned for the first Ukrainian Formula 1 team, and now entered service under the code name "Dementia and Courage".

gantrak hand assembled, like everything else, which has no analogues in the world. Especially in terms of constructive solutions.

Fasteners better than adhesive tape and pieces of wood have not yet been invented. We present you the scooter "Zagradotryad" - as soon as the driver tries to leave the battlefield, he will immediately receive a volley in the head.

The new "Lada Dill". As they say, it does not matter where the hands grow from - the main thing is that they are golden.

Pickup "Dream of the occupier". Great for quick fat re-hiding.

The genre of army constructivism has received special development in Ukraine. Starts with a push.

What you can’t refuse Ukrainians is a sense of style. Pay attention to fashionable this season leopard chairs.

And this gas wagon is trimmed with armored blinds highest quality, which will provide fighters with excellent protection from the sun.

Mobile point for the collection of scrap metal by magnetization.

Jihad mobile in winter camouflage made of toilet paper. It is they, of course, who are transferring the product in vain - when the militias attack, the paper will come in handy for them.

If you want to live, you don't hang around like that.

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