Mutual restructuring of traffic rules. Rules for changing lanes in a stream. Who should give in while changing lanes at the same time?

The road is not a place for long thoughts, however, there are quite a lot of situations where a clear and quick decision is required. Situations with determining the order when performing maneuvers almost always arise. To get to your destination safely, you need to know who must give way when simultaneous rebuilding.

The driver takes most actions automatically, having learned to quickly and correctly assess the situation and make decisions instantly. Without the skills to change lanes, you can hardly even get to the nearest store, not to mention heavy traffic. Moreover, even when following in your lane, you must be prepared to quickly maneuver in view of an unforeseen situation. The slightest mistake can lead to dire consequences, damage to the car, road users, and the higher the speed, the greater risk the driver is exposed.

Changing lanes in accordance with traffic regulations

In order to ensure safety on the road, the driver needs to learn to correctly interpret the situation and make decisions taking into account the rules that describe the principles of changing lanes.

According to clause 8.4, when a car leaves the lane in which it was previously traveling, or from a lane, continuing to move in the same direction, the driver is obliged to let the car move in the lane into which he intends to change lanes.

If a simultaneous lane change occurs and one of the traffic participants needs to give way to avoid a collision, they will organize the passage of traffic following in the lane on the right, since it is he who has the right of way. IMPORTANT!

The main principle to be followed is that those who move to the right have priority, i.e. located closest to the edge of the road or shoulder. You need to give way even in cases where a car to the left slightly overtakes a vehicle on the right. It is possible to apply braking or slow down to allow the driver on the right to complete the maneuver first. The term “interference on the right”, known among motorists, is not defined provisions of the traffic rules

, however, in practice it is often used.

  • The “interference on the right” rule requires that you give way to the driver on the right side if the following situation occurs:
  • organization of sequential crossing of an uncontrolled intersection or other places where it is necessary to determine the order of traffic.

When using right-hand interference, it is important to remember the exceptions:

  1. The intersection of equivalent roads.
  2. The passage of the intersection is regulated by a traffic police officer, a traffic light, or in another way.
  3. The road is equipped with signs that allow you to correctly set the queue.

Video about simultaneous rebuilding

The order of simultaneous execution of the maneuver

The rule requiring drivers on the right to pass is used very often, especially in congested roads and traffic conditions.

The greatest difficulties arise when changing lanes has to be done with the view blocked by large vehicles.

You should study the most common examples on the roads in order to be able to react correctly and quickly while driving:

  1. If a driver is moving in his own lane and does not intend to change lanes, while another motorist on the right is about to take a seat, the principle of “interference on the right” cannot be applied, since the driver does not make additional maneuvers.
  2. The driver wants to occupy the adjacent lane, and there are no other candidates for occupying the same lane on the right; it is enough to let the traffic moving along the selected lane pass and take a place in the row after them.
  3. If motorists from the right and left lanes are about to occupy the middle lane at the same time, priority is given to the car located to the right. A motorist who has taken more than left lane, must wait until the end of the maneuver to perform his lane change.

These provisions must be clearly recorded and understood by the driver, since while driving, it will be impossible to talk about who has priority and how to correctly perform the maneuver.

At mutual reconstruction driver passenger car must give way to the motorcycle driver on his right.

Moving in the left lane, you intend to change lanes to the right. Which picture shows a situation in which you are required to give way?

When you change lanes from the left to the right, you must give way to the driver of a car moving in the adjacent right lane, both when he is moving without changing direction, and when he is changing lanes at the same time as you. Thus, you are obliged to give way in the situations shown in both pictures.

Who is required to give way?

The "End of lane" sign informs about the end of the lane. Consequently, the driver of a passenger car will have to change lanes to the left, and when changing lanes, he will have to give way to a truck moving in the same direction without changing lanes.

Are you obliged, when moving in the right lane, to give way to the driver of a car who intends to change lanes into your lane?

You are moving without changing direction and therefore are not required to give way to the driver of a car who intends to change into your lane.

Are you obliged, when moving in the left lane, to give way to the driver of a car who intends to change lanes into your lane?

Since there is a narrowing of the road ahead, as warned by the sign “Narrowing of the road”, the driver truck will have to change lanes into the adjacent lane, and when changing lanes, he must give way to a passenger car moving in the same direction without changing the direction of movement.

The driver of a car changing lane to the right lane in this situation:

The driver of a car changing lanes, including completing overtaking, must not interfere with a car moving in the same direction without changing direction.

When changing to the right lane in this situation, you:

You need to adapt to right lane, while giving way to all vehicles moving along it.

In this situation, in order to continue driving in a forward direction, you are allowed to:

To continue moving, you have the right to perform any of the listed actions. It should be taken into account that when changing lanes to the right, you must give way to all vehicles moving in the same direction.

Moving in the right lane, you intend to change lanes to the left. Which picture shows a situation in which you are required to give way?

When changing lanes from the right to the left, you must give way to a passenger car moving in the same direction without changing direction in the left lane. When changing lanes at the same time, the advantage remains with you. Therefore, you are obliged to give way in the situation shown in the left picture.

Who must give way when changing lanes?

When changing lanes, the truck driver must give way to the passenger car driver on his right.

What constitutes a lane change as a maneuver, as well as single and simultaneous lane change maneuvers on the road, was discussed in the articles, as well as in the materials of other articles from the “” series.

This time we'll focus on dangerous situations, arising as a result of the simultaneous restructuring of participants into multi-lane roads. A great many such situations can arise, since in modern realities one is not like the other.

However, all this "difference" comes from typical options location of vehicles on the carriageway of any road. The only difference is that multi-lane roads accommodate more traffic participants and more space for maneuvers.

The process of changing lanes as a maneuver, under ideal conditions (clear road, unlimited visibility, good adhesion of the car's wheels to the road), does not pose any danger. This process looks like “moving” from one lane to another, or in simple terms, it is moving the car to the side by a distance of the width of the lane on the roadway. In this case, the original direction of movement does not change.

But ideal conditions do not always accompany. Other participants are moving along the road, they also perform some actions (accelerating, braking, maneuvering), as a result of which the trajectories of vehicles inevitably intersect.

It is in such cases (when their paths intersect) that issues of priority arise, i.e. who must give way when changing lanes.

Who should give in while changing lanes at the same time?

How to avoid a collision and perform the maneuver safely is discussed in the article. In short, the likelihood of a lateral approach is eliminated either by acceleration or by lagging behind a neighbor from the side even at the stage of the beginning of the maneuver. And then the process of changing lanes is under your own control and much safer.

Now, the option of simultaneously changing lanes through the “neighboring” lane, most often, is the middle lane. In what case can the lanes of two participants converge in the middle lane? – when they both almost simultaneously change lanes to the same lane (left picture below).

Often these maneuvers look like the simultaneous change of lanes of two participants ahead of the same fellow traveler (fellow travelers), but these two are only moving in different (side) lanes in relation to the vehicles being led (right picture below).

A collision occurs when neither one nor the other driver expects such an outcome. That is, on the road (in the lane) there is free place, in which, suppose, the first participant ( A) intends to integrate, but he does not assume that on the other side another participant is “marking” the same place ( B). If they fail to understand each other's intentions, then a clash occurs.

If an accident occurs, as in the “top” case when changing lanes at the same time, the driver whose car approached the collision site from the left will be found guilty.

In such cases, while getting ahead, and at the same time changing lanes, you should observe the movement not only in the adjacent lane, but also further, across the lane, as far as possible: you need to quickly turn your head in the direction where the lane change is being made, and make sure that the path free, and nothing interferes with maneuver.

If for some reason the view of the road is hidden from view (for example, the vehicle being overtaken is large), or it is not possible to consider and predict the situation, then there is no need to rush.

In such situations, the driver who is on the right has a strategically more advantageous position (car B), because he changes lanes to the left, and from the driver’s seat he can clearly see the situation on the left in front and on the left side of the car.

Well, the second driver, who is maneuvering on the left (the car A), you need to be extremely careful. Otherwise, as mentioned above, in the event of a collision, he will be considered the legal culprit of the accident, i.e. the participant who arrived from the left (). And the degree of guilt of the second participant will be considered depending on the situation.

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Despite the fairly clear and precise rules traffic, operating on the territory of our country, not every driver of a vehicle is able to correctly interpret them in a specific situation. To this it is worth adding the amazing “forgetfulness” that almost every driver who receives the treasured document that gives him the right to drive a car suffers.

Most modern drivers are distinguished by the proper level of adequacy and mutual politeness, which basically allows them to avoid accidents on the road. controversial situations. But, unfortunately, certain disagreements often arise, especially when driving at uncontrolled intersections or simultaneously changing lanes on sections of the road where the order of priority is not specified by the traffic rules.

Of all the rules of the road, the concept of obstacle on the right causes the greatest number of controversial “interpretations” among drivers. It is worth mentioning right away that this “norm” does not require giving way to all vehicles approaching from the right - it applies under strictly defined conditions. According to automotive experts, the clause of the rules, the obstacle on the right, is used as a last resort, after the “use” of others operating on a specific section of the road.

Interference on the right and simultaneous change of lane

One of the situations when the right interference rule applies is when two vehicles are changing lanes at the same time. Moreover, if they are moving in the same direction, when making a “parallel” lane change, the car located on the left side is obliged to give way to the car moving to the right of it. If a car driving in the right lane continues to move forward, and only the left car is about to change lanes, no one is obliged to give way to it.

Since there are many options for rebuilding, it makes sense to list the most common ones.

  1. The driver moves straight along the selected lane. In the case when any car driving on the right or left tries to change lanes from the front, it is not at all necessary to let it pass - the “interference on the right” rule does not apply. It is up to the motorist to decide whether to let another driver pass or continue driving at the selected speed.
  2. If it is necessary to change lanes to the left, a car that is about to make a maneuver from the right lane has an advantage in current rule obstacles on the right, and the car located on the left must give way. Of course, before starting the maneuver, you should make sure that the other driver is really ready to yield.
  3. When changing lanes to the right lane, a car planning to perform a similar action must yield to the car in the right lane.

All of the above can be presented in the form of easier-to-understand theses:

What is an obstacle on the right at an intersection?

Some drivers do not know how to understand the situation of an obstacle on the right when they are at an intersection. It implies the need to give way at an intersection to cars approaching from the right. The only thing you should pay attention to is this rule applies only to uncontrolled intersections formed by roads of equal significance. The concept of “uncontrolled intersection” is also clearly defined by law; it is recognized as such if:

According to traffic rules, an obstacle on the right at an intersection, which requires another vehicle to pass, is used in following cases:

  • when driving straight through an intersection, the vehicle on the right side indicates that it is about to turn right - you will have to give way in the case when it is not possible to make a simultaneous maneuver while moving on a parallel “course”;
  • when moving straight, the vehicle on the right is about to turn left;
  • When turning left, the oncoming car drives straight or also makes a left turn.

If, when a vehicle is moving, their “routes” cannot intersect, no one should be allowed to pass, all cars move on their own “course”. When moving around the city, quite often you can find yourself in a situation where the order of travel in the traffic rules is simply not specified. As a rule, this is associated with traffic in yards apartment buildings, in areas adjacent to shopping centers, in parking lots, etc. In such situations, you must always give way to cars moving on the right.

Traffic rules you need to know

Despite what is very clearly described in Traffic regulations situations, in which the car owner is obliged to yield to other vehicles, a very large number of car owners misinterpret the current rules. For example, in the video below you can clearly see how a car moving in the right lane, without having any “legal” grounds, tried to change lanes to the left, having encountered an obstacle. In this situation, he is completely wrong - no one is obliged to let him through, since the second participant in the conflict was moving in his own lane and did not plan to maneuver.

Quite often you can find yourself in a situation that is not regulated in any way by the traffic rules. For example, we can consider the following situation, which is called “real life”. The car enters the yard where the T-shaped intersection is located. Another car is approaching from the right, and the driver of the first one stops with the right turn signal on and the intention of letting the other car pass. But it turns out that it turns left - a conflict situation arises. According to traffic rules, interference on the right is not even considered in this situation, and adequate drivers can always get by without a conflict.

Rule of three Ds, or give way to the fool

According to many experienced drivers who have many years of accident-free driving experience, knowledge of the “interference on the right” rule when changing lanes is, of course, good, but in many cases it is easy to avoid an accident conflict situation ordinary human politeness, not regulated by any rules, helps. In addition, banal attentiveness is also important.

The following situation often occurs. When driving onto the road from a yard or other adjacent area, the driver thinks that they must let him through, because he is sure that the obstacle on the right looks exactly like this. In fact, he must wait for the end of the traffic flow, since he enters the main road from the secondary one. The following scenario cannot be ruled out.

A car leaving a secondary road manages to jump out in front of a car on main road, and takes the “correct” position on the lane, but immediately gets hit by another car, whose driver does not have time to react. Determining the degree of guilt in such a situation is not so easy, especially in the absence of a DVR. Here it is more appropriate to yield to the driver from the secondary road, “applying” the three D rule.

Obstruction on the right and roundabouts

Until recently, all drivers knew that when entering an intersection with in a circular motion they had “priority”, and all transport moving on it had to let them pass - according to the traffic rules, the “interference on the right” rule was applied. This was not absolutely logical, since it was more correct to give priority to a car already in the lane in order to clear the intersection as quickly as possible. Currently, there are rules similar to European ones, requiring you to stop before entering such an intersection to let the vehicles on it pass.

A common problem modern driver becomes the fact that he is not able to correctly identify the intersection, which is formed by equivalent roads, and is not indicated road signs. In such a situation, the driver who moves straight feels “in charge” - this is a completely normal reaction, although not always correct. This is due to the fact that the main part of the roads marked with the “main” sign are located directly, and all junctions, as a rule, are of secondary importance. When approaching such an intersection, it is worth remembering the traffic rules clause about obstacles on the right.

Many motorists, even those with considerable driving experience, forget what an obstacle on the right means when driving through various adjacent areas (parking lots, gas stations, markets). Since traffic in such territories is not regulated by rules, the “golden” standard would be to yield to a vehicle approaching from the right side. It is advisable to follow the rule of interference on the right in any situation that is not quite clear to the car owner, remembering that it is better to let another driver pass if he is wrong than to become a participant in an accident.

A fairly typical situation when the rule of interference on the right, in a situation like in the picture, should not apply, but drivers forget about it.

The driver of a blue car is not at all obliged to let oncoming vehicles pass, since the intersection, firstly, is controlled, and secondly, blue car moves under the main green traffic light, in contrast to the red one, for which the main one is red.

If the obstacle on the right is similar to the picture below, the answer to the question of who should give way is obvious - blue must give way, since the roads are equivalent.

There is a high risk of becoming the culprit of an accident if you do not know how to change lanes correctly. Let's look at tips for maneuvering in heavy traffic.

Traffic rules

The regulation on changing lanes is in Chapter 8 of the Traffic Regulations. Paragraph 8.4 states: a driver who wants to change lanes must give way to vehicles moving in the same direction without changing direction. When changing lanes of two cars at the same time, the right of priority maneuver has the driver located on right side. Let's look at the rule using specific examples.

  • The car in front of you moves into your lane, you do not change direction. According to traffic rules, you are not obliged to yield to him. You can do this of your own free will, but you will not be the culprit.
  • You want to occupy a lane along which a car is moving straight behind you. In this case, you must give way to him or increase the distance so as not to interfere with him when changing lanes.
  • You change into the left lane. A car in this row indicates with a turn signal that it wants to occupy your row. In this case, you have an advantage.
  • You move into the right lane. If at this moment a driver from this lane changes into your lane, you are obliged to give way to him. The rule is “interference from the right”.

IN general outline clause 8.4 can be expressed in the following theses:

  • if you do not want to change lanes, then you are not obliged to yield to anyone according to traffic rules;
  • when changing lanes to the right, you must in any case give way (“obstruction on the right”);
  • If you change lanes to the left at the same time as a driver who wants to take your lane, you must be allowed to pass.


Stages of changing direction of movement:

  • assessment of the road situation;
  • turning on the turn signal;
  • check glance in the rearview mirror;
  • changing lanes, turning off the turn signal.

Many drivers believe that it is dangerous to change lanes only in heavy traffic. The mistake is that being too relaxed when driving on congested roads dulls your concentration. There is an increased risk of not noticing a motorcycle coming behind you or of ignoring a car in your blind spot. Therefore, changing lanes in any situation requires maximum concentration and confidence from the driver in the maneuver being performed.

How to make sure the maneuver is safe

The main difficulty when changing lanes is the correct assessment of the road situation. You must make sure that when you rebuild, there will be no other space in the area you occupy. vehicle. To do this, very often it is not enough just to look in the rearview mirror immediately before starting the maneuver. Firstly, there is a possibility that there is another car in the blind spot next to your car.

Dead zone - a situation in which an object has disappeared from side mirror rear view, but has not yet appeared in the side window. This area is always wider on the passenger side of the mirror.

Secondly, with a quick glance it is impossible to estimate the speed of approach of the car following you. When you look in the mirror, the distance will indeed be sufficient to change lanes. But by the time the maneuver begins, the car will have time to approach you at a distance that is unsafe for maneuver.

Executing the maneuver

To avoid an accident, you need to prepare accordingly for changing lanes:

  • if there are no cars in the rearview mirror, you need to look in side windows. This must be done in such a way as not to lose control of the vehicle and to be able to react to the maneuvers of the car in front. You need to make sure as much as possible that there are no cars in the dead zone;
  • When there is heavy traffic, you need to use “pockets” to change lanes (there is a sufficient interval between closely moving cars for maneuvering). To do this, you need to wait until the car, after which it is possible to change lanes, gets ahead of you. Such a maneuver can be considered safe, since you will make sure that specific car no other vehicle follows, and therefore no unpleasant surprise awaits you in the dead zone;
  • If you notice a car walking along the lane, be sure to look in the mirror after 2-3 seconds to adequately assess its speed. It is impossible to do this with a single glance, and if you focus on objects in the rearview mirror for a long time, you lose control of the situation in front of you. Remember that the traffic situation in heavy traffic changes every second;
  • when changing lanes, the flow of which moves with higher speed, the maneuver must be done ahead of schedule. Once you have taken the lane, your speed should match the speed of the traffic. IN winter time When there are ruts and slippery road surfaces, you only need to accelerate in your own lane. Otherwise there is a risk of skidding. With a sufficient coefficient of grip, it is possible to accelerate even when changing lanes.

To reduce your blind spot, you should adjust your rear view mirrors correctly. At correct adjustment at the near edge of the mirror you should see a small protruding part of the stern. When setting the vertical tilt angle, balance must be maintained. If you tilt the mirror too low, your blind spot will decrease, but you will lose sight of cars in the distance. The situation will get even worse when going down the slope.

Never change 2 lanes at once, as you will not be able to adequately assess traffic situation. Changing lanes should occur smoothly. Now you know how to change lanes correctly to avoid getting into an accident.