How to be filled with feminine energy. Exercises to recruit female energy Sources of filling energy for a woman

Energy is a reserve of strength that we need to achieve our goals, develop ourselves internally, and simply wake up in the morning, build relationships and love. We get energy from nature, and this happens naturally. We don’t even notice how we get inspiration to implement a new idea, and in a state of love we have the strength to conquer the whole world. But there are states when it seems that we are not capable of anything. Sadness, depression, devastation and disappointment come when the energy leaves us.

Heroine decided to touch upon such an important topic as the energy of femininity and tell you how not to drain your forces into nowhere, but to transform them in order to realize yourself.

In order to prepare this material and give you really useful advice, I, Daria Kharchenko, went through the online training “Circle of Female Power”, which is offered by Larisa Renard. I personally tried all the meditations, techniques and advice of teachers, and today I will tell you about my discoveries and how to start changing your life right now.

What is female energy

You have probably heard about such concepts as feminine and masculine — two energies that create our world and are present in every person. For good health and harmonious life in a woman, the energy should be in the proportion of 75% female and 25% male. We need women to be ourselves, show love and care, enjoy life, and men - to achieve our goals, defend our interests and take responsibility for our own lives.
In order to survive and protect themselves, women often have to break this harmony and go into the male energy. The result of such a violation is devastation, loneliness, lack of pleasure, stress and a feeling that life has lost its meaning.

What gives us female energy

In a harmonious proportion, female energy is able to return the lost meaning of life, give strength and inspiration for new goals, plans, the opportunity to strengthen one's position at work, in the family and with a partner. In addition, female energy is a source of joy and relaxation, it is the taste of life itself and the opportunity to reveal your potential to the maximum. Have you ever said to yourself: “I don’t have the strength for this”, “Nothing makes me happy”, “I don’t have enough impressions”? These phrases are just about the lack of female energy inside. We get some of it in advance when we light up a new idea, fall in love, achieve success at work, accidentally rejoice at something good. But not being able to keep this state and create it on their own, they are forced to fall into depressive states and wait for someone to save us.

What blocks feminine energy

Female energy is a natural flow that is given to us by nature, due to 4 elements, but what is rightfully due to us can be lost if we lead the wrong way of life. Here is a small list of things that block female energy, causing you to lose your powers:

  • Stress
  • Bad habits
  • Emotional dependency
  • Fear and anxiety
  • repressed emotions
  • someone else's responsibility
  • Fight and resistance
  • Pregnancy and childbirth
  • unfinished business
  • toxic men

How to stop draining your energy

Before you learn how to fill yourself with energy that will help you achieve your goals, you need to be able to hold on to what is given to you effortlessly: good mood, pleasure, relaxation, inspiration. These are simple tips and good habits, thanks to which discipline and awareness will appear in your life.

1. Deal with blocks

The most important thing is to understand what is blocking the energy in you and work with it. These can be negative attitudes about yourself, such as “I am not worthy of happiness”, “I am ugly, stupid”, “something is wrong with me”, “I am not trying hard enough”. Or repressed resentment, anger at former partners and parents.
If any of the above resonates with you, then you should contact a psychologist and live those emotions that seem negative, but still await your attention and care.

2. Learn to rest

Stress kills not only nerve cells, but also blocks the access of energy. The ability to rest and relax is an important condition for the harmonious life of a modern girl. You can work hard, solve all problems on your own, but lose strength at the most crucial moment if you forget to find time for yourself every day.
Get up early, do yoga, have a cup of coffee or tea, be alone with yourself and just relax. Do not forget to arrange a planned vacation for yourself: a trip to a massage, a manicure, a bar with friends. Take at least 10 minutes out of a busy day to get some fresh air and see what's going on around you. After this time, you will feel a surge of vigor - this is the female energy that has finally gained access to your body.

3. Be present in the moment

Another reason why we lose energy and cannot hold anything inside is absence from reality. If you live in past hurts and regrets, or if you constantly expect something to happen in the future that will change your life, then you are essentially not living. Throwing between the past and the future takes away your strength and brings only disappointment. Learn to test your reality and live what is happening in the moment.
Communicate with those people who are next to you now. Enjoy the weather, think about the plans and desires that are relevant at the moment. Deal with feelings today, and then your life can change tomorrow.

4. Record results

The best way to live in the present moment is to notice your accomplishments. Every day, sum up what you did useful today, how many unfinished business you completed, how exactly you pleased yourself. Filling events with meaning, you get the very advance of energy that you can use for new achievements.

5. Look for examples

Energetic people exist, women sparkling with light and possessing magnetism exist. If you noticed how pleasant it is to communicate with some girl, how beautifully she moves and speaks, then you saw an example of a woman who works together with her energy. Sometimes, in order to be filled with it, it is enough just to see a good example. In your environment among friends or in the movies, maybe in books about strong and successful personalities, in the media - find your source of inspiration.

6. Meditate

Meditation is the surest way to connect with your inner self and be filled with energy. This practice has already become part of a healthy lifestyle, but it makes much more sense than gaining a healthy mind. It is the source of feminine energy.
Take time every morning to just sit quietly or try a new meditation technique. Be alone at this time, warn your loved ones that you are not to be disturbed, and just feel the strength pouring into you.

How to access feminine energy

We have put together simple tips for you on how to keep yourself in good shape every day, what to get rid of and what to strive for. But if you want to truly change your life and start enjoying it, then you should join the Circle of Female Power training, which is offered by the Academy of Private Life, founded by Larisa Renard, PhD in Psychology, biologist, psychologist, coach and author of educational books for women.

"Academy of Private Life" - a space for women's development. This is a place where you can go through women's practices, trainings, online marathons, get advice from a certified psychologist, analyze your problem in constellations, play a transformational game. Most importantly, in the "Academy of Private Life" you have the opportunity to communicate with like-minded people and be filled with feminine energy. 18 years ago, Larisa Renard created an academy for female communication and professional support for women. During this time, thousands of girls around the world have completed specially designed trainings and become happier.

The main trainings of the Academy are called “Circle of Female Power”, as is the hit book of the same name written by Larisa Renard. The essence of the trainings: in every woman there are four states - "Girl", "Lover", "Queen", "Mistress". To live in harmony with oneself and the world, to achieve success in life, to have a strong family and a beloved man, one must develop these four archetype states simultaneously.

Here is how Larisa Renard herself says about them:

Being in the state of the Mistress, we show the creative part of our nature. We enjoy life and enjoy everything that surrounds us. We feel relaxed, sexy, attractive, captivating and most desirable!

Being in the state of a Girl, we demonstrate our emotions: we rejoice at any little thing, laugh, have fun and admire everything around! The state of the Girl gives us lightness and carelessness, gullibility and openness, softness and tenderness.

In the state of the Mistress, we create around ourselves a special space for ourselves and our loved ones, filling it with calmness, coziness and comfort. We demonstrate our practicality and solidity, wisdom and care, and the ability to transform any chaos into order.

And finally, being in the state of the Queen, we show independence and purposefulness. We feel confident in our abilities and talents, free from the opinions of others. The state of the Queen gives us a sense of being chosen and unique.

Did I manage to find female energy?

I consider myself a modern girl who is used to doing everything on her own. Because of this, I work a lot, experience constant stress, and the state of devastation and disappointment, when even the most beloved things cease to please - all this is familiar.

After the first video lessons of the training, I began to feel the changes. It's hard to explain - as if you watched a good movie, and it impressed you, infected you with feats. There was a mood and inspiration, finally something do for yourself.

Meditation and body practice is a difficult thing for me, all I can do is sit in silence for 5 minutes. At the “Circle of Female Power” training, they talk about different techniques that can be repeated depending on what effect you want to achieve. So I figured out how to let go of my aggression, accept the mistakes made in the past, be grateful to my loved ones and start getting more attention from them as a result, and the best part is I realized what really turns me on.

While I was taking classes, I became more and more convinced: in the "Academy of Private Life" everything is done for a woman, she is in the center of attention, her rights, needs and desires are above all here. And this is the main reason why I would like all my close friends and, of course, you to take this training.

What is the happiness of a woman? In harmony, peace and love! But modern women are so immersed in work, household duties, problems of their relatives and friends that they stop paying attention to themselves. They spend their time and energy on others, they waste their energy without having time to replenish its reserves, and as a result they often feel exhausted and devastated, irritated and tired (you can continue this list yourself).

However, there are other women: satisfied, relaxed, sexy, filled, creative, attractive, self-confident, loved and happy. What is their secret? What do they know and do that is not available to others? Okay, let's not delay and answer these questions: it's all about female energy and those practices that help to accumulate, retain and transform this energy into desired things (and it's not just about material things, as you understand).

Women's practices are a whole system of exercises that allow you to be filled with feminine energy. Classes can be held in groups or individually, based on meditation, body-oriented practices, art therapy, include various exercises, visualizations, affirmations that help to correct and improve the physical, psychological and emotional state.

The essence of women's practices

In the classroom, the focus is on restoring the balance of energies and their proper circulation. In the modern world, a woman often takes on male functions - she earns money, makes key decisions, and is responsible for the family. As a result, the chakras are unbalanced and the energy in the female body begins to move according to the male pattern.

In those chakras where in a man the energy moves clockwise, in women it moves counterclockwise, and vice versa. In addition, the functions of the chakras in men and women are different: the first, third and fifth chakras in men work more for giving energy, and for women - for receiving, and the second, fourth and sixth for women work more for giving energy, and for men - for acceptance.

With the harmonious work of the chakras, a man gives a woman security, money, social status, and a woman gives pleasure, love and direction for the realization of ideas. With the right interchange of energies, a man and a woman live in harmony and abundance. If the movement of energy in the chakras is disturbed, then problems arise both on the emotional and physical levels - relationships in the family and at work do not add up, intimate life suffers, material wealth leaves much to be desired, various diseases appear.

Through work with the psyche and body, women's practices restore the balance of energies, help a woman to connect with her feminine essence. And a high level of female energy allows you to improve relationships in the family, attract a suitable man, new opportunities, money, happy events.

Types of women's practices

There are many different directions, but in general, all practices can be divided into three types:

  • Body practices
    This group includes yogic and Taoist practices, dynamic meditations and exercises for intimate muscles.
  • Psychological practices
    These include various meditations, visualizations, exercises, art therapy.
  • Energy
    This group consists of tantric and lunar practices, as well as Slavic rituals, Vedic practices, etc. An important place is occupied by the torsion of the funnels of female power and exercises to harmonize the work of the chakras.

The benefits of women's practices

If you still don't have enough motivation, then read this list.

So, women's practices:

  • eliminate bodily blocks and clamps, allowing energy to flow easily and freely;
  • contribute to the production of estrogens, which makes the figure more seductive, and the movements are sexier;
  • help to let go of resentment, anger, negative emotions, get rid of fears and tension;
  • harmonize the internal state, give peace and tranquility;
  • eliminate "mental garbage", teach to relax and concentrate;
  • fill with energy, give a feeling of self-attractiveness and self-confidence.

When to conduct female practices to fill female energy?

Women's practices can be done at any time. But for the greatest efficiency, one should take into account the periods of increase and decrease in energies.

Women's Energy Practices

Practice systems:

1. By season

Spring is the period of energy awakening, summer is the time of its active use, autumn is accumulation, and winter is purification. In addition, each season enhances its energy: spring - the energy of the Girl, summer - the Mistress, autumn - the Mistress, and winter - the Queen.

2. According to the solar calendar

According to the Chinese calendar, 12 equal periods are counted from the birthday or from the New Year. Each such period symbolizes a certain area of ​​life that should be dealt with at this time (the ritual of laying the Solarium).

3. According to the lunar calendar

The movement of the Moon according to the signs of the Zodiac indicates areas of life, activity in which will bring the greatest results. The phases of the moon are also important: on the growing moon, the energy increases, reaching its peak at the full moon, on the waning moon, it decreases, coming to a minimum at the time of the new moon. Therefore, it is good to do practices for filling with energy on the growing moon, and on the waning moon - for purification. It is important to take into account the lunar days, each of which has its own meaning and energy features.

4. By time of day

No matter how old you are, what makes a woman attractive is not youth, but fullness of energy. A filled woman blossoms and attracts glances, she becomes more charming and sexier, and happy changes come into her life! Do women's practices on your own or in a group of like-minded women and be happy!

Hello dear friends!

What is female energy? This is age-old wisdom, flexibility of the mind, inner strength expressed in outer calmness. Invisible power can be imagined in the form of water that flows, twists and demands respect.

Ancient writings say: the main purpose of a woman is to accumulate energy flow and make the world a better place... With the hands of a man. Feats, great victories and conquests happened thanks to the energy of the fair sex! After all, the process of giving back the accumulated force occurs constantly and without days off.

But if the charge is not fed in time, a woman risks losing a piece of magic and acquiring health problems! A bias in male energy is fraught with certain consequences. Poor health, chronic fatigue, systematic depression - not the whole list of problems! How to fill yourself with feminine energy and make up for the lack of a "natural" resource? What practices and recommendations will allow you to feel femininity, strength and inspiration?

Observation and analysis

  • Take a closer look at the tone in which you are conducting a dialogue with your husband (aggression, rudeness, irritation or affection, care, tenderness predominates) ?;
  • answer the question: do you blame the male sex for your troubles in life (resentment against your father, brother, ex-lover, etc.)?;
  • do you feel satisfaction from doing household chores or do you perceive them as a heavy burden?;
  • where do you go with great pleasure: home or work?;
  • do you disrespect the entire male gender (even in a playful way of saying)?;
  • do you often confess your love to your husband or chosen one or hide feelings?;
  • Do you prefer to wear jeans or dresses, skirts?

After analyzing the answers, you can come to the conclusion whether there is a shortage in the energy of the feminine? If the verdict has been delivered, it's time to decide what methods to increase the accumulated stock of the energy arsenal?

Work on yourself

Relaxing massage

Massage is a way to disperse stagnant energy in the body. Touches relieve clamps and blocks, bringing the necessary relaxation of both the physical and emotional aspects. A plus will be the use of the sauna, pool and bath.

Healthy hair

A woman's hair is life force! According to their condition, it is safe to say whether the owner is happy or is he in a state of fatigue and accumulated irritation? In order to increase female energy, make it a rule to take care of the condition of your hair daily:

  1. trim split ends in a timely manner (not for the waning moon!);
  2. make "live" hair masks using fruits, vegetables;
  3. apply medicated oils - castor, olive, jojoba, etc.;
  4. wash your hair in time (at least 1 time in 2 days);
  5. comb your hair daily with a wooden comb (in the evening and in the morning).

This is not only a necessary load on the muscles, but also a pleasant work with a psycho-emotional background that stimulates femininity and the factor of self-acceptance. I recommend dancing when you cook, clean or lay the laundry and you will feel the desired changes!

Joint walks

How to be filled with vital energy, spending time with your husband? Everything is simple! The Vedas say that with the help of joint walks, the couple strengthens their relationship. Walking in the fresh air, a person is freed from experiences and distracted from pressing problems, and if you take children with you, then there will be no limit to joy!

General wardrobe cleaning

Clear out your closet and fill your wardrobe with feminine, beautiful outfits. Focus on natural materials, avoiding vulgarity and age-appropriate clothing. Do not forget about skirts and dresses, because a woman draws energy from the Earth and it is for this reason that the bottom of the clothes should be opened more often.

Proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle

A woman's habits shape her life. Accustom yourself to a happy and harmonious construction of days. Charging, activity and proper nutrition play a key role in the matter.

If you still poison yourself with tobacco, alcohol, swear like a shoemaker and overeat at night, you are guaranteed a bad mood and a reality corresponding to your actions.

Drink more water, pamper yourself with juices, vegetables and fruits. Eat small portions, but as often as possible! Cook for yourself and your loved ones with love, charging products for usefulness and health!
That's the whole secret!


  • Music (classical, spiritual, meditative, favorite and sounds of nature);
  • meditation as a means of high-quality, and most importantly effective relaxation;
  • singing (karaoke, in the shower, at the time of cooking, for children before bedtime, for husband);
  • shopping and shock shopping (you can not even make purchases, but just be in the atmosphere of bright shop windows, trying on dresses);
  • growing and caring for flowers (dacha + house);
  • a walk through bookstores (choose a notebook for yourself, an interesting pen for writing in a diary of success);
  • expression of male energy on paper. You can learn more about this from the video:

  • reading (fiction);
  • photo shoot (with your husband, children, loved ones or alone. You can also just take pictures of beautiful objects or interior details on your phone);
  • drawing, modeling, painting (plates, walls, clothes);
  • travel (take a train ticket and ride to a neighboring city for impressions or purchases);
  • sewing (pillows, aprons, outfits for children or their dolls :).

On this point!

Subscribe to updates, and share your tips for filling the vessel of female energy in the comments!

In women, unlike men, energy is creative. This means that they give more of their strength than they take. That is why ladies need to constantly look for ways to restore energy.

There are many ways to fill the female energy. It is always necessary to maintain and restore vitality as quickly as possible. Bioenergy experts offer to get acquainted with the most effective methods of energy charging, which will be described below.

Why is energy so important

There is a very strong and inseparable connection between energy and luck. The fact is that when our body radiates strength and positivity, we easily establish contact with the center of abundance of the Universe. Everything that we dream about, desire, need, comes to us from there. It is not something physical, but something like a huge reservoir of happiness. The universe only gives you luck if you are ready to accept it. Just for this, a high level of energy is needed.

Improve your mood and avoid negative emotions, as they deprive your body of positive vibes and deplete your body.

Ways to increase energy

Affirmations. The first method, which is strong but requires constant use, is motivation through special phrases such as: “I am the most beautiful”, “I am desired and loved”, “I am worthy of happiness”, “I believe in myself and in my strength”. When you repeat such phrases to yourself, you begin to believe in it. Your thoughts are tuned to the desired wave, increasing energy. Women's affirmations help, but only with prolonged use.

meditation. Meditation is diving deep into your consciousness. Buddhist meditation or any other type of such immersion helps to seek and find harmony within oneself. They teach women and men to accept themselves as they are, to develop and become stronger. Meditations work quickly only after some time, so it is better to repeat them at least once every two days or a day.

Physical exercise. A fairly quick way to restore energy, oddly enough, is sports. I mean, of course, not heavy loads, but simple running, walking, swimming, and simple exercises. Exercises can be done at home - for this you do not need to go anywhere.

Proper nutrition. Not immediately, but very effectively, proper nutrition helps - the rejection of fatty and sweet foods, fast food. When the body receives clean energy, then your biofield is also strengthened. After a couple of days of the diet, you will see how great it is to eat right.

Rejection of bad habits. This includes more than just smoking and alcohol. Bad habits are anything that prevents you from opening up as a person and feeling good anytime, anywhere. This does not increase energy, but allows you to save it.

Change in appearance. This is the first quick way to increase female energy. Dye your hair, buy new clothes, get a new haircut. Experiment with the look, but don't forget about acceptable limits. This is a great way to increase your energy and luck for a long time.

Aromatherapy. Use different flavors of special oils. An aroma lamp is a must-have item in any lady's home. Of the oils, citrus-scented oils are the best. They quickly restore your energy, and you do not need to do anything on your part. Use the aroma lamp not only at home, at work.

Love and friendship. Sincere and true love or friendship are good helpers in the pursuit of happiness. Romantic dates and gatherings with friends help restore energy in a short period of time. Appreciate the strong connection with other people.

Music, movies, books and hobbies. When you are alone with yourself, listening to your favorite music will help you raise your energy. Don't be afraid to turn it up loud if you like. Read books, watch beautiful movies, and if this does not bring you pleasure, then just do your favorite hobby. Always find time for this.

Get home more often. The energy of the house is directly related to the energy of a person. The cleaner and nicer your home, the better you will feel.

Drink more water. Water is a source of strength. If you drink at least one and a half liters of pure water a day, you will see how much your world will change and your well-being will improve.

Yoga. Yoga classes are an incredible source of energy for a woman. The only condition is that the teacher should not be a man, but a woman, because a man teaches, but does not share his strength, but devastates you even more.

Be in nature. Hiking, barbecue trips, swimming in the river - all this is a great way to shed negativity and renew yourself.

Psychologist. A visit to a psychologist will help you understand yourself if you have problems with your attitude and worldview. Only a woman should be a psychologist, for obvious reasons.

Do all this, then your life will change only for the better. Don't forget to set yourself achievable goals. You can even keep a diary of achievements. This will also increase your energy and strengthen your biofield. Stay less close to those people who infect you with negativity. Love yourself so that others will love you.

Use mascot stones for women's health. The power of nature, which is concentrated in them, will help you every day. Be yourself, be open to everything new and unknown, love life and yourself. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

There is a list of filling points with female power on the Internet. Girls write that it doesn't work: massage doesn't work, manicure doesn't work, shopping doesn't work... Why?

These are really feminine ways of filling with strength, that's right. But there is one very important, I would even say a critically important nuance: if you do everything with your head turned on and constant thoughts, then rest and filling will not happen. Generally.

If you lie on a massage and think about how to improve relations with your husband, how to earn extra money, how to dress for a meeting, alas, you will get even more tired. Moreover, it may just start to annoy you.

The secret of filling female energy is disabled brains. At all.

If you decide to pump yourself up with female power to create great female deeds, your brain and thoughts will not help you here. Brains need to be turned off at least for a while. And to engage in all these ways of filling female energy only taking into account the absence of serious thoughts.

The attention of a real woman is always in the body, not in the head. I had one friend with a completely blocked body and severe restrictions. And when I asked her: What do you feel about this?"- she answered:" I think this is what I feel..."You understand, right? 😉

We rehabilitate the inguinal center through bodily sensations, restore strength to it and launch sexual energy in it.

  • If you are relaxing at home, then you just wallow, like, without thoughts.
  • If you go to the spa, then concentrate on the body and.
  • When - attention to the body.
  • - attention to the body.

If you want to prosper materially, then there must be a lot of material energy. A woman in itself is a material being, and the more contact with the body, earth, matter, the better.

When your energy starts awakening, your desires will become active, your sexual desire will awaken. Do not be surprised if suddenly, upon entering the store, you want absolutely everything and your sexual desire for your man will increase several times - this is a sign that the energy has come and fills your body.

It is imperative to fill yourself up: this is not a joke that a woman needs to rest - no, this is a way of pumping sexual energy, which will subsequently turn into and become the energy of prosperity.

You will not work for the second center, that is, enjoy, relax, have sex with pleasure - you can forget that money comes to you easily.

A woman creates the energy of the space around her, and this energy begins with herself. First, she creates her mood, pumps up her energy field, and then expands to a man, children and relatives.

It is critically important to learn how to spend money, time and attention on yourself, without waiting for a man to see your feat of self-sacrifice and start taking care of you.