Orthodox September 11th

Today, September 11 (August 29, old style), the Orthodox Church celebrates the Orthodox Church holiday:

The Beheading of the Holy Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John
Martyr Anastasius (1794).

The Beheading of the Holy Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John

The story of the Beheading of John the Forerunner is more or less known to everyone. Saint John, the prophet, Forerunner and Baptist of Christ, died a martyr for the truth of God. He denounced King Herod for having taken his wife from his brother, also a king, Philip, and, having thereby violated the law of God and man, he tempted the people. Herod's most illegitimate wife, Herodias, especially did not like to hear the denunciation. She wanted to destroy the prophet as soon as possible; but Herod, seeing him as a righteous man, spared him, and only to please his wife put him in prison. But the evil wife soon reached her goal.

On the day of the celebration of Herod's birthday, when her daughter Salome greatly pleased Herod and the guests with her dance, she taught her daughter to ask for the head of her accuser as a reward. Herod, due to weakness of will, could not refuse the criminal request. The head was brought on a platter and served to Herodias. But the prophet reproved the sinners even when they died. His dead head uttered the former words of reproof: "Herod, you should not have Herodias as your wife."

Weak Herod, and especially the evil Herodias, did not come to their senses even here with the denunciation of the prophet. Herodias, taking a pin, pricked his dead tongue and ordered him to throw his head into an unclean place. But the maidservant, the pious wife of the steward of Chuza, having put her in an earthen vessel, buried her with honor on the Mount of Olives, where Herod's estate was. The perpetrators of the death of the Baptist of Christ did not escape punishment. Herod, deprived of his throne and exiled to prison, was swallowed up by the open earth along with Herodias. Salome drowned, and the ice floes cut off her head.

The feast of the Orthodox Church on August 29 (September 11) is one of the great ones. It was erected in memory of the beheading of John the Baptist by order of the Galilean tetrarch (tetrarch) Herod Antipas (see Mt. 14:6-12; Mk. 6:17-29).
On this day, a strict fast is laid as an expression of the grief of Christians over the violent death of the great prophet.

Today is an Orthodox church holiday:
Holidays expected:
18.03.2020 -
19.03.2020 -
20.03.2020 -

Published on 11.09.18 08:29

Today, September 11, 2018, the church holiday of the beheading of John the Baptist is celebrated. What not to do, signs and traditions of the holiday - read in the material Topnews.

Today, September 11, what Orthodox holiday: Ivan the Lent (the day of the beheading of John the Baptist)

The day is dedicated to the memory of the beheading of John the Baptist, the forerunner of Jesus Christ, the predictor who told the world that the Savior would come soon. He also baptized him in the Jordan River.

The death of John the Baptist is mentioned in the Gospels of Matthew and Mark. When Herod the Great died, Palestine was divided into four states, each of which was assigned a ruler by the Romans. John came from Galilee, which went to the reign of Herod Antipas, who, in addition to his wife, also had a mistress, the wife of his own intcbatch brother - Herodias.

For pointing out this sin, Herodias hated John. The insidious revenge was helped by her daughter - the beautiful Salome. Seducing Herod with a skillful dance, she wished for a reward not jewelry, not mercy, but the head of John. The severed head of the Forerunner, however, did not stop and spoke again about the sins of the ruler. The murderers of the saint did not live long - the ruler and his mistress fell into the open ground, and Salome lost her head from a sharp ice floe.

On the day of John, there is a special fast, in which it is not supposed to serve dishes from vegetables and fruits that have a rounded shape. you can’t eat anything that has a round shape - apples and potato tubers, cabbage soup, you can’t even cut poppy heads.

The fields are already empty, but the preparations for winter stocks continue. The people gathered at fairs and auctions, common for autumn, and everything turned out so that on St. John's Day there were especially many temptations, but you had to keep yourself strict, as they said: ".

Nature turns from warm summer bliss to autumn morning cold and approaching winter, so our ancestors used to say: “Ivan the Lenten has come, the red summer has taken away”, “Ivan the Lenten is the godfather of autumn”, “From Ivan the man meets autumn, the woman Indian summer begins ".

About flocks of migratory birds they used to say: "Ivan the Forerunner drives the birds far away." Feathered travelers predicted what the weather would be like. If the cranes were chirping farewell to John, it meant waiting for a short autumn and early snows. If the starlings still lingered, it means that it will still be warm. If the rooks flew in the evenings, then fine days will still stand. Unlike them, geese prophesied rain, and swans - snow.

Together with the harvesting of turnips, they quietly celebrated her holiday "Turnip" - they themselves did not have fun, did not feast, but generously endowed hungry poor people with lenten dishes.

Traditions for the Beheading of John the Baptist

One of the traditions of the holiday is the preparation of treats for those in need. Also on this day, believers go to the liturgy to honor the memory of the martyr John. At the morning prayer, they ask for forgiveness for all sins.

It is believed that a person who fasts on this day will have their innermost desire fulfilled.

This is a day of strict fasting, so it is forbidden to eat not only meat and dairy, but even fish. It is believed that after spending this day on bread and water, you can ask God for healing.

Signs for Beheading

The people believe that meeting September 11, that is, on Beheading, a white dog is a good sign, because this animal portends prosperity and well-being.

It is believed that if a white dog follows you for the Beheading, it is John the Baptist himself who blesses you for good luck. In this case, the four-legged must be treated with something.

If thunder is heard on this day, it portends a long and warm autumn.

The beheading of John the Baptist: what not to do on this day:

This is a day of strict fasting, so it is forbidden to eat not only meat and dairy, but even fish. It is believed that, having spent this day on bread and water, one can ask God for the healing of diseases;

Hold something sharp in your hands; on this holiday, believers do not even cut bread, but break it. People say: "Whoever uses a knife for Beheading will be left without a head";

There is something resembling a head, for example, cabbage, apples, watermelons (the round one is associated with the severed head of the Baptist);

A special ban applies to cabbage - you can not cut the heads and chop it;

Red food, which is associated with blood, is banned on this day.

It is not customary to drink any red drinks;

Singing and dancing: this is connected with the dance of Salome, Herod's stepdaughter, at whose request John the Baptist was beheaded;

Work, as well as do household chores;

To quarrel, since it was anger and malice that caused the death of John;

On this day, the priests do not perform the wedding ceremony.

September 11 is the feast of the beheading of John the Baptist. On this day, many familiar things will be banned.

When is the day of John the Baptist

This holiday is celebrated annually on September 11th. Orthodox pray to the saint for deliverance from diseases, prisoners, forgiveness and family happiness.

John was the prophet who foretold the coming of Jesus Christ to earth. He ended his life as a martyr: the prophet was beheaded on the orders of Tsar Antipas and Herodias, because John denounced before all the people the vicious connection of the king with his brother's wife.

The head of John was brought to Antipas on a platter, but even then she continued to expose the sin of the king. Herodias threw her head into a latrine, but the disciples of John secretly took it from there and buried it, putting it in a jug. The head of the prophet was found and hidden several times. The days of finding the head are celebrated by the Orthodox Church on March 9 and June 7.

Among the people, the day of John the Baptist is also called Ivan the Lenten and Golovosek.

What not to do on the day of John the Baptist

The events of this day have firmly entered the life of the people: the name Herodias has become a household name to designate evil, treacherous and vicious women, and fevers and shaking have received a general name - the daughters of Herod.

Ivan the Lenten on September 11 was not called from scratch: a strict fast is a prerequisite for commemorating the death of a saint. It is forbidden to eat meat, dairy products and eggs, as well as apples and apple juice, watermelons, nuts, onions and other products that look like a head in their shape.

Another strict prohibition concerns knives: cutting and cutting off something on this day is considered a grave sin, so the pieces must be broken off with your hands. Also under the ban on September 11 will be any red drinks, as well as red vegetables, fruits and legumes.

Dancing and fun are forbidden: it is believed that those who dance on this day will take upon themselves the sin of murder.

What can be done on the day of Ivan Lent

On the day of John the Baptist they go to the wells: to get rid of troubles. You need to cry out and scream out pain and resentment into the well, and then he will take them for himself.

Elongated bread with vegetables was eaten for a long time, which was broken by hand.

You can pray on this day for deliverance from diseases and enemies, as well as for family happiness, prayers for which you can read at the link.

Folk signs and traditions of September 11

The most common sign on the day of Ivan the Lenten is a ban on cutting a head of cabbage. It is believed that if you cut a head of cabbage on this day, then blood will drip from the cabbage, just as it dripped from the severed head of the prophet. There is a legend about a woman who disobeyed the ban and cut cabbage. Bringing a head of cabbage into the house, she saw that she was holding the head of her little son in her hands. People warn each other: if you cut cabbage on September 11, then you will suffer from a headache all year later.

You can’t boil anything on this day, otherwise the blood in the body will boil just like water boils, and thoughts will be sluggish, “boiled”.

Weather signs

Birds are watched on Ivan Lenten: if they fly to the South on this day, then the winter will be early and dank. It is also believed that it is after September 11 that autumn finally comes: “After Lenten Ivan, a man does not go out without a caftan.”

The dog that follows you on this day is a good omen: you cannot drive it away, but you should feed it, and then prosperity will come to your house.

Harvest notes

After September 11, they begin to harvest turnips, cabbages and dig up roots, but potatoes should be dug up before that day.

Signs about evil spirits

It is believed that on the day of John the Baptist, witches and devils try to steal grace from fasting people, and therefore go from house to house and ask for food and money on credit. To distinguish a witch from a neighbor who simply asked for salt, you can do this: bury or hide poppy seeds under the threshold in advance, and then the witch will not be able to enter or leave the house.

Folk omens have been collected for centuries, containing the wisdom of simple observations of the weather, people and animals, and so they have come down to our days. We wish you peace of mind, and don't forget to press the buttons and

08.09.2016 04:04

The feast of the Holy Trinity is an important day for every Orthodox person. According to legend, it is with this ...


In Russia, it has become customary to celebrate a large number of holidays, which forces many people to carefully follow the calendar of holiday dates, so as not to lose sight of this or that significant event.

Today, September 11, 2017, is no exception to the general rules, because it falls on several holidays at once, which we will discuss in this article. In particular, Russia celebrates the Day of Sobriety. In turn, the folk calendar, which closely echoes the church calendar, tells us about the day of the beheading of John the Baptist.

Alcohol addiction is one of the most widespread misfortunes of the modern world. It becomes the cause of the destruction of families and the degradation of the individual with all the ensuing consequences. Among those suffering from this addiction, more and more often there are teenagers, young women and men who fall into this bondage because of a frivolous attitude towards their health.

Among patients with alcoholism, you can meet various people. The addicts are just as likely as the blue-collar workers to be middle managers, highly educated businessmen, bankers, teachers, and even doctors.

A significant part of the budget is annually allocated to combat this disease, and various health and drinking programs are being developed. For this purpose, a holiday was also established - the All-Russian Day of Sobriety. It is celebrated annually on September 11th. The event was approved by the decision of the Holy Synod in 1914.

The history of the holiday begins in 1913, when representatives of the Orthodox Church proposed to declare a Day of Sobriety in honor of the Beheading of the head of the Holy Prophet John the Baptist. According to tradition, on this day, believers fast according to strict rules, including the use of alcohol.

The day is dedicated to the memory of the beheading of John the Baptist, the forerunner of Jesus Christ, the predictor who told the world that the Savior would come soon. He also baptized him in the Jordan River.

The death of John the Baptist is mentioned in the Gospels of Matthew and Mark. When Herod the Great died, Palestine was divided into four states, each of which was assigned a ruler by the Romans. John came from Galilee, which went to the reign of Herod Antipas, who, in addition to his wife, also had a mistress, the wife of his brother, Herodias.

For pointing out this sin, Herodias hated John. The insidious revenge was helped by her daughter, the beautiful Salome. Seducing Herod with a skillful dance, she wished for a reward not jewelry, not mercy, but the head of John. The severed head of the Forerunner, however, did not stop and spoke again about the sins of the ruler. The murderers of the saint did not live long - the ruler and his mistress fell into the open ground, and Salome lost her head from a sharp ice floe.

On the day of John there is a special fast, in which it is not supposed to serve dishes from vegetables and fruits that have a rounded shape. you can’t eat anything that has a round shape - apples and potato tubers, cabbage soup, you can’t even cut poppy heads.

It is customary this day to remember the soldiers who died for their homeland.

The fields are already empty, but the preparations for winter stocks continue. The people gathered at fairs and auctions, common for autumn, and everything turned out so that on St. John's Day there were especially many temptations, but you had to keep yourself strict, as they said: ".

Nature turns from warm summer bliss to autumn morning cold and approaching winter, so our ancestors used to say: “Ivan the Lenten has come, the red summer has taken away”, “Ivan the Lenten is the godfather of autumn”, “From Ivan the man meets autumn, the woman Indian summer begins ".

About flocks of migratory birds they used to say this: "Ivan the Baptist drives the birds far away." Feathered travelers predicted what the weather would be like. If the cranes were chirping farewell to John, it meant waiting for a short autumn and early snows. If the starlings still lingered, it means that it will still be warm. If the rooks flew in the evenings, then fine days will still stand. Unlike them, geese predicted rain, and swans predicted snow.

Together with the harvesting of the turnips, they quietly celebrated their holiday “Turnip” - they themselves did not have fun, did not feast, but generously endowed hungry poor people with lenten dishes.

The only state in the world that uses the Julian calendar lives by its own rules, and today it celebrates the New Year - a wonderful secular holiday. The date of the holiday was determined in ancient times by the Queen of Sheba, returning from Jerusalem. The holiday is celebrated in the ancient church of the 14th century, the church of St. John. Priests conduct services, read psalms and sermons, hymns. And in the evening they kindle bonfires from exotic eucalyptus for us and such a familiar spruce.

Another church is located near the capital of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa. According to Ethiopian beliefs, fire is a sign of warmth, so the whole celebration develops around bonfires. After the church service at home, Ethiopians treat themselves to injera (white flat bread) and wuat (stew). In the evening, everyone goes to visit friends and relatives, and the children spend the money they earn. In addition to a religious holiday, Enkutatash shares the rainy season and marks the arrival of spring.

On this day, real men are congratulated - warriors, blacksmiths and masons. Indians are special people, and their entertainment is special. So, for example, ordeals: a tin is cast on the chest for a truly strong man, and he, having a powerful etheric body, does not even suffer from pain. At the same time, 14 ritual candles are lit and coarse food is eaten.

The Argentine nation loves this holiday very much, it is a day off for the whole country and is very significant. All teachers express recognition and gratitude, give gifts and honor the memory of President Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, who died on this day, who went down in history as a great enlightener.

It was he who reformed the system of Argentine education in the 19th century, founded two public schools - Naval and Military, as well as agronomy and forestry academies, informs the site. He was also the founder of training schools for teachers. In Argentina, teachers are revered not only for teaching knowledge, but also for educating the younger generation.

Indeed, such a holiday exists, and this is no joke! In 1943, the first faceted glass of Soviet production was produced in the city of Gus-Khrustalny. The author of the design is the sculptor of the statue "Worker and Collective Farm Woman", but there is no documentary evidence of this fact. According to some reports, Vera Mukhina developed such a design specifically for the Soviet public catering, and it lived up to expectations - for many years it was registered in soda machines, canteens, and on the railway.

A classic of the genre is a 16-sided glass, the very first production of the plant. You can meet 12-14-18-20 faceted glasses. At the bottom of the first glasses, the price was melted: 7 or 14 kopecks, depending on the size. It should be noted that ordinary glasses without a smooth upper rim have been known since the time of Peter the Great - the tsar was presented with such a glass for drinking alcoholic beverages on a ship.

  • 1812 - the first Russian settlement in Alaska was founded - Fort Ross.
  • 1834 - the Alexander Column was installed on the Palace Square in St. Petersburg.
  • 1961 is the birthday of the World Wildlife Fund.
  • 1973 - As a result of a military coup in Chile, a military junta led by General Pinochet came to power.
  • 2000 - one of the mountain peaks of the Caucasus, named Kursk - in honor of the dead crew members of the Kursk submarine.
  • 2001 - in the United States, the largest terrorist attack in the history of mankind.
  • James Thomson 1700 - Scottish poet.
  • Carl Friedrich Zeiss 1816 - German optical mechanic.
  • Anna Dostoevskaya 1846 - Russian memoirist.
  • O'Henry 1862 American novelist.
  • Felix Dzerzhinsky 1877 - Soviet statesman.
  • Alexander Dovzhenko 1894 - Soviet film director.
  • Semyon Lavochkin 1900 - Soviet aviation designer.
  • German Titov 1935 - Soviet pilot-cosmonaut.
  • Iosif Kobzon 1937 - Russian pop singer.
  • Bashar Hafez al-Assad 1965 - Syrian politician.

John the Baptist is the last of the Old Testament prophets who foreshadowed the New Testament with his life and sermons. He was called the Forerunner, or pointing the way of the Messiah.

The attributes of John the Baptist were a reed cross, a staff with a banner on which was written in Latin "Behold the Lamb of God", a baptismal cup and a lamb.

The father of John the Baptist, the priest Zacharias, was deprived of the power of speech as punishment for not believing the angel who announced that his wife Elizabeth, who had passed her childbearing age, would give birth to an extraordinary child who should be named John.

According to apocryphal texts and folk legends, Mary remained with Elizabeth until she gave birth to a son.

Elizabeth, who was expecting a child, was visited by her cousin Mary, who also carried a wonderful child under her heart.

The spiritual life of John the Baptist was predetermined by his extraordinary birth and religious upbringing from childhood. He led a harsh life in the desert and was depicted barefoot, accompanied by wild beasts.

The Beheading of John the Baptist

September 11 is one of the great church holidays - the day of memory of John the Baptist, when the whole world mourns his tragic death.

The gospels tell a story that John, who baptized Jesus and many in the Jordan River, denounced the ruler of Galilee, Herod Antipas, for which he was arrested and, at the instigation of Herod's wife, Herodias, was executed.

This legend is based on actual events. The ancient historian Flavius, who lived in the 1st century, mentions the preacher John executed by Herod.

The name of Herod's stepdaughter is not mentioned in the Bible. Only in later sources is she called Salome.

The ruler of Galilee, Herod, arranged a feast on the occasion of his birthday. The main "dish" of this festival was the sensual and shameless dance of Salome, the daughter of Herodias, cruel and beautiful, like her mother. Herod liked the dance so much that he swore to fulfill Salome's every whim. And at the instigation of Herodias, who hated John the Baptist, she demanded the head of the prophet presented on a platter. Herod did not dare to break his promise to the guests. And he presented the head of John to his stepdaughter, which Herodias immediately threw into the mud, and the body of the prophet was stolen by his disciples and buried in the city of Sebastia.

On this day, a strict fast is supposed to be observed. The Church forbids eating meat and fish, so the feast of the Beheading of John the Baptist is better known among believers under the name "John the Fast". Also on September 11, it is necessary to abandon entertainment, since entertainment events symbolize the feast that led to the death of the prophet.