Which city produces Renault? Where are Renault cars assembled? Budget Renault cars in Russia

The French company Renault has been in the mechanical engineering market for more than a century. Reliable, beautiful, interesting developments- it's about her. But when buying a car, you want to know that the money is paid for quality guaranteed by the manufacturer. There is an opinion that for different countries cars are assembled in different ways. Is it so? Some people prefer to buy a car in the manufacturer's home country. Is this tradition relevant here and where is Renault assembled in Russia? There are many car models, but Russians have recently been interested in questions about where Renault Sandero, Renault Captur and other models are assembled.

Another important and interest Ask- Is Renault for the Russian automobile market different from those models that are supplied to dealers in Europe. And are there any differences between the same Renault Sandero Stepway or Renault Duster in Russia and abroad? Is it worth chasing after quality, buying a car abroad and then spending time making sure it complies with all laws and regulations? Where is the Renault plant located in Russia?

In Russia today there are two company factories where they assemble Renault Duster, Renault Captur and other models of this car. But this does not mean that only Russian assembly is available from dealers. Renault Group owns almost 25% of the shares of AvtoVAZ in Togliatti and its own Renault Russia enterprise in Moscow, so the question of where Renault Logan, Renault Captur and other models of these cars are assembled disappears by itself.

In addition, factories and assembly lines have been built in dozens of countries around the world and only high-quality cars are produced everywhere.

On the Russian market, among the most popular models, you can buy:

  • Renault LOGAN - completely Russian assembly from Tolyatti and Moscow;
  • Renault Sandero, Renault Sandero Steway - assembled from Moscow;
  • Renault Duster - assembled from Moscow or Brazilian production;
  • Renault Megane- there are both France, Türkiye, Spain, and the Moscow assembly;
  • Renault Fluence - Turkish and Moscow assembly.

The company's policy is that large countries she strives to create full cycle production, bringing it as close as possible to self-sufficiency. This approach allows us to control quality in full.

Plus - it helps reduce production costs and make products more affordable. Which, in turn, helps to maintain a strong hold on the new car market, showing high sales figures.

And it all started under the Romanov family in the Russian Empire.

How did Renault appear in Russia?

Nicholas II was skeptical about passenger cars. At the same time, the king had his own trains, his own yacht, but not a car. Until 1903, it was prohibited to use this type of transport in Crimea. However, one day everything changed.

In 1903, the Tsar came to Hesse. The brother of the German Emperor Ernest Ludwig, the Grand Duke of Hesse and the Rhine, who loved cars, knowing the attitude of the Russian Tsar to this transport, could not resist and took a ride with Nicholas II.

The wonderful invention, with its comfort, wisdom and simplicity, made a proper impression and managed to please everyone. Already in 1909, the tsar acquired a garage for his own iron horses. Initially there were only two cars, but by 1914 he had more than 50 cars at his disposal. So he became the owner of the largest number passenger cars among the rulers of the world of those times.

Five Romanov cars sparkled with Renault nameplates. The king really liked the invention. Mechanical engineering was just developing. The management of the French enterprise was interested in friendship with Russia, and Nicholas II was carried away by the idea and no longer interfered with scientific and technological progress.

In 1916, on the territory of the Tsarist Empire appeared Joint-Stock Company"Russian Renault" A plant was built in Rybinsk on the basis of a state loan, but production of Renault for the Russian market never began here.

After the Great October Socialist Revolution of 1917, the state's friendship with the company ended. The property was nationalized and put into operation for the benefit of the people. In the USSR, at the plant in Rybinsk, they repaired cars and created aircraft engines for many years. The plant was especially important during the war years. It is still intact today, owned by the state by more than 80%, functioning and assembling engines as always.

Renault company and the USSR state

The USSR authorities did not remain indifferent to Renault technologies. These assembled cars were popular and were purchased. But it took a long time before the company was able to implement its policies. In the 60s of the 20th century, a representative office of a foreign enterprise appeared in Moscow.

The continuation of the partnership was the introduction and modernization of mechanical engineering technologies. This was a mutually beneficial process - in the 80s, a quarter of cars produced in the USSR included Renault technologies.

During perestroika, the company changed along with the state - more precisely, it opened its first Moscow office again, in 1992. And in 1998, it signed an agreement to create its own production facilities. Was created joint venture"Autoframos".

It was engaged in the construction of a full-cycle plant, not forgetting about partial assembly. In 2012, all Avtoframos shares ended up in the hands of the Renault concern. The company turned into ZAO Renault Russia. It turned out that Moscow and Tolyatti are the cities where Renault is produced in Russia.

In the Russian Federation, only the most modern developments are always used for production. This is a tradition. After all, it was this approach that allowed the company to become popular both among people and among authorities.

She is still no stranger to innovation. Recently, Renault joined forces with the Japanese corporation Nissan, experienced a crisis in connection with this, but managed to get out of a steep dive. Today she is at her best again.

New Renault models in Russia

For a French company automobile market Russia is one of the key ones. That is why the leaders of the Renault concern pay a lot of attention to our country.

In mid-March 2016, a magnificent and representative event took place at which it was officially shown. Renault Captur is specially created for Russian car enthusiasts. There are a number of differences between the Captur for Russia and the Captur that is offered in Europe.

Renault Captur will be assembled at the Moscow Renault plant, and it will go on sale towards the end of summer 2016.

In addition, by 2017, the automaker promises to bring Russian market new generation of popular Duster models. Renault constructors and designers put a lot of effort into making sure that they can please drivers all over the world no worse than the same Renault Captur. It is already known that there will be significant changes in the technical component of the model.

Submit a request for a test drive

Renault Corporation is one of the most popular automobile concerns in Russia. The company offers many budget cars and representatives of the middle segment, each model has personal characteristics. It must be recognized that the active growth of the French company in last years significantly influenced the popularity of the brand's models. In Europe, just a few years ago, Renault was not considered a car worth buying. Today, the question of purchasing a quality car in a European family is often decided by purchasing a Renault. The fact is that the price-quality ratio of the company's cars has become quite good, taking into account all the modern features of the corporation's transport. And the price tags have not increased, even taking into account general inflation and other troubles.

European cars in Russia are becoming increasingly popular, surpassing the Japanese and American markets in terms of their parameters. The fact is that from all other countries, cars are sold in dollars, but Europe sells cars to Russia for the Euro, which has also lost ground quite well recently. Therefore the price European cars Didn't grow too much. Renault's position on price tags remains quite strict; all budget class cars have added at least to their price values. This is a fairly simple and understandable explanation of why the corporation’s cars have become even more popular among Russian buyers.

Main Renault factories and assembly sites in the world

Renault's country of origin is France. But in Europe, labor is very expensive, and building additional factories on the territory of small France will generally cost enormous sums. Therefore, the corporation uses other opportunities to expand. Either a plant is being built in third world countries, or other enterprises in Europe are being bought out. Thus, the corporation was able to expand its presence in the world, and the majority budget cars, ending up in Russia, are not collected in France. The main factories and assembly sites for Renault cars are as follows:

  • France - the company’s first and once main plant is located near Paris, which serves for the development and invention of new technologies;
  • Romania - the former Dacia corporation is almost entirely owned by the Renault company; all Romanian Dacia factories produce French cars;
  • Korea - the Samsung brand is 80% owned by Renault, many production capacity used to make cars;
  • Brazil is one of the largest assembly centers for the company's cars, which supplies cars to all Latin American countries;
  • Russia - let's start with the fact that Renault owns 50% of the AvtoVAZ company, and also some models are assembled at the Avtoframos plant with updated production lines.

It is worth remembering such cooperation as the Renault-Nissan alliance. These are two companies that can boast of their beneficial cooperation. In 2014, this alliance became the fourth largest car manufacturer in the world. Renault owns more than 40 percent of Nissan shares, so the French today have almost complete control over the work and development of this company. Nevertheless, competitive environment remains between these brands, since the companies belong to approximately the same segment, each development is a potential competitor for the brotherly concern. Despite all the difficulties, Renault-Nissan cooperation brings a lot positive aspects in the exchange of technologies and the acquisition of new production capabilities.

Budget Renault cars in Russia

Among all representatives of the model range Renault cars budget cars remain the most popular, some of which appeared in model line corporation after merging with the Dacia concern. These are refaced and modified Romanian cars that received French engines and gearboxes, a completely redesigned interior and many important and useful developments. Thanks to such features, the corporation was able to provide Europe and the CIS countries with more freedom in choosing budget transport. Beautiful models, reliable technologies and quite adequate design in the last two or three years have evoked only positive emotions from getting to know cars. Budget class represented by the following cars:

  • Renault Logan- an excellent sedan in a new design with good salon and a very impressive package, the starting cost of the car is just a little over 400,000 rubles;
  • Renault Sandero is a hatchback built on the basis and design of Logan, a very comfortable and quite dynamic city car, the base price is identical to Logan;
  • Renault Sandero Stepway- a slightly modified version of the hatchback with additional design features of a crossover, slightly raised above the ground, price from 600,000 rubles;
  • Renault Duster is a crossover that has repeatedly received the title people's car in Russia and the best-selling SUV in our country, the cost of the car is from 650,000 rubles;
  • Renault Dokker is another representative of the budget family that will never appear on our market, an interesting minivan or even a low-priced heel.

As you can see, all of the corporation’s budget cars are supplied exclusively from the Romanian concern; they all have their roots in the Dacia company. This origin provides certain benefits, because all these cars are assembled either in Romania or in Russia. Therefore, the company may not raise the price of some models, and if it does, it will not be in the same way as competitors do. This is another big competitive advantage of the company. Of course, the budget range automobile corporation Renault can hardly be called ideal in all respects, but it certainly cannot be described as bad either.

Mid-price class from Renault Corporation

The French company Renault supplies the Russian market with many other cars that have nothing in common with Romanian production. They were developed much earlier than the company began to actively develop the Dacia brand and factories. These models often come from history, in which everything is quite interesting for the French corporation. This is one of the most ancient European concerns for the production of automobiles, the most active participant in the budget car market and an actively developing company over the past five years. Main models own development The French are as follows:

  • Renault Megane Hatchback - a traditional C-class in a fairly modern design, with a beautiful interior and very exciting characteristics, price from 900,000 rubles;
  • Renault Fluence - large sedan, which has become one of the popular solutions for business in Russia, an executive car for relatively little money - 900,000 rubles;
  • Renault Kangoo - a passenger heel, which became one of the most popular in Russia in the first generation; today an improved and large Kangoo can be bought for 1,000,000 rubles;
  • Renault Koleos is a large crossover that has a completely adequate design, very good technical base, expensive equipment and costing only 1,200,000 rubles.

Also, do not forget about the presence of the corporation in the model line sports cars. Renault Clio R.S. It will be a great addition to your car collection if you are into motor sports and active driving. This vehicle is not very suitable as a car for daily use. Renault Megane R.S. is a three-door hatchback, slightly larger than the Clio, which offers the most powerful engines corporations, Hi-tech gearboxes, as well as many others important characteristics. You can find your own configuration for any car presented and not spend too much money on technologies you don’t need. Watch a fascinating test drive of Renault Megane R.S.:

Let's sum it up

The specifics of the work of Renault Corporation are such that you can find unique car, which will completely suit you. With enough help simple configurations and a lot of additional equipment, you will select a machine that will perform all the necessary tasks in your operation. There are two separate model range in the production of modern Renault brand. The first line of cars is budget vehicles developed by Dacia. The second is Renault cars themselves.

And if Dacia is actively saving money, then the French division of Renault performs all tasks with the highest possible quality. The company's machines began to compete in quality with the most famous and respected European brands, but this does not always work to the benefit of the brand. Good prices, nice design and quite adequate technology are not the first factor when buying a car for every buyer. But in other respects the French concern Renault is still quite weak.

Back in 1993, Renault opened its first office in Russia. Later, in July 1998, the Avtoframos joint venture appeared, the name of which was formed from three words: “auto”, “France” and “Moscow”. In 1999, the assembly of Renault cars began at the AZLK plant. Since 2005, the full production cycle of Renault Logan has been launched. And in July 2014, the plant changed its name and began to be called simply Renault Russia.

What is this all about, you ask? Besides, the plant is celebrating its 10th anniversary today, on which I want to congratulate Renault company. In honor of this event, I propose to take a short tour of the workshops former factory AZLK and see what the French did there.

Any car consists of many spare parts and components. For example, can you say which part is the most important in a car? Personally, I can’t... It won’t move without wheels. A small plug in the oil pan holds oil, without which the engine will not work for a long time. You can, of course, drive without a steering wheel, but only if the car is on rails. Without wipers you won't see the road, you'll have to drive by feel. Even a small reflective element in rear lights so that no one drives into the back. It’s easier to say what you can do without, but that will be another story.

The same thing happens with a factory... which workshop is the most important, where they glue the very part after which the car becomes a car - it’s not clear. In general, there is an opinion that the most important detail The car is received by the traffic police, but one can argue with this.

I had the opportunity to visit the plant twice. It so happened that the first time I was on an excursion was at the time of the launch of production of the Renault Duster, and the second time coincided with the start of its production updated version. But it was only the second time that I managed to gain their trust and bring a camera with me. In general, let's watch.

A long sausage runs through the entire plant assembly line. On one side, body parts move along it, and on the other, the engine and chassis. Somewhere in the middle technological process their “wedding” takes place and the car begins to take on a finished look.

Let's start with the welding shop. A kind of big constructor, where future car takes its shape.


To the side of the conveyor there are racks with body parts.


We are standing in a special pedestrian zone, as required by safety regulations, and so as not to disturb anyone, we observe what is happening around us. There are special markings on the floor of each workshop. Including for robotic transporters that carry cargo platforms. Platform with future Renault Duster is waiting to be unloaded at the conveyor.


Getting in shape new body continues moving to the next work station.


Part of the work at the Renault Russia plant is performed by robots. To prevent them from taking over the world, the robotic zones are surrounded by a fence.


The robot takes a part of the body, places it in the right place and welds it. This is a process that can be watched forever.


Of course, in the workshops there are people operating huge spot welding tongs. Click-clack and the body element is in place.


For welding, the car is installed on a special “table”, individual for each model. Imagine... the floor of the workshop moves apart, and a huge structure falls down somewhere. A few seconds later, a pedestal rises in its place for another model, the body of which is already on its way. Everything happens very quickly and the conveyor does not stop for a second.


The finished body is sent for painting. From the point of view of an outside viewer, it looks very simple, the conveyor goes up somewhere and comes back a little further away, but all the bodies are already painted.

On the second conveyor, the chassis is assembled. This time they didn’t show it to us, but general principle Assembly line, I think, can be imagined. A small nuance: some spare parts are manufactured directly at the factory. In the photo there is a machine for bending (I don’t know how to say this correctly) brake pipes.


The finished, curved tube is not at all convenient for transportation, so we decided to start production right on site. Establishing logistics between workshops is much easier than transporting trucks many kilometers away.


The process of connecting the body and chassis is called “wedding” here. The chassis and body are supplied synchronously from two conveyors. Under the watchful gaze of the worker, passing over each other, they gradually come closer and... there is contact.


As you understand, we have already moved to the assembly shop. It's much quieter here and you don't have to wear safety glasses.


While the cars sluggishly crawl along the conveyor belt, a optional equipment, the interior is assembled and technical fluids are refilled.


The necessary round elements of every car are wheels.


No chips, oil on the floor or spare parts in the aisle. All workshops of the plant are kept clean and tidy.

An automobile plant in the capital of the state just eight kilometers from the Kremlin is nonsense in modern world. Rent, communal apartment, wage costs in Moscow are a priori higher than in the regions. However, the Renault enterprise, located on the territory of the former AZLK, is not yet in danger. This winter, the Moscow government extended the plant’s previous tax rates and rental payments until the end of 2020. The reorientation of the site to the production of crossovers, the added value of which is higher than that of passenger cars(the last first-generation Logans were assembled here back in 2015). And in addition, the beginning of preparations for the production of another model speaks of the plant’s bright future. I managed to visit the workshops on the last excursion - after that the enterprise introduced special treatment confidentiality, which will last until the start of production of the new machine.

The current director of the Moscow Renault plant, Jean-Louis Theron, previously worked in India and was involved in organizing the production of a budget SUV

What do we know about her? So far, alas, not much. Last September, Renault chief designer Laurens van den Acker spoke about a new crossover that will be a “true Renault,” that is, it will not be a variation of any Dacia. The company calls this car a C-SUV, that is, a C-class crossover, and they promise to show it at the upcoming Moscow Motor Show, which will open in August. During the excursion we also managed to find out that the basis Russian car the next iteration of the B0 platform (aka Global Access) will come - and it will become longer and wider; The factory workers did not disclose any other differences from the current version.

Still from last year's Renault presentation

The new crossover will appear not only in Russia. According to , the same version on the B0 cart will be in Brazil and China, and for South Korea the car will be transferred to more expensive platform. By the way, in Europe new model will not appear due to the danger of competition with the current SUV Renault Kadjar(analogue Nissan models Qashqai). Based on this statement, it’s easy to imagine that we are waiting for some kind of “simplified Kadjar,” that is, a crossover slightly larger than the Qashqai.

Renault Kadjar for the European market

However, Laurens van den Acker has nothing to reproach: there really is no such car in the Dacia brand range and there never will be, and the B0 platform, let me remind you, was originally developed for the second generation Renault Clio hatchback.

Modernization of the plant for new crossover has already begun. And the first thing the French did was to eliminate the second welding line, where they prepared bodies for the Fluence and Megane models. This suggests that cars of this class will no longer be produced in Moscow and now the entire production process at the plant can only proceed in one stream.

In the first quarter of this year, 46 additional Fanuc robots were installed on the welding line, almost doubling the total number. The expansion of automation affected mainly the welding area of ​​the front body modules. In general, robots here are now responsible for both welding the floor elements and connecting it to the sidewalls: for this operation, replaceable conductors are installed (one for each model), which automatically set the correct body geometry. There have been much fewer workers with manual welding tongs at the Renault plant over the past few years, but the degree of automation of the welding line still only reaches 24%.

By the way, the workers themselves are recruited at the enterprise according to the 50:50 principle: half of the employees are residents of Moscow and the surrounding Moscow region, and the other half are migrants from the southern republics. My own observations in the workshops confirm this proportion. This does not bother the plant management: of course, because newcomers are not so demanding in terms of wages and related employment conditions. The main thing, they say, is that all applicants undergo the same three-month training process, only after completion of which they are allowed onto the assembly line.

Ahead of the plant is the modernization of the painting complex: it will be adapted to a larger model and robots will also be added. By the way, forced dismissals of those workers who are replaced by robots on the line are not practiced at the Renault plant: people are retrained and transferred to other positions (of which there are about a thousand), and staff reductions are ensured due to the natural outflow of personnel.

Automation of the 700-meter-long assembly line is not yet planned, but additional equipment for the new SUV will, of course, appear here. In the meantime, there are three models on the conveyor belt: Renault Duster, Renault Captur And Nissan Terrano(they will remain after the start of production of the C-crossover). And I hasten to dispel the established myth: there is no additional quality control and selection of components when assembling Nissans. The plant has a uniform quality control standard Renault-Nissan Alliance, which applies to all models. Once again for the most naive: by throwing 50-70 thousand rubles for a Terrano compared to a similar Duster, you are paying extra exclusively for a different brand and a modified design.

All three models move along the conveyor interspersed, in accordance with the series of orders received by the plant from dealers: for the white Duster in basic configuration with unpainted bumpers and stamped wheels, a two-tone Kaptur could follow with all-wheel drive And " full minced meat" The required order of supply of components is observed by electronics, and containers are transported around the workshops mainly by drones.

Their widespread implementation at the Moscow Renault plant began three years ago along with the optimization of supply chains. Now the park is like this Vehicle exceeds 110 copies - they have almost completely replaced the usual loaders and conveyors with operators behind the wheel from the workshops. Moreover, the first 90 copies were purchased in Japan, and since last year the plant began producing its own drones, 50% consisting of Russian components! Although it is clear that the most expensive and critical electronic components are still imported. In addition, 12 such trolleys were sent to the Lada Izhevsk plant, and this year Renault will ship 15 more copies.

The drones themselves are small tractors with electric drive and software control. They communicate with the central computer via Wi-Fi, hook up large carts with components and drive along magnetic lines laid along the floor. These things crawl slowly, accompanying the process with a melody from the old Super Mario console toy. But, as factory workers assure, the main advantage of such self-propelled guns over manned transporters is safety: they have a system automatic braking, and the number of collisions at the plant was reduced to almost zero.

The doors are removed from the bodies immediately after they enter the assembly line. They are taken for assembly to a separate workshop and hung on cars at the final stage of assembly.

As for the localization of manufactured cars, the company does not disclose the figure for cars assembled in Moscow, limiting itself to the overall corporate result of 66%, which also takes into account the production of Logan and Sandero models at AvtoVAZ. But this is a very solid indicator! Localized for metropolitan crossovers dashboard and all plastic interior panels, climate control systems, seats, bumpers, tires, wheels, radiators, fuel tanks... 1.6 engines come from Tolyatti, and the lion’s share of stamped parts is supplied Kaluga plant Gestamp Severstal and the Moscow company AAT (Alpha Automotive Technologies). This is a joint venture between ZIL and Japanese company IHI, which was previously located on the territory of ZIL itself, but last year the workshop was forced to move to the Moscow district of Biryulyovo. Some of the hardware comes from Romania and Turkey.

The new crossover will also have a high degree of localization. Moreover, even prototypes for sea trials will be manufactured not in France or Romania, where Renault’s main development centers are located, but here in Moscow. Factory workers already have similar experience in industrialization, because two years ago the Russian enterprise became the main one for Renault crossover Kaptur. The organization of production was then successful, and Russian specialists were then invited to lead the launch of Captyur at factories in and.

Modernization and increased automation will not in any way affect the capacity of the Moscow plant, which is 190 thousand cars per year. There is simply no need for more yet, because last year only 99 thousand cars rolled off the assembly line. Now the enterprise operates in a two-shift mode, but not five, but four days a week; it takes 25 hours to produce one car. Preparations for the release of the new crossover will be lengthy: although the car will be presented in August, mass production, according to Autoreview, will begin only in 2019. And only after this will it reach Russia. So you'll have to be patient.


Once on the territory of the plant, you begin to understand where most of the first generation Koleos sold in Russia went. Now these cars have been removed from the corporate fleet and are being put up for sale. And the fight against costs can be seen at all levels.

Most motorists, before purchasing their car, are interested in where it was assembled, because its cost directly depends on this location. And such information about one of the most popular cars in our country, Renault Logan is interested in its potential buyers.

This material will tell you in detail about where such factories are located in Russia, as well as about the features of their production on the territory of our Motherland.

Renault-Russia plant and Renault Logan production (phase 1 and 2)

The Moskvich OJSC plant, which was once frozen at the final stages of construction, became the launching pad for the creation of such a powerful enterprise as it is now. To improve the quality of assembly, the plant has introduced production technology using manual labor.

Both Renault Logan and Renault Sandrero are on the assembly line at the same time

To ensure that quality does not suffer from this and only brings benefits, each employee undergoes special training courses created according to international standards. Therefore, people in the enterprise are able to work with the precision and accuracy of robotic machines. All equipment of the enterprise is created with protection against possible employee errors, controlling the work using computer modeling.

This is how Renault Logan cars are assembled at factories in Russia.

Upon release, each model is checked for leaks and driving performance. And also selectively on the quality of welds.

Other Renault factories

Renault cars are also created in the following countries:

A few words about Renault

More than a hundred years have passed since the brothers Louis, Fernand and Marcel Renault created their concern. And today the French company ranks 4th in terms of the number of cars produced in the world. Renault was able to achieve such progress thanks to close cooperation with Nissan, forming the Renault-Nissan holding. Therefore, today cars with the French logo are stamped in many parts of the world, and Russia is no exception. Since Renault cars are very popular in our country, the factories here are some of the largest in the world.

This is what the Avtoframos plant in Russia looked like.

Already since 1998 subsidiary “Avtoframos” was engaged in the production and sale of Renault cars in Russia. However, in 2014 it was abolished and in 2015 it became known as "Renault Russia".


Most reviews from users of Renault cars that are produced in Russia remain only positive, and this is not without reason. After all, created in the homeland and adapted for our roads, Renault has truly excellent technical and operational characteristics.