Transport of Georgia. Public transport maps and timetables of buses and minibuses in Tbilisi Useful information about the Tbilisi metro

It is also more convenient to visit from Tbilisi.

Read more about travel ideas for those who flew to Tbilisi.

So, congratulations! You made it to Georgia! What's next?

Intercity communication in Georgia

There are no problems with intercity communication in Georgia.

If you are a fan of trains, the site will help you. railroad... Here you can buy tickets online and view the schedule in Russian: Perhaps the most popular destination is Tbilisi-Batumi. There is a convenient express train. But in the high season there can be problems with the availability of tickets - take in advance.

Buses and minibuses

Perhaps the most convenient and popular way to travel around the country is by buses and minibuses.

There are two main bus stations in Tbilisi. Flights to the east of Kakheti (Sighnaghi, Telavi, Kvareli) depart from Samgori metro station. From the Didube metro station - to the west (Gori, Kazbegi, Batumi, Kutaisi).

Minibuses run frequently between cities. The only drawback is the lack of a schedule in the usual sense. Often the minibus departs according to the degree of filling. The driver can call on the way for some of his driving business. And instead of the planned 2 hours, you will spend 2.5 hours on the road. If you eat, for example, take a walk in Sighnaghi - these adventures will only add color and will not spoil the mood. But if you are late for the plane, then the hassle is provided.

There is an alternative. In Georgia, two companies are engaged in passenger transportation on European level, and tickets cost the same as for regular minibuses. Clean cars, polite professional drivers and most importantly - a clear schedule of departure and arrival.

Metro buses leave from Ortachala station, tickets and timetables are available at Buses of the Georgian Bus company are especially convenient - they do not come to the outskirts of cities at the bus station, but to the city center. The same company serves the Kutaisi airport in all directions for each flight. Tickets and schedule -. In addition, Georgian Bus provides a 10% discount to cardholders.

Taxis and transfers.

Yes, you can easily hire a taxi to travel between cities - this practice is common. And of course there is a custom-made individual transfer - it's better than a taxi, but you need to order a transfer in advance. It differs from a taxi in better side the cleanliness of the cars and the adequacy of the drivers. Call us and we will order you a car at any time convenient for you and in any direction.

You can still travel. Hitchhiking in Georgia is excellent and quite safe. If you are interested in traveling in this format, consider the nuances. They will talk to you. In all languages ​​at once - in Georgian, Armenian, Turkish, Russian and possibly English. And in sign language - for sure. So learn materiel 😉

You will be treated. How? It really depends on what you have. Wine, chacha, apples, nazuki. Do not refuse - you will offend a Georgian by refusing. If they are treated, then from a pure heart. And if there is absolutely nothing to treat, they will ride along the neighboring interesting places. “Yes, my grandfather lives here - in a neighboring village. We'll stop by and have some tea. " “Yes, there is a beautiful waterfall - very close. We have to stop by. "

There are two curious modes of transport that we cannot fail to mention. From Tbilisi to Mestia and from Tbilisi to Ambrolauri, you can fly to. The cost of the flight is very adequate and comparable to the cost of travel on the roads. And there is a curious train Borjomi-Bakuriani. Narrow gauge old railway, views of the local wooded mountains - perfect trip for autumn.

How to travel in Georgia by car

There are excellent roads almost everywhere in Georgia. Even the soil is kept in order with rare exceptions. Therefore, it is very convenient to travel by car. If you don't have your own, rent it. Leading car rental companies are members of the program and offer discounts upon card availability. Or order ready-made tours through our agency Viva-Georgia - we cooperate with leading tourist, excursion and transport companies and our price will be lower.

Just remember that Georgia is a mountainous country. Take an SUV or high-rise vehicle. So you can not be tied to the tracks, but call in on the way to various hard-to-reach attractions. And be sure to read this - here is just about the features road traffic in the country.

So, you are driving in Georgia. In addition to the condition of the roads, you need to know the following. Gasoline prices are relatively low. There are many petrol stations. But check with gas - there are enough of them, but not everywhere. For example, on the way to Kazbegi, you will need to refuel before reaching Ananuri - there will be no more gas stations along the way.

The police strictly enforce traffic rules. Haven't you fastened your seat belt? Have you crossed a solid line? Talking on your mobile while driving? You have to pay. In no case do not offer a bribe to a policeman - here it is strictly with this. You will be issued a fine that will need to be paid at the bank.

But if the police are not in sight, the drivers take liberties. So you need to be careful on the road. But overall the driving culture is fine. For example, on a highway, a truck driver will usually pull over and blink his headlights to help you overtake.

Again hot line department highways Georgia +995 322 31 30 76. Website: On difficult passes, check the condition of the road before traveling.

And one more useful phone - 112 and 911. A single service for calling the police, fire department, ambulance and rescue services. We hope it will not be useful to you, but you need to know such things.

Well, and a joke, in which there is a grain of joke: the most important road users in Georgia are cows. Yes, ordinary cows. There are many of them in villages and towns. They are not afraid of cars and often lie quietly on the roadway. Especially on bridges - it's cooler there. You can, of course, honk, but it's easier to go around - why bother noble animals? 😉

How to get from Kutaisi airport to anywhere in the country:

  1. Bus... Convenient enough. To the best of the budget: Kutaisi-Tbilisi 20 GEL, Kutaisi-Batumi 15 GEL. There is always room. Safe enough - drivers regular buses behave more accurately on the roads than minibuses. Cons - you will be tied to a schedule. But the schedule is designed to serve each flight. The bus schedule can be viewed.
  2. Minibuses... In fact, these are the same buses. But minibus drivers drive less carefully. And taking into account the serpentines and passes, the journey will turn out to be quite extreme. There are no schedules, so lucky. Prices are about the same as for regular buses.
  3. Taxi... Immediately at the exit from the airport, you will be surrounded by a flock of taxi drivers offering to take you anywhere in the country. A taxi is convenient. Driving accuracy is at the average Georgian level. A taxi from Kutaisi to Tbilisi will cost no more than 250 GEL. But be sure to bargain - the lower limit is 150 GEL. Taxi Kutaisi-Batumi - no more than 150 GEL. There is another trick here - if you are alone in a taxi, pay full price... If you ask the driver to find fellow travelers, divide the same amount among all. And it's easy enough to find fellow travelers - try it.
  4. Customized individual transfer... This is the same taxi, but ordered in advance. Costs about the same as a taxi. It differs from a taxi for the better in the cleanliness of the cars and the adequacy of the drivers. Do you like to plan everything in advance? Order an individual transfer to any point in Georgia by mail.
  5. Rented car... All airports have car rental points of the main market players. average cost car rental in Georgia - $ 50-100 per day for SUVs and from $ 40 per day for a sedan. Well, yes, we just mentioned about in this article.
  6. Hitch-hiking... Hitchhiking in Georgia is good, they give a ride with pleasure. It is moderately safe. If you like this way of traveling - go ahead.

Urban public transport in Georgia

Public transport in Tbilisi - enough convenient way movement.

The metro consists of two lines, you can get to almost anywhere in the city. Buses run on schedule - at each stop there is an electronic scoreboard that shows the nearest flights and their arrival time. Travel by metro and buses costs 50 tetri. To pay for travel, you will need to purchase a single transport plastic card... It is also suitable for paying for travel on cable car to the Narikala fortress in the city center.

Minibuses run throughout the city, comfortable, convenient, air-conditioned. The bus fare is 80 tetri.

Taxi is perhaps the most popular form of transport among tourists. It is customary not to call a taxi, but to simply catch it on the street. There are many taxi drivers. Even a lot. If you are just standing by the road, a line of 3-4 cars immediately gathers with the question “where to go?”. Be sure to check the cost before the trip - otherwise, you will get an inflated price tag. Prices are not too high - about 3 GEL within the center. From the center of Tbilisi to the airport, a taxi costs 20-25 GEL.

Just in case, phone numbers taxi: +995 322 260 60 60(Maxim service), +995 322 225 52 25 (S taxi). They can come in handy if you sit in a restaurant until late at night, when there are much fewer taxis on the street.

We will separately touch upon the topic of taxi in Batumi. It is strange, but in Batumi a taxi is more expensive than in Tbilisi. If you are resting in Batumi - rent a bike. Rental points at every turn. There are bike paths everywhere in the city. And this is really the most convenient transport in Batumi. Also, you won't have to stand in traffic jams.

The Tbilisi funicular is also a type of city transport. And the most convenient way to get to Mtatsminda Park. You can buy a ticket for the funicular to the right of the entrance. You will be given a plastic card, which is also valid for the rides in the park. For example, on a Ferris wheel.

Don't take away the pleasure of hiking. Both Tbilisi and Batumi are compact cities. Walking on foot, you can wander through the narrow streets and find some of your secret courtyards and cafes. But if you are a pedestrian, there is only one rule to remember. When crossing the road in Georgia, you need to look left, right and up 😉 Even if you find a traffic light and switch to green. Unfortunately, drivers rarely let pedestrians pass. If you just stand on the zebra and wait, wait until the evening. But if you have already gone confidently, the driver will slow down.

Well, at the end - the main recommendation. Travel! Don't sit in cities, move around the country. Georgia is very different and amazing. Landscapes and people are changing. Georgia must be examined from the inside. And we are sure that you will love this country as much as we once did. Have a nice trip!

People often travel around Georgia by car, and excursions are carried out by buses, but the need for public transport nevertheless arises from time to time. Even if a person is a lover of walking, sometimes it is easier to get from one part of the city to another by subway. Using the metro in Tbilisi will appeal to independent tourists who want to get acquainted with all the sights of the main Georgian city. If you know all the features of the metro device, you can save a considerable amount of money.

Construction history

The beginning of the construction of the subway dates back to 1952. This fact makes it possible to shed light on certain priorities in the regional development of the state in which there was unspoken rule that the metro could have been built with an urban population of over 1 million. At that time, only 600,000 people lived in Tbilisi, and in Minsk, with one and a half million citizens, construction began only in 1984.

V construction works more than 2.5 thousand workers took part in Tbilisi, among whom were not only civilians, but also military personnel. After 14 years, the first section of the subway was put into operation; on January 11, 1966, the train passed the Didube – Rustaveli route for the first time. The route connected the crowded area of ​​the city (the bus station is also located here) with the station in the very center, located on Shota Rustaveli Avenue. For a long time, the Tbilisi Metro remained the only one in the entire Caucasus.

The following sections were launched first:

  • 01/11/1966 - Didube-Rustaveli;
  • 11/06/1967 - Rustaveli - 300 Aragveli;
  • 05/05/1971 - 300 Aragveli - Samgori;

Exterior of the metro

The Tbilisi metro map consists of red and blue lines; when choosing a place for renting an apartment, you should take into account the location of the stations. A correctly chosen place will allow you to use only the red line to get, if desired, to any part of the city. It should be understood that the Tbilisi metro covers only a certain part of the city, some places can only be reached by taxi and buses.

The popularity of the metro is due to the comfortable conditions, there are many hot days in Georgia, and it is always cool in the subway.

The construction of the Tbilisi metro was completed more than half a century ago, and the passage of such long term makes itself felt. At many stations, there are dark stubborn spots on the surface, the lighting cannot be called bright, and chips can often be seen at the corners. In 2012, a number of Tbilisi metro stations were renovated, after which there has been a slight improvement in the situation.

A completely different impression is produced by the carriages of trains. Clean red seats and white interior allow you to feel in complete comfort. The number of passengers in the metro is not that great, so trains usually consist of 3-4 carriages, usually there are enough seats for everyone, exceptions are becoming a rarity. The cleanliness of public transport in Georgia leaves a favorable impression.

Fare payment

Metro stations are marked in English and Georgian, so guests from far abroad who decide to visit Georgia will easily get to the desired station. Georgian ads are also duplicated in English. In order not to leave the subways once again, there is a transition from the Saburtalo line to Akhmeteli - Varketili.

The metro fare is 50 tetri per person, but there are some tricks. Several people can pay with a Metromoney card, which plays the role of a travel ticket, simply by passing it on to each other. To register it, you need to follow these steps:

  1. purchase a card in any metro lobby or cable car;
  2. pay 2 GEL;
  3. top up the account for travel.

If you have used the travel card for less than 30 days, you can return its original cost (2 GEL) and the entire remaining balance of funds.

Why is it beneficial? After the card is applied, the standard cost of the trip is debited, but with further use of the funds, 1.5 hours will not be debited. For tourists actively moving around the city, this will save a lot of money, and the card can also be used in city minibuses and on the cable car. This scheme is popular not only among tourists, local residents also actively use it.

Features of the metro map

The absence of names in the Tbilisi metro in Russian should not be a problem, it will not be difficult to read them in English. There are many specific points in the metropolitan area:

  • finding two city stops on the surface ((Didube and Gotsiridze);
  • the main load falls on the Akhmeteli-Vertilskaya line (traditionally indicated in red);
  • finding stations close to the main sights of Tbilisi.

It is difficult to guess from the photos of the aboveground stations that they somehow relate to the metropolitan scheme. The Tbilisi Metro provides access to all key places in Tbilisi so that tourists in Georgia can easily reach them. The use of subways provides easy access to bus stations. The second metro line (Saburtalinskaya) is mainly in demand among local residents who prefer it to train stations and minibuses.

Travelers from Russia will need a map of the Tbilisi metro using the Russian language; you can buy such a plan in paper form. Also modern facilities help to download the application to a smartphone, using mobile technologies is convenient and simple. This will help you to study each station Tbilisi in detail without wasting time. The presence of a photo will allow you to orient yourself on the ground.

Metro stations

The use of public transport in Tbilisi is inexpensive, so it is in good demand at any time of the year. A detailed plan of the location of the stations will allow you to correctly navigate how to get from one point to another, to look at the monuments or take a walk.

A taxi, depending on the time of day, costs from 3 to 5 GEL, so the benefits of using the metro are obvious.

Detailed information about each station is hardly useful, but some of them require separate consideration:

  • Didube (Didube) - a stop with the station of the same name, from where it is easy to get to Batumi, Borjomi and other popular places;
  • Station Square 1 - here you can switch from one branch to another, next to Train Station;
  • Rustaveli (Rustaveli) - exit to Shota Rustaveli Avenue, named after the famous Georgian poet;
  • Liberty Square - located next to the previous metro station, it is easy to walk from it to the old part of Tbilisi;
  • Avlabari (Avlabari) - located next to the highest temple in Tbilisi and Georgia, next to Avlabari (Avlabari) in general there are many attractions;
  • Isani - has essential for tourists, there is a stop nearby, from which you can get to Kakheti;
  • Samgori is another popular tourist stop, opening directions to the border with Azerbaijan and Sighnaghi, which is called the city of love by Georgians;
  • Marjanishvili (Marjanishvili) - places for walking, a huge number of cafes and shops.

You need to know in detail about the metro stations described above, because every tourist in Tbilisi uses at least half of them during the trip. Tbilisi is famous for a large number of attractions, but they are located in different parts of the city. The metro is becoming the best way to travel, especially if you are visiting for a short time and want to get to know the local culture as closely as possible.

Public transport in Tbilisi corresponds to its metropolitan status: it is one of the most developed systems in the whole of Georgia. The city has a subway (the only one in the country), a system of buses, fixed-route taxis, as well as a cable car and a funicular. Trolleybuses and trams are not functioning.

In the center of Tbilisi, all information boards at bus stops are usually duplicated in English. The farther from the center, the less often this occurs: the scoreboard is either only in Georgian, or absent altogether.

The sites (listed below) are useful for navigating the Tbilisi public transport system. If you cannot use them, ask for directions from law enforcement officials or local residents, they will explain with their usual hospitality and thoroughness what to get there.

To pay for metro fare, only Metromoney cards are used; you can pay for a trip on the bus and minibus both with a card and with ordinary coins.

Metromoney transport card

Metromoney is a universal payment card valid in municipal transport (metro, buses), as well as in minibuses and on the cable car from Rike Park to Narikala Fortress. The card costs 2 GEL.

Buy Metromoney, top up balance, check card balance

You can buy the card at the box office at any metro and cable car station. The security deposit is 2 GEL. The card is not personal, you do not need a passport to purchase. Be sure to keep the receipt confirming the purchase of the card: it is needed to return the security deposit.

Replenishment: at any metro and cable car station, at the Bank of Georgia terminals and service centers.

Find out the balance on the card: when crossing the turnstile in the metro, on paper bus ticket and at the box office of all stations.

Refund Metromoney

Refunds are possible, but only within one month (the card is valid for a month from the date of the first trip). The deposit and the balance on the card are returned upon presentation of a passport and a receipt, which confirms the purchase of the card.

Metromoney advantages

The cardholder, having paid for the metro or bus fare once, can make free transfers to buses and metro for the next 1.5 hours. After this period, the trip amount is debited again and a free period is again provided.

Features of using the Metromoney card

If you used the card for the first time in a minibus, 80 tetri will be debited first, and 65 tetri will be charged for each subsequent trip on a minibus. After payment route taxi the free period is not provided. Even if you rode the metro first (and got free 1.5 hours), the cost of the trip by minibus will be charged in any case. It turns out that using municipal buses is doubly beneficial.

Several people can use one Metromoney. To pay for travel for everyone, you must attach the card to the terminal as many times as there are people in the group. In this case, no discounts or benefits apply.

Metro in Tbilisi

The Tbilisi subway system (with two ground stations) began operations in 1966. The new station was last opened in 2000. Today (2019) the metro consists of 23 stations, which belong to the Akhmeteli-Varketilskaya (red, long) and Saburtalinskaya (green, short) lines. There is only one transfer point - "Sadguris moedani" ("Vokzalnaya square").

In 2010, tokens were canceled, and you can pay for a trip only with a Metromoney card.

The opening hours of the metro in Tbilisi: daily from 06:00 to 00:00.

The fare is 50 tetri.

Train interval: during rush hours - up to 3 minutes, the rest of the time - 10-12 minutes.

1 out of 5

The announcement of the stations in the carriages of the train is carried out in Georgian and English... Other information (station names) is also duplicated.

The metro in Tbilisi connects the central part of the city with the railway station and bus stations of Didube (buses and minibuses to Borjomi, Bakuriani, etc., to Mtskheta and Stepantsminda - a little further) and Ortachala (buses and minibuses to Kutaisi, Gori, Batumi).

Minibuses in Tbilisi

In addition to municipal buses, passengers are transported by yellow minibuses with 16-18 seats. New cars are equipped with air conditioning.

The fare is 50-80 tetri. Payment for travel is carried out by Metromoney cards or cash at the entrance.

Minibuses operating hours: from 08:00 to 22:00 (varies from route to route).

Route taxis stop at stopping complexes or at the request of the passenger.

Unlike buses and metro, the minibus system is managed by Tbilisi Minibuses LLC. The company's website contains an interactive map (as in the previous case), which will help to draw up a route based on the starting and ending points. It is necessary to mark them with the mouse. Take a larger radius (300 meters) to make the route more accurate.

Information on each minibus is available in the Route Scheme tab. In the same place - the cost of travel and the schedule.

Cable car in Tbilisi

The fare is 1 lari. The cable car is part of the Tbilisi public transport system. It connects Rike Park and Narikala Fortress.

Payment is possible only through a Metromoney card. Single tickets are not sold separately.

The cable car was opened in 2012. This is not just a way to move from one area of ​​the city to another, but a real tourist attraction, because through the transparent floor in the cabins, you can see the city in detail from a bird's eye view.

The cable car can accommodate 8 people.

Funicular in Tbilisi

The funicular leads to the top of Mount Mtatsminda. There are three stations in total: Nizhnyaya, Pantheon and Mtatsmind.

The funicular is not included in the Tbilisi public transport system. A separate map has been created for it. More precisely, not for him, but for the entertaining Mtatsminda Park. The cost of the card is 2 GEL. The cost of the ride on the funicular is 2 GEL. If you get off at the middle station, you will have to pay 2 GEL again for the ride up.

Welcome to Georgia! Are you ready to spend an unforgettable time here? Give yourself a chance and experience the beauty of Georgia using the various types of public transport on the streets of Tbilisi. In Tbilisi, it's all about the views. Tbilisi is located in a river valley, surrounded by hills and mountains. Tbilisi has so many beautiful views of the city that every time you discover a new one, you think that it is better than the previous one. Take the cable car to Narikala or the funicular to Mtatsminda Park for a fantastic panoramic view that will also allow you to look at Tbilisi from above. We have already listed best places in Tbilisi, and one of better ways appreciate it - just wander the streets, especially in the old part of the city. If you get tired of walking, you can take advantage of the public transport options, all of which are convenient and accessible.

First, let's talk about the convenience of Tbilisi buses. Buses operate from 07:00 to 23:00. You can see several new buses of blue color and yellow buses - they are available for both citizens and tourists. Buses move around the city quite quickly, and almost every bus stop for convenience, there is an electronic board indicating the bus number, the time remaining before its arrival, and the destination. Information is displayed in English and Georgian. You can pay for your trip using a Metromoney plastic card. It is very easy to transfer money to the card - you can do it at bus stops or at the Bank of Georgia. The cost of the trip is 50 tetri and you can travel for free within an hour and a half from the moment you pay for one trip.

There are many buses and minibuses on the streets of Tbilisi. In Georgia, minibuses are called minibuses. Most minibuses operate from 07:00 to 22:00. They are yellow and easy to spot on the road. Unlike buses, they do not have specific stops. You need to wave your hand from top to bottom and the driver will stop to pick you up. The trip costs 80 tetri, you can pay with either a Metromoney plastic card or in cash. You need to pay for the fare at the end of the trip.

P.S. Be careful on some central streets. From Rustaveli Avenue to Chavchavadze Street, minibuses stop only at stops.

If you are interested in regional minibuses, then here's to you short info about them. There are several regional transport stations - Didube, Samgori, Vokzal and Ortachala. At these stations you can find minibuses that go to all regions of Georgia. Prices are not fixed, they differ and may change regularly. Before driving, it is advisable to check the cost of the trip with the driver.

It is easy to guess that with heavy traffic on the roads the most fast way to get to your destination is the metro. The metro operates from 06:00 to 00:00 and is one of the fastest modes of transport in Tbilisi. Tbilisi is a small city, therefore there are only two metro lines and they intersect at the station "Vokzalnaya Ploschad". Station names are announced in both Georgian and English. Don't be afraid to get lost, because there are not many stations and there are maps on each platform that show directions and station names. There are always police officers in the metro to ensure safety. To travel by metro, you will need a plastic Metromoney card. You pay for your fare with this card at the entrance to the station. The trip costs only 50 tetri and you can travel for free within an hour and a half from the moment you pay for one ride!

I'm sure you are also interested in taxis. Taxi is the best and most popular way to get around the city quickly and comfortably, but not during the morning and evening rush hours! You can find a taxi everywhere. If you want to take a taxi, you can stop the car on the street or call a private company. There are several private taxi companies, most of which can be found on the Internet. The prices are quite affordable. Most trips in Tbilisi cost from 3 to 6 GEL, in no case more than 10 GEL. If you are in Tbilisi for the first time, it is better to call a private taxi, rather than get into the car from the street. This is because prices change frequently and you should always negotiate a price before getting in your car.

The above types of transport are the most common and popular ways of getting around Tbilisi. But you may want to visit the Tbilisi funicular - one of the most beautiful places in the city. To get there, you can use the funicular, climb Mount Mtatsminda, where the Mtatsminda amusement park is located. The funicular leaves every 10 minutes, the trip lasts about 4 minutes, it costs 2 GEL, but first you need to buy a special card to pay for the fare, which is sold at the ticket office at the station.

You may also want to visit the Narikala Fortress, a place with ancient history and a beautiful view of the Old City. You can get there by cable car from Rike Park on opposite side the Kura river. The cable cars are very modern and one of the cabins even has a glass floor! The view is simply amazing, so I recommend you take the cable car several times. One trip costs 1 GEL, and you can pay for your trip with a Metromoney plastic card.

Like regional buses, trains run to different cities and regions of Georgia. By train you can go to Baku and Yerevan. There are night trains and fast trains. In less than 5 hours you can drive from Tbilisi to Batumi. It is very easy to purchase tickets, there are several ways to do this. First, you can do this through the Georgian Railway website. If you buy e-ticket, show the conductor the ticket purchase code and the document that you used when purchasing the ticket. You can also buy a ticket at the ticket office at the Central Station. The staff speaks multiple languages, including English. You must have a valid passport or ID with you.

Easy to travel through this beautiful city using the above different kinds transport. Rest assured that Georgia has an established public transport system and it will be easy for you to enjoy an unforgettable journey across this amazing country!

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And this one will tell you about public transport in Tbilisi. After all, one way or another, it is transport that eats up a large part of the holiday budget.

The main modes of transport in the Georgian capital are the metro, buses and taxis, trolleybuses and trams do not run here. Now, in order ...

In all of Georgia, there is a metro only in its capital. The Tbilisi metro consists of only 2 lines with 22 stations. The subway, although small, will take you to the most important places without any problems: to the center, to the railway station or to the bus stations.

In order to use the Tbilisi metro, you need to buy a Metromoney plastic card for 2 GEL + put money on it for travel. One trip costs 1 GEL. The Metromoney card is also valid for bus and cable car fares.

You can buy a card both at the checkout and in the self-service terminal. Do not rush to throw away the check, within 30 days after the purchase, you can return the card and get your 2 GEL back.

Most popular stations

  • Liberty Square is the city's central square that serves as a starting point for many.
  • Avlabari is the closest station to the cable car and Metekhi fortress.
  • Station Square - this station houses the train station and the Deserter Market.
  • Didube - buses leave from this bus station to: (Kazbegi), Mtskheta, Borjomi, Batumi, and others.
  • Isani - from Ortachala station you can go to and, but the bus station is more focused on international flights to Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkey and others.

City bus

If you plan to move only by land transport Tbilisi, there is no need to buy a Metromoney card. You can buy a ticket from the machine, which is installed directly on the bus. The fare is 50 tetri.

Prepare coins in advance, the machine does not accept paper money.

  • Riding like a hare is bad and wrong, and in Tbilisi it is also risky. Control works on routes!
  • You can easily get from one end of the city to the other by bus.
  • The buses are not very crowded, there is a chance to ride while sitting. We drove early in the morning, during rush hour, and in the evening - we were often free places... And if not, then literally a couple of stops and places appeared.
  • A monitor is installed at the stops, which shows the estimated time of arrival of the buses.

Taxi in Tbilisi

Taxi is a popular form of transport even among budget tourists. There are several ways to find a car: