Buick brand history. Buick history. Success in China

Full title: Buick Motor Division
Other names: Buick
Existence: 1902 - present day
Location: USA: Detroit, Michigan.
Founders: David Dunbar Buick
Products: Passenger cars, motorcycles.
The lineup:

Buick is another one big company American automobile industry, a division of the concern General Motors, located in Flint (near Detroit).

The company was created in 1902 by David Buick with investments received from the sale of the previous enterprise (about 100 thousand dollars).

The first car, using its own original design, was assembled in 1903. Having secured the financial support of J. Whiting and W. Durant, Buick wanted to improve the position of his company in the market, but this did not lead to anything good, since Buick was a skilled designer, but not a manager. Over the course of five years, his influence gradually decreased, and by 1908 he completely let go of his company, taking the place of one of the members of the board of directors.

In 1904, the company released the “B” model with an interesting layout. The engine was located under the front seat, and the hood with a radiator grille served a purely decorative function.

Buick was one of the first to join the General Motors concern, but did not lose its administrative independence.

Successful design solutions by David Buick contributed to increased sales. By 1908, over 8 thousand cars were successfully sold. In the same year, the production of a new, tenth model began, which also gained popularity among buyers.

Technological progress does not stand still. In 1914, the first model with 6 cylinder engine, and by 1931 absolutely all cars of this company were equipped with a V8 engine. Buick models, along with Chevrolet and Pontiac, were icons of US automotive style at the time.

Since 1925, the company made a smooth transition to six-cylinder engines. The “25” model on the Standard Six chassis was quite popular.

In 1931-36, the company's model line of cars was updated. New families are being added to it: Special, Limited, Roadmaster and Century.

Buick was quite successful in producing sports cars, for example, the 66S (“S” is interpreted as “Sport”), released in 1934, amazed the inexperienced public with a powerful 100-horsepower V8 engine, as well as independent front wheel suspension.

In 1939, the company released the flagship model Buick 39-L (Limited series), an eight-passenger, luxury limousine that was the longest and prestigious car this brand.

In 1940, the range of cars was supplemented by a new family - Super with the prefix 50.

A distinctive feature of the post-war Buicks was the radiator trim and simplified side trim. However, there was also a new emblem - “a bomb in a ring.”

In 1953, the Skylark model was released. The company “celebrated” its fiftieth anniversary with the release of a completely new V8 engine producing 164 hp. for the Super series and 188 hp for the Roadmaster series.

From 1954 to 1961, the Buick model range was updated.

Special cars occupied a special place in the company; they were compact and equipped with more weak engines. However, over time, they almost became equal in size to their brothers.

In 1979, another family appears compact cars Skylark. A couple of years later, the Skyhawk and Century models also appeared.

In 1984, the Riviera Coupe model was successfully shown on Park Avenue.

Since 1997, a new generation of the Century model has been produced, and in 1998 the presentation of the Signia model took place.

Since 2001, the company's main products have been full-size front-wheel drive middle-class cars, intended primarily for the American market.

Buick is a legendary American automobile brand. Currently, the company is a division of General Motors and specializes in the production of middle-class cars for sale in the United States.

The company was founded in 1903 by David Dunbar Buick. Until 1902, he was engaged in the production of enamel bathtubs, and already in 1903 he decided to establish more promising business and went into the automotive industry. Having invested about 100 thousand dollars from the sale of his previous business, David managed to open a car construction company called Buick Motor Car Company. However, the start was a fiasco - not a single one was released in a year. single car, and the newly created company was on the verge of bankruptcy. The situation was saved by David's acquaintance with the enterprising young talented organizer William Durant.

The joint business began to slowly improve. In 1903, the brand's first car was released, but due to a quarrel between partners, Buick had to resign from the leadership position of the company that bore his name. However, until 1908 he remained an active member of the board of directors.

In 1904, the Model B was developed, which brought the company tremendous success. The car had an interesting layout: its two-cylinder engine was located under the front seat, and a “false hood” protruded from the front.

In 1908, the company signed an agreement to join General Motors Corporation, but remained its independent division. In the same year, the company's sales record was set - 8,800 copies.

Also, 1908 was marked by the release of the 10th model with a 4-cylinder engine, which gained wide popularity.

In 1914, the Buick car debuted with a six-cylinder engine.

From 1919-1924 the company ranks fourth in the list of the best American automobile manufacturers. Thus, the company rightfully managed to become a legislator car fashion in USA.

In 1925, the Model 25 was released. This car had an open touring body mounted on a Standard Six chassis. The car gained popularity among buyers and even took part in a test run across Russia.

From the beginning of 1931, production of models with eight-cylinder engines began. In the period until 1936, Buick's lineup included models such as the Special, Century, Roadmaster, and Limited. The brand's cars became an example of the American style of those years.

In 1934, production of the “66S” model began with an eight-cylinder in-line engine producing 100 hp. and independent front wheel suspension.

In 1936, the Roadmaster model was produced in two versions: sedan and phaeton. From that moment on, in addition to the number designation, the name of the brand’s models began to use a proper name. The Buick production range of that time included four series: 40 - Special, 60 - Century, 80 - Roadmaster and 90 - Limited.

In 1939, the company released its longest and most prestigious limousine, the Limited series - 39-90L. And in 1940, an additional fifth series was introduced - 50, Super.

During the Second World War, the company was engaged in the production of military equipment. The first post-war Buick cars had a characteristic “bomb in a ring” emblem, which was installed above the hood.

In 1948 it appeared new model Roadmaster, and in 1953, the Skylark debuted for the brand's fiftieth anniversary. Also this year, a new engine was released: a V-shaped eight-cylinder engine with 164 hp. and its boosted version with 188 hp.

From 1954 to 1961 The company is developing dynamically, updating its car lines every 2-3 years.

From 1961 to 1965, the American manufacturer produced cars of the compact Special series, which differed from ordinary powerful Buicks. But soon in size they were almost equal to regular cars brands.

In 1979, production of models of the Skylark family began, and a year later the Century and Skyhawk models would be released.

In 1984, production of the Riviera Coupe began. The Park Avenue model also made its debut.

The Regal model was first demonstrated in Los Angeles in 1987.

In 1992, the production of a new generation of Le Saber starts. You can see a photo of this model in the catalog on our website Auto.dmir.ru.

In 1997, the company announced the release of a new generation of the Century model, and a year later it presented the Signia model.

Since 2001, everything Buick models They are fairly inexpensive front-wheel drive cars of the same type for middle-class buyers, intended primarily for the American market.

Just recently it became known that a new product will soon appear in the brand’s lineup. The model, called Encore, will be a five-seat crossover. As for the technical characteristics of the model, at first buyers will be offered only one power unit - a 1.4-liter gasoline turbo engine with a capacity of 140 hp. With. Drive - front-wheel drive or all-wheel drive. European version The car will be offered under the name Opel Mokka.

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May 19 to the American automobile brandBuick turned 110 years old. In honor of the anniversary, we decided to remember with a kind word the founder of one of the oldest automobile companies in the world - David Dunbar Buick, a man who influenced the lives of each of us.

Big Break

Congratulations, Mr. Buick! Now you are a very, very rich man,” the representative of the Standard Sanitary company firmly shook his counterpart’s hand. - What are you going to do now?

Instead of answering, David Dunbar Buick only smiled slyly into his mustache, saying that everyone has their own secrets. Of course, the Scot had a plan, and of course he had no doubts about the success of the new venture. When one of America's best inventors gets to work, how could it be otherwise?

David was born in Scotland into the family of a simple carpenter. True, when he was two years old, his parents immigrated to the States in search of a better life, settling in Detroit. There was plenty of carpentry work here, but it did not bring happiness to the settlers. Just three years after the move, David's father, Alexander Buick, unexpectedly dies, and the widow will have to work for a pittance as a baker's assistant to feed her son. It is not surprising that Buick Jr. realized early on that life was far from easy. Immediately after graduating from high school, as a 15-year-old teenager, David got his first job - as an apprentice in a small company repairing pipeline fittings. It was here that the young man first announced himself. An inquisitive mind and rare ingenuity made him an excellent inventor. Among the many devices and innovations made by Buick, it is worth noting, first of all, a system for automatically watering lawns. Further more. After a series of experiments, David made a real revolution in plumbing, inventing an inexpensive and effective method enameling of iron baths, a principle which is still used today. So today, when you climb into the bath, remember the Scottish emigrant with a kind word.

Enameled bathtubs became his real success. By that time, Buick, together with his companion - school friend William Sherwood - was already running the affairs of the pipeline manufactory. And the business of Buick & Sherwood, which had been going very well until now, blossomed wildly. While David was busy with creative and technical issues, his capable partner in commercial enterprises successfully managed the accounting department. But the idyll did not last long.

The problem was that David’s inquisitive mind was constantly looking for new uses, demanding new challenges, resting on his laurels - this certainly was not for him. And in the early 90s of the 19th century, Buick succumbed to a new fashionable hobby in engineering circles - internal combustion engines. To begin with, he designed such a motor himself and came to the conclusion that such units can be used quite effectively. So far, however, only for agro-industrial purposes. But when Buick first heard about cars, farm equipment immediately fell by the wayside. Self-propelled carriages are a cause worthy of a passionate person! After all, why not spend your entire life enameling bathtubs?! And Mr. Buick made his decision. Having quarreled with an old friend, he sold his part of the business and the patent for enamel bathtubs to enterprising businessmen from Standard Sanitary for $100,000 - a huge amount of money at that time.

Who would have imagined that at that moment Buick exchanged wealth and a comfortable future for himself and his family just for worldwide fame...

Went from hand to hand

Unfortunately, David, like many talented people, was slightly absent-minded, and most importantly, absolutely helpless as a businessman. The completely absent commercial vein became the real Achilles heel of the inventor. However, this would turn into a global problem later, but in the meantime, in 1899, Buick organized the Buick Auto-Vim and Power company, specializing in the production of stationary internal combustion engines. But, having not really established production, David switches all his attention to cars - it’s more difficult and more interesting! In 1902, together with the very capable engineer William Marr and former Olds Motor Works designer Eugene Richard, he created his first car.

About early prototype little is known. Photos, alas, have not survived, as well as reliable information. They say that the self-propelled stroller was structurally similar to the Oldsmobile Curved Dash, especially with its open body and steering handle. The lower valve engine of the first Buick, according to stories, turned out to be surprisingly good: reliable and torquey enough to drive up fairly steep hills - a quality that was especially valued in the early days automobile age. The car, in other words, turned out to be quite good, but the long and painstaking development process burned up the entire authorized capital of the young company.

In search of funds to continue the automobile business, David contacted Detroit businessman Ben Briscoe, who was selling rolled sheets. But his money was well spent, and the company was hardly close to mass production - the only way to recoup the investments already made.

In May 1903, after another reorganization, David's company received a new name - Buick Motor Company, by which, by the way, it is known to this day, and soon changed hands again. Ben Briscoe, tired of waiting for profit, cleverly handed over the faulty automobile business to successful van manufacturer James Whiting. The owner of the Flint Wagon Works company first decided to move production from Detroit to the regional town of Flint. But the troublesome move only delayed the long-awaited start serial production. Only a year later, the Buick Motor Company finally offered the market its first car, the Model B.

By the end of the year, only 37 cars were assembled - modest financial opportunities they were not allowed to speed up production. Worse yet, the van manufacturer began to lose patience - initially, the automobile enterprise seemed to him to be a simpler and more profitable business.

Don’t go to grandma’s, everything would have ended banally and sadly, but quite by accident, Mr. Whiting offered a Buick B to his businessman friend named William Durant. The future founder of General Motors was not yet interested in cars and the auto industry at that time, but a good-quality car changed absolutely everything. Completely fascinated by the quality and capabilities of the Buick B, Durant, one of the most cunning, far-sighted and courageous businessmen of the early 20th century, realized that the cars were exactly what he needed. I understood and immediately got to work.

Already on November 1, 1904, William became the owner of the Buick Motor Company, starting a vigorous activity. He increased the company's authorized capital from 75 thousand to one and a half million dollars, ordered new machines and equipment, expanded the staff, and most importantly, began to actively increase production. Already in 1905, production increased to 750 cars; by the end of the next year, 1,400 cars were sold. From there everything just kept growing. Buick would soon become the second largest automobile company in the United States after Ford, and then become the foundation of General Motors, which it still owns today.

But all the successes of Buick had a very indirect relation to Buick itself.

An engineer and inventor first and foremost, he found himself the odd man out on a team that was looking to produce more, more, and a little more. Let's not forget that by that time David held a rather formal position of director in the company - the real management was quite logically carried out by the owner and main investor Durant. To William's credit, he did not even think about taking Buick out of the company that carried him given name, but he himself felt out of place. All his proposals for modernizing cars were met with a decisive no - how could this be possible if this would lead to more complex and expensive production?! It is not surprising that in 1908, David Dunbar Buick left the Buick Motor Company on his own initiative, receiving $100 thousand as severance pay personally from William Durant.


With his name, talent, experience and means, Buick seemed to have no trouble finding a challenge worthy of his own ambitions. But for some reason fortune confidently turned its back on him. David started a carburetor manufacturing company, but failed. Then I decided to play on the stock exchange with shares of oil companies. Just at that time, many made fortunes from this, but Buick, on the contrary, only lost money. His investments in real estate in Florida also turned out to be unsuccessful... It ended with the founder of a super-successful automobile brand having to work... as a watchman. There were thousands of cars named after him on the streets, but Buick himself couldn’t even afford a taxi ride!

A loser is not the one who falls all the time, but the one who, having fallen, remains lying, not trying to jump again above his height, David philosophically assessed his misadventures in one of his later interviews. Alas, he will never be able to jump above his head. In 1928, David Dunbar Buick would die of intestinal cancer, remaining in history as perhaps the only founder of a major automobile company for whom cars did not bring either wealth or fame.

On the other hand, it was cars that immortalized the name of this wonderful Scot. Few can boast that their name appears on the radiators of 45 million cars - approximately the same number of cars Buick brand released for 110 years.

Danila Mikhailov

10 best Buicks according to [email protected]

1. 10 (1907-1910)

“Ten” is far from the first car in the history of the brand, but the first truly successful one. The secret to the success of Model 10 is simple, like all ingenious things - design, reliability, affordable price. For starters, the Buick looked pretty good: a radiator decorated with brass, an elegant light gray, almost white body, which is why all the “tens” received the nickname “white lightning.” The 4-cylinder 22-horsepower engine, developed by William Marr, was distinguished by its unpretentiousness and reliability, rare for those times, paired with a 2-speed planetary transmission, confidently accelerating the car to 60 km/h. Finally, the base 3-seat model was under $1,000. It is not surprising that the “ten” immediately became a hit. At the end of 1908, about 8,100 cars were sold, and Buick secured second place in the list of the largest US automakers.

2. Roadmaster (1936–1937)

Of course, the most famous of the pre-war Buicks was a great success for the entire company. Completely new design, all-metal body, upgraded motor, hydraulic brakes and, finally, a proper name in the title instead of boring digital indices. Roadmaster 1936 model year was not the most expensive Buick, being located one step below the top-end Century, but in terms of size, level of equipment and power, the “Master of the Road” was compared to the base Cadillac 60 series! With a length of almost five and a half meters, the Roadmaster was a rather large car, but the 120-horsepower in-line “eight” quite coped with its serious dimensions and a curb weight of two tons. In the first year, over 16 thousand “Roadmasters” were sold, and in the next year, despite a very impressive and infrequent price increase for the American market (the Roadmaster price list immediately increased by more than 20 percent), this pace was maintained.

3. Y-job (1938)

Today, when at any more or less decent car show the public is surprised by dozens of concept cars, it seems as if they have always existed. However, it is not. Until the second half of the 30s of the last century, all experimental cars remained the internal affairs of automobile companies - the public knew nothing about the most daring ideas and projects. But in 1938, General Motors made the secret explicit by presenting the first concept car in history. The promising Buick Y-job was not intended for sale, but many of its characteristic features would later appear on production models. These include hidden headlights with a servo drive, recessed door handles, electric windows, bumpers extending onto the sides of the body. It is curious that the first concept car was completely working car- its creator, the famous GM designer Harley Earl, used Y-job as a personal computer for several years.

4. M18 Hellcat (1943)

It's no secret that during World War II, everyone without exception car companies USA switched to release military equipment. In the workshops of Ford, say, they assembled strategic bombers, Chrysler shipped anti-aircraft guns to the front, and Buick is remembered for the production of anti-tank self-propelled guns. Moreover, the M18 Hellcat (“Witch”) was not a simple self-propelled gun, but the fastest tank destroyer of the Second World War! Featuring a 9-cylinder Continental radial engine delivering 340 hp. and low curb weight, the Hellcat accelerated to a top speed of almost 100 km/h - unique feature for a tracked tank. The payoff for superdynamics was truly cardboard armor - in some places the thickness of the armor plate did not exceed 4 mm, as well as an open turret cabin. However, American tankers who successfully fought on the M18 in Western Europe, used the machine’s strengths: speed and maneuverability. Thanks to excellent dynamics, the crews quickly changed position after firing and often flanked the more armored, but not so agile and fast German tanks.

5. Roadmaster Skylark (1953–1954)

The golden 50s were the time of the true heyday of the American car. Here, no matter where you poke, you will end up in a masterpiece! There were many interesting designs in the Buick model range at that time. Well, we chose the Roadmaster Skylark solely for anniversary reasons - after all, this two-door convertible was built exactly for the 50th anniversary of the brand. In essence, the model was a slightly redesigned version of the Roadmaster Convertible with an original stylistic design for the rear wings. Please note that the rear wheel arches are completely open - a rarity for that time. Skylark Anniversary Convertible was painted in only two colors - white or red. And it was initially equipped with a full set of additional equipment. Even despite this, the price for the anniversary car seemed too high - about $5,000, more than one and a half times more expensive than a packaged Roadmaster Convertible. However, all 1,690 copies of the model were sold and are now considered true collector's items.

6. Electra 225 (1959)

If you don't like the heyday of Detroit baroque, which occurred in the second half of the 50s, then this car will probably leave you indifferent. To sophisticated European tastes, the 1959 Electra may seem like a vulgar collection of styling excesses, from excessive chrome to out-of-place fins. It seems to us that there are few cars that so clearly express the tastes and stylistic preferences of buyers of their era. In this sense, the luxurious five-meter Electra, built on the so-called C-body platform, is an absolute masterpiece. Isn't she a beauty?!

7. Riviera (1963)

We have already talked in detail about this model, perhaps the most famous of all Buicks in history. The first-generation Riviera was General Motors' answer to Ford's Thunderbird, and first a very impressive concept car appeared, and only then this car was literally played out by the heads of GM's branches. Chevrolet and Cadillac abandoned the Riviera immediately, and the representatives of the latter turned out to be the most persistent of the trio, Pontiac, Oldsmobile and Buick. It is unlikely that anyone subsequently regretted this decision. According to many experts, the design of the first generation Riviera is considered exemplary for the first half of the 60s. A large and charismatic hardtop, in whose features one can detect the influence of models such as LaSalle, Rolls-Royce and even Ferrari, has earned flattering epithets on both sides of the ocean. And even the base 6.7-liter V8 with 325 hp, as they say, outperformed the Ford Thunderbird in terms of dynamics. True, the Buick hardtop failed to become as commercially successful as the Thunderbird, but it more than deservedly entered the hall of fame of the American auto industry.

8. GSX Gran Sport 455 (1970)

Despite numerous victories in races at the dawn of its history, with a special bias in sports models Buick has never been different. Moreover, the premium brand managed to almost sleep through the golden age of “muscle cars”, which occurred in the glorious decade from 1963 to 1973. After all, Buick presented its answer to the Pontiac GTO and Oldsmobile 4-4-2 only two years after its competitors - the mid-size Skylark model had a Gran Sport version, which meant a V-shaped eight with a volume of 6.5 liters and a power of 325 hp. Later the name Skylark Gran Sport was shortened to Gran Sport, and then simply to GS. Well, the most charged of the most charged Buicks should be considered the 1970 GSX Stage 1 version, under the hood of which all 360 “horses” roared. On the road, this meant a 0-60 time of less than 6 seconds and a quarter mile from a standing start of less than 15 seconds. Serious numbers that absolutely all competitors had to reckon with.

9. Riviera (1971-1973)

After the success of the first generation model http://site/article.html?id=38733, Riviera entered the Buick portfolio for a long time. But only once more did the model make the whole of America talk about itself with a breath - the third generation Riviera, which debuted as a car for the 1971 model year, became a sensation. By that time, the most prestigious Buick was produced on the front-wheel drive “Jim” A-platform, and to refresh the appearance of the car and give it individuality, designer Jerry Hirshberg awarded it with a pointed V-shaped keel, reminiscent of the stern of a ship. The new Riviera was immediately dubbed boat-tail, that is, “ship stern,” and the States were divided into two camps: those who were delighted with the bold stylistic decision, and those who could not stand it. Then there were more “haters” - the commercial results of Riviera cannot be called triumphant. In the first year, slightly less than 34 thousand cars were sold - the worst result among all Rivieras at that time. Recognition for the car, as usual, came retroactively - today the boat-tail is deservedly considered one of the best, if not the best American of the 70s.

10. Buick GNX (1986)

It's no secret that the 80s were, to put it mildly, not the most glorious time for the US auto industry. It’s just that there weren’t many more or less successful models that appeared in that period, and the most iconic ones can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Perhaps the only Buick worthy of special mention from this inglorious era was the Regal Gran National, named after the stock racing car that won the 1981-1982 NASCAR series. It turned out to be the best latest version This family is the GNX model, which debuted in 1987. Created with the help of specialists from the engineering company McLaren Performance Technologies, which, by the way, has nothing to do with the English McLaren, the GNX was equipped with a 3.8-liter V8 with a Garrett-T3 turbocharger that produced 276 hp. power and, more importantly, almost 500 N∙m of torque. With a curb weight of 1535 kg, the GNX reached hundreds, even with an antediluvian 4-speed automatic transmission in 5 seconds. It is still the fastest Buick in history.

Buick (Russian: Buick) is the automobile division of the American manufacturer General Motors. In the North American market, the company was known as a manufacturer of premium cars. Buick is the oldest operating American automobile brand, and even General Motors itself was founded in 1908 on the cornerstone of the Buick Motor Company. The entire Buick lineup.

Buick history

The company was founded in 1899 as a manufacturer of automobiles and internal combustion engines. In the period 1899-1902, two prototypes were built. In mid-1904, another prototype was built to test reliability. The architecture of this car served as a model for the first car made for sale in 1904 - in 1904, Model B was produced in an edition of 37 cars. Its logical continuation was the F(1909) model. These cars had a two-cylinder engine and overhead valves.

In 1911, Buick introduced its first box bodies. In 1930, it released a gearbox, revolutionary for that time, with synchronizers in all modes. Automatic vacuum control of ignition timing was another new feature. Buick was the first to install turn signals on its cars back in 1939.

In the 1930s, Buick was popular with the British royal family, in particular, in Edward VIII. George VI used one of the cars on his coast-to-coast royal tour of Canada in 1939.

Buick sold its cars in many countries. From 1921 to 1962, the company's cars were successfully exported to Mexico, and in the early 90s, assembly of the Century car began in Mexico, at the Ramos Arizpe plant. Seven years later, production was closed. Buick was produced in New Zealand for some time. However, during World War II, production was curtailed and never resumed. Since the beginning of the 2000s, the sale of brand cars in Israel has been established.

Success in China

China is Buick's largest market, with more sales there than even in the United States. In 2007, General Motors sold more than 330,000 vehicles in China, more than double its sales in the United States.

Beginning in 1999, Chinese versions of the Buick Regal were produced and sold in China, making Buick one of the most popular car brands in China. In addition, Buick China also produces the compact Excelle (based on the Daewoo Lacetti/ Nubira), five-door hatchback called HRV and a modified version of the first generation Pontiac Montana, the GL8 minibus.

Many machines intended for the local market are equipped with more economical engines compared to models intended for American domestic market. Some engines, originally intended for Chinese versions, began to be installed on General Motors products intended for other regions. In June 2005, the company stated that China is its second largest market after the United States. In total, over two million cars of the company were sold in the country. It took eight years to sell the first million, but the second was sold in three years.

Cars of this brand have always been distinguished by their unique design and decent level of equipment. This combination could not help but attract potential buyers, so the company has a huge army of fans around the world. However, to keep them in constant suspense, new models must be born. Below are the most interesting new Buick products that have arrived or will enter the market in the near future.

Buick's lineup today is not as extensive as it was in the 80s or 90s. At the same time, in total, the history of the brand includes the existence of 26 model copies. Until the 2000s, all Buick models were positioned exclusively for the market North America, but with the development of the Chinese automobile market, the company quickly reoriented itself to the Middle Kingdom and is represented in this country with an extensive range.

It is also worth noting that Buick is part of the GM group. Therefore, many cars of the brand are in one way or another unified with their “donors” from Opel and Chevrolet. However, this does not prevent the brand from gathering a huge army of fans around the world. It is for them that Buick has prepared significant new products that are positioned in different price ranges and classes.

1. Buick GL8


This single-volume car first appeared before the public in 2016. The distinctive features of the minivan are its provocative design, progressive equipment, and powerful power unit.

The Buick GL8 should appear on the Chinese market by the end of 2017 or in the first quarter of 2018. Production of the single-volume vehicle will be established at the Shanghai-GM plant and deliveries of the new product are not planned outside of China. Dealers of the brand will ask for at least 300 thousand yuan for the GL8.


The third generation Buick GL8 borrowed its platform from its predecessor. However, many chassis components have been modernized in order to achieve better vehicle behavior on the road:

  • Shock absorber struts with different characteristics are installed.
  • The stiffness of the springs and stabilizer struts has been increased.

The Buick GL8 will only be available in a single power modification. Under the hood, engineers will install a supercharged unit that produces a potential of 260 horsepower with a working cubic capacity of 2.0 liters. Works with the motor automatic transmission with six gears.

Brief characteristics:

Test Drive

External representation

The Buick GL8 looks provocative. It attracts attention with LED headlights, a large radiator grille, massive fenders, a swift silhouette, and a low side body kit.

Internal versatility

The interior is very cozy and also functional. At the same time, the quality of finishing and assembly are at the highest level. There are questions regarding ergonomics. In particular, the climate control system control unit is located to the right of the automatic transmission selector, which is why it blocks part of the screen readings for the driver air conditioning system.

Regarding the display multimedia system, then it has an anti-reflective coating and pleases with high picture clarity. However, the sensor responds to commands with a delay.

The driver's seat is not very comfortable. The reason for this lies in the flat cushion of the seat itself and lack of pronounced lateral support. But a driver of almost any size will fit behind the wheel thanks to the many electrical adjustments.

Two rear seats are equipped with retractable ottomans for the legs, and can also be adjusted according to the angle of the backrest, as well as in the longitudinal plane. Moreover, passengers can use a portable climate control unit. The additional gallery will also be comfortable for two riders, but only if their height does not exceed 165 centimeters.

On the way to

The turbo engine demonstrates good agility at medium operating speeds, but at low speeds it lacks traction. At the same time, close transmission gear ratios somewhat compensate for this disadvantage. When manual mode is activated, the gearbox honestly holds the gear.

Handling is impressive, which is expected. Namely, the steering wheel is not very sensitive, and when cornering, the roll is significant. At the same time, the car goes over bumps as smoothly as possible thanks to the long-travel suspension and does not irritate passengers with shocks or vibrations.

2. Buick Encore (restyling)


In 2017, the company presented an updated variation of its compact crossover at a video presentation in New York. In the same year, the new product went on sale. Its minimum cost on the market of the United States of America is 26 thousand 900 dollars.

The restyled Buick Encore differs from its predecessor in a modified configuration of lighting optics (with integrated LED elements), a new radiator grille and bumpers. In the cabin you can see a different instrument panel, a redesigned block of the multimedia complex. In addition, finishing materials have been improved.

Technical part

Buick Encore is based on the Opel/Vauxhall Mokka and is a complete design analogue of its “donors”. The front suspension is designed according to the MacPherson system, while the rear is a traditional “multi-link”.

The American SUV is available for purchase with only one engine. Under the hood of the new product there is a 1.4-liter supercharged unit that produces 140 horsepower. The tandem was a six-speed automatic transmission. The drive can be front-wheel drive or all-wheel drive.

Data in brief:

Test Drive

Deliberate aggression

Encore is quite attractive from a design point of view. The crossover is notable for its narrowed headlights running lights, a massive front bumper, expressive body sides, and a low body kit.

Atmosphere of respectability

It’s cozy inside, and the interior architecture is very solid. The quality of materials matches the design - at a decent level, with attention to detail.

The chrome-trimmed instrument panel is easy to read. But the on-board computer screen is disappointing with unclear readings.

The central console is “unloaded” from controls - only the air conditioning unit is located here. Other functions are managed by the multimedia complex. His responsibilities include projection of navigation and rear view cameras onto the display. The multimedia interface is not intuitive, so you don’t have to be distracted from the driving process.

The driver's seat is adjustable via servo drives. It has tight lateral support. But tall drivers will find it uncomfortable to sit on the seat due to its short cushion, as well as the overly convex bolster in the lumbar region. Only two passengers can sit comfortably on the rear sofa, and the height of the latter should not exceed 175 centimeters.

Minimum revelations

The supercharged engine cannot boast of a stormy temperament - it is active only in the middle speed range. Moreover, the gas pedal is dampened and responds to the driver’s commands with a delay. The automatic transmission does its job quickly, with maximum smoothness.

From a handling point of view, everything is predictable, but nothing more. The informative steering wheel lacks better responsiveness, and in turns it strongly pulls the front axle. At the same time, the suspension provides an acceptable smooth ride on small bumps due to its high energy consumption.

3. Buick Regal


The new Buick Regal was shown to the public in April 2017 at an exhibition in New York. The novelty divided common platform with the next generation Opel Insignia and is its North American version, adapted to the needs of the local market.

At the presentation, Buick Regal was presented in two body modifications:

  • Sportback.
  • TourX.

The vehicle is not yet available for purchase in the North American market. According to estimates, sales of the new generation Buick Regal will start in the winter of 2017.

At the first stages of introducing the model to the market, only the Sportback variation will appear at dealers of the brand. It is estimated at a minimum of 28 thousand dollars. As for the TourX, the Regal will go on sale in this version only in 2018.

Technical details

The Buick Regal was designed on a GM “trolley” under the symbol E2XX. The front suspension has a MacPherson strut pattern, rear axle received a multi-link design. For an additional fee (or maximum versions) buyers will be offered an adaptive chassis (FlexRide).

The Buick Regal will be offered with two supercharged engines: 1.5 and 2.0 liters. The power output of the first stage is 163 forces, while the second one will produce about 250 “horses”. Both power plants will be equipped with an eight-speed automatic transmission.

Brief characteristics:

It is noteworthy that all-wheel drive will be available exclusively in conjunction with the top-end engine. The option with the base power unit will be content with the front drive wheels.

Test Drive

A hint of premium

The new generation Buick Regal has received a representative appearance. It is worth noting the strict body lines and precise proportions, a low front bumper, a completely LED headlights, chrome edging of window lines and expressive rims.

Qualitative Leap

The interior is decorated with high-quality materials and pleases with competent assembly. Ergonomics are also not bad.

As for the front panel architecture, it does not disappoint. The center console looks laconic and overloaded with keys. It houses a three-dimensional display of the multimedia complex. It supports Apple CarPlay, Android Auto, and also has a Wi-Fi hotspot and 4G internet.

The driver's seat is comfortable due to its well-thought-out profile, as well as pronounced side support bolsters. It is suitable for both comfortable and active movement. But the second-row sofa is only comfortable in relation to two riders, whose height does not exceed 185 centimeters. Otherwise there won't be enough room for your head and knees.

For those who like it hot

The powerful 250-horsepower engine has excellent traction throughout the entire rev range. Also, it pleases with high elasticity and responsiveness. However, the full implementation of its capabilities is hampered by automatic transmission- it sometimes jerks when shifting and engages the desired gear with a delay.

The steering wheel has a sensitive “zero” zone with pronounced feedback, which allows you to maneuver sharply. Insignificant diagonal swing also allows you to enjoy driving. However, the harsh suspension over-details the road profile and projects noticeable shaking onto the riders.

Photos of the new Buick lineup: