Lease agreement for a gas station (gas station). Fuel tank lease agreement Estimated land payments

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Lease agreement for gas stations in Moscow (approved by order of the Chairman of the Housing Committee dated July 1, 1996 N 32) (not applicable)

Appendix No. 8

to the resolution of the Moscow government

Moscow government decree
dated November 16, 1993 N 1039
lapsed due to government decree
Moscow dated July 27, 1999 N 685

for renting gas stations
N _________ Moscow

"__" ____________19 __

The Moscow Property Management Committee, hereinafter referred to as the Committee, represented by the Chairman of the Committee Nikitin A.A., acting on the basis of the Regulations, on the one hand, the Moscow Automotive Production Plant (balance holder), hereinafter referred to as the Lessor, represented by general director Monakhova V.G., acting on the basis of the Charter, on the other hand, and _______________________________________________________________________________, hereinafter referred to as the Tenant, represented by ____________________________________________________________, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the third party, have entered into this agreement as follows:

1. General conditions

The total area of ​​premises for rent is _________________sq.m.

The area of ​​the land plot where the building (structure) and the adjacent territory is located is __________ hectares.

Note. The composition of the characteristics and the cost of the property being leased, the calculation of rent and depreciation charges are attached to the property acceptance certificate.

1.2. List of leased property and technological equipment.

1.2.1. Gas station management building:

Year of commissioning _____________________________________________________________________

- book value _________________________________________________________

- total area in sq.m ______________________________________________________________

- condition of the building ______________________________________________________________

- characteristics of the building ______________________________________________________________

(brick, etc.)

List of premises in the building ___________________________________________________

(having a passport)

1.2.2. Containers __________________________________________________________________

- tonnage ________________________________________________________________________________

- year of commissioning _____________________________________________________________________

- book value __________________________________________________________

- technical condition(for each container separately) _______________________________

1.2.3. Fuel dispensers (fuel dispensers):

- quantity ___________________________________________________________________

- year of issue __________________________________________________________________

- presence of a passport (for each shopping center) ________________________________________________

- state of the dispenser (for each dispenser) ___________________________________________________

1.2.4. Brand of fuel sold at gas stations:

- A-76 ___________________________ t/day

- A-92, 93 _______________________ t/day

- diz. fuel ___________________ t/day

1.2.5. Product pipeline (connecting containers with fuel dispensers):

- characteristics of the product pipeline ________________________________________________

- pipe grade (steel grade) _____________________________________________________

- laying diagram ______________________________________________________________

- year of laying ________________________________________________________________

- availability of reports on the last crimping and date of crimping:


1.2.6. Fire-fighting equipment:___________________________________________________


1.2.7. Additional structures and their characteristics ______________________________

1.2.8. Network engineering:

- electrical cable (brand) _____________________________________________________

- water pipes ____________________________________________________________________

- installation date _________________________________________________________________

- laying diagram ________________________________________________________________

- heating, hot water supply ________________________________________________

- installation date _________________________________________________________________

- laying diagram ________________________________________________________________

- calculation of the amount of heat consumed by gas stations_____________________________________________

- sewerage _____________________________________________________________________

- installation date _________________________________________________________________

- laying diagram ________________________________________________________________

- phone line_______________________________________________________________

- subscriber number_________________________________________________________________

- name of the telephone exchange__________________________________________________________

- availability of direct communication, alarm system with the fire department, police ______________________

The characteristics of non-residential premises are indicated in the extract from technical passport BTI of non-residential premises No. __________________ dated "__"___________19 ___, which is an integral part of the contract.

The above object with all communications is leased for the purpose of:

Its technical re-equipment and reconstruction by the Tenant and further use as gas station with a complex additional services: car wash, repair bay, spare parts store, cafe, etc.

During the work, the area of ​​the facility can be increased by adding additional plots of land to create a range of gas station services, subject to obtaining all necessary government permits.

1.3. The rental period is set from "__" ____________ 19 ___ to "__" ______________ 19 ___.

The agreement comes into force from the moment it is approved by the Moscow Property Management Committee.

1.4. Leasing of property does not entail the transfer of ownership of it. The purchase of rental property can be carried out only with the permission of the Committee in accordance with the legislation Russian Federation ok.

1.5. Outside of the performance of obligations under this agreement, the Tenant is completely free in his activities.

1.6. Upon expiration of the contract, the Tenant has a preferential right to purchase the property or renew the lease agreement.

1.7. All inseparable improvements to the leased property made by the Tenant at his own expense are his property and are subject to compensation by the Lessor after the end of the lease term.


, hereinafter referred to as the “Lessor”, represented by the General Director, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand, and -gas station", hereinafter referred to as the “Tenant”, represented by the General Director, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the other hand, have entered into this Agreement as follows:

1. The Subject of the Agreement

1.1. The Lessor leases and the Tenant accepts for temporary use the property complex of the gas station and the equipment located in it, hereinafter referred to as the gas station, located at the following address:


Gas station address

Series and number of the certificate of ownership

1.3. The gas station is transferred under the Acceptance and Transfer Certificate signed by the parties (Appendix) and the Transfer and Acceptance Certificate of equipment and other property signed by the parties (Appendix), and the Acts are an integral part of this Agreement.

2. Rent

2.1. The rent for the gas station is (thirty-six thousand five hundred eighty rubles) rubles, including VAT (18%) - 5,580 (five thousand five hundred eighty) rubles per month.

2.2. The tenant transfers the rent monthly within 10 (ten) days after the end of the calendar month.

3. Responsibilities of the Tenant

3.1. The tenant assumes full responsibility for safety and undertakes to use the gas station exclusively for its intended purpose.

3.2. The tenant is obliged:

c/ do not transfer gas stations to other organizations;

d/ immediately notify the Lessor of any damage, accident or other circumstance causing damage to the gas station, and promptly take appropriate measures against further destruction or damage to the premises and to bring it into proper condition;

d/ upon expiration of the contract, transfer the gas station to the Lessor under the deed in a released form, fully intact, with all permitted inseparable improvements without compensation for their cost;

e/ do not carry out repair or conservation work without the consent of the Lessor;

g/ do not pledge your rental rights.

4. Sanctions

4.1. If the Lessor discovers unauthorized additions or alterations, they must be immediately liquidated and the gas station restored to its previous form at the Tenant’s expense within the period specified in the Lessor’s written notice.

4.2. If the Tenant violates the gas station operating rules provided for in this agreement, the Tenant is obliged to pay the Lessor a penalty in the amount of 3 times the minimum wage with the obligatory elimination of the damage caused to the premises at the Tenant's expense within the time period specified by the Lessor.

If the Tenant repeatedly violates the terms of this agreement, the latter is terminated within the time limits specified in the written notice of the Lessor.

In case of unauthorized transfer of a gas station for use by another organization, the Tenant is obliged to pay the Lessor a penalty in the amount of 300 times established by law minimum wage, and the premises are subject to immediate release from outside organizations upon notification of the Landlord.

Failure to make payments within the terms established by this agreement entails the accrual of a penalty in the amount of 0.01% for each day of delay of the amount to be transferred.

The parties agreed to consider the date of accrual of penalties (fine, interest), as well as compensation for losses under this agreement, as the date the debtor recognized its obligations to pay penalties (fine, interest), as well as compensation for losses.

If the debtor does not recognize its obligations to pay penalties (fine, interest), as well as compensation for losses, the date of accrual of such amounts will be the date of entry into legal force a court decision establishing the debtor's obligation to pay the above sanctions.

5. Special conditions

5.1. The parties are required to notify each other of the early termination of this agreement 10 days in advance.

5.2. If there are no objections from the parties, the contract is extended for an indefinite period.

5.3. By written agreement of the parties, changes and (or) additions may be made to this Agreement.

5.4. This Agreement is drawn up in two copies: 1st copy - for the Lessor, 2nd - for the Tenant.

6. Legal addresses parties

Lessor: Tenant:

A Moscow, Novinsky Blvd., 17

Taxpayer Identification Number // Taxpayer Identification Number //

in CB "Russian Development Bank" in CB "Russian Development Bank"

General Director General Director

____________________// ____________________//

Sample contract property rental gas station complex. Business law. SAMPLE LEASE AGREEMENT FOR A GAZSg PROPERTY COMPLEX. Moscow, called. Landlord”, represented by. Landlord and The balance holder rents out, and the Tenant accepts the lease of the property complex. Gas station: year. fuel sold at gas stations: A-7.

Gas Station Lease Agreement Sample Russia

Product pipeline. (connecting containers with fuel dispensers): characteristics. Additional. structures and their characteristics: . Network engineering: electric. Characteristics. non-residential premises indicated in the extract from the technical passport of the non-residential BTI. Moscow, Department of Transport and Communications.

Moscow and Balance Holder. In progress. carrying out work, the area of ​​the facility can be increased by annexation. Price. leased property complex, the valuation of which is carried out in accordance with. Apart from property. The tenant has the right to buy from.

The landlord is located at a gas station. Rental period. is installed with “. Moscow, Department of Transport and Communications of the Government.

Moscow and the Balance Holder, the lease automatically terminates from the moment of purchase. Outside. The Tenant is completely free to fulfill the obligation under this agreement.

All improvements. of the leased property complex produced by the Tenant are his. Responsibilities. sides Balance holder.

If, when concluding a lease agreement land plot, allocated for gas stations, between. Sample lease agreement for a gas station property complex. Home Documentation Fuel tank lease agreement Oil Resource Lukoil LLC TNK fuel quality certificates Fuel tanks and mini gas stations The Lessee undertakes to return them upon expiration of the contract.

In the event that, when concluding a lease agreement for a land plot allocated for a gas station, between the Model lease agreement for the property complex of a gas station. In the case of a sample gas station lease agreement, the personnel are part of the staff of a specialized company, and dismissal issues become its concern. On holding a tender for the lease of the gas station complex. On the extension of the lease agreement for the gas station complex. In this case, if at the time of signing this agreement the Balance Holder had already concluded a lease agreement for the land plot between the gas station and Moskomzem.

In five days. the period from the date of signing this agreement to provide the Tenant with the property. Agreements for subscription (use) of servicing gas stations. In this case, the Balance Holder undertakes: c. Within five. days after approval of this agreement to transfer Required documents For. BTI; b) tracing paper indicating all underground communications. Dispensers, engineering supply networks: electrical cable.

Use as a gas station with a complex.

Gas Station Lease Agreement Sample

MPC and for the disposal of solid household waste. Transfer to. a five-day passport period for all types of equipment located at the station. Broadcasting dispensers, containers, etc. If, when concluding a lease agreement for a land plot.

Gas station, between the Tenant and Moskomzem. The tenant provides any documents. The balance holder as the previous land user. To the tenant within.

In this case, if the contract has already been concluded by the balance holder. Gas station with Moskomzem. Balance holder for the Tenant on the terms determined by Moskomzem.

  • Download the contract for free gas station rental/ Contractual relationship / Lawyer consulting/ Services on
  • Duration of the lease agreement: 1 year with the option of a lease agreement with the winner signed at.
  • LEASE OF PROPERTY COMPLEX GAS STATION. Property Management Committee

Tenant. undertakes: 2. To use. object solely by direct purpose specified in section 1 of the agreement.

Pay. rent to the Lessor on the terms specified in section 3 of this agreement. During. time from the date of actual start of operation of the gas station until. Gas station, as submitted by the Balance Sheet.

Take action. all steps and actions dependent on him to re-register contracts in accordance. Payments and. settlements under the contract.

Annual size. the rent is established on the basis of Art. Gas station, which is. annex to this agreement. If the growth rate. The tenant pays. The landlord pays rent for each quarter in advance, with payment on the fifth day. At. the latest increase by the Lessor in the amount of the annual rent. Tenant. If the Lessor at least 1.

Tenant. the obligation to pay the next installment of the rent will not be indicated. The tenant has the right to make payments within the same limits. Paid. Tenant rent does not count towards payments made by him.

Gas station provided. Moscow. Department of Transport and Communications of the Moscow Government and Balance Holder. Change. termination, termination and extension of the contract. Change of conditions. Contributed. additions and changes are considered within a month and are issued as additional ones. Specified. the procedure does not apply in cases specified in paragraphs. On demand. The contract may also be terminated by one of the parties.

For failure to comply. or improper performance of obligations provided for in this agreement. In case of delay. If the violated obligation has no value. The tenant has. the right to withhold what is due to him in accordance with paragraphs. Neither. one of the parties will not be liable for full or partial. The parties to force majeure circumstances within the framework of this agreement include: 6. Moscow. Side. found herself unable to fulfill her obligation under this agreement c.

The facts stated in the notice must be confirmed. Failure to notify either.

If any of. If. force majeure circumstances last more than 6. The tenant has the right to refuse to continue the contract without paying penalties.

The burden of proving the force majeure circumstance lies with. Reorganization. The lessor, as well as a change in the Balance Sheet of the leased property. About everyone. The parties are required to notify immediately of changes in payment and postal details. Actions performed at old addresses and accounts, completed before. All notices provided for in this agreement may be sent as follows: To the Tenant.

Direction by the parties to the address. Genuine contract. Moscow, Department of Transport and Communications of the Moscow Government and. Balance holder. All copies have equal legal force.

Legal addresses and payment details.

Agreed: I approve:

Department of Transport and Chairman of the Management Committee
Moscow property connections
_______________________________ ____________________________________
“___” __________________ 19 __ “___” ______________________ 19 __


“___” _____________ 199 __

The Moscow Property Management Committee, hereinafter referred to as the “Committee”, represented by the Chairman of the Committee A. A. Nikitin, acting on the basis of the regulations, on the one hand, the Moscow Automotive Production Plant (balance holder), hereinafter referred to as the “Lessor”, on the represented by General Director V. G. Monakhov, acting on the basis of the charter, on the other hand, and ________________________, hereinafter referred to as the “Tenant”, represented by __________________________________________________________, acting on the basis of the charter, on the third party, have entered into this agreement as follows.

1. General terms
1.1. Based on the order dated “___” __________________ 199 ___, No. _____________, the Lessor rents out and the Tenant accepts for rent the following property __________________ ________________________________________________________________, located at the address:
city ​​________________________________ administrative-territorial district ____________ _____________________, street (square, boulevard, etc.) ______________________________, number of the house located nearby _________________________. The total area of ​​the premises for rent is ___________________ sq. m. m.
The area of ​​the land plot where the building (structure) is located _______________________, and the adjacent territory is ____________________________ hectares.
Note. The composition, characteristics and cost of the property being leased, the calculation of rent and depreciation charges are attached to the property acceptance certificate.
1.2. List of leased property and technological equipment.
1.2.1. Gas station management building:

book value _______________________________________________________________;
total area in sq. m ________________________________________________________________;
condition of the building ___________________________________________________________________;
characteristics of the building ______________________________________________________________;
(brick, etc.)
list of premises in the building ______________________________________________________________.
(having a passport)
1.2.2. Containers ______________________________________________________________________________:
tonnage _____________________________________________________________________________;
year of entry ________________________________________________________________________________;
book value ________________________________________________________________;
technical condition (for each container separately) _____________________________________.
1.2.3. Fuel dispensers (fuel dispensers):
quantity _________________________________________________________________________;
year of issue ________________________________________________________________________;
presence of a passport (for each shopping center) _____________________________________________________;
state of the dispenser (for each dispenser) _______________________________________________________.
1.2.4. Brand of fuel sold at gas stations:
A-76 ______________________________________________________________________________ t/day;
A-92, 93 ___________________________________________________________________ t/day;
diz. fuel ________________________________________________________________ t/day.
1.2.5. Product pipeline (connecting containers with fuel dispensers):
characteristics of the product pipeline ______________________________________________________________;
pipe grade (steel grade) _________________________________________________________________;

year of laying ______________________________________________________________________________;
Availability of reports on the last crimping and date of crimping: ________________________________.
1.2.6. Fire-fighting equipment: ______________________________________________________.
1.2.7. Additional structures and their characteristics _________________________________.
1.2.8. Network engineering:
electrical cable (brand) __________________________________________________________;

laying diagram _____________________________________________________________________;
water pipes _________________________________________________________________________;
installation date _____________________________________________________________________;
laying diagram _____________________________________________________________________;
heating, hot water supply _____________________________________________________;
installation date _____________________________________________________________________;
laying diagram _____________________________________________________________________;
calculation of the amount of heat consumed by a nuclear power plant _________________________________________________;
sewerage __________________________________________________________________________;
installation date _____________________________________________________________________;
laying diagram _____________________________________________________________________;
phone line ___________________________________________________________________;
subscriber number _____________________________________________________________________;
name of the telephone exchange ________________________________________________________________;
availability of direct communication, alarm system with the fire department, police ________________________;
The characteristics of non-residential premises are indicated in an extract from the technical passport of the BTI of non-residential premises ¹ dated “___” ___________________ 19 ___, which is an integral part of the contract.
The above-mentioned object with all communications is leased for the purpose of its technical re-equipment and reconstruction by the Tenant and further use as a gas station with a range of additional services: car wash, repair bay, spare parts store, cafe, etc.
During the work, the area of ​​the facility can be increased by adding additional plots of land to create a range of gas station services, subject to obtaining all necessary government permits.
1.3. The rental period is set from “___” __________ 19 ___ to “___” ________ 199 __.
The agreement comes into force from the moment it is approved by the Moscow Property Management Committee.
1.4. Leasing of property does not entail the transfer of ownership of it. The purchase of rental property can only be carried out with the permission of the Committee in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
1.5. Outside of the performance of obligations under this agreement, the Tenant is completely free in his activities.
1.6. Upon expiration of the contract, the Tenant has a preferential right to purchase the property or renew the lease agreement.
1.7. All inseparable improvements to the leased property made by the Tenant at his own expense are his property and are subject to compensation by the Lessor after the end of the lease term.
1.8. Disputes arising during the execution of this agreement shall be considered by an arbitration tribunal or court in accordance with their competence.
1.9. Protection of the Tenant's property rights is carried out in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. Duties of the parties
2.1. The Lessor undertakes:
2.1.1. Within five days from the date of signing this agreement, provide the relevant property specified in clause 1.2 to the Tenant according to the acceptance certificate (attached).
2.1.2. Renew contracts for the Tenant to provide this facility with engineering infrastructure (electricity, water, heat supply and communication services (telephone, radio)).
2.1.3. Within five days after approval of this agreement, submit the necessary documents to begin preparations for technical re-equipment and reconstruction:
a) tracing paper of the location of objects registered in the BTI;
b) tracing paper indicating all underground communications (location of tanks, product pipelines, provision of power and supply to the dispenser, engineering supply networks: electrical cable, water, heat, sewerage, telephone, radio, alarm system (if available));
c) availability of geological data.
2.1.4. Submit within five days the passports for all types of equipment located at the station (fuelling dispensers, containers, etc.).
2.1.5. Renew the lease agreement for the land allocated for the facility to the Tenant.
2.2. The tenant undertakes:
2.2.1. Use the object exclusively for its intended purpose specified in section 1 of the agreement.
2.2.2. Having accepted the property from the Lessor and all related technical documentation for this facility, organize work on its technical re-equipment and reconstruction. Provide in the project being developed a set of related services, namely: washing passenger cars, sale of oils, auto parts, brake fluid, a small bistro-type cafe, sale of soft drinks and related products, organization of a repair bay for passenger cars, organization of showers for staff, toilets for drivers and staff, rational location of the fuel dispenser in relation to the road in order to minimize the access path for vehicles, the presence of settling tanks . And depending on the location of the gas station and access roads, determine the possibility of refueling with all types of fuel: gasoline A-76, AI-92, AI-95, diesel fuel, various oils.
The project is being developed on the basis of a leased gas station, taking into account the land allocated for it and the possibility of construction.
The project will be implemented taking into account the requirements of GorSES, Moskompriroda, Moskomzem, fire inspection, etc.
The developed project must be approved by the Department of Transport and Communications of the Moscow Government or an authorized body.
2.2.3. Complete reconstruction of the gas station within 18 months. If the reconstruction is not carried out within the specified period, the Lessor has the right to unilateral termination agreement with reimbursement of costs to the Tenant.
2.2.4. After reconstruction work, provide gas stations with their own petroleum products in volumes not lower than the 1993 level.

3. Payments and settlements under the agreement
3.1. The annual rent is set for 2 years and cannot exceed the book value of the gas station, determined taking into account the revaluation of fixed assets in accordance with the law, but without improvements made by the Tenant at his own expense.
3.2. For the property specified in Section 1, the Tenant pays rent to the Lessor in accordance with pivot table calculating the rent, which is an integral part of this agreement, for each quarter in advance, with payment on the 5th day of the first month of each quarter.
3.3. The amount of annual rent cannot exceed more than five times the cost of property tax established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4. Change, termination, termination and extension of the contract
4.1. Changing the terms of the agreement, its early termination, provided that the parties fulfill their obligations under this agreement, can only be made by agreement of the parties.
Additions and changes made are reviewed within a month and formalized in additional agreements,
4.2. At the request of one of the parties, the contract may also be terminated by decision arbitration court or court in cases of violation by the other party of the terms of the contract.

5. Special conditions
5.1. The Tenant's expenses for the reconstruction of the property are grounds for reducing the rent, which is formalized by an additional agreement of the parties.
5.2. Reorganization of the Lessor, as well as a change in the owner of the leased property, is not a basis for changing the conditions or terminating this agreement.
5.3. The terms of this agreement remain in force for the entire duration of the agreement and in cases where, after its conclusion, the legislation of the Russian Federation establishes rules that worsen the position of the Tenant.
5.4. In the case of reconstruction of a gas station with a complete replacement of the leased property with a new one, the Tenant has the right to privatize this gas station in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

6. Other provisions
6.1. Relations between the parties not regulated by this agreement are regulated by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
6.2. This agreement has been drawn up in three copies (one for each party).
6.3. Legal addresses and telephone numbers of the parties:
Lessor ________________________________________________________________________________

Moscow Property Management Committee __________________________________________
Checking account _____________________________________________________________________
Tenant ________________________________________________________________________
Checking account _____________________________________________________________________
Attached to the agreement:
1. Acceptance certificate with attachments of documents specified in paragraphs. 1.1, 1.2.
2. Statement of the composition, characteristics and value of the transferred property, number of sheets _________, copies. _________.
3. Calculation of rent and depreciation, number of sheets ____________, copies. ______________.

Signatures of the parties

From the Committee From the Tenant
________________________________ ____________________________
(position, f., i., o.) (position, f., i., o.)

From the Lessor
(position, f., i., o.)

Attachment to agreement


Basic initial payments

1. Territorial-economic assessment zone of Moscow
2. The base rate of annual rent or payment for temporary use of land per 1 sq. m. m ________________________________________________________________________________ rub.
2.1. Privileges:
2.1.1. Decrease
size ___________________________________________________________________________%

2.1.2. Liberation
from what time __________________________________________________________ month, year
for what period _________________________________________________________________ months, years

2.2. Amounts of rental payments per 1 sq. m _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ rub.
The amount of payments for the entire land plot is _____________________________________ thousand rubles.




Moscow “___” ______________ 2000 G.

Moscow Property Management Committee, hereinafter referred to as the “Lessor”, represented by ______________________________________________, acting on the basis of the Regulations, Moscow Production Plant car service, hereinafter referred to as “Balance Holder”, represented by _______________________________________________, acting on the basis of the charter, on the one hand, and ___________________________________, hereinafter referred to as the “Tenant”, represented by ___________________________________________, acting on the basis of the charter, on the other hand, guided by the decree of the Moscow government of November 16, 1993 No. 1039 and the order of the Prime MinisterGovernment of Moscow dated February 16, 1995 No. 152-RP, have entered into this agreement as follows.

1. General provisions

1.1. The Lessor and the Balance Holder lease, and the Tenant accepts for lease, the property complex of gas station No. ______________, located at the address: _____________________________________________________________________.

1.2. List of leased property complex:

1.2.1. Gas station management building:

year of entry __________

book value ___________

total area in sq. .m _________________________________________________;

condition of the building

building characteristics ________________________________________________;

list of premises in the building ___________________________________ _______;

1.2.2. Capacities ______________________________________________________:

tonnage __

year of entry ___________________________________________________________;

book value _________________________________________________;

technical condition (for each container separately) _________________________ ____________________________________________

1.2.3. Fuel dispensers (fuel dispensers):

quantity __________________________________________________________;

year of issue _________________________________________________________;

presence of a passport (for each shopping center) ______________________________________;

state of the dispenser (for each dispenser) ______________________ __________________.

1.2.4. Brand of fuel sold at gas stations:

A-76 ________________________________________________________ tn/day;

A-92, 93 _____________________________________________________ tn/day;

diz/fuel __________________________________________________ tn/day.

1.2.5. Product pipeline (connecting containers with fuel dispensers):

product pipeline characteristics ______________________________________;

pipe grade (steel grade) _____________________________________________;

laying diagram _____________________________________________________;

year of laying _______________________________________________________;

Availability of reports on the last crimping and the date of crimping _____________ _______________________________________________________.

1.2.6. Additional structures and their characteristics: ______________ _______________________________________________________.

1.2.7. Network engineering:

electrical cable (brand) _______________________ ___________________;

date of laying _______________________________________ ________________;

laying diagram _____________________________________ ________________;

water pipes ________________________________________ __________________;

installation date _____________________________________ __________________;

laying diagram ___________________________________ __________________;

heating, hot water supply __________________ ___________________;

installation date ___________________________________ ____________________;

laying diagram _________________________________ ____________________;

calculation of the amount of heat consumed by gas stations _________ ____________________;

sewerage _____________________________________ _____________________;

date of laying ________________________________ _______________________;

laying diagram __________________________________________ ___________;

phone line _______________________________________ _____________;

subscriber number ________________________________________ _____________;

name of the telephone exchange __________________________ ______________;

the presence of an alarm system, direct communication with the fire department, police __________ ______________;

1.2.8. The characteristics of non-residential premises are indicated in the extract from the technical passport of the BTI non-residential premises No. ____________ dated “_____” _____________ 200 _____ g., which is an integral part of the contract.

1.2.9. The above-mentioned object with all communications is leased for the purpose of its technical re-equipment, reconstruction and operation by the Lessee, as well as its further use as a gas station with a range of additional services determined by the gas station reconstruction project.

Relations between the parties in connection with the lease of a gas station ¹ _______ are governed by this lease agreement and the investment contract ¹ ___________ dated “_____” ___________ 1996, concluded between the Tenant, Moskomimushchestvo, the Moscow Property Fund, the Department of Transport and Communications of the Moscow Government and the Balance Holder.

1.2.10. During the work, the area of ​​the facility can be increased by adding additional plots of land to create a range of gas station services, subject to obtaining all necessary government permits.

1.2.11. The cost of the leased property complex, the assessment of which is carried out in accordance with the requirements established by Art. 5 investment contract ¹ _________ from “____” ______________________ 1996 g., concluded between the Tenant, the Moscow Property Committee, the Moscow Property Fund, the Department of Transport and Communications of the Moscow Government and the Balance Sheet is _____________.

1.3. In addition to the property listed in clause 1.2 of this agreement, the Tenant has the right to purchase from the Lessor the low-value property and inventory located at the gas station ¹ ______ in accordance with the list given in Appendix ¹______ to this agreement.

1.4. The rental period is set from “____” ____________________ 19 ___ by “____” ________________ 19 ___ d. In the event of a complete purchase by the Tenant of the leased property complex in accordance with the terms of the investment contract dated “____” ___________________ 1996 No. _______________, concluded between the Tenant, the Moscow Property Committee, the Moscow Property Fund, the Department of Transport and Communications of the Moscow Government and the Balance Holder, the lease automatically terminates from the moment of redemption. Rent is paid by the Tenant for the remaining lease term.

1.5. Outside of the performance of obligations under this agreement, the Tenant is completely free in his activities.

1.6. All improvements to the leased property complex made by the Tenant are his property.

2. Duties of the parties

2.1. The balance holder undertakes:

2.1.1. Within five days from the date of signing this agreement, provide the Tenant with the property specified in clause 1.2 of the agreement, according to the acceptance certificate.

2.1.2. Agreements for the subscription (use) of the drainage network, telephone network, sewerage, electricity, radio points, facility security and other servicing (related) services (systems) serving gas stations are subject to re-registration (re-conclusion) from the Balance Holder to the Tenant. In this case, the Balance Holder undertakes:

during _________________ (_______________) from the date of signing this agreement, notify in writing the relevant services servicing the gas station about the transfer of the gas station to the Tenant and about the need to re-register (re-sign) contracts for its servicing;

in the event of a debt of the Balance Holder to the above-mentioned services, as well as in the case of failure to comply with the requirements previously presented by these services to the Balance Holder regarding the operation of the gas station in __________________ (_____________________) the period from the date of signing this agreement to repay the specified debt and fulfill the specified requirements;

when , if, when re-issuing (re-signing) a contract for servicing a gas station by the relevant service, the submission of any documents that the Balance Holder must have as a previous user of the gas station is required to provide the requested documents to the Tenant within _______________ (___________________) days from the date of receipt of the relevant request from the Tenant.

2.1.3. Within five days after approval of this agreement, submit the necessary documents to begin preparations for technical re-equipment and reconstruction:

a) tracing paper of the location of objects registered by the BTI;

b) tracing paper indicating all underground communications (location of tanks, product pipelines, provision of power and supply to the dispenser, engineering supply networks: electrical cable, water, heat, sewerage, telephone, radio, alarm system - if available);

c) geological data;

d) permitting documentation for the emission of pollutants into the atmosphere, as well as for discharges taking into account maximum permissible concentrations and for the disposal of solid household waste.

2.1.4. Submit within five days the passports for all types of equipment located at the station (fuelling dispensers, containers, etc.).

2.1.5. When ________ (__________________) days from the date of receipt of the relevant request from the Tenant. Moreover, if at the time of signing this agreement the Balance Holder had already concluded a lease agreement for the land plot of the gas station with Moskomzem, the specified land lease agreement is subject to re-registration from the Balance Holder to the Lessee on the terms determined by Moskomzem.

2.2. The tenant undertakes:

2.2.1. Use the object exclusively for its intended purpose specified in section 1 of the agreement.

2.2.2. Pay rent to the Lessor on the terms specified in Section 3 of this agreement.

2.2.3. During the time from the date of actual start of operation of the gas station until the moment of re-conclusion (re-issuance) of contracts in accordance with clause 2.1.2 of this agreement, pay for the services of services that ensure the functioning of the gas station, upon presentation by the Balance Holder of the relevant accounts of these services (organizations).

2.2.4. Take all steps and actions within his power to re-register contracts in accordance with clause 2.1.2 of this agreement.

3. Payments and settlements under the agreement

3.1. The amount of the annual rent is established on the basis of Art. 5 of the investment contract and the methodology for calculating rent for the gas station property complex, which is an annex to this agreement.

3.2. If the inflation rate is more than _____________ (__________________) % per year, the Lessor has the right to increase the annual rent, but no more than once a year and no more than ______________ (________________) %.

3.3. The Tenant shall pay the Landlord rent for each quarter in advance, with payment due on the fifth day of the first month of each quarter.

If the Lessor increases the amount of the annual rent, the latter is obliged to notify the Tenant about this increase. If the Lessor does not give an instruction to increase it at least 10 (ten) calendar days before the Tenant fulfills the obligation to pay the next part of the rent, the Tenant has the right to make payment within the same limits, which will be considered proper execution.

3.4. The rent paid by the Tenant is not counted against the payments made by him when purchasing the state share of the gas station property complex, provided for by the investment contract from “____” ______________________ 1995 No. ___________, concluded between the Tenant, the Moscow Property Committee, the Moscow Property Fund, the Department of Transport and Communications of the Moscow Government and the Balance Holder.

4. Change, termination, termination and extension of the contract

4.1. Changing the terms of the agreement, its early termination, provided that the parties fulfill their obligations under this agreement, can only be made by agreement of the parties.

Additions and changes made are reviewed within a month and formalized in additional agreements.

This procedure does not apply in cases specified pp.

4.2. 3.1 – 3.2 of this agreement.

5. At the request of one of the parties, the contract may also be terminated by decision of the arbitration court in cases of significant violation by the other party of the terms of the contract.

5.1. Responsibility of the parties

5.2. For failure to fulfill or improper performance of the obligations provided for in this agreement, the parties bear property liability in accordance with this agreement and current legislation.

In case of delay in performance or improper performance of the relevant contractual obligations, the guilty party is obliged to pay a penalty in the amount of ________% of the value of the obligation overdue for fulfillment for each day of delay, while the amount of the penalty is not limited and it is not of an offset nature. 5.3.

5.4. When

6. , if the violated obligation does not have a monetary value, the penalty is calculated from the amount of the annual rent.

6.1. The tenant has the right to withhold what is due to him in accordance with paragraphs. 5.2, 5.3 of the agreement for the amount of the penalty when paying rent.

Force majeure circumstances

Neither party will be liable for complete or partial failure to fulfill any of its obligations if this failure was a consequence of force majeure circumstances, and the force majeure circumstance directly affected the performance of the obligation. Force majeure circumstances within the framework of this agreement of the parties include:


6.1.4. flood;

6.1.5. 6.1.2.

6.1 .5. earthquake;

A party that is unable to fulfill its obligation under this agreement due to the occurrence of a force majeure circumstance is obliged, no later than 10 (ten) calendar days from the moment when it became or should have become aware of the occurrence of this circumstance, to notify the other party about it in writing. The facts stated in the notice must be confirmed by the relevant competent government authority if they are not generally known. Failure to notify or untimely notification of the occurrence of force majeure circumstances deprives a party of the right to invoke this circumstance as a basis for exemption from liability for failure to fulfill obligations under this agreement.

6.2. If any of the parties to this agreement is unable to fulfill any of the obligations assumed by it due to the occurrence of force majeure circumstances for any time, the deadline for fulfilling this obligation is postponed in proportion to the time the force majeure event occurred.

If force majeure circumstances last more than 6 months, the Tenant has the right to refuse to continue the contract without paying fines and/or penalties, having accepted all possible measures to carry out mutual settlements and reduce damage suffered by the other party.

6.3. The burden of proving force majeure lies with the party that failed to fulfill its obligations.

7. Other conditions

7.1. Reorganization of the Lessor, as well as a change in the Balance Sheet of the leased property complex is not a basis for changing the conditions or terminating this agreement.

7.2. The parties are obliged to immediately notify each other of any changes in payment and postal details. Actions performed at old addresses and accounts, completed before receipt of notifications of their change, are counted towards the fulfillment of obligations. All notices provided for in this agreement may be sent as follows:

To the tenant: by fax _____________________________ or by courier against signature to the address: __________________________________.

To the Lessor: by fax ___________________________ or by courier against signature to the address: ____________ ______________________.

To the balance holder: by fax _______________________ or by courier against signature to the address: ________________ ____________________.

All notices will be effective on the date of receipt. Sending letters by the parties to each other, including registered ones, is not considered within the framework of this agreement as due notice.

7.3. This agreement is drawn up in 3 (three) copies: 1 copy. – for the Tenant, 1 copy. – for the Lessor, 1 copy. – for the Balance Sheet, must be signed and comes into force simultaneously with the investment contract No. _______ dated “____” ________________ 1996 g., concluded between the Tenant, the Moscow Property Committee, the Moscow Property Fund, the Department of Transport and Communications of the Moscow Government and the Balance Holder. All copies have equal legal force.

Legal addresses and payment details of the parties

Lessor: _____________________________________________________________________

Balance holder: _____________________________________________________________________

Tenant: __________________________________________________________ _____________

Signatures of the parties:


State Legal Department of the Moscow City Hall ____ __________________

Moscow Property Fund ________________________________ ____________________

Department of Transport and Communications ___________________ _____________________