Who should give way first? Interference on the right - what is it and who should give in. When changing lanes to the right in this situation, you

Such a seemingly ordinary maneuver as changing lanes is perceived ambiguously by drivers. In practice, some of them get confused, not knowing who should give way to whom.

Rules for changing lanes Vehicle are prescribed in section 10 of the traffic rules. Let's remind them. Before driving, changing lanes or any change in direction, the driver must make sure that he will not create obstacles or danger to other road users. To inform about a change in direction of travel, it is necessary to give warning signals with direction indicators.

When leaving the road from a residential area, courtyards, or parking areas, gas stations and other adjacent territories, the driver must before roadway or on the sidewalk to give way to pedestrians and vehicles (VVs) moving along it, and when leaving the road - to cyclists and pedestrians whose direction of movement it crosses.

When changing lanes, you must give way to vehicles moving in the same direction in the lane into which the driver intends to change lanes. At simultaneous rebuilding For vehicles moving in the same direction, the driver on the left must give way to the vehicle on the right.

If there is a braking lane at the exit point from the road, then the driver who intends to turn onto another road must change lanes in a timely manner and reduce speed only in this lane. If there is an acceleration lane at the exit point to the road, you should move along it and join the traffic flow, giving way to vehicles moving along this road.

Rules for changing lanes

Right hand rule

Based on the above, changing lanes on a straight road should not cause difficulties. If there are two or more lanes for traffic in one direction, a driver who intends to change lanes into the adjacent lane must give way to vehicles moving along it. And it doesn’t matter whether they are to the right of him or to the left (see Fig. 1).

At the same time, in practice, simultaneous reconstructions are sometimes perceived ambiguously. It is important to remember that in in this case it is necessary to be guided by the so-called right-hand rule - that is, in such a lane change the driver closest to the right edge of the roadway has the advantage. Moreover, it does not matter whether both cars are opposite each other or one is slightly ahead. Even when the driver of a vehicle moving in the left lane is ahead of a car driving to his right, he does not have the right to change lanes if this maneuver forces the other driver to resort to braking or changing direction (see Fig. 2).

The places of exit or entry to bridges also cause controversy - who has the right of way on them? In most cases, drivers entering a bridge are required to give way to vehicles moving along it (see Fig. 3). Additionally, road sign 2.1 “Give way” can also indicate this. This applies to both regular entrances and exits, as well as sections of roads on which additional acceleration and braking lanes are organized, indicated by appropriate road markings: a wide broken line with a short interval between each stroke (according to traffic rules type 1.8) and signs 5.20.1-5.20 .3, 5.21.1-5.21.2, 5.22 and 5.23 (see Fig. 5). In the case of simultaneous changes of vehicles at exit or entry points, drivers should be guided by the “right-hand rule” (see Fig. 5). In megacities with high traffic intensity, when traffic jams often occur, we recommend using the so-called stitch rule, widely used by Western European drivers. That is, drivers of vehicles moving slowly in a traffic jam, regardless of the location on the road and the advantage of cars located closer to the right edge of the roadway, can change lanes one by one - first the car driving on the left changes lanes, and then on the right, and then in the same order . As shown Foreign experience, thanks to such a culture of behavior, it is quite possible to overcome traffic jams faster than with strict adherence to traffic rules, including the “right hand rules”.

There is a high risk of becoming the culprit of an accident if you do not know how to change lanes correctly. Let's look at tips for maneuvering in heavy traffic.

Traffic regulations

The regulation on changing lanes is in Chapter 8 of the Traffic Regulations. Paragraph 8.4 states: a driver who wants to change lanes must give way to vehicles moving in the same direction without changing direction. When two cars change lanes at the same time, the driver on the right has the right of priority to maneuver. Let's look at the rule using specific examples.

  • The car in front of you moves into your lane, you do not change direction. According to traffic rules, you are not obliged to yield to him. You can do this of your own free will, but you will not be the culprit.
  • You want to occupy a lane along which a car is moving straight behind you. In this case, you must give way to him or increase the distance so as not to interfere with him when changing lanes.
  • You are rebuilding into left lane. A car in this row indicates with a turn signal that it wants to occupy your row. In this case, you have an advantage.
  • You move into the right lane. If at this moment a driver from this lane changes into your lane, you are obliged to give way to him. The rule is “interference from the right”.

IN general outline clause 8.4 can be expressed in the following theses:

  • if you do not want to change lanes, then you are not obliged to yield to anyone according to traffic rules;
  • when changing lanes to the right, you must in any case give way (“obstruction on the right”);
  • If you change lanes to the left at the same time as a driver who wants to take your lane, you must be allowed to pass.


Stages of changing direction of movement:

  • assessment of the road situation;
  • turning on the turn signal;
  • check glance in the rearview mirror;
  • changing lanes, turning off the turn signal.

Many drivers believe that it is dangerous to change lanes only in heavy traffic. The mistake is that being too relaxed when driving on congested roads dulls your concentration. There is an increased risk of not noticing a motorcycle coming behind you or of ignoring a car in your blind spot. Therefore, changing lanes in any situation requires maximum concentration and confidence from the driver in the maneuver being performed.

How to make sure the maneuver is safe

The main difficulty when changing lanes is the correct assessment of the road situation. You must ensure that there is no other vehicle in the area you occupy when changing lanes. To do this, very often it is not enough just to look in the rearview mirror immediately before starting the maneuver. Firstly, there is a possibility that there is another car in the blind spot next to your car.

Dead zone - a situation in which an object has disappeared from side mirror rear view, but has not yet appeared in the side window. This area is always wider on the passenger side of the mirror.

Secondly, with a quick glance it is impossible to estimate the speed of approach of the car following you. When you look in the mirror, the distance will indeed be sufficient to change lanes. But by the time the maneuver begins, the car will have time to approach you at a distance that is unsafe for maneuver.

Executing the maneuver

To avoid an accident, you need to prepare accordingly for changing lanes:

  • if there are no cars in the rearview mirror, you need to look in side windows. This must be done in such a way as not to lose control of the vehicle and to be able to react to the maneuvers of the car in front. You need to make sure as much as possible that there are no cars in the dead zone;
  • When there is heavy traffic, you need to use “pockets” to change lanes (there is a sufficient interval between closely moving cars for maneuvering). To do this, you need to wait until the car, after which it is possible to change lanes, gets ahead of you. Such a maneuver can be considered safe, since you will make sure that specific car there is no other vehicle following you, and therefore no unpleasant surprise awaits you in the dead zone;
  • If you notice a car walking along the lane, be sure to look in the mirror after 2-3 seconds to adequately assess its speed. It is impossible to do this with a single glance, and if you focus on objects in the rearview mirror for a long time, you lose control of the situation in front of you. Remember that the traffic situation in heavy traffic changes every second;
  • when changing lanes, the flow of which moves with higher speed, the maneuver must be done ahead of schedule. Once you have taken the lane, your speed should match the speed of the traffic. IN winter time When there are ruts and slippery road surfaces, you only need to accelerate in your own lane. Otherwise there is a risk of skidding. With a sufficient coefficient of grip, it is possible to accelerate even when changing lanes.

To reduce your blind spot, you should adjust your rear view mirrors correctly. At correct adjustment at the near edge of the mirror you should see a small protruding part of the stern. When setting the vertical tilt angle, balance must be maintained. If you tilt the mirror too low, your blind spot will decrease, but you will lose sight of cars in the distance. The situation will get even worse when going down the slope.

Never change 2 lanes at once, as you will not be able to adequately assess traffic situation. Changing lanes should occur smoothly. Now you know how to change lanes correctly to avoid getting into an accident.

The order of vehicles passing on the highway and city streets is indicated and specified in the rules traffic.

The control of the sequence is assigned to the priority road signs placed along the route, to the installed traffic lights, as well as to the usual traffic controller.

For certain particular situations, as a rule, in the process of maneuvering, it is necessary to rely on established traffic rules; this is the only way to understand what to do if there is an obstacle on the right, who should give way.

One of the basic rules is to change lanes. In this case, the driver who moves without changing direction gives way.

The “right hand” rule is relevant for those cases when one of the regulators is unable to apply the rules due to their complete inaction.

There are many sections of the road where not only are there no traffic controllers or standard traffic lights, but also no signs.

How should the driver act in such a case, who receives the right of way? It is worthwhile to understand this principle of movement more carefully, especially since between experienced drivers

a certain universal rule applies.

Answering the question of what is an obstacle on the right, it can be noted that all drivers without exception know the “right hand” rule. People turn to him for help in a large number of different situations. Here are the most basic rules traffic rules interference

  1. on right:
  2. When crossing an unregulated intersection of roads of equal status.
  3. When driving around in parking lots and at gas stations.

In the process of changing lanes, cars moving in the same direction, but on different lanes of the road.

In this article you can recall the driving school and the features of the “interference on the right” rule. You can find out what it is and in what situations it can be used.

It’s worth noting right away that the traffic rules completely lack such generally accepted terms among drivers as “right-hand rule” and “interference on the right at an intersection.” In essence, these are simplified expressions of clause 8.9 at the conditional level Russian traffic rules

If the driving sequence was not provided for by the Road Traffic Rules, drivers must pass each other, allowing the driver “interfering” on the right side to pass. Only then will you need to continue moving.

In other words, if along the route a person crosses the path of another vehicle, and if the general order of movement is not stipulated by the traffic rules, he must give way to this car if the car is on the right at the time of crossing.

Priority signs include such indicators as “Main road”, “Intersection with an additional road”, “Give way”, “Driving without stopping is prohibited”, “Take advantage of oncoming traffic”.

The equivalent intersection deserves special attention. This is the usual intersection of routes with equal coverage, as well as those characterized by equal priority.

If there are no priority signs listed above, the “right hand” rule automatically begins to apply between drivers. In this case, the intersection at automatic level becomes equivalent.

If an obstacle appears to the right of the driver, he gives way; if a car is seen on the left, he is obliged to give way.

According to this rule the opponent must also act. If he encounters an obstacle on the right, he must provide the driver next to him with the right of way.

Thus, if on the highway the priority of movement is not determined by signs, traffic lights and traffic controllers, the “interference on the right in the yard” from the leading driver should receive priority in movement.

If in case of violation of this rule emergency situations arise, there can be three reasons for this. The person at fault for the accident is not very familiar with the traffic rules. Such drivers believe that since at the last intersection he was driving on the main road, then in this situation the situation will repeat.

In reality, this is not the case, which is why the emergency situation arises. Also, the culprit of the accident may believe that in the process of leaving the dirt road, everyone must skip it, including those who move on the left.

If driving onto asphalt, the driver must give way to everyone, since the dirt road is in all cases a secondary route. This rule applies to leaving stadiums, parking lots and other similar areas.

Often an emergency situation arises between traffic participants, which arose on the basis that the driver considered that he was not obliged to let the driver pass on the right side for the reason that he was turning left. Rotating in this case does not change anything.

Video: “Behind the wheel.” Traffic rules: obstacle on the right

The principle of movement described above belongs to the category of universal ones, but you need to clearly know the limits of its use. The “right hand” rule, like all other norms, has three mandatory conditions when the rule is in effect.

They can solve the question of how to determine the interference on the right:

Here are some examples of these rules. If the driver leaves the parking lot at the same time as another vehicle, this situation does not have clear traffic rules. In this case, you must give way to the driver driving on the right, who is an obstacle on the right.

We can consider another case with the simultaneous rearrangement of cars of equal mobility. If a motorcycle is involved in a situation that does not have a right-hand obstacle in the form of a passenger car, it will change lanes first.

As for the driver passenger car, then he will be a right obstacle for the motorcyclist, and accordingly will be obliged to give way to him.

It is also worth considering the conditions when the concept of “interference on the right” is not relevant, for example, whether the interference rule applies in a parking lot in 2019.

This question was discussed above from the point of view of applying the rule, and here as an answer to the question in which cases it does not apply.

Here are a few situations worthy of attention:

  1. Inconsistency of status of traffic participants. The term “interference on the right” will be irrelevant if initially the participants in the movement were of unequal status. This may be the current controversial situation between a car and a pedestrian, as well as the situation with trackless vehicles and trams.
  2. Inequality of priority positions of participants, settled road signs, traffic lights and traffic controllers.

The second point is worth considering in more detail using examples.. If one driver is on a main road and the other is driving on a secondary road, they will be able to apply the right-hand rule between them. Here, the person driving along the main highway will have priority.

If one driver moves along the road, and the second leaves with gas station or from a residential yard, the controversial situation regarding the yielding of the road cannot be resolved according to the “obstruction on the right” rule.

According to traffic rules, a person who leaves the adjacent territory is obliged to give way to everyone.

Another situation worth considering. One driver moves under a green traffic light, and the driver next to him moves along additional section traffic light.

The initial positions of the two drivers are equivalent, since a person driving onto a nearby additional section with the main prohibiting traffic signal is obliged to let ahead of all those driving to the main permissive traffic light.

There are other situations when the described rule does not “work”. For example, when starting to move or when moving in reverse You must first give way to other drivers.

The “right hand” rule can also be applied when moving through intersections.

Despite the fact that the traffic rules in section 13 regulate certain rules for driving through intersections, the process, if desired, can be seriously simplified by using the most universal right-hand rule.

Formulate this principle it is possible as follows - with equal opportunities, drivers must pass other vehicles using the “right hand” rule.

Difficulties in using this rule applied at intersections are usually accompanied by some dynamism of road events.

When moving through an intersection, you need to remember situations when applying the “right hand” rule is strongly discouraged.

These are situations with the most clear regulation of a well-structured sequence of movements. Here are the most basic ones:

  • "dispute" with a tram. The rail vehicle must pass first because it has priority based on the category of the urban vehicle itself. The rule of interference on the right is not relevant for trams. Trams have priority in all situations;
  • initial inequality of positions. If drivers are on the highway in directions of different priority, that is, someone is driving on the main one, and someone on the secondary one, their relationship will not be resolved using the “interference from the right” principle.

This also includes the situation when movement is carried out along an additional section of a traffic light. This situation extends to the main prohibit signal.

People moving along an additional route or leaving a residential yard must give way to everyone.

It is advisable to first establish visual interaction with the driver moving on the left side.

In this case, it will be clear what his subsequent manipulations will be. This is not a special universal rule, it is simply a way to show drivers your intention.

If the driver does not react at all, if the speed of his car does not decrease, you must definitely let him pass.

Particularly unbalanced drivers try to teach such stubborn people a lesson and drive directly. You shouldn't do that. This will lead to emergency situation. You shouldn’t waste your nerves, time and health trying to prove something.


The main rule of "interference on the right" is a method of resolving questions regarding the advantages of traffic in the complete absence of the three main categories of priority, that is, traffic lights, road signs and traffic controllers.

The “right hand” rule itself says that the driver is obliged to let pass and give the opportunity to pass to the driver whose vehicle is approaching from the right side.

If, when changing lanes or leaving a main road make certain mistakes, drivers will be fined for violating traffic rules.

Experienced drivers don’t even think twice about changing lanes. They carry out maneuvers automatically. But many of them violate traffic rules, and one of these lane changes can best case scenario end in a fine, or at worst.

Dear readers! The article talks about typical solutions legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


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To avoid unpleasant consequences, the maneuver must be performed according to the rules, which you will learn about later.


Changing lanes is a maneuver that involves leaving an occupied lane or row while maintaining the original direction of movement.

If we talk in simple words, then changing lanes means changing lanes for overtaking, turning or other maneuver.

In this case, the maneuver must be carried out taking into account road markings, which becomes problematic in bad weather conditions.

Yes, on snowy road it is impossible to see the markings, which leads to violations and doubts regarding the correct execution of the maneuver.

The main road marking that prohibits changing lanes is a solid line. It rarely occurs in passing lanes, mainly in tunnels and on bridges. But you should still pay attention to the solid lines so as not to lose your license for several months.

Where is it prohibited and where is it not?

Most minor accidents occur due to improper vehicle alignment. Drivers do not make the wrong maneuver by allowing a collision with another vehicle.

To reduce the number of accidents on the roads, rules for changing lanes were included in the traffic rules. different situations so that drivers can change lanes without risk.

At the crossroads

One of frequently asked questions among drivers - whether changing lanes at intersections is allowed. The bulk of the bans apply specifically to this section of the road, since there is a very high risk of collision with cars moving in a parallel direction.

The traffic rules do not prohibit changing lanes when entering an intersection. Moreover, this section of the road is considered omnidirectional, so concepts such as main and secondary roads are excluded, with the exception of those sections where signs are installed.

Of course, it’s better to think about changing lanes in advance, having determined your lane. If this is not done, then you can change lanes already at the intersection.

At the same time, it is important not to forget that the cars on the right are always a priority. Therefore, first of all you need to let them through, and then maneuver.

But when changing lanes, you need to take into account that, according to paragraph 11.4 of the traffic rules, overtaking is prohibited at intersections. And it’s quite difficult to do without it after rebuilding.

Therefore, the only correct solution will be to maneuver to the desired lane in advance:

At a pedestrian crossing

As in the situation with an intersection, there is a ban on maneuvering at pedestrian crossing, No. But it is not allowed to overtake according to the same rule No. 11.4.

However, the issue of changing lanes at a pedestrian crossing is worth considering from a logical point of view. The crossing is quite narrow, so no matter how hard he wants, the driver will not be able to complete the maneuver without stopping the vehicle at the zebra crossing.

Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary questions from traffic police inspectors, it is worth maneuvering already behind the crossing.

On Bridge

Another one typical problem drivers - is it possible to change lanes on the bridge. Turning again to the indicated traffic rules paragraph, you can understand that overtaking is prohibited on the bridge. But there is not a word about rebuilding.

However, changing lanes is allowed only if there is no prohibiting this maneuver markings.

On the ring

A similar rule applies to the ring. If there is no solid line, then you can change lanes, making sure to allow cars moving in the lane where the driver plans to change lanes.

You need to do this maneuver before leaving the roundabout so that you don’t have to stand in the right lane in order to turn left.

In the tunnel

When driving in tunnels you can see road markings. A solid line indicates that changing lanes is prohibited. This rule is connected with the difference in temperature conditions.

So, when on the street subzero temperature, when entering a tunnel it rises sharply, which worsens the grip of the wheels on the road.

A similar situation is in summer version. And this creates a high risk of collision with a car that is moving in the same direction.

Otherwise you will have to pay a fine. But it’s even worse that such a maneuver threatens a serious accident, since the speed of cars on such a section of the road is usually higher than average and you can get away with it minor scratches It won't work on the body.

Rules for changing lanes

In order to change lanes correctly without violating traffic rules, you should consider several rules:

  1. When planning to change lanes, you need to make sure that there is no solid line, prohibiting this maneuver.
  2. Before changing lanes, the turn signal must be turned on. Drivers must know which way the car is heading.
  3. When changing lanes, you need to let through all the cars that are moving in their lane without maneuvering.
  4. If several cars are changing lanes at once, then you only need to let those driving on the right pass.
  5. The vehicle's speed is reduced and the distance to the vehicle is calculated to avoid a collision.
  6. The speed of the car moving in the adjacent lane must be taken into account in order to stand on the other side and prevent a collision with the car that is behind.

Cannot be used emergency braking, if there are cars behind you. The speed decreases smoothly, and then you can change lanes. It is important to think about the maneuver in advance, starting the lane change in advance.

Drivers of other cars are notified of the planned maneuver by turning on their turn signals.

Who should yield to whom in lanes on the highway?

The driver of the car who plans to change lanes must yield. He first lets all the cars through and only then changes lanes. It is important to choose a safe trajectory to avoid a collision.

When changing lanes, you need to look in the mirrors so that other drivers do not have to use emergency braking when maneuvering.

To the left lane

Changing lanes to the left lane is carried out according to general rules. First, the driver must let all the cars moving in the left lane pass, having first turned on the turn signal. And only after the lane is safe for maneuver, you can change lanes.

Many people believe that the one who is on the secondary road should yield. In fact, the type of stripe doesn't matter. Those who plan to change lanes let other cars pass. If they let you through, then please - you can safely change lanes.

When the road narrows

Drivers will know that the road will narrow thanks to signs. This means that you need to change lanes in advance so that you don’t have to apply emergency braking at the last moment.

The picture shows that the lane along which the red car is moving is narrowing. Blue car continues moving in the given direction. In this situation, it is the red car that must yield, since it needs to change lanes.

Between the rows

You need to change lanes according to the general rules. On a multi-lane road, there is one more requirement - gradual rebuilding.

For example, a car is driving in the far right lane on a three-lane road. And he needs to be in the far left lane. In this case, you cannot cross two lanes at once.

First, the car changes to the middle lane, and then to the outer lane. During every maneuver, traffic safety is ensured.

When maneuvering into each lane, you should not sharply reduce speed or, conversely, press on the gas. In terms of speed, you need to match the speed of cars moving in the same lane.

Driving in city lanes and then changing lanes is the most dangerous. It is quite difficult to maneuver in dense traffic, so many drivers make fatal mistakes.

For example, when changing lanes from the far right lane to the middle of the road, the car is allowed to pass. Hoping that they will let him through in the far left lane, the driver boldly changes lanes from two lanes at once. But you can’t do that.

First, the car aligns in the middle lane, then the turn signal turns on again, and only after there is a safe distance between the cars can you change lanes.

Public transport

Public transport is being rebuilt according to general rules. For him there is no special priority in movement, unlike special vehicles with flashing lights on.

If public transport moves along the lane allocated for him, then occupying it is destroyed ordinary cars to turn left. In this case, the lane is necessary for safe lane changing.

But it should be borne in mind that as soon as a car has occupied a dedicated lane, it must leave it without interfering with public transport.

Before the traffic light

Moving in a given direction, many drivers decide to change lanes just before the traffic light. This happens, for example, when the outer lane is already occupied and the traffic light is green.

If you need to change lanes before a traffic light, then you need to act according to the general rules and taking into account several maneuvering features:

  • changing lanes without a turn signal is prohibited, even if there are no cars in the same traffic;
  • you need to stop in front of a traffic light if the outer rows also do not move (pedestrians may cross the road);
  • need to rebuild to average speed, without slowing down, but you cannot exceed the set mode.


One of the most difficult maneuvers is changing lanes. It means that a car from the right lane plans to change into the left lane, and a car from the left lane plans to change to the right.

The situation is common, but many drivers do not know the rules for maneuvering in this case and allow a collision.

When changing lanes at the same time, both cars must have their turn signals on - this is the main requirement. Thanks to the signals, drivers see the scheme further movement vehicle from the adjacent lane.

According to paragraph 8.4 of the traffic rules, when changing lanes, the car that makes the maneuver must yield.

If two cars from different lanes change lanes at the same time, then the car on the right has priority. She must pass first, the car from the left lane must give way.

But in practice, changing lanes can be very difficult, since it is not always possible to understand the intentions of the other driver if the cars are moving in heavy traffic. In this situation, it is important to ensure safe maneuvering.

To do this, you need to slightly get ahead of the car from the adjacent road and slowly begin to move to the left.

At the same time, the behavior of vehicles moving in the adjacent territory must be monitored. Only after the driver from the left lane starts to let you pass, you can change lanes.

It is important not only to remember your rights, but also to respect other road users. When two vehicles collide, the truth will be on the driver's side in the right lane.

He will receive compensation and have the car restored free of charge. But is it worth demanding to comply with traffic rules at the cost of your life?

Changing from the left lane to the right while maneuvering at the same time must be done as carefully as possible. To begin with, let the car pass on the right, slowing down.

After completing the maneuver, you can change lanes yourself, after making sure that the maneuver is safe.

When there is interference on the right

An obstacle on the right means a car that is moving on the right side. There is an opinion among drivers that in any case you need to give in to this very obstacle.

But when it comes to rebuilding, this rule must be taken into account, but with some reservations:

  1. The driver moves along right side and plans to change lanes to the left. In this case, there is no obstacle; you need to give way to the driver on the left and only then change lanes.
  2. The driver is driving on the left side and plans to turn into the right lane. Here he has an obstacle on the right and he really has to let cars from the adjacent lane pass.
  3. The driver is moving on the right side, plans to take the left lane, and the driver from the left lane plans to take the right. Again there is no obstruction here, but the car on the right side has priority.
  4. The driver is moving on the left side, the driver on the right is planning to change lanes. And this is where this rule applies. You need to miss the obstacle on the right, and then change lanes yourself.

What constitutes a lane change as a maneuver, as well as single and simultaneous lane change maneuvers on the road, was discussed in the articles, as well as in the materials of other articles from the “” series.

This time we'll focus on dangerous situations, arising as a result of the simultaneous restructuring of participants into multi-lane roads. A great many such situations can arise, since in modern realities one is not like the other.

However, all this "difference" comes from typical options location of vehicles on the carriageway of any road. The only difference is that multi-lane roads accommodate more traffic participants and more space for maneuvers.

The process of changing lanes as a maneuver, under ideal conditions (clear road, unlimited visibility, good adhesion of the car's wheels to the road), does not pose any danger. This process looks like “moving” from one lane to another, or in simple terms, it is moving the car to the side by a distance of the width of the lane on the roadway. In this case, the original direction of movement does not change.

But ideal conditions do not always accompany. Other participants are moving along the road, they also perform some actions (accelerating, braking, maneuvering), as a result of which the trajectories of vehicles inevitably intersect.

It is in such cases (when their paths intersect) that issues of priority arise, i.e. who must give way when changing lanes.

Who should give in while changing lanes at the same time?

How to avoid a collision and perform the maneuver safely is discussed in the article. In short, the likelihood of a lateral approach is eliminated either by acceleration or by lagging behind a neighbor from the side even at the stage of the beginning of the maneuver. And then the process of changing lanes is under your own control and much safer.

Now, the option of simultaneously changing lanes through the “neighboring” lane, most often, is the middle lane. In what case can the lanes of two participants converge in the middle lane? – when they both almost simultaneously change lanes to the same lane (left picture below).

Often these maneuvers look like the simultaneous change of lanes of two participants ahead of the same fellow traveler (fellow travelers), but these two are only moving in different (side) lanes in relation to the vehicles being led (right picture below).

A collision occurs when neither one nor the other driver expects such an outcome. That is, on the road (in the lane) there is free place, in which, suppose, the first participant ( A) intends to integrate, but he does not assume that on the other side another participant is “marking” the same place ( B). If they fail to understand each other's intentions, then a clash occurs.

If an accident occurs, as in the “top” case when changing lanes at the same time, the driver whose car approached the collision site from the left will be found guilty.

In such cases, while getting ahead, and at the same time changing lanes, you should observe the movement not only in the adjacent lane, but also further, across the lane, as far as possible: you need to quickly turn your head in the direction where the lane change is being made, and make sure that the path free, and nothing interferes with maneuver.

If for some reason the view of the road is hidden from view (for example, the vehicle being overtaken is large), or it is not possible to consider and predict the situation, then there is no need to rush.

In such situations, the driver who is on the right has a strategically more advantageous position (car B), because he changes lanes to the left, and from the driver’s seat he can clearly see the situation on the left in front and on the left side of the car.

Well, the second driver, who is maneuvering on the left (the car A), you need to be extremely careful. Otherwise, as mentioned above, in the event of a collision, he will be considered the legal culprit of the accident, i.e. the participant who arrived from the left (). And the degree of guilt of the second participant will be considered depending on the situation.

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