Mandatory reflective vests for drivers. Reflective vest - requirements, rules of use Do drivers need vests

Russian motorists They were required to carry reflective vests. Overalls must be worn when leaving the car on the side of the road outside cities, villages, villages and other settlements at night or in conditions of poor visibility during the day.

Such changes to the Rules traffic were introduced by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 12, 2017 N 1524, the innovations will enter into force on March 18, 2018 - 30 days after the official publication in Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

We will tell you in more detail what the 2017 law on reflective elements on clothing is, what requirements a reflective vest must meet, and whether violators face fines.
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N 1524

The reason for changing the traffic rules was, on the one hand, the sad statistics of traffic accidents, on the other hand, the positive experience of many European countries, where reflective elements on the outer clothing of drivers and passengers vehicle are the same obligatory requisite for a country trip as a first aid kit and a fire extinguisher.

On the official website of the Government of the Russian Federation (, along with the decision to amend the traffic rules, a traffic police certificate with accident statistics for the first six months of 2017 was also published.

According to traffic police, increased number of roadside collisions with drivers in dark time days - by almost 5% compared with the data for 2016 (a total of 66 such accidents). But the number of collisions with pedestrians, who were previously (since June 1, 2015) obliged to move along roadsides at night in clothes with reflective elements, decreased by 10.2%.

The traffic police considered that the reduction in accidents with pedestrians is directly related to the introduction of new requirements, and decided to extend the law on reflective vests to motorists. As a result, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N 1524 was issued, by which the rules of the DD were supplemented with a new clause - 2.3.4.

New requirements for reflective clothing

The new law on reflective vests for drivers, in terms of requirements directly to clothing, refers to GOST 12.4.281-2014 (clause 4.2), which establishes high visibility clothing standards. They are applied mainly to the clothes of road workers, now they have been extended to reflective vests for drivers. The law, by the way, allows the use of not only vests, but also jackets and cape vests.

These products must have 1 or 2 horizontal strips of reflective material spaced 5 cm apart. The stripes go around the torso and connect to the upper torso stripe at the front and back over the shoulders (this requirement has exceptions). The bottom edge of the horizontal strip must be at least 5 cm from the bottom of the jacket, vest or short jacket.

Reflective elements can have three fluorescent colors:


When buying a jacket, vest or cape for movement in conditions of poor visibility outside the city, the driver must be guided by GOST 12.4.281-2014. If the product meets the standards, then it will definitely have a corresponding mark. You can buy such a product for 300 rubles or a little more. You can make an analogue yourself, using GOST as an instruction.

Signal clothing for pedestrians

Pedestrians have been required to wear reflective clothing since July 1, 2015. Effective from this date new edition clause 4.1 of the SDA, according to which, outside populated areas and in conditions of poor visibility (fog, snow, rain), pedestrians are required to have reflective elements:

when they cross the road;
when moving along the side of the road or the edge of the roadway.

In the city this requirement becomes a recommendation and is not mandatory.

Judging by the statistics of the traffic police, the introduction of the relevant requirement has saved hundreds of human lives. In the first 6 months of 2017, more than 7,500 pedestrian collisions (1,321 deaths) were recorded at night, which is 10.2% less compared to the same period in 2016. The traffic police are sure that it was possible to reduce the number of accidents with pedestrians due to new requirements for reflective clothing, which means that similar requirements for drivers will also give results.

How about in other countries?

The traffic police certificate, which was attached to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, also pointed to the positive European experience. " Russian newspaper» clarifies that in many countries motorists are required to wear reflective vests for drivers - the law on this is in:


Moreover, the laws of some states oblige drivers to have several sets of capes - for themselves and for passengers. If you need to move along the side of the road or cross the road outside the city at night, necessary equipment It is the driver who must provide the passengers of the vehicle.

Will violators be fined?

Despite the fact that as of January 2018 there is no fine for lack of overalls for drivers in the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (unlike the fine for pedestrians of 500 rubles - Article 12.29 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation), this rule should not be neglected.

First, this extra way protect the driver outside the vehicle, as well as other road users. It should be borne in mind that fluorescent workwear allows you to increase visibility on the road several times.

Secondly, after March 18, 2018, when the changes to the traffic rules come into force, traffic police officers will interpret the causal relationship between the actions of road users and the consequences, in particular, an accident, in a different way. And a driver who has not properly complied with the requirements of the new law on reflective vests may not only become a victim of a car accident, but may also be recognized as its culprit, because he did not put on a jacket or vest with reflective elements in time.

The traffic rules require that you have a first-aid kit in your car, a sign emergency stop, fire extinguisher. The presence of a reflective vest is required, starting from March 1 of the last year. The product is needed in order to protect the driver on the road in the event of an accident, a car breakdown. also in without fail to buy a reflective vest will have to drivers carrying dangerous goods, or if the presence of a vest is prescribed in official duties bus driver, truck driver.

Requirements for reflective vests

Signal vests are designed to ensure safety. They reduce the risk of injury on the road. So in the daytime they visually designate a person, and in the dark they make him visible.

Vests are distinguished by the area of ​​reflective elements and background material. All parameters of signal clothing must comply with GOST. They are divided into 3 classes according to the degree of protection:

  • 1st class - 10 sq. see reflective stripes, has one wide and two narrow stripes. If visibility is poor, their use is ineffective.
  • Grade 2 - 50 sq. see reflective material, 2-3 stripes on each side. This option is the most popular. The bright colors of the fabric used as a background and the optimal number of stripes allow you to see a person in the daytime and at night.
  • Grade 3 - hallmark are the minimum of the background fabric (20 sq. cm) and the maximum of the stripes (4-5 on each side).

Stripes on reflective vests can be arranged in three versions, regardless of which protection class the product belongs to.

Reflective vest material

Basically, vests are sewn from nylon, polyester, diagonal, which are elastic, resistant to pollution, strong, durable, not subject to deformation.

According to state standards The following requirements are imposed on the fabrics that the manufacturer uses for tailoring:

  • the color must be stable, not fade or change under the influence of the sun, water, other liquid during the period of use;
  • the fabric must withstand significant mechanical stress;
  • reflective strips must retain their properties throughout operational period, should not wear out, crack when changing temperatures and high humidity.

The color of signal vests is also limited by the standard. It is allowed to use orange, yellow, red colors, which can be combined with each other. As for accessories, the choice can be any: zipper, Velcro, buttons. Comfortable vests, equipped with contact tapes, allowing you to adjust the size.

Anything can happen on the road, for the sake of your safety it is worth putting a reflective vest in the car, especially since its price will not greatly affect the cost of the mandatory set prescribed by traffic rules.

For 5-7 years I have already been carrying a jacket with me and like a raincoat, and once I needed it in Vladivostok at night, and an accident and a downpour ...

Clearly changed the limited visibility and insufficient. Insufficient visibility is fog, snowfall, smoke, etc. Limited visibility - this is around a bend, around a break in the road, around the corner of a building, etc. At limited visibility a vest won't help. If the object that restricts visibility is considered to be the forcedly stopped car itself (and this, apparently, is being calculated), then it turns out that traffic rules requires you to wear a vest at any time of the day when you have to stop. Then they could not write about the time of day and visibility at all, it would be more honest. And it's an obvious trap.

Something I think that the clarification about the forced installation will be subsequently removed, and it will be possible to fine immediately for getting out of the car at the request of the inspector.

With limited visibility, a vest will not help.

Help, help! There is an opportunity to save at least one - put on a vest.


I think that the right decision about the use of a vest. A lot of cases I personally know when drivers, just when replacing a wheel, died under the wheels of a passing vehicle.

Help, help!

There is an opportunity to save at least one - put on a vest.

What prevented it from being written in the rules? Why was it necessary to invent the condition of limited visibility? Again they come up with puzzles so that the driver thinks what to wear in some cases, and traffic cops and courts in others. I have a vest, it hangs on the back of the driver's seat, but the situation is still annoying that a traffic cop can stop, demand to get out of the car and immediately fined for putting his foot on the ground, but not wearing the vest yet.

How, if the driver is still invisible behind the obstacle?

You can't see
What prevented it from being written in the rules?
If All


"Note. The requirement of the new paragraph applies only to car drivers. That is, passengers will not need reflective clothing."

Well, yes, according to the traffic rules is not necessary.

But in practice, I would advise you to have vests, ideally, for all passengers.

There are various situations so everyone should be visible.

Also, although this does not apply to this topic, in the event of an accident, it is advisable to drop off all passengers and send them behind the bump stop / onto the sidewalk. There are many situations, especially in winter time when in standing after car accident fly in those who did not see the accident in time.

It's a shame we don't get used to it. It is necessary to create laws, for non-compliance with which a fine is imposed.

That is, people buckle up / put on vests not for the sake of safety, but in order not to pay a fine.

Another ambiguity: "In the event of a forced stop of the vehicle or an accident", now we read clause 1.2 - ""Forced stop" - stopping the movement of the vehicle due to its technical failure or the danger created by the cargo being transported, the condition of the driver (passenger) or the appearance of an obstacle on the road. "So, if I just decided to stop, just like that for no reason at all, it turns out that the vest is not needed?

Limited - 100 meters. Is You can't see difference - will they see a person at the IF for 50-100 meters, or for 5-10?

If a person without a vest can be seen for 10 m, and in a vest for 100, this insufficient visibility. Limited visibility is when there is an obstacle, a car drives up to it, and a person comes out from behind the obstacle. When he appears - 100 m before the approaching car or 10 - the will of chance. How can a vest help?

If All write, then TSB will come out in terms of volume, then no one will definitely read the traffic rules, and it won’t fit into the glove compartment.

IN this case turned on superfluous a condition that only confuses drivers (and you too).

So, if I just decided to stop, just like that for no reason at all, it turns out that the vest is not needed?

The inspector, under a plausible pretext, will ask you to turn on the emergency gang, and the violation is ready. To prove that the stop was intentional, and the emergency gang was turned on after, will have to be proven in court.


Clause 2.3.4., which comes into force on March 18, 2018, requires wearing a jacket, vest or cape vest with stripes of retroreflective material at night or in conditions of limited visibility. Thus, under the conditions insufficient visibility(road visibility less than 300 m in conditions of fog, rain, snowfall, etc., as well as at dusk) paragraph 2.3.4 does not require the driver to identify himself in the event of a forced stop or an accident. Apparently, all the same, it meant “at night or in conditions of insufficient visibility” or “at night, in conditions of insufficient or limited visibility”, but it turned out as always.


In which store did you find the price of 100-200 rubles. In Krasnodar, the price already starts at 400 rubles. And this is 3 months before the entry into force of the law.

IN Russian traffic rules V soon will almost certainly appear new item- 2.3.4, which will require that the driver, when stopping the car or outside populated areas at night or with limited visibility, would be required to wear a “jacket, vest or cape vest with stripes of retroreflective material that meets the requirements of GOST”. This is exactly what the draft government decree on the corresponding amendment says. Russian Rules road traffic.

By and large, the legislative initiative is not devoid of logic and practical sense. To what a pedestrian, that a driver who got out of a car is a “target” practically invisible to other drivers. To bring down such a citizen by negligence, simply not noticing in time, is a trifling matter. And in Europe, as many who have traveled along the local highways know, in most countries a bright yellow vest with reflective stripes is just as necessary an attribute of a car configuration as a fire extinguisher, warning triangle, etc. But the most important thing is fines.

In most European countries, either for the lack of such a vest in the car, or for being on the track without this clothing, it is mandatory from the driver, and a decent one. In Belgium, for example, this driver's "sin" is punishable by more than 1,500 euros! We have no doubt that in Russia, following the introduction of “mandatory vests” in the traffic rules, a corresponding article will immediately appear in the Code of Administrative Offenses.

The entire impression of the virtuous pathos of the police initiative is spoiled by a single line in the official press release issued by the department on this occasion. It turns out that "in the first half of 2017 there were 66 cases, which is almost 5% more than the same period last year." For reference: in the same 6 months, there were about 70,000 accidents with victims across the country. For completely different reasons. The police initiative thus covers less than 0.001% of accidents.

Really a bunch of intelligent people in uniform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not find for themselves a more useful occupation for ensuring traffic safety than the fight against one thousandth of all types of accidents? Perhaps this “casket” opens from a completely different side, so to speak. We have already mentioned the draconian fines for drivers in Europe for not wearing a vest. The “charm” of similar penalties in Russia will not be that they will be received by those 66 poor drivers who were hit at night on the highway by other drivers. “Without a vest” will be issued in general to everyone who dared stick their nose out of the car at night. Even those who are used to jumping out from behind the wheel towards the traffic police inspector, who decided to stop their car on the highway to check documents. For the sake of this additional opportunity“Heat up” thousands of drivers, the police “legislators” could well strain, they are happy to.

New project Decree of the government of the Russian Federation on amendments to the traffic rules, according to which it is proposed to supplement the rules with a new clause 2.3.4., prepared by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the prevention of accidents on roads outside settlements at night, comments on the innovation to the AvtoVzglyad portal CEO"AutoSpetsCenter Stolitsa" Alexey Potapov. - Similar ordinance changes in traffic rules was signed by Dmitry Medvedev in 2014, but it concerned mostly pedestrians - at night, a person moving along the road outside locality must have reflective elements on clothing. Since the bill of 2014 was adopted, it is obvious that the innovation of 2017 will be considered and signed in the near future. The fine for non-compliance with traffic rules on the movement of pedestrians at night outside the settlement without reflective inserts on clothing is 500 ₽ It is assumed that the penalties for the new project of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be similar.

Very often on the streets of the city you can see people wearing bright vests with reflective stripes.

As a rule, these are workers of repair enterprises, janitors, drivers public transport, traffic police officers and many others. Such clothes make it possible to notice a person from afar.

Modern enterprises produce different kinds signal vests corresponding to a certain protection class.

Signal vests belong to personal protective equipment, designed to ensure human safety.

They are widely used by various enterprises: road transport, railway, construction, utilities at any time of the day.

Products are in great demand among workers in the mining and logging industries.

Signal clothing is put on employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, police, traffic police. This helps to significantly reduce the risk of injury while working in close proximity to moving vehicles or in conditions of limited visibility (metro, highways, railway crossings).


The most common materials for the manufacture of this type of clothing are the following:

  • Nylon. It is produced with a central fastener of the type of tie, two strips of reflective material are applied. This type of fabric is synthetic, so the product does not lose its original shape and color after repeated washings, it is very light and does not restrict movement. Available in orange and light green.
  • Diagonal. The material retains its original shape and color for a long time when washed due to the main qualities of the fabric - strength, density, a high degree of resistance to mechanical stress. A very long period of operation, clothes from the diagonal do not tear, do not rub. It is not intended for contact with heavily soiled surfaces.
  • . A product made of this material has such advantages as ventilation, absorbency, shape retention, color retention when exposed to household chemicals during washing. All types of cotton fabrics are characterized by susceptibility to severe pollution, so this factor should be taken into account when choosing overalls.

Signal vests are produced in universal sizes, so they fit the figure of any type of worker, freely put on over basic clothing, have no gender differences, and are intended for all-weather use.

Each item Comes with reflective stripes. When rays of light hit them, they return to their original source. It doesn't matter at what angle the light falls. Thanks to the signal light-protective stripes, a person wearing protective clothing is visible at any time of the day from afar. Products are produced bright colors- orange, yellow, light green.

Signal reflective vests differ in certain features of the cut, can be with fasteners on contact tapes, which allows you to adjust their size, or not have them at all, which makes it a little difficult to use, because you have to put it on over your head. Can be fastened with buttons, Velcro, zippers. The presence of false side pockets, or the absence of them, is allowed.

Safety helmets are one of the most common means of impact protection. If you want to know everything about, we have prepared a special review for you.

How to quickly and easily sew work gloves, read this.

And about what kind of skin protection products are, find out from this.

Classification and differences

There are three protection classes for signal vests.. They are needed to determine the feasibility of using this tool in certain situations. Samples of signal vests are presented in this photo:

Highest third class. They are made from fluorescent materials with high density and strength. The reflective tape is positioned so that it is possible to visually determine the human silhouette and its parameters without any problems. In addition to two horizontal ribbons, placed at a distance of five centimeters from each other, there are also vertical stripes on the shoulders.

For signal vest 2 protection classes the quality of the fluorescent fabric is slightly lower, the reflective stripes occupy a smaller area. Their width must be at least five centimeters. The arrangement is horizontal, the distance between the tapes is five centimeters.

The lowest ineffective class, first. The color of clothing, the location of the signal strips rarely meet the established standard, so the product is not a reliable guarantee of human protection.

The larger the area of ​​the signal element on the vest, the higher its protection class.

If work is carried out during the hours of darkness, various conditions, where visibility is poor, the signal clothing of the high class protection - the third.

Particular attention should be paid to the quality of the fabric. When it is low, the vest will lose its properties in a short time due to the destruction of the material during washing. The product ceases to reflect light, the worker will be in constant danger.

The choice is influenced by the cost of clothing, it is different for each class. A product that has low price, will cope with its main purpose for a very short time, after a few washes it will lose its shape, its original color, which will make it unsuitable for further use.

The width of the reflective strips is important, it should be 50 millimeters, otherwise it affects the visibility of the working person. You should also pay attention to the basis of the tape. It is best to choose fabric, it will last a long time, the reflective surface will not deteriorate with repeated washing or dry cleaning.

The color of the fabric must be resistant to various climatic conditions. This is sunburn, washout from exposure to water or snow. The fading of the fluorescent shade significantly reduces the level of protection.


Safety vests need careful maintenance, because their operation is carried out in the open air with constant contact with various pollution. Depending on the types of fabric, appropriate household chemicals are used when washing.

Besides, certain care rules must be followed for products made of synthetic, cotton and other materials used in the tailoring of overalls.