What snowmobiles are best for hunting. How to choose a snowmobile? We buy a "winter horse"! Snowmobile for extreme driving

Nanuk (young reindeer herder), Buran SB4A, Khatanga, 1999

Snowmobile - a mechanical vehicle designed to move on snow. In the Soviet Union and Russia, the term “motornarts” was common for a long time, which is still often found in various official documents. In the article, for simplicity, we will use the term - snowmobile.

Huge selection

There are so many snowmobiles on the snowmobile market right now that it's easy for a beginner to get confused. We need a little "education". That is the real guide. Its task is to show the main possibilities of snowmobile leisure and help you in the difficult question of choosing not only the snowmobile itself, but also equipment, accessories, services, etc.

It is impossible to foresee all aspects and subtleties. Especially when all manufacturers are constantly improving their products and offering new ones. So this guide will not replace your sales assistant. But it will allow you to narrow your search parameters as much as possible, save time and correctly set the task for sellers - experienced snowmobilers from Rybinsk.

For a true seller, the best reward is a satisfied customer. It is especially nice when customers, after months, having had time to fully enjoy the snowmobile, say words of gratitude. There is also a commercial sense in this - a satisfied buyer will recommend a good seller to his friends.

What are

Snowmobiles are divided into 5 groups:
  • sports,
  • mountain,
  • tourist,
  • utilitarian,
  • children's.

Sports snowmobiles

Polaris 600RUSH

Yamaha RX1 MTX

The elements of these snowmobiles are smooth and rolled tracks, the icy surface of lakes. Sports snowmobiles are not burdened with an electric starter and reverse gear (options). They are very difficult to make their way in the forest, and indeed to go through deep snow. And do not forget that these are single-seat snowmobiles.

Powerful and torquey engine, speed up to 200 km/h, energy-intensive suspension, low weight.

Poor flotation in deep snow (due to short track: 121 inches = 3073 mm).

mountain snowmobiles

Polaris 800 DRAGON RMK 163

Arctic Cat M1000

Designed for rough terrain in deep snow. Like sports, mountain snowmobiles have one seat. Engines from 600 to 1000 cm³, long tracks with large hooks - this is what makes the snowmobile good flotation. It must be remembered that there will be good cross-country ability only when the pilot actively helps the snowmobile.

Good cross, strong suspension.

Touring snowmobiles

Arctic Cat T570

Yamaha RS Venture TF

Comfortable driving on packed trails and shallow snow. These snowmobiles come in many varieties, from models with a 380cc engine to minimum set options up to 800 cc "limousines". These are double cars that carry you and your passenger with ease.

Comfortable long distance travel.

Very large weight and dimensions, in connection with which the cross-country ability suffers greatly and sometimes it is very difficult to pull out these "behemoths".

Utility snowmobiles (widetrucks)

Yamaha Viking 540E

Arctic Cat Bearcat 570LT

Champions in cross-country ability on the plain. A distinctive feature is a wide caterpillar, a large number of luggage compartments. When driving through the forest, these snowmobiles are unmatched. In a word, tanks. Equipped with a towbar and can pull up to 500 kg of cargo. The maximum speed is about 120 km / h.

Permeability exceeds the wildest expectations.

Size and weight.

Children's snowmobiles

Polaris 120 DRAGON

Arctic Cat ZR 120

Designed for schoolchildren, children aged 9-12 years.

How to choose

If it is reasonable to approach the choice of a snowmobile, then you need to understand:

  1. Purpose (what you are buying the snowmobile for).
  2. Operating conditions ( weather, location, distance from service centers).
  3. Last but not least: power, brand, color, beauty, etc.


Snowmobiles are bought for:

  • work;
  • recreation: hunting, fishing or "pokatushki";
  • sports;
  • to be (the neighbor is so "cool", and I'm worse).

It's okay if you need a snowmobile for hunting, “rides” and work at the same time - we will pick it up.


The choice of snowmobile also depends on the area in which you live. The Western region of the country is characterized by a small amount of snow (usually up to a meter) and it is possible to ride on all types of snowmobiles.

If you are not attracted to driving in deep snow, "punching" in the forest, but you like to drive along winding tracks with friends, then your choice is definitely sport snowmobile. There are also modifications of "sports" with a caterpillar extended to 136 inches. For example, for the Moscow region, this is a good option, and the cross-country ability of such a snowmobile will be “on the level”. If you prefer active driving in the deep forest, and at the same time you need good speed, you need to take a mountain bike. The main thing is not to overdo it with the length of the caterpillar.

For Moscow, St. Petersburg and the like, a caterpillar longer than 144 inches (3658 mm) is completely unnecessary. There is such a rule: the longer the caterpillar, the better the patency, the worse the handling and the more weight. And vice versa. If your age does not allow you to drive actively and you do not need a speed of more than 120, but you want to drive on snowy off-road, you need to take a wide truck.

Here, in comparison with the mountain, there is one indisputable plus - you can go skiing with your family. When choosing a utility vehicle, they usually look at the engine and front suspension. Engines go from 550cc (air-cooled, 2-stroke) to liter four-strokes. The front suspension can be linkage or telescopic.

The advantage of the lever is better controllability, while the telescopic one is difficult to damage on hemp and other obstacles.

"Telescopes" are usually taken by hunters.

There are also so-called super wide trucks, their caterpillar is even wider. In our opinion, this is overkill. With a very wide track, handling suffers, and cross-country ability is not particularly added.

Most snowmobilers who ride in deep snow will agree. Touring snowmobiles, as a rule, are bought by people who do not go far from home. A snowmobile is used to unwind in the surrounding fields or go on a picnic. Often the “tourist” is the first machine that starts with the development of a snowmobile, experience, preferences appear, and this snowmobile is changed to something more suitable. In general, these are good family cars providing a high level of comfort for both pilot and passenger.

And here's another. When you have already more or less decided on the type of snowmobile, the choice narrowed. Usually the choice is between a sports and mountain snowmobile and between a "tourist" and a utility snowmobile. The first two are for aggressive driving without a passenger, and the choice is made depending on the amount of snow cover. Everything is simple here. And now about the "second deuce".

A more rational choice is to buy a snowmobile with a wide track (utilitarian). It can be driven by two, you can easily move through deep snow. Minus - a small maximum speed. Yes, even that is debatable. Many widetrucks provide sufficient speed and comfort for both pilot and passenger. They used to be “oak”, but now every year the level of comfort is growing, and the speed is already exceeding 100 km / h.

A little about tourist snowmobiles. The more powerful the engine, the steeper the snowmobile. Moreover, the level of equipment depends on the engine power. If we take it, then it’s 800 cubes. Remember that it’s hard to move on all “tourists” in deep snow, it’s very easy to “plant” them, but it’s very difficult to pull them out - too heavy. But if your friend has a wide truck, the problem seems to disappear.

All of the above is suitable for the Western region, while in Siberia, the Urals or the Far East, only mountain and work snowmobiles can be used due to heavy snow. We think everything is clear here. If you like adrenaline - take the “gornik”. I like more balanced riding - a utilitarian snowmobile. Fishermen and hunters generally have nothing to think about - for them only "utilities".

Storage and transportation

If you bought a snowmobile, then you will face the question of where and how to store it, as well as how to bring the snowmobile to the forests and rivers of our endless homeland. Agree, if you are a resident of the city and get to the forest 100-300 km, you will not ride a snowmobile around the city. You need a trailer to transport your snow horse to the place. The trailer is also convenient for storing a snowmobile in paid parking lots. But and those who have garages, then in the summer you can store it there, and rent a trailer or from a friend.

Prices and manufacturers

Naturally, you need to decide on a budget. Do not be afraid to make a mistake - this is just an initial estimate that will help the seller. If it’s really difficult, then think - more than what amount you will definitely be sorry to spend on a snowmobile.

There are currently seven independent snowmobile manufacturers in the world:

  • Alpina Snowmobiles - Italy;
  • Arctic Cat - USA;
  • Bombardier (BRP) - Canada, Finland;
  • Polaris Industries - USA;
  • Yamaha Motor Corporation - Japan;
  • JSC "Russian Mechanics" (Rybinsk) - Russia;
  • OJSC UMPO (UFA) - Russia (no longer produced).

Each manufacturer offers their snowmobiles with a different set of standard options, and the number of options included may vary. Here you should rely on your taste, recommendations of sellers and reviews of other owners. When choosing, also consider the time warranty service and availability of the nearest service center.

A little about Russian technology

Winter and work

Indeed, these two unique Russian concepts are winter and work, because everyone else not only has a slightly different winter, but they also work differently ... We can say this as people who have traveled all over the North and the Arctic.

Therefore, people for whom a snowmobile is a way to earn money often choose exactly domestic equipment. Among them are geologists, professional hunters and other people for whom it is important to move inexpensively in any weather from point A to point B and transport N kilograms of cargo. Simplicity, reliability and endurance are valued here. And a very important point is the price. Of course, not everyone buys snowmobiles for work, for many it is a kind of outlet, favorite pastime or entertainment. Among such people, unfortunately, it is rare to meet the owner of a Russian snowmobile - well, our motor industry does not pull at all for snowmobiles to be at least with a minimum level of comfort. All "Taiga", "Burana", "Lynx" are purely utilitarian products and are not intended for entertainment. But a rare imported snowmobile can be repaired on the spot.

New or used

Americans and Canadians are not fools, they sell, as a rule, snowmobiles, from which everything that is possible is squeezed out.

Often, buyers are faced with a choice: to take a used imported, new domestic or new imported snowmobile. Buying a used imported one, you are buying a pig in a poke. It is not known how the previous owner treated him. Could kill, not run in, and then competently conduct pre-sale preparation and sell it to you ... And if you could handle it carefully - then you were lucky. When buying a new domestic snowmobile, you, oddly enough, also buy a pig in a poke. All the owners of our snowmobiles will confirm that from the gates of the workshops Russian factories come out completely different cars. You can leave for several years without problems, or childhood illnesses can begin after a hundred kilometers. But there is a guarantee and it is easy to buy spare parts. The ideal option is to buy a used imported snowmobile from a friend who will not hide anything, or from a good dealer who will be in charge of the snowmobile. If you buy "by hand", then be sure to take a friend with you who is well versed in technology and knows how everything should be.

If there is very little money and only enough for used Russian snowmobile, then get ready for three options. Either the snowmobile was with an experienced owner and had been ill with “childhood” diseases and is unlikely to break down soon, or the previous owner “killed” the equipment and is trying to sell it profitably. Well, and the third - the snowmobile changes to something cooler. It's possible he'll be fine.

When buying a used snowmobile, take an experienced friend with you who will always help with advice and do not go for cheap prices.


In order for your snowmobile to serve for a long time, it will not be superfluous to follow the safety rules. And we urge you not to take this lightly, because they say not for nothing that safety instructions are written with the blood of stupid, presumptuous. Some snowmobiles reach speeds of 200 km/h. Imagine what will happen in a collision with a tree or an ice hummock.


Now you know that a snowmobile should not only please you, family, friends and envy your neighbors, but also perform its tasks perfectly and be as safe as possible.

The wealth of choice is simply amazing. Huge monsters and kids designed for teenagers, sports models and models for tourists, a huge number of options and just additional equipment, a variety of colors and shapes - all this is not only pleasing to the eye and amazing, but also quite difficult to make the right choice.

Perhaps not many salons can boast of having a large number of different snowmobiles in the hall. However, if you decide to visit such a salon, be sure to decide for yourself what kind of snowmobile you need and why. First of all, decide on the purpose, then decide what engine power and number of seats you need, and only then decide on the manufacturer.

We do not want to say that the manufacturer does not affect the quality and convenience of using a snowmobile in any way, but still this is not primary, but how well you choose a model, how well your future snowmobile fits the tasks that you plan to perform with it.

Do not hesitate to pester the seller with questions, and even better - give him as much information as possible about how you see the use of a snowmobile in work and leisure - together you will definitely make the right choice, however, in order for the professional to understand what you want to get, you should be as accurate as possible.

Rating of utility and sport snowmobiles

A snowmobile is a mini-vehicle designed to ride on snow. This technique is divided into five separate types, which I will talk about today. Among themselves, they differ in the number of seats, comfort, size, speed parameters, and cross-country ability. The key measure that determines the class is the dimensions of the leading caterpillar. The larger it is, the less risk of getting bogged down in the snow.

utility snowmobiles

That's what you can call a utilitarian snowmobile (widetruck). These models are popular, become reliable helpers in everyday life, demonstrate high endurance and are suitable for difficult tasks. The utilitarian will take out the passenger with luggage, loaded to the eyeballs with a sled (max 500 kg), for which a high-torque motor, a tow bar and even a reduction gear are provided.

When choosing, evaluate the patency. Excellent parameters provide wide and long tracks that will not fall into deep snow captivity. However, if the utilitarian itself gets stuck, only the same hardy fellow can pull it out. In general, an option for fishermen, hunters, villagers. Look at great models from brands Yamaha, Buran, Taiga.

Maximum comfort

Tourist snowmobiles boldly belong to this group. They are designed for family outings and are as comfortable as possible due to a variety of devices. Cars are not without compartments for transporting goods, as a rule, they have a massive windshield and adjustable suspension.

Tourists have smaller caterpillars. Compared to utilitarians, they can get stuck in the deepest snowdrift. This technique is designed for riding on mountain climbs and shallow paths. Good tourists offer polaris,Irbis.

Sports snowmobiles

The element of sports snowmobiles is rolled, flat tracks. These machines are aimed at developing top speed, therefore, they have lightweight alloy frames, respectively, low weight. There is only one seat for the pilot, there is no reverse gear and no electric starter.

The fastest samples reach speeds of up to 200 km / h, maneuverable, but do not like even shallow snow. Option for extreme sportsmen and riders. good cars is in the Polaris line.


These comrades are made for an aggressive environment. High cross-country ability is ensured by a long caterpillar with hooks. Mountain snowmobiles successfully conquer steep heights, which is inaccessible even to an advanced utilitarian. However, the long base impairs handling. Active tacking requires energetic body movements.

Nuances of choice

In addition to the dimensions of the caterpillar, it is worth considering other technical characteristics.

The main ones include:

  • front suspension type– the suspension can be lever and telescopic. The second type is shock-resistant and the most reliable, ideal for driving through the forest. Only a serious accident can break it. Lever - more comfortable to drive, ideal for special roads and open areas;
  • motor- manufacturers offer four-stroke water-cooled or two-stroke air-cooled engines. In terms of power, air 2-stroke engines are in the lead, and in winter they do not get sick from overheating. If we talk about 4-stroke engines, they are more environmentally friendly and provide a longer working resource. By volume, it can be 125-1500 cubes;
  • box- Machines run on automatic boxes variable type. Infinitely variable transmission allows maximum concentration on control. The most powerful comrades have a reduction gear and reverse. This facilitates turns in the forest, transportation of goods, overcoming deep snow.
  • Yamaha (Yamaha)- powerful Japanese brand manufactures a variety of motorcycles. The quality is consistently above average. The technique invariably demonstrates excellent cross-country ability and high speed. You can choose a sports or utilitarian device, but each of them will have strong engine. Another distinguishing feature is lightness, which is achieved thanks to cutting-edge alloys;
  • Buran, Taiga- these machines are made by Russian Mechanics OJSC. Snowmobiles give out a very pleasant compromise "price-quality". In Russia, this technique is popular due to its enviable cross-country ability, powerful transportation of goods up to 500 kg. Another nice side is easy repairs, an abundance of inexpensive spare parts. Real reliable utilities;
  • Polaris- unlike cheap household appliances, here the brand gives out stably high quality. The manufacturer monitors the reliability of materials and the relevance of technology. These cars easily enter any turns, are often equipped with adjustable suspension, and are well controlled. There are utility, touring and sport models;
  • IRBIS- these are Chinese snowmobiles with quite decent quality. All models from this family are made on the basis of aluminum alloys, steel and plastic. By design, they are sturdy and undergo mandatory testing before entering the market. Separate components from this brand are used in cars from Russian mechanics.

Russian-made snowmobiles Buran

Russian-made snowmobile from the Buran A lineup

Snowmobile Buran A is the basic model, put on a shortened frame. Despite this, such a “baby” gives out excellent cross-country ability and is able to tow loads of a rather large mass. The machine runs successfully low temperatures and generally unpretentious to the quality of fuel and weather conditions.

Model feature - unique design. It is built on one swivel ski and two rear tracks.. This solution has repeatedly shown its effectiveness in operation. The machine is not afraid of snags, stumps, bushes, branches, which can cause damage to the chassis. Two tracks provide high permeability, making the snowmobile Buran A a real all-terrain vehicle.

The last point that I want to focus on - maneuverability. This is a key aspect with which this machine is doing well.. The short longitudinal base of the equipment, coupled with one swivel ski, helps to maneuver in the most cramped conditions. Thanks to the high ground clearance and the upgraded frame, you can ride in deep snow and easily remove clogged clods from under the rollers. Price - from 229 tr.


  • reliable in operation;
  • will start even in minus 40 degrees;
  • unpretentious;
  • eats any fuel;
  • a great car for those who are alien to show-off and need a workhorse for their tasks and conditions.


  • no maximum comfort;
  • the dashboard is equipped only with a speedometer;
  • ice and sleet will still have to be picked off.

Economical snowmobile Buran 4TD

Another car from the legendary manufacturer Russian Mechanics first saw the light in 2014 and has not lost momentum in sales since then. In this modified version a durable and economical four-pin power unit is used. Another development is a unique "Buranovsky" construct: two tracks and one swivel ski.

The snowmobile Burane 4TD has a new injection Kohler engine developing 29 hp. (previously, the maximum reached only 27 hp). At the same time, the manufacturer managed to reduce fuel consumption - the snowmobile eats 15% less than the younger models. The exhaust system has been slightly corrected, the muffler mount has moved to the frame, the pipe has been modified. As a result, you can count not only on fuel efficiency, but also on comfort. This Russian snowmobile has a price of 285 tr.


  • reduced vibration and noise arising from the operation of the power plant;
  • works great in cold weather;
  • strong engine;
  • high permeability;
  • low fuel consumption.


  • weak double chain.

Yamaha snowmobiles

Snowmobile Yamaha Bravo 250T

Yamaha works on very powerful engine and therefore perfect for hard work. This is a utility model with a simple but reliable design. Such equipment will pass even in the most difficult places, even with a trailer. A small mass and wide tracks work for this.

Externally, the snowmobile looks somewhat angular, the design has not changed since 1992. This is what makes the car recognizable. In addition, the unchanged design has repeatedly demonstrated high quality and efficiency. In fact, a very simple design is presented here: the strongest steel frame, a two-stroke unit, a manual starter, a suspension on semi-elliptical springs.

The dashboard of the Yamaha Bravo 250 T is equipped with an odometer and a speedometer. The car has no reverse gear. But, thanks to the small mass, you can take hold of the trunk guard or tubular "handrail" and rearrange the snowmobile manually. The steering wheel has a brake lever, it is used as a parking brake and is fixed with a latch. The price of a Japanese is from 300 tr.


  • the suspension copes well with the unevenness of the road;
  • you can drive between trees and snow mounds;
  • does not fall when driving on snow;
  • reliable motor, the snowmobile just jumps uphill;
  • comfort;
  • wind protection;


  • due to the light weight when cornering, the car feels less confident and may collapse;
  • no reverse.

Best utility snowmobile Yamaha Viking 540 IV Limited

Another Japanese deserves special attention. This model can be called one of the most successful developments of Yamaha Corporation.. The machine gives high traction characteristics and stable quality. The snowmobile is perfectly controlled, the launch is carried out manually.

Under plastic body kit labors two-cylinder two-pin power unit developing 46 hp. At the same time, the Yamaha Viking 540 is economical and does not lose power parameters. With wide skis and adjustable rear suspension, you can count on high flotation and the ability to customize the snowmobile for any conditions. In addition, the machine has a reduced weight. Price - from 400 tr.


  • the Japanese has a very reliable engine;
  • the snowmobile drags even large loads;
  • soft ride due to improved rear suspension;
  • roomy trunk;
  • powerful;
  • the engine starts easily even in minus;
  • comfortable.


  • small fuel tank (only 31 liters).

Russian-made snowmobiles model range Taiga

Sports snowmobile Taiga Patrul 800 SWT

Taiga snowmobiles are produced by the Russian Mechanics brand. The new 800 SWT has been in development for about two years. The result was a fundamentally new car with a modernized Chinese engine and individual parameters of the power plant. Now the car has a powerful engine and improved driving performance.

The snowmobile was based on a standard platform, characteristic of more early models series. But there are significant differences here. The equipment has increased in mass, but due to the upgraded motor, it can confidently move along snowy roads. Plus, the manufacturer managed to reduce fuel consumption by an order of magnitude.

The management system is also well developed. There is a modern control unit with a number of additional functions. There was a heated steering wheel and a new start system. Price - from 465 tr.


  • solid assembly;
  • the motor is adapted to our winter;
  • good traction, calmly drags 500 kg;
  • glides through snowdrifts and fresh snow very well.


  • a snowmobile cannot be accelerated to the highest speed, and it will not fly up a steep hill. On the slopes, it is inferior to competitors;
  • possible overheating of the engine.

Balanced snowmobile Taiga Varyag 550

This is a utilitarian multi-purpose machine from the Rybinsk manufacturer Russian Mechanics. It belongs to the WideTrack class. Main feature this sample is an excellent balance. The snowmobile has a low center of gravity, which ensures that the drive axle is perfectly aligned with the common center of mass. I note that the youngest models had difficulties with operation under high loads, here these problems are eliminated.

The snowmobile Taiga Varyag 550 has a two-level seat with a removable backrest. There are also special handles, heating of the gas trigger and steering wheel, tow bar. The brake is hydraulic. Taiga Varyag 550 is characterized by pretty decent traction parameters. The machine will cope with almost any slide and with any load. You can safely take this horse for hunting and fishing, it will safely get to any hard-to-reach places. The engine develops 50 hp, the rear suspension is reinforced. Price - from 320 tr.


  • frisky acceleration;
  • perfectly stabilized;
  • powerful power unit;
  • convenient management;
  • comfort.


Polaris snowmobiles

Snowmobile Polaris WIDETRAK LX white

Polaris presented utility snowmobile with a wide track and a powerful power unit. Under this brand, the equipment is offered by the well-known American manufacturer. The unit belongs to the WideTrackLX line. This machine will appeal to those looking for a simple workhorse with a high level of reliability.

A special chassis design is implemented here, which helps to move without problems even in deep snow and is suitable for heavy work. Snowmobile can handle large loads and will be great for travel.

I note that this is one of the most popular models in the Polaris line. It differs from other modifications in a different driver's seat. The Polaris WIDETRAK LX white is not a speed machine, but the traction is really impressive. You can use the device for daily hard work, which is facilitated by the design of the classic all-terrain vehicle with a wide track. The manufacturer guarantees the reliability and high quality of the units. The snowmobile is agile and obediently obeys the driver's commands. Price - from 550 tr.


  • the car does not drive, but floats in deep snow;
  • able to quickly brake in case of an unexpected stop;
  • heated handlebars;
  • comfort;
  • large trunk;
  • powerful two-stroke gasoline engine for 85 horses;
  • starts in frost;
  • cooling will protect against overheating;
  • bearable expense.


  • weak suspension.

Powerful snowmobile Polaris 800 Titan Adventure 155 1.8

This is a completely new model presented in 2018. According to the manufacturer, this is the most extreme crossover in its niche. First of all, for this works 795-cc engine for 160 horses and a wide caterpillar of 50 cm. Well, this is no longer the easiest utility vehicle, the car behaves well outside the run-in tracks.

The box has a proprietary clutch It is from a leading Canadian manufacturer. This works for fast movement and the ability to get out of even the deepest snow. At the same time, good grip and stability are fully ensured. The Polaris snowmobile is equipped with a 55-liter tank and can tow up to 544 kg of cargo.. Particular attention should be paid to the cooling system, which successfully copes with its functions. Price - from 1032 tr.


  • balanced chassis;
  • handle heating;
  • hardy sports and extreme utilitarian snowmobile;
  • performs well on any snow;
  • practical;
  • dynamic;
  • comfortable.


  • high price.

Irbis utility snowmobiles

Snowmobile Irbis Dingo T150

This model is prominent representative the third generation of convenient and compact collapsible equipment. The design of the snowmobile was carried out by Russian design engineers. Here more powerful power point . Compared with the younger models, a four-stroke appeared gasoline engine which will not overheat due to forced air cooling.

To increase the cross-country ability, the engineers lengthened the track. now this reinforced rubber-fabric tape is 2626 mm. In addition, the lugs have been enlarged and the suspension has become more perfect. This is a roller-slip type assembly with two shock absorbers.

The Irbis Dingo T150 snowmobile has an electric starter, but if necessary, you can start the machine manually. Despite the small dimensions, the device can transport weight up to 150 kg. This makes the model a good helper in various farms. Price - from 250 tr.


  • excellent ergonomics;
  • simple and convenient management;
  • landing comfort;
  • handle heating;
  • drags loads up to 150 kg without changing the dynamics;
  • economical fuel consumption.


  • the windshield is somewhat unsuccessfully installed, it practically does not protect against cold air flow;
  • not so comfortable when riding with a passenger.

Snowmobile - towing vehicle IRBIS Mukhtar 7

This is a motorized towing vehicle with a collapsible design. It is disassembled and assembled in just 10 minutes without the use of special tools. inside works engine for 212 cubic meters and a capacity of 7.5 horses. Overheating protection is provided by forced air cooling. By the way, the Chinese engine from Lifan.

The length of the caterpillar IRBIS Mukhtar 7 is 2222 mm, width 500 mm. There are lugs with a height of 17.5 mm. A quite decent roller-sklizska suspension has been implemented. Spare drive belt included. Headlight - led headlight. Price - from 45.5 tr.


  • convenient and compact;
  • works great both in summer and winter;
  • modular design with the simplest assembly;
  • easy transportation in the trunk of a car;
  • transports loads up to 200 kg;
  • possibility of connection with the ski module;
  • equipped with a variator, a simplified roller suspension.


  • not for extreme conditions, a simple workhorse.

Professional tips for choosing a snowmobile are shown in the video:

First, let's figure out what "utility snowmobile" means. This term applies to a very large number of models. Distinctive features of equipment of such a plan are resistance to active operation, that is, work under serious loads. Utility snowmobiles will drag bulky sleds and start up in any frost. The owners of such equipment rarely pay attention to the maximum speed, acceleration characteristics, comfort of the car or the presence of any additional ergonomic accessories.

As for the moments of maintainability and reliability, there are very serious requirements here than for the same ATVs, cars or any other motor vehicles, because snow cover, severe frost or short daylight hours can easily turn a small malfunction into a tragedy with human casualties. A walking person overcomes deep snow in a day, while special equipment goes the same way in just half an hour - this is what a utilitarian snowmobile means. The owners of the "scraps" are rangers, oil workers, reindeer herders, gas workers, as well as other people who cannot be called amateurs.

Below will be a rating of utility snowmobiles, the participants of which are popular and high-quality equipment in many respects. All models from the list are united by one main feature- They are the best. In addition, numerous tests (not only field tests) and a large number of awards at thematic exhibitions confirm the right to take pride of place in this rating. Also with this list we will answer the question of which utility snowmobile to choose.

  1. Yamaha VK540 IV.
  2. Arctic Cat Bearcat 2000XT.
  3. "Taiga Varyag 500".

Let's consider each model in more detail.

Yamaha VK540 IV - 575,000 rubles.

The Yamaha VK540 IV is the best utility snowmobile available today. Looking at the reports on market sales, we can say that the model is in the top and is in high demand. There are many reasons for this success, and in the first place are proven performance characteristics in a wide variety of conditions.

The model has a high-quality and reliable 535-cc two-stroke engine. The system is air-cooled and powered by a Mikuni carburetor. The engine is very easy and, most importantly, starts quickly in cold weather, both from a cable understudy and from a familiar electric starter.

Snowmobile Features

The 540 can also be dubbed as the most reliable utility sled, thanks to its well-engineered drivetrain with reverse and you can easily turn around in a tight spot or pull a sled with a decent load for several hours.

Advantages of the model:

  • simplicity of design, which means good maintainability;
  • the engine has high reliability and is unpretentious in operation;
  • the widest dealer network in our territory, coupled with a large number of service centers;
  • ergonomic long-travel suspension.

The disadvantage of the series is that the equipment is too poor: the absence of many important sensors, such as a tachometer and cylinder temperature, while competing utility snowmobiles are equipped with this.

Reviews about the model are entirely positive. Hunters and fishermen speak especially warmly about the Yamaha equipment. They appreciated the simplicity and reliability of the design, as well as the availability of spare parts. There were no critical comments from the owners.

Arctic Cat Bearcat 2000 XT - 795,000 rubles.

Utility even in the basic configuration are equipped, as they say, to the eyeballs. Take the same engine: an air-cooled unit with a volume of 565 cubic meters has two Mikuni carburetors, and with 34 mm diffusers. Thanks to this, the motor has not only enviable traction, but also eliminates any kind of "choke" on high revs.

In addition, the model is equipped with an overall cargo area at the rear of the car, which can be further enlarged by dismantling the passenger seat. Even if this is not enough, then there is always the opportunity to attach a sled - everything you need ( hitch) is already included in the basic configuration.

Distinctive features of the model

It would also be useful to note that the utility snowmobiles of this series have an enviable gas tank volume, about 65 liters. Therefore, a long journey will not present any surprises with a lack of fuel.

Main advantages:

  • convenient and intuitive control;
  • chic basic equipment of the model;
  • long travel suspensions;
  • roomy platform.

Disadvantages of the model:

  • the design is too complicated for this kind of equipment (difficult repair on the road);
  • high price.

The owners leave only positive feedback on the 2000 series. Literally all hunters and climbers admire the capacity of the tank and the duration of the trips. Users also note the reliability of the design, despite the difficulties of repairing “on the knee”.

"Taiga Varyag 500" - 280,000 rubles.

Utility snowmobiles of the Rybinsk plant remain the most inexpensive equipment of this kind. The Taiga engine has a two-stroke unit of the cube model) and is equipped with a Mikuni carburetor.

The car does not have enviable capacities, like previous respondents, only 43 hp. with., therefore, to ensure proper dynamics, the engineers had to significantly lighten the weight of the entire structure. You end up with a 265 kilogram snowmobile.

Advantages and disadvantages of the model

And although the dynamics were clearly improved with weight loss, the car lost the electric starter: starting the engine is only in manual mode. As for the transmission, the Varyags were equipped with a classic variator with a mechanical reverse and steps. The design turned out to be very simple, and this automatically added reliability to the snowmobile.

Advantages of Varyag:

  • price;
  • foreign components from Mikuni and Ducati Energia (carburetor and ignition);
  • good cross-country ability due to a well-arranged 500 mm track.

Disadvantages of the model:

  • short suspension;
  • build quality leaves much to be desired.

Judging by the reviews of the model, the domestic consumer chooses Taiga primarily because of the relatively low price. Satisfy the owners and running characteristics of the snowmobile. But the fly in the ointment in our cars was and remains the build quality.

A huge range of models is presented on the Russian snowmobile market. You can purchase from inexpensive domestic devices to professional sports cars from leading manufacturers - it all depends on the requirements and capabilities of the future owner.

Our review presents the best snowmobiles that have gained popularity in the market, are deservedly in demand, and have proven themselves in everyday use. For hunting and fishing, long-distance travel and skating through the forest, participation in competitions, and even for children, there are models for every taste in the rating.

The best utility snowmobiles

These machines have large capacity luggage compartment, designed, as a rule, for two and are capable of towing a loaded trailer sled. These models are great for hunting and fishing, and under the right conditions can be very useful in everyday use.

5 Lynx 59 Yeti 600 ACE

Excellent cross
Country: Canada
Average price: 985,000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Incorporating customer feedback into the design process of the Lynx 59 Yeti 600 ACE snowmobile has helped the Canadian manufacturer obtain one of the best, most affordable models of any similar utility snowmobile. Particular attention is paid to ergonomics, which contributes to an increase in the level of comfort during walks:

  • High windshield;
  • Heated steering wheel and passenger grips;
  • Storage compartment under the seat;
  • Towbar for sled;
  • Anti-glare electronic panel management.

The Lynx 59 Yeti 600 ACE undercarriage passed the factory and real world tests before the sled went on sale. Thanks to the energy-intensive suspension, the owner can count on the fastest, most comfortable and safest ride. Ease of operation and the ability to overcome any obstacles (under the force of small fallen trees in the forest, areas with deep loose snow and even mountain slopes) are the best feature of this model. Reliable 4- stroke engine with a liquid cooling system guarantees a fast ride even under high loads.


The most versatile utility
Country: USA
Average price: 602,000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The Polaris WIDETRAK LX from the USA was recognized as the best utility snowmobile. The machine is equipped with a powerful engine and wide tracks. It's built for the toughest jobs. Motor vehicles can move along mountain slopes with deep snow, tow a trailer with luggage, maneuver from the forest. The chassis design is particularly durable and reliable. 488 cc two-cylinder Fuji engine cm develops a power of 85 liters. With. It launches easily hard frost, and thanks to the liquid cooling system does not overheat when long-term operation at high speeds. At the same time, the machine is simple in device, repairs can be handled even on the road.

The utility snowmobile Polaris WIDETRAK LX has proven itself in the harsh Russian climate. Owners speak flatteringly about handling, reliability and power. The technique is comfortable and simple. Users call the negative features of the model a high gas mileage and difficulties in purchasing spare parts.

3 Buran AE

Best price
Country Russia
Average price: 285,000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The most affordable Russian snowmobile in our review is the Buran AE model. Despite the affordable cost, motor vehicles have modern design, easy access to the engine compartment. The manufacturer used molded plastic that is resistant to frost and shock. For comfortable starting, an electric starter is provided. The machine is equipped with a 635 cc 2-stroke engine. see He is able to give out 34 liters. With. The power unit is cooled by a stream of cold air masses. The snow all-terrain vehicle has a short frame and a design scheme that includes one ski and two tracks. This arrangement makes it easy to maneuver in the forest even for beginners. The technique requires minimal care, the model is so easy to repair that you can fix the malfunction in the field.

Many owners call Buran AE the best snowmobile for walking. The model is affordable, unpretentious, reliable and maintainable. Disadvantages include instability, good appetite, low level comfort.

2 TAYGA Patrul 800 SWT

Best utility snowmobile
Country Russia
Average price: 509,000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The domestic snowmobile TAYGA Patrul 800 SWT on a utilitarian platform is considered among hunters and fishermen a real hard worker. At the same time, motor vehicles are able to provide a decent level of comfort and pull a trailer weighing more than 500 kg. For convenience in long journey the designers have finalized the driver's and passenger's seat, making it two-level with a removable backrest. The new steering block provides for heating of the gas trigger and handles. Powerful motor (60 hp) with a volume of 800 cubic meters. cm is equipped with a double-circuit liquid cooled. It was possible to achieve economical consumption thanks to the introduction of an injection system for supplying gasoline. One refueling tank (55 l) is enough for 250 km.

Users are generally satisfied with the performance of the Russian snowmobile. Of the advantages, a solid assembly and stylish design, high-torque power and easy start in severe frost stand out. The disadvantages include overheating of the engine under heavy loads.

The best snowmobile manufacturers

  • Yamaha is the most famous Japanese manufacturer, which has been operating since 1955. The assortment includes snowmobiles, motorcycles and other equipment with engines;
  • Arctic Cat is a leader in the US. The firm has been operating since 1951;
  • Our Scandinavian neighbors from the Finnish company Lynx specialize in the production of tracked vehicles narrow focus;
  • Another American manufacturer is widely represented in the domestic market. This is Polaris Industries, which has been operating since 1954;
  • Ski-Doo is a well-known Canadian brand of BRP Corporation, founded in 1942. The company produces excellent snowmobiles for different categories of users;
  • Reliable snowmobiles are produced by some Russian companies. Powerful hardy machines are produced under the brand name "Taiga", the owners speak well of the "Burans" and "Vikings". Quick-dismountable and compact motorcycles are made by the Moscow region manufacturer Irbis.

1 Arctic Cat Bearcat 2000 XT

Most spacious snowmobile
Country: USA
Average price: 779,000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

One of the best models in the range of the company, the utilitarian Arctic Cat Bearcat 2000 XT is made in the original design of heavy-duty composites that are resistant to maximum temperature changes. Thanks to in-house developments and the new Articulating technology, the performance of the running gear has been significantly improved. It is possible to adjust the operating mode of the rear suspension for any conditions: snow, straight knurled track, relief terrain or sand. Proven to be the most efficient, the AWS VII Arctic Cat system gives the snowmobile the best handling and maneuverability, whether in the woods, flats or mountain slopes.

Among other things, the Arctic Cat Bearcat 2000 XT has other additional functions for more ease of use. So, the reverse gear is activated by pressing one button, and the fuel level indicator is displayed on the dashboard. The proper level of comfort is provided by a high windshield and heated steering handles. This model is great for fishing or hunting trips - it has a roomy glove compartment and a cargo trunk. If necessary, the rail mechanism makes it easy to remove the passenger seat, or add an extra third.

Best touring snowmobiles

Improved comfort suspension, seats and handlebars heated, high windshield These snowmobiles are perfect for long trips. Despite the fact that the cross-country ability of these models is lower than utility vehicles, they are very popular in the Russian market.

5 STELS 800 Viking

Best price
Country Russia
Average price: 429,000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

One of the most powerful domestic snowmobiles is the STELS 800 Viking model. With an engine capacity of 800 cc. cm power indicator reaches 67 liters. With. Stealth Viking 800 is an improved version of the popular Wolverines. Improvements have taken place in terms of functionality, design and ergonomics. Thanks to high power and smooth fast running, it is possible to easily conquer expanses with deep snow cover. The track width is 50 or 60 cm, it is possible to mount a winch and a reinforced bumper. A comfortable ride is provided by such additional options as a blown windshield, heated handles, and a comfortable chair. The frame has a steel welded construction, the body is made of flexible and durable plastic.

Many owners like this Russian snowmobile for its power and economy. It can be used for hunting and fishing, for driving in deep snow. Among the shortcomings, buyers point to the poor quality of fuel hoses.


Market novelty
Country: Canada
Average price: 1524000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

New the lineup Snowmobiles from a Canadian manufacturer are equipped with the most modern turbocharged 4-stroke dry-sump ROTAX engine. Given technical solution quite unexpectedly - such powerful motors have so far been installed exclusively on ATVs. Front shock absorbers and a rear air spring with a large stroke (almost 25 cm) guarantee comfort on long-distance trains. A wide track, skis of just over a meter and a low center of gravity of the machine ensure high stability of the all-terrain vehicle during active maneuvering (in a forest or gentle mountainous areas covered with snow).

In its class, the snowmobile has high cross-country ability and is capable of developing excellent speed, as for touring models. The windshield and other comfort elements, including heated seats, will allow you to tirelessly cover long distances in one go. A spacious luggage compartment makes it possible to take everything you need with you and easily go on a long journey together, hunting or fishing.

3 Lynx Xtrim Commander 800R E-TEC

High permeability
Country: Finland
Average price: 1402000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Model Lynx Xtrim Commander 800R E-TEC is rightly called the Finnish crossover. The snowmobile is characterized by high power, excellent cross-country ability, maneuverability and stability during high-speed traffic. The car can be used for outdoor activities, and for work, and for walks in the winter outside the city. 799.5 cc two-stroke engine cm is able to develop 163.9 liters. With. It has a liquid cooling system that helps maintain optimal operating temperature. Single vehicle has an electric starter, heated handles, hydraulic brake system. The fuel tank holds 40 liters of gasoline. The utility platform is equipped with a sports front suspension.

Russian owners of the Finnish snowmobile are delighted with the power and maneuverability of the car. Correspondents speak flatteringly about maneuverability, design, and ease of operation. Of the minuses, one can single out a good appetite for the motor, a small windshield.

2 Yamaha RS Venture TF

The quietest engine
Country: Japan
Average price: 1339000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Japanese engineers managed to realize all the wishes of Russian tourists. Yamaha model The RS Venture TF offers maximum comfort and a long range. Of particular note is the three-cylinder four-stroke engine with a volume of 1049 cc. see It is equipped with two overhead camshafts and individual throttles. The engine allows you to move confidently at low speeds, as well as powerfully start during acceleration. The suspension has also been selected for the speed capabilities of the car. It easily copes with any irregularities, so the driver and passenger do not get tired during long transitions. The electric power steering makes it easy to control the equipment, it especially helps the driver in deep snow.

Russian travelers highlight such advantages of a snowmobile as efficiency, power, spaciousness, and a high level of riding comfort. The only downside is the narrow track.

1 Arctic Cat Pantera 7000 XT LTD

Powerful engine
Country: USA
Average price: 1510000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

The track width of this snowmobile is almost 51 cm. It confidently goes through both rolled and deep snow, demonstrating excellent flotation not only on open plains, but also on mountain slopes or in the forest. The front suspension has a stabilizer roll stability which gives the snowmobile excellent maneuverability at high speeds.

Despite its 348 kg net weight, the Arctic Cat Pantera 7000 XT LTD is quite fast. This was made possible thanks to a 4-stroke engine with a volume of 1049 cm³ with electronic injection and the highly efficient TEAM Rapid Response transmission. The comfort of a snowmobile is not only in its dynamic characteristics. In the basic configuration, such “chips” are available as heating of both seats, passenger hands, steering wheel and throttle trigger, a high windshield and many other devices that make a long trip as comfortable as possible. Excellent mobility, roomy luggage compartments(there is a removable closing box), the presence of a towing device and the possibility of installing a winch (optional) allow you to use the snowmobile for hunting. But for winter fishing, the Arctic Cat Pantera is not quite suitable - due to the excessive weight of the machine, it can be dangerous to drive onto the ice.

The best sport and mountain snowmobiles

Powerful, extremely lightweight single-seat snowmobiles with high-energy suspension are perfect for high-speed maneuvering, not only on knurled trails. This category contains best models for aggressive driving on snowy expanses.

5 Welsmotor 250

Profitable price
Country: China
Average price: 199,000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.4

The most affordable representative of Asian snowmobiles was the Welsmotor 250 model from China. It should be noted that it is fully prepared for the operation of the harsh Russian winter. Small single cylinder 250 cc engine cm gives out 14.5 liters. With. In this case, the snowmobile can accelerate to 70 km / h. Excellent cross-country ability provides an elongated track. For a comfortable ride in winter, autonomous heating of the handles is provided, as well as a sports suspension with shock absorbers. Chinese designers have equipped the car with a number of modern features, such as an emergency switch, LED rear optics, powerful headlights, and a stylish dashboard.

Russian tourists speak positively about the affordable price, low weight, good stability and an efficient engine cooling system. The disadvantages include a narrow caterpillar, the difficulty of replacing the variator belt, and short-lived slips.

4 BRP Ski-Doo FREERIDE 137 800R E-TEC

The best mountain snowmobile
Country: Canada
Average price: 799,000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The Canadian BRP Ski-Doo FREERIDE 137 800R E-TEC has an excellent reputation as a mountain snowmobile. Its distinctive feature is high-speed cornering, decent dynamics when driving uphill. The motorcycle is equipped with a two-cylinder ROTAX 800R E-TEC engine with a capacity of 799.5 cc. see water-cooled. The tMotion suspension allows for more roll, which makes driving on mountain slopes more comfortable. The special FlexEdge tracks play the same role. A cord is mounted in the central part, and the edges remain flexible. When tilted, the caterpillar grinds a little. The snowmobile has a sports suspension with a simple system of adjustments.

Owners of motorcycles note excellent acceleration dynamics, excellent handling and ease of adaptation. The disadvantages of a snowmobile are the high price, high fuel consumption, and the difficulty of managing for beginners.


high power
Country: Japan
Average price: 1530000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Turbocharged 4-stroke Genesis engine develops up to 180 hp. With. and allows you to demonstrate unrealistic patency in deep snow and choose any direction of movement. SIDEWINDER has a complete package for aggressively conquering snow plains and mountain slopes:

  • Adjustable asymmetric suspension;
  • High performance Powerclaw track;
  • Fastest Yamaha YSRC clutch;
  • Heated seats and handlebars, wardrobe trunks, fanny packs and more.

The only reason why this model is not at the top of the ranking in this category - price. It is too high for Russian realities, and only a few can afford such a luxurious device. There is no need to say anything about reliability and durability - Yamaha is the benchmark that many manufacturers strive for, so this model cannot be found better.

2 Polaris 800 PRO-RMK 174LE

The easiest
Country: USA
Average price: 1002000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Top model snowmobiles famous brand has the lightest weight among devices in this category due to the unique design of the AXYS chassis. The weight of the sports car is only 200 kg. At the same time, the unit is deprived of an electric starter (this is an additional option), but it has an adjustable steering wheel heating.

Excellent speed performance and stability of the snowmobile is determined by the high-performance track (174 cm). The energy-intensive suspension allows you to confidently maneuver in deep snow conditions and ride not only on open trails, but also in the forest. Max travel rear shock absorber unit is a record 40.6 cm, which allows you to safely make trampoline jumps, which are common for mountain snowmobiles. The appearance of the model should also be noted - a bright and modern design looks more advantageous against the background of its classmates.

1 Arctic Cat ZR 9000 137 Thundercat

Best Sport Snowmobile
Country: USA
Average price: 1,220,000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

The leading position among sports models is occupied by the American Arctic Cat ZR 9000 137 Thundercat snowmobile. The power unit of this "Arctic cat" is capable of developing a power of 180 liters. With. with a volume of 998 cc. The two-cylinder four-stroke engine has a liquid cooling system that prevents the engine from overheating during aggressive driving. A well-thought-out transmission facilitates the work of the power unit. It is represented by the Arctic Drive CVT. For confrontation high loads spaced levers are used on the suspension during high-speed passage of steep turns. Working with them adjustable dampers and cast aluminum racks. For standing riding, the handlebars can be quickly moved up to 14 cm higher using aluminum spacers.

Russian athletes note excellent acceleration dynamics, ease of use, quick adaptation of the snowmobile to their driving style. Of the minuses, only the high price and high fuel consumption can be noted.

The best snowmobiles for kids and teens

This category presents snowmobiles for beginners to travel. Already at the age of 5-6, children can, on a par with their parents, explore the expanses of snow, independently driving their personal vehicles.


Buyers Choice
Country: China
Average price: 49990 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.0

The MOTAX MIKRO SNOW is a versatile children's snowmobile with a 4-stroke gasoline engine (7 hp) that can easily overcome snowdrifts and loose snow. This model can reach speeds up to 39 km / h, with the possibility of limiting up to 7-10 km / h (especially for the smallest pilots). This vehicle is designed for children over five years of age, with maximum load capacity 60 kg. Simplicity and clarity of control provides semi-automatic box gears and manual electric starter.

MOTAX MIKRO SNOW will be the best choice for a young rider, as a feature of this model is the ability to transform into other vehicles. To do this, it is enough to purchase a set of wheels, which should be installed instead of the front skis. The result is an all-terrain vehicle with a tracked rear axle. This will allow you to overcome any obstacles in the forest, and even help your pilot to climb gentle slopes. Its versatility and affordable price have made it one of the best snowmobiles for beginners.

4 ZRobot SQ-1 Snowquadro

The most affordable price
Country: China
Average price: 33,000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.3

In the Russian market, this children's snowmobile is in great demand. Judge for yourself - powered by a single-cylinder engine with a volume of only 49 cm³, this model can reach speeds of up to 25 km / h. For a novice pilot, this is quite enough - the car is designed for a driver from 4-5 years old and older (weight no more than 60 kg).

The double track makes the device stable, and the option of replacing the front skis with wheels opens up the possibility of year-round operation of the vehicle, which is especially appreciated by most parents. The compactness of the model allows you to put a children's snowmobile in the trunk of a car and go for a country walk, where it will be easier for a child to learn how to operate complex equipment in the fresh air. Light weight, attractive sports car-like looks and a better price make the SQ-1 Snowquadro a dangerous competitor to more advanced models.


High security
Country Russia
Average price: 111,000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

The only snowmobile for children (calculated weight of the pilot should not exceed 40 kg), designed and assembled on the territory of the Russian Federation. The manufacturer of this model makes the highest demands on the level of safety and build quality. "Lynx" is equipped with an emergency engine stop button, has a speed limiter (electronic) and a safety ignition switch.

On the snow, the car behaves confidently due to the low center of gravity. At the same time, the front track is 88 cm, which practically corresponds to the "adult" models. The track width is almost 26 cm and this is enough for a comfortable ride, even when maneuvering on gentle slopes. The possession of such equipment will bring great pleasure to each child and will allow him to demonstrate all his skills and abilities, going out of town with his father on an equal footing. It will be winter hunting, fishing, just “rides” over rough terrain or in the forest, for a young pilot it does not really matter, because the main thing will be in his hands - the steering wheel of his best snowmobile.

2 Yamaha SRX 120

The best choice for the beginner rider
Country: Japan
Average price: 209,000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

The most childish, but not toy, snowmobile is the Yamaha SRX 120. It has a compact size, low weight, providing complete safety for a beginner snowmobiler. The high-torque engine allows you to smoothly accelerate to a maximum speed of 13 km / h. The emergency switch of the power unit is provided. Rear suspension has a three-position adjustment for stiffness. This design allows you to choose the optimal conditions for riding under the weight of the child. The specially shaped steering wheel makes it easy and convenient to control the snowmobile, and ergonomic seat reduce the fatigue of the young driver. All nodes are made of high quality materials, so the equipment will serve the younger generation for a long time.

Users in the reviews highlight such qualities of the Yamaha SRX 120 snowmobile as reliability, safety, and convenience. It is perfect for teaching children and teenagers. Many owners consider the high price to be the main disadvantage.

1 Polaris INDY 120

The most powerful in the category
Country: USA
Average price: 282,000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

In this category of snowmobiles, Polaris INDY 120 can be safely called the most “not childish”. The total length of the winter all-terrain vehicle is 1.9 meters, and the size of the caterpillar is 175 cm. The water-cooled motor with a volume of 123 cm³ is able to "pull" not only a child - an adult! chain box, disc brakes and the absence of an electric starter make the model easy to maintain and unpretentious in operation.

The rear suspension of the device has a working stroke of just over 17 cm. This, of course, is not God knows what, but it will give the young rider the opportunity to skillfully control a snowmobile machine, and feel like a real racer on especially difficult terrain. On the Polaris INDY 120, you can ride far from flat areas - descents and ascents, forest potholes and passes will be on his shoulder. The gas tank, however, is small for serious trips, only 1.9 liters, so it is unlikely to fit on long journeys.