Permissible excess of speed in Russia. Fine for speeding Exceeding 10 km

The most common cause of all road traffic accidents is a violation by the driver speed limit. Each motorist exceeded the speed limit while driving. Such violations are necessarily recorded, and the punishment is more often a fine.

Fines for speeding

  • A fine of 500 rubles is issued by the traffic police for violating the speed limit by more than for 20 km. Most often, traffic police inspectors issue a fine for speeding by 30 km. Such an administrative penalty is provided when the motorist exceeded the speed by no more than 40 km. What kind of fine is charged for exceeding the speed limit by 40 km is prescribed in article 12.9 (part 2) of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Exceeding the speed limit by 30 km is punishable by the same penalty as for exceeding the speed limit by 40 kilometers per hour.
  • For speeding 40 km provided for a fine of 1000 rubles. Violation of speed in such cases should not exceed 60 km / h. The maximum fine for exceeding the speed limit by 60 km is 1,500 rubles. For repeated speeding from 40 to 60, the fine will have to be paid in a larger amount: from 2000 to 2500 rubles. The penalty for speeding by 50 km and 60 km is provided for in Article 12.9 (part 3) of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.
  • If the motorist violated the speed limit at 60 kilometers / hour, traffic police officers can issue a fine of 2500 rubles. Also, for such an offense, the driver risks losing driving license for a period of four to six months. In case of repeated violation of the rights, you can lose one year. Punishment for this violation provided for in Article 12.9 (part 4.6) of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.
  • The most serious punishment threatens a motorist in violation of the speed limit 80 km- a fine of 5,000 rubles or deprivation of rights for up to six months. In the event of a repeated violation, the driver may be deprived of the rights for a longer period - 1 year. Punishment for such a violation is provided for in Article 12.9 (part 5.7) of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

The only situation when a driver does not risk getting a fine for violating the speed limit is this. There is no fine for exceeding the speed limit by 10 km.

Speed ​​limits allowed in Russia

The legislation establishes certain high-speed modes of movement on Russian roads. From a legal point of view, this is regulated by such a document as the Rules traffic. Section number 10 specified document contains comprehensive information about speed limits allowed in Russia. The speed of movement of vehicles varies depending on the terrain:

  1. yard movement and residential areas- 20 kilometers per hour;
  2. movement around the city - 60 kilometers per hour;
  3. driving in tow - 50 kilometers per hour (otherwise, the driver will be fined for exceeding the speed limit by 50 km);
  4. movement within the city (if there is a restrictive sign) - from 30 to 40 km / h;
  5. movement on an intercity highway - 90 kilometers per hour;
  6. the movement of vehicles on the highway - 110 kilometers per hour.

When driving on a motorway, it is prohibited to drive at a speed of less than 40 kilometers per hour. Do not move on motorways in reverse And they don't teach driving. When driving on the highway for the following modes of transport, restrictions are introduced:

  1. buses - up to 90 kilometers per hour;
  2. buses carrying children and trucks with people - 60 kilometers per hour.

Fine payment methods

You can pay fines for speeding, as well as any other traffic police fines, using terminals that support this category of payments. These include: Telepay, Amigo, Kiwi. You can pay a fine for speeding using electronic money (YandexMoney, WebMoney) or a bank card.

Another method of payment is to make a payment for traffic police fines at Sberbank branches. You can do it yourself through the terminal or by contacting the operator for help. Recently, terminals have appeared in many branches of Sberbank that read information from a payment document using a barcode. To pay, you need to bring the document's barcode to the reader. When making a payment, you must specify the details correctly so that the payment goes through as intended.
Read more about paying traffic police fines on a driver's license -.

Fixing speeding violations on Russian roads

To fix the speed of movement of vehicles, employees of the State traffic inspectorate use video surveillance cameras. Today there are two types of devices for video recording:

  1. fixed radar;
  2. mobile radar.

Stationary radars are placed in those places where the flow of traffic is the most dense. The most popular such devices include the STRELKA-ST and KRIS radars. The principle of their work is based on the control of speeding in automatic mode. The device reads the license plate of the car and sends it to a special information processing center. Stationary radars always have a connection with a mobile traffic police station. A stationary radar will not be able to recognize the data of a driver sitting at the moment of a violation of the speed limit at the wheel. Therefore, receipts with fines are sent to the address of the driver.

The mobile radar is used by the traffic police to patrol the area of ​​traffic and fix violations of the speed limit. After mobile device fixes a violation of the speed regime, the traffic police officer will stop the violator's car and issue him a fine. If the driver is threatened with deprivation of rights for exceeding the speed limit, then the case is first sent to court.

How does the method of fixing the excess affect the amount of the fine

In the case of fixation by a stationary radar, the lower limit of the fine is established by Article 21.9 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. When fixing with this device, the sanction established by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation should not be less. That is, if in the specified normative document it is prescribed that for a specific violation of the speed limit the driver must give the driver a fine of 1000 rubles, then the inspector does not have the right to issue a fine, the amount of which is less than the specified one. As an example, we can cite the situation when a citizen Kozlov A.P. moved within the city of Pskov at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour. He exceeded the speed limit by 40 kilometers. The violation was recorded by a stationary radar. If we take into account the method of fixing the violation, then citizen Kozlov A.P. you will have to pay a fine of 500 rubles.

When a violation is fixed by a stationary radar, the fines for speeding will be:

  1. excess by 20-40 km - from 500 rubles;
  2. excess by 40-60 km - from 1000 rubles;
  3. excess by 60-80 km - from 2000 rubles;
  4. exceeding the speed limit by more than 80 km - 5000 rubles.

The penalty for fixing with a stationary radar differs downward from the fine issued for fixing with a mobile radar.

Challenging a Fine

Traffic police inspectors when using modern radars can determine speeding with an accuracy of 2 km. Therefore, modern fines are absolutely justified today. The speed of vehicles is regularly monitored by both stationary and mobile radars. If the traffic police officer fixes speeding, he stops the motorist in order to draw up a report and issue a fine. In such situations, traffic police officers often make mistakes, the identification of which allows them to avoid punishment.

To challenge the traffic police fine, you need to carefully monitor the actions of the traffic police from the moment you stop. The driver should ask the inspector to show the device that recorded the excess of the speed limit, as well as documents for it. The radar must be sealed.

If the weather leaves much to be desired, visibility is worsened by fog or it is raining, then this must be indicated in the protocol. In such weather, the radar gives a large error.

The driver can use a navigator, tachometer or video recorder for his protection, which accurately shows the speed of the car. To appeal a fine issued by a traffic police inspector for violating the speed limit, you must go to court within 10 days from the date of the decision to impose a fine. If there is one hundred percent evidence of innocence, the court will defend the driver.

Compared to Europe, in Russia the fines for exceeding will seem quite small. Watch the video story:

More information can be obtained by asking questions in the comments to the article.

Most people experience the pleasure of driving a car, and many people like to drive. high speed especially on highways and highways. But for speeding in our country fines are issued in accordance with applicable law. In particular, Article 12.9 of the Code of Administrative Offenses imposes a restriction of freedom during movement, and provides for the deprivation driving license for breaking the law.

As for the speed limit, the legislation is regularly amended and changed. Today, the speed of 20 km per hour is considered the lowest permissible excess speed, for this indicator bye Administrative Code does not include any penalties. In order to issue a fine and recognize the offense, it is necessary to fix it. The traffic police can do this with the help of radar or video cameras, which are fixed in special places.

Exceeding the speed limit: registration on the road with standard instruments

Installation of video surveillance cameras is carried out in certain areas where the rate of speed violations is the highest. Usually, warning signs are placed on the roads, this is done at a distance of 300 meters from the camera on highways and within 100 meters in the city. The cameras do not record speed violations up to 20 km per hour. By shooting video and photos on the roads, the following violations can be identified:

  • exceeding the speed limit by more than 20 km per hour, as well as fixing up to three hundred kilometers per hour;
  • moving on oncoming lane and the intersection of solid markings;
  • non-use of seat belts;
  • moving to a dedicated lane.

Also today, cameras are placed between certain objects. These devices are interconnected and record the time during which the car moves between the specified points. The fixer program knows the distance, so average speed vehicle movement is calculated automatically. If the movement was faster than 20 km per hour, then a resolution is formed.

Cameras can regulate the movement of cars on the highway. Moreover, the owner of the car can receive a fine not only for exceeding the regime, but also for insufficient speed. For example, if the transport moves slower than 40 km per hour or stops in the wrong place, then the legislation provides for the imposition of a fine in the amount of one thousand rubles.

Features of the government decree on speeding

Each driver receives a notice of violation of the speed limit by mail, and it is recommended that the citizen carefully study the received paper. And if you find any discrepancy with reality, then you can not pay the fine. The original document must include the following information:

  1. Speeding data (vehicle speed and the amount by which you exceeded it).
  2. Data about the registration device, its license plate and location address.
  3. Photo of a car with license plates.
  4. Extract from the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.
  5. Address and time of registration of the violation.
  6. Receipt and the details indicated on it. Please note that the account must begin with the numbers 401 or 407.
  7. The envelope should have a special transparent window.

Features of violations of the speed limit

The driver can appeal the decision within ten days, and only if the driver was not the owner of the car. Behind the wheel could be a person driving the vehicle by proxy. Appeal is also allowed in situations where the car was stolen, and the owner had to accept necessary measures at the time of receipt of the penalty notice. It is allowed to appeal the decision only after providing all the necessary documents.

Existing mobile speed detectors

Fixing a violation of the speed limit by the traffic police can be carried out using radar. The legislation includes prescribed conditions that allow the use of the device. Only an excess of speed of more than 20 km per hour is recorded. All other violations of drivers by traffic police officers can fix visually. The following devices are in use today:

  • "Arena". It has a sight range of one and a half kilometers, is placed on the edge of the roadway on a tripod. With the help of the device, it is really possible to fix a speed violation, as well as take a photo of the car. The snapshot automatically shows the date with time and the speed of the car. Operation with the device is also possible at night;
  • "Spark". This model the most common. Fixes the speed at a distance of 400-800 meters, you can adjust the device manually. Very often, the radar is installed on the traffic police car;
  • "Vizir". Removes and fixes high-speed offenses. Operated in both mobile and stationary mode.

Controversial cases of speeding

When fixing a speed violation of 20 km per hour or more, the traffic police officer has the right to stop the vehicle and draw up a protocol. But in this case There are some nuances that car owners should be aware of. They concern not only drivers, but also traffic police officers themselves. All devices that record the speed of movement differ from each other not only in the distance of possible measurement, but also in the features of their work in conditions multi-lane road. For example, the Iskra device can only be used on roadways with low traffic density. It is best to operate it in one lane, where no more than three cars are moving. There should be no vehicles on the second lane.

If a traffic police officer presents you with readings of the device, where the numbers are recorded more than the permissible speed limit, then you should familiarize yourself with the data provided.

Examples of Violations

The radar can record the time that has already passed since the moment of fixing the speed of movement, for example, 69 seconds. The duration of a complete stop of the car when driving at a speed of 60 km per hour is 4-6 seconds. Presentation of a certificate by a traffic police officer and taking readings from the device - another 25-30 seconds. Thus, gets 31-36 seconds. The actual duration of the movement of the machine from the sampling period will be approximately 33 seconds.

Are there any possible exceptions in 2017-2018

If you nevertheless exceeded the speed limit by 20 km per hour or more, and the registration was carried out in accordance with all the rules, then the traffic police officer must issue you a fine, which must be paid within sixty days. You can appeal the received decision in court and within the specified time frame if the inspectors have committed any offenses against the owner of the vehicle.

Statistics show that most often the court takes the side of the traffic police, but you have the right to try to protect and defend your own rights. There would be much less appeals to the court if the traffic police knew the traffic rules and state standards well, and also used the articles and clauses correctly. Depending on the competence of the traffic police, the safety on Russian roads. Very often they pursue the goal of fulfilling the plan in delinquency, and slow down cars moving at speeds of 20 km per hour. This allows you to keep the situation on the road under control, but remember that falsification of circumstances also takes place, and drivers need to be attentive and careful so that unpleasant situations do not arise.

Is the fine for exceeding 10 km/h refundable?

In 2018, a fine for exceeding the speed limit by 10 km/h may return in our country. The amount of the fine for exceeding the speed limit by 10-40 km/h is assumed to be will be 500 rubles. This measure is aimed at improving road safety. The document proposed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs is published on the portal of draft legislative acts.

Recall that earlier, in 2013, the minimum speed limit was considered to be 20 km / h with a simultaneous increase in fines for various offenses, including speeding violations. It was assumed that drivers would be conscious and would not abuse the granted right.

As a rule, in the city, most drivers still slightly exceed the established limits, so the traffic police abandoned the idea of ​​​​fining minor violations of the speed limit.

As practice has shown, this decision turned out to be erroneous. A significant part of the drivers perceived the raising of the speed limit as a permission to exceed the established norm. As a result, the average traffic speed increased from 60 to 80 km/h, and this led to an increase in accidents.

The Duma believes that the number of accidents has increased

The Ministry of Internal Affairs sent an explanatory note to the government to the bill, in which it justifies the need to introduce a restrictive measure. So, according to analysts, after raising the speed limit bar, the accident rate increased by 70%, 1.5 times more pedestrians died and were injured than in the previous similar period.

The document states that a collision of a car with a pedestrian at a speed of “only” 45 km / h already guarantees the death or serious injury of the latter by 60%. And when drivers feel impunity and significantly increase the speed of their car, the roads become more and more dangerous. If previously a slight excess of 10 km / h was unofficially allowed, now an excess of 20-30 km / h is considered the norm.

Planned restrictions are nothing new. This will be a return to the previous restrictions, so that motorists will quickly adapt to the new traffic regime.

The Moscow authorities have already supported the bill, and the deputies are also generally considering the amendments positively. It was entrusted to develop the project in detail to the First Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Igor Shuvalov and the police department.

Speeding: fines and nuances

According to statistics, the most common violation of traffic rules is speeding.

Speed ​​limits are set on each section of the road, for non-compliance with which drivers will face sanctions ranging from a fine of 500 rubles to deprivation of their rights. In 2018, there were no changes to the Code of Administrative Offenses and SDA, but it is worth re-examining the current rules.

What speed is allowed?

The allowed speed of movement depends on several parameters:

  • Vehicle Type - Heavy vehicles are allowed to travel at a slower speed than light vehicles.
  • The location of the road - within the boundaries of the settlement, the speed should be less than on the highway.
  • Functions of the vehicle - when transporting passengers and carrying out road works, the speed should not be high.
  • Installed road signs- you need to focus on them first.

Permissible speed passenger car, according to rule No. 10 of the SDA:

within the boundaries of the settlement - 60 km / h;

in the yards of houses - 20 km / h;

on motorways outside settlements - 110 km/h;

on other roads outside settlements - 90 km/h;

when towing another vehicle - 50 km/h.

You need to move within the specified mode. Many drivers believe that it is legal to exceed the speed limit by 20 km/h, but this is not true. Despite the absence of a fine, the traffic police inspector can stop the driver and issue a warning.

Penalties for exceeding

The penalty for exceeding depends on how much the indicator differs from the established standards and is provided for in Article 12.9 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. A monetary fine is provided in case of speeding:

for 20-40 km / h - 500 rubles;

at 40-60 km / h - from 1000 to 1500 rubles;

at 60-80 km / h - from 2000 to 2500 rubles;

for 80 km / h and more - 5000 rubles;

repeated violation for the year for exceeding the speed limit by 40-60 km / h - from 2000 to 2500 rubles.

Not always the punishment is limited to a fine. In some cases, the driver may be left without a license:

in case of repeated violation and speeding by 60 km / h or more, the rights can be lost for a year;

exceeding 80 km / h or more - deprivation for six months;

exceeding 60-80 km / h - deprivation for 4 months.

Changes planned for 2018

Discussions began back in 2014 about the need for changes to the speeding rules. But so far the government has not decided which changes will benefit.

So, it is planned to reduce the lower limit of permissible excess of speed. Now this indicator is 20 km/h, and it is planned to make 10 km/h. That is, the driver will be forced to pay 500 rubles in case of exceeding 10-40 km / h. While this proposal is under consideration in the State Duma. From its adoption stops only the risk of increasing corruption on the roads. In other respects, deputies see only benefit from the changes.

It is believed that even 20 km / h is enough for a collision with another car to become deadly. The situation is aggravated bad roads, poor lighting. And making amends will make the drivers hold on statutory standard, which will reduce the number of accidents on Russian roads.

It is also planned to change the maximum speed within the city and make this indicator European standards. In many countries, it is allowed to drive no faster than 50 km / h, which makes these states less accident-prone. However, this proposal is still under discussion.

Only one thing is known - in 2018 there will be changes in the traffic rules and the Code of Administrative Offenses. And when it will be and what kind of new rule will appear, remains a mystery.

What does a driver need to know?

There are several nuances that drivers need to be aware of:

  • If the violation is recorded by the camera, and not by the inspector, then the punishment is limited to a fine. They cannot be deprived of rights in absentia. The decision to confiscate the certificate is taken only by the court.
  • You can pay fines with a 50% discount. The exception is a repeated excess of 60 km/h or more.
  • In case of automatic fixation of a violation, the minimum possible fine is assigned.
  • In the event of an accident, the person who exceeded the speed limit is recognized as guilty, regardless of other circumstances.

Exceeding the speed limit is life-threatening. Restrictions are set not to finance the state budget with the money of ordinary citizens, but to reduce the number of accidents and deaths on the roads. Most often, people die in accidents where the cause of the collision was speeding.

Fine for speeding by 10 km 2018

The amount of fines for speed for 2018

Fines for exceeding the speed limit for 2018 are as follows:

500r. under Art. 12.9h.2

1000-1500 r. under Art. 12.9h.3

2000-2500 rubles or deprivation of rights for a period of 4-6 months under Art. 12.9h.4

5000 rubles or deprivation of rights for a period of 6 months under Art. 12.9h.5

The size of the fine for speed is regulated by Art. 12.9 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. In order not to earn deprivation of rights, you simply must not exceed the permitted speed by more than 55 km / h.

Article 12.9. Excess set speed movements
2. Exceeding the established speed of a vehicle by more than 20 but not more than 40 kilometers per hour - shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred roubles.
3. Exceeding the established speed of a vehicle by more than 40 but not more than 60 kilometers per hour - shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of one thousand to one thousand five hundred roubles.
4. Exceeding the established speed of the vehicle by more than 60, but not more than 80 kilometers per hour - entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of two thousand to two thousand five hundred rubles or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of four to six months.
5. Exceeding the established speed of the vehicle by more than 80 kilometers per hour -
shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand rubles or deprivation of the right to drive transport vehicles for a term of six months.
6. Repeated commission of an administrative offense, provided for by part 3 of this article, -
shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of two thousand to two thousand five hundred roubles.
7. Repeated commission of an administrative offense, provided for by parts 4 and 5 of this article, -
entails the deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of one year, and in case of fixing an administrative offense by special technical means, having the functions of photography and filming, video recording - the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand rubles.

traffic police fines for speeding 2018

Each motorist is obliged to comply with traffic rules, and in particular not to exceed the permissible speed limit. The 10th chapter of the SDA regulates compliance with the speed limit, as this is the key to safety on the road. It is his non-compliance that is the most frequent violation of traffic rules and the most frequent cause of the accident. Violating this rule, the driver faces administrative liability in accordance with Article 12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

If a fact was recorded regarding speeding by a traffic police officer, he is obliged to issue a protocol-receipt of an administrative offense, which indicates the amount of the penalty for this misconduct. It must be paid within 30 days. (Read about how much time and how much the driver faces for running a red light of a traffic light here:)

The size of the fine for speeding 2018

A new list of fines for speeding was not developed in 2018; it has remained unchanged since 2013. Minimum size the sanction is 500 rubles, and the maximum is 5000 rubles. In addition to the recovery of funds, the driver may be deprived of his rights. Therefore, you need to remember that different sections of the road are allowed different maximum speed. On highways, it is limited to 110 km / h, on specially allocated sections - 130 km / h.

Read about the amount of the fine for a brick at the link:

Speeding Penalties 2018 - Penalty Table

So, what sanctions await the driver if he violates traffic rules regarding speeding? Consider the amount of payments in the table:

  • 0-20 km/h - No penalty;
  • 20-40 km / h - in this case, the fine will be 500 rubles, both in case of a repeated violation, and when fixing a violation with a camera;
  • 40-60 km / h - with this speeding, the fine can be from 1000 to 2500 rubles, depending on whether the violation was for the first time or repeated;
  • 60-80 km / h - a fine can be 2000-2500 or deprivation of rights for 4-6 months for the first violation, 5000 or deprivation of rights for a year 2000-2500 for a second one;
  • More than 80 km / h - in this case, the fine will be 5,000 rubles or deprivation of rights for a period of 4-6 months. In the case of photo fixation, the violator will be given a choice in the form of a fine of 5,000 rubles or deprivation of rights for a year.

Based on the table, I would like to note that a driver can lose his rights only when the car is stopped directly by a traffic police officer and the speed was exceeded by more than 60 km / h. If there was a fixation by the camera, then the deprivation of rights is not carried out.

For more information about the penalty that the driver faces if he drove through a red light, read the link:

Fine for speeding by 20 km/h 2018

The speed limit, the violation of which is not more than 20 km / h, is not fixed in any way and does not entail a fine. For more high rate administrative responsibility is already beginning and the traffic police officer can issue a fine for such a violation. However, if the movement of the car, even with a speed overabundance of 1 km / h, caused an accident, then liability arises here.

Exceeding the speed limit by 40 km/h fine

For example, if we consider the movement of a car within the city, then the speed limit here will be 60 km / h. At the same time, due to various mass institutions, a limit of 40 km / h is often indicated on the road. As mentioned above, no sanctions are provided for up to 20 km, and above that this is already an administrative offense, for which a financial penalty is due. However, it must be remembered that even the movement of a vehicle with an allowable excess can cause dangerous situation causing damage to property or health.

This type of misconduct can be fixed in several ways. Firstly, various photo and video recorders are used, installed above the road on poles and other structures. Filming takes place during the day and in case of violation, the information is immediately transmitted to the traffic police, who, in turn, make a decision and send them to the owners of violating vehicles. Secondly, there are traffic police posts that, with the help of special equipment, record misconduct and draw up an administrative protocol on the spot.

Fine for exceeding 60 km/h

Exceeding the speed of more than 60 km / h is not only fraught with obtaining a sanction from the traffic police, but also very dangerous, since during an unforeseen situation it is extremely difficult to control the vehicle. By violating this rule, the driver can be seriously injured in the event of an accident, as a result of which your life and other people's lives may depend. And having avoided an accident, it is unlikely that it will be possible to evade the payment of rather considerable sanctions for misconduct.

How to appeal a speeding camera ticket

There are many cases where you can get a letter with an administrative record without being guilty. This happens, for example, if there are problems with the equipment and it fixes incorrect indicators, or the state number was incorrectly recognized.

Even if your innocence is indisputable, then you should by no means ignore the letter. Firstly, if you do not pay the amount of the penalty within 30 days, you will be charged a 7% penalty. Secondly, if there is a trial, then the amount of the debt will increase even more, in addition, you may expect imprisonment for 15 days and a ban on leaving the country.

You can appeal against the received letter with undeserved sanctions within 10 days from the date of its receipt. To do this, you should write a statement of disagreement with the specified sanctions, indicate in it the arguments regarding your innocence. All collected documents can be sent in writing to the place of fixing photos and videos, or on the website of the traffic police in in electronic format. The term for consideration of this complaint is 10 days.

How to appeal a traffic police fine from a camera sample complaint

The structure of the complaint is divided into 3 parts. In the first part, you need to indicate your personal data, such as full name, address, contacts, to whom you are sending. In the second part, you should describe in detail the current situation according to the norms of the law regarding your innocence. And finally, you petition to cancel the traffic police decision, indicate all the documents confirming your non-responsibility. The more detailed the situation is described, the more chances to win the case.

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The size of the fine for speeding is from 500 to 5000 rubles. For a significant excess, you may be deprived of a driver's license for a period of 4 months to 1 year.
If the speed limit is up to 20 km/h, there is no penalty. AT soon it is possible to reduce this threshold to 10 km/h.

Exceeding the maximum permitted speed is the most common violation. There is a myth among drivers that it is allowed to exceed the speed limit by 20 km/h. Such an opinion is erroneous. There is no penalty for exceeding the speed limit by 20 km/h, but it is forbidden by the rules to exceed the established speed limit.

After reading this article, you should have no questions about the responsibility of drivers for exceeding the maximum speed. Detailed description, the text of the law, tables, information about the 50% discount, features of automatic fixing of violations and visual infographics.

Cash fines for speeding violations

The size of the fine for speeding depends on the difference between the maximum permitted speed and the fixed speed. The extent to which such a calculation method is correct can be discussed separately. For example, for exceeding the speed limit by 40 km / h in a residential area and a motorway, the same fine is provided - 500 rubles. In the residential area alone, the excess is almost 3 times the permitted limit and poses a significantly greater danger than a barely noticeable excess on the motorway. A little distracted, let's go directly to the size of traffic police fines. First, consider the usual monetary fines that are relevant for most drivers, which are issued by the traffic police officer directly at the site of the violation.

Pay attention again exceeding the maximum speed by 20 km / h is a violation of the Rules of the road for which there is no responsibility.

Disqualification for speeding

The decision to deprive the rights can only be made by the court. Thus, if the driver faces the threat of being left without a driver's license, he has the opportunity to resolve this issue with the traffic police, either directly on the spot or later at the department. Traffic police officers are authorized to either issue a decision to impose a fine, or take the case to court.

The practice has developed that with conflict-free communication, drivers are issued with the appropriate money penalty and never goes to trial.

The amount of the fine in case of automatic fixing of the speed of movement

Features of administrative responsibility when fixing violations of the Rules of the Road in automatic mode:

  • It is possible to impose only a monetary fine;
  • The amount of the fine is the smallest possible.

These provisions are regulated by Part 3.1 of Article 4.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation

In the cases provided for by paragraph 3 of Article 28.6 of this Code, an administrative penalty is imposed in the form of an administrative fine. In this case, the amount of the imposed administrative fine must be the smallest within the limits of the sanction of the applicable article or part of the article of the Special Part of this Code, and in cases where the sanction of the applicable article or part of the article of the Special Part of this Code provides for an administrative penalty in the form of deprivation of the right to drive vehicles or administrative arrest and does not provide for an administrative penalty in the form of an administrative a fine, an administrative penalty shall be imposed in the form of an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand roubles.

The table of penalties for automatic fixing of violations looks more loyal to drivers.

Penalties for speeding with automatic fixation of violations
Exceeding Amount of the fine
Exceeding the speed limit by 20 km/h or less No penalty
Speeding from 21 km/h to 40 km/h 500 ₽
Speeding from 41 km/h to 60 km/h 1000 ₽
Speeding from 61 km/h to 80 km/h 2000 ₽
Speeding over 80 km/h 5000 ₽

In case of automatic fixation of a violation, a fine will be issued to the owner of the vehicle.

The law that governs speeding fines

As for other traffic police fines, liability is established in Chapter 12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. Article 12.9 is devoted to violations of the speed limit

Article 12.9. Exceeding the set speed

  1. Lost strength.
  2. Exceeding the established speed of the vehicle by more than 20, but not more than 40 kilometers per hour
    - shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred roubles.
  3. Exceeding the established speed of the vehicle by more than 40, but not more than 60 kilometers per hour
    - shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of one thousand to one thousand five hundred roubles.
  4. Exceeding the established speed of the vehicle by more than 60, but not more than 80 kilometers per hour
    - shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of two thousand to two thousand five hundred rubles or deprivation of the right to drive transport vehicles for a term of four to six months.
  5. Exceeding the established vehicle speed by more than 80 kilometers per hour
    -entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand rubles or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of six months.
  6. Repeated commission of an administrative offense provided for by part 3 of this article,
    - entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of two thousand to two thousand five hundred roubles.
  7. Repeated commission of an administrative offense provided for in parts 4 and 5 of this article,
    - entails the deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of one year, and in the event of fixing an administrative offense by special technical means operating in automatic mode, having the functions of photography and filming, video recording, - the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand rubles.


Download and print handy reminders to quickly determine the amount of a fine for speeding in case you are suddenly stopped by the traffic police.

Speeding fines

How long does it take for a traffic violation to be considered a repeat violation?

The period of validity of the first violation is 1 year from the date of entry into force of the decision. Such a period is established by Article 4.6 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

A person who has been sentenced to an administrative penalty for committing an administrative offense shall be deemed subjected to given punishment from the date of entry into legal effect appointment orders administrative punishment before the expiration of one year from the date of completion of the execution of this resolution.

The decision on an administrative offense enters into force:

  • 10 days from the date of delivery or receipt of a copy (Article 30.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation);
  • 10 days after filing a complaint official(Part 1 of Article 30.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation);
  • after 2 months, if the complaint is considered in court (part 1.1 of article 30.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation);
  • within 24 hours, in case of administrative arrest (Part 3 of Article 30.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

The first settlement day starts from the next day.

50% discount on speeding fines

Since 2015, a law has been in force that allows paying traffic police fines with a 50% discount if payment is made within 20 days from the date of the decision. The law provides exceptions for certain gross violations of the Rules of the Road, including certain fines for speeding.

Government Russian Federation considers the issue of returning the punishment for exceeding the speed limit by 10 kilometers per hour. Recall that since 2013, the permitted speed limit in the country is 20 kilometers per hour.

According to domestic publications, the government of the Russian Federation is discussing the issue of reducing the speed limit in cities to 50 km / h, at the same time with this limit it is planned to return to fines for speeding by 10 km / h. Thus, with signs “50”, drivers will be able to drive with impunity at a speed of no more than 60 km / h. Currently in cities the speed limit is 60 km/h, but drivers have the right to drive without any penalty at a speed of 80 km/h.

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It is noted that such a decision can also be made due to the replacement of standard signs with signs of a reduced size. This experiment has already been carried out on several streets of the capital of the Russian Federation. Experts believe that "reducing the speed limit in cities is mandatory, since new signs will not be visible at a speed of 70-80 km / h." Plus, the number of accidents will decrease.

We add that another option is also under consideration, which implies a reduction in the speed limit to 40 km/h and an allowable excess of 20 km/h.

The Russian government wants to reduce the limit of unpunished speeding by drivers from the relatively recently introduced 20 to 10 km/h. As it became known to Gazeta.Ru from a source in the government, the amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses, developed by the Russian Federation on behalf of First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov, were discussed last Tuesday at a meeting with the participation of all interested departments and experts.

Information about the recent meeting, which considered the amendments developed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, was confirmed to by the first deputy chairman and state construction and the leader of the party " Automotive Russia» Vyacheslav, who took part in the meeting. “The existing version of the document was discussed at the meeting,” Lysakov said. - I proposed a different solution to the task set by the government for the Ministry of Internal Affairs - it consists in reducing the speed limit exclusively in cities from the current 60 to 50 km / h, while maintaining the permissible speed limit - 20 km / h. The output will be the same - drivers will not be able to drive in cities faster than 70 km / h without violation.

According to the parliamentarian, the abolition of the current limit will cause a public outcry - motorists will perceive this as another attempt by the state to collect as many fines from them as possible.

“We have increased this limit from 10 to 20 km/h according to certain reasons A: due to the preparation of a point system, the fight against corruption on the roads. And I never proposed to cancel this innovation and now I oppose it, because all the conditions have been preserved. If now we start reshaping the Code of Administrative Offenses again, the number of violators will increase sharply, and the level of corruption will increase.”

At the same time, the interlocutor notes that the solution he proposed is in line with European development trends. road safety. “In Europe, in most cities, the maximum speed is limited to 50 km / h,” Lysakov gives an example.

The deputy notes that the government paid due attention to his arguments. “There was a constructive discussion, and it was decided to make several requests to the regions in order to understand what costs from the budgets would be required to implement this innovation. This is a formal procedure - it is clear that significant funds will not be required for this. After receiving feedback on the proposal, it will be reported, after which the possibility of making adjustments to the bill will be considered, ”he explained.

There are a number of comments to the draft law by the State Legal Department (GPU), which does not support the text of the document in this version.

“I am completely for slowing down the speed limit, but only in this way. My position is fully shared by the head of the State Duma Committee on Transport, - added Lysakov. “At the same time, I would like to note that slowing down in cities alone will not solve the problem of pedestrian collisions. The figures that the government is talking about have really grown in recent years, but this is primarily due to the growth of the vehicle fleet itself.

In addition, poor driver training and the quality of equipment also affect pedestrian crossings in Russia, and the carelessness of the pedestrians themselves, lulled by the state's excessive concern for their safety. They cross the road in headphones, not looking around. Even at a speed of 50 km / h, you can not have time to slow down.

Vladimir Kuzin, in turn, noted that he did not see fundamental difference between two options: reducing the general speed limit in cities and reducing the permissible speed limit to 10 km/h. “After all, in both cases, drivers will not be able to drive faster than 70 km / h with impunity,” he explained. - And in order to reduce the speed limit in cities to 50 km / h, as in Europe, we need strong arguments. I have not yet familiarized myself with the proposals of the participants of the last meeting on this matter.

It is worth emphasizing that the bill of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the version published earlier implies a reduction in the permissible speed of movement not only in settlements but also on all other types of roads.