Mk mole for 92 gasoline. Gasoline for grandpa's car. Difference between high octane and low octane fuel

In fact, 80-grade gasolines were illegal in our country until recently. Back in 2008, with the introduction Technical regulations for fuel, they popularly explained to us: they are bad, environmentally dirty and in no way suitable for the foreign cars of officials and deputies. Therefore, they were not even included in environmental class 2, the lowest according to the Regulations.

The entry into force of this tricky document has been repeatedly postponed. Finally, in the fall of 2011, when only class 4 gasoline should have been sold throughout Russia (according to the first edition of the Regulations), it turned out that the majority of refineries had not even reached class 3 (such fuel was allowed to be produced until the end of 2009)! At the same time, further amendments were adopted, which... abolished all restrictions on the octane number. Now it is possible, without looking at the timing, to produce any gasoline, be it 72nd or 110th, as long as all other requirements for the environmental friendliness of the fuel are met.

However, the process has begun: oil workers have been curtailing production of 80-grade gasoline since 2008. Today, although it is “legal”, it is in terrible short supply! And since the largest refineries have stopped producing it altogether, this brand is brought from old factories that did not have time to wake up with the introduction of the Regulations, or from semi-handicraft mini-refineries, where they obtain cheap low-quality surrogates by distilling gas condensate. As a result, refueling with 80 has now become both difficult, relatively expensive, and unpredictable in its consequences!

What should we feed the old dinosaurs? There are ZILs with Muscovites, and old motorcycles, and boat motors...Will they feel bad? Let's check.


Smart mechanics, having read books, say that the use of high-octane gasoline in old engines is fraught with danger increased consumption, loss of power, sharp increase in toxicity. And the worst thing is that the valves and pistons will burn out! And all because high octane gasoline Compared to low-octane, it burns worse and slower. But is it?

The authors have long been looking sideways at the stand with the old Volgov ZMZ-4021. Our task extended his life: let him serve people one last time! Having chosen a gas station with a reputable brand, so as not to run into bad stuff right away, we bought a canister of 80, 92 and 95. They cost 25 rubles respectively. 80 kopecks, 26 rubles. 50 kopecks and 28 rub. 20 kopecks per liter

Then we went through the usual test cycle, changing varieties successively. We measured fuel consumption, power, and exhaust gas toxicity at ten points characteristic of the universal operating cycle. To estimate temperature changes exhaust valves(and indirectly - and piston group), set the thermocouple to release.

To begin with, no adjustments were made to the ignition system. The engine started and ran completely normally. The measurement results showed that on 80-octane gasoline with standard adjustments, the power was a little more and the engine consumed less gasoline - by 3–5%. And the higher octane number, the greater the difference. But with toxicity it’s the other way around! With 95 gasoline, the engine's environmental performance was better than with 80 gasoline, but not by much - by 10–12% (this is only slightly beyond the measurement error). Moreover, the greatest effect is noticeable in reducing the yield of nitrogen oxides.

But what about the worst thing - are the valves and pistons intact? Definitely yes! If the temperature of the exhaust gases depended on the octane number of gasoline, it was very weak. The whole difference was within 15–20 ºC!

In the end, we decided that it was stupid to overpay for more expensive gasoline without taking advantage of its benefits. Shifted the ignition timing 5 degrees forward - on the old ones carburetor cars It is not hard. The result was not long in coming: there were no more power losses, efficiency was 2–3% better than when working on the 80th with standard engine adjustment.

So, the volvulus is cancelled!


First plus- is that the transition from 80 to high-octane fuels is nothing bad motor not a threat. The valves will not burn out, the pistons will remain intact. But it’s not the books’ fault: they were just written a long time ago! In the era of leaded gasoline, the addition of lead to fuel seriously slowed down its combustion rate. And so does iron, in the form of ferrocene, so beloved by oil workers. But now the Regulations strictly prohibit the presence of any metals in fuel (at least thank you for that!). A modern technologies increasing the octane number, based on optimization of the hydrocarbon composition of fuels and partly on the use of oxygen-containing high-octane components, on the contrary, improves fuel combustion. This is exactly what we saw in the experiment: the temperature of the exhaust gases when running on high-octane gasoline did not increase (its increase is the first sign of prolonged fuel combustion).

Why did we lose a little in power until we changed the engine adjustment? The fact is that high-octane gasoline has a lower calorific value. That is, when burning one kilogram of fuel, they emit less heat than the same 80th. But this does not mean that they are worse: calorific value is just one of the parameters, by the way, not included in the regulations. But the reserve of detonation resistance allows you to extract higher power from them!

Second plus- improvement of environmental parameters. Of course, by transferring from 80 to 95 old motor you can’t change it in Euro-4, but it will spoil the air a little less. This is where the misunderstanding of officials comes into play! It is not low-octane gasoline that is dangerous for the environment - content harmful substances in the exhaust when running at 80 is not much different from what was achieved with high-octane fuel! The engine itself, which consumes 80% gasoline and was designed in the youth of our grandfathers, is dangerous due to toxicity that exceeds all reasonable requirements. Reducing environmental damage is achieved not by gasoline, but by modern organization of the work process and efficient systems suppression of toxicity.

Third plus- when running even an old motor on modern fuel it will become less dirty. Improvement in combustion quality and the presence of detergent additives in gasoline. And is it important! True, the deposits in life-beaten engines are more likely not from fuel, but from oil combustion, but still...

Fourth plus- no need to waste time looking for the 80th, which has become scarce. (For example, we found it only at the fourth gas station.)

Fifth plus- less chance of running into the devil. The reasons - see above... Normal refineries practically no longer produce low-octane fuels, and the quality of gasoline produced at mini-refineries is usually below the lowest level.

There is only one minus: refilling will cost more. But now not by much: taking advantage of the shortage in 1980, oil companies quickly raised prices to prices in 1992.

Finally, a few words about the interchangeability of 92 and 95. The question is not inferior in popularity to the previous one, and therefore we will express our opinion once again. Neither one nor the other is in short supply, and therefore you need to fill in the one recommended by the machine manufacturer. If the latter takes liberties, take any: with the 92 it will be a little cheaper, and with the 95 it will be a little more fun. In general, for a modern engine, the difference between the 92nd and the 95th in terms of detonation limits in ordinary life is almost imperceptible. The difference in the engine rating will only be felt under heavy loads or during very dynamic driving - and then only through short-term knocks of detonation, which does not cause any particular harm to the engine.

In general, we won’t die. It is difficult to scare a Russian with reforms.

Rarely are people interested in how to make 92 gasoline into 80. Most often, the reverse situation is interesting, when fuel with a low octane number needs to be converted into fuel with a higher octane number. Today we’ll talk about how to lower the octane number of gasoline. The resulting fuel can be poured into chainsaws and even two stroke engines mopeds that do not accept high octane fuel well. But to understand the process, you must first understand what gasoline is. So let's get started.

What is gasoline?

Gasoline is a mixture of isooctane and heptane. Isooctane is always taken as 100 units; it is not explosive when pressure increases. Heptane is taken as zero units, since it is not resistant to detonation when pressure increases. Thus, the AI ​​92 gasoline mixture contains 92% isooctane and 8% heptane. After the first distillation of oil, the octane number of the fuel is usually 70. In order to improve its quality, special anti-knock agents are used. The most common anti-knock agent is methyl tert-butyl (MTBE). Previously, lead anti-knock agents were used, but since they contaminated environment, they were banned. There is also gasoline with an octane rating of 100. It uses only isooctane and various volumetric additives. This fuel is used in racing car engines.

Difference between high octane and low octane fuel

Octane number has a direct effect on the rate of fuel combustion. Gasoline with a high octane number burns smoothly and for a long time, resulting in no shock loads on the pistons. Therefore, manufacturers produce modern cars, whose engines are designed to use AI 92, AI 95 and even AI 98 gasoline.

Low-octane gasoline in an engine that is not designed for it burns prematurely, due to which some of the energy is wasted, detonation occurs in the cylinders, which leads to damage to the valves and the formation of deposits on the cylinder walls.

How to make 80 gasoline from 92?

Unfortunately, there is no specialized literature that would describe methods for lowering the octane number, since turning efficient fuel into cheap gasoline with a low octane number is uneconomical, stupid and ineffective, because the cost of 92 gasoline is higher than the cost of AI 80 gasoline. However, such a necessity sometimes it occurs.

The octane number can be lowered by:

  1. Sulfur compounds and resinous substances.
  2. Adding low-octane fuel to high-octane gasoline.
  3. Long-term storage of gasoline. Under incorrect storage conditions ( elevated temperature, for example) it loses its properties. Substances in its composition that increase the octane number evaporate, and as a result, the fuel becomes of poorer quality. On average, the octane number can decrease by 0.2 units per day.

Depending on the method of lowering the octane number, we will need a single-piston engine, sulfur compounds, a portable device for determining the octane number, and low-octane gasoline.


First, we need to determine. It is best to use a regular portable device for this. For example, OKTIS-2 is popular. The cost of such devices is 4-6 thousand rubles. Perhaps you can find it cheaper. Unfortunately, you can’t do without such a device. There is no way to make 80 gasoline out of 92 without knowing the current octane number after manipulations with the fuel.

The easiest way is to add low-octane fuel to AI 92 gasoline - AI 76, for example. Considering that the latter is practically not sold anywhere, you can add sulfur compounds to gasoline. It can also be diluted with AI 80 gasoline, but it will not be possible to seriously reduce the octane number in this way. True, before diluting gasoline, it is necessary to measure its current octane number and measure it after each portion of fuel addition.

Storing gasoline in the sun

Another method that does not require much effort is to leave AI 92 gasoline in the open air and preferably in the sun. Under such unacceptable fuel storage conditions, its octane number may decrease to 0.5 units per day. After leaving the fuel to settle, it is necessary to check its current octane number several times a day. It is quite possible that after some time (it is impossible to give exact figures) AI 92 gasoline will acquire an octane number of 80.

Octane reduction in industry

On an industrial scale, no one lowers the octane in fuel, because the cost of 92 gasoline is higher than the price of AI 80 fuel. There is no point in doing this expensive gasoline cheap, so there are many fuel additives on the market that can increase the octane number, but not lower it. Here you have to think and experiment.

The above are the most simple ways, but there are others. Some methods for determining octane number use a single-piston engine to simulate strenuous driving. However, such methods are imperfect and large errors often occur when determining the octane number.

Does it make sense to lower the octane number?

In theory, it makes sense, since engines designed to run on low-octane gasoline do not handle more efficient fuels well. It's all about the moment of fuel explosion: in engines that are designed for AI-92 gasoline, low-octane fuel will explode too early, and then some of the energy is lost. Detonation occurs, which leads to rapid wear of the engine friction pairs. Also, combustion products may be deposited on the cylinder walls, since they do not have time to be removed from the combustion chamber when the exhaust valve opens.

On the contrary, in engines designed for low-octane fuel, AI 92 or AI 95 gasoline will explode with some delay, which leads to approximately the same consequences. But this is in theory. In fact, you cannot fill low octane fuel in modern engines, but vice versa - it is possible. The reason is the low quality of gasoline sold at Russian gas stations. Unfortunately, its quality is worse compared to European fuel, so many drivers try to use fuel with a higher octane number than that required for the engine.

Therefore, you can safely use high-octane fuel for old mopeds, chainsaws, lawn mowers, and even add oil to gasoline for a chainsaw. And although they are designed to work with low-octane fuel, there is nothing wrong with using fuel with a higher detonation resistance.


Now you know how to turn 92 gasoline into 80. Unfortunately, to lower the octane number you cannot do without a special device, which is expensive. It is irrational to buy it if this operation needs to be performed only once. However, in cases where it is often necessary to dilute gasoline in order to reduce detonation resistance, then such a device can be purchased.

As for choosing a method for lowering the octane number, the best and most practical method seems to be storing fuel under the sun for open space. IN in this case no action is required, you just need to measure the octane number from time to time.

Do not look in stores for special “chemicals” that would reduce detonation resistance. The stores are full of additives that increase the octane number. They are poured directly into the car's gas tank. However, no one produces products that can lower the octane number for a completely natural reason.

Almost every owner of a walk-behind tractor knows that AI-80 gasoline, or AI-76 as it is also called, has ceased to be produced in the post-Soviet countries. Finding it now is not an easy task, so many farmers are forced to look for a solution to the problem by switching from this fuel to a more efficient one. quality fuel grade AI-92. Is it possible to do this yourself, and what is required for this? Let’s look at it in more detail.

Is it possible to pour 92 instead of 80 into a walk-behind tractor?

Even novice farmers know that AI-92 gasoline is an order of magnitude better than 80 grade fuel. However, is it possible to refuel an agricultural unit with higher quality fuel if it was originally designed to work with 80-grade gasoline? Absolutely not! Even if your walk-behind tractor is equipped with high-quality mechanisms, it will not work for a long time on 92 fuel. Moreover, cheap units generally stop starting if you change their “diet” from AI-76 to AI-92.

What is the threat to the owner of a walk-behind tractor when refueling the unit with unsuitable fuel? As a rule, this leads to a number of the following problems:

  • most important mechanisms walk-behind tractor - the engine, clutch and ignition quickly fail, since the octane number in 92nd gasoline does not correspond to the same parameter of 80th fuel;
  • even if the walk-behind tractor starts up and runs on the wrong fuel, its owner will have to change the seals and filters of the unit 2 or even 3 times more often than in the case of working on the fuel recommended by the walk-behind tractor manufacturer;
  • The gearbox of the walk-behind tractor quickly fails;
  • fuel consumption increases.

All these problems are pushing farmers to switch from 80 gasoline to AI-92 gasoline. There are two ways to do this. Below we will look at each of them in more detail.

Converting a walk-behind tractor to 92 gasoline by increasing the engine compression ratio

This method of converting a walk-behind tractor from 80 to higher-quality 92 gasoline is considered the most difficult, since the conversion must be carried out as carefully and accurately as possible, otherwise you can damage the engine of the walk-behind tractor. The essence of the procedure is to grind the cylinder head until a layer 2.5 mm thick is removed from its surface. The procedure for this is as follows:

    1. Place the walk-behind tractor in a stationary position, or remove the engine of the unit;
    2. Take an electric drill with a diamond blade installed on it and start grinding the walls of the cylinder head;
  1. Regularly wipe the surface from dust and take measurements of the removed layer;
  2. Finally, wipe the walls of the cylinder head, degrease them and let them dry.

The result of the work performed will be an increase in the engine compression ratio to 7.8 atm. Upon completion of grinding, also replace the standard spark plugs of the walk-behind tractor with parts with a glow index of 16.

If you do not have time to grind the walls of the cylinder heads, then you can replace the standard cylinder heads with parts 421.1003010. Do not forget that in this case you will also need to change the factory valve rods of the walk-behind tractor pushers. For replacement, you can purchase a ready-made set of rods, fasteners and their adjusting screws. The only disadvantage of buying and installing ready-made parts is that their cost on the market is quite high, so it is best to lose a couple of hours of your time and remake the walk-behind tractor completely yourself.

Switching to a new fuel by adjusting the advance angle of the ignition system

This method of switching to 92 gasoline is easier to implement and requires less effort and time. Before you start work, be sure to replace the standard spark plug of the walk-behind tractor with a part marked A17B. Further actions will be aimed at shifting the advance angle of the unit by approximately 2 degrees in the counterclockwise direction. The algorithm for performing the procedure is as follows:

  1. Start the unit’s engine and wait until it has used up all the remaining fuel;
  2. Carefully remove the tip of the installed spark plug;
  3. Unlock the flywheel mounting nut;
  4. Remove the nut and dismantle the ratchet of the walk-behind tractor;
  5. Attach the flywheel removable key. To do this, tighten the removal screw completely, then lightly hit it with a small hammer;
  6. Find the mark by which the ignition of the walk-behind tractor is adjusted;
  7. Loosen the magneto locking level using a screwdriver;
  8. Move the magneto base 2mm to the left.

After completing all of the above steps, all you have to do is assemble the walk-behind tractor motor in the reverse order. In this case, be sure to make sure that the key remains at the end crankshaft. When assembling the engine, tighten the flywheel mounting nut with “Torque 16 kgf” glue, and then secure it with a lock washer. Each of these actions should be performed with the part of the element that is not jammed.

Features of operating a converted walk-behind tractor

In order to extend the life of the main mechanisms of the converted walk-behind tractor, be sure to adhere to a number of rules. When operating an agricultural machine, do the following:

  • checking the condition of the cylinders - regularly inspect parts for the appearance of soot, which is formed as a result of fuel evaporation;
  • checking the serviceability of the transmission - at first it may “fail”, but later all the parts will fall into place and the mechanism will work properly.

Do not overload the walk-behind tractor in the first month after switching to the new kind fuel. Otherwise, the working life of the motor will decrease quite quickly, which will lead to engine failure. This will be indicated by the appearance of strange “shooting” sounds when the unit is operating.

Each of the methods described above is suitable for converting walk-behind tractors produced under the brands Neva MB-1 and MB-2, MTZ-05 and MTZ-12, as well as Cascade and Agro units. The procedure for converting from 80 to 92 gasoline will be similar in each case.

Many owners of agricultural equipment are trying to change the type of fuel consumed by their units. Converting a walk-behind tractor to another “diet” is not easy, but there is nothing overly complicated in such an event. Let's look at methods for performing this operation yourself.

Converting an engine to run on a different fuel - what are the advantages?

Even novice gardeners and gardeners know that grade 92 gasoline is much higher quality than cheaper fuel analogues. However, is it possible to pour 92 gasoline instead of 80 into a walk-behind tractor? Every expert will confidently answer “no.” Even if your walk-behind tractor has a reliable design and high quality parts, it still won’t work for a long time on fuel that is not standard for it. Cheaper walk-behind tractors do not start at all after changing the brand of gasoline. Because of this, in order to refuel your equipment with good fuel, you have to slightly alter its design. As a result of the changes, the owner of the walk-behind tractor receives the following benefits:

  • Life extension important details and units of the unit;
  • No need to change seals and filters every few months;
  • Increasing the service life of the motor and gearbox;
  • Less fuel consumption.

All these advantages encourage equipment owners to start working without hesitation. There are two ways to convert a walk-behind tractor to use 92 gasoline instead of 80. Below we will consider each of them separately.

Ignition timing adjustment method

This method is best described using the example of the UMZ-341 motor. This universal motor equipped with almost the same parts as other domestic and imported engines.

Before converting a walk-behind tractor engine from 80 to 92 gasoline, you will need to replace spark plug A 11-3 with spark plug A17B. After this, you can begin to adjust the advance angle to move it no more than 2 degrees counterclockwise. The work algorithm looks like this:

  1. Completely drain the gasoline from the gas tank of the walk-behind tractor;
  2. Start the engine and give it time to burn out all remaining fuel;
  3. Remove the spark plug tip;
  4. Remove the 4 bolts holding the fan shroud;
  5. Remove the casing;
  6. Next, you will need to unlock the flywheel fixing nut;
  7. Unscrew the nut and remove the ratchet;
  8. Install the flywheel puller. To do this, tighten the puller screw and lightly hit it with a hammer;
  9. Find the ignition adjustment mark;
  10. Use a screwdriver to loosen the magneto. After this, move its base 2 mm to the left.

After completing these procedures, you need to assemble the engine. During assembly, make sure there is a key on the end of the crankshaft. Tighten the flywheel mounting nut to a torque of 16 kgf/m and secure with a lock washer. While doing this, work with the part that is not jammed. After the modification, you can confidently fill the tank of your walk-behind tractor with 92 gasoline - the unit will work like clockwork.

Method for increasing engine compression ratio

This method is a little more complicated than the previous one. All work must be done as accurately as possible so as not to damage the motor of the walk-behind tractor. The essence of the method is based on removing a layer of metal no more than 2.5 mm thick from the plane of the cylinder head. Thanks to this kind of grinding, the engine compression rate increases to 7.8 atm. In addition, you will also have to replace the spark plugs - new datleys must have a heat number of at least 16 units.

As an alternative to this method, you can replace the cylinder heads with elements of grade 421. 1003010. However, in addition to replacing the head, you will need to replace the valve rods of the pushers. For this purpose, you can buy a special set of push rods and adjusting screws. It is important to remember that the kit, like a new cylinder head, will not be cheap. Therefore, it is best to spend a little of your time and adjust the ignition timing.

What awaits the owner of a walk-behind tractor after switching to a new type of fuel?

In order to successfully use 92 gasoline instead of 80, after the conversion you will have to adhere to certain rules when operating the equipment. Having studied and observed them, the owner of a walk-behind tractor will not make mistakes typical of most inexperienced farmers. During operation, you must ensure:

  1. Depending on the condition of the cylinders, carbon deposits formed by gasoline vapors may accumulate on their walls;
  2. For the serviceability of the transmission - at first it may “fail” when changing gears;
  3. If strange sounds appear, they indicate a motor malfunction.

After remaking the walk-behind tractor, experts advise not to overload the equipment for the first few months. Short pauses will help avoid unwanted breakdowns.

Due to the fact that the country has stopped producing 76 and 80 gasoline, everyone is wondering whether it is possible to fill the engine with 92 gasoline instead of 80? We have found ways to do this and now we are happy to share it with you.

Method 1 - how to shift the engine by adjusting the ignition timing

We will demonstrate this method using the example of the UMZ-341 engine. To convert the engine to 92 grade gasoline, you need to replace the A11-3 spark plug with an A17B spark plug. And also after adjusting the ignition timing, to do this you need to move it exactly 2 degrees counterclockwise.

Stages of such re-equipment:

  1. We clean the gas tank of gasoline and drain it.
  2. We start the engine and let it use up all the excess fuel from the carburetor.
  3. Remove the spark plug tip.
  4. Now you need to unscrew the four bolts securing the fan casing.
  5. We remove the casing.
  6. At this stage, you need to loosen the flywheel mounting nut.
  7. Unscrew the nut.
  8. Remove the ratchet, lock washer and nut.
  9. We install the flywheel puller. To do this, tighten the central bolt of the puller and hit it lightly with a hammer, remove the flywheel (important: when removing the flywheel, hitting it is prohibited).
  10. Find the ignition installation mark. It is applied by the manufacturer during adjustment.
  11. Take a screwdriver and loosen the magneto mount. Next to the left we move its base exactly 2 mm counterclockwise.

Next, we proceed to assembling the engine, returning everything to its place. It is important during assembly to check whether there is a key on the crankshaft. The fastening nut in the flywheel must be tightened to a torque of 14-16 kgf/m and secured with a lock washer. In this case, you need to use the part of the washer that is not jammed. Replace the spark plug with A17B. That's the whole procedure. Everything is simple and clear. And your engine will already be ready to run on 92 grade gasoline.

Method 2 - increasing the engine compression ratio

This method is not as simple as the previous one. Before moving the engine in this way, you should be extremely careful and do everything with high precision.
The essence of this method is to remove a 2.5 mm layer of metal from the plane of the cylinder head. Due to this grinding, the engine compression level is up to 7.8. You also need to change the spark plugs; they must have a heat rating of at least 17 units.

An excellent alternative to this method would be to simply replace the cylinder head with 421.1003010-21. Also, when installing a new cylinder head, it is worth changing the valve pusher rods. To do this, you can purchase a “Set of valve pushrods and screws control valves» 4216.1007024.

In principle, having considered these two methods of rebuilding the engine, we can safely answer the question of whether it is possible to use 92 gasoline instead of 80. Of course not, this threatens to burn out the valves, and also due to incorrect ignition The cylinder head will fail.

So if you decide to convert the engine of a walk-behind tractor, it is better to use the above methods. Thus, you can actually switch the engine to 92 gasoline and at the same time not cause damage to your equipment. If you yourself do not have such special skills and knowledge in this area, then it is better to ask for help from specialists.