Repeated fine for tinting for a year. New fine on the road - tinting and consequences. What is the light transmittance of glass?

Today, tinted front windows can be seen on most cars. More often, of course, on foreign cars, but also on domestic ones too. Traffic police officers are trying to combat this problem, but to cover all offenders this moment does not seem possible.

Drivers defend their point of view to the last, assuring traffic police officers that they have the right to do so. After all, darkening the windows prevents sunlight from entering the car interior. This makes travel easier, including over long distances. The legal norms of the Russian Federation explain very clearly the fact that tinting front windows is unacceptable. Only fines and strict restrictions will help combat this problem.

Fine for tinting from January 1, 2016 - new amendments to the law

The State Duma will introduce amendments to the law banning window tinting on cars. So, new law states that the fine will be increased to 5 thousand rubles, and also, there will no longer be a clause requiring drivers to be deprived of their rights for a repeated violation. New normal The law states that it is necessary to increase the monetary penalty, raising the amount to 1,500 rubles, compared to the previous 500 rubles.

Fine for tinting front windows

Russian legislation will introduce such a concept as repeated violations of glass tinting. Then the driver may be held more seriously liable for a repeated violation within 1 year.

If traffic police officers stop a driver for darkening the windows, which does not comply with the law, then he will pay a fine of 1,500 rubles. If he is stopped again within one year, the penalty will be 5,000 rubles. IN extreme cases possible deprivation driver's license up to 3 months. In case of repeated violation, only the court can deprive the driver, which means the driver will be sent to the judicial authorities. Side front windows must transmit at least 70% of light.

Windshield tinting - fine

When considering the issue of imposing a fine, it is worth considering the fact that tinting itself is not prohibited as such. The light transmittance of the glass is set to ensure road safety. In accordance with legal requirements, the windshield must transmit at least 75% of the light. On the top windshield An upper darkened stripe is acceptable if the width does not exceed 14 centimeters from the edge.

Tinting taillights - traffic police fine

Tinting rear lights is a fashionable type of tuning. Drivers are trying to stand out from the crowd in this way. The color can blend in with the car, or it can be bright and make the car stand out from other cars.

It is believed that this procedure is prohibited, but it is worth considering all the nuances. If the permissible light transmission is not violated, the traffic police will not issue a fine. But if the headlights are very dark, then an administrative penalty of 500 rubles may be imposed, and according to the new law, 1,500 rubles.

How much will a fine for window tinting cost in 2016?

If you ask the inspector who stopped you to remove the tint on the spot, you can avoid punishment. After all, previously they could rent rooms for this. So, if it is not possible to do this on the spot, a written warning is drawn up, indicating that the driver must eliminate the cause within 10 days. If this does not happen, the punishment varies from 1000 – 1500 rubles. In certain cases, the driver may be arrested for 15 days.

Is it possible to remove tint on site without a fine?

Many drivers understand that constant fines will ruin them. Therefore, they suggest removing the tint on the spot, if possible. In this case, a fine can be avoided.

What are the consequences of an offense and how to appeal it?

It is possible to avoid subsequent problems by asking the traffic police officer to remove the tint. Also, if the driver is well versed in the law, then here is what you can refer to:

  • In order to issue you a ticket, the highway patrol must determine the degree of darkness. And this is not done by eye, but using special devices on site;
  • The check must be carried out at the post.

You can also appeal a violation if the glass was not clean and dry. You can request a recheck in this case.

Fines for tinting in Russia

According to statistics provided annually by the traffic police, the number of violations is growing every year. Yes, just for Last year 770,000 fines were registered, which is almost double the increase compared to last year. Moscow and the Moscow region are the leaders in crime. Thus, in Moscow there was an increase of 67%.

Is deprivation of rights possible?

In connection with new amendments made to the law banning darkening windows, deprivation of rights is carried out only in the judicial authorities. Most often, the driver can solve the problem by paying 5,000 rubles for the violation.

How to avoid a fine for tinting?

These problems can only be avoided if violations by road patrols are registered. You can challenge the actions of employees, then you will escape responsibility.

Is it legal to install xenon headlights in a car?

The topic of excessive tinting is of particular interest to car owners, since this type of offense is a frequent reason for administrative punishment car enthusiasts. Get new information on this topic is really important, since the fine for tinting in 2016 again underwent changes. Let's find out what is the fine for tinting in 2016.

Fine for tinting since January 2016

Fine for tinting from January 1, 2016, according to the Code of Administrative Offenses, Art. 12.5 hours 3.1 for glass is 500 rubles. Previously for the same violation except monetary fine the driver was threatened with removal of the license plate from the car, but this measure has now been canceled.
When the relaxation came into force and numbers stopped being removed, the number of such offenses increased by an order of magnitude, which again required tougher punishment.
Now the driver receives a fine and a written warning from the traffic police inspector, after which the car owner must remove the film with unacceptable characteristics from the windows within 10 days. If the driver does not do this, then the repeated fine for tinting will be 1000 rubles (will be doubled) or will face arrest for a period of 15 days.

What is the fine for tinting in 2016?

Of course, arrest is an extreme measure, and this does not happen, but if you do not pay the first fine in time, in the amount of 500 rubles within the period established by law, then its amount will be doubled and will be 1000 rubles. Such punishment as arrest and doubling the fine amount occurs only by court decision. Alternatively, in the same case, 50 hours of corrective labor may be applied.
As a result, if you can afford to regularly pay fines at each stop, then, in principle, you don’t have to remove the film - the inspector will not do it himself.

New fines for tinting in 2016

Several bills have already been submitted for consideration, the main goal of which is to tighten penalties for excessive tinting of windows. When they come into force, and this is very soon, then instead of 500 rubles at the first stop you will have to pay a fine of 1,500, and when the protocol is drawn up again, 5,000 rubles or a suspension from driving for 3 months.

Tinting fine: new law 2016

  • The first fine is 1,500 rubles;
  • Repeated fine– 5,000 rubles, or deprivation of rights for a 90-day period (3 months);
  • Important! For those who don't know:

  • The light transmittance of the windshield must be at least 75%;
  • The light transmittance of the side front windows should be 70%;
  • For all other glasses, tinting can be of any kind, but not of the mirror type.
  • Headlight tinting: fine 2016

    Tinting headlights can cause accidents, so coating (varnish or film) should not absorb more than 15% of light, emitted by lighting devices. The fines for tinting headlights are really not small, and you can see their sizes below:

  • Fine for individuals persons – 3000 rubles;
  • Fine for legal entities Persons – 400,000 – 500,000 rubles;
  • Fine for officials– 15,000 – 20,000 rubles;
  • About punishments for tinted rear lights The Code of Administrative Offenses does not say anything directly, but inspectors by law have the right to apply a fine in 500 rubles for violation of the rules of use lighting fixtures.

    Violations of the rules for operating lighting devices also include:

  • Changing the headlight configuration;
  • Defects and damage to lighting fixtures;
  • Dirt on lighting fixtures;
  • Installation additional elements to the headlights;
  • You can add non-functioning light-emitting diodes to the list. As you can see, the size of fines for tinting windows and headlights is noticeably different, and in the second case you will have to pay a really lot.

    According to technical regulations, the light transmittance of the windshield must exceed 75 percent, and that of the side windows - at least 70 percent. The degree of tinting of other glasses is not regulated. This is stated in paragraph 2.2.4 of GOST 5727-88. You need to remember these parameters and not violate them, otherwise you will not avoid fines on the roads.

    How it works?

    It should be noted that legal tints almost non-existent. Windshields often absorb about 20 percent of light from the factory, and if the glass is dusty or rubbed with brushes, this figure can reach 30 percent. Thus, before gluing even the most transparent film, be sure to measure the light transmittance of your glasses. Thus, it can be noted that legal tinting of the front and windshield vehicle simply doesn't exist. Only full tinting of the rear window is allowed, but only if the car has rear-view mirrors on the sides.

    Mirror tinting is also a rather controversial decision. Directly according to GOST it is not prohibited, but according to the note of part 7.3 of Chapter 7 of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 23, 1993 No. 1090, its use is prohibited.


    Transparent colored films can be glued to the top of the windshield of buses and cars. It is allowed to use tinted glass, except mirror glass, with light transmittance in accordance with GOST 5727-88. It is allowed to use curtains on the windows of tourist buses and blinds and curtains on rear windows passenger cars if there are external rear view mirrors on both sides.

    From experience we can say that driving behind a car with mirror tint rear window very inconvenient, as it sometimes blinds the driver.

    How is tint measured?

    According to the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 1240, when measuring the light transmittance of side windows, certain conditions must be observed, namely:

    1. The control of light transmittance of car windows is carried out exclusively at stationary traffic police posts.
    2. Measuring the light transmittance of the front side windows of a car is carried out only by inspectors technical supervision Traffic police
    3. Checking light transmittance is only possible using means technical diagnostics, which are included in the State Register of the type of measuring instruments, which have certificates of conformity, as well as a mark on the date of the last inspection of the device in them.
    4. Measurements can only be taken on a dry and clean glass surface.

    In other words, no measurements can be taken in dirty and wet weather. Be sure to look at the sensors attached to the glass. There should be no external films on them. If you think that the device is not working correctly, you have the right to request repeated measurements. When taking measurements again, the inspector must invite a couple of witnesses. Where he finds them is none of your business. If the traffic police inspector postpones the search for witnesses, remind him of Article 28.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation about the unlawfulness of a long delay of a car and tell him that you plan to call the police. Hearing this, the inspector will probably hasten to let you go.

    Fines for tinting

    Now let's try to figure out what fines are set for tinting the front windows of a car this year. According to current laws, punishment for tinting film on windows is provided for in Part 3.1 of Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation:

    Transport management with installed glass or transparent color films with light transmittance that does not meet the requirements technical regulations on vehicle safety shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 500 rubles.

    If you agree to remove the tint in front of the inspector, you will avoid a fine, albeit a minor one. Let us note that previously, for this violation, in addition to a fine, state registration license plates were removed. By canceling the last part and leaving only a monetary punishment, motorists were given a free hand, and more and more tinted cars began to appear in the cities of the Russian Federation. Window tinting services do not sit idle.

    Relatively recently, a new rule was introduced to combat those who like to tint tightly. Now, if a film is detected on the side or windshield that does not meet light transmittance standards, the inspector will issue a written warning indicating how long the problem must be corrected. If the driver does not get rid of the tint, the next time he is stopped, a report will be drawn up against him and he will be punished with a fine of 1,000 rubles. Arrest for up to 15 days is also possible.

    Of course, arrest cannot be imposed for a violation for which the sanctions include only a fine. Thus, traffic police officers act differently: they issue a warning and draw up protocols, on the basis of which they must pay 500 rubles.

    If the car owner does not get rid of the tint and refuses to pay the fine, the first part of Article 20.25 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation comes into effect.

    Punishment in the form of arrest or imposition of a second fine can only be imposed by a court. The inspectors themselves do not have such powers. Probably in soon If you repeatedly drive a car with tinted side or windshield windows, your license will be revoked. For now, only arrest is possible for this.

    The issue of tinted car windows has been on the radar of the Russian Government for a long time. In 2015, a law came into force imposing a fine of 500 rubles on owners of cars with windows tinted beyond the norm.

    A small fine is not enough to deter most drivers from committing such a violation. Therefore, over the past two years, there have been many rumors about the development of a new bill, which will be called upon to significantly tighten the punishment for tinting.

    In this article we will try to shed light on the fine for tinting from July 1, 2016, consider the current fines for violating GOST for tinting and their possible tightening in the future, with the publication of amendments to the current legislation.

    Window tinting is very common in Russia. This is connected not only with the desire to hide oneself from prying eyes or to show one’s “coolness”. Car owners put forward several objective reasons for which the use of tinting is justified:

    • The interior lining of the car does not fade;
    • Protection of the car owner and car from overheating in the warm season;
    • Protection from car thieves, since they prefer to open those vehicles whose interior contents are visible in advance;
    • Reducing fuel costs for using air conditioning in summer.

    Therefore, some drivers preferred to pay one-time fines of 500 rubles rather than completely remove the tint or change it to the permitted one. And although in 2016 fines for tinting were slightly increased, there are a number of rules that inspectors do not have the right to violate:

    • When stopped by a traffic police inspector, a driver can immediately begin to peel off the tint film from the windows. In this case, a fine cannot be issued, since the issue has already been settled;
    • If the driver is detained for the first time, he pays a fine and receives an administrative decision with a specified date of its preparation. From now on he has 10 days to remove the tint. If before the expiration of this period they try to fine him again for tinted windows, then he just needs to present this resolution - there will be no fine;
    • In case of failure to comply with the order within 10 days, the driver faces a more serious fine.

    How dark does the tint have to be before you get a ticket?

    • For the front windshield - light transmission of at least 70% (previously it was 75%);
    • Front side windows – 70%;
    • The remaining windows can be tinted to the maximum (the only exception is mirror tinting).

    Remember that light transmission depends not only on the tint film. Even new glass does not transmit 100% of light (usually about 95%). If the glass is old, and the tint film transmits exactly 70% of the light, then in any case you will not be able to avoid a fine.

    To check the transmission of light through tinted glass, inspectors use special certified devices (for example, TONIC or BLIK). They must have factory seals and labels certifying the integrity of the devices. The temperature range at which it is possible to check the transmission of light through glass is from -25 to +40.

    A fine is issued only after the glass has been checked using the specified instruments. An exception for the windshield is a tinted strip at the top with a maximum width of 14 cm.

    Penalty for tinting from July 1, 2016 - possible changes

    In 2016, the State Duma of the Russian Federation is considering changes to the Code of Administrative Offenses in the area of ​​fines for tinted windows. Thus, it is planned to change Part 3.1 of Art. 12.5 – the fine will be increased from 500 to 1500 rubles. The article is added new part– 3.2, which talks about increasing the fine for tinting to 5,000 rubles in case of a repeated violation.

    By repeated offense, the Code of Administrative Offenses means a similar violation that was detected in the driver within one year after the first fine was issued.

    In simple words - if you have already been fined for incorrect tinting, and then caught with her again within one year and 10 days, you will have to pay a fine of 5,000 rubles instead of 1,500. 10 days is standard term entry into force of the decision, which is given to appeal it.

    The retroactive law will apply to new fines for tinting. It states: a new punishment applies to old violations when it is milder than the previous ones. If the previous fines were softer, then after the adoption of the new law they are applied.

    In our case this means:

    • If you were fined at the very end of 2015, and the decision was made only in 2016, after the adoption of new rules (a fine of 1,500 rubles for tinting), then you will pay at the old tariff - 500 rubles;
    • The retroactive rule does not apply in case of repeated violation - a fine of 5,000 rubles.

    These changes to the Code of Administrative Offenses are exhaustive at the moment (July 2016). Previously, it was planned to introduce deprivation of rights for violating tinting rules in the event of a third violation (after a fine of 5,000 rubles), but on December 2, 2015, this clause was canceled. There is also no talk of fully allowing tinting or introducing a tax on tinted windows.

    How to avoid a fine?

    Appeals against decisions related to fines for tinting are related to the issue of compliance of devices that check the light transmission of glass with established standards. If the inspector does not have this device, then a fine cannot be issued for tinting. You can safely leave the place of detention.

    If the inspector has such a device, do not be lazy to inquire about the presence of a certificate, inspect the seals and labels - their absence indicates that the device has been opened and its accuracy may have been compromised. The power supply of devices for measuring light transmission should not exceed 12 Volts.

    A separate rule concerns the thickness car glass. If it is more than 7 and a half centimeters, the inspector has the right to measure the throughput only with TONIC or BLIC devices. Their mechanisms are capable of producing results without distortion even in this case.

    If the tint level is measured in the cold season, then the instrument readings may have known errors. The temperature range for different devices is different, but if the cold outside is more than -20 degrees, this is a serious reason to question the measurement results. The optimal measurement temperature is from 15 to 25 degrees above zero.

    If measuring tint in cold or very hot seasons, challenge the accuracy of the data that the devices produce. Refer to the rules for their use described in GOST 27902.

    Recommended humidity for measurements is from 45% to 80% at an air pressure of 645 - 795 mm Hg. These readings must be taken into account and you must know why the inspector must have special instruments. But the measurement of instruments does not depend on the time of day. Traffic police officers have the right to check the glass at night.

    If you are confident that you are right, then do not be afraid to prove it to the inspectors in a reasoned and correct manner. Otherwise, if you intentionally use a film that is too dark, think about whether it’s worth risking your finances for the sake of the car’s beauty or other benefits.

    Legislative bodies will provide for the introduction of fines in accordance with the law on excessive tinting of cars. Will act this law about tinting from January 1, 2016. In Russia, the State Duma agreed at the end of summer to consider the bill and, seeing no obstacles, approved it.

    Details of the content of the law

    Law on tinting permission car front windows in 2016 provides restrictions. The Ministry of Internal Affairs worked on developing the initial content of the presented bill. Ultimately, the final version, along with all existing and possible amendments, was presented to the Russian Duma by Vyacheslav Lysakov. He is known to hold the position of deputy. Tax for tinting car windows in Russia next year will be increased threefold. Thus, the amount of sanctions will be about 1,500 thousand rubles.

    In addition, amendments to the Code Russian Federation about administrative offenses have such a thing as a repetition of the violation of the 2016 tinting law.

    This means that the owner of the car will have to pay a fine of 5,000 thousand rubles or be deprived of his driver's license for a period of three months. Of course, every car owner should have this data, as well as the information that concerns.

    The period for issuing a repeated fine will be considered legal after 12 months, counting from the previous violation. If during a repeated incident it is recorded that the coefficient bandwidth light through the glass does not comply with GOST standards, the owner of the car will pay cash or lose your rights. Of course, law enforcement officials do not have the authority to revoke a driver’s license. This issue will be resolved exclusively in court. In the event of a repeated offense, the case will be transferred to the judicial authorities, where a conclusion on this incident will be made. There must be compelling reasons for deprivation of rights other than the presence of tinted windows. For example, a car owner who was previously charged with other traffic violations automatically becomes a candidate for deprivation of his driver’s license for a period of 1 to 3 months. Everything will also depend on the seriousness and extent of the offense committed previously.

    Reasons for making changes to the legislation of the Russian Federation

    The adoption of the law on tinting is due to many factors. Due to the new situation, traffic police officers do not have the authority to remove license plates from a car for tinting that exceeds the maximum limit. A one-time small fine also does not become an obstacle for motorists who tint their front windows. Comparing the violation rates for previous years, we can say that the number of fined cars that had excessive tinting increased by exactly half. The most persistent offenders, according to preliminary data, live in Moscow. During the first half of 2015, 60 thousand protocols were issued with the amount of sanctions issued being 500 rubles. In second place in terms of excess tinting is St. Petersburg and the Moscow region. Following the leading regions are the Rostov and Sverdlovsk regions, as well as Bashkiria and Dagestan (approximately 25 thousand recorded violations). Regarding other regions, the percentage of cars stopped for unjustified window tinting is not as impressive as in the leading regions.

    Time frame for implementation of the law

    Unknown yet exact date introduction of the law on tinting into force. Rumor has it that Lysakov's bill will gain force on New Year's Eve. And will become valid from January 1, 2016. Although there is slightly different information that this will be a different date - March 1 of the coming year.

    In any case, starting from the beginning of the year, motorists will have to stop tinting their car windows. Or prepare your wallet for merciless sanctions, according to the adopted bill. Thus, tinting in the new year will become a luxury for the majority of Russian residents. It is unclear whether any tint will be allowed in 2016. More detailed information will be announced after the law comes into force.