Traffic rules for tractors. Tractor licenses - decoding of categories. Which vehicles are

Many business managers and employees themselves do not always understand what the main categories of self-propelled vehicles include and what licenses are required to operate vehicles.

The article presents all necessary information about this question.

Important points on self-propelled vehicles

You need to know what categories self-propelled vehicles are divided into and what licenses you need to obtain. The level of security in companies and organizations depends on this.

To drive such vehicles, you must obtain special licenses.

Traffic police officers management self-propelled vehicles with an inappropriate license is classified as driving without a license. Responsibility for violation of this rule It can be not only administrative, but even criminal.

If the violations are serious enough, not only the perpetrators of the violations and crimes, but also the managers of the companies in which they work can be held accountable.

Punishments are imposed on them for the reason that they allowed the equipment to be controlled by people who do not have the right and proper skills to do so.

It is not difficult to understand the main categories of self-propelled vehicles, as well as the licenses required to operate them. Based on in this case you need to take Resolution No. 796 of July 12, 1999.

It provides information related to the management of machines and the issuance of intended this process certificates.

The document that allows you to drive a self-propelled vehicle and is issued to the driver is called in 2019, as before, the tractor driver’s license.

The received tractor driver's license may contain entries about certain categories modern technology. Each point in the classification of self-propelled vehicles into categories must be considered in more detail.

Category A – these are modern motor vehicles that are not intended for travel on highways common use or having a maximum speed level not exceeding 50 km/h.

This may include vehicles such as:

  1. I – these are motorized off-road vehicles – snowmobiles and ATVs.
  2. II – automobile off-road vehicles with a permissible weight of up to 3.5 thousand kg and the number of seats passenger seats no more than eight. This subcategory includes swamp vehicles, vehicles of the side-by-side category and usually those with a body.
  3. III is special category off-road vehicles with a permissible weight above 3.5 tons. An example of these vehicles is an all-terrain vehicle or dump truck of the Ural-Polarnik brand.
  4. IV – off-road vehicles that are intended for the transport of passengers, as well as having, in addition to driver's seat more than eight seats. An example here would be an airport bus ramp.

Category B represents wheeled and tracked vehicles, with engines whose power does not exceed 25.7 kW.

These vehicles can be completely different - gasoline, diesel, and electric.

For drivers electric forklifts You will need to obtain a tractor driver’s license, category B must be open and a special mark “forklift driver” must be available.

This category includes special wheeled vehicles, the engine power level of which ranges from 25.7 to 110.3 kW. This category of vehicles is the most popular.

This includes:

  1. Diesel forklifts.
  2. Loaders of the bucket category.
  3. Mini variants of Bobcat.
  4. Some Amcord models.

On a driver's license in this category you can find such marks as tractor driver, loader driver and excavator driver.

If you are wondering what category tractors and other self-propelled machines belong to, then this is precisely category C.

Category D

This category includes special wheeled vehicles equipped with engines with power above 110.3 kW. We are talking about such quite powerful front loaders, like Dresta, Volvo, Caterpillar.

This also includes vehicles designed for transporting sea containers. The certificate may contain marks characteristic of category C.

Category E

These are special tracked vehicles equipped with an engine whose power exceeds 25.7 kW. IN driver's licenses This category is marked as “tractor driver” or “excavator operator”.

Category F

To obtain all of the categories of rights listed above, the driver must meet certain requirements.

To be admitted to the exams you will need:

  1. Complete specialized training and receive professional basic or additional education. Programs are being studied that are directly or indirectly related to the management of self-propelled vehicles of the listed categories. After completing the courses, you will receive a corresponding document confirming the assigned qualification.
  2. Pass a special medical examination to obtain a medical certificate. The document must confirm the complete absence of medical contraindications for driving self-propelled vehicles.
  • Category A I - from 16 years old;
  • Category A II - from 19 years old, 12 months of experience automotive category B;
  • Category A III - from 19 years old, 12 months of experience in category C;
  • Category A IV - from 22 years old, total experience 12 months for category D driving license;
  • Category B, C, E, F - from 17 years old;
  • Category D - from 18 years old.

Only in full compliance with all the listed conditions You can undergo special training and pass relevant exams.

Basic procedure for taking the exam

Exams for obtaining a license intended for driving self-propelled vehicles are taken in a certain sequence:

  1. Testing theoretical knowledge on the operation of special self-propelled machines, their safe operation(except category F).
  2. Theory for the operation of self-propelled vehicles and agricultural equipment. Available for category F licenses and for those who have already qualified as a tractor driver.
  3. Passing theory on traffic rules.
  4. Examination practical knowledge on comprehensive practical driving skills, rules traffic and maximum safe operation of machines.

The practice is completed in two stages. The first part is rented out on a site closed from traffic, which is characterized as a tractor track. The second part is carried out on a pre-selected route, which creates real operating conditions for a self-propelled vehicle.

When passing the practical part of the exam, a training center employee will test the following skills:

  • starting to move uphill from a standstill;
  • turning on a limited-width road with a one-time gear shift;
  • putting the car into the box in reverse;
  • placing self-propelled vehicles in a unit with a trailer in a box in reverse;
  • aggregation of a self-propelled vehicle with a mounted vehicle and a trailer;
  • stopping and braking at different speed limits, practicing an emergency stop.

Upon successful passing of all points of the exam, the driver receives a tractor driver's license for driving self-propelled vehicles against receipt.

When passing exams for categories self-propelled vehicles, the specialist receives a professional tractor driver license.

Previously issued rights of such a plan are withdrawn from him, and all authorizing records and marks are transferred to a new document.

The necessary restrictive, permissive and informational entries are entered in the “Special notes” column. This may be length of service, qualification restrictions, blood type, mark of control in lenses or glasses, and so on.

A tractor driver or tractor driver license is issued for a period of up to 10 years.. After this time, the document must be replaced as it is considered invalid.


For training to drive vehicles belonging to the category of self-propelled vehicles, you will need to pay an average of 8,500 to 12,000 rubles. It all depends on the training center where the training takes place.

Drivers of self-propelled vehicles who successfully pass the exam receive a special certificate regarding the training completed in training center. After this, a certificate of a professional tractor driver is issued.

A driver driving a tractor is practically no different from a driver driving a car. Both of them drive on the same roads, so the tractor driver, just like everyone else, must strictly observe traffic rules.

The tractor is self-propelled vehicles. To operate it, the driver must have a tractor driver's license. It is issued to the government department technical supervision after passing exams, the same as for ordinary drivers: theoretical passing and practical passing of driving skills. A tractor driver's license allows driving self-propelled machines of the categories specified in it.

Tractor drivers have a total of 6 categories, 4 of which relate to tractors, these are:

1. Category "B". This category includes tractors that have both wheels and tracks. Engine power no more than 25.7 kW. Tractor drivers with this category can use various trailers and attachments (with different sizes and scales). As well as carry out planned and urgent repairs;

2. category "C". This group includes only tractors with wheels. Engine power does not exceed 110.3 kW. Tractor drivers in this category can use a variety of trailers and attachments (with different sizes and weights). As well as carry out planned and urgent repairs;

3. category "D". This group includes only tractors with wheels. Engine power is more than 110.3 kW. Tractor drivers in this category can use a variety of trailers and attachments (with different sizes and weights). As well as carry out planned and urgent repairs;

4. Category "E". Tractors with caterpillars. Engine power no more than 25.7 kW. Tractor drivers in this category can use a variety of trailers and attachments (with different sizes and weights). As well as carry out planned and urgent repairs;

Examination traffic tickets for a tractor are very similar to tickets for ordinary drivers. There are 50 tickets in total, each of them contains 20 questions. Most traffic rules topics are the same for everyone, this includes the topic dedicated to road signs, and a topic dedicated to providing first medical care, and a topic dedicated to traffic rules. The structure of traffic rules in the topic of tractor driver operation is different.

    1. The first section examines all the basic terminology of traffic rules;
    2. The second section reveals the meaning of the concepts of responsibility for both drivers and pedestrians
    3. The third section is devoted directly to the description of traffic rules;

For example, a tractor driver, just like a driver, will not be able to transfer control of his tractor, even to persons who have a tractor driver’s license. The difference in this case from the same rule for drivers passenger transport is that the motorist's name is included in the insurance, and the tractor driver's name is included in waybill or work outfit. Or, if there is a sign for a steep climb, the tractor driver must choose downshift and navigate your transport without stopping. This maneuver is recommended due to the high weight of the tractor. If a stop is required, the tractor is stopped so that there is no rollback. The rest of the traffic rules, from driving through intersections to overtaking or bypassing, are the same.

In general, it should be noted that examination tickets for traffic rules for a tractor are practically no different from tickets for category “C”, for example. Of 1 thousand questions for tractor drivers and 800 questions for drivers freight transport Only 50 questions will differ, all the rest are completely the same.

Questions for self-preparation are prepared according to the official Examination cards approved by Rostechnadzor of Russia, intended for admission theoretical exams for the right to drive self-propelled vehicles of category “D” wheeled vehicles with engines with power over 77.2 kW.

The tests were created using official tickets for certification for category “D” without repeating questions. The number of the ticket and question of the official version is given in brackets

Repeated questions are highlighted in yellow. The missing questions are given in the literature.


Standard instructions on labor protection for tractor drivers when skidding and hauling timber (approved by the Federal Road Department of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation on December 1, 1994)

(Instrument No. 1) Labor safety instructions for tractor drivers

2. Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

3. Traffic rules of the Russian Federation with illustrations. Official text with changes and additions. - M.: “Rusavtokniga”, 2003. - 64 p.

4.Rules of the event technical inspection machines by Gostekhnadzor bodies // Collection of regulatory materials for Gostekhnadzor bodies. Second expanded edition. - M.: Rosin-formagrotekh, 2003.

5. Collection of regulatory materials for Gostekhnadzor bodies. Vol. 1. - M.: FGNU “Ros-informagrotekh”, 2002. - 138 p.

6 Handbook of T-150K tractors - Kharkov: Prapor, 1973.

7. Operation of tractors T-150 and T-150K - Rosselkhozizdat, 1975.

8. Operation of the Kirovets tractor - Rosselkhozizdat, 1984.

9. Tractors “Kirovets” - M.: Agropromizdat, 1986.

10. Directory “ Travel systems tractors” - M.: Agropromizdat, 1986.

11. Rules on labor protection in the production of crop products / POTRO-9730-11-95. — Orel, 1995.

12. Labor safety when performing various agricultural works - M.: GOSNITI, Informagrotekh, 1999.

13. GOST 20793-86 “Tractors and agricultural machines. Maintenance".

14. Labor protection rules during repairs and maintenance agricultural machinery / POTRO-97300-11-97. — Orel, 1997.

15. Labor safety during maintenance and diagnostics of tractors and self-propelled agricultural machines. - M.: GOSNITI, Informagrotekh, 1999.

16. Labor safety when performing disassembly and assembly work. - M.: GOSNITI, Informagrotekh, 1999.

17. Labor safety during operations with petroleum products. - M.: GOSNITI, Informagro-tech, 1999.

18. Occupational safety during maintenance batteries. - M.: GOSNITI, In-formagrotekh, 1999.

19. ABC of rescue in case of an accident. - St. Petersburg: Peter Grand, 2001.

presented by the driver
by doing
transport works:
tractor driver's license,
waybill, certificate of
car registration, coupon
technical inspection.
Driver permission to work
self-propelled car
category D – from 17 years old without
experience if available
Category D tractor driver's license.

- without a first aid kit,
fire extinguisher,
warning triangle,

Operation of a self-propelled vehicle is not permitted:
- when the noise level at a distance of 7 m is more than 85 dBA;
- if there is a malfunction of the device that prevents starting
engine with gear engaged

Operation of a self-propelled vehicle is not permitted:
- if the power steering is faulty;
- if the door locks are faulty or missing, if
an unlocked door;
- if the driver's seat is not adjusted correctly;
- no license plate on the trailer

Operation of a self-propelled vehicle is not permitted:
- no license plate on the trailer;
- self-propelled vehicle with a trailer when traveling on roads
public use must be equipped
rear view mirrors on both sides, wipers
on both sides of the windshield and
orange flashing light

Operation of a self-propelled vehicle is not permitted:
- if due to oil leakage from the working parts
pollution occurs environment;
- you cannot enter the car in dirty shoes

It is strictly forbidden to work on the tractor
- in case of faulty steering, brake
system, electric lighting and alarm system

Operation prohibited
- if the power steering is faulty.
In the joints of the connecting rod of the steering
backlash is not allowed

Brake system
The trailer brakes must be applied ahead of
activation of the brakes of a self-propelled vehicle.
The free travel of the service brake pedal is 10-15 mm.

Brake system
The parking brake must hold the vehicle
car on a slope of no more than 31%.

Brake system
Permissible gap between brake pads
and drum wheels
at the axes of the pads = 0.2-0.3 mm,
in the expansion fist area = 0.4-0.6 mm.

Brake system
After crossing the ford it is necessary to
It’s not easy to slow down a self-propelled car.
Braking distance (S) of a self-propelled vehicle
category D with a trailer on dry asphalt (concrete) with
initial speed of 20 km/h is 7.5 m.

Brake system
When checking for air leaks in the pneumatic system
brakes press the brake pedal. A fall
pressure in the pneumatic brake system is not allowed
more than 1 kg/cm2 for 0.5 hours.
Free travel of the clutch pedal of the T-150K tractor
should not exceed 30-40 mm

External lighting devices
By self-propelled vehicle
are installed
white reflectors
colors - front, red
colors are at the back.
Reversing lights
must be white.

Wheels and tires
Permissible residual height
lugs of driving wheels – 10
Install tires on one axle
With different patterns tread
When installing the wheel on the hub, do not
must be loose
(torn off) studs (nuts).
Self-propelled tire pressure
cars for transport work
should be 170 kPa, in tires
trailer - 400 kPa. Difference
the pressure in the right and left tires is not
must exceed 10 kPa.
Operation is prohibited when
wheel tire damage
(cracks, holes, cord breaks).

Engine and hydraulic system
Fuel leaking into
system devices
food is not allowed.
Tighten the fittings
fuel system at
running engine
Oil leakage from
hydraulic systems are not
Heating open
composite flame
self-propelled parts
cars are prohibited.

Engine starting
Before turning on
heater is necessary
unscrew the control plug
and drain the remaining fuel.
To start the engine
self-propelled vehicle type
tractor T-150K from a tug
you need to turn on the seventh
or eighth gear, lever
PTO – to rear position.
Launch is permitted when
following the rules
towing a faulty

It is prohibited to extinguish burning fuel with water.
Engine exhaust system when
performing work must be equipped
muffler and spark arrester

Pneumatic system
Start moving
self-propelled vehicle is possible
at a pressure of
pneumatic system 8 kg/cm2.
Hydraulic cylinder rod shrinkage
hanging system with
finding the handle
distributor in position
"neutral" for transport
travel is allowed in
limits recommended
by the manufacturer.
Drain condensate from
a receiver is necessary for TO1 and in winter for ETO.

Before setting off, make sure that the path
free between the tractor and trailer, as well as in
there are no people in the area of ​​the frame hinge. ABOUT
when you start moving, warn with a signal.

actions when starting
self-propelled vehicle type
K-700 from a place: give a signal,
make sure there is no
obstacles in front
tractor, turn on
operating range, low
mode, press the pedal
drain, turn on the lever
first gear and quickly
release the drain pedal,
increasing frequency
engine rotation until
1300 – 1500 min-1.

Trailed implements and
trailers must have
rigid couplings, not
allowing them to run into
Maximum speed
self-propelled movement
vehicles with trailer
dirt road – 15 km/h,
on public roads
use - no more than 20
After crossing the railway
relocation is necessary
switch to

When driving under a power line, the distance from
wires to a self-propelled vehicle should be: when
voltage up to 1 kV – more than 1 m; up to 10 kV – more than 2 m; before
100 kV – more than 3 m, up to 1000 kV – more than 4 m. Permissible
distance from a passing self-propelled vehicle (or
trailer) up to high voltage wire– more than 4 m. When
work in the area of ​​cables, gas
highways must have permission from the organization,
operating these highways and cables.

Anti-skid chains
increase traction
properties of car wheels and
increase cross-country ability
driving in mud, ice, and
loose snow.
For passenger cars
chains are more commonly used
made from 5mm rod,
for trucks from 6mm to
9mm, for special equipment 6mm8mm.
When installed correctly
car wheel chains
wheel tread wear

When driving downhill
prohibited from using
roll over, turn off the engine
it is forbidden.
Engine operation in
indoors at
self-propelled maintenance
cars are only allowed with
exhaust gas outlet
outside the premises.

Trailer pull (wobble) when driving straight
movement of the unit is not allowed.
Permissible withdrawal of a self-propelled vehicle when
emergency braking no more than 0.5 m from
primary direction.

To connect the trailer you need to drive up
in reverse at the lowest possible speed
at average engine speed, using

When turning when working with a long machine
distance between the transport unit and
a stationary object must be chosen taking into account skidding
rear of the trailer.
When turning a transport train at an intersection, you must
take into account the fit of the rear trailer into the intersection,
the speed must be such that it provides
the ability to constantly monitor the movement of the unit.

When turning with a trailer
on a slope it is necessary before
slope switch to
low gear and
reduce frequency
engine rotation until
average, manage
brakes, select
speed without giving
trailer run over tractor
or capsize.

self-propelled vehicle with
trailer required
produce with
speed, medium
rotation speed

Towing a self-propelled vehicle when it is faulty
hydraulic system must be done by lifting
hydraulic system back self-propelled vehicle
or on a rigid coupling.

It is necessary to overcome the obstacle under
right angle (vehicle and trailer on the same line).

When aggregating a self-propelled vehicle with
trailer, the worker must be out of the area
tractor movement.

When entering a gate in reverse with a two-axle
the trailer must be secured with a hydraulic hook and
block the trailer hitch.

During transport work with a mounted machine
a retaining bolt must be installed

Self-propelled vehicle operation and cargo transportation
Self-propelled work
cars on the transverse
slope is not allowed
more than 5O

Self-propelled vehicle operation and cargo transportation
Allowable gap between
brake linings
and the wheel drum at the axles
pads = 0.2-0.3 mm, and in
expansion fist zone =
0.4-0.6 mm.

Self-propelled vehicle operation and cargo transportation
When working near slopes and slopes, it is necessary
designate dangerous place, be careful.
When working in the area of ​​gas
highways, cables must have permission
the organization operating these highways and cables.

Self-propelled vehicle operation and cargo transportation
When transporting toxic substances (antifreeze) containers
must have the inscription “Poison”, as well as a sign
established to designate toxic substances.
When transporting compressed gas cylinders in a trailer
necessary when laying cylinders
use gaskets to protect the cylinders from

Self-propelled vehicle operation and cargo transportation
When unloading, you must first unload the first
trailer, then subsequent.
Cleaning the trailer is not permitted on an inclined

Self-propelled vehicle operation and cargo transportation
When transporting cargo, the sides must be tightened,
cargo protruding beyond the overall dimensions (more than 1 m), indicated
sign " bulky cargo", sign installed
"Road train".

Self-propelled vehicle operation and cargo transportation
It is prohibited to ride on
unequipped for this
trailed implements,
mounted machines and outside
tractor cabins. In the cockpit
tractor is prohibited
travel for more than two people,
including driver

Maintenance and repair
When replacing a wheel
lifting self-propelled
machines needed
use a 5 t jack
You need to install
stops for front and
rear wheels on both
sides, install

Maintenance and repair
Before transporting on a trailer, you must
engage gear, tighten hand brake, self-propelled
the car must be uncoupled

Maintenance and repair
Subject machine
must be repaired
cleaned of dirt and
technological products,
washed and dried.
Washing is necessary
produce in special
washing chambers or on
equipped overpass,
platform with hard
coating and cuvettes for
water drainage.

Maintenance and repair
Before washing engine units and parts,
working on leaded gasoline must
neutralize tetraethyl lead deposits
appropriate neutralizing technical
liquids (kerosene).

Maintenance and repair
Radiator cleaning
open flame
When cooking
electrolyte needed
pour into container
distilled water and
then add acid.
When repairing in
repair room
workshop fuel
necessary completely

Maintenance and repair
When opening the radiator cap, you need to wear a mitten.
or throwing a rag
Coincidence of holes when connecting parts
must be checked with a mandrel.

Maintenance and repair
Platform for refueling equipment with petroleum products
must be cleared of dry grass, flammable debris and
plowed with a strip of at least 4 m.

Maintenance and repair
Storing chemicals together with flammable and
Highly flammable substances are prohibited.
Open storage of flammable and
flammable liquids should be located on an area with
lower marks compared to marks
neighboring production buildings, storage areas and
equipment parking.

Maintenance and repair
material must be produced in metal
box with a locking lid, which should
cleaned once at the end of the shift.