Features of leasing a garage to an individual: how profitable is it to rent it out for a while? All about cost and secrets of price formation. Business idea: garage for an hour Which garage is easier to rent out?

The idea of ​​buying a garage as an investment rental passive income came to me quite a long time ago. Many initially perceived it quite skeptically, but then several people put the scheme into practice and began to receive about 20% of passive income, which proved to me that the idea worked. I will try to talk about the pros, cons, recommendations and warnings in detail in this article.

The first thing I would like to say is
– the profitability of this investment depends on many factors and, first of all, territorial ones. The price of garages varies greatly depending on the city/area/location. Somewhere a garage costs 500 thousand rubles, and somewhere 80. There is the same variation in rental value - one garage can easily be rented for 5 thousand a month, but somewhere no one wants to rent for 1 ruble.

Since for any investor profitability is one of the most important criteria when making a particular investment decision, we need to very carefully and pessimistically calculate the expected profitability and payback of the asset.

For example, I calculated that a garage in Kostroma in the Sverdlovsk region can be bought for 150 thousand rubles, and rented out for 2.5 thousand per month. We get a yield of approximately 20% per annum. I would like to warn you right away that this is a very conditional calculation, just as a guide.

I’ll tell you a little about the pros and cons that I see in this idea.

First the pros:

  1. Low enough for of this type assets, amount for entry and diversification. Many investors, including me, want to see a share in real estate in their portfolio, but not everyone can afford to buy an apartment. Purchasing a garage is a much more feasible task even for a novice investor.
  2. The possibility of an increase in the price of the asset itself. Many experts note that real estate prices have already fallen significantly and are at conditional minimums. The likelihood of long-term growth under these circumstances is very high. In addition, you can significantly increase the value of your garage by simply removing the junk left over from the previous owner and, for example, painting the gate.
  3. Possession of a physical asset. For many people, owning something “that you can touch” is an additional psychological incentive to purchase. The garage will not be able to be stolen from your account or taken away in a bag.
  4. Prospect for increased market demand. This point is controversial and will depend on many factors. But I will share my thoughts on this matter. Currently, specifically in our region, a lot of housing is being built, and many times fewer garages are being built, and even just parking spaces clearly not enough is being designed. At the same time, the number of cars per capita is not decreasing at all. All this is quite capable of leading to a shortage of this asset, and therefore to an increase in demand and rental costs.
  5. Possibility to rent out the garage for an office or warehouse. Thus increasing the cost of rent. With the right approach, you can agree on mutually beneficial terms with some young company.
  6. Essentially completely passive income. Once the garage is completed, there is usually no need to spend a large amount of time on this asset.

Now the cons:

  1. Difficulty finding tenants. I recommend that you monitor the demand before making a decision to purchase a garage in a particular area. For example, give a trial ad before purchasing and see if there are any calls. It is also advisable to purchase a garage next to a large residential area. This is logical - the more car owners live within walking distance of your garage, the better. Another small recommendation - do not ignore offline advertisements. Post “garage for rent” advertisements on all the entrances nearby your garage - often the return is much better than on Avito and other Internet sites. Many potential renters would like to rent a garage but are not actively looking for one.
  2. Quality of tenants. There are citizens who want to rent a garage to conduct illegal activities in it. For example, my father's tenants at some point simply disappeared, stopping paying and answering calls. When we opened the garage, we discovered that stolen cars were being dismantled for parts. Therefore, I advise you to definitely draw up an agreement in which you specify the tenant’s passport details, his responsibility for non-payment and illegal activities, the possibility of independently opening the garage in the event of a long delay in payments without preserving the tenant’s property. And always have a spare garage key just in case.
  3. Frequent change of tenants. On average, garages are rented for a period of 4 to 7 months. Therefore, prepare in advance that you may have to look for new clients quite often. And having 3-4 garages, the passivity of such an investment approach is completely questioned.
  4. Additional payments. Expenses such as repairs, taxes, bills, security, etc. usually falls on the landlord's shoulders - you need to keep this in mind.

What else should you pay attention to when buying a garage?

The cost and attractiveness of a garage are very positively influenced by such parameters as:

If you are the happy owner of your own garage where you can park and repair your car, then you are very lucky. Many car enthusiasts do not have their own garage and are forced to park their car in paid parking or in the yard of the house. And they carry out repairs and maintenance of the car either in a service station or on the street.

The essence of business rental of garages is to provide your garage to other car enthusiasts, while not renting it out long-term rental, but daily or, for example, in hourly rental garage.

You will have a question: – who needs this? This is necessary for those vehicle owners who like to carry out repairs on their cars themselves. A car, and especially if it is not new, very often needs maintenance: tightening nuts, changing various gaskets, changing the oil, pumping and repairing wheels, and the like. Many car owners can easily perform these simple car care operations on their own; in addition, this allows them to save a lot on repairs.

To organize a garage rental business, you will need premises, i.e. garage. It will be very good if it has a lift or inspection hole. Secondly, purchase a car washing tool: a special vacuum cleaner and compressor. Well, perhaps the main point is the presence professional tools. You can also provide overalls and napkins to clients.

In addition to this, you can also organize a small point selling various necessary materials - oils, liquids, light bulbs, etc. You can also rent out a vacuum cleaner and compressor in your garage. But you need to worry about this a little later; now the main thing is to find clients.

For the most part, your neighbors in the yard and area will be your clients; few people will drive to your garage from the other end of the city. The main goal is to form a permanent customer base; in fact, it will be a club of car enthusiasts.

Why would people rent a garage? Firstly, not everyone has a garage, especially in major cities. Secondly, for a nominal fee (for example, 250 rubles per hour) you will be given the opportunity to repair the car yourself, saving on car repair services. Thirdly, for many, car repair is a hobby.

This kind of business has already been successfully developed in Europe, especially in Germany, where renting a garage costs about 50 euros per hour. In Russia, prices can be much lower or higher depending on the city and location. For quick and big profit You shouldn’t count on it, but a few thousand rubles a month will be a good increase in your salary. Also, do not forget that to open garage rental business, you need .

Attachments: from 400,000 rubles

Payback: from 1.5 years

In conditions big city For many motorists, the problem of not having their own garage is pressing. As a result of this, the simplest renovation work(such as replacing pads, wheels, motor oil and others that can be done independently) have to be entrusted to car service specialists. Meanwhile, in European cities such issues are often resolved through a self-service garage or the so-called hourly garage. For any Russian entrepreneur, renting out much-needed premises can be an excellent business.

Business concept

The business in question is essentially the rental of a self-service car service. For a short period of time, the car owner has a fully equipped room at his disposal, where he can quickly and comfortably carry out minor car repairs without any help in exchange for an hourly rent.

What is required for implementation

The business will be successful if the client receives exactly what he expects. When renting a garage, he naturally wants to find there all the equipment necessary for work.

First of all, for the comfort and safety of tenants, it is necessary to equip the premises with a lift and inspection hole. In addition, repair tools will be required. Basic kit will include:

  • Hydraulic Press;
  • welding machine;
  • pneumatic impact wrenches;
  • oil change unit and oil sump;
  • cutting tool;
  • sets of keys.

The room must be heated (for comfortable work in winter period), dry and well lit.

Step-by-step launch instructions

In order to organize a self-service car service, you will need to do the following:

  1. Find and purchase a garage space.
  2. Carry out repairs (if necessary).
  3. Select, purchase and install equipment.
  4. Officially register the business.
  5. Launch an advertising campaign.

The choice of location for the service will directly determine the future flow of customers. The room must be spacious enough to accommodate cars various sizes. As mentioned earlier, it must be heated, dry and equipped with water. Before starting a business, it would be useful to make repairs and decorate the premises so that it is pleasant and comfortable to be in it.

Selection and purchase of equipment is one of the most important points during the project launch process. You should pay attention to the quality of the purchased tools and devices. They must withstand fairly intense daily use.

Even if the garage is well located, promotion of services will be required to attract customers. The main efforts should be directed to advertising on the Internet and promotion on social networks. Various car enthusiast clubs, forums and thematic communities should learn about the appearance of your service. Besides, in a great way To advertise the project is to participate in various automotive events.

Financial calculations

The main issue that worries an entrepreneur concerns finances. Namely, how much money will need to be invested in starting a business, what is the possible profit and payback period.

Start-up capital

The initial investment will include the cost of purchasing a garage, carrying out renovations, purchasing necessary equipment and advertising. On average, you will need 400 thousand rubles, of which the cost of the garage will be about 150-300 thousand rubles.

Monthly expenses

The company's expenses will include:

  • payment of utilities;
  • membership fees to the garage cooperative (paid annually);
  • wages;
  • equipment maintenance costs;
  • Consumables;
  • advertising.

How much can you earn

Having established the cost of renting a garage (using a lift - 300 rubles / hour, and without using a lift - 200 rubles / hour), we will receive a net profit of about 40 thousand rubles for the month.

Payback period

With the indicated investments and income, the payback period for the business will be on average 2 years.

Business Features

It is worth noting that this business option will be closest to entrepreneurs who have the appropriate knowledge. In most cases, it will require direct involvement in the work process, which is difficult if you lack experience in this field.

When opening a garage for an hour, you should remember that the main customers will be residents of the area adjacent to its location. In order for them to become regular consumers of services, you should take care of the reputation of the business from the first day of work. An impression spoiled once can cause an outflow of customers and lead to unprofitable operations. Generally this business The idea, without requiring huge expenses, can bring quite a decent profit.

One of the simplest types of income is renting out a garage. While new shopping centers, office buildings and residential buildings are being built everywhere, almost no one has garages. This seems strange, especially when almost every family has a car. That’s why, if you have such a room and you haven’t used it for a long time, don’t let it just sit idle.

On the streets of big cities and even small towns appears every year more cars. Leaving them on the street is dangerous, and you can only use paid parking temporarily, since it is expensive, and weather may damage appearance iron horse.

You may be the owner of one/several such buildings. The cost of the place will be 3,000 per month, which will bring you 36,000 per year. Yes, for different parts of our big country the prices will be slightly different, but in principle, in any case, the income will be good and, most importantly, stable.

Instilled in renting out a garage

First you will need to find a client. You can use online advertising, place topical messages in various sections online. You can also place an ad in the newspaper or simply post information in crowded places. Word of mouth works great: tell a few acquaintances, they will tell their acquaintances, and they will tell theirs... Don’t “rush” to the first client as soon as you see him. He may not like you, and you may not like him. The main thing here is to find out as much as possible about the person, taking into account the purpose for which he plans to film boxing.


The garage itself should not be littered with rubbish . Make sure that all your things are completely removed from the premises, otherwise they will simply be in the way of the new tenant, and no one will want to share the space with other people's tools, old things, children's toys and other rubbish that we all store so carefully.

Gates should be easily opened by one person, without outside help, without additional devices. If you have problems with this, overcook them or replace them completely. Be sure to replace old wooden gates, even if they are in good condition. There must also be two locks and one of them must be internal. The best option– preparation of a place for installation of an additional lock by the tenant himself. This is a guarantee that his things will always be safe.

The building must be connected to electricity . Without this, it is unlikely that anyone will remove it from you. Electricity must work well, and you yourself must resolve all sorts of issues with its connection in advance so that your client does not face additional troubles and worries.

It is no secret that such boxes are often chosen for tire fitting or auto repair shops. For this they must be insulated. But, heating with electricity is quite expensive, so it is better to have a stove or boiler inside.

The tenant will refuse premises that are damp. Be sure of this. Needed for storage dry garage, whose roof does not leak. This is also important for storing dry mixtures such as cement, sand or any other building materials.

If the premises are not in good condition, you need to take care of its arrangement. You may have to spend time and money on this first. But, later your efforts will pay off with a good fee for use.


How to rent out a garage? Conclude the agreement in writing. For this purpose, a special document is drawn up and signed by both parties. If your client is unknown to you, if you are meeting him for the first time and only on someone’s recommendation, then never enter into verbal agreements. They won't stand for anything if problems arise.

The agreement must be registered if the garage is your property. If the lease term is one year or more, it must also be registered, because an unregistered lease is not valid and can have many negative consequences.

  • Payment and subject - key points of the document . The location, type and area of ​​premises must be clearly stated. This also applies to the monthly fee. If you are going to cooperate for a long period, reserve the right to change the price according to objective reasons. This can happen no more than once a year.

And lastly, if the garage is located in a garage cooperative, you need to notify its chairman in writing, providing the tenant’s passport details.

  • Inventory. If your personal items and things that will be used by the client remain in the unit, be sure to make an inventory of all things so that in the future there will be no questions about the loss or breakdown of this or that item or mechanism. Detailed description garage is given either in the contract itself or in an appendix to it.
  • Communal payments . It is important to indicate in the document that all utility bills (heat, water, light, security) are paid by the tenant. It is important to do this at the stage of concluding a contract, so that later there will be no claims against you regarding the fact that the services were disabled. In principle, this is normal practice and rarely do any tenants refuse to pay. But remember that people are different, which means this question should not be overlooked.
  • Emergency situation . Be sure to indicate in a separate paragraph that if any emergency situation as a result of improper and dangerous operation of the building, then all consequences must be eliminated by the tenant before the end of the contract. You are not responsible for the consequences and have every right to receive your garage in the same condition in which it was provided for use.
  • Termination of an agreement . Any conditions for termination must be specified in the document. Most often, in the case of garages, they are not used at all, but there are exceptions. If someone wants to terminate all agreements in advance, there should be no misunderstanding or problems between you. The main thing is to notify the other party in advance (preferably 1 month in advance).

If you have savings, you probably would like to increase them. How to make money bring you new money? What can you invest in? If you are afraid to invest your savings in stocks or other securities; bank deposits bring little profit, then you can try investing in real estate. It is not necessary to buy apartments if there is not enough money. You can start small, for example, with garages. My experience in renting garage boxes with a magazine Reconomica shared by Dmitry Kolesov, a young resident of Tomsk.

My name is Dmitry Olegovich Kolesov, I live in Tomsk. When I started investing in garage boxes, I was 24 years old. I am still doing this to this day; a passive source of income from renting out boxes brings a stable profit. It cannot be called impressive, but in crisis situations, when there was no stable operation and there were problems with business, passive income from renting garages became my lifesaver.

It was 2007, the crisis was still far away, the financial situation, at least for me, was favorable, trade was developing. I then worked at a large meat processing enterprise in the sales department, the salary for that financial situation was considered quite high, I could afford a lot.

Gradually, through intensive work, I managed to save a certain amount, and close relatives also helped, throwing a substantial amount of money for the development of the young family. My starting capital was formed from these two components.

As a result, I, like many who have at least some significant amount of money, had a logical question: “Where should I invest my money to save it?” Due to my youth and inexperience in financial affairs I had to consult with knowledgeable people. Based on the advice given to me, I concluded that it is safest to invest in real estate. In addition, real estate can be rented out, receiving from it additional income.

The subject of my investment is garage boxes

The choice of real estate in which I could invest was not large, and this was due to small financial capabilities. The money I had was not enough to buy an apartment. The choice of investment subject was made by chance.

Winters in Siberia are very cold, and vehicle owners, like I am, often have problems starting the engine in abnormally cold weather during this period. In addition, a car sitting outside all winter begins to wear out faster. As a result, I decided to purchase a garage box not far from my house in order to park my car there, and also to use the room for storage of not very necessary things that I would hate to throw away.

Buying a garage without documents

Having studied the situation regarding the presence of garages near the house, I came to disappointing conclusions, because the prices were inadequate, and most of the boxes were simply sold without documents. The risk of being left without money and a garage was quite high, since our area was planned to be built up with new houses.

First garage.

Then I decided that if I was going to buy a garage without documents, then at least at the minimum price. I came across an advertisement for the sale of a permanent garage in a cooperative, which was located next to my house. After examining the box, talking with the chairman, and agreeing on a price with the owner, I decided to purchase it. There was also a problem regarding the documents for both the garage cooperative and the garage itself - they simply did not exist.

Completed documents and learned useful information

To legitimize my property, I decided to collect all the documents on the garage cooperative available in the regional archive. After which it was necessary to consult with specialists from this field regarding the feasibility of implementing the design of objects. Having contacted the local administration with the documents I had, I learned that a law would soon be adopted on the free allocation of land plots to garage cooperatives so that they could legitimize the boxes located on them.

From that moment on, I had a business idea where I could invest my money. Since garages without documents are 30-40% cheaper than the same objects with documents, I decided to invest my funds to purchase garages in my cooperative. Which is what he later did, purchasing 10 garages. Since the boxes were not registered in accordance with the law, it was necessary to invest funds for their registration. Based on cost savings, I did the design myself.

Bureaucratic system. How to get through administrative barriers

In practice, designing the boxes turned out to be difficult and quite expensive. Without legal knowledge, defeating the bureaucracy of our authorities was a very difficult task. All documentation had to be recreated from scratch. Fortunately, I had friends among lawyers who suggested what direction to take and what documents to collect.

The administration did not really want to provide land plot for the design of boxes, since land is an expensive commodity today. On the way to registration, there were various kinds of obstacles, sometimes the comma was in the wrong place, sometimes the document was in the wrong format. There was a huge risk of being left without documents and ultimately losing the invested funds. The period of legalization of garages took 5 years, from 2007 to 2012. To obtain the main document - the Administration Resolution - we had to go to court, since the authorities were clearly not interested in issuing it.

My garages.

Apparently realizing that our cooperative would not give up, in order to avoid various kinds of problems (elections to local authorities were imminent), officials nevertheless made concessions and provided land for garages. Thus, I became the legal owner of my garage boxes and could now dispose of them on completely legal grounds.

The game was worth the candle. Garage rental business plan

For the entire period of work on the legalization of buildings, the following cost figures were obtained:

  1. Purchase of boxes 660,000 rubles;
  2. Technical documentation 30,000 rubles;
  3. Land surveying, cadastral registration 25,000 rubles;
  4. Registration of property rights 16,000 rubles;
  5. Shares and membership fees 20,000 rubles;
  6. Other expenses 10,000 rubles.

Total for the entire period of 5 years: 791,000 rubles

On this moment I rent out garage boxes, the average rent for one box is 3,000 rubles, excluding electricity and utility costs. There are 10 boxes for rent, so the monthly income is 30,000 rubles. There is a seasonal decline in the summer - the car does not freeze in the summer.

Amounts to 360,000 rubles. Minus taxes, it turns out to be 345,000 rubles per year. The garages have been rented out for about 3 years, respectively, from the amount of profit for 3 years we subtract the amount of costs for 5 years, it turns out: 1035000 - 791000 = 244000 rubles, and this is the profit already received, i.e. the investment has already paid off, and if you take into account the fact that the cost of boxing with documents increases by 30-40%, then the benefit becomes obvious.

Based on the fact that the buildings were built during the Soviet era, in the near future it will be necessary to carry out redecorating, its cost will be approximately 500,000 rubles. However, I see this as a definite plus; after the renovation it will be possible to raise the rent to 5,000 rubles, so over time this money will come back.

Time is money. What a garage rental owner needs to know

This method of making a profit is additional, but this does not mean that it does not require time and labor costs. What actions are needed to maintain a source of income in working order:

  1. Rent control and collection. Not all tenants are conscientious, so you have to monitor timely payments.
  2. Examination technical condition object. Nothing lasts forever in our world, the building needs repairs, the condition of the object needs to be monitored, it can be compared with the passage technical inspection car.
  3. Search for clients. Very often, especially in the summer, tenants move out of the property, and in order to avoid long downtime, efforts have to be made to find clients, place advertisements, distribute information among friends, etc.
  4. Expenses. Maintaining property requires costs such as paying taxes, paying contributions to the cooperative, participating in general meetings, and paying for electricity. Everything requires financial and time costs.

It’s worth noting that these chores can be compared to maintaining your own home; for example, I manage to allocate free time for everything above actions without compromising your main work and communication with your family.

How not to make a mistake when choosing a garage

There are many life situations when a person, investing his financial resources in something, expects to receive additional income, but in the end receives headache. In such situations, the source of passive income, turning into a source of problems, takes away all the free time and part of the working time. Difficulties arise at work, and you have to constantly ask your boss for time off to resolve situations.

Don't invest in areas you don't understand. Investments that you can understand are much more profitable.

It’s really better to invest in areas in which we understand something. After all, if an unusual situation occurs, you will be able to solve it based on your existing experience. The most important thing is not to rely only on someone else’s opinion when choosing a source of passive income; think with your own head, because it’s your money.

If your forecast did not come true, and instead of profit you are incurring losses, sell the business and do not waste your nerves.

You should not persist with the persistence of a well-known animal. If you realize that you are not receiving income, it is better to stop in time, otherwise financial losses can be critical, and your supposed source of passive income will turn into a source of passive expense.

If you use calculations, you will definitely reach the top. Or at least protect yourself from major risks. Use analysis to stand out from the crowd of uneducated investors.

Everyone knows that money loves counting, so when making your choice for investment and subsequent profit, you need to pick up a calculator, carefully calculate everything, or better yet, write it on paper in the form of a plan. This will help you look at things with the help of facts, and facts, as we know, are stubborn things.

In the end, I would like to say that creating a passive source of income in our country is a vital necessity, the straw that you can fall on if something happens.