Changes to the traffic rules regarding overtaking. What is overtaking and what is considered a traffic violation? Is it possible to overtake at uncontrolled intersections?

In cities with heavy traffic, every minute counts, and if a car moves slowly in front of a hurrying driver, then there is a natural desire to overtake. We will tell you when you can overtake and when you should not do this, and what threatens those who overtake, despite the prohibitions.

○ How to overtake correctly?

Overtaking is quite reasonable this maneuver, if a slow-moving vehicle is driving slowly in front of you. But even in this case, it must be done in the prescribed manner.

First of all, we are talking about the safety of the maneuver. The driver who decides to do it is obliged to personally verify his safety in accordance with clause 11.1 of the traffic rules:

  • “Before overtaking, the driver must make sure that the lane into which he is about to enter is clear at a sufficient distance for overtaking and that in the process of overtaking he will not create a danger to traffic or interfere with other participants traffic

If an accident occurs, the overtaking person will be at fault by default. An exception to the rule is contained in clause 11.3 of the Traffic Regulations:

  • "11.3. To the driver of the person being overtaken vehicle It is prohibited to impede overtaking by increasing speed or other actions.”

If it turns out that the driver of the vehicle in front deliberately interfered with overtaking, which resulted in an accident, then he will be found guilty. Despite the absurdity of the situation, the network is full of videos where motorists who are especially offended by overtaking, preventing overtaking, create dangerous situations not only in the city, but also on highways. They often do this quite legally, using clause 11.2. Traffic regulations:

  • “The driver is prohibited from overtaking in cases where:
  • The vehicle ahead is overtaking or avoiding an obstacle.
  • A vehicle ahead in the same lane signaled to turn left.
  • The vehicle following him began to overtake.
  • Upon completion of overtaking, he will not be able, without creating a danger to traffic and interference with the overtaken vehicle, to return to the previously occupied lane.”

It is enough to pretend that you are going to overtake by turning on the left turn signal, and now you can no longer be overtaken. The overtaking person must see where he can fit into “his” lane.

○ Where is overtaking prohibited?

Some drivers are confident that they should not overtake unless they have to cross solid line markings, actually clause 11.4. The traffic rules provide a list of places where overtaking is prohibited:

  • “Overtaking is prohibited:
  • At signalized intersections, as well as at uncontrolled intersections when driving on a road that is not the main one.
  • At pedestrian crossings.
  • On railway crossings and closer than 100 meters in front of them.
  • On and under bridges, overpasses, overpasses, as well as in tunnels.
  • At the end of the climb, at dangerous turns and in other areas with limited visibility

If everything is very clear with the ban on overtaking at pedestrian crossings and crossings, then with intersections everything is a little more complicated. In any case, it is prohibited at a controlled intersection.

On an unregulated road, only vehicles moving on the main road can be overtaken, provided that it is not a four-lane road. In this case, it will be marked with special signs 2.1, 2.3.1 - 2.3.7.

As for bridges, you need to be careful. They will not necessarily be marked with special signs, but, nevertheless, you should not overtake under them.

You must not overtake at the end of a steep hill or in a closed corner. They are indicated by signs 1.14, 1.11.1 and 1.11.2.

One of the most difficult issues is overtaking in low visibility conditions, but what is “low visibility”? Clause 1.2 of the Traffic Regulations gives a rather vague definition:

  • ""Limited visibility" is the driver's visibility of the road in the direction of travel, limited by the terrain, geometric parameters roads, vegetation, buildings, structures or other objects, including vehicles.”

Visibility on the road may become limited at any time due to changes in the road situation and the location of vehicles. In such conditions, overtaking becomes extremely dangerous maneuver, which means it’s better to refuse it.

Please note that overtaking along the entire length from the exit from the occupied lane is considered uniform, and therefore it should begin and end only on permitted sections of the road.

And of course, in no case should you ignore the markings when crossing a solid line or “no overtaking” signs. Any of these violations are punishable by a serious fine.

○ Fines for illegal overtaking.

The Code of Administrative Offenses does not contain a separate fine for each of the possible cases of violation of the rules when overtaking. But for any of them the culprit will be held accountable under Parts 4 and 5 of Art. 12.15 Code of Administrative Offences:

  • "4. Driving into a lane intended for oncoming traffic in violation of the traffic rules, or tram rails in the opposite direction, except for the cases provided for in Part 3 of this article - entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand rubles or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of four to six months.”
  • "5. Recommitment administrative offense provided for in Part 4 of this article - entails deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of one year, and in the event of an administrative offense being recorded by those working in automatic mode special technical means having the functions of photography, filming, video recording, or means of photography, filming, video recording - imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand rubles.”

This happens because now any overtaking means entering the lane of oncoming traffic.

Some drivers are sure that 5000 RUR fine under clause 4 of Art. 12.15 of the Code of Administrative Offences, they are threatened only for overtaking under a prohibitory sign or crossing a solid road. In fact, it can be applied for any of the described violations. That is, it is enough to start overtaking, interfering with other vehicles in order to lose your license for 4 – 6 months.

Secondary violation guaranteed will cost driver's license for a year if you are noticed by a traffic police inspector. If the driver gets caught on camera, he will receive a “letter of happiness” with a fine of 5000r.

If the traffic police inspector filmed the violation on camera, he will also record the violation and will refer the case to court for deprivation of rights, since in this case the recording is just proof. However, the inspector may also limit himself to a fine. And it doesn’t matter that the last time you were fined for incorrectly avoiding an obstacle or simply driving in the oncoming direction, the violation will be considered a repeat violation.

“While overtaking, the driver lost control and collided with an oncoming car.” This formulation is often found in police reports. Overtaking by oncoming lane- one of the most dangerous maneuvers on the road, where the slightest mistake leads to a tragedy similar to that. Three people died as a result of an unsuccessful overtaking. The head of the Emergency Training Center, Sergei Ovchinnikov, told how to overtake safely and correctly in difficult conditions.

First of all, follow the traffic rules!

First of all, it is worth remembering the basic concepts of overtaking, set out in. Sometimes, in order for this maneuver to be safe, it is enough to strictly follow the rules. But situations on the road are different, so practical advice from an expert in emergency driving will help any driver.

Assess the situation. Sober and critical

— Overtaking begins with assessing the situation. First of all, speed - ours and the car in front. If the car in front is traveling at 80 km/h, and you are traveling at 90 km/h, then overtaking will take an insanely long time. According to calculations - 920 meters or 37 seconds. That is, there is a high probability that during this time someone will appear in the oncoming lane or the situation as a whole may change, says Sergei Ovchinnikov.

Therefore, when such a small difference in speed, the driver should have a thought in his mind: reasonable question: “Is it necessary to overtake at all?” Perhaps in such a situation it would be safer to simply slow down, realizing that the maneuver will not be safe.

— In my classes they often ask: how to overtake when there is a mess on the road? I answer: And if the car skids, do you know what to do? No? Well, why overtake then? When driving into a mess, the wheels slow down and cause a skid. And if the car drives even more or less steadily on the rolled track, then when changing lanes there is a high probability of losing control, the expert warns.

The next factor a driver must consider is visibility. Can we see something through the windows of the car in front? Overtaking occurs in the dark or daylight hours days? Night overtaking is even more increased level danger. Especially if some car leaves the adjacent territory. We may notice it too late. At night, we go out to overtake with low beams. We turn on the high beam when the cars are level with their front bumpers.

Think for yourself and the other driver

— Sometimes situations arise when the car in front of us is driving slowly, we go to overtake, and it starts to turn left. We need to pay attention to this. In such cases, I would advise you to look at the left side of the road to see if there are any exits there, because with a high probability a slow-moving car can turn there,” advises Sergei.

Here it would be useful to remember one thing traffic rules point, which is very useful but little used in real life. Outside a populated area, the driver can warn about overtaking sound signal, turning the headlights on and off during the daytime and flashing high beam at night.

— When entering an intersection from a secondary road, the driver usually looks only to the left and, if it is clear, drives onto the main road. And he doesn’t even pay attention to the fact that one car is overtaking another on the right. Unfortunately, many drivers do not have this algorithm in their heads—to look both left and right,” notes Sergei Ovchinnikov.

When assessing the situation, we must take into account what kind of vehicle we are overtaking - a single vehicle or two or three cars, or even a road train. In the latter case, overtaking naturally takes much longer. And here you need to understand the capabilities of your car - power, dynamics, loading.

- If we cannot quickly create good difference in speed, this increases the risk when overtaking. Here you need to know some driving techniques. For example, be able to smoothly transition to downshift without releasing gas. You can stay on high gear, but give the dynamics an impulse by briefly pressing and releasing the clutch pedal. But these must be practiced actions and it is recommended to do these techniques on a dry road! If these actions are not practiced to the point of automaticity, it is dangerous to use them, the expert warns.

The mistake many drivers make is that they start overtaking by moving close to the car in front. Then they change lanes to the left and begin to accelerate. Naturally, the time required for overtaking increases even more. We need to keep our distance so that we can actually create an acceleration lane and approach the overtaking place with a significant difference in speed.

— Of course, active overclocking must be adjusted for weather- snow, ice, rain. And also take into account the availability electronic systems safety, tire condition, drive type and much more. Additionally, many drivers become so focused on preparing to overtake that they forget to look in the rearview mirror. It may turn out that someone else has already started overtaking, warns Sergei Ovchinnikov.

It is very important to use the turn signals when overtaking. First of all, for oncoming drivers, so that they understand what phase of overtaking you are in. The question often arises: when to return to your lane after overtaking? The expert advises doing this when the car being overtaken is fully visible in the interior rear-view mirror. You also need to make sure that the driver being overtaken does not suddenly accelerate. Unfortunately, this happens.

Slow down even if you're right

- In case it occurs dangerous situation with two cars approaching, it is important to take necessary actions in advance. There should be at least 5 seconds left so that both can understand who is moving where and choose the correct order of response. Otherwise, it turns out that they rush head-on until the last moment, and then both move off in the same direction,” the expert recommends.

Unfortunately, the behavior of oncoming drivers in such a situation is often incorrect. They flash their high beams to the overtaking person, instead of understanding a simple thing - now maybe head-on collision and everyone will suffer. And here it doesn’t matter who is right and who is wrong. We need to slow down. The lower the speed, the greater the chances of getting out of the situation with minimal losses.

Today we decided to talk about one of the most dangerous maneuvers performed by motorists. I think even the faces that are just passing driving training, or those who are ordinary pedestrians understand what we are talking about. Of course, this is overtaking a vehicle.

Let's understand the terms

New rules have recently come into effect, so today overtaking a car is only considered to be ahead of a vehicle that occurs as a result of driving into the oncoming side (lane) and then returning back.

It is worth noting that, as stated in new edition Traffic regulations, it does not matter what condition the overtaken car or other vehicle is in: in motion or not. Thus, the term “overtaking” can only be applied to roads with two lanes, because this is driving (and mandatory) into the oncoming lane.

Currently, there is another term that replaces such a phrase as overtaking without going into oncoming traffic - this is “advanced”. Advancement occurs only in places where there are at least two lanes. It’s not just the concept of “overtaking” that has changed. The term “overtaking on the right” has disappeared. By new traffic rules such a maneuver today is called “advanced”, that is, they will not be punished for it, although before there was punishment, and quite severely.

How does overtaking work?

Overtaking, like any other type of vehicular manoeuvre, is subject to the same requirements. Before overtaking, the driver must make sure that the lane where he wants to go is completely clear, that is, there are no vehicles at a distance sufficient for overtaking. The motorist is also obliged to make sure that when overtaking he will not create any interference or danger to other road users.

I must say that this requirement quite relevant, since driving into the oncoming lane in most cases is associated with a specific risk. That is why, before performing any overtaking, the driver must be sure that he is not an obstacle to other vehicles.

By the way, if an accident occurs during overtaking, then the motorist who performed this maneuver is considered guilty, but there are exceptions.

If you are overtaken

The rules clearly state that the driver of an overtaken vehicle is prohibited from interfering with overtaking in any way, for example, by increasing speed. Thus, if you want to overtake, unfortunately, you will not be able to ensure that the driver of the car you are overtaking will not interfere with your overtaking. As practice shows, this is very difficult to determine.

When is overtaking prohibited?

The driver is prohibited from overtaking in the following cases:

  • if the car moving ahead is already driving around or overtaking an obstacle;
  • if a vehicle driving in the same lane ahead wants to turn left and has given the appropriate signal;
  • if the vehicle following him begins to overtake;
  • if the driver understands that after overtaking he will not be able to return to the lane previously occupied by him without creating interference and danger for other vehicles, in particular the car being overtaken.

To summarize, overtaking cannot be performed if the vehicle in front or behind you has already begun to maneuver in some way, for example, has begun to overtake, go around or turn left.

There are also a number of rules when overtaking is strictly prohibited: at pedestrian crossings, if there are pedestrians there; at controlled or unregulated intersections if you are driving on a secondary road; at railway crossings, as well as closer than a hundred meters from it; on dangerous turns, at the end of a climb, in places with limited visibility; on overpasses, bridges, overpasses (and under them too), in tunnels.

Another rule: if the speed of your car is insufficient for maneuver, then overtaking is also prohibited. For example, the speed of the vehicle being overtaken is 85 km/h, and you are driving at a speed of 90, then it will take 180 meters to overtake. Thus, the oncoming lane where you want to go must be completely clear for 360 meters, that is, 180 meters for the oncoming car and 180 meters for you. This is the only way to avoid a collision.

If you are catching up with the car in front rather slowly, we advise you not to overtake, because when you complete the maneuver, your car may interfere with the vehicle you are overtaking.

Fines for overtaking

Currently, overtaking in places where it is prohibited is punishable by a fine or even deprivation of rights for a period of 4 to 6 months. If the violation was recorded by technical means (for example, video surveillance cameras operating in autonomous mode), then the driver faces a fine of up to 5,000 rubles. In this case, information about the fine will be sent to the driver by mail.

If your violation was recorded by the traffic police, then, most likely, you face deprivation of your rights.

If you are “caught” by a traffic police officer, then replace the deprivation of driving license fine you won't succeed. There are cases when a traffic police officer records an overtaking violation on camera. This video recording is used in court as additional evidence when depriving a motorist of his license.

Video footage that, despite road signs and markings, drivers still violate traffic rules:

Do not violate traffic rules and good luck on the roads!

This article uses an image from the site

In the terminology used in Russian rules road traffic since March 2014, overtaking a car is considered to be a maneuver during which motor vehicle for a short period of time he enters the oncoming lane, overtakes the traffic in front and returns to his lane.

Very risky overtaking

By the way: in the latest edition of the rules it is written that now it does not matter whether the overtaken vehicle is moving or standing still. From this we can conclude that the term “overtaking” can be used when considering situations exclusively on two-lane roads, with the obligatory departure of overtaking vehicles into the “oncoming lane”.

There is another term in the traffic rules - “ahead”, which means overtaking, but in which overtaking does not occur. Overtaking is possible on roads with two lanes or higher. In fact, overtaking replaced the term "overtaking on the right" - a maneuver that was considered a gross violation for which it was severely punished. Now, advancing does not violate traffic rules.

Due to drivers driving into oncoming traffic, accidents regularly occur in Russia with particularly serious consequences for all road users, often resulting in death. Outside the city, overtaking is rightfully considered the most risky maneuver, since even experienced drivers they cannot always calculate in a second the time required for a maneuver and the speed of other road users.

How to overtake safely: rules and recommendations

  1. Up to 25 percent of all accidents occur due to mistakes by drivers overtaking. More than half of them are caused by drivers who failed to complete this maneuver.
  2. The main cause of accidents is the inability of drivers to sensibly assess the situation on the road: the distance covered by the overtaken vehicle, as well as the time required for maneuver. It’s not for nothing that people use the expression: “If you’re not sure, don’t overtake.” It would seem that this is a rule that everyone understands. But, unfortunately, the number of accidents on our roads is not decreasing, and the number of deaths is increasing.

In what cases is overtaking prohibited?

"Overtaking prohibited" sign

In these cases, overtaking is also prohibited.

It is not always possible to perform this maneuver while driving. Overtaking is prohibited in the following cases:

  • coverage area of ​​the "No overtaking" sign
  • the driver of the vehicle driving ahead has signaled his intention to turn left;
  • the car ahead makes a maneuver that prevents it from overtaking (for example, avoiding an obstacle on the road);
  • you have doubts that overtaking will be successful - there is not enough speed, for example; Let's say the speed of the car being overtaken is 73 km/h, and you are driving at a speed of 78 km/h - it turns out that in order to overtake vehicles, you and the driver of the overtaken vehicle need to overcome 170 meters.
  • if you feel that the speed is not enough for you, it’s better to use yours unsuccessful attempt may not only ruin traffic on a given section of the road, but also cost someone’s life;
  • the traffic behind began to overtake you.

In what places is overtaking prohibited?

Overtaking is prohibited!

There are places on the road where overtaking is prohibited by law. These are the places:

  • intersections; on adjustable overtaking always prohibited, on unregulated roads - in the case when you are not moving on the main road;
  • pedestrian crossings, provided there are people there. Overtake on pedestrian crossing it is possible in the case when there is no sign nearby prohibiting this maneuver, and a solid line is not marked on the road;
  • 100 meters of road in front of the railway tracks;
  • tunnels, overpasses, bridges, as well as the area under them, overpasses: these buildings can be placed in such a way that you cannot immediately notice them from afar: for example, bridges located next to settlements, most often are not indicated at all by the corresponding signs on the road to them. Therefore, overtaking in front of or on a bridge is extremely dangerous. Today such a maneuver is prohibited and severely punished;
  • places on the road where there are problems with visibility: sharp turns, uphill climbs, and so on.

Overtaking rules used today - overtaking correctly!

All the rules that must be followed when overtaking someone on the road are described in Chapter 11 latest edition traffic rules. In this article we will provide only basic information about these rules.

  1. If you're not sure, don't try. When starting a maneuver, you must be 100 percent confident of success, no less. The speed should be enough to overtake the vehicle in front, plus you need to have enough free space in the oncoming lane - this is the only way to avoid trouble for yourself and other drivers. This is the first and, perhaps, the most important rule: indeed, overtaking is always associated with a degree of risk, since you have to drive into oncoming traffic. Be careful and always assess your capabilities wisely. From the first rule we can distinguish the following thesis: if a traffic accident occurs during overtaking, the culprit ALWAYS the driver who started overtaking will be considered.
  2. Notify the person being overtaken. Having started the maneuver, approach the vehicle you are overtaking at a distance of about 15-20 meters and turn on your turn signal: this will not allow cars behind you to start overtaking. If there is poor visibility on the road (at night or, for example, fog), do not be too lazy to flash your high beam headlights.
  3. Keep up the speed. By going to left lane, drive at the speed of the vehicle you are overtaking. Be careful not to get into the “dead zone”. By performing this maneuver, you have time to evaluate traffic situation and show the person being overtaken that you are about to make a maneuver. You also prevent unwanted overtaking by cars following you.
  4. Your goal when overtaking is to pass a section of the oncoming lane as quickly as possible, so do not spare the gas pedal to increase the difference in the speed of your vehicle and the overtaken vehicle.
  5. When you drive into oncoming traffic, pay close attention to what is happening. If you have doubts about the successful completion of the maneuver, immediately return to the lane you were originally driving on.
  6. When, towards the end of the maneuver, the vehicle being overtaken appears in the rearview mirror, you should smoothly, without sudden “undercuts,” return to your main lane. At this point, turn right to inform the oncoming motorist that you are completing your maneuver. This will also tell the driver behind you (who decided to overtake with you, popularly called a “locomotive”) that someone is coming towards you.
  7. Collective, or “locomotive” overtaking is a very risky undertaking, especially if at the head of such a column there is a large vehicle (truck, bus, minibus, jeep, etc.), or small car with tinting. Because of them, it is difficult to understand the real traffic situation, which can lead to not the best consequences.
  8. If for some reason overtaking is impossible (you misjudged the speed of the cars in the oncoming lane, the driver of the vehicle being overtaken is offended and does not allow you to overtake him), then urgently return to your lane. If this is no longer possible, shift to a lower gear and accelerate as much as possible.

How to overtake incorrectly

  • It is strictly forbidden to overtake right side(roadside), even if there is no one on it and everything is clearly visible: potholes, holes and any debris like bottles can cause you to simply lose control and crash into some car, which, moreover, can drive into the oncoming lane.
  • The Russian climate is quite harsh, especially in the winter and autumn seasons. Fog, heavy rain or snowfall can all cause a serious traffic accident. In addition, the vehicle driving in front of you raises a column of dust and dirt into the air, the particles of which settle on your windshield. These factors force drivers to sometimes drive, frankly, at random. Therefore, if you cannot see the road well due to climatic conditions, then do not try to overtake.
  • Do not become a participant in mass overtaking. If you find yourself in a row of “cars,” then remember that the first car that starts the maneuver has priority for overtaking. Adequately evaluate all overtaking participants and give the opportunity to more fast cars be the first to return to the main lane. And only after that complete the overtaking you have started.
  • When overtaking large vehicles (trucks, buses, etc.), do not drive close to them. If you drive too close to such a car, you will lose your small review into the oncoming lane. There is another danger: there is a high probability that a slow-moving vehicle, like a Zaporozhets, may be driving in front of the truck. Plus, very often trucks travel in “convoy”, and you need to overtake them all, which is not always easy. Therefore, be extremely careful when overtaking large vehicles, take into account all possible problems
  • Do not overtake vehicles during inclines. Motorists, wanting to quickly get onto a flat section of the road, sharply increase the speed of their vehicles. This may cause you to simply not have enough acceleration to overtake. Therefore, do not risk overtaking on hills, especially if your car does not boast good speed characteristics. However, there are times when the vehicle ahead flashes a right turn at you as a sign that there is no one in front of it and you can start overtaking. Take this chance and thank the driver for his help.
  • Be careful when overtaking in heavy traffic. When you drive into a passing traffic flow, you need to equalize the speed with it, and do this not while entering, but in the oncoming lane, so as not to collide with any car. Usually, if an emergency situation arises, car row changes lanes so you can enter the lane. If they helped you, do not hesitate to flash your emergency lights 2-3 times as a sign of gratitude.
  • When there are solid and broken lines on the road, the overtaking maneuver can only be made from the side where the broken line is painted.
  • If someone starts to overtake you, do not speed! On the contrary, slow down so that the driver can return to the lane without any problems.

Common mistakes when overtaking:

  • starting overtaking from the stern;
  • hanging on the tail of a car;
  • incorrect calculation of the speed of oncoming traffic;
  • unexpected overtaking with the hope that the driver of oncoming traffic will somehow react correctly and cunningly;
  • The “male” effect is the reluctance to stop a maneuver, even when it is clear to all participants in the movement that it will not end in success.

Remembering these simple tips and by applying them in practice, you guarantee yourself the opportunity safe overtaking Vehicle.