When they gave the beacon. Rules of conduct for drivers when approaching a police car with a flashing light: What will the beacon tell you? Blue Bucket: Slow down

3.1. Drivers of vehicles with flashing lights on of blue color, while performing an urgent official task, may deviate from the requirements of sections 6 (except for traffic controller signals) and 8 - 18 of these Rules, appendices 1 and 2 to these Rules, provided that traffic safety is ensured.

To gain an advantage over other road users, drivers of such vehicles must turn on a blue flashing light and a special sound signal. They can take advantage of priority only by making sure that they are given way.

The same right is enjoyed by drivers of vehicles accompanied by vehicles that have special color graphics applied to the outer surfaces, with blue and red flashing lights turned on and a special sound signal, in the cases established by this paragraph. On the accompanied vehicles The low beam headlights must be turned on.

On vehicles of the State Safety Inspectorate traffic Ministry of Internal Affairs Russian Federation, Federal service security of the Russian Federation, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation and the Military Automobile Inspectorate in addition to flashing light blue, a red flashing light may be turned on.

Drivers of emergency service vehicles performing an urgent official task with a blue flashing light on can move in any direction, regardless of traffic lights, road signs and markings. For them, only traffic controller signals are required.

Emergency services whose vehicles can be equipped with a blue flashing light and a special sound signal include ambulance medical service, fire service, police, military traffic police, services special transport Bank of Russia and Gokhran of Russia, special communications service of the Ministry of Communications of Russia, the prosecutor's office, the Main Directorate for the Execution of Punishments of the Ministry of Justice of Russia and emergency rescue services.

3.2. When approaching a vehicle with a blue flashing light and a special sound signal on, drivers are required to give way to ensure unhindered passage of the specified vehicle.

When approaching a vehicle that has special color schemes applied to the outer surfaces, with blue and red flashing lights turned on and a special sound signal, drivers are required to give way to ensure unhindered passage of the specified vehicle, as well as the vehicle (accompanied by it).

It is prohibited to overtake a vehicle that has special color schemes applied to the outer surfaces with a blue flashing light and a special sound signal turned on.

It is prohibited to overtake a vehicle that has special color schemes applied to its external surfaces, with blue and red flashing lights turned on and a special sound signal, as well as the vehicle(s) it is accompanying.

A blue beacon, together with a special sound signal, gives an advantage in traffic, but it can only be used after making sure that they are seen and give way to them. Together with the blue beacon, but not instead of it, the red one may also be turned on.

In addition to the cars themselves with their beacons and sirens on, the vehicles they accompany have priority.

It is prohibited to overtake vehicles with a special paint job if they have a blue beacon and a special sound signal on, as well as the vehicles accompanying them. See term "".

3.3. When approaching a stationary vehicle with a blue flashing light on, the driver should reduce speed to be able to stop immediately if necessary.

EIf a car with a blue beacon is standing still (in addition, a red beacon will be turned on), then we reduce the speed in order to stop if necessary. This is how drivers are usually warned about danger ahead.

3.4. A yellow or orange flashing light must be turned on on vehicles in the following cases:

  • performing work on the construction, repair or maintenance of roads, loading damaged, faulty and moving vehicles;
  • transportation of large cargo, explosive, flammable, radioactive substances and highly dangerous toxic substances;
  • escort of vehicles transporting large, heavy and dangerous goods;
  • accompaniment organized groups cyclists during training activities on highways common use;
  • organized transportation of a group of children.

An illuminated yellow or orange flashing light does not provide an advantage in traffic and serves to warn other road users of danger.

Yellow or orange beacons are equipped with cleaning machines, fuel trucks, cash collection vehicles, tow trucks, etc. Such beacons do not provide an advantage in traffic, since their purpose is to attract attention. This is an opportunity to detect a vehicle that poses a danger to others at a sufficient distance and take appropriate measures.

3.5. Drivers of vehicles with a yellow or orange flashing light on when performing work on the construction, repair or maintenance of roads, loading damaged, faulty and moving vehicles may deviate from the requirements of road signs (except for signs 2.2, 2.4 - 2.6, 3.11 - 3.14, 3.17 .2, 3.20) and road markings, as well as paragraphs 9.4 - 9.8 and 16.1 of these Rules, subject to ensuring road safety.

Drivers of vehicles when transporting large-sized cargo, as well as when escorting vehicles carrying large-sized and (or) heavy cargo, with a yellow or orange flashing light turned on, may deviate from the requirements of road markings, provided that road safety is ensured.

3.6. Drivers of vehicles of federal postal organizations and vehicles transporting cash proceeds and (or) valuable cargo may turn on a white-moon flashing light and a special sound signal only when attacking these vehicles. A white-lunar flashing light does not provide an advantage in traffic and serves to attract the attention of police officers and other persons.

(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 21, 2000 N 370)

3.1. Drivers of vehicles with a blue flashing light turned on, when performing an urgent official task, may deviate from the requirements of sections (except for traffic controller signals) and - of these Rules, appendices and to these Rules of the Road, provided that traffic safety is ensured.

To gain an advantage over other road users, drivers of such vehicles must turn on a blue flashing light and a special sound signal. They can take advantage of priority only by making sure that they are given way.

The same right is enjoyed by drivers of vehicles accompanied by vehicles that have special color graphics applied to the outer surfaces, with blue and red flashing lights turned on and a special sound signal, in the cases established by this paragraph. Accompanied vehicles must have low beam headlights on.

On vehicles of the State Road Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation and the Military Automobile Inspectorate, in addition to the blue flashing light, a red flashing light may be turned on.

3.2. When approaching a vehicle with a blue flashing light and a special sound signal on, drivers are required to give way to ensure unhindered passage of the specified vehicle.

When approaching a vehicle that has special color schemes applied to the outer surfaces, with blue and red flashing lights turned on and a special sound signal, drivers are required to give way to ensure unhindered passage of the specified vehicle, as well as the vehicle (accompanied by it).

It is prohibited to overtake a vehicle that has special color schemes applied to the outer surfaces with a blue flashing light and a special sound signal turned on.

It is prohibited to overtake a vehicle that has special color schemes applied to its external surfaces, with blue and red flashing lights turned on and a special sound signal, as well as the vehicle(s) it is accompanying.

3.3. When approaching a stationary vehicle with a blue flashing light on, the driver should reduce speed to be able to stop immediately if necessary.

3.4. A yellow or orange flashing light must be turned on on vehicles in the following cases:

  • performing work on the construction, repair or maintenance of roads, loading damaged, faulty and moving vehicles;
  • transportation of large cargo, explosive, flammable, radioactive substances and highly dangerous toxic substances;
  • escort of vehicles transporting large, heavy and dangerous goods;
  • accompanying organized groups of cyclists during training activities on public roads.

An illuminated yellow or orange flashing light does not provide an advantage in traffic and serves to warn other road users of danger.

3.5. Drivers of vehicles with a yellow or orange flashing light turned on may deviate from the requirements of road signs (except for signs 2.2, 2.4-2.6, 3.11-3.14, 3.17) when performing construction, repair or maintenance work on roads, loading damaged, faulty and moving vehicles. .2, 3.20) and road markings, as well as paragraphs 9.4—9.8 and 16.1 of these Rules, provided that road safety is ensured.

Drivers of vehicles when transporting large-sized cargo, as well as when escorting vehicles carrying large-sized and (or) heavy cargo, with a yellow or orange flashing light turned on, may deviate from the requirements of road markings, provided that road safety is ensured.

3.6. Drivers of vehicles of federal postal organizations and vehicles transporting cash proceeds and (or) valuable cargo may turn on a white-moon flashing light and a special sound signal only when attacking these vehicles.

A white-lunar flashing light does not provide an advantage in traffic and serves to attract the attention of police officers and other persons.

It would seem like a hackneyed topic. But ordinary drivers (especially inexperienced ones) very often fall into a stupor when observing the movement of vehicles with “flashing lights” and “sirens” (or “quacks”) turned on.

Wherein traffic situation changes instantly, and it requires clear decision-making, and not digging into the knowledge gained during training in a driving school and hidden in the nooks and crannies of memory. IN major cities This state of affairs is the scourge of the driver, instantly leading to a traffic jam or congestion.

We propose to understand in detail the situation with the use of special signals - both in the theory of traffic rules and in the actual practice of road traffic. Let us immediately note the fact that the theory and practice of traffic management differ somewhat in their approaches to solving the problem of “flashing lights”.

Types of flashers

The rules know only three types of flashing lights (“flashing lights”).

1. Blue (or blue and red) flashing light

Meet this - the most privileged beacon. Drivers of vehicles equipped with such “flashing lights” are the kings of the road. They are allowed to ignore the lion's share of traffic rules.

Blue flashing lights are installed on special cars of the “magnificent four” - services 01, 02, 03, 04. Special color schemes are glued to the surfaces of such cars (for example, “03”, “ Ambulance"; “02”, “Police”, etc.).

Similar lucky ones are vehicles carrying federal government officials and parliamentarians, as well as senior officials level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. True, they do not rely on color schemes.

As an addition to blue, the red color of the “flashing lights” went to the cars of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, VAI, FSO, FSB, which are intended (primarily) to perform escort functions or participate in organized transport convoys.

It is also not difficult to recognize such vehicles: special color schemes are applied to their surfaces (for example, DPS, VAI, etc.).

2. Yellow or orange flashing light

Such a “flashing light” should be mounted into three types special vehicles, intended for:

  • carrying out work on the maintenance, repair or construction of roads;

  • evacuation or movement of vehicles;

  • transportation of large, dangerous or heavy cargo (or escort of such vehicles).

This flashing light also gives the driver certain rights to ignore certain sections of traffic rules precisely because of their slowness or the danger of the cargo being transported.

3. Lunar-white flashing light

FPS (Federal Postal Service) vehicles, as well as vehicles intended for transporting valuables (for example, cash collection) can be equipped with a “flashing light” the color of a tea rose (or fermented baked milk).

This is the most powerless flashing light.

Royal rights of "blue buckets"

In other words, the driver of a special vehicle with a blue (or blue and red) “flashing light” on has the legal right to ignore:

  • all marking lines;
  • any traffic lights;
  • maneuvering rules;
  • principles of vehicle location on the roadway;
  • any speed limits;
  • requirements regarding overtaking, advancing, oncoming traffic, stopping and parking;
  • rules for driving through intersections (except for those at which traffic controller signals are in effect);
  • rules for driving special sections of the road ( pedestrian crossings, railway crossings, residential areas, etc.).

In other words, the overwhelming majority of the requirements that are presented to the ordinary driver can be easily ignored by the owners of the included “blue bucket”.

Such privileges are granted to the driver for one reason: he is endowed with special government powers when performing a special operational task. In order to solve the assigned tasks as efficiently as possible, the state issues such a carte blanche, which allows such a frivolous attitude to the requirements of traffic rules.

"Blue Buckets" - Almost Gods

The right of blue bucket drivers to ignore good part of the traffic rules– this is only one side of the issue. The second part of the problem is the advantage over other road users that is granted to such drivers.

However, in the process of real movement, operational special services with blue (or blue and red) “flashing lights” turned on come into inevitable conflict with other road users, who at that very moment can take advantage. Such participants include:

  • drivers driving on a green traffic light or on a main road;
  • pedestrians moving along a pedestrian crossing;
  • car drivers (tram drivers), who in the vast majority of cases enjoy an advantage over trackless vehicles, etc.

In addition, it is very easy not to notice the light signal - the “flashing light”. Therefore, in order to take advantage of their advantage, drivers of special vehicles must turn on (in parallel with the light) a special sound signal - a “siren” or “quack”. Only in this case - with a combination of both signals - are mere mortal drivers and pedestrians ordered to give way to the “blue buckets”.

Some drivers believe that when a siren and flashing lights appear, they should immediately stop on the side of the road or at the edge of the roadway. However, this is not the case.

According to the traffic rules, the driver is required to give way to such special vehicles and provide them with the opportunity to pass unhindered. And on multi-lane road, for example, a sufficient action would be to change lanes to the adjacent lane and continue moving along the intended route.

However, if there is a two-lane road, you will have to stop, since only in this case the driver will be able to give priority to the “blue bucket”.

And do not forget that not only such a special vehicle has an advantage, but also all vehicles accompanied by it (for example, as part of an organized transport convoy). You can recognize such vehicles by the low beam headlights on them.

Not all “blue buckets” are prohibited from overtaking

The notorious driving stereotype is that you cannot overtake a blue flashing light. And some motorists, in general, reach the point of absurdity when they refuse to overtake a traffic police vehicle that does not even have a flashing light on. Let's be clear.

The rules introduce an unambiguous ban on overtaking only the following vehicles:

  • special vehicles with color schemes that include a blue (or blue and red) flashing light, as well as a special sound signal;
  • vehicles accompanied by the above special vehicle.

Consequently, if the surfaces of a car with a “flashing light” and a “siren” are not equipped with some kind of colorographic schemes that indicate that it belongs to the special services, then it is allowed to overtake such vehicles (for example, a deputy’s car).

True, do it without breaking speed limit, most likely it won't work.

And one more moment. It is prohibited to overtake, and not ahead of special vehicles equipped with light and sound signals. Therefore, driving in the adjacent (not oncoming!) lane in order to get ahead of such a car will not be considered a traffic violation.

Blue Bucket: Slow down

The turned on “flashing light” indicates some kind of non-standard situation on road. And if a special vehicle is in a hurry somewhere, it must give way. This is fine. But then he reached his goal and positioned himself within the road with the flashing light turned on. What do the Rules say about this?

An ordinary driver, approaching such a vehicle, is obliged to reduce speed to such an extent as to be able to stop immediately if necessary. These may be requirements for providing assistance, participating in the preparation of a protocol, and much more.

Yellow (or orange) flashing light

Let us note right away: such a “flashing light” does not provide its owner with any advantage in movement. The question arises about the meaning of using a flashing light. And he is.

1. A yellow (or orange) flashing light warns other road users about the danger of the cargo being transported (due to its chemical properties, size or weight) or danger during work carried out within the road.

2. When a yellow or orange “flashing light” is turned on on vehicles carrying out work on the maintenance, repair or construction of roads, as well as evacuating or moving vehicles, the driver can ignore a number of traffic regulations (subject to compliance with safety measures):

a) road marking regulations;

b) the requirements of road signs (with the exception of signs 2.2 “End main road"; 2.4 “Give way”; 2.5 “Driving without stopping is prohibited”; 2.6 “Advantage of oncoming traffic”; 3.11 “Weight limit”; 3.12 “Limitation of mass per vehicle axle”; 3.13 “Height limitation”; 3.14 “Width limitation”; 3.17.2 "Danger"; 3.20 “Overtaking is prohibited”);

c) traffic regulations regarding paragraphs 9.4 - 9.8 (traffic “lane” rules), 16.1 (restriction of traffic on the highway).

When transporting large cargo and accompanying such transportation, the driver is allowed to deviate only from the requirements of road markings.

Thus, a yellow or orange “flashing light” allows, firstly, to warn about the danger of the vehicle; secondly, it grants some privileges to its owner, which are so necessary when performing professional duties.

The white-moon “flashing light” is practically useless

The white-lunar flashing light is the most powerless. It does not provide any advantage to the driver when driving. Yes, and you can turn it on (together with a special sound signal) solely to attract attention when committing an attack on a special vehicle transporting valuable cargo.

This is probably why some drivers of such vehicles simply dismantle the relatively useless “flashing light” and refuse to use it.

“Flashing lights” in real traffic practice

Very often, the theoretical calculations of traffic rules do not fit into the practice of road traffic. And in order to achieve maximum safety, it is important to clearly and quickly make decisions when various “flashing lights” appear on the road.

1. Blue (or blue and red) flashing light

When a blue (or blue and red) flashing light appears, you need to be prepared for the fact that the driver of a special vehicle will deliberately and consciously ignore traffic rules requirements and all conceivable principles of traffic safety. Therefore, even in the absence of a special sound signal on such transport, it is advisable to give it priority. And don't overtake. And don't get ahead. It's calmer this way.

3.1. Drivers of vehicles with a blue flashing light turned on, when performing an urgent official task, may deviate from the requirements of sections 6 (except for traffic controller signals) and 8 - 18 of these Rules, appendices 1 and 2 to these Rules, provided that traffic safety is ensured.

To gain an advantage over other road users, drivers of such vehicles must turn on a blue flashing light and a special sound signal. They can take advantage of priority only by making sure that they are given way.

The same right is enjoyed by drivers of vehicles accompanied by vehicles that have special color graphics applied to the outer surfaces, with blue and red flashing lights turned on and a special sound signal, in the cases established by this paragraph. Accompanied vehicles must have low beam headlights on.

On vehicles of the State Road Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation and the Military Automobile Inspectorate, in addition to the blue flashing light, a red flashing light may be turned on.


If we highlight the main points in paragraph 3.1, it becomes clear to us that the following have the advantage of travel:

  1. vehicles with blue or red-blue flashing lights and an audible siren;
  2. vehicles with color schemes applied to the body, red-blue beacons and an audible signal;
  3. transport that is accompanied by the above-mentioned cars.

To the above, it is worth adding what the driver is obliged to do in accordance with paragraph 3.2 when the special transport described in paragraph 3.1 approaches him:

  • with blue lights and a siren - must give way and provide him with free passage;
  • with red-blue beacons accompanied by a sound signal - must stop at the edge of the road on the right and drive further only after special vehicles have passed.

The driver is also obliged to ensure unhindered passage not only for special vehicles, but also for the vehicles he is accompanying. They, in turn, can only take advantage when they are convinced that they are being missed.

The driver is prohibited

It is prohibited to overtake or get ahead of vehicles with blue and red-blue special signals turned on. The rule also applies to vehicles accompanied by cars with blue beacons and color schemes applied to the body. Accompanied vehicles are only allowed to move with low beam headlights on.

Useful: GOST requirements for special signals

flashing beacons, sound signals and color schemes of service vehicles (ambulances, fire departments, police, FSB agencies, etc.) must comply with GOST R 50574-2002.

For example, White color the body of an ambulance in combination with red stripes is determined by the requirements of precisely this state standard. They also assigned what information and identification marks must be marked on a special vehicle, what volume the siren should have (not lower than 116 dB, if the sound source is located on the roof of the car), where the flashing light should be located (on the roof or above it). It is indicated that it is permissible to use more than one beacon on one vehicle.

By the way, the presence of blue flashing lights on does not relieve the driver of such a vehicle from the obligation to obey the traffic controller’s signals.

On vehicles related to the traffic police, FSO, FSB and VAI of the Russian Federation, in addition to the blue flashing light, a red light may be turned on.

Ticket 22 - Question 1

How many intersections are shown in the picture?

3. Four.

Regardless of how many carriageways intersecting roads have, they form one intersection (clause 1.2).

Correct answer:

Ticket 22 - Question 2

Which of the warning and prohibition signs are temporary?

1. Mounted on a portable stand.

2. Having a yellow background and installed in places where road work is being carried out.

3. All of the above.

Yellow background on warning signs (signs 1.8 , 1.15 , 1.16 , 1.18 - 1.21 , 1.33 ) and prohibitory signs (signs 3.11 - 3.16 , 3.18.1 - 3.25 ), as well as on the priority sign (sign 2.6 ), installed in places where road work is being carried out, means that these signs are temporary (Appendix 1).

Are signs on portable stands temporary?
The new traffic rules do not include a clause on signs on portable stands. Only the yellow background on a number of signs indicates that they are temporary.

Correct answer:
Having a yellow background and installed in road work areas.

Ticket 22 - Question 3

In which of the following cases during transportation? large cargo Are you prohibited from continuing forward?

1. If the height of the load is 4 m.

2. If overall height car together with a load of 4 m.

3. In both cases.

Correct answer:
Can move in any direction.

Ticket 22 - Question 7

Are you required to turn on your left turn signals in this situation?

1. Obliged.

2. Required if you perform a U-turn.

3. Not required.

Correct answer:

Ticket 22 - Question 8

Which trajectory can you use to make a left turn?

1. Only according to A.

2. Only according to B.

3. For any of the above.

When turning left, you must move so that when leaving the intersection of roadways the car does not end up on the side of oncoming traffic (clause 8.6), i.e. You can only move along trajectory B.

Correct answer:
Only according to B.

Ticket 22 - Question 9

Is the driver allowed to drive? in reverse on the overpass for passenger boarding?

1. Allowed.

2. Allowed if it does not interfere with other traffic participants.

You cannot drive in reverse on the overpass to pick up a passenger, since reversing is prohibited there (clause 8.12).

Correct answer:

Ticket 22 - Question 10

Is it allowed to be used for driving? tram rails in the opposite direction?

1. Allowed.

2. Permitted if it does not interfere with oncoming vehicles.

3. Permitted only when passing a tram in the same direction.

Correct answer:

Ticket 22 - Question 11

What overtaking restrictions apply to railway crossings and near them?

1. Overtaking is prohibited only at crossings.

2. Overtaking is prohibited at a crossing and closer than 100 m in front of it.

3. Overtaking is prohibited at a crossing and at a distance of 100 m before and after it.

Correct answer:
Overtaking is prohibited at a crossing and closer than 100 m in front of it.

Ticket 22 - Question 12

Is the driver allowed truck stay at this place?

1. Allowed.

Correct answer:

Ticket 22 - Question 13

You intend to turn left. Your actions?

1. Perform the maneuver without stopping at an intersection.

2. Turn left and stop at the break in the median. Wait for the traffic light to clear the intersection and complete the maneuver.

A green traffic light gives you the right to move left (clause 6.2). In this case, you should drive in the intended direction regardless of the traffic light signal at the exit from the intersection (clause 13.7).

Correct answer:
Perform a maneuver without stopping at an intersection.

Ticket 22 - Question 14

In what case should you give way to a tram?

1. When turning left.

2. When driving straight.

3. In both of the above cases.

Despite the fact that you are on a road with a dividing strip, in the absence of priority signs it is equal in value to the one being crossed. Guided by the rules for driving through intersections of equivalent roads, you must give way to a tram, which has priority over trackless vehicles (clause 13.11).

Correct answer:
In both of the above cases.

Ticket 22 - Question 15

You intend to turn right. Can you start turning?

1. You can.

2. You can, when you are sure that this will not interfere with the truck.

3. You can't.

Sign 2.4 "Give way" obliges you at this intersection uneven roads give way to a truck without requiring a mandatory stop before the intersection. Since the truck is moving on the left lane of the road, which is further away from you, you can start turning right when you are sure that this maneuver will not interfere with the movement of the truck (p.