Nissan leaf full charge time. Nissan Leaf: the dangers of accelerated charging CHAdeMO. Operating modes and tasks of your Nissan Leaf

As you know, the Leaf's traction battery is charged through a special port located on the nose of the car and hidden behind a small hatch with the Nissan emblem. In view of this design feature problems often arise with this door - since there is no familiar ICE in the Leaf, due to the lack of heat, the hatch often freezes over and, if necessary, it cannot be opened. Knowledgeable people advise using “anti-ice” antifreeze agents in cold weather to avoid trouble.

Depending on the year of manufacture and modification nissan leaf can be equipped with different charging connectors. All "trains" have a port for standard and accelerated charging, but not all cars have a heavy-duty CHAdeMO port, with which the traction battery gains 80% charge in just around 30 minutes!

The charging port hidden behind the red door is for standard charging, and the larger one with a black door is for CHAdeMO boost charges.

Is fast charging evil?

Some EV owners, and the Nissan Leaf in particular, find that boosted charging with the heavy-duty CHAdeMO port shortens battery life. Note that in particular, the manufacturer recommends no more than one such charge per day. But the taxi service specialists who advised us said that they almost always charge their cars through CHAdeMO and their batteries are still in full working order. True, with this mode of operation, it is important to observe small tricks: with regular use of heavy-duty charging, it is necessary to feed the Akum once a week with a slow charge, during which it is calibrated, and when using CHAdeMO, it is very important not to overheat the Akum.

Not less than important node for an electric car - a charger. Leaf has it built-in and happens different power: in the basic S versions it is 3.6 kW, while in the more expensive SV and top-end SL it is 6.6 kW. It is better, of course, to purchase more expensive versions - after all, with accelerated charging from stations with a capacity of 10-20 kW (located at some gas stations and near large supermarkets), you can fully charge a 24-kilowatt electric train battery in 3-4 hours, while basic versions the recharge time will be almost twice as long. But the charging time from a household power outlet with a voltage of 220V and a current of 16A (maximum 3.5 kW) for all versions of the Leaf will be the same and will be about 7-8 hours. As a rule, it is in this way that the owners have night “feedings” of the battery. By the way, pay attention - in winter, the charging time, especially outside warm garages increases by 30-40%.

As a rule, abroad, and in Ukraine, CHAdeMO heavy-duty charging stations are located in public places: parking lots of shopping malls, entertainment centers, in the central part of the city, etc.

Many motorists who try to buy a Leaf mistakenly think that it can be charged from a regular home or office outlet. This is not true - because even with slow charging, the “electric train” consumes a current of 3.5 kW and such a voltage often leads to overheating of standard sockets and, as a result, to melting of electrical contacts and wiring. Often, the car's charging cable also deteriorates (reminiscent of an enlarged "lanyard" for charging a laptop), and it costs a lot - about $ 300.

By the way, quite often used Leaf come to Ukraine without this important device and the owners have to buy it in addition. American cables also require a special adapter for euro sockets. In order to avoid problems, experts advise all Leaf owners to specially prepare a household electrical network for its trouble-free charging (allocate a separate line with powerful wiring, a socket and a fuse).

The main enemies of the power reserve

Recall that the electric motor is driven by a traction lithium ion battery, which on most Leafs develops 24kW of power and, under optimal conditions, provides a range of 135km (EPA). More expensive versions(SV and SL) released since 2016 have received a more powerful 30 kW battery, which is capable of providing a range of 172 km (EPA) or 250 km on the European NEDC measurement cycle. Although there are few versions with a reinforced battery in Ukraine.

Speaking about how much mileage you can drive on a fully charged battery, it is important to mention what affects its discharge. The main enemies are dynamic driving, as well as the heating and air conditioning system of the cabin. Powerful starts from traffic lights and movement with the “gas” pedal recessed into the floor actively eat up the remaining power reserve. The same applies to the use of the "stove" and air conditioning. Often, Leaf owners have to put up with the fact that in order to save charge, they have to sweat in the summer and freeze in the winter.

Having two additional modes driving allow you to use the traction battery more efficiently. In the selector position of the gearbox "B" (Brake), energy recovery is significantly stronger than in the standard D (Drive). The ECO mode, which is activated by a button on the steering wheel, prevents dynamic driving.

However, there is a technical possibility not only to save battery power, but even replenish it. So, Leaf offers several driving modes. The usual transmission mode is the position of the selector washer D (Drive), the second is the economical position B (Brake), in which energy recovery is noticeably stronger - the car begins to actively slow down immediately after the driver takes his foot off the gas pedal. This mode allows you to recharge the battery by storing energy on descents and when slowing down at traffic lights. There is another ECO mode, which is activated using the button on the steering wheel. It prevents the active use of the “electric train”, reducing the intensity of acceleration when the accelerator pedal is pressed and allowing you to add about 5% to the power reserve.


Active experience operating Nissan Leaf as a taxi showed that this electric car turned out to be quite reliable and unpretentious. Experts have no serious comments about its automotive qualities and the reliability of the electric filling. Frequent owners of this model should also not be afraid of accelerated charging using the heavy-duty CHAdeMO port - if simple rules are followed, this mode does not cause much harm to the traction battery. Although, before purchasing a Nissan Leaf, its owner should best arrange a home charging place, where he can replenish its charge every night without problems, in a calm mode and without the risk of overheating the battery.

Results of "AC"

If you follow certain rules for charging through the heavy-duty CHAdeMO port, you can not be afraid. The presence of special driving modes allows you to save battery power.

– Basic S versions have a weak built-in 3.6 kW charger, which means that accelerated battery charges take longer than more expensive modifications. Most often, a conventional household network cannot withstand battery charging and requires special training. Fast driving, the use of air conditioning and the "stove" significantly affect the discharge of the battery. Used cars often come to Ukraine without charging cables, and they are expensive. American "cords" require additional purchase adapters for euro sockets.

Weaknesses Nissan Leaf

Most often, a conventional household network cannot withstand battery charging - it leads to overheating of wiring, fuses, sockets and charging cable adapters.

The built-in charger of the basic versions is weak, which is why accelerated battery charging takes more time and, accordingly, such cars are more expensive to operate.

The operation of the "stove", air conditioning and fast driving severely drain the battery.

The editors would like to thank the Oxy-Taxi company for their help in preparing the material.

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Nissan LEAF - don't forget to charge your car April 12th, 2014

Dear, turn on the kettle, turn off the oven and plug the car into the socket...!!!

Once, when I arrived at the Paine Field airport in the city of Everett to photograph planes, I saw a picture that was unusual for me. There was a car in the parking lot, plugged into an outlet !!!

I took some pictures. I was so interested that when I returned home, I got on the Internet and began to read about this miracle. I was told that the world is already driving cars completely on electric traction. But it's one thing when someone speaks. And it’s completely different when he’s standing in front of you, refueling, charging.

And so it is Nissan Leaf- electric car Japanese concern Nissan, mass-produced since spring 2010. This is not to say that this is the first car with an all-electric motor launched in mass production. Electric cars appeared at the beginning of the last century.

The first questions that come to mind are: how much does it charge and how long will it travel after that?

The machine is equipped with a lithium-ion battery weighing approximately 300 kg and located under the driver and passenger seats. When fully charged, the car should have a range of about 160 km. The life cycle of the battery is 5 years.

The battery can be charged in two ways. From a household power supply with a voltage of 220 volts and a current of 30A. Duration full charge this is approximately 8 hours. The second option is on a special charger with a voltage of 480 volts and a current of 125 amperes. 80% of the battery capacity is replenished in 30 minutes. However, in the US, older household electrical outlets are limited to 10A and 120V. Therefore, the recharge time can take up to 20 hours.

For charging, the car is equipped with two charger sockets at the front of the car: one for standard charging and one for boost charging.

Electric vehicle charging locations in the US have a special sign. And, as you can see in this example, there are restrictions on parking time at this place (no more than 2 hours).

Such places are marked with green squares.

And equipped with chargers. Payment for charging is made by credit cards. Unfortunately, I do not know how much a full charge of the battery costs.

Of course, the car has both pros and cons. But I think this is another step towards reducing the cost of oil products. To appreciate the car you need to ride it. As soon as I have the opportunity, I will write my impressions.


An important stage in the development of modern automotive world is the transition from non-renewable energy sources to more environmentally friendly and correct fuel in all respects. Often, new ways of driving cars are also cheaper for the user, which is also very important for every driver. The cost of fossil fuels is getting higher, its processing is constantly increasing in price. So in a few years, we will clearly see more electric vehicles on the roads. So far, the technology is not the most convenient, but today many vehicle owners are very satisfied with their purchase in the form of electric vehicles. Today we will talk about the Nissan Leaf, its technical characteristics, operating comfort and benefits, as well as possible shortcomings acquisitions.

The car is very simple and successful all over the world. This is the only electric car that can compete with Tesla in terms of popularity and recognition in the market. In the US and Europe, the Nissan Leaf has been a leader for quite some time, but it is not yet officially sold in Russia. But you can import it from another country with minimal duties, as the government has provided for the growth in popularity of electric vehicles. The absence of huge customs payments motivates many fans modern technology choose an affordable Leaf price, and not another gasoline or diesel car. This is an important point that helps the technology to develop on Russian market. However, many still believe that electric cars are not the most convenient transport option. Of course, it has its drawbacks, but let's talk about everything in order.

Appearance, interior and ride comfort in the Nissan Leaf

In fact, the Nissan Leaf turns out to be one of the softest and most comfortable cars that you can imagine. It looks very modern and stylish, the style is respected the latest innovations Nissan, there is no confusion about the country of origin and specific styling elements. Inside, everything is very modern and even futuristic. The quality of the interior materials is excellent, there are no complaints about the assembly. It is important to note the following features of the machine:

  • just a great interior layout - with a relatively small size, the Leaf hatchback is comfortable inside, there is a complete feeling of the quality of the car's interior;
  • premium equipment allows you to feel very comfortable in the Nissan cabin, there is everything that you can expect for a car of this class;
  • production has been going on for almost 7 years, and during this time the company has improved a lot technical issues, which was important to change for the growth of the popularity of the car;
  • For Russian conditions there is nothing in the design and layout of the Nissan that can hurt a confident and successful ride even in the most difficult weather conditions;
  • the car is perfectly thought out in every respect, it is one of the best representatives model line corporations, transport is produced exclusively in Japan.

After the first acquaintance with the machine, I want to completely switch to electric vehicles. These are cars that save money, look great, drive very confidently and serve their owner just fine. Based on first impressions, you can conclude that a Japanese electric car will be a great find for your city trip. However, the advantages of the machine do not end there.

The main technical characteristics of the Leaf electric car

The leaf surprises with its travel parameters, but its characteristics also introduce certain restrictions on the operation of the car. Engine displacement, as you already know, is 0 liters. The same figure is equal to fuel consumption. The power unit is capable of producing quite adequate 109 Horse power, which is sometimes even too much, given the incredible thrust of the electric motor. Other characteristics include the following:

  • torque is the greatest advantage of the engine, in terms of the parameters familiar to us, this figure will be equal to 280 N * m, and it is achieved at 2700 rpm;
  • ground clearance of 160 mm, and this is quite enough for Russian roads, all other parameters and dimensions are consistent with the classic C-class vehicles;
  • Li-Ion batteries in a fairly large amount load the car evenly and create Extra options comfort with a reasonable distribution of gravity;
  • on one battery charge, the car travels up to 160 kilometers, but this figure is only available with a fairly soft and restrained trip, which is not always possible;
  • the optimal charging mode will be an interval of 100-120 kilometers, and it is better to charge a car from an outlet with a high current strength, a simple home outlet does not do well.

Specifications surprise high speed acceleration, excellent throttle response and very tangible power of the electric motor. The machine shows its best performance and is able to pleasantly surprise the buyer with a huge number of important technical additions. The equipment is just fine, there is no doubt that you will enjoy driving the Leaf through the city streets.

Operating modes and tasks of your Nissan Leaf

Many people ask the question - why buy an electric car if it travels a little more than 100 kilometers on a single charge. This is a fair question, and there is an equally fair answer to it. If you spend 80% of your time behind the wheel on the highway on country trips, then you don’t need an electric car. We need a gasoline car, which will help to significantly increase the autonomy of movement. An electric car in the form of a Nissan Leaf will be required for such tasks:

  • exclusively urban movement, if you drive no more than 100 kilometers per day (it is rare for car owners to roll more mileage in one day in the city);
  • trips to the country house, to a private house or outside the city, the distance to the object of your trip should not exceed 50 km, so as not to be left without the possibility of exploitation;
  • moving to work, to shops, solving all transport problems in the city with minimal fuel costs, such a purchase quickly pays off the owner;
  • use as a second car in the family to transport children to school, for optional transport tasks, for the second family member and his trips around the city;
  • as company car, for which a special place is equipped for quick charging and renewal of the movement resource for a short period.

All these features will help to significantly save on fuel. For 100 kilometers of urban traffic, modern petrol car The mobile takes about 8-9 liters of fuel. This is a lot of money, given the need to refuel for such a volume virtually every day. You will spend a couple of tens of rubles on charging. But many are confused by the question of duration nissan charging Leaf, which we'll talk about below.

How much does a Nissan Leaf charge from a regular outlet?

Fast charging of an electric vehicle is possible - you need to use a specially prepared socket with a high current strength. Details on the preparation of such a base for charging batteries can be clarified when buying a car or in specialized articles. From ordinary socket Charging will take at least 8 hours to 80%. With a high current, charging up to 80% occurs in 40-50 minutes, which greatly simplifies the tasks of transport operation. There are several recommendations in this regard:

  • the Nissan Leaf battery will last longer if charging is done no more than once a day, fast charging twice a day is not worth it at all, it harms the battery;
  • if you plan not to take the car for several weeks, it is best to leave the battery with a charge of 20-40%, this will help to avoid potential drops from idle;
  • when buying, make sure that the battery is alive - there is special equipment on board that shows 12 divisions of battery life (you need to buy at least 10 divisions);
  • charging every day should be done up to 80-90%, once a week it is better to charge up to 100%, this will help save battery life for a longer amount of time;
  • also remember that the life of the battery depends on the charge cycle, so do not charge the car unnecessarily if the battery still has enough charge for your tasks.

Exploitation modern car With electric motor This is a great opportunity to save money. The cost of operating a machine is ten times lower than that of gasoline engine. Please note that many problems disappear on the service as well. And if you pay a huge amount for a good service of a gasoline car, then it is enough to spend good check running gear and perform diagnostics of electrical equipment. We offer to see fair test drive car Nissan Leaf:

Summing up

One of best options electric vehicle today is the Nissan Leaf. This is a C-class hatchback that makes it easy enough to save money and drive in complete comfort. What pleases the modern buyer of an electric car is the excellent value. Today, a used Leaf can be purchased at the price of classmates with the same year of manufacture and with the same comfort parameters. But classmates have gasoline and diesel power units installed in the engine compartment, and the Leaf has an electric installation.

The practicality of operating vehicles with such features is rather doubtful. But this is true until urban charging networks are developed with a quick replenishment of the lack of electricity in your car. There are advantages in operating transport in the most different conditions, and for this we must always take into account technical features and transport restrictions. Need to consider important features auto and always give an account of your purchase. Sometimes buying an electric car won't optimal solution. What do you think about the future of electric vehicle technology in Russia?


The premiere of the first mass passenger electric car Nissan LEAF took place at the international Tokyo Motor Show in 2009. The name LEAF is not only a "leaf" (translated from English), but also the abbreviation "Leading, Environmentally friendly, Affordable, Family", which means "outstanding, environmentally friendly, affordable, family." Main Feature of this machine is that harmful emissions into the atmosphere are not only reduced - they simply do not exist. The Nissan LEAF is assembled in Japan (Oppama), in the USA (Smyrna, Tennessee), in the UK (Sunderland). Since September 2014, the model has been produced and sold in China joint venture Dongfeng-Nissan called Venucia e30.

The Nissan LEAF is built on the Nissan V platform, familiar from the subcompact Micra and the Juke crossover. Externally, the model does not look like traditional "green" cars, such as the Honda Insight or Toyota Prius with their characteristic sloping roof and chopped off "stern" (aerodynamic Kamm-profile). The LEAF is a front-wheel drive C-class hatchback measuring 4445mm long, 1770mm wide and 1550mm high. It is noteworthy that the lower location of the heaviest element of the car - the battery - provides the best stability in this class with respect to high machine. In addition, the battery also provides higher body rigidity compared to traditional five-door hatchbacks.
Smooth exterior lines with a strong slope of the hood and the complete absence of protruding elements provide excellent aerodynamic characteristics (aerodynamic drag coefficient Cx is only 0.28).

Thanks to a fairly long wheelbase (2700 mm) salon nissan LEAF is quite spacious - it has enough space for five people and luggage. The interior of the model is decorated in hi-tech style. In the center of the front panel are buttons for controlling the audio system and climate control, as well as touchscreen branded navigation and information system EV-IT, which, among other things, will notify the driver at any time about the supply of electricity in rechargeable batteries.

The main difference from traditional cars in the cabin is the instrument cluster. It is not overloaded (as cars with various alternative power units usually sin), making it very easy to read, but at the same time informative. Above - an indicator of electricity consumption or its recovery, and below it - an indicator of the vehicle's readiness to move. On the right is the remaining power reserve. On the left is a lithium-ion battery temperature gauge. Various information is displayed on the central display on-board computer. The upper sector displays the clock, the speed of the car, as well as the original ECO-meter, the meaning of which is to demonstrate to the driver the advantages of an electric car over conventional cars with herringbone-shaped internal combustion engines that grow whenever an electric vehicle manages to save energy through regenerative braking.

The luggage compartment is not huge. Its volume is only 370 liters. However, this value is not much different from the volume of the trunks of ordinary "compact cars".

At first sight, engine compartment Nissan LEAF is no different from ordinary cars: the same decorative engine cover, tanks brake system, washer and cooling systems and even a traditional 12-volt car battery required for onboard network cars. However, this impression is very misleading. power unit this car is a synchronous electric motor with a power of 80 kW (maximum torque - 280 N m), which is combined in one unit with an inverter and a DC-DC converter. There is no gearbox, except for that of a single-stage gearbox that converts high revs electric motor for increased tractive effort. Acceleration of the electric car from 0 to 100 km/h takes 11.7 seconds.

The power supply is in lithium-ion laminate batteries, assembled from 48 modules with a total weight of 175 kg. Each module is a rectangular plate approximately 25–30 cm in size and 12.5 mm thick. Thanks to this, the modules are conveniently placed under the floor of the vehicle chassis.
To charge traction batteries, a special hatch is provided in the front of the electric vehicle, under which there are two sockets: the first is for connecting to direct current with a voltage of up to 500 V (the so-called fast charging from special charging stations), the second - for charging from a household network. It will take seven to eight hours to fully charge the traction batteries from a 220 V socket, that is, charging can be carried out during the overnight parking of the car. This charge is enough for about 160 km of run.

Otherwise Nissan design LEAF is quite traditional: suspension with McPherson struts in front and mated trailing arms in the rear, electric power steering rack and pinion, disc brakes all wheels.
The Nissan LEAF is offered in three trim levels: "S", "X" and "G". IN basic equipment includes 16" steel wheel disks, power exterior mirrors, spoiler with brake light, LED parking lights, fog lights, electronic systems active safety ABS with EBD and Nissan Brake Assist, ESP, Hill Start Assist, eight airbags, climate control, power windows on all doors, height adjustable steering column, system keyless entry with Start-Stop button to activate the power plant, audio system with four speakers (radio, CD, MP3, AUX, Bluetooth).
In more expensive performances offered "advanced" multimedia systems with seven-speaker Bose acoustics, cruise control, rear-view camera, rain sensor, electric folding exterior mirrors, spoiler with solar panels, an all-round camera system, heated mirrors, front seats and steering wheel rims, as well as leather upholstery and even a plasma generator that kills germs and eliminates odors in the cabin.

And, of course, the safety of the car itself high level. According to the results of a series of crash tests conducted by the independent organization EURONCAP, the car was awarded top rating safety - five stars.
Nissan LEAF has received numerous awards. In his "arsenal" of the title " European car 2011” (“European Car of the Year”), “Best Green Car in the USA” (“Green Car Vision Award”), as well as “ world car 2011” (“World Car of the Year”).
In 2012, the model has undergone some design changes. So, the designers moved the battery charger to the front of the car, reduced the weight power unit and implemented a series of energy efficiency measures, which increased the range from 160 to 200 km.
Of course, Nissan LEAF is not suitable for long-distance travel. His element is urban traffic with a low average rate. Thanks to affordable price, environmental friendliness and efficiency, this model can be safely called the best vehicle for megacities.
This manual provides instructions for the operation and repair of all Nissan modifications LEAF, produced since 2010.

The number of owners of the Nissan Leaf electric car is growing from year to year, so it is very important to know the features of this revolutionary vehicle. If you are going to buy an electric car or have already done so, then you should familiarize yourself with where, how and when to charge your electric vehicle.

So, the first thing you need to understand is that there are three types of Nissan Leaf charging.

Level #1 (140 volts)

The first level Nissan Leaf charger is suitable for those electric vehicles that have small systems batteries, as this is the weakest level of charge. In principle, in this case, it will take several hours to fully recharge the car, you can also leave your vehicle to charge all night.

Level #2 (240 volts)

This method is much more efficient than the first and will not lead to unnecessary trouble, since most of the household appliances works from a network in 240 volts. In this case, charging the Nissan Leaf, respectively, will be carried out twice as fast and will not require the purchase of an additional adapter - a standard connector is enough.

fast chargingDC

IN this case direct current is used, the name "DC" means Direct Current, which translates as direct current. Usage direct current implies that you will not be able to charge the car in living conditions, where only alternating current. In this situation, the Nissan Leaf is charged using special charging stations, which should be equipped with modern tracks.

It should be said that recharging with DC stations is possible only with the use of special adapters.

All charging cords that come with electric cars have a three-prong plug at one end, this is a connector for the car. At the time of joining charger goes automatic check circuit for proper grounding and sufficient current to supply power. To make it more convenient, the device has a variety of indicator lights that signal a particular action.

It is most convenient to charge the Nissan Leaf at home, which is what most owners of a unique electric car do. Thanks to the modern dynamics of progress, it is easy to install a home charging system that does not require a lot of money. It is most reasonable to install such a system in your own garage, in last resort at the entrance to the garage or in the parking lot.

Recently, Nissan Leaf charging has improved a lot. Moreover, himself nissan electric car Leaf boasts high mileage. This is truly unique vehicle, which will soon be able to use a wireless charging system that many car owners will surely appreciate.