New changes in traffic rules. New laws for motorists. New signs for electric and hybrid vehicles

Last changes in the traffic rules were held in 2017 - on April 4, July 5 and 12, and November 8. Below we present in detail the amendments made, describe the innovations associated with the advent of the electric vehicle and hybrid car. Many changes have also affected drivers of two-wheeled vehicles.

Changes in traffic regulations dated April 4, 2017

It is worth taking a closer look at what changes have occurred in traffic rules since April 4. The clauses introducing several restrictions for motorists without long driving experience have been added.

  1. Before traffic rules changes maximum speed the movement of bikers on all roads is no higher than 90 km/h. After April 4, it became possible to travel at a speed of 110 km/h on highways and no more than 90 km/h on other types of road surfaces.
  2. Added to traffic rules new item regarding vehicle towing. The vehicle being towed must be driven experienced drivers with a license of any category with at least 2 years of experience. This does not apply to trailers, but only applies to mechanical vehicles.
  3. A new paragraph has been added affecting the rules for transporting people on motorcycles and mopeds. Driving 2-wheeled vehicles with passengers should only be carried out by experienced motorcyclists with at least 2 years of experience. Bikers with a license of any category, but with at least 2 years of registered driving experience, are allowed to drive a moped with a passenger.
  4. The changes affected the paragraph describing the “Beginner Driver” sign. A moped has been added to the definition of “except”, which now stands on the same level as other vehicles.
  5. A new clause introducing a fine for the lack of specific identification marks installed on a car or other vehicle. For example, signs: “Beginner Driver”, “Dangerous Goods”, “Deaf Driver”, etc.

Changes in traffic regulations since July 2017

The month of July presented drivers with a number of significant changes.

  • On July 12, the rules regarding the transportation of children in a car without supervision and the specifics of using child seats changed. It is not allowed to leave children under 7 years of age in a car without adult supervision.

Regarding changes in the features of using child seats, read more.

Changes from July 25, 2017

They affected cyclists, taxi drivers and minibus drivers, new-fangled cars, etc.

  1. The clause concerning cyclists has been amended as follows: the age of the accompanied cyclist has changed. If previously children after 7 years of age were allowed to ride a bicycle unaccompanied, now - only after 14 years of age.
  2. The rules regarding the “No Stopping” sign have changed. If previously the road sign did not apply only to shuttle buses, then now - including on vehicles used as passenger taxi.
  3. Amendments have been made to the “Photo and video recording” table - several items have been added. Changes affected numbering road markings: 1.24.4 renamed to 1.24.5. The old number is no longer used, it remains missed.
  4. Clause 1.2 has been supplemented with new concepts - a hybrid and an electric vehicle. The first vehicle is equipped with 2 separate engines and two energy storage systems. An electric car, on the other hand, is powered solely by an electric motor powered by a self-contained source.
  5. Accordingly, new signs have been designed for new-fangled types of cars. Now there will be designations for specialized gas stations for electric vehicles, and the concepts of “Safety Island” and “Separating Strip” will change.

The “Dividing Strip” concept has been transformed. If earlier it was considered a road segment, accentuated constructively or with the help of 1.2 markings, dividing only adjacent roadways, now it has been added - and also roadway And tram rails.

New descriptions of road markings have appeared, allowing the driver to more accurately determine which vehicle paths crush the guide island. For example, marking lines marked in parallel allow detour only on the right, since they separate opposite directions.

The replacement of the technical regulations from July 25, 2017 is carried out in accordance with the new Appendix 1, in accordance with the resolution of the Customs Union “On the safety of wheeled vehicles”.

The changes affected the markings marking the edges of the roadway.
Earlier solid line was designated according to paragraph 1.2.1, and the broken line at the edge of the road - according to paragraph 1.2.2.
Now: 1.2 is a solid line, and 1.2.2 is completely excluded from the text of the traffic rules.

Changes from November 8, 2017

When entering an intersection with a roundabout and marked with sign 4.3 (“ Roundabout Circulation"), the driver is obliged to give way to vehicles moving at such an intersection.

), as it became known about the next update of the rules traffic. Changes in traffic rules from July 25, 2017.

The new edition comes into force in parts: July 25, 2017, July 1, 2018 and July 1, 2021. This article will discuss the innovations that will take effect on July 25:

Rules for the movement of cyclists on sidewalks

The first important change was made to paragraph 24.2 of the traffic rules:


- in the following cases:

  • a cyclist accompanies a cyclist under 7 years of age or transports a child under 7 years of age on an additional seat, in a bicycle stroller or in a trailer designed for use with a bicycle.

It became

24.2. Cyclists over 14 years of age are allowed:
on the sidewalk or pedestrian path- in the following cases:

  • there are no bicycle and bicycle pedestrian paths, a lane for cyclists, or there is no opportunity to move along them, as well as along the right edge of the roadway or shoulder;
  • the cyclist accompanies a cyclist under the age of 14 years or transports a child under the age of 7 years on an additional seat, in a bicycle stroller or in a trailer intended for use with a bicycle.

Please note that until 25 July 2017, adult cyclists could ride on the sidewalk or footpath if they were accompanying a child under 7 years of age. As of July 25, 2017, this age has been increased to 14 years. Those. An adult cyclist can ride on the sidewalk if he is out for a walk with a child under 14 years of age.

In addition, changes have been made to the description of road sign 5.33 “Pedestrian zone”:


5.33 “Pedestrian zone”. The place from which the territory (section of the road) begins where only pedestrian traffic is allowed.

It became

5.33 “Pedestrian zone”. The place from which the territory (section of the road) begins, on which only pedestrians and, in the cases established by paragraphs 24.2 - 24.4 of these Rules, cyclists are allowed.

Now the description of this sign clearly states that in some cases cyclists can also ride within pedestrian zones. Let me remind you that only children under the age of 14 can ride bicycles in pedestrian areas (clauses 24.3 and 24.4 of the traffic rules).

Note. The new description of sign 5.33 mentions paragraph 24.2 of the Rules, which deals with the movement of adult cyclists. However, in this paragraph the phrase “pedestrian zone” is not mentioned at all. Those. Cyclists over 14 years of age should not ride in the pedestrian zone.

Rules for stopping route vehicles and taxis

In the new edition, the exceptions provided for road sign 3.27 “Stopping is prohibited” have also changed:


3.1 - 3.3, 3.18.1, 3.18.2, 3.19, 3.27 - for route vehicles;

It became

The signs do not apply to:

3.1 - 3.3, 3.18.1, 3.18.2, 3.19 - for route vehicles;

3.27 - for route vehicles and vehicles used as passenger taxis, in places where route vehicles stop or where vehicles used as passenger taxis are parked, marked with markings 1.17 and (or) signs 5.16 - 5.18, respectively.

Until July 25, route vehicles could ignore sign 3.27, i.e. stop within its coverage area. And this was not a violation of the rules.

Starting from July 25, public transport can stop in the area covered by sign 3.27 only at stops public transport, indicated by signs and (or) markings:

Taxi cars may also stop in the coverage area of ​​sign 3.27 if the following sign and (or) markings are present:

Table “Photo and video recording” with additional signs

Changes have also been made to the rules for using the “Photo and video recording” sign:

8.23 “Photo and video recording.” Used with signs 1.1, 1.2, 1.8, 1.22, 3.1 - 3.7, 3.18.1, 3.18.2, 3.19, 3.20, 3.22, 3.24, 3.27 - 3.30, 5.14, 5.21, 5.27 and 5.31, as well as with traffic lights.

It became

8.23 “Photo and video recording.” Applicable with signs 1.1, 1.2, 1.8, 1.22, 3.1 - 3.7, 3.18.1, 3.18.2, 3.19, 3.20, 3.22, 3.24, 3.27 - 3.30, 5.1 - 5.4, 5.14, 5.21, 5.23.1, 3.2 , 5.24.1, 5.24.2, 5.25 - 5.27, 5.31, as well as with traffic lights.

The essence of this innovation is that the list of signs along with which a sign is used warning about recording violations in automatic mode is expanding:

When used with the indicated signs, the sign will warn the driver that there are cameras ahead that record traffic violations.

For example, such a combination of road signs means that in locality An automatic camera is installed. If the speed limit is exceeded 60 km/h, the driver will receive a fine.

Well, the following rule change can be classified as mysterious:

1.24.4 — duplication of the “Photo-video recording” road sign and (or) designation of sections of the road on which photo-video recording can be carried out; markup 1.24.4 can be used independently;

It became

1.24.5 — duplication of the “Photo-video recording” road sign and (or) designation of sections of the road on which photo-video recording can be carried out; markup 1.24.5 can be used independently;

Markup 1.24.4 has been renamed to markup 1.24.5. However, number 1.24.4 remained omitted and is no longer used. Why this was done remains a mystery. If you have any assumptions, write them in the comments to this article.

Hybrid car in traffic rules

It became

"Hybrid car"- a vehicle having at least 2 different energy converters (motors) and 2 different (on-board) energy storage systems for the purpose of propelling the vehicle.

A new concept “Hybrid vehicle” has been introduced into paragraph 1.2 of the Rules. Hybrid vehicles are vehicles that have two different engine and 2 various systems energy storage. (For example, if the car has an engine internal combustion and an electric motor, then it belongs to hybrids.)

Please note that hybrid vehicles do not include vehicles with LPG equipment, because... In the case of installing LPG, the only internal combustion engine left in the car is one that runs on two types of fuel.

Electric car in traffic rules

It became
"Electric car"- a vehicle driven solely by an electric motor and charged by external source electricity.

Another concept that has been added to paragraph 1.2 is an electric vehicle. IN in this case we are talking about cars that have only an electric motor (or several electric motors). Currently, the number of such cars in Russia is small (from several dozen to several hundred units are sold per year). However, lawmakers appear to be planning to make electric vehicles more popular.

New signs for electric and hybrid vehicles

For hybrid cars and electric vehicles, 2 new ones are being introduced road signs(placards):

Table 8.4.1 extends the effect of the sign to trucks, including with a trailer, with a permit maximum weight more than 3.5 tons, plate 8.4.3 - for cars, as well as trucks with a permissible maximum weight of up to 3.5 tons, plate 8.4.8 - for vehicles equipped identification marks(information signs) “Dangerous cargo.”

It became

Plate 8.4.1 applies the sign to trucks, including those with a trailer, with a permissible maximum weight of more than 3.5 tons, plate 8.4.3 - to passenger cars, as well as trucks with a permissible maximum weight of up to 3.5 tons, sign - for electric vehicles and hybrid vehicles that can be charged from an external source, plate 8.4.8 - for vehicles equipped with identification signs (information plates) “Dangerous cargo”.

Please note that plates and 8.4.15 apply to all electric vehicles, as well as some hybrid vehicles. If a hybrid vehicle can be recharged from an external source, then the labels apply to it. If recharging is not provided for by the design, then the signs on the car do not apply.

In addition, it is introduced new sign service, which will also help drivers of electric vehicles and hybrid cars, with the possibility of recharging:

It became

7.21 « Gas station with the ability to charge electric vehicles.”

New concepts “Safety Island” and “Divider”

Let's also consider a few small changes made to the traffic rules:

"Safety Island"- a road design element that separates traffic lanes opposite directions(including lanes for cyclists), structurally marked by a curb stone above roadway roads or designated by technical means of traffic management and intended to stop pedestrians when crossing the roadway. The traffic island may include part of the dividing strip through which a pedestrian crossing is laid.

It became

"Safety Island"- an element of road arrangement that separates traffic lanes (including lanes for cyclists), as well as traffic lanes and tram rails, structurally marked with a curb stone above the roadway or marked with technical means of organizing traffic and intended to stop pedestrians when crossing the roadway. The traffic island may include part of the dividing strip through which a pedestrian crossing is laid.

Previously, a traffic island could only separate lanes of traffic in opposite directions. Starting from July 25, 2017, the phrase “opposite directions” is excluded from the rules, i.e. The traffic islands will also be able to separate passing lanes. In addition, traffic islands will also be able to be used between car lanes and tram tracks.

"Dividing strip"- an element of the road, allocated structurally and (or) using markings 1.2, separating adjacent roadways and not intended for the movement and stopping of vehicles.

It became

"Dividing strip"- a road element, distinguished structurally and (or) using markings 1.2, separating adjacent roadways, as well as the roadway and tram rails and not intended for the movement and stopping of vehicles.

The concept of “dividing strip” has undergone similar changes. Now the dividing strip will be able to separate not only roadways, but also be located between the roadway and tram tracks.

Replacement of technical regulations

Note. The designation of the vehicle category in this paragraph is established in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to the technical regulations on the safety of wheeled vehicles, approved by Government Decree Russian Federation dated September 10, 2009 N 720.

It became

Note. The designation of the vehicle category in this paragraph is established in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to the technical regulations of the Customs Union “On the safety of wheeled vehicles”, taken by decision Commission of the Customs Union of December 9, 2011 N 877.

Another small change included in the list of faults and conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited. Previously, the text of the document used a reference to the technical regulation “On the safety of wheeled vehicles,” which has not been in force for 2.5 years (since February 19, 2015). The updated text of the traffic rules will use a reference to the current technical regulations of the Customs Union.

The new editions of Russian legislation, which have already become a good tradition, could not help but touch upon the rules for handling vehicles, their registration and driving. Taking a tour of the changes, in general it can be said that most of the additions are of a financial nature. In any case, the new amounts of mandatory government fees or the procedure for determining the coefficient for insurance premiums can be found out before completing the relevant documents. Concerning technical equipment new cars, then most likely the responsibility will extend more to the administration of car dealerships than to the owners of the vehicles.

Compulsory motor vehicle liability insurance

There will be two significant changes regarding compulsory motor liability insurance:

  1. Electronic policies can now and should be obtained through the websites of insurance companies. Along with changes to the traffic rules, from January 1, 2017, liability of companies insuring risks was introduced for unmotivated refusal to remotely renew contracts. Those who are faced with the procedure for renewing car insurance through the official website should take into account that their data must be in the RSA database. If MTPL insurance services are provided for the first time, you will have to visit the company’s office in person. The fine for refusal or lack of functionality for remote renewal of the policy can be 300,000 rubles.
  2. As for the insurance policy itself, its cost will increase from the beginning of the year. An increase in the cost of the contract threatens, first of all, those who maintain statistics on traffic violations. If a car owner is classified as a persistent offender, he will face a threefold increase in the cost of purchasing a policy. If the car owner has 5 to 9 violations over the past year, the increasing coefficient will be 1.86. The maximum increase in the cost of the MTPL policy in the amount of 3.04 awaits those who have over 35 violations of the Rules.

Obligation to equip vehicles with ERA-GLONASS systems

Already from the name it is clear that the vehicles will be tracked by specialized services in case of an accident. It may be unpleasant for some, but when purchasing a new car you will have to pay to equip the mobile unit with a conceptual system. System global navigation should be triggered when emergency situation and even determine the type of damage to the car.

The forecasts given by experts are not reassuring yet. In order to start the process of introducing modules of the Russian tracking system on board a vehicle, it is necessary to carry out whole line tests. Some may think that for large concerns such expenses will not seem large. In practice, the imposition of third-party constructive solutions(especially under the laws of other countries) may lead to a banal recall of a number of foreign car models.

The first cars that comply with the new amendments to the traffic rules from January 1, 2017 were Lada Vesta and Ford Transit. Global navigation systems can operate either manually or automatic modes. Changes are specified in technical regulations customs union. In this regard, passenger cars arriving from abroad without ERA-GLONASS will not be able to pass control and will most likely be sent back. The requirement applies to used cars.

Registration (re-registration) of a car - financial issues

According to the first rule described in the traffic rules for drivers from January 1, 2017, the driver of the vehicle is required to carry a certificate of the established form. To obtain or replace a license, the car owner is required to pay a state fee, the amount of which will increase from the new year. The specific amount of the mandatory fee for registration actions not yet installed. Amendments to the Tax Code are being prepared for release. The relevant ministries and departments have already made their proposals on this issue.

Those who were lucky enough to acquire a driver's license in the past year were paid 2,000 rubles to obtain it.

Returning to the provisions of the Tax Code, it is worth noting one more change. According to the new amendments, the tax on the property of enterprises on vehicles is expected to be abolished. Reducing the tax burden should stimulate the timely renewal of vehicle fleets of organizations. True, the changes will only affect cars that left the assembly line after January 1, 2013.

Increasing responsibility for the absence of a diagnostic card

Due to the fact that the presence of an MTPL policy confirms the fact of a technical inspection of the vehicle, the requirement to have a service agreement was not previously applied to all car owners:

  • Taxi managers;
  • Drivers who are engaged in transporting people on buses;
  • Operators of special equipment during movement dangerous goods.

The new traffic rules for 2017 are planned to be supplemented with the requirement to undergo mandatory technical inspection for all categories of drivers. So, if the expiration date diagnostic card has expired and the insurance is still valid, you will have to go to a licensed service station again.

To confirm the power of the new Law (Federal, No. 13843-1), it is proposed to fine drivers without a mark of successful completion of maintenance. The size of the sanctions will vary from 500 to 800 rubles. At the same time, the fine will not prevent the vehicle from leaving the road. If you repeatedly violate traffic rules, the state fee will be five thousand rubles. In this case, the driver of the car risks losing his license for up to x3 months.

Changes to paragraph 22 – transportation of people

According to Resolution 652 of 2015, amendments regarding the transportation of children to passenger cars mobiles. Now, when transporting small passengers on rear seats, it is permitted not to use restraints for persons over 7 years of age. However, if the child moves to front seat, the seat must be used until the age of 12.

As before, the design of the safety device must correspond to the parametric data of small passengers (age, weight and height). The fine for violating the transportation requirement will be 3,000 rubles. For leaving children under 7 years of age in a vehicle without parental attention, car owners will be punished with an administrative sanction in the amount of 500 rubles. Do not forget about the recommendations of passenger car manufacturers: when equipping the front seats with child restraints, the airbag must be turned off.

If a group of children is planned to be transported in the vehicle, the car must be no older than 10 years. Concerning technical equipment, the car must be equipped with a GLONASS (GPS) module.

There are quite a lot of changes to the current legislation regarding traffic rules. All of them are aimed at ensuring comfortable conditions on the road, preserving the life and health of the driver and passengers, especially children.

The administrative regulations of the traffic police, which came into force on October 20, contain a number of new provisions and clarifications, which even before the adoption of the document caused a wave of criticism. Among the innovations: traffic police patrols outside stationary posts, the abolition of certificates of road accidents, the abolition of the rule on recording inspector actions, ambushes and others.

Changes in traffic rules from October 20, 2017, new rules in the traffic police regulations. Video shooting.

A number of norms have been abolished due to the fact that they are already contained in others regulations. Thus, the new regulations exclude the rule that obligated traffic police officers not to interfere with video and photo recording by the driver during a stop and the use of sound recording equipment. The corresponding permission exists in the Law “On the Police,” but it was removed from the new regulations due to duplication.

Changes in traffic rules from October 20, 2017, new rules in the traffic police regulations. Stopping cars.

The main thing that appeared in the document and caused concern among drivers was the right of traffic police officers to stop cars outside of stationary posts. After lengthy discussions, the norm was returned, indicating that duty stations would be determined based on the current state of accidents on the roads. The head of the traffic police unit will make the appropriate decision, and the inspector will be required to explain the reason for the stop. A similar provision existed in the regulations, which ceased to apply five years ago, and the assignment of employees to stationary posts was called a “mistake.”

Changes in traffic rules from October 20, 2017, new rules in the traffic police regulations. Certificate of accident

According to the new protocol, the driver involved in an accident will receive only copies of the protocol and the resolution on the administrative offense. Certificates issued after a traffic accident have been cancelled.

“The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia currently does not have the authority to approve the form of a certificate of an accident and, accordingly, to organize the issuance of the specified certificate by police officers,” explained the change in this norm, the head of the traffic police department of the State Traffic Inspectorate, Alexander Bykov. According to him, copies of protocols or decisions on administrative offenses contain all necessary information for submission to insurers.

Changes in traffic rules from October 20, 2017, new rules in the traffic police regulations. Confiscation of a driver's license in the event of an accident.

An important innovation was the restriction on withdrawal driver's license in case of an accident. Previously, the norm ensured that the violator was prohibited from operating a vehicle and the implementation of proceedings in the case of an administrative offense. Now the violator will be required to surrender his license to the traffic police department within three days.

The European protocol legalized by the regulations implies that in the event of an accident without casualties, the inspector on duty must offer to independently prepare documents. Drivers will be required to fill out an accident notification form in duplicate. If drivers have complaints against each other, they, with the help of the duty officer, will be able to file an accident at the nearest stationary post or at the police station.

Changes in traffic rules from October 20, 2017, new rules in the traffic police regulations. Ambushes on the roads.

The regulations also provide for the possibility of carrying out “ambushes” on the roads to prevent emergency situations. Installing a traffic police vehicle with partial concealment is only permissible behind a broken terrain or engineering structures, as well as in a section of the highway with intense high-speed traffic. According to the authors of the regulations, such a rule will avoid

Let us remind you that the introduction of the new regulations became known at the end of August. The Ministry of Internal Affairs explained that the document will be aimed at minimizing abuses by traffic police officers and ensuring an adequate level of protection for citizens.

Changes in traffic rules from October 1, 2017. Travel abroad for debtors from October 1, 2017

Amendments to the law “On Enforcement Proceedings” were prepared in the summer by the State Duma Committee on State Construction and Legislation. According to the document, the debt threshold at which a restriction on traveling abroad is introduced has been increased from 10 to 30 thousand rubles.

The increase in the debt limit will not affect debtors for alimony, payments of compensation for harm to health or harm in connection with the death of the breadwinner, as well as those who are obliged to pay property and moral damage. These categories of defaulters will remain with a threshold of 10 thousand rubles.

The amendment came into force on October 1, 2017. Now, in particular, with unpaid traffic police fines of up to 30 thousand rubles, you can travel abroad.

Changes in traffic rules since October 2017. Registration of cars with the traffic police from October 14, 2017

On October 14, 2017, new rules registration of cars in the traffic police. Drivers can expect a number of changes:

Places for filling out applications must provide comfortable conditions for people with disabilities and optimal working conditions officials. Disabled people with persistent impairments in vision and independent movement will receive the necessary assistance in the premises where public services are provided.

The composition of actions, the implementation of which is ensured when providing services in electronic form through the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services, is detailed.

Payment of state fees for conducting exams and issuing driver’s licenses is in accordance with the Tax Code - it must be paid before submitting the application.

When the registration of a vehicle is terminated in cases related to loss, theft, expiration of the registration period of the vehicle, and a number of other reasons, duplicate PTS a replacement will be issued only if there is a corresponding expression of will of the owner of the vehicle.

All these innovations are contained in the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia “On amendments to the regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on issues of registration and examination activities,” which comes into force on October 14, 2017.

Changes in traffic rules since October 2017. Exam in the traffic police from October 14, 2017

On October 14, the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia “On amendments to the regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on issues of registration and examination activities” came into force, introducing changes to the regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the provision of services for conducting examinations in the traffic police and issuing licenses.

Main changes:

  • Changes have been made to the regulations for the provision of public services for conducting traffic police examinations and issuing driver's licenses, ensuring the possibility of accepting documents and issuing issued Russian national driver's licenses in the event of their replacement, loss (theft) and international driver's licenses through multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services. The maximum period for providing public services is no more than 15 working days
  • When the applicant presents a foreign passport, duplicate entries in Latin in the license will be brought into accordance with the passport
  • Upon presentation of a medical certificate in cases where its presentation is not required, a driver's license will be issued for 10 years.
  • The list of grounds for suspending the provision of government services for conducting driving license exams and issuing driver’s licenses has been clarified. Thus, the service will be suspended if there is no information confirming the issuance of the submitted documents, the applicant has not reached the established age, as well as the applicant, who was previously deprived of the right to drive vehicles, fails to comply with the conditions for returning the driver’s license.
  • Taking into account the experience of conducting practical exams, a number of test exercises and conditions for their implementation have been changed. For example, the “high-speed maneuvering” exercise for motorcycles has become mandatory, and therefore a second version of its implementation has been added to the existing test exercise scheme, which can be adapted to any site (the first option due to the large area required for its implementation, 80 meters does not fit on all sites).
  • The issue of holding the exam on site in winter conditions– in case of stable snow cover, the boundaries of the test exercises are indicated by additional stands and cones, and the examination will be possible when the surface of the site is treated with de-icing agents.
  • The grounds for stopping the exam on site and issuing a negative mark have been adjusted. Thus, a “fail” grade is given in case of a fall from a motorcycle.

Changes in traffic rules since October 2017. New traffic police regulations from October 20, 2017

A new draft traffic police regulation was developed in the spring of 2017. After this, a number of changes were made to it. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which introduces new edition traffic police regulations, was published on the portal of regulatory legal acts. The new regulations come into force on October 20, 2017.

We list the main changes contained in the new regulations:

  • rules related to the withdrawal of rights and the prohibition of the operation of a vehicle as measures to ensure proceedings in a case of an administrative offense are excluded
  • To ensure road safety, traffic inspectors were allowed to use technical means measurements not belonging to internal affairs bodies;
  • Video recording of procedural actions carried out without the participation of witnesses is allowed
  • a clause appeared regarding the conduct of administrative procedures by a traffic police officer in the field of view of video surveillance systems or wearable video recorders.
  • the procedure for registering an accident without the participation of authorized police officers has been prescribed
  • provision is made for the conclusion of a compulsory motor liability insurance agreement in the form of an electronic document
  • a rule has been included requiring a police officer to accept documents handed over to him for verification without “restraining devices”
  • the procedure for police officers to act when committing administrative offense judge
  • The rule prohibiting stopping vehicles to check documents outside of stationary checkpoints has been eliminated.
  • if the examination for intoxication is carried out at the nearest traffic police post or other premises of the internal affairs body, if the result is negative and there are no grounds for sending for a medical examination, the traffic police officer will be required to take the person to the place of suspension from driving or to the location of his car.

It is worth saying that many of these points are already in effect, but they were not spelled out in the traffic police regulations. For example, electronic MTPL policies have been allowed since last year.

All of these changes come into effect 10 days after publication, that is, from October 20, 2017.