Standard parking space. Parking space: dimensions for cars and trucks. For passenger cars

If you are the owner of a huge parking lot, house or other object, then you definitely need to make the correct markings for car parking, but you don’t know how to do it. To size the parking space for passenger car were correct, you should know the marking standards and the standards required for them.

Why do you need to follow the markup rules?

Each car owner is obliged to comply with the requirements for marking rules, otherwise administrative liability in the form of a fine threatens to violate them. It is important to know that:

  1. If there are appropriate signs in the parking lot, then parking the car is allowed.
  2. Additional signs indicate how the car should be located in relation to the edge of the road.

Main and additional markup rules

Not only car owners must adhere to the main marking rules, but also the persons who make these markings.

Parking space for one car

The Russian Ministry of Economic Development has prepared a project plan with allowable standards for 1 car. The project states that:

  • The maximum allowable size is 6.2 by 3.6 m, it is calculated taking into account the maximum length and width of the car installed in the parking lot.
  • The minimum size is 5.3 by 2.5 m, which include the minimum possible gaps and a safe distance in parking spaces between cars, as well as with nearby buildings.

In relation to one parking space, cadastral registration “On state registration real estate”, since from January 1, 2017 it is listed as a separate property. Data on the area of ​​the property will also be included in the cadastre (clause 9, part 4, article 8 of the law on state registration of real estate).

According to the law "On state registration of real estate" Art. 24 part 6.2. the dimensions of the specified area must meet the minimum and maximum acceptable standards for 1 parking space. It is also indicated that, in accordance with the design documentation of the building, the boundaries of one parking lot are determined. The person who built the building or the owner parking area, must with paint or stickers mark the boundaries of parking spaces.

Placement of parking spaces according to GOST

A properly organized parking area in accordance with GOST dimensions will protect the car as much as possible from emergencies. According to the state standard, the width of the seat is 2.3 meters, and for the disabled this size has been increased to 3.5 meters. The main rules for marking:

  1. The width must be more than 6 meters. This size is suitable for various vehicle dimensions, taking into account the maneuver.
  2. According to GOST, the width of the lines should be up to 10 cm.
  3. It is impossible to make the planned lines more than 5 cm.
  4. All work is carried out in summer time with temperatures above 20 degrees.
  5. The old lines should not be visible.
  6. Near fire extinguishers and fire hydrants, as well as in dark places such as underground parking lots, reflective material is used to draw lines.
  7. Every six months, paint and varnish materials must be renewed. If this is not possible, then cold plastic is used instead of paint. Its service life is several times longer.

Regardless of whether public or private parking, all requirements for traffic rules must be taken into account.

Dimensions and arrangement of seats

Sticking to the pavement, get out suitable size and parking location. The location is perpendicular, parallel, at an angle of 45 and 60 degrees.

  • Parallel arrangement. With this arrangement, cars occupy a small area, so the markings can be made minimal. The width is made larger if two parallel traffic lanes are located between parking lots.
  • Perpendicular placement. For one parking space with perpendicular placement, 13 sq. m. Width - minimum, length - 5 meters. This arrangement of machines is considered the most economical. It is recommended to leave a distance of 50 cm or more from the roadway. To protect cars standing in the parking lot from passing by, it is necessary to provide for the device of lanes.
  • Placement at a 45 degree angle. Parking occupies 18 sq. meters. Its length is 5 meters.
  • Placement at an angle of 60 degrees. The size of one place is 16 square meters. meters. Length about 5.4 m.

Disabled seat size

To save space in the parking lot, it is customary to place a section for the disabled near the parking lot entrance.

In parking lots, it is supposed to allocate from 10 to 20% of places for transport of the disabled.

Parking area for oversized vehicles

For parking large vehicles (freight) are created separate parking, as to allocate spaces for them in parking areas passenger cars mobiles are simply inappropriate. When marking a place for trucks and other large vehicles, the following points should be considered:

During the season, it is usually washed away by rainfall. Changes in legislation in force since the beginning of 2017 determined the minimum parking space with dimensions of 5.3 x 2.5 m, while its maximum parameters are the same as for places for the disabled. Important nuance In addition, from 01/01/2017, the parking lot is recognized as a real estate object. You can buy it, take it on a mortgage at the same time as an apartment, bequeath it, sell it, and do all the same manipulations with it as with any property. Carrying out marking work, pre-carry out preparatory procedures - site selection, taking into account standard size parking space and determination of the total number of parking spaces and features of their location. Most often, we are talking about parking for cars - trucks are parked in special zones.

Car parking dimensions

Parking in Russia must be carried out in special parking spaces, which are equipped by the owner of a certain territory in order to store the car in a safe and comfortable conditions without interfering with other road users. However, parking can be different types, but the dimensions must be maintained in such a way that they comply with sanitary standards. Therefore, you need to know what sizes of parking in Russia in 2018 must be respected so that parking meets all the requirements of the law and allows you to park in the most convenient way.

Main Aspects Modern-style parking is a dedicated area, which is equipped with barriers, markings, and can also be provided for use on a paid or free basis.

What is the size of the parking space for cars provided in the courtyards of the Moscow Ring Road

Get full access for 3 days for free! Recall that from January 1, 2017, a parking space will be considered an independent piece of real estate. They will be subject to state cadastral registration (Part 7, Article 1 of the Federal Law of July 13, 2015 No. 218-FZ “On State Registration of Real Estate”; hereinafter referred to as the Law on State Registration of Real Estate). Moreover, information will be entered into the cadastre, including the area of ​​such a property (p.
9 h. 4 tbsp. 8 of the law on state registration of real estate). The specified area, in accordance with the requirements of the law, will have to correspond to the minimum and (or) maximum allowable sizes parking spaces, established by the regulatory body (part 6.2, article 24 of the law on state registration of real estate). It is also fixed that the boundaries of the parking space are determined by the design documentation of the building or structure.

Car parking size

Legal framework The dimensions of the parking space in the parking lot in the SNIP, which are developed by specialists in various fields, and specifically SP 113.13330.2016 “Car Parking”, are negotiated, in addition to what minimum dimensions must have parking spaces. It also spells out which parking systems can be used, how it is necessary to equip parking lots that look like separate buildings or territories, as well as what standards must be observed to minimize the risk of emergency situations like a fire or an accident. What is the norm for the size of a parking space in a parking lot In order for a parking space to be comfortable and convenient, sanitary standards and GOST were developed, which state that the minimum width of a parking space is 2.3 meters, but the width always remains unchanged - at the level of 5 meters.

What is the standard of parking space, car pocket?

But between the rows it is necessary to provide a through passage, so about 5-6 meters for this purpose will need to be provided. Preparation for marking work The main requirement will be the removal of all previous markings from the parking surface, if any, as well as the definition of the boundaries of parking spaces, which must comply with the norms. The material for marking can be almost anything, but when applied, the temperature must be about +25 degrees for the material to seize.


By the way, cold plastic will be the most preferable. Rules for applying the layout The markings must be applied with lines that will not have a thickness of more than 10 centimeters, while in order to improve visibility, it is advisable to use luminous or reflective materials. Deviations from the original markup by no more than 5 cm should be allowed, otherwise the work may be recognized as of poor quality.

Requirements for the size of parking spaces have been developed

In order for the territory to receive the status of a parking lot, it must be registered, and for this it will need to be equipped in accordance with the requirements of the law. First of all, you need to understand that the standard sizes were invented to ensure the safety of cars stored in the parking lot. For example, this may be required in the event of a fire in one of the cars, while the flames will not be able to quickly spread to neighboring cars, and most likely will not be damaged if the parking spaces are properly marked.
Almost any material can be used to mark a parking lot, but it must be strong, visible, and inexpensive to ensure permanent impact. weather phenomena and car crashes did not cause emergencies, and moreover, did not require large capital investments for restoration.


Answer The parking space for cars has main criterion- width - 2.5 meters. To be precise: “5.1.5. The dimensions of the parking space should be taken (taking into account the minimum allowable safety clearances) - 5.3 x 2.5 m, and for disabled people using wheelchairs - 6.0 x 3.6 m. - Extract from the Building Regulations "Parking". In addition, the boundaries of parking lots (the adjoining parking lot and the lawn / sidewalk) in the yards must be fenced with curbs.

Also, power line supports, trees and large shrubs should be fenced with side stone. There must be vertical reflective markings. The marking of parking spaces is carried out with thermoplastic, in its absence - with nitro-paint.
But in practice, ordinary white water-dispersion paint is often used, so the period of its use is best case one season.

What are the standards for parking spaces for residential apartment buildings?

  • parking with places from 10 to 50 should be located at a distance of 10 meters from buildings without windows and 15 meters from buildings with windows;
  • parking for 50-100 cars at a distance of 15 meters from buildings without windows and 25 meters from buildings with windows;
  • parking for 100-300 cars at a distance of 25 meters from buildings without windows and 35 meters from buildings with windows;
  • parking lots with spaces for up to 10 cars should be located at a distance of at least 25 meters from children's and educational institutions, playgrounds, sports and recreation;
  • parking with a large number of cars - at a distance of at least 50 meters.

With this information, you can calculate the size of the parking lot under right amount cars. Regulations that accurately describe the dimensions of the car and the space at the edges, the minimum required for opening doors and moving the driver and passengers do not currently exist. Therefore, the information below is based on our many years of experience in organizing parking spaces in Samara and the region.

In fact, everything is very simple: the width and length of the cars that will park on this site are most often known. These are passenger cars of residents of neighboring houses and institutions. Their sizes can be obtained using a tape measure, or you can type on the Internet. She is freely available.

Parking space dimensions

Knowing the size of the car is half the battle. In addition, there are other factors without which it will not be possible to correctly calculate the parking area. And the organizer of parking spaces always wants to place on it maximum amount cars. At the same time, everything should be organized in such a way that it is convenient to enter and exit and generally use it. That is, it should not scare away motorists with the density of its load. You know how it happens: you drive up to the parking lot and you don’t want to go there. It's easier to park on the side of the road somewhere than to suffer, first parking, then leaving.
By the way, you can delve into the topic and decide on the audience that will use this parking lot. As an example, we can cite fashion stores or perfume boutiques, whose customers will be mainly women. How they open the doors probably doesn't need to be told to anyone. Therefore, feel free to add half a meter to the width of the car on each side. Beyond the open doors additional problem there will be non-compliance with the markings when the car takes 1.5-2 places.

How much is it in meters?

We recommend proceeding from calculations of 2.5 x 4.5 m. This will be quite enough for a very comfortable arrangement of cars. But there are parking lots that are extremely limited in size. These are underground parking lots of residential buildings, hotels, various institutions located in historical quarters. We have to proceed from the realities and reduce the size. Fortunately, modern parking sensors, which are equipped with an increasing number of cars, allow parking in a very confined spaces, keeping a distance from walls or other cars, measured literally in millimeters.
AT different countries parking spaces are very strictly limited. So, for example, in Cyprus, the width of a place for the disabled must be at least 3.3 m. And a parking space for ordinary citizens - 2.5 m. The length is the same in both cases - 5 m. In addition, trees must be planted around the perimeter.
But we are in Russia, so we will not go into the wilds and will return to the size of our parking spaces again: the optimal width x length is 2.5 x 4.5 m.

But if you are very limited existing sizes parking area, we recommend that you adhere to the following minimum dimensions:

Parking space width, mm 2000/2140/2300

Parking space length, mm 4180

In general, less than 2300 mm. laying the width is not recommended. There will be a very dense parking lot with difficult entry and exit, an increased number of conflict situations and consequently accidents.

An excellent solution for restricting strangers to a parking space is a chain barrier (chain barrier). Maximum length chain reaches 15 m. This means that the parking lot, limited by such a chain, can accommodate up to 7 cars. Accordingly, the cost of installing such a chain barrier can be divided among all participants (stakeholders).
The chain barrier consists of two columns, an active one (it contains an electric drive, a signal radio receiver and a control unit), and a passive one, in which a counterweight and a chain mount are located.

Reading time: 8 minutes

The infrastructural tasks of the city authorities include the solution transport issue which often affects the interests of thousands of car owners. One of the main problems is the lack of suitable parking lots for cars. The size of the parking space for a passenger car should provide convenience and safety with a minimum of space. The state is also concerned about the problem, which, in search of an acceptable solution, allowed the acquisition of such places in the property.

Recent changes in legislation

In December last year, Federal Law No. 443-FZ “On the organization of traffic” dated December 29, 2017 came into force. It lists the conditions that a standard parking space must meet. In Art. 12 contains parking requirements common use, and in article 13 - to paid parking.

The number of handicapped parking spaces seems to remain the same in percentage terms: 10%, but not less than one, including 5% for wheelchair users.

There are no innovations in the new law that would reduce the size of parking spaces intended for drivers with physical disabilities. Disabled parking spaces are likely to remain standard.

Prior to this, the norms were regulated by the updated version of SNiP 21-02-99 of 2011 (as amended in 2013). This document has been developed on the basis of existing state standards(GOST), including those related to design and construction. It discusses in detail how each type of parking should be built, equipped and looked like.

Types of parking

All erected or under construction garages and parking lots SP 113.13330.2012 (Code of rules for car parking) divides into several types. According to appendix "B", it can be:

  • open area;
  • underground parking;
  • parking garage, including mechanized, as well as built-in, attached, modular, detached, bunded or even floating type.

By ownership, it can be paid or shared, and by the location of the car and purpose:

  1. Parallel, when vehicles are placed one behind the other along the sidewalk.
  1. Perpendicular, when cars are placed at an angle of 90 ° to the sidewalk.
  1. Oblique ("herringbone"), when cars are located at 45 ° to the road.
  1. For cars belonging to disabled people of groups 1 and 2.
  1. For freight transport.

in parking lots public use, except for trucks, a sign “parking space for the disabled” should be installed.

Responsibility for the installation of this sign, according to Russian law, lies with the owner of the land. If the parking lot is public - local authorities. These requirements are listed in Art. 15 of the Federal Law on the Protection of Persons with Disabilities, in force since January 1, 1999.

Size standards


Option perpendicular parking allows the most efficient use of space. In this case, only 13.25 m2 per car would be required, if you do not attach importance to the difficulties with getting on and off.

To increase the level of comfort for drivers and passengers, you can follow the requirements for the arrangement of cars in rooms, according to which the distance between cars should be at least 0.7 m. open parking will increase to 17 m2.

Christmas tree

The concept of "herringbone" parking implies that the cars are located at an angle to the roadway. This method has a number of advantages:

  1. Saving parking space. On the Christmas tree parking you can put more cars than on a parallel one, although less than on a perpendicular one.
  2. The width of the carriageway is reduced, but minimally.
  3. Opening and closing doors is much easier.
  4. There are no problems with check-in / check-out.

The minimum size of a parking space in this type of parking lot is 18 m. By slightly increasing the angle of placement (up to 60 degrees), you can reduce this size by another couple of meters.

Parking for the disabled

The area of ​​​​the parking lot intended for the disabled, compared to the usual one, will always be slightly increased, because such a driver needs more space. According to accepted standards, at least 20 m2 should be allocated. In addition, special markings and a sign are required.

If cars for the transportation of wheelchair users are regularly parked on the site, the width of the side approaches should be at least 2.5 m.

Parking area in underground parking increases even more, as indicated in Appendix "A" - standard requirements for this type of car placement.

It is advisable to equip places for the disabled near the entrance.

for trucks

For trucks and buses are needed specialized parking due to the too large, and sometimes simply huge dimensions of this species Vehicle. The parking lots themselves are different types and often differ greatly in size.

The length of the parking space for a truck is calculated so that drivers can place a trailer and drive through. The width should provide a safe space between constituent parts, attachments etc.

Annex "A" does not contain data on trucks. Even the most big class the car listed there is not suitable for calculating the parking parameters of real heavyweights.

Thus, the dimensions of the parking space for trucks according to GOST cannot be calculated. However, it is known that their width is mainly from 2.5 to 3.6 m, and the length is from 8 to 12 m. And with a trailer, it can reach 20 m.

Therefore, the size of the platform for the machine without a trailer should be equal to 50 m2, excluding the turning radius. With a trailer, you will need 80 squares or more.

Preparing for marking work

The markup application standard is described in GOST 51256-2011 (Appendix “A”). Before marking for car parking according to GOST is applied, a set of preparatory measures is required:

  1. Site measurements and drawing up a diagram.
  2. Calculation of the number of parking spaces. It is based on the number and categories of vehicles that will be regularly parked.
  3. Assessment of access roads to determine the best place for the organization of entry / exit.
  4. Choice the best option orientation and location. Depends on the shape of the site and the location of infrastructure facilities, residential buildings, power lines, lighting masts, trees, and so on.
  5. Determination of the mandatory number of seats for the disabled and, if necessary, for freight transport.

As the rules for marking parking spaces prescribe, to solve the problem you will need:

  • dye;
  • thermoplastic;
  • cold plastic;
  • other reflective coatings or white/yellow polymeric tapes;
  • special stencils and patterns.

Deviation (deviation) of straight lines is allowed no more than 5 cm.

If there were already markings on the site, the lines should be removed first so that they do not disorient drivers.

Reflective materials can be used indoors in low light conditions. On the street near important objects (fire hydrants, fire extinguishers, and so on), they are used without fail.

markup car parking for the disabled includes duplication of the sign "Disabled" in the form of a rectangle measuring 160x80 cm with rounded corners with a wheelchair pictogram inside, drawn with lines 15 cm thick.

Using ordinary paint, it should be borne in mind that the coating will have to be updated every six months. To do this, it is advisable to wait for good (warm and dry) weather.

The procedure for applying markup and its cost

Parking space marking can be done with a spray gun, roller or brush, as well as with the help of special machines. The choice of equipment does not matter. The main thing is that the lines correspond to the standard, have no gaps, be even and well distinguishable. The optimum air temperature is not lower than + 20 ° С.

The algorithm of work is as follows:

  1. After cleaning the surface of the parking lot, paint material and inventory are prepared.
  2. The previously drawn up scheme-plan is transferred to the area (thin contour). Passages between cars are left such that one person can pass without hindrance. If a parking space for a jeep is marked, the designated area should be expanded and extended by a meter.
  3. The contours are carefully filled with paint.
  4. The process ends with the refinement of small roughnesses, marking of special zones, numbering, arrows of the direction of movement, fencing, curbs, and so on.

The cost of work depends on the materials and tools used. If you order the development of the project and its implementation in a private company, the estimate will greatly increase.

Prices for marking m2 even with ordinary road paint start from 200 to 400 rubles, and the removal of old lines costs 800-1000 rubles per meter.

Where to go in case of unauthorized seizure of the site in the yard

Almost every yard apartment building there is a car owner who believes that he has the right to occupy a certain space. He, for example, encloses the area of ​​​​the yard he likes and makes sure that no one else parks there. From the point of view of legislation, this is an illegal fencing of a parking space in the yard.

Since the land owned by the municipality is common property, all residents can dispose of it in proportion to the areas of their apartments. Fencing in the courtyard of a parking space is prohibited Art. 36 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

If the neighbors are not able to make mutual concessions and find a consensus on this issue, then dissatisfied tenants have the right to fight against such unauthorized actions. Here is a list of places to complain about the self-seizure of parking spaces in the yards:

  • city ​​administration;
  • local police inspector.

The application is made in any form. Photo and video materials, testimonies and other evidence of the violation are attached to it.

Legal registration of a parking lot in the yard

There is also a legal way to get a permanent place for a car. We will explain in detail how to legalize a parking space in the yard:

  1. Hold a meeting of tenants, at which at least half of the votes make a decision and sign a protocol on the transfer of part of the adjacent territory to private ownership or lease.
  2. Contact your local branch. Engineers at the expense of the tenants will measure the site.
  3. Provide the chamber with all documents, including a passport and a certificate of ownership of the apartment, and an application with a request to put the territory on cadastral registration.
  4. To find out if it is possible to enclose your place, you need to contact Rosreestr with a certificate prepared at the Cadastral Chamber and a project drawn up by an engineer.
  5. Pay the state duty (2 thousand rubles).
  6. Coordinate the work with the territorial department of Rospotrebnadzor.

Within 5-12 working days after the receipt of the application, a technical certificate and carried out work on drawing the boundaries of the site.

A positive answer to the question of whether frogs are legal in a parking space is possible only if a land survey and a corresponding meeting of residents were held.

If the adjacent territory is not registered as a property, you will need a land lease agreement with the city administration.

Acquisition of a place for a car in the property

If the owner of the residential premises can confirm the legal right to a part of the property assets of the house, the privatization of the parking space is free of charge.

Ownership of a land plot is available to any homeowner (or group) who does not even live in it, if he is listed on the balance sheet of the house. But be aware that you will have to pay taxes.

Rent a place for a car

You can rent a place for a car like any other property. A short-term, long-term or open-ended contract is drawn up with the owner. You just need to correctly determine who is the owner.

If we are talking about a common house territory, this is ZhEK, ZHEU, a cooperative, and so on. If the land is urban, the issue is resolved with the local authorities. Sometimes through auctions if the place is popular.


After reviewing the strict design requirements for car parking areas, many will decide that the best option- Parking space at the cottage. There are no problems with property, no need to apply markings and signs. But this decision is not entirely suitable for the citizens - they cannot do without parking in urban conditions. Therefore, the more they are aware of the rules, the safer it will be on the streets.

Lawyer. Member of the Chamber of Advocates of St. Petersburg. Experience more than 10 years. Graduated from St. Petersburg State University. I specialize in civil, family, housing, land law.