Extended length freight train, how many axles. Classification of trains and their maintenance




Basic definitions and principles

formation of trains of increased weight and length

The rules for technical operation of railways define several types freight trains, which relate to trains of increased weight and length. Heavy train - a freight train whose weight is 100 tons or more greater than the weight standard established by the train schedule for the corresponding series of train locomotive, i.e.

Q t > Q n + 100.

High-mass trains – freight trains, the mass of which Q pm > 6000 tons, with one or more active locomotives located at the head of the train, at the head and tail, or at the head and the last third of the train. This gradation was established on the basis of a generalization of the best practices of railways (Moscow, Kemerovo, Donetsk, North Caucasus, West Siberian, etc.) in driving trains of increased mass and length.

TO connected trains include trains that are made up of two or more interconnected freight trains with operating locomotives at the head of the trains according to the scheme “locomotive-train, locomotive-train, etc.” (LSLS). These trains were also named block trains. A separate type is formed by the so-called long trains - freight trains, the length of which in conventional cars exceeds the standard train length established by the train schedule, i.e. m ds > m n. Extended length trains include those trains that have 350 axles or more, i.e. 4(m at front) > 350 axes.

Trains whose length does not exceed the useful length of the receiving and departure tracks of transit parks, as well as tracks PP And BY, processed, dismantled and formed in the usual way. Single heavy trains, the length of which does not exceed the length of the receiving and departure tracks, must be formed in such a way as to ensure the fulfillment of the condition

Q t > Q cr,

Where ( Q cr- critical norm of train mass, established according to heating conditions traction motors, T.

At the location of the locomotive, trains are formed according to the following schemes: locomotive train (LOC) – single trains; LSS – connected trains for light cargo and empty trains; LLSSL-extended length trains; connected trains with locomotives at the head and tail of the train according to the LSSL scheme; LLSSL-trains of increased weight in difficult conditions of the track profile in sections; trains with locomotives in the head and middle of the train according to the LSLS scheme - connected double trains and, finally, trains with locomotives at the head and the last third of the train according to the LSSLS, LLSSLS, LSSLLS schemes with a uniform distribution of traction means and braking devices by composition. The technological feasibility of forming block trains according to various schemes is established by technical and economic calculations with comparison with the basic (single trains) option. Trains of increased weight, equal to two, three or more schedule norms, are provided for formation, disbandment and circulation only on specially prepared freight-intensive routes.

In the mid-70s, the railways used cars whose strength of the center beams and automatic couplers did not allow the mass of trains to exceed 6 thousand tons and limited the length of trains to 320 axles. These standards were established by permissible level longitudinal forces during braking and releasing pneumatic brakes and when gaining and removing traction of locomotives on the pass profile of the track. Attempts to increase the weight of trains to 8-10 thousand tons with old types of cars did not lead to successful results due to an insufficient level of reliability and unguaranteed traffic safety. By the end of the 70s, a set of works was completed to eliminate a number of restrictions that prevented an increase in the weight and length of trains: equipping cars with new air distributors, which increased the controllability of the brakes, introducing composite brake pads with a large braking effect, car equipment roller bearings with a reliability 30% higher than that of plain bearings. Welded brake lines and a more reliable design of brake hoses began to be used. We started producing high-strength cars and automatic couplers; locomotives were equipped with devices for monitoring the integrity of brake lines and cutting off traction with special sensors. Locomotives began to use devices that provide control over a system of multiple units of traction (MSET).

However, these and other measures, although they increased the reliability of locomotives and cars in operation, did not remove all restrictions on increasing the weight and length of trains. Taking into account technical condition Automatic coupling devices have now established standards for the maximum permissible tensile forces that can be applied from the locomotive located at the head of the train when starting off: 95 tf and 130 tf during movement. Concentration braking forces in certain parts of the train it also depends on the level of loading of the cars. With fully loaded cars, the permissible values ​​of the compressive force should not exceed 100 tf, and in empty and insufficiently loaded cars (up to 40 t) - no more than 50 tf.

The forces acting on the locomotive as part of a train are limited by its mechanical strength, and it is necessary to eliminate the negative impact of the locomotive on railway track. Particular attention is paid to multi-section locomotives, which, due to the conditions of stability on the rail track and the impact on the track, limit the possibility of their placement in the middle of trains and the possibility of using them in traction and braking modes.

Further implementation in 1983 – 1985. Improved units on rolling stock made it possible to increase the weight and length of trains. However, under these conditions, an increase in the mass of trains by more than 9 thousand tons can, under extreme conditions, cause the occurrence of compressive and tensile forces that are dangerous for the strength of the rolling stock. Therefore, the maximum weight of trains when traction at the head of the train is limited to 8 - 9 thousand tons, and the length of loaded trains should not exceed 400 axles, empty ones - 480 axles. When traction is at the head of the train, the locomotives are controlled according to SMET.

Currently, according to the technical parameters of the brake line, the length of the train should not exceed 1200 m, and in trains with empty cars it can reach 1600-1700 m. Schemes for forming connected trains and locations for locomotives are chosen according to local conditions, taking into account technical capabilities their formation and disbandment at stations and passage through sections.

According to the results of VNIIZhT research, if the mass of the train does not exceed 9000 tons, and the length of the axles is 400, it is advisable to install locomotives according to the LLSS or LSSL schemes. In cases where the mass of the connected train does not exceed 12 thousand tons with the number of axles up to 540, it is recommended to place the locomotives according to the LSSL scheme. When the weight of the connected train is more than 12 thousand tons and the length of more than 540 axles, the traction means are placed according to the LSSLS, LLSLS or LSSLLS schemes.

Combining brake lines into block trains makes it possible to increase the maximum weight limit to 12 thousand tons, and the length of up to 540 axles, to ensure required parameters charging of brakes and reliability of their operation. The experience of organizing connected trains on railways with autonomous brake lines has shown that with separate control of the brakes, significant longitudinal dynamic forces arise, which in some cases lead to trains breaking or squeezing out cars in connected trains. In this regard, the most promising technical solution in organizing the formation and driving of trains of increased weight and length is to combine the brake lines of connected trains and control the auto brakes of the locomotives at the head and middle of the train.

      When preparing and forming a freight train of increased weight (to prevent rupture of automatic couplers after the brakes are released), turn on 25% of the air distributors of cars from the head of a train of a regular formation with a mass of over 6 thousand tons and a length of more than 350 axles, as well as in the head part of the first train of a connected train. trains weighing from 6 to 12 thousand tons or special trains weighing over 8 thousand tons.

      IN winter conditions turn on the air distributors of cars with composite blocks with an axle load of at least 20 tf for a loaded mode. In this case, the charging pressure in the brake line of the locomotive when the driver's tap handle is in train position should be set within 5.3-5.5 kgf/cm 2 , and the pressure in the brake line tail car must be at least 4.5 kgf/cm2. Density standards brake network

      trains with a charging pressure in the locomotive brake line of 5.3-5.5 kgf/cm 2 are set 10% lower than the density standards established for a charging pressure of 5.0-5.2 kgf/cm 2 .

  1. Prohibit the placement of empty cars on heavy trains.

      The circulation of extended-length trains from empty cars is permitted at a temperature not lower than -40 0 C.

      The circulation of extended-length trains from empty cars is organized with the placement of locomotives according to the following schemes.

      1. With the placement of locomotives at the head of the train with the number of axles from 350 to 520.

        With the placement of locomotives at the head and middle of a connected train with a combined brake line with the number of axes no more than 780.

      To improve the controllability of automatic brakes in freight trains of empty cars with the number of axles from 350 to 400 (inclusive), turn off the air distributors evenly across the train on 1/4 of the cars, and in trains whose length is more than 400 to 520 axles (inclusive), by 1/4 3 carriages.

      In order to ensure the permissible duration of activation of the brake compressors, set the maximum length of the train:

    520 axles - for two-section electric locomotives of the VL10, VL15, VL80, VL82 series of all indexes and diesel locomotives 2TE116, ZTEYum, ZM62u (for a train with electric locomotives of the VL10, VL15, VL80, VL82 series: the time of filling the main tanks with two compressors from 7 to 8 kgf/cm 2 must be no more than 20 seconds. If these additional conditions are not met. maximum length train for electric locomotives of the VL10, VL15, VL80 and VL82 series - 450 axles);

Table 1

Time of pressure reduction by 0.5 MPa in the main reservoirs when checking the density of the train brake network


Time, s, with train length in axes


VL60 (all indexes), M62

VL8, VL10 (from No. 19), VL11

V L 80, VL82, VL10 (No. 1- 18)

2TE10, 2TE116, 2TE121 VL11M, VL85

VL15, 2TE10U, 2TE116U 2TE116 S No. 1735

    400 axles - for diesel locomotives 2TE10 of all indices and 2M62 of all indices.

    Additional requirements for organizing the circulation of trains of increased weight or length on certain sections of the road.

    1. On sections with a complex profile of the Petrozavodsk - Murmansk, Petrozavodsk - Svir, Petrozavodsk - Suoyarvi, Suoyarvi - Sortavala, Suoyarvi - Kostomuksha routes of even and odd directions, the circulation of freight loaded trains of increased weight or length is allowed only with the placement of locomotives at the head of the train weighing up to 8 thousand. vehicles with no more than 400 axles; freight trains from empty cars - only with the placement of the locomotive at the head of the train with the number of axles no more than 520. Other schemes for placing locomotives in trains of increased weight or length are allowed only after trial trips and the conclusion of VNIIZhT.

      Section Murmansk - Loukhi.

      1. Ensure non-stop passage of heavy trains in even directions at stations:

Arctic Circle, Poyakonda, Kovda, b/p Straits, Afrikanda, Apatity, Kuna, Yagelny Bor, Shongui, b/p 1444 km, at a speed of at least 50 km/h before climbs steeper than 0.010 and at a speed of at least 70 km along 1345 -1348 km;

in odd direction by stations:

Kola, Shongui, Magnetites, Pulozero,_Kuna, Rudny, Khibiny Pinozero, White Sea, Karelian Streams, Knyazhaya, Poyakonda, Polar Circle, Chupa. When a train is forced to stop with a locomotive at the head of the train on an unfavorable profile, assistance should be provided from the tail of the train.

        If necessary, to overcome the barrier area indicated in the regime map, provide assistance from the tail of the train.

        In the period from October 15 to May 15, for odd high-weight trains formed from cement tankers, the first check of the brakes along the route after departure from the Apatity and Kandalaksha stations, as well as adjustment braking at 1186, 1175, and 1045 km, should be performed before stopping. Similarly, during the same period, for odd trains of increased mass, formed from hopper-dispenser turntables, the first check of the brakes along the route after departure from the Olenegorsk and Kandalaksha stations and adjustment braking at 1186, 1175, and 1045 km are carried out before stopping.

      Section Loukhi - Belomorsk.

      1. Ensure non-stop passage of high-weight trains in odd directions at Sig and Kuzema stations, and in even directions at Lambino and Pongoma stations.

        Ensure the passage of heavy trains in the absence of speed restrictions of less than 40 km/h in odd directions on the sections: Boyarskaya - Ambarny (978 - 975 km), Engozero - Sig - (930 -

:*- 929 km), Sig - Kuzema (919 - 918 km, 894 - 891 km), Kuzema - Pongoma (879 - 874 km), Pongoma - Lambino (863 km - Lambino station), Lambino - Kem (850 - 848 km) and in an even direction on the sections Kuzema - Sig (901 - 908 km), Ambarny - Boyarskaya (968 - 969 and 973 - 974 km)

> 4 <3 -3 . Ensure the passage of heavy trains in the absence of speed restrictions of less than 25 km/h on the following sections: Ambarny

    Engozero (963 - 962, 953 - 952 km), Engozero - Sig (943 - 942), Kem - Myagreka (835 - 833 km).

■ 4.3.4. If you stop at the places specified in paragraphs 4.3.2 and 4.3.3, it is prohibited to start until the auxiliary locomotive approaches from the rear of the train to provide assistance.

      Section Belomorsk - (Malenga) Maloshuika.

      1. The movement of heavy trains is prohibited due to the condition of the roadbed.

      Section Belomopsk - Idel.

      1. Ensure non-stop passage of trains of increased weight or length in odd directions at the stations: Gorely Most, Uda.

        Ensure the passage of heavy trains in the absence of speed restrictions of less than 40 km/h in odd directions on the sections: Gorely Most - Uda (completely), Uda - Sosnowiec (769 - 766 km), (757-755 km).

        If you stop at the places specified in paragraph 4.5.2 when traveling in an odd direction, it is prohibited to move off until the auxiliary locomotive approaches to provide assistance from the tail of the train.

      Section Idel - Petrozavodsk.

WITH 4.6.1. On the section Medvezhya Gora - Novy Poselok, a pushing locomotive is placed at the tail of the train (odd). The pusher is uncoupled after passing the Novy Poselok station at the first block section. If there is a speed limit of 40 km/h or less on the stretches preceding the leading rise of Lizhma-Kedrozero, Kedrozero-Ilemselga, uncoupling of the tractor should be done at Myanselga station based on the train situation.

On the section Medvezhya Gora - Idel, a pushing locomotive is placed at the tail of the train (even). The pusher is uncoupled at the Ramentsy station.

    Heavy trains must pass through the Vichka station in even and odd directions.

    Ensure non-stop passage of heavy trains in the odd direction at the stations Shavan, Nadvoitsy, Sumerichi, Lizhma, Suna, Tomitsy, and in the even direction at the stations Suna, Kondopoga, Myanselga, Perguba, Vichka, Lumbushozero, Segezha.

    Ensure the passage of heavy trains in the absence of speed restrictions of less than 40 km/h in odd directions on sections: b/p 704 km - Shavan, Shavan - Nadvoitsy, 691 - 689 km, 676 - 674 km, Rigozero - Suglitsa, 644 - 641 km, 603 - 599 km, Maselskaya - Vanozero, 588 - 586 km, and in even directions in sections: 423 - 424 km, 455 - 464 km, 468 - 472 km, 536 - 544 km, 570 - 571 km, 575 - 576 km, 611 - 613 km.

    Ensure the passage of heavy trains in the absence of speed restrictions of less than 25 km/h in the odd direction at 582 - 581 km, 523 - 521 km, 518 - 516 km, in the absence of speed restrictions of less than 40 km/h in the odd direction at 530 - 525 km, 489 - 486 km, 411 - 408 km and in even directions in the absence of speed restrictions of less than 40 km/h at 490 - 492 km, 530 - 534 km, 558 - 576 km, 585 - 587 km, 672 - 674 km.

    List of hauls and kilometers on which, in the event of a stop, regardless of the reasons, the driver must request an auxiliary locomotive to provide assistance from the tail of the train in an odd direction: 701 - 700 km, 694 - 693 km, 691 - 689 km, 676 - 674 km, 648 - 647 km, 644 - 641 km, Sumerichi - Ramentsy, 603 - 599 km, Maselskaya - Vanozero, 588 - 586 km, 582 - 581 km, at the entrance traffic light station. Uda, section Sosnowiec - Letniy - 756-758 km; in even direction: 455 - 463 km, 468 - 475 km, 530

    544 km, 557 - 576 km, Bystryagi - Ramentsy, 672 - 675 km.

      Petrozavodsk -Svir.

      1. Ensure non-stop passage of trains in odd directions at the Petrozavodsk Pass., Derevyanka, Ladva stations, and in even directions at Ladva station.

        Ensure the passage of heavy trains in the absence of speed restrictions of less than 40 km/h in the odd direction on sections 382 - 366, 346 - 329 km, 284 - 276 km and in the even direction on sections 254 - 259 km, 272 - 273 km, 285 - 286 km, 294 - 297 km, 315 - 319 km, 330 - 333 km, 345 - 361 km.

        Ensure the passage of heavy trains in the absence of speed restrictions of less than 25 km/h in odd directions on sections 372-367 km;

      341-339km; 294 - 288 km, 271 - 261 km. In the even direction 297-306 km; 345-358km..

      1. Petrozavodsk-Suoyarvi

    . Ensure the passage of heavy trains in the absence of speed restrictions in odd directions at the Novye Peski station, Art. Tomitsa.PlotSuoyarvi

    - Kostomuksha - commodity

    . Ensure non-stop passage of extended trains through the stations of Lahkolammen, Akkonyarvi, Peninga.

Plot Med. Mountain - Idel

    Section Svir - Volkhovstroy.

    Ensure non-stop passage of trains in odd directions at stations: b/p 284 km at a speed of at least 50 km/h, Podporozhye, Yandeba, Pasha and in even directions at stations: Oyat, Yanega, Yandeba, b/p 284 km at speed no less than 40 km/h.

4.11.2. Ensure the passage of heavy trains in the absence of speed restrictions of less than 40 km/h in an odd direction on the stretch: Pasha - Yugi (191 - 187) km and in an even direction on the Kolchanovo-Lungachi stretch (148-154 km), Zaostrovye - Lodeynoye Pole (240-242 km) Yanega - Yandeba (251-252, 255 - 259 km), Yandeba - Podporozhye (271 -274 km).

    Section Volkhovstroy - Cherepovets.

    Non-stop passage of even-numbered trains through the Nelazskoe station is carried out only when the entrance traffic light of the Koshta station is open.

    Ensure non-stop passage of heavy trains in even directions at the stations Tikhvin, Bolshoy Dvor, Pikalevo-1, Pikalevo-2 and in both directions at the stations Kukol, Tsvylevo, Efimovskaya, Uyta. If it is necessary to allow a train to pass along the side tracks of the Bolshoy Dvor, Pikalevo-1, Efimovskaya, and Uyta stations, ensure a speed of at least 40 km/h.

    Non-stop passage of even-numbered trains through the Nelazskoe station is carried out only when the entrance traffic light of the Koshta station is open.

    Ensure the passage of trains in the absence of speed restrictions of less than 40 km/h in the odd direction of the Efimovskaya - Koli section, in both directions on the Vayaya - Tsvylevo section (175 - 180 km) and in the even direction on the Mga - Nazia section (57 km - Nazia) , Bolshoi Dvor - Pikalevo-2 (entire stretch), Pikalevo-2 - Koli (244 - 252 km), Koli Efimovskaya (269 - 274 km).

    Ensure non-stop passage of trains at the following sections: Gatchina - Sala

    at Voyskovitsy station in even and odd directions, fulfilling special conditions for passage in accordance with the current order establishing weight standards; St. Petersburg - Dno

    in the odd direction at Cholovo, Soltsy, Kuklino, Lemenka stations and in the even direction at Kchery station; Dno - Pskov

    in the odd direction through the stations Roshcha, Lunevo, Veshki, Keb and in the even direction through the Berezki station when traveling from the Pskov-tovarny station Dno-Bologoe

    in an even direction at Lyubnitsa station; Pskov - Pechory

    in the odd direction at Livomäe station and in the even direction at Pskov-2 station; Pskov - Pytalovo

    in an odd direction at Dulovskaya and Bryanchaninovo stations. in the absence of speed limits of less than 40 km/h in the odd direction at the Tver and Klin stations and in the even direction at the Redkino, Likhoslavl, Akademicheskaya stations.

    Plot S.Pb.VarietyMoskovsky - Kuznechnoye.

    Ensure non-stop passage of heavy trains in even directions at the stations Polyustrovo, Sosnovo, Losevo-1, Priozersk (trains Sosnovo and Losevo-1 stations only by main path). In odd direction Art.


    Plot S.Pb. Variety Moscow - Vyborg.

    Ensure non-stop passage of heavy trains in even directions at the Polustrovo, Kirillovskoye, and Kanneljärvi stations. In the odd direction Zelenogorsk, Kanneljärvi.

On other sections of the road, additional requirements for organizing the circulation of trains of increased weight or length are not specified in this instruction, but are reflected in accordance with the requirement of paragraph 1.2 in local instructions and schedule maps of locomotive depots.
Trains of increased weight and length include trains that have a mass of more than 6 thousand tons or a length of more than 350 axles. There are several options for driving such freight trains.
A connected train should not contain: cars occupied by people or passengers (except when they are located at the rear of the train), as well as rolling stock with a speed limit of up to 70 km/h. In a freight train weighing more than 12 thousand tons, the cars located between the locomotives must have a net load of at least 50 tons.
All locomotives placed on trains with a joint brake line must have a driver's valve with a VA position and a brake line break alarm. A prerequisite for connecting trains is that radio communications on all locomotives are in good working order.
The main factors limiting the weight and length of a freight train are the traction capabilities of locomotives, the inexhaustibility of the brakes, the density of the brake line, braking efficiency and longitudinal-dynamic reactions during braking and releasing the brakes.
To improve the controllability of automatic brakes and reduce the intensity of compressor operation, it is possible to turn off every fourth air distributor in a train with the number of axles from 350 to 400, and in trains with a length of more than 400 to 520 axles, every third (with the exception of the five tail cars). To speed up your vacation
brakes, the crane stabilizer is adjusted to the rate of elimination of overcharge pressure from 6.0 to 5.8 kgf/cm2 in 100 - 120 seconds.
In each of the trains formed into a train of increased length, a full test of the automatic brakes from a stationary compressor unit is carried out. The charging pressure in the brake line on a train locomotive with a train of empty cars is set to 4.8 - 5.0 kgf/cm2, while the pressure in the brake line of the tail car must be at least 4.2 kgf/cm2. If the train is made up of packed cars, then the charging pressure in the brake line of the train locomotive should be 5.3 - 5.5 kgf/cm2, and in the brake line of the tail car after charging of the brake network, the pressure should be at least 4.7 kgf/cm2 .
The weight limitation of a loaded freight train is determined by the magnitude of longitudinal-dynamic reactions that occur during braking and releasing the brakes.
Locomotives located at the head of the train must operate according to a system of many units, with mandatory synchronization of the operation of compressors and the integration of main tanks.
After connecting the trains and trailering the train locomotive, check the integrity of the brake line, its tightness, and perform a short brake test.
During testing, the brakes are released by increasing the pressure in the equalization tank by 0.5 - 0.6 kgf/cm2 higher than the charging one. Braking and release are checked by the action of the brakes of the five tail cars of the formed train.
Locomotives intended for driving trains of increased weight and length must be additionally equipped with a button for forced activation of compressors.
The first stage of braking in trains of increased weight and length when the pressure in the equalization tank decreases by more than 0.6 kgf/cm2 is performed by placing the handle of the driver's crane in position V and holding in this position until the pressure in the equalization tank decreases by 0.5 - 0.6 kgf /cm2 and subsequent transfer to the VA position until the required discharge value is obtained. After this, the valve handle is moved to position IV. Subsequent stages of braking are performed by the V position of the valve handle.
On a flat track profile with slopes of up to 0.008, in freight trains of increased weight and length with locomotives positioned at the head of the train, when following a green traffic light, it is allowed to perform the first stage of braking by discharging the line by 0.3 - 0.5 kgf/cm2. In order to reduce the magnitude of longitudinal-dynamic reactions in the train before braking, it is necessary to compress the train using the auxiliary locomotive brake of the locomotive, which creates a pressure in the brake cylinders of 1.0 - 1.3 kgf/cm2.
The release of the brakes along the route is carried out in the first position of the driver's crane handle with an increase in pressure in the UR by 0.5 - 1.0 kgf/cm2 above the normal charging one, depending on the length of the train and the density of the brake network.
Simultaneously with the start of the brake release, the auxiliary brake of the locomotive is activated, creating a pressure in the brake cylinders of the locomotive of 1.0 - 1.3 kgf/cm2. The brakes of the locomotive are maintained in the inhibited state for 30-40 s. When the speed is below 40 km/h and the length of the train is more than 350 axles, it is not allowed to release the brakes until they come to a complete stop in the dangerous places indicated in the regime maps, since this creates large longitudinal dynamic forces in the train.
When starting off trains of increased weight and length, the time from the moment the driver's crane handle is moved to the release position after service braking until the traction is turned on is increased to 3 minutes. after full service braking - up to 4 minutes, emergency braking - up to 8 minutes. In winter operating conditions, the specified time increases by 1.5 times.
To improve the release of car brakes, it is allowed to use the following method:
after the pressure in the equalization tank has increased, the operator’s tap handle is first moved to position IV. After holding the handle in this position for 40 - 60 s, it is briefly set to position I and transferred to the train position. This procedure is only acceptable if the surge tank has a good density. It is recommended to release auto brakes when the pressure in the main reservoirs is close to the maximum value and the compressors are running. When checking the operation of the brakes on trains of increased length, consisting of empty cars, release must be done after holding the driver's crane handle for 8 - 10 s. in the overlap position.
During braking and release, the speed reduction must be at least 10 km/h.

Specially formed freight trains with locomotives at the head and tail of the train. A noticeable decrease in the limiting dynamic reactions is observed when the second locomotive is moved to the rear of the train. This scheme for forming a train makes it possible to increase its weight to 12 thousand tons. This is explained by the fact that the second locomotive is connected to the brake line of the train. This simplifies the process of testing brakes and monitoring the integrity of the brake network. In addition, the release of brakes in the rear part of the train is accelerated and the total air consumption to fill leaks is reduced.
Control of automatic brakes and traction is set by the driver of the first locomotive.
Brake and release instructions are transmitted via radio. In the event of a radio communication failure, the control process becomes significantly more complicated, and the need for emergency braking in the event of a threat to traffic safety may not be realized due to uncoordinated actions of the drivers, because The second locomotive, while the first one is braking, will feed the brake line and release the brakes in the train.
Connected freight trains with locomotives at the head and middle of the train. This scheme for forming trains has become widespread because allows the dispatcher to quickly connect and separate trains in various operating conditions.
Trains are formed according to this scheme in three ways:

  • with autonomous brake lines and control of two driver valves;
  • using pneumatic synchronization;
  • with the integration of the brake line and control of two driver valves.

The passage of trains while maintaining the autonomy of the brake lines is permitted, as an exception, during the period of liquidation of the consequences of crashes, accidents and natural disasters. Their passage on double-track sections should be carried out on a temporarily single-track section and one or two sections in front without crossing with passenger trains. On single-track lines, the movement of connected trains can be carried out within the entire section where restoration work is being carried out. The speed of such a train should not exceed 60 km/h. This is due to the occurrence of large longitudinal-dynamic reactions, sometimes leading to rupture of automatic couplers or squeezing out of cars during braking and releasing the brakes in the event of radio communication failure.
The driver of the locomotive of the second train controls the automatic brakes at the command of the driver of the lead locomotive. In this case, the control of the auto brakes should be carried out by the drivers at the same time as possible.
The use of full service or emergency braking is allowed only in extreme cases when immediate stopping of the train is required. The driver who notices the danger is the first to brake and immediately transmits a notice of braking to the driver of the second locomotive via radio. The driver of the second locomotive must repeat this braking.
The practical interest in integrated trains with autonomous brake lines is explained by the simplicity of preparing the train and the minimal time required to connect them.
Since 1970, all mainline freight locomotives have been equipped with pneumatic synchronization devices for controlling automatic brakes. Pneumatic synchronization is carried out by connecting the equalization tank of the driver's second crane in the fourth position of the crane handle to the brake line of the tail car of the train in front. This formation scheme makes it possible to speed up the charging of brakes by no more than 30% compared to trains in which the locomotives are concentrated at the head of the train. The speed of command propagation during pneumatic synchronization is lower compared to other formation schemes; in addition, there is a large pressure difference between the head and tail of the train.
Combining brake lines in a connected train reduces the pressure drop and speeds up the propagation of the braking wave along the length of the train. However, the air consumption for feeding leaks in the train on the first locomotive is significantly less than on the second. If on the first locomotive the pressure in the brake line is set to 0.2 - 0.3 kgf/cm2 higher than on the second, then in the second train the brake release is improved and the frequency of switching on the compressor of the second locomotive is reduced.
The operator's crane stabilizer is adjusted to the rate of overcharge pressure elimination from 6.0 to 5.8 kgf/cm2 in 100 - 120 s. In each of the combined trains, a complete testing of the brakes is carried out with the issuance of a certificate in the form VU-45, and after they are combined, recharged and the density of the brake network is checked along the route, the operation of the brakes of the entire train is checked by reducing the pressure in the brake line by 0.7 - 0.8 kgf/cm2.
After recharging the brakes of the connected train, the density of the brake network is measured on the locomotives located in the head and middle or tail of the train, both in position II of the driver’s crane handle and in position IV. The rate of time for reducing pressure in the main tanks is calculated depending on the number of axles in the train and the volume of the main tanks of locomotives. It is assumed that in every 1000 liters of the total volume of the main tanks, a pressure drop of 0.5 kgf/cm2 occurs in the following minimum time: at 351-400 axes - in 15 s, 401-500 axes - in 13 s. 501-600 axes - in 10 s. 601 - 700 axes - in 9 s. 701 - 780 axes - in 8 s. The specified time is calculated by dividing the sum of the time spent reducing the pressure in the main tanks of all locomotives by the sum of the volumes of their main tanks.
Service and full service braking are carried out simultaneously on all locomotives at the command of the driver of the lead locomotive, transmitted via radio communication, and a warning about preparation for braking is transmitted 10 - 15 s before it is performed. Emergency and full service braking are carried out only in cases where it is necessary to immediately stop the train. Full service braking is carried out by reducing the pressure in the line in trains weighing 6 thousand tf or more by 1.8 - 2.0 kgf/cm2, and in empty trains with the number of axles 350 or more - by 1.5 - 1.7 kgf/cm2 cm2.
The brakes are released on all locomotives simultaneously or with an advance of up to 6 s on locomotives located in the middle (tail) of the train by increasing the pressure in the surge tank by 0.5 - 0.6 kgf/cm2 above the charging one. Since when the train is in a compressed state, the longitudinal forces acting in it. much less than when stretched, before braking and then until the brakes are completely released, the pressure in the brake cylinders of the locomotive (1.3 - 2 kgf/cm2) is maintained using the auxiliary brake valve No. 254.
The train control mode is set by the driver of the first locomotive, transmitting instructions via radio communication. The complexity of the work of the driver of the second locomotive lies in the need to monitor the operation of the brake line rupture alarm by the lamp coming on, because The activation of the indicator is a signal to brake even if no command was received via radio communication.
If there is a radio communication failure (as evidenced by three times no response to a call), further movement of the train with the locomotive at the head and in the train or at the tail of the train is prohibited. The driver of the lead locomotive must stop the train with service braking, if possible on the platform and on a straight section of the track.
The driver of a locomotive located in the middle or tail of the train, when the “TM” lamp lights up or the pressure in the brake line decreases, must move the handle of the driver’s tap to position III. In any case, release the brakes only after the train has come to a complete stop. If, after stopping, the drivers are unable to establish radio contact with each other, the train must be disconnected.
Emergency and full service braking in one step is used in the event of a sudden stop, if there is a threat to traffic safety. When performing step braking of an empty train on the second locomotive, the braking step should be 0.2 - 0.3 kgf/cm2 less than on the lead one. This helps reduce longitudinal dynamic forces and improve brake control.
The brake pressure on the train is set according to the lowest value of one of the combined trains.
One of the options for specially forming trains with integrated brake lines is to place the locomotives at the head and the last third of the train.
The technical condition of the rolling stock and braking means makes it possible to drive trains in this manner with a weight of up to 16 thousand tons and a length of up to 780 axles. The second locomotive is placed at a distance of at least 400 axles and further 540 axles.
A significant disadvantage of this scheme is the complexity of forming and disbanding a train, as well as the length of time the station tracks are occupied and the large amount of shunting work.





First Deputy

Minister of Railways

Russian Federation



on organizing the circulation of freight trains of increased weight and length

on railways Russian Federation

I. General provisions

1.1. These Instructions for organizing the circulation of freight

trains of increased weight and length on the Russian railways

circulation of freight trains of increased weight and length and connected

trains on the railways of the Russian Federation, as well as the order

actions of locomotive drivers serving these trains.

1.2. This Instruction has been developed on the basis and in

in accordance with the requirements of the Rules technical operation

05/26/2000 N TsRB-756, Instructions for train movement and

approved by the Ministry of Railways of Russia on October 16, 2000. N CD-790, Instructions for

signaling on the railways of the Russian Federation,

approved by the Ministry of Railways of Russia on May 26, 2000 N TsRB-757, Instructions for

TsT-TsV-TsL-VNIIZhT-277, and is mandatory for all employees

railways associated with train traffic.

1.3. Based on this Instruction, railways and

railway departments local instructions are issued where

technical and technological measures for organizing

circulation of trains of increased weight and length, taking into account local

operating conditions.

1.4. To increase the throughput and carrying capacity of sections

and directions, reducing train delays when providing

"windows" for track repair and construction work, as well as work on

modernization of the contact network, elimination of the consequences of natural disasters

disasters, accidents and derailments, train circulation is organized

increased weight and length and connected trains.

1.5. Trains of increased weight and length include freight trains

trains of regular or special formation with staging


at the head of a train weighing from 6.0 to 9.0 thousand tons with a number of axles from

350 to 400 (inclusive);(from 88 to 100 cars).

at the head of a train of empty cars with the number of axles from 350 to

520 (inclusive);

In the head and tail of the train weighing from 6.0 to 12.0 thousand tons with

number of axes from 400 to 560 (inclusive);

in the head and the last third of the composition weighing from 8.0 to 16.0 thousand.

t with the number of axles from 540 to 780;

at the head of a train weighing more than 8.0 thousand tons with the permission of the Russian Ministry of Railways.

1.6. Connected trains include freight trains with

placement of operating locomotives at the head and middle of the train:

weighing from 6.0 to 12.0 thousand tons with the number of axles more than 400 to 540

with a train of loaded and a train of empty wagons weighing

from 6.0 to 10.0 thousand tons with the number of axles more than 400 to 680

(inclusive), with a combined brake line;

from empty cars with more than 480 axles to 780

(inclusive), with a combined brake line;

weighing up to 12.0 thousand tons with a number of axles up to 520 (inclusive) with

autonomous brake lines to eliminate the consequences

crashes, accidents and natural disasters with the permission of the Russian Ministry of Railways.

1.7. For the passage of trains of increased weight and length on

directions and sections of railways must be carried out

relevant calculations and experimental trips to identify dangerous

places for squeezing out cars and breaking automatic couplers, current

loads and voltage levels in the contact network are met

organizational and technical measures, local

instructions approved by the head of the railway have been studied and

practically mastered by all involved employees, developed and

regime maps approved by the head of the railway department

driving trains, and in the absence of railways

railway departments - deputy head of the railway

Local regulations should provide for each

railway section procedure for preparation, formation, driving

and the passage of trains of increased weight and length, ensuring

traffic safety and mutual information between trains

dispatcher, energy dispatcher, railway duty officer

stations and locomotive crews, as well as the procedure for using

radio communications and negotiation regulations.

Regime maps are developed based on the actual availability

as part of a train of wagons loaded with:

less than 10 t/axle, as well as cars on passenger bogies

taking into account the application of traction forces or electric braking on

automatic coupling of a locomotive compressing the train, no more than 50 units;

10 t/axle or more (coal, liquid, ore and others

compositions), while the permissible traction or electric force

braking on the automatic coupler of the locomotive compressing the train, no more

Traction force on the automatic coupler of a locomotive operating in tension

composition, should not exceed 95 those when starting off, and when

acceleration and movement - 130 those. Traction force on the locomotive automatic coupler

determined by its traction characteristics, according to the Rules

traction calculations for train operation, approved by the USSR Ministry of Railways

08/15/1980, less driving resistance, or

measuring instruments of laboratory cars in the process of experimental

trips. The procedure for turning on, testing, and servicing car brakes

and control them along the route of high-speed freight trains

weights and lengths are made in accordance with the instructions for

operation of rolling stock brakes on Russian railways

Federation approved by the Ministry of Railways of Russia on May 16, 1994 N

TsT-TsV-TsL-VNIIZhT-277, and the requirements of this Instruction.

1.8. The passage of trains of increased weight and length is allowed at

single-track and double-track sections at any time of the day with

the temperature is not lower than - 30 degrees C, and there are no trains from empty cars

below - 40 degrees C, at temperatures below the specified - with permission

Ministry of Railways of Russia. It is not allowed to handle trains of increased weight and

lengths when ice on the contact network is more than 3.0 mm.

1.9. The provisions of this Instruction apply to cargo

connected trains made up of two interconnected

freight trains with locomotives at the head of each train.

Connected trains are formed at railway stations or

stages of two trains, each of which must be

formed by weight and length in accordance with the movement schedule

trains, as well as taking into account restrictions on traction and power

locomotive and power supply devices. Association and

train separation is permitted on descents up to 0.004 and ascents up to

0.006 subject to safety conditions. Connections and

train separations are established taking into account favorable

profile conditions, sectioning of the contact network and conditions

visibility and approved by the first deputy head of the railway

1.10. It is allowed to connect all freight trains, for

with the exception specified in paragraph 1.12 of these Instructions, with

ensuring the requirements of clause 15.32 of the Technical Operation Rules

railways of the Russian Federation, approved by the Ministry of Railways of Russia

05/26/2000 N TsRB-756. Trains of lighter weight or from empty

carriages must be placed at the rear of the connected train. IN

connected trains with a combined main line consisting of two

empty trains, a shorter train is placed at the end. At

connecting trains with different series of locomotives at the head of the train

a locomotive with less powerful compressors is placed.

1.11. Trains containing carriages are not subject to connection.

with oversized loads of the lower third and above, side fourth and

above degrees of oversize, as well as with super-oversize

cargo, with explosive materials, dangerous goods, loaded

conveyors with axles of 16 or more, as well as conveyors or

units of other rolling stock requiring special conditions

pass or general speed limit to 50 km/h,

empty conveyors of all types, special self-propelled mobile

composition, carriages with people (except for trains with teams and conductors,

accompanying the cargo and security).

In a freight train weighing more than 12.0 thousand tons, freight cars,

placed between locomotives must have a net load not

less than 50 t.

Trains are not subject to connection if the first train has

special self-propelled rolling stock (track machines, as well as

snow blowers, snow removal machines, laying cranes, motor

platforms, railcars, motor locomotives), sections of multi-unit rolling stock

trains, single wagons for the transportation of lightweight cargo, and

also passenger cars.

These cars are not allowed to be placed on high-speed trains.

weight and length with the installation of operating locomotives in the head and

the tail, as well as in the head and the last third of the composition.

1.12. The procedure for connecting trains on stages at night

days is established by local instructions.

1.13. The circulation of trains of increased weight and length is permitted

on sections with guide slopes (inclusive):

if there are speed limits of 25 km/h or less - up to 0.008;

in other cases - up to 0.012;

trains from empty cars with the number of axles more than 350 - up to 0.018.

Note: Guide descent– steepest descent (taking into account the resistance of the curves) no less than the braking distance(Section 5 of the PTE - TsRB-756 dated May 26, 2000).

Handling of freight trains of increased weight and length to

stages with guide descents higher than those indicated are allowed with

permission from the Ministry of Railways of Russia based on positive results

experienced trips on a specific section of the railway.

1.14. All locomotives designed to drive coupled

freight trains and freight trains with locomotives in the latter

thirds of the train or the tail of the train must be equipped

radio stations with two bands HF and VHF. Upon acceptance

locomotive or passing through a radio communication control point, the driver

checks the operation of radio communication with the electrician on duty,

(control radio station or automatic control

point), and in the VHF range - with the driver of any locomotive.

Release of a locomotive under a connected train with faulty radio communication

in the HF and VHF range is not allowed.

Driving and passing trains of increased weight and length

permitted if there is a properly functioning automatic

locomotive signaling system (ALSN), automatic

brake control (SAUT) and train radio communication between the train

dispatcher, duty officer at the railway station and driver

the lead locomotive, as well as the driver of the lead locomotive and

driver of the locomotive located in the train and tail of the freight

Radio station on a locomotive for communication between locomotives during

the movement of such a train must be in receiving mode

(the handset is always off-hook). If detected in

routes radio communication failure train with locomotives in

head and train should be brought to the nearest railway station

stations where radio communications must be restored. If radio communication

cannot be restored, the train must be disconnected or


Regulations and frequency of checking the serviceability of radio communications

between locomotives along the route of a connected train or

freight trains with locomotives in the last third or tail

trains are set by local regulations.

1.15. Driving trains of increased weight and length is allowed

specially trained drivers and driver assistants with

conclusion of the driver-instructor, recorded in the driver’s form

and assistant driver, in knowledge of these Instructions and carrying out

practical trips, with experience as a truck driver

traffic in this area for at least one year and class

qualifications not lower than third . In other cases it is necessary

accompaniment of such trains by a driver-instructor. Lists

drivers approved to drive heavy trains and

lengths, approved by the head of the locomotive depot,

Coordinated with the chief traffic safety auditor

railway departments, approved by the head of the department

railway and are issued to locomotive brigade workers,

duty officers at the main and turnover depots, replacement points and

train dispatcher for locomotives. In the absence of

railway departments of railways, lists of drivers

approved by the deputy head of the railway in charge

locomotive facilities after agreement with the chief auditor for

railway traffic safety. Newly formed

the locomotive crew performing the first joint trip does not

allowed to drive trains of increased weight and length.

1.16. The passage of trains of increased weight and length is carried out

along the main tracks of intermediate railway stations. IN

In exceptional cases, such trains may be allowed to pass through

side tracks with a deviation of no more than one turnout

transfer or congress. At the same time, in electrified areas

the possibility of passing such trains on side tracks is determined

local instructions, taking into account the actual wire cross-section

contact network.

1.17. Maximum permissible train speed

increased weight and length due to the provision of brake pressure

established in accordance with traffic schedule standards

1.18. With the length of reception - intermediate departure paths

railway stations insufficient for regular circulation

trains of increased weight and length, the traffic schedules highlight

special “threads” or their passage between iron

roads and railway departments by periods of the day in


Train station attendants meet such trains at

in accordance with the procedure established by the technical and administrative

station act. Areas of circulation of locomotive crews within

warranty areas of technical service points for

freight cars are kept the same as for single

freight trains.

1.19. Sections of circulation of trains of increased weight and length

are established by orders and instructions within the limits:

department - head of the railway department;

two or more departments - by the head of the railway;

two or more railways - Russian Ministry of Railways.

1.20. Connecting and disconnecting trains, forming freight

trains with the placement of locomotives in the head, head and last

thirds of the composition or in the head and tail of the composition, and the omission of such

trains is carried out according to the registered order of the train operator


Before departure of a train of increased weight and length of the train

the dispatcher gives a circular order for the area to all those on duty

railway stations and energy dispatcher.

Upon receipt of an order for the arrival of a train of increased weight and

length to the control section, the train dispatcher informs about

this energy dispatcher and department duty officer.

1.21. To prevent ruptures of automatic couplers and extrusion

carriages, a list of dangerous places for high-speed trains is being compiled

weight and length, which is announced to locomotive crews, duty officers

at railway stations, limiting the places where possible

breaks in automatic couplers and squeezing out of cars, and the control room

apparatus. Officers on duty at railway stations or trains

dispatchers inform drivers about the change in advance

conditions for passage through train stages and railway stations

increased weight and length. Where necessary based on

Based on the information received, the driver takes timely measures to

stopping such a train on a section with a favorable track profile.

1.22. Automatic locomotive signaling on trains

increased weight and length on locomotives included in the

trains must be turned off.

1.23. On electrified lines, the total traction current of all electric locomotives in trains of increased weight and length should not exceed the permissible current for heating the contact network wires specified in the Rules for the installation of a traction power supply system for railways of the Russian Federation, approved by the Ministry of Railways of Russia from

06/04/1997 N TsE-462.

1.24. On double-track sections of electrified lines, as a rule, they include sectioning posts and parallel connection points. The installations of protection for switching devices must ensure that sections of the contact network are disconnected when the permissible current is exceeded.

1.25. At all substations of single and double track lines,

feeding the passage area for trains of increased weight and length, with

If necessary, all installed transformers are switched on

and converting units. In addition, they put into effect

available devices for increasing and stabilizing voltage in

power supply system. The idle voltage may be increased

progress of converter units at DC substations

up to 3.85 kV, transformers at AC substations (at

leading phase) up to 29 kV.

1.26. The number of trains of increased weight and length (for their

normal power supply) in the area between traction substations

there should be no more than the calculated quantity. Verification calculations for

Inter-train interval determinations are made taking into account the work

power supply devices and the possibility of passing reverse current

according to the Methodology for determining the minimum interval between trains according to

operating conditions of traction power supply devices when passing

trains of increased weight and length (Appendix to this

Instructions). In addition, in direct current sections,

places and limit values ​​of recuperation currents during electrical

braking. To calculate the load on power supply devices

it is assumed that the train has double unified weight and length

counts as two trains, and a triple as three trains.

1.27. If device malfunctions occur

power supply, as well as when the permissible current is exceeded

load when further advancement cannot be ensured

trains of increased weight and length, at the request of the energy dispatcher

the train dispatcher immediately takes measures to reduce the speed

the passage of these trains and their immediate separation.

1.28. In electrified areas, in case of unexpected

stopping a train of increased weight and length and getting hit by an electric locomotive

in the composition or tail of the train to the neutral insert of the contact network

or insulating interface, the driver immediately releases it

brakes, lowers the pantograph and informs the driver about it

head locomotive. Removing the electric locomotive from places where there is

neutral insert of the contact network or insulating interface,

carried out at the direction of the driver of the lead electric locomotive. At

in the event of a malfunction of the contact network and the need

passing this place by a train of increased weight and length with

with the pantograph lowered, the driver of the lead electric locomotive gives

instructions to the driver in the train or at the tail of the train to turn off the current

and lowering the pantographs. Lifting of pantographs is carried out

after following the damage site.

1.29. Taking into account specific operating conditions by local

is developed by the instructions of railway departments and departments

procedure for locomotive crews and energy dispatchers during

disconnections of contact network feeders of traction substations from

overloading and the procedure for withdrawing a train of increased weight and length when

stopping the electric locomotive on a neutral insert or an isolated interface.

1.30. Organization of connection, follow-up and separation

freight trains is established by road regulations

in relation to local conditions approved by superiors


II. Procedure for drivers of connected freight trucks

trains and freight trains with locomotives at the head and the last

thirds of the composition or in the head and tail of the composition with a combined

brake line when driving around the area

2.1. Coupling of the locomotive of the second train with the last car

of the first train, combining the end sleeves of brake lines

and opening the end valves in accordance with these Instructions

carried out by the locomotive crew of the second train.

2.2. Propulsion of connected train and trains

special formation with locomotives at the head and tail or

the last third of the train is carried out at the direction of the driver

head locomotive: "Locomotive driver of train N ______,

ahead (calls the signal reading), we set off (indicates

traction mode)". The driver of the second locomotive duplicates the instructions on

radio communication and carries it out. If there is no response from the driver

a second locomotive to drive the connected train

prohibited. The operation of such trains must

be carried out in any weather conditions with two raised

pantographs on both locomotives.

2.3. Mode of driving connected freight train, cargo

trains with locomotives at the head and the last third of the train or in

head and tail of the train are set by the driver of the lead locomotive in

in accordance with regime maps developed on the basis

experienced trips. In these cards, to avoid overheating of the wires

contact network, squeezing out cars and breaking automatic couplers

devices, set the limiting currents of electric motors, with

their different connections and positions of the driver controller,

exceeding which when operating trains is not allowed. For

preventing trains from breaking apart, setting and resetting traction and brake

positions (except for emergency braking) are carried out as follows

in such a way that the increase in traction force from zero to maximum

value and its decrease from maximum value to zero

happened no faster than 25 s.

2.4. Starting mode of connected freight trains or freight

trains with locomotives in the train or the tail of the train are installed

on railways, taking into account local conditions. When starting off

traction force of the locomotive located in the last third or tail

trains are switched on at the same time as the head train. To provide

required smoothness when starting such trains

it is allowed to advance the activation of traction of the second locomotive by

in relation to the head one for 3 - 6 s.

2.5. When performing adjustment braking and braking at

the driver of the lead locomotive radios the stop

instructions to the driver of a locomotive on a train in the following form:

"Locomotive driver of train N _____, we are making adjustments (on

stopping) braking with discharge of the surge tank to

(indicates the depth of discharge)". After receiving a response from the driver

of the second locomotive, the drivers apply braking in the order

established by the Operating Instructions for Mobile Brakes

composition of railways, approved by the Ministry of Railways of Russia dated May 16, 1994 N

TsT-TsV-TsL-VNIIZhT-277. During each braking, drivers control

activation of the brake line break alarm with sensor

N 418 by the lighting of his lamp. Emergency and full service

One-step braking on such trains is used only in

cases where it is necessary to suddenly stop the train if it

further movement is in danger. In this case, with full

During service braking, it is not allowed to reduce the pressure in the brake

lines below 3.5 kgf/cm2.

2.6. When controlling the auto brakes of a connected truck

trains or special formation trains, drivers are prohibited

release the brakes at a speed of less than 30 km/h,

carry out uncoordinated actions, release the brakes

during the movement of the train from the first locomotive without timely

giving a command to the driver of the second locomotive.

2.7. If, while driving a train on the second locomotive

the "TM" lamp lights up or a decrease in pressure is observed in

brake line without it lighting up, driver of the second locomotive

is obliged to move the driver's crane handle to position 3, report

this via radio communication to the driver of the first locomotive and try

find out the reason for the braking.

2.8. In all cases, after applying the 3rd position of the handle

the driver's crane, the brakes are not released until full

train stops.

2.9. In cases of radio communication failure, further follow-up

connected train with traction at the head or tail of the train

prohibited. The driver of the lead locomotive stops the train

service braking, if possible on the platform and straight section

track, locomotive driver in the train or at the tail of the train when

the "TM" lamp comes on or the pressure in the brake line decreases

train operates in the manner established in paragraph 2.7 of this


2.10. If, after the train stops, the drivers fail

establish radio contact with each other, the train must be disconnected.

At the same time, the drivers of both locomotives direct towards each other

friend of his assistants to coordinate actions for separation

Required number of hand brakes and brake shoes

to hold a train of increased weight and length in place and

connected train in case of damage to the brakes, it is installed on

every 100 tons of their mass, depending on the steepness of the descent in

in accordance with the Operating Instructions for Vehicle Brakes

composition of railways, approved by the Ministry of Railways of Russia, 05/16/1994. city ​​N

TsT-TsV-TsL-VNIIZhT-277. In special formation freight trains

with locomotives at the head and the last third of the train

provision of locomotives with brake shoes is established

by order of the head of the railway.

2.11. In all cases not provided for in this

Instructions, workers associated with the movement of trains,

are guided by the requirements of the Technical Operation Rules

railways of the Russian Federation, approved by the Ministry of Railways of Russia

05/26/2000 N TsRB-756, Instructions for the movement of trains and

shunting work on the railways of the Russian Federation,

approved by the Ministry of Railways of Russia on October 16, 2000 N TsD-790, instructions,

orders and other regulations of the Ministry of Railways of Russia directed

to ensure train safety.

With the entry into force of this Instruction, it does not apply to

territory of the Russian Federation Instructions for organizing

A train is a formed and coupled train of cars with one or more operating locomotives or motor cars, which has installed signals. Locomotives without cars, motor cars and special self-propelled rolling stock sent for hauling are considered as trains.

According to seniority, trains are divided into extraordinary, regular and assigned according to special requirements, the order of which is established at the time of assignment.

Extraordinary ones include fire and recovery trains, snow plows, locomotives without cars and special self-propelled rolling stock designed to restore normal traffic and extinguish a fire.

The next trains, in order of priority, are represented by high-speed passenger trains, passenger ambulances, other passenger trains, postal and luggage trains, military trains, cargo-passenger trains, human trains, accelerated freight trains, freight trains, utility trains and locomotives without carriages. Freight trains are considered to be passenger trains if they include at least ten carriages occupied by people. Service trains are those that serve the road's own needs (transportation of ballast, rails, sleepers, etc.).

All trains, depending on the category at the formation stations, are assigned numbers: fast - 1 - 99, long-distance passenger trains with year-round service - 171 - 299, through freight - 2001 - 2998, freight sectional - 3001 - 3398, groupage freight - 3401 - 3498, suburban - 6001 - 6999, etc. Trains in one direction have odd numbers, and trains in the opposite direction have even numbers.

In addition to the number, each freight train at the station of its formation is assigned an index, which does not change until the station of disbandment. The freight train index is a special code consisting of ten digits, of which the first four correspond to the unified network marking (USR) of the formation station, the next two correspond to the serial number of the train formed at this station, and the last four correspond to the USR of the train's destination station.

Standards for the mass* and length of trains are established in terms of their formation and traffic schedule. For through trains, weight standards are unified for the entire travel direction in order to avoid its fracture (change) when moving from one section to another. Accelerated freight trains have slightly lower weight standards.

Driving heavy trains, the mass of which significantly exceeds the norm, is becoming increasingly common. This allows roads to transport additional amounts of cargo with the same number of locomotives and reduce transportation costs.

Freight trains can be heavy and heavy trains. In the first case, the weight of the train for the corresponding series of locomotives is 100 tons or more higher than the norm established by the schedule for the route of this train. In the second case, a freight train with one or more operating locomotives (at the head of the train, at the head and tail, at the head and the last third of the train) has a mass of more than 6 thousand tons.

Depending on the length, in addition to regular ones, there are freight trains of increased length; long-jointed and connected. Extended length trains are 350 axles or more. A long train is a train whose length exceeds the maximum norm established by the schedule for the route of this train. A freight train composed of at least two coupled trains with operating locomotives at the head of each train is called coupled.

When forming trains, their gross mass is calculated. To do this, the mass of cargo, determined from cargo documents, is added to the wagon container. The standard length of the train is chosen in accordance with the useful length of the receiving and departure tracks of the stations on the sections. The length of the rolling stock is determined from tables placed in train timetable books.

Trains must be compiled in full accordance with the requirements of the PTE, traffic schedule and formation plan. Violation of these requirements may pose a threat to traffic safety and cause delays in the processing of trains at passing stations. When forming freight trains, the cars are placed without selection according to the number of axles and weight. In prefabricated trains, cars are selected into groups according to destination stations, and in group trains - by destination according to the formation plan.

One of the main conditions for ensuring the safety of train traffic is the presence of braking means sufficient to stop the train at a distance equal to the length of the braking distance when traveling at the highest permissible speed along the guide slope in the event of an obstacle to movement. The leading slope is the steepest slope (taking into account the resistance in the curves) with a length no less than the braking distance. The braking distance, depending on the steering descent and the permissible maximum speed, is assumed to be 1000, 1200, 1300, 1500, 1600 and 1700 m.

A freight train is served by a locomotive crew, while a passenger train is also served by conductors and, if necessary, other workers.

Passenger and other trains for the transport of people and mail and baggage trains are equipped with fire fighting equipment, first aid equipment and other necessary equipment.

For each trip, the driver's itinerary is filled out, which is one of the main train documents at the locomotive crew's work site. It indicates the number and types of cars in the train, the weight of the cargo (net) and the total weight of the train (gross), the composition of the crew, the series and number of the locomotive and other data. After the trip, the driver submits the route to the depot office to calculate the crew's wages. From the office, the routes are transferred to the computer center, where they are used to determine the volume of transportation work performed, the degree of utilization of rolling stock, the consumption of electricity, fuel, lubricants and other indicators.

The PTE contains requirements for organizing the reception and departure of trains and specifies the procedure for driving them by drivers. In accordance with the PTE, the driver must have a good knowledge of the design of the locomotive (motor-wagon train), special self-propelled rolling stock, the profile of the serviced area, the location of railway crossings on it, permanent signals, signal signs and signs and their purpose, and must also have a train schedule .