How thieves choose a car. If there is a plastic bottle on the wheel of your car, you are in danger! Remember the rule of thumb... How sincere are ex-hijackers

Car theft is one of the most common and under-resolved crimes. In 2015, 36,323 cars were stolen in Russia, the lion's share of which is in metropolitan areas.

Do you think thieves use high-tech methods of hijacking? Wrong! In order to quickly steal a car, it is enough for a criminal to have only one plastic bottle! Surprised? "So simple!" tells the details.

How cars are stolen

As explained by the police, the thief simply fixes an empty plastic bottle inside the wheel arch. When the driver starts the car and pulls away, he hears a very strange sound - this is the noise that occurs when the wheel crushes the bottle.

The driver is confused, he walks around the car and cannot understand what is wrong. Most importantly, the key remains in the ignition. The criminal does not need more. However, this is not all the cunning tricks of car thieves.

Hijacking by luring the driver from behind the wheel

Practice shows that it is impossible to be absolutely sure that your car will not be stolen. But it is possible and necessary to insure against this, in the literal and figurative sense of the word. In order to prevent and prevent theft, the following rules must be observed.

If vehicle theft nevertheless happened, the owner must immediately contact the police and provide the police with all necessary information which can assist in finding a car.

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Seemingly modern technical progress made a car not only comfortable means movement, but also a stronghold of reliability and safety. But there were no fewer thefts. Paradoxically, car thieves are still using old, proven methods along with the use of new technologies.

Before you think again about buying a new anti-theft system, it would be nice to know how to steal a car in general. After all, understanding how a hijacker can act, you can partially protect yourself.

You can steal a car in three different ways:

  • Secret theft or theft is when you did not see how the car was stolen.
  • Explicit theft or robbery - the car is stolen right in front of the owner. Quite often this type of theft is accompanied by violence.
  • Fraud - this method is the most diverse. There are dozens of ways to steal a car through fraud.

But there are even more methods of car theft. The main difficulty lies in disabling the alarm, because there is nothing complicated in opening the door and starting the engine without a key.

Methods of secret theft

  • Key theft. Not every car thief can use this method. After all, not only knowledge of the machine is required, but also dexterous fingers. Keys are stolen from the owner of the car in a cafe, shop, on the street - in any in public places. And then, they just drive away, as if in their car.
  • Making duplicate keys. This method is somewhat similar to the first method. The hijacker temporarily takes the key from the owner, makes a copy, and then opens the car at any convenient moment. The keys are taken when the car is being repaired, stolen and returned while the owner is at work.
  • Using an alarm jammer is another of the most common methods of car theft. It works quite simply. To do this, you just need to have a special radio device that operates on the same frequency as the signaling. The jammer does not turn off the alarm, but only suppresses it. And when the owner tries to close the car for protection, it does not work. Then it remains to close the car with a key. It is not difficult for a thief to open a regular lock.
  • Using a code grabber is perhaps the most popular method of stealing a car. There are many variations of this method, but the essence of them is almost the same. Via special device various manipulations are performed with the code - it is duplicated, suppressed, replaced, recoded, etc. After that, the alarm simply turns off. The hijacker can only turn on the engine and drive away.

Robbery as a way to steal a car

This method of theft is used less frequently, because the punishment will be under several articles. And the following happens - the driver takes a fellow traveler, who, threatening with deprivation of life, takes the car. Or, an accident is specially adjusted, then a group of hijackers takes the car by force.


This is the most tricky way how to steal a car. Quite often, theft occurs when a car is rented to a person with fake documents, or a friend asks to be allowed to use the car.

How stolen cars are found

According to statistics, every tenth car is returned to law enforcement agencies. A lot depends on how long it took for the victim to seek help. If half an hour has not passed since the moment of hijacking, then the police send a signal to the duty officer, and the “interception” plan is announced in the area - special police squads are looking for the car according to the description and number.

If in soon the car is not found, then the orientation to it is put on the wanted list. At this stage, the car cannot be taken out of the city.

Quite often, information about the car is reported on the radio. If the machine has not yet been dismantled for parts, it is usually located.

No matter how simple and tempting the methods of stealing a car are, it is important to remember that this activity is a criminal offense. The punishment for stealing a car can be different depending on the circumstances - a fine of up to 120 thousand rubles, forced labor or imprisonment for up to five years.

For more than a dozen years, car theft has been one of the most lucrative cases in the criminal world.

What do you personally know about how you can protect your car from theft? Unfortunately, many motorists believe that protection modern cars their manufacturers have already taken care of.

Indeed, with each new generation, motor vehicles are becoming more complex and automated; according to advertising, they already have the most modern anti-theft devices.

Yes, this is true, but we must not forget that along with the improvement and development of these devices, representatives of criminals who specialize in seizing their movable property from motorists are developing and improving their skills in a parallel course.

It's always unexpected. A very unpleasant sensation is experienced by a person who, having approached the place where he left his car the day before, does not see it there. Or rather, he sees that she is not there.

Many fall into a stupor, others begin to panic, combined with chaotic actions to search for the loss, some, of which the least, immediately call law enforcement agencies with a statement about the loss.

There are statistics on under what circumstances, where, when, in what way, car thefts are most often committed.

This useful information, because knowing it and analyzing it correctly, you can understand how to protect your car from theft in the best way.

More often motor vehicles stolen in the following places:

So, based on the above, we can say that your car can be stolen from almost anywhere and at any time. It is most protected only at various parking lots with constant guards.

It is very good that in 2019 there were no radically new methods of car theft, as before, the most common and effective methods of car theft are:

Also, it would not be out of place to once again recall the robbery attacks and various schemes for deceiving the car owner in order to take possession of the car key.

Video: Modern methods of car theft

It is no secret that car thefts are carried out by criminal elements of various qualifications, both professionals and criminals inexperienced in this matter, who suddenly, suddenly wanted to steal this car.

Someone does it just to ride, others - to order or to disassemble a car for parts and then sell them.

Therefore, taking into account the recommendations of experienced car owners, as well as the advice of hijackers who took the side of the law (there are some), we can say with confidence that the most effective is comprehensive protection your car.

The more various obstacles will be created on it, the more time the hijacker will need to neutralize them, which means that it is more likely that your car will remain with you.

Criminals usually do not mess with the car for more than a few minutes, if it fails to steal, they leave it alone. These obstacles and various tricks can be created both with the help of specialists from a car service, and with your own hands.

Let's present the most effective, to date, methods of protecting a car from theft:

Of course, there are other ways to protect the car. For example, very effective method- applying airbrushing or distinctive graphic marks to it.

Such a car becomes very noticeable, it always stands out against the general background, which the hijackers really do not like.

How do different organized groups of car thieves work, why don't they steal Volvo, what is the typical circuit taking the car out of the yard, where do they go stolen cars and what to do if the car is stopped by traffic police. Some secrets shared by the hijacker, now serving time.

More and more cars are stolen every year. If a couple of years ago thieves were only interested in cars premium brands(we take into account megacities, since in the regions the leader of thefts has always been and will be domestic Lada), their interest has recently extended to budget segment cars. And this is understandable: the crisis, the growth of the dollar, the rise in the price of spare parts ...

Accordingly, the hijacking of popular cheap cars and selling them in disassembled form is a good “business”, which is confirmed by theft statistics in recent months. On condition of anonymity, I had a chance to communicate with the hijacker.

It all started with the fact that one morning, when I got into my car and went to work, I saw my neighbor at a public transport stop. He stopped and offered a ride to the nearest subway. To my question: "Yura, why walk something?", The neighbor answered with sadness in his voice: "They stole my Impreza ...". During the 20-minute trip to the metro, Yura told me the story of the theft of two of his cars (this is karma!).

In 2012 he bought a brand new Honda Accord on credit. He took out a consumer loan and issued a CASCO policy only for the first year of operation. And in 2013, when the insurance ended, the car was stolen from the courtyard of the house at night. He declared to the authorities, posted ads on the Internet, searched in all nearby yards, but all to no avail. The scammers called several times with a ransom offer, but he immediately understood that they were scammers.

A year after the hijacking, an unknown person calls him and offers the following deal: “You give us 350,000 rubles, and we return the Honda to you, or, conversely, we pay you 200,000 rubles, and you give us the Title, all documents for the Honda, and we draw up an Agreement buying and selling cars. Yura, already tired of paying off a loan for a stolen car, agrees to the second option. By the way, the hijackers called from phone number registered already in Krasnodar.

On the appointed day, a man of gangster appearance arrives, gives Yura money in exchange for documents and a sales contract. But the most surprising thing is that they are not afraid - they personally call and come, they have the audacity to dictate their conditions. And also - what struck me - this "bandit" praised Jura for his own Honda: "An excellent machine, pah-pah-pah. I've been driving it for a year, no problems at all.

Having fully paid off the loan for Honda, Yura buys again on credit (but already a car loan) Subaru Impreza, but six months later, and she is stolen. This time they stole it boldly, impudently, with a bunch of witnesses. Yura and his family flew away on vacation, while Subaru remained waiting for them at the house in the parking lot. I took the battery out of the car before leaving. The time is 6 in the morning, the hijackers, cursing the Subaru driver, load it onto a tow truck and, leaving the parking lot, cannot share the road with the minibus driver. No one wants to give in, but the hijackers begin to threaten the non-Slavic minibus with physical violence. There is a verbal conflict, cars are leaving. There are a lot of witnesses in the minibus who went to work in the morning, but neither they nor the scolded minibus driver could describe the appearance of the hijackers. Currently, Yura is preparing documents for the insurance company, since the Subaru Impreza, unlike the Honda Accord, was insured.

This whole story, told by a neighbor, inspired me very much to study the principles of operation in more detail. anti-theft systems, their effectiveness, to understand how premium cars “stuffed with security” are hacked. After all, I could easily have been in Yura's place. There are two cars in my family that I love very much, and stealing them would be a real stress for me.

By the way, I work in Federal Service execution of sentences, which prompted me to learn all the nuances directly from those involved in theft. When checking one correctional colony, I asked the employees: “Are there any persons in your institution who are serving sentences for car theft?” To which he received the answer: “We have one character here, only he is sitting under a different article. According to operational information, he stole more than a dozen cars in St. Petersburg. A month ago, the alarm at our service Lada Grants turned off, the door locks were blocked, but the keys remained in the car. How to open, do not beat the glass? We call the Japanese (this is the nickname of the convicted car thief), so he opened Grant in 20 seconds. We didn't understand how he did it."

I realized that this is exactly what I need. After 10 minutes, an inconspicuous man of average build, apparently 35-37 years old, stood in front of me. More like a programmer than a criminal. I explained to him that I was not going to interrogate him, but I wanted to talk heart to heart with him. After hesitating for a couple of minutes, he agreed to talk to me. And here is our interview with him.

Why were you given the nickname "Japanese"? You are of Slavic appearance.

- I am a specialist in Japanese foreign cars, although I can easily open the “Germans”. It doesn't really matter which horse it is.

Is it easier to steal "Japanese" than "Germans"?

- Of course not. It all depends on the quantity and quality of anti-theft.

Were there cases when the hijacking attempt failed?

- It happened a couple of times. On the Kruzak 200, there was a hood lock, it took a long time to bend the hood, and time is money. I had to quit. But a month later, we still took him away. The second case is the Camry, where the taxi scared away and stopped nearby.

In both cases, there is brand Toyota. How do you choose a victim?

- Whom to take away depends on the orders. Most orders for Toyota and Mazda. Although lately Lancers with Focuses are held in high esteem.

Who is ordering?

- It happens differently. If the Cayenne or X6 is gone, then this is an individual order. Numbers are interrupted, and a person rides in another region on it and does not know trouble. If the Focus was taken away, then this is for spare parts, finding a car is not an option at all. Customers are dealers in spare parts. There is a very large office in St. Petersburg for the sale of spare parts, only in the city there are several stores. So they are the main customers.

And what kind of office?

- No comment. (Laughs.)

It turns out that if there is an order for your car, then in any case you will steal it, no matter what security systems it has?

- Not always. One "Gelik" grazed for two weeks, there was no way to get close. The driver drove the owner there - he was always next to the car, and the Gelik spent the night behind the fence. They spat, they took the same one from the neighboring district.

How many people are you on the team? What kind of people?

- Many. Everyone has their own duties, someone is responsible for the nix and cover, someone opens and starts the “horse”, someone drives, someone accompanies, someone analyzes, someone works with customers, someone distills to another region under the order ... This is a whole system. We have a strict discipline, many with higher education. There are no alcoholics or drug addicts among us.

And what is your education? Haven't you always been stealing?

- I have an incomplete higher education. Was expelled in the 4th year of the St. Petersburg "technician". For five years he worked in several official car dealers, installed alarms. But they pay little money there, but you want to eat.

And are there many such organized teams of hijackers in St. Petersburg?

- I didn't think so. I know there is a Caucasian team, but they work on the principle of a "scam".

What is the principle of "scam"?

- This is when the “horse” is taken away from the victim by deception. Steal the keys with the key fob from your pocket mall easy peasy. After all, the victims cling to one ring and the keys, and the key fob from the signaling, and even the immobilizer tag. The victim comes out with string bags, but there is no “horse”. Hand in pocket - and keys too.

So what exactly is the trick? These are ordinary pickpockets, only their goal is a car.

- Yes, this is the easiest way I told. There are many more. For example, linked to exhaust pipe tin cans on a rope. True, this is already as old as the world. The victim starts the car, pulls off, hears a metallic screech from behind the car. Goes out to see, begins cursing to untie these banks. At this time, a “horse thief” (as the hijackers sometimes call themselves) gets into his “horse” and leaves. The car is on, the keys are in the ignition.

A similar scheme: he gets into a car, let's say a girl, starts it. A guy in a hood passes by and defiantly sticks a piece of paper with a bold inscription "FOOL" on the rear right glass of the car and quickly leaves. The girl gets out of the car and begins to peel off this piece of paper. At this time, her car with a "horse thief" at the wheel leaves.

Here's a more interesting way: the victim is driving along a deserted road in the city, and some drunken type is staggering in her way. The victim honks, yells, and the type not only does not leave the road, but begins to fall on the hood of the car. The victim can't stand it, gets out and starts to take the drunk to the side of the road. "Horse thief" is right there, the car in one direction, the drunken type immediately sobers up and runs in the other. There, around the corner, another car with a partner is already waiting for him. On a deserted road, only the victim remains without a car, keys, documents, and, most likely, even without a mobile phone.

Why no mobile? It is not necessary to keep the phone in the car, I always have it in my pocket.

- If the phone is in your pocket, then it will be pulled out by the type who “mows” it under a drunk so that the victim does not immediately call the cops. The same goes for car documents.

Are there other ways?

- Yes, it's full. Let's say there is a car with a victim at a traffic light. A boy of about 10 years old passes by and knocks on the window to the victim: "Uncle, open the window." The victim opens the window and immediately receives a spit in the face from the child. Cursing gets out of the car and starts after the child. At this time, the "horse thief" leaves in his car. The kid previously received a pack of cigarettes or beer or a tube of glue for this case - who has what tastes.

It turns out that this Caucasian group specializes only in the so-called scam? Technical means does not apply for theft at all?

Why not? Applies, of course. It all depends on the specific situation. For example, on a winter morning, the victim goes out to his car, starts it and, while the car is warming up, sweeps snow from the car. Interested guys are sitting nearby in their car. They've already read the victim's car's alarm code. And successfully at a distance they block the doors of the victim's car.

The car is running, the keys are in the ignition, and the doors are closed. Usually a bag with documents is also in closed car. The victim panics, but quickly calms down as he remembers that there is a spare set of keys at home. With thoughts “with whom it does not happen, the signaling turned off, thank God, there is a second set”, he goes home for the keys. The guys, having unlocked the car, calmly leave with all the auto documents of the victim.

This scheme, it turns out, is valid only in winter, because in the summer no one warms up the car?

- Not at all, in the summer it's even easier. stack up right mirror car. The victim sits down, starts, wants to look in the mirror to get out, but it is folded. He gets out of the car to fix the mirror, and at that moment the guys are blocking the doors. The scheme is the same - the second set of the house. While the victim is walking, his car is leaving.

It was you who told me about the methods of the Caucasians, and what are the methods of your team?

– We, unlike Caucasians, are “intellectuals”. We have a whole technical complex for opening and stealing, the cost of which is several thousand euros. But all these "gadgets" have long paid for themselves.

The scheme is the following. If the car is expensive, we track it for several days. We hit the wheels so that the alarm goes off. We look for the reaction of the owners. By the way, you can understand what brand the “signaling” of the “terpil” is worth by the antenna. In the morning, around 4-5 o'clock, a couple of our crews arrive. At this time, everyone usually sleeps, even late staggering teenagers and other drunks.

We open the car using a code grabber. The signal was located and considered in advance. Next is a matter of technology. If there is a satellite system, then we jam it. Mechanical locks for automatic transmissions, hoods and other things are also neutralized elementarily. For everything about everything - no more than 15 minutes. Usually, most of the victims of "fancy" anti-theft puts right in the cabin official dealer their beloved and expensive car. And those do not bother with their installation and always put them in the same places, not caring about stealth.

We know all these places. When the car is started, it, accompanied by two of our crews, goes to the sump - a quiet courtyard area not far from the place of theft. One of the escort vehicles is driving ahead, and if a traffic police patrol is ahead, the driver of this vehicle defiantly violates traffic rules right in front of the traffic police. His main task is to stop him, and not a stolen car. It is slowed down, and the stolen car with the second escort car goes to the sump.

And if, nevertheless, the traffic police officers stop the stolen car?

- A stolen car will not stop under any circumstances, because its entire front panel has been torn apart. It is immediately clear that here "it smells of fried". If a chase starts, then we don't need gunmen with skirmishes. The stolen car cuts out the headlights, turns into courtyards and gets lost there. We throw cars in the yards and forget about it. If suddenly an unforeseen situation, then the person driving the stolen car always has a large amount of cash with him for such a case - about 2 million rubles. Usually such a conversation takes place: a law enforcement officer is first offered one million, then (if he refused) - two.

- Ride on public transport. (Laughs.) Or you can also put a note in the glove compartment of your car: “I am a mother of three children, my husband left me, the car is a loan. Please don't steal!" Suddenly I will read, let a mean man's tear and not touch this car. But seriously, then establish individual serious anti-theft complexes from professionals in specialized services, and not from official dealers.

Have you ever had to return a stolen car?

- It was business. Somehow, by mistake, they took away an Audi Ku7 from some FSB boss. A day later, they come to us and ask us to return the car in a good way. We don't need problems, they returned it safe and sound.

What brands of cars are not in demand among car thieves?

– “French” we do not touch, Volvo, too. Previously, "Koreans" were not taken, but recently, due to the mass character certain models there were orders for spare parts. Solaris and Rio leave constantly. Previously, no one was interested in Renault, but there are many orders for Duster parts, so they leave very easily. This car is cheap, the owners, except for the Chinese "signal", do not put anything else, and stealing such a car is 1 minute.

What should the owner do if his car is stolen?

- Wait, hope and believe. I don’t even know, probably, to travel around the neighboring yards, all sorts of sedimentation tanks. Many and find their "horses".

What's next?

I thank the Japanese for the conversation and give him my half-empty pack of cigarettes. We smoked the first half with him during a conversation. I decided for myself that tomorrow I will start monitoring the sites of installers of anti-theft systems. I will definitely sign up with them and install professional anti-theft systems on my two cars. And just in case, I will put notes in the glove compartments of my cars with the text “I am a mother of three children, my husband left me, the car is a loan. Please don't steal!" And what? You never know?

Now in all CIS countries, in Europe, the USA - statistics on car theft is growing all over the world. Especially high performance in Russia and Ukraine. Let's find out what to do if your car is stolen.

Why are cars stolen?

The first step is to know and understand that thefts are different. So, every action has a certain ground and reason. Conventionally, all cases of theft can be divided into four types. The first type is custom car theft. These machines are considered lost forever. To find vehicle You can, but only because of the mistakes of the hijackers. But such "orders" are mostly professionals. A specialist does not care about any, even the most sophisticated alarm system, he easily bypasses immobilizers, opens locks of any complexity and other devices aimed at security.

Often the owner of the car is sure that the theft is criminal, and does not try to consider other options. So, the second category is the theft of cars for the purpose of further dismantling for parts. Due to the fact that modern market oversaturated with auto parts, such crimes gradually began to become obsolete. However, often the police and investigators insist on this version in order to close the case and not look for the missing vehicle.

The third category is the work of the so-called "guest performers". They drive the car to another city or even to another country, which may be located very far away. Returning such a car is also almost impossible. But the operation for the hijacker is quite troublesome and very time-consuming - you need to develop complex schemes. Therefore, criminals have created an almost win-win method.

Thus, it is possible to single out a fourth category - the theft of a car in order to obtain a ransom for it. In this situation, the owner pays sooner or later: sometimes to criminals, sometimes to private detectives, sometimes to police investigators.

Theft or evacuation to the impound?

What increases the likelihood of theft?

So, if a more or less serious alarm system and additional protective devices are installed on the car, the risk of theft is reduced, but this is true if the car is not popular. Increases the chance of theft the prevalence of the vehicle, as well as the need for spare parts for it. Separately, it must be said that the most stolen cars are those that can easily get lost in the stream of cars. Therefore, in the ranking popular cars hijackers do not have unique models from Maserati, Tesla, Lamborghini and other manufacturers luxury cars. They are well protected only by the fact that they instantly attract attention.

Most stolen cars

Before highlighting specific models, it is worth taking a look at general statistics car theft by manufacturer and brand. First at risk budget brands such as VAZ, ZAZ, Renault Duster, Hyundai Solaris, Kia Rio. Then comes Toyota and Mercedes, Chevrolet, BMW, Lexus and Land Rover.

As you can see, the first places in the ranking are occupied by domestic brands. Everything is very simple - the products of these manufacturers have high demand and is popular due to its value. The small price of the car is a guarantee that it is not protected. This makes the task of the hijacking specialist as easy as possible. Previously, hijackers did not touch french cars, swedish, did not take Korean cars. But now there is a great demand for spare parts. For example, a professional is able to steal a Duster in 60 seconds, and this is a reality.

Stolen cars from business class

Product comes first Japanese car industry- these are Lexuses and Toyotas (in particular, the ubiquitous SUV Due to the design features, there are wires in the rear part under the wing through which you can connect to the car’s CAN bus, remove security system, get inside, start and leave unhindered.

Information from the theft specialist

Professionals are able to open any car - it's only a matter of time. Mostly in demand In general, everything depends on orders. Often it is "Toyota" and "Mazda". But now they are ordering both Lancers and even Focuses.

As for orders, everything can be different here. If this is an elite model, then the order is completely individual. The car is stolen, then the numbers are interrupted, and then in another region, region, country, the buyer can safely ride it. Stealing a car without the purpose of stealing is not for professionals, but for teenagers with the goal of "just driving." And, by the way, this also often happens. Everything that is more budgetary is disassembled and sold as spare parts. Sometimes sellers of spare parts also act as customers.

The car theft team employs several specialists - each is responsible for a separate job. Someone can only open the car, someone will be able to start it, someone will drive it. The rest accompany, disassemble, work with customers, distill. There is no need to think that drug addicts and alcoholics are doing this - mainly among the hijackers, specialists have higher education, and according to appearance more like programmers than criminals. So if it's gone expensive car, this is not theft of a car by a minor. This is a serious, pre-planned operation using high-tech equipment.

Popular hijacking methods

In St. Petersburg alone, there are several teams that deal with cars. For example, the Caucasian team uses the "scam" method.

sticker method

It works on blondes. For example, a girl got into a car and started it. A guy passing by sticks a sticker on the glass on the back right. The girl will definitely come out and start peeling it off. At this point, the car will leave.

Another scheme

The future victim is driving along a deserted highway. A drunken man stands in the way of the car. The driver honks, shouts, but the person does not leave the road, but falls on the hood. When the victim gets out and starts trying to take the alcoholic to the side of the road, the car will immediately be stolen.

More technological ways

One former "horse thief" told about this method. Now he is in prison, but he spoke in detail about the methods of stealing a car. Here is one option using hardware. So, in winter, the future victim goes to the car and heats it, and then clears the snow. The hijackers are nearby in another car. They previously read the alarm code using special equipment and immediately blocked the doors.

The car is running, the keys are in the lock, but you can't get inside. Documents also remained inside. The victim usually panics, but remembers the second key fob and goes home. At this time, the car leaves with all the documents.

The work of intellectuals

Hijackers also have a more professional approach to work. The equipment costs several thousand euros. If the car is expensive, it is monitored for several days. Then they hit the wheels and watch the reaction of the owners. You can understand which alarm is installed by the antenna. Early in the morning, when everyone is still sleeping, experts arrive. Then the car is opened using a code grabber. The signal was read in advance. satellite system muffled. Mechanical interlocks and other locks are opened elementary. The entire process should take no more than 15 minutes.

Then the car leaves for the so-called septic tanks - in the yards near the place where the car was stolen. Then they remove the numbers, throw everything out of the cabin, make the car inconspicuous. After that, the car is forgotten for ten days. If they didn’t manage to find a car on the satellite, then they set other numbers and drive the vehicle to a specially prepared service, where they are prepared for sale.

Car thieves talk about how to protect cars

First and most important - you do not need to install protective equipment from an authorized dealer. Masters are not focused on quality and even install good systems in famous places. It is worth buying exclusive equipment, and placing blocks that perform one or two tasks in different, unexpected places. It is best if there are 5 or more such independent blocks. This will buy you some time, as often car thefts take no more than 15 minutes, and then, if it doesn't work out, the car is abandoned.

What to do if the car is stolen? Most importantly, don't panic. Naturally, you should call the police, but it will not be superfluous to walk around the nearby yards. Perhaps the car is there - in the "sump". When buying a used car, be sure to check the car for theft and a double.