What is the fine for driving with a trailer (without category, without documents)? Extract from the traffic regulations on the operation of trailers for passenger cars

1.2. The Rules use the following basic concepts and terms:
"Road train" - mechanical vehicle coupled to a trailer(s).
“Trailer” is a vehicle that is not equipped with an engine and is intended to be driven in conjunction with a power-driven vehicle. The term also applies to semi-trailers and trailers.
“Vehicle” is a device designed to transport on roads people, goods or equipment installed on it.
“Motor driven vehicle” is a vehicle driven by an engine. The term also applies to any tractors and self-propelled machines.

Documents for the trailer

2.1. The driver of a motor vehicle is obliged to:
2.1.1. Carry with you and, at the request of police officers, hand over to them for verification:

  • a driver's license or temporary permit to drive a vehicle of the appropriate category;
  • registration documents for this vehicle (except for mopeds), and if there is a trailer, also for the trailer (except for trailers for mopeds);
  • insurance policy compulsory insurance civil liability of the vehicle owner in cases where the obligation to insure one’s civil liability is established by federal law. (about cases when compulsory motor liability insurance is required for a trailer, read our article “Insurance for a trailer” - Buy a trailer)

Permitted speed with trailer

10.3. Outside settlements movement is allowed:

for other buses, cars when towing a trailer, trucks with a permissible maximum weight of more than 3.5 tons on highways - no more than 90 km/h, on other roads - no more than 70 km/h;

Trailer lights and reflectors

19.1. IN dark time days and conditions insufficient visibility Regardless of the road lighting, as well as in tunnels, the following must be turned on on a moving vehicle lighting devices:
on all motor vehicles and mopeds - high or low beam headlights, on bicycles - headlights or lanterns, on horse-drawn carts— lights (if available);
on trailers and towed motor vehicles - parking lights.

Rules for transporting goods on a trailer

23. Transportation of goods

23.1. The weight of the transported cargo and the load distribution along the axles must not exceed the values ​​​​established by the manufacturer for this vehicle.

23.2. Before starting and while driving, the driver is obliged to control the placement, fastening and condition of the load in order to avoid it falling and creating obstacles to movement.

23.3. Transportation of cargo is permitted provided that it:

  • does not limit the driver's visibility;
  • does not complicate control and does not affect the stability of the vehicle;
  • does not cover external lighting devices and reflectors, registration and identification marks, and does not interfere with the perception of hand signals;
  • does not create noise, does not create dust, does not pollute the road or the environment.

If the condition and placement of the cargo do not meet the specified requirements, the driver is obliged to take measures to eliminate violations of the listed transportation rules or stop further movement.

23.4. A load protruding beyond the front and rear dimensions of the vehicle by more than 1 m or from the side by more than 0.4 m from the outer edge of the side light must be marked with identification marks “ Oversized cargo", and in the dark and in conditions of insufficient visibility, in addition, in front - a flashlight or a retroreflector white, behind - a flashlight or a red reflector.

23.5. Transportation of heavy and dangerous goods, vehicle movement, overall parameters which, with or without cargo, exceeds 2.55 m in width (2.6 m for refrigerators and isothermal bodies), 4 m in height from the roadway surface, 20 m in length (including one trailer), or the movement of the vehicle with cargo protruding beyond the rear point of the vehicle's overall dimensions by more than 2 m, as well as the movement of road trains with two or more trailers is carried out in accordance with special rules.

Fine: Article of the Code of Administrative Offenses 12.21. "Violation of cargo transportation rules, towing rules
1. Violation of the rules for the transportation of goods, as well as the rules for towing, entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.”

List of faults and conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited

3.1. The number, type, color, location and operating mode of external lighting devices do not meet the requirements of the vehicle design.

5.1. Tires passenger cars have a residual tread height of less than 1.6 mm, trucks- 1 mm, buses - 2 mm, motorcycles and mopeds - 0.8 mm. Standards are established for trailers residual height tire tread pattern, similar to the standards for tires of vehicles - tractors.
5.2. Tires have external damage(breakdowns, cuts, breaks), exposing the cord, as well as delamination of the frame, peeling of the tread and sidewall.
5.3. The fastening bolt (nut) is missing or there are cracks in the disk and wheel rims, there are visible irregularities in the shape and size of the mounting holes.
5.4. Tires by size or permissible load do not match the vehicle model.
Information about changes:
5.5. Tires are installed on one axle of the vehicle various sizes, designs (radial, diagonal, tube, tubeless), models, with different tread patterns, frost-resistant and non-frost-resistant, new and refurbished, new and with an in-depth tread pattern. The vehicle is equipped with studded and non-studded tires.

7.5. There are no rear protective devices, mudguards or mudguards provided for by the design.

7.6. The towing coupling and support coupling devices of the tractor and trailer link are faulty, and the safety cables (chains) provided for by their design are missing or faulty. There are gaps in the connections between the motorcycle frame and the side trailer frame.

7.18. Changes were made to the design of the vehicle without permission from the State Safety Inspectorate traffic Ministry of Internal Affairs Russian Federation or other bodies determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Fine: Article of the Code of Administrative Offenses 12.5. « Driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions or conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited, or a vehicle on which it is illegally installed identification mark"Disabled person"
1. Driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions or conditions under which, in accordance with the Basic Provisions for the Admission of Vehicles to Operation and Responsibilities officials to ensure road safety, operation of the vehicle is prohibited, with the exception of malfunctions and conditions specified in parts 2 - 7 of this article - entails warning or imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.

2. Driving a vehicle that is known to be faulty braking system(with the exception of parking brake), steering or coupling device (as part of a train) - entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount five hundred rubles».

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated March 2, 2009 N 185 (as amended on December 22, 2014) “On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the execution of the state function of control and supervision of compliance by road users with requirements in the field of road safety”:

"145. If a vehicle is found to be operating with a malfunction or condition included in the List of malfunctions and conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited<1>, or a malfunction provided for by the rules technical operation(for trolleybuses and trams), with the exception of those specified in parts 2 - 6 of Article 12.5 of the Code, by an employee when initiating a case about administrative offense provided for in Part 1 of Article 12.5 of the Code, The driver is asked to stop driving until the relevant malfunctions or conditions are eliminated, taking into account that the imposition of an administrative penalty does not relieve the driver from fulfilling the obligation for non-fulfillment of which administrative punishment was appointed. At the same time, parking a vehicle should not pose a threat to road safety.”

« 146. The grounds for detaining a vehicle are:
... part 2 of article 12.5 (driving a vehicle with a known faulty braking system (except for the parking brake), steering or coupling device (as part of a train)), part 1 of article 12.7 (driving a vehicle by a driver who does not have the right to drive a vehicle means (except for training driving))»

Today car trailer is a very popular attribute for a car. Summer residents, beekeepers and farm owners use the vehicle to transport crops, deliver bee colonies, poultry and livestock. Fans of racing motorcycles and ATVs use a trailer to deliver motorcycles to the competition site. And connoisseurs of water recreation successfully and quickly transport boats to bodies of water. In addition, a passenger trailer is very convenient and practical, because you can transport any cargo without spending money on carrier services and using your time for good. But in order to avoid getting into an unpleasant mess with traffic police officers, it is important to have the appropriate category of rights on your driver’s license. This is what we will talk about in this article.

Today, a passenger trailer is an integral part of an active person. The vehicle is used for transporting tourist uniforms, motorcycles and boats

The category of rights when using a passenger trailer has been and remains one of the “hottest” topics among motorists. And even if experienced drivers If they can’t really answer this question, what can we say about the newly minted? There are active discussions on this topic online. Various opinions are expressed on the forums and excerpts from official documents. Today there is so much information that it is very difficult to understand it and not get stuck in the jungle of various subtleties. Our task is to clarify and give an intelligible answer to the question: “What category of rights is needed to use a passenger trailer?”

Before moving on to clarification, it is necessary to define the basic terminology that is used in this matter.

Light trailers: terminology


Vehicle not equipped with an engine. Used together with a towing vehicle

Tractor vehicle

A vehicle used as a tug for a light trailer

Light trailer

Trailer, full mass which does not exceed 0.75 t

Heavy trailer

This trailer is equipped braking mechanism and has a total mass of more than 0.75 t

Trailer curb weight

Unloaded trailer weight. Essentially, this is the weight of the trailer + spare wheel(if included)

Permitted maximum/gross vehicle weight

Weight of the vehicle, including cargo, driver and passengers. Set by the manufacturer as the maximum permissible

Single-axle light trailer - an excellent choice for connoisseurs High Quality and affordable cost

Rules for the operation of passenger trailers

Taking into account the total weight of the vehicle, there are 4 categories of trailers:

  • O1 – passenger trailer, the total weight of which does not exceed 750 kg;
  • O2 – passenger trailer, permitted maximum weight of which 0.75 - 3.5 tons;
  • O3 – vehicles weighing up to 10 tons;
  • O4 – vehicle weighing more than 10 tons.

Answering a question regarding the category driver's license to use a trailer, we note that the lightest vehicles (weighing up to 0.75 tons) can be used by those drivers who have license category “B”. A similar rule applies to categories “C”, “C1”, “D”, “D1”. Those. a pressing issue for car owners of any age and experience has been resolved: if the permissible maximum weight of a passenger trailer is 750 kg or less, subcategory “E” is not necessary.

If the total weight of the road train (car + passenger trailer) does not exceed 3500 kg for the above categories of driver’s licenses, subcategory “E” is not needed. However, there is the following nuance.

The “E” license subcategory is not needed if the maximum weight of the car combined with the maximum weight of the trailer does not exceed 3.5 tons. In this case, the driver only needs to have a category “B” license to drive a road train. The only condition is that the weight of the unloaded vehicle does not exceed. Those. if the weight of the road train is not higher than 3.5 tons, the driver only needs to have category “B”.

Those. If the gross weight of a passenger trailer is greater than or equal to 3.5 tons, the driver’s license must bear the BE/CE/DE mark.

Category of rights “B”: when is it enough?

We have already written above that a category “B” license is a sufficient basis for using a road train consisting of a car and a trailer with a permissible maximum weight of up to 750 kg.

Those. a driver with a category “B” license can use the trailer for his own needs, despite the fact that the weight of the road train is more than 3500 kg. For example, owners Toyota Land Cruiser (max weight 3350 kg) has the right to operate a passenger trailer weighing up to 0.75 tons, having category “B” license in the license.

In addition, a car owner with a category “B” license can use a road train consisting of a car (license category “B”) and a passenger trailer with a maximum permitted weight of over 750 kg. The only condition is that the weight of the trailer should not exceed the weight of the loaded car. The total weight of the car and trailer does not exceed 3.5 tons.

For example, owners Ford Focus can transport a passenger trailer with a permitted weight of no more than 1300 kg. Since the curb weight of the car is 1320 kg, the driver only needs to have a category “B” license, because the total weight does not exceed 3.5 tons.

If your case does not fall under any of the described options, then you need to additionally open the “BE” category.

If the trailer weight does not exceed 750 kg, then you do not need subcategory “E”

Driving trailers of categories O3 and O4

The operation of trailers of categories O3 and O4 is regulated by Federal Law N 196-FZ “On Road Safety”. The weight of these trailers exceeds 3.5 tons. To drive such “heavyweights”, the driver, of course, is not enough to have category “B”. For other categories of rights in mandatory there must be a subcategory “E”. We would like to draw the attention of motorists to the fact that for categories “C1E” and “D1E”, the total weight of the car should not exceed 12 thousand kg, and the total weight of the trailer should not exceed the weight of the unloaded car.

What are the consequences of not having the necessary category of rights?

Unfortunately, modern drivers often neglect the rules and use trailers without the appropriate category. But while beginners can still do this, experienced drivers endanger not only themselves and their passengers, but also other road users. Unfortunately, non-compliance with standards when transporting cargo that does not correspond to the tonnage of trailers, used and faulty trailers becomes cause of the accident on Russian roads too often.

Therefore, if you operate a passenger trailer without the proper “BE” category, the law considers such a circumstance as driving without a license. This threatens the car owner with a fine of 5,000-15,000 rubles. In addition, the traffic police officer will remove the driver from driving the road train and send him to a penalty parking lot.

Car trailer: important documentation

In addition to the corresponding category of rights, several more important documents must be issued for a passenger trailer, without which the use of the vehicle is illegal:

  • Registration with the traffic police is carried out at the place of residence of the owner. Registration is required no later than 10 days from the date of purchase of the trailer. Registration includes, among other things, obtaining a license plate and a certificate;
  • inspection of a passenger trailer - depending on the age of the vehicle, the frequency of maintenance is determined.

An article about the rules for traveling in a car with a trailer. Towing a trailer, driving features. At the end of the article there is a video about driving with a tow hitch.

The content of the article:

Driving with a trailer requires not only compliance with traffic regulations and increased attention on the road, but also a certain skill. A road train, even a passenger one, always presents certain difficulties, such as difficult maneuvering, increased consumption fuel, unexpected jerks and trailer sway. Not to mention the restrictions prescribed in the traffic rules. Therefore, the tractor driver will have to observe some subtleties of behavior on the road and better familiarize himself with them in advance.

General rules for towing a trailer hitch

  1. Towing a trailer with a low load capacity is permitted to drivers who have a license of categories “B”, “C”, “D”.
  2. A driver who has received category “B” has the right to use a tow hitch only if it is Weight Limit below the weight of the vehicle with equipment. Moreover, the total weight of the car and trailer should not exceed 3500 kg.
  3. The towbar must be equipped with side lights, turn signals, and brake lights.
  4. To transport a trailer, the vehicle must be equipped with a trailer hitch, towing device or, as it is commonly called, a towbar. The hitch can be of two types: a fixing loop and a metal hook with a 50 mm (according to the RF standard) ball on the top.
  5. If the dimensions of the trailer exceed the dimensions of the tractor, then the latter must be equipped with rear-view mirrors on holders longer than standard ones.
  6. When towing, be sure to have wheel chocks to support the wheels, in case you have to stop on a sloped road.
  7. Transporting people in trailers is strictly prohibited.
  8. The speed of the tractor-trailer should not exceed 90 km/h on the highway and 70 km/h on all other roads.
  9. The driver must have the registration documents for the trailer with him.
  10. Transportation is not allowed if the cargo:
    • interferes with visibility and control of the vehicle;
    • closes signal lights;
    • covers registration signs;
    • interferes with the movement of other vehicles; creates excessive noise, dust cloud, etc.;
    • disrupts the stability of the vehicle.

Preparing for the trip. Inspection and loading

Before focusing on the technology of driving a road train, you should make sure that the trailer meets safety regulations and the cargo is stowed as expected.

Inspecting and preparing the trailer for towing

Check the hitch elements

The lock must work properly, that is, it must securely fix the connection elements.
Safety cables or chains must also be securely fixed in place.
If there is play between the towbar ball and the hitch assembly, it must be eliminated.

Lubricate the tow bar

Applied before travel graphite grease(if the trailer hitch needs it) will reduce the intensity of friction of the coupling elements, and also increase the reliability of the electrical contact between the car and the trailer.

Check bearing operation

To identify any problems (or lack thereof), you need to lift the trailer and spin the wheels.

If they malfunction, the trailer will “wobble” while moving, and this will create certain difficulties in control and may cause the vehicle train to skid.

Check the warning lights

Make sure they work properly and without interruption.

Check tire pressure

Level if necessary. The tire pressure should not be different.

Trailer loading features

  1. Study the documents for the trailer and operate it in accordance with the instructions. Among other things, it states maximum load capacity specific model.
  2. The load must be positioned in such a way that its weight is evenly distributed over the entire area, and the center of gravity is located above the axis.
  3. The bulk of the load must not be concentrated on the front of the trailer. In this case, the load falls on the coupling unit, which does not have the best effect on its functioning and provokes rapid wear of parts.
    Some believe that this makes the connection between the car and the trailer more reliable, but this is a dangerous misconception. Under prolonged exposure to loads, the area of ​​the body to which the tow bar is attached becomes deformed and destroyed. In addition, such a position of the load worsens the vehicle's handling, since the front wheels rise, losing contact with the vehicle. road surface. And the pressure on the rear ones, on the contrary, increases, increasing the intensity of friction.
  4. Shifting the load to the tail is also dangerous, only in this case the “stern” of the car rises and contact with the road is lost rear wheels. And this is a huge minus for safety. And the wheels won’t thank you under such uneven loads.
  5. Find out which maximum load possible on the towbar of your vehicle. Most often, it should not exceed 50 kg, however, the range of restrictions for different models The car is quite impressive, from 30 to 90 kg.
  6. Secure the load using special straps. Ordinary ropes can not only fray, but also stretch, which will lead to loss of cargo. IN best case scenario this will not harm other road users, only the owner’s wallet.
  7. Keep in mind that the higher the center of gravity in the vertical plane, the more likely it is that the trailer will sway while driving. This affects the handling of the car, and in some situations the towbar may even tip over (usually the cause is a road with holes and ruts).

Features of driving a passenger car with a trailer

Even an empty trailer affects the behavior of the car, not to mention a loaded one. This should be remembered throughout the journey, no matter whether you are traveling with or without a load. This does not change the rules of conduct.

Things to consider:

  1. Sharp acceleration and braking are unacceptable, since the presence of a trailer impairs the vehicle’s maneuverability and cross-country ability. The braking distance of the road train also increases.
  2. Throughout the towing process, regularly check the condition of the load and its securement. If you still risk tying it with ordinary ropes, then checks should be made more often, and the inspection should be carried out very carefully.
  3. The start of movement should be smooth. Sudden jerks will not speed up the process, but will only lead to slipping and excessive fuel consumption. And this is fraught with consequences - the tires wear out, the coupling device is subjected to increased loads, the transmission may be damaged.
  4. Even the simplest maneuver with a trailer becomes difficult. Parking, overtaking, trying to change lanes, traffic lights, driving along crowded city streets - all this presents certain difficulties. If you need to travel around the city for some time, then at least try to choose a time when the streets are minimally busy, for example, late evening or early morning.
  5. When overtaking, you should remember that for a successful maneuver you need to have a sufficient margin of distance. The same applies to the braking of a road train.
  6. Try to avoid overtaking whenever possible. Especially if you are new to driving a car with a tail. This complex maneuver, and with a lack of experience it can be dangerous.
  7. Take into account the tendency of the trailer to roll onto the vehicle (the so-called folding effect). When turning, this can cause the vehicle to skid, so you need to brake early and smoothly. If a skid has already occurred, then you can even out the movement by increasing the speed.
  8. Maintain a distance in front of both the car in front and the one you are overtaking.
  9. Strong gusts of wind can also sway the trailer and cause poor handling.
  10. When making turns (especially sharp ones), it should be taken into account that the radius of movement of the wheels of the towbar is less than the radius of movement of the wheels of the car.
  11. High speed often causes trailer sway.


Skills come with practice. Over time, the driver learns to “feel” not the car separately, but the entire combination. If you have doubts about your abilities, then some maneuvers can be practiced on some deserted road or suitable area.

The greatest difficulties usually arise when driving a trailer in reverse into a gate, garage, etc. It is advisable to practice this skill in advance, since at first it is very difficult to calculate the trajectory of movement.

Undoubtedly, from the presence of a trailer, the car receives additional load. This causes some car components to wear out faster. Of course, it matters what kind of engine the car has. After all, an SUV, a jet ski and a class “C” sedan have different capabilities.

Can a driver with category B take a trailer in 2017-18?

If we look at the current legislation, then a driver with category “B” can take a trailer if the towed trailer weighs no more than 750 kg or if the loaded vehicle weighs no less than the load on the trailer. The permitted maximum weight in this case is no more than three thousand five hundred kilograms.

Can trailers be used for each vehicle? This is possible if the loaded vehicle weighs more than the load on the trailer. And the trailer hitch unit with technical side can be installed on any machine.

To use a trailer, the vehicle is retrofitted. A towbar is installed on it, and additional electrical wiring is installed for lighting devices (brake lights, turn signals).

When placing cargo, you also need to take into account some rules. It is necessary that it is correctly laid on the surface without overweight in one direction. If the center of gravity moves to the front, a load will be created for coupling device and the entire rear of the car. This will cause the wheels to have poor adhesion to the asphalt.

If the load moves to back, then the rear wheels on the car will rise slightly.

Drivers should also be aware that it is not allowed to transport a person in a trailer, since it is intended only for things, even if it is a caravan trailer. It is prohibited to transport explosive and flammable materials, such as household gas cylinders, gasoline in a canister. Despite this, many drivers transport these items in trailers, and it is rare for a police officer to find fault with this. But only if you transport one cylinder at a time, and not ten. Otherwise, wait for legal braking.

How to use a trailer if your license is without category E

If the driver does not have category “E” on his license, but only “B”, then he will have to take into account some rules for driving on the street with a trailer. He will be able to carry it only if the cargo weighs less than seven hundred and fifty kilograms. Also, as mentioned above, it depends on the weight of the assembled car.

When choosing a trailer for a vehicle, you need to determine for what purpose it will be used. Some people need this car to transport boards and bricks, others need it for a boat or jet ski or mobile home. When purchasing this device, you need to find out about its technical specifications and make an assessment of the future cargo so that it can be transported with rights with category “B”.

It also doesn’t hurt to read the car’s instructions to find out what the maximum weight of the towed car must be. Whether it has brakes or not.

Do you need a license and category for a trailer for a car?

When driving with a loaded trailer, the vehicle's acceleration dynamics decrease and braking distance. This moment must be taken into account when braking or overtaking.

Braking should be smooth even for a loaded or empty trailer. Distance must be maintained on the road. If you need to turn, you should reduce your speed before performing this maneuver. If the driver brakes jerkily, the load will skid to the side or the car itself. The driver must be aware of these points in order to avoid an accident. He may not have a special category of license if the cargo does not exceed certain sizes.

When the car is moving with high speed, the trailer begins to rock in different directions. According to traffic rules, a car must move at a speed not exceeding ninety kilometers per hour if it is driving on a highway and seventy kilometers per hour on a city road.

A car with an attached load is difficult to change lanes on the roads, park and maneuver. It can be quite difficult to do reverse. In addition, rear visibility is impaired from a large trailer.

Even in the salon mirror it can be difficult to see something. If necessary, an additional caravan mirror can be installed to show rear view. Its installation is carried out on the car hood or on standard mirrors showing rear visibility.

Also, according to traffic rules, visibility should not be limited due to the load, and the vehicle should not lose its stability. The load must not interfere with the illumination of external lighting devices and reflectors. While driving, the driver transporting cargo should not lose the ability to control the vehicle. From the transported cargo the road and environment should not be contaminated with dust and various substances.

Video: is it possible to drive with a trailer with category B

Greetings, friends!

There are many situations in the life of a car owner when his car becomes scarce. Therefore, to save resources (money, time) they use trailers, which are essentially universal. Country house? Fishing? Mini move? Repair? You need a trailer!

But to use it, you need not only the skills to drive a road train, but also an understanding of what permitting documents you need for this. Do I need a category for a passenger trailer? Is there a penalty for his driving without a category? I will answer these and other questions in this article. Ilya Kulik is with you, let's go!

A passenger trailer (LP) is motor vehicle without an engine, used to move in clutch with a car.

Trailers are classified into single-axle and two-axle. Understanding the features of these types will help you choose a trailer that is optimally suited depending on your personal purposes for using it:

  • Uniaxial easier to manage due to their lighter weight.
  • Biaxial allow you to transport heavier loads (for example, a motorcycle, ATV, etc.).

The stability of the train and the trajectory of movement when turning depend on the load distribution.

Example correct distribution the load on the LP is shown in the video:

Why a LP may be required becomes immediately clear when it is necessary to transport something heavy or bulky. It is usually used in the following situations:
  • On travel. Autotourism involves carrying a lot of things with you: tents, sleeping bags, food supplies, etc.
  • In the field types of recreation: trips to pick mushrooms, fishing, hunting.
  • For active recreation: transportation of bicycles, boats, motorcycles.
  • In country houses and farms: in addition to reducing the number of trips back and forth, a caravan will help keep the interior of the car clean and not shabby.
  • In progress: for transportation of various tools, equipment, materials.
  • On mini-moves: for transporting heavy and large items, it is better to use a cargo gazelle, but for transporting boxes of things and not very bulky items, a cargo carrier will be the optimal solution.

Using a trailer is very convenient in many cases, but we should not forget that driving a road train is much more difficult than driving an unladen car. Controllability is affected by:

  • Load distribution.
  • Speed.
  • Length of automobile rolling stock.
  • Driving technique.
  • Road surface.
  • Wind and other weather conditions.

In general, driving a road train is much more difficult than passenger car, hence the increased risk of an emergency.

For a selection of accidents associated with loss of control of a road train, watch the video:

Is there a special category for car trailers?

Do you need a license for a car trailer? Let's figure it out. In a driver's license, the category for driving a passenger car is indicated by the letter B. In some cases, when the trailer meets the legally specified parameters, you can drive a passenger road train on the basis of a group B license. Therefore, we can talk about special category rights to the drug are unlawful.

In other words, there is no special category E for a caravan. However, in many sources subcategory E is called category, which is just a colloquial expression and creates confusion. In fact, subcategory E is registered in the VU exclusively as a prefix to the main category. For a passenger car this is BE.

Category BE - what is it?

BE is a mark on a car license, which means the opening of a special subcategory that allows driving passenger cars coupled with trailers weighing over 750 kg and the total weight of the road train exceeding 3500 kg.

To obtain the BE subcategory, you must undergo training at a driving school, master the theoretical part, acquire practical skills and ultimately pass exams. When assigned the rank BE, a new driver's license is issued, which means that to obtain it you need to take a photo, a medical certificate and collect.

Due to the fact that the service for obtaining a driving license for driving a road train is relatively unpopular, the exam for the VE subcategory is taken 1-2 times a month, depending on the region. Therefore, if you are planning a “vacation on wheels”, make sure to obtain a permit in advance.

When do you need category E to category B?

Car trailers are divided into 4 groups depending on weight:

  • O1– weighing no more than 750 kg.
  • O2– weight ranges from 750 to 3500 kg.
  • O3– up to 10 tons.
  • O4– more than 10 tons.

Obviously, only trailers of the first and second groups are classified as passenger cars. Moreover, for group O1, category B is sufficient, regardless of the total weight of the road train.

To use a trailer of group O2, that is, heavier than 750 kg, it is most often necessary to undergo theoretical and practical training, as well as pass an exam.

An exception to the rule: even if the weight of the trailer is more than 750 kg, but does not exceed the weight of the car without load and the total weight of the road train is not more than 3500 kg, a Group B license is sufficient to drive a car with a license.

Which trailer requires category E?

  • With maximum permissible weight more than 750 kg.
  • With greater mass than the weight of the car without load.
  • At total weight road trains over 3500 kg.

What trailers can be transported with category B

In accordance with paragraph b) of Art. 25 Government Resolution (PP) No. 1097 of October 24, 2014 and Art. 25 Federal Law No. 196, driver category B allows driving cars:

  • Maximum weight up to 3.5 tons with a number of seats no more than 8 (not counting the driver’s seat) - this is the so-called category B car.
  • Category B, coupled to a trailer weighing no more than 750 kg.
  • Category B, coupled to a trailer weighing more than 750 kg, but not more than the weight of the vehicle without load. The total weight of such a composition should not exceed 3.5 tons.

Permitted trailer weight for category B

In order to drive a road train based on driver category B, the trailer must meet three conditions:

  1. Its maximum the permitted weight must not exceed 750 kg.
  2. Its mass should not exceed the unladen weight of the vehicle.
  3. Total weight The LP and the vehicle should not exceed 3500 kg. That is, if the car itself weighs 3500 kg, traction with even the lightest trailer will entail the need to obtain a license for a vehicle.

Light trailer: new rules for category B

There are several specific traffic rules for road trains:

  1. Maximum speed its speed is 70 km/h on the highway and 90 km/h on the highway (paragraph 3 of clause 10.3 of the traffic rules).
  2. Lack of license plate on a trailer leads to a fine of 5,000 rubles or deprivation of driving license for a period of 1-3 months (Clause 2 of Article 12.2 of the Administrative Code).
  3. Registration certificate you must carry it with you on the trailer and present it to the traffic police officer based on the requirements of clause 2.1.1 of the traffic rules. The fine for not having documents for a vehicle is 500 rubles. At the discretion of the traffic police officer, you can get off with a warning (Clause 1, Article 12.3 of the Administrative Code).
  4. Rear markers the lights must work on the trailer (clause 19.1 of the traffic rules).
  5. In case of an accident a car and a trailer are counted as one vehicle.
  6. Obtaining insurance You do not need a separate MTPL policy for your trailer.

Category BE in new rights

Previously, in automobile licenses, category E was distinguished as an independent category and was intended for trucks with trailers. At the beginning of the 21st century, it became accompanying, meaning the right to drive a specific type of vehicle with a trailer and was designated as follows: E to B, E to C, etc.

After accepting the new sample driver's license(after March 1, 2011) symbol became what we know today: BE, SE, etc.

November 5, 2013 in Art. 25 Federal Law No. 196, changes were fixed in existing driving categories, and new subcategories were introduced: A1, B1, C1, D1.

If in your old license you had categories B and E, when you replace it with new rights in addition to BE, you will also be assigned additional subcategories. The new certificate will have categories B, B1, BE, M.

What is the punishment if the driver does not have a trailer category?

When driving a road train, you must be prepared to meet traffic police inspectors. If you have a category B license, carefully check and calculate the legality of driving such a vehicle. If you make a mistake in the calculations, the consequences will not be very pleasant: driving a vehicle of a different category than indicated in the driving license is equivalent to driving without a license.

What fine, if there is no category for the trailer, is imposed on the culprit, is established by clause 1 of Art. 12.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation - such an offense entails a penalty in the amount of 5,000 to 15,000 rubles.

In order to understand whether subcategory BE is necessary for a car with a trailer, you need to know the weight restrictions of rolling stock and its elements, and the rules for its calculation.

Autotrain parameters Maximum permissible weight car Weight without load Trailer weight
Example 1 2000 kg1500 kg1300 kg

1. Trailer weight less vehicle weight without load.

2. Sum components of rolling stock, namely: 2000 kg + 1300 kg = 3300 kg does not exceed 3500 kg.

The necessary conditions for the vehicle to belong to category B have been met; therefore, to drive a car with a trailer of the specified parameters, a driver’s license of category B is sufficient.

Example 2 3200 kg2500 kg700 kg
SolutionThe sum of the components of the rolling stock is 3500 kg (3200 + 700 = 3900 kg). Despite this, under the given conditions, category B is sufficient, since the weight of the trailer does not exceed 750 kg.
Example 3 1000 kg800 kg850 kg
SolutionThe weight of the trailer is more than 750 kg, and also exceeds the weight of the car without load - therefore a BE category license is required.

Important! The permissible maximum weight of the vehicle is written in clause 14 of the PTS, the unloaded weight is written in clause 15.

What documents are needed for a passenger trailer?

The drug refers to vehicles, which means that for its use you need:

  • Registration certificate A vehicle that must be received from the traffic police within 10 days after purchase.
  • Number state registration sign.

Attention! For individuals, who own a vehicle weighing no more than 3500 kg from January 1, 2012, no maintenance is required for the trailer! This provision is approved in paragraph 4 of Art. 32 Federal Law No. 170 dated July 1, 2011.

Attention! A homemade trailer also needs to be registered with the traffic police, but the procedure will be more complicated due to the need to assess the vehicle’s compliance by an accredited testing laboratory.

What problems may arise when driving a trailer?

Above, I described under what conditions driver’s category B is sufficient to drive a road train. In a situation where the trailer weighs no more than 750 kg, no one has any questions: both car owners and the traffic police understand that category B gives the right to drive such a train. The situation is different with another condition for the use of category B, namely: when the trailer weighs more than 750 kg, but less than the weight of the car without load and the total weight of the train is no more than 3500 kg.

Sometimes traffic police officers persistently pretend that they are not aware of this condition and threaten with a fine. I know this first-hand, since I myself once encountered such arbitrariness (there’s no other way to call it).

Our dialogue with the inspector continued for about half an hour, but he never received a “bonus” on his salary from me: I am well acquainted with the rules and restrictions for driving a car with trailers, I behaved confidently and was not at all afraid of the threat of a fine, since the law was on me side.

I’ll tell you about another problem that I learned about from my friend. He drove it on a trailer motor boat to go on a river trip with the family. An employee of the mobile traffic police post stops him. After demonstrating documents for the car and trailer, the inspector requested documents for the boat!

Based on what? “Well, a boat is a vehicle,” the inspector said as he walked. The situation clearly shows that employees road service may not be fully aware of the standards of their home department regulating the work of the inspector.

In fact, the traffic police inspector does have the right to stop you to check documents for the vehicle and the cargo being transported, but only at stationary traffic police posts, checkpoints and police control posts. This position is fixed in paragraphs. g) clause 13.7 of Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 297 of April 20, 1999 (hereinafter referred to as the Order). In the example I described, such a requirement was illegal.

This time everything ended without losses, if we talk about money. But not all motorists know about such subtleties. Therefore, friends, be careful! Sometimes traffic police officers may make unlawful demands out of ignorance or try to take someone out of fear in the hope of getting a bribe.

Attention! You must present documents not only for the vehicle, but also for the cargo being transported at the request of a traffic police officer if you are stopped at a stationary traffic police post, at a checkpoint or police checkpoint.

I will describe other cases when the traffic police can quite legally make claims against you regarding the cargo being transported:

  1. Load limits the driver's visibility makes it difficult to control the vehicle (Section 23.4 of the Traffic Regulations).
  2. The load protrudes for vehicle dimensions of more than 1 m in front and rear or more than 0.4 m from the side, and the road train does not have a special identification sign “Large cargo” (clause 23.5 of the Traffic Regulations).
  3. Wanted Vehicle or transported cargo (clause 13.7 of the Order). In this case, you may be stopped to check your documents, including those for the cargo being transported. If you don’t have them with you, then you will be detained until the ownership of the cargo is established and may even be taken to the local police department until clarification. But remember - without the appropriate guidance, the requirement to present documents is illegal.

It remains to add that sometimes it turns out to be more expensive for yourself to prove that you are right - it is easier to present documents and continue to follow your course. Therefore, see for yourself how it is more convenient for you to act - you now have the necessary knowledge.

Finally, let me remind you that the technique of driving a road train is specific.

Some useful tips about driving a trailer, watch the video:

Let's sum it up

  1. Light trailers There are single-axis and two-axis. The choice depends on the purpose of use.
  2. Range of applications There is a wide range of uses for caravans, but it is important to understand that special knowledge and skills are required to use them.
  3. Special category does not exist on the LP: depending on the specific parameters of the vehicle composition, a license of category B or BE may be suitable.
  4. To get a subcategory BE You must undergo training and pass an exam.
  5. Driver's license upon receipt new category will have to change.
  6. Maximum speed movement when driving a road train is 20 km/h less than when driving without a trailer.
  7. To drive a car In many cases, with a trailer, category B is sufficient.
  8. If exceeded the legally established mass of a trailer or the entire vehicle rolling stock, it is necessary to obtain subcategory BE.
  9. Upon purchase Within 10 days, the drug must be registered with the traffic police and receive a license plate.
  10. Insure You don't need a separate trailer.


A trailer helps in many life situations: at work and at leisure. However, it can also become a source of trouble when illegal use. If you have purchased a light trailer weighing up to 750 kg, there is nothing to worry about - category B is enough for you.

If it weighs more, don’t rush to run to a driving school, use examples of calculating the mass of rolling stock: it is quite possible that you will not need to obtain an additional category.

Let us know in the comments if you use a light trailer and how you determined whether you needed to get an additional subcategory. Share information with friends and subscribe to updates. Ilya Kulik was with you. Good luck on the roads!