A complete transcript of all categories of driver's license. What does AS mean on a driver's license? Deciphering new categories of driver's licenses

The category of a driver's license indicates a specific category of vehicles on the basis of which the owner who has this license can drive them. Driving a vehicle that does not fall into a certain driving category is considered driving without a license.

Disciplinary sanctions for such an offense vary within from 5000 to 15000 rubles. Some categories driver's license Since last year, 2015, there have been minor changes. Therefore, to avoid unpleasant situations, every future driver needs to first familiarize himself with the new amendments.

The 2016 driver's license contains all necessary information about the owner of the vehicle. This document can be used as a document confirming the identity of the driver. He contains the following information:

  • Place and date of birth;
  • The date the certificate was issued;
  • Validity;
  • Name of the organization that issued the rights;
  • Certificate number;
  • Signature of the future driver;
  • Photo;
  • List of categories;
  • Additional Information.

All entries on a driver's license are written in Cyrillic. Otherwise, the entry must be duplicated in Latin.

What is a new driver's license?

Driver's license contains information from both sides. The front part of the document contains personal information about the drivers, and the back side contains a breakdown of the categories of the new driver’s license. Here are the types of transport that are available future driver will be able to drive after successfully passing the exam.

Front side of the ID

At the top the name of the document is written and the territory of the subject where the document was issued is indicated. On the left side there is a color photo of the driver, size 3x4. If the owner of the vehicle has any vision problems, then he must be photographed wearing glasses, but they should not have tinted glass.

Also, the driver in the photo must not be wearing a hat, with the exception of people who are required to regularly wear hats according to religious beliefs. Under the photo the driver is signed.

The full name is indicated on the right side. The owner’s date of birth is also indicated here. Information presented in Russian is then duplicated in English. Here on the front of the certificate it is indicated who issued the document, as well as its number and series. The region of residence is also indicated here. The category of license for which the driver was trained is indicated in the lower front part.

back side

On the back of the license on the left side there is a barcode, which also contains information about the driver. Almost all the remaining space is occupied by a plate with categories. Categories that are relevant to the owner of a particular vehicle are marked with a special mark. The validity period of the document is also indicated here. Below the table there may be Additional Information. In some cases it is put experience driver's control .

What driving categories are there?

For most types of vehicles, you must undergo separate training to obtain a driver’s license. But there are subcategories that open in automatic mode. For example, a vehicle classified as M is suitable for driving all categories of driver's license. That is, it can be driven by drivers with licenses of any category of vehicle.

How are driver license categories deciphered?

A - allows you to drive motorcycles equipped with a side trailer or just a motorcycle without a trailer. Total curb weight of this type of transport should not be more than 400 kg. Moreover, it can be two-wheeled, three-wheeled or four-wheeled.

B - allow you to drive a car or minibus weighing no more than 3.5 tons. The availability of seats for passengers should not exceed 8 pieces. In addition, it allows you to drive a car with a trailer, the curb weight of which must not exceed 750 kg.

C - for driving a car weighing over 3500 kg and a trailer weighing no more than 750 kg.

D - gives the right to transport people on a bus with passenger seats, the number of which exceeds 8 pieces. In addition, the bus can be additionally equipped with a trailer weighing up to 750 kg.

M - gives the right to drive a moped and ATV. To get it, it is enough to open any other one.

Tm and Tb - allow you to drive trams and trolleybuses. This relatively new species, appearing on driver's licenses. Previously, standard licenses included marks for this.

BE is an additional type for driving vehicles from category B, equipped with an additional trailer weighing more than 750 kg.

CE - almost similar to the previous category. Only in in this case allowed to drive vehicle from category C and a trailer weighing from 750 to 3500 kg.

DE - for driving a bus with more than eight seats. Wherein this type transport can be additionally equipped with a trailer weighing from 750 kg to 3.5 tons.

Subcategories of driving license

A1 is required to control motorcycles whose engine power is from 50-125 cubic centimeters. As a rule, these are scooters.

B1 - allows you to drive vehicles whose empty weight does not exceed 550 kg. maximum speed traffic 50 km/h. A license in this category is required to drive a tricycle and ATV.

C1 - required to drive a vehicle whose weight varies from 3500 to 7500 kg. In addition, it can be equipped with a trailer weighing no more than 750 kg. A license of this category is not suitable for driving cars from category D.

C1E - necessary for driving vehicles weighing from 3.5 to 7.5 tons. Cars can also be equipped with a trailer weighing up to 750 kg. The total weight of the entire vehicle should not exceed 12 tons.

D1 - allows you to drive a vehicle for transporting passengers with a capacity of up to sixteen people. In addition, it allows you to control such machines with trailer up to 750 kg.

D1E - for vehicles that belong to D, but if necessary with a trailer weighing more than 750 kg. But, if the mass (curb) does not exceed 12 tons.

What does it take to open a new category?

To obtain a new category of driver's license, you will need to complete a training course and then pass exams. Quite often you need to open B with an already existing C. The same need may arise when opening A with an already open B. Please note that to open a new category there are certain time frames. Thus:

  • To receive an E, a driver must have at least a year of driving experience in B, C or D.
  • To receive a D or E, the driver must have at least a year of experience with an open D.

It is also possible to issue a special category of driver's license, which is intended exclusively for driving cars. with automatic transmission. If you need to change to a car with manual transmission, you will need to first pass a practice exam.

Driving license category is a designation used to indicate the group of vehicles that the license holder can drive. One license may provide the ability to drive passenger cars, and the other - to be behind the wheel. freight transport.

A new driver’s license and a decoding of all categories is the main topic of the article, thanks to a careful study of which every car enthusiast will be able to find answers to his questions.

What information is required on a driver's license?

  • Last name and first name of the owner;
  • Year, place of birth;
  • Date of issue of the document, expiration date of the certificate;
  • Number of issued rights;
  • Name of the organization that issued the document, stamp;
  • Owner's image, signature;
  • Categories of rights;
  • Additional information typically associated with the owner of the identity.

All information is written in Cyrillic. If letters of another alphabet are used, then the transliteration in Latin must be written next to it.

What categories of driver's licenses exist in 2016?

“A” – provides the ability to control a motorcycle. In accordance with paragraph 1 of the Road Traffic Rules, a motorcycle is a two-wheeled vehicle that can be equipped with a side trailer. Three-wheeled and four-wheeled vehicles are placed on a par with this type of transport if their curb weight does not exceed 400 kg.

“A1” is a subcategory of a driver’s license, which also provides the ability to drive a motorcycle. They differ from the previous ones in that the power of the vehicle should vary in the range from 50 to 125 cubic meters. cm, while maximum power should not exceed 11 kW. In other words, category A1 driving license is intended for driving scooters.

“B” – a driver’s license, giving him the right to drive a passenger car if its weight is no more than 3.5 tons, and the number of seats is not taken into account driver's seat does not exceed 8. Using the rights of the category in question, it is permitted to drive a vehicle whose weight does not exceed 3.5 tons, and the weight of the trailer (if any) does not exceed 750 kg. In accordance with paragraph 1 Trailer traffic rules is a mechanical device not equipped with an engine, intended to move with vehicles. With such a license, you can even drive minibuses if they meet the characteristics mentioned above.

“B1” is a driver’s license that allows you to drive a three- or four-wheeled vehicle. It is important to comply with the condition - its weight should not exceed 550 kg. If the vehicle is equipped with an engine internal combustion, then its volume should not be more than 50 cubic meters. see. Therefore, category B1 in the driver’s license also provides the opportunity to be in the driver’s seat when operating an ATV. As for the special subcategory - “BE”, it is intended for driving passenger cars, if the mass of the latter is not 750 kg.

“C” – having a license from this category in hand, the driver can drive by mechanical means, whose mass is more than 3.5 tons. With their presence, you cannot drive passenger cars, even if their weight is no more than 3.5 tons.

“C1” - excludes cars belonging to category D. The weight of the vehicle that can be driven with them should vary from 3.5 to 7.5 tons. The possibility of coupling with a trailer is provided if its weight does not exceed 750 kg. If the driver has a C license, then he can drive vehicles classified as C1.

“C1E” - gives the right to drive a vehicle that belongs to group C1, if its weight is not less than 3.5 tons, and not more than 7.5 tons, coupled with a trailer, if the weight of the latter is more than 750 kg, but less than the weight of the car. The main condition for such a composition is not to exceed total weight trailer and car 12 tons. Drivers who have a CE license can drive vehicles of group C1E.

“D” – driving vehicles whose main purpose is to transport people, equipped with more than 8 seats. A license in this category provides the ability to drive a car with a trailer, if the weight of the latter does not exceed 750 kg. This group includes various buses.

“D1” – vehicles intended for transporting people and having more than 8 places to accommodate them, but not more than 16. The use of a trailer weighing up to 750 kg is permitted.

“DE” – vehicles of the previous group coupled to a trailer, if its weight is from 750 kg to 3.5 tons. This category includes articulated buses.

“D1E” – driving vehicles equipped with a trailer, if its weight does not exceed 750 kg. In this case, the mass of the transport train should not be more than 12 tons. It is important that the trailer is not intended to carry passengers. If the driver's license has a category DE, then the category in question opens automatically.

“E” – despite the fact that it is assigned to the main categories, it is not applied today.

“Tm” and “Tb” are rights with which you can operate a tram and trolleybus. Previously, such categories were not provided as a separate column.

What is required to obtain a driver's license?

To obtain a driver's license of the categories listed above, you will need to undergo training at a driving school, and then pass an exam on knowledge of the rules traffic. To attend classes, you will need to collect a package of documents. These include:

After the package of documents has been collected, it must be submitted to the driving school. Tuition is paid in full in one payment or in part if students are offered installments.

After completing the training you will be required to take an exam. It consists of three parts:

  1. Theory. Each examinee is called by name into the room with computers. The duration of the survey is 20 minutes. The number of possible errors is 2. If the exam is passed, the examinee is sent to the test site.
  2. Area. It requires you to demonstrate practical skills and perform techniques, for example, starting up a hill with the handbrake, demonstrating a U-turn.
  3. City. The student and the inspector go on a trip by car, and the examinee must not violate traffic rules. The number of penalty points that can be received does not exceed 5. Otherwise, the exam is considered failed.

Age to obtain a driver's license

To obtain a certain category of rights, you must reach a certain age:

  • To drive M and A1 vehicles, it is enough to be 16 years old;
  • To drive vehicles, A must be of legal age;
  • Training in a driving school can take place from the age of 17, but you will only be able to obtain a license at the age of 18, and this can be done immediately on your birthday;
  • The rules established for “B” apply to category C rights;
  • Studying and obtaining B1 and C1 certificates only from the age of eighteen;
  • D, D1, Tm, Tb – training can only take place from the age of 21.

Many Russian citizens, living in one locality, have a residence permit in another country, but want to get a driver’s license. Most driving schools provide them with this opportunity, but at the same time the requirements for the content of the package of documents change. It will additionally need to include a certificate of temporary registration and a certificate from the permanent place of residence stating that the citizen has not previously studied at a driving school and has not been deprived of his rights.

The new driver's license from 2016 can be used not only to drive vehicles in Russia, but also in the territory of other states that have joined the Vienna Convention of 1968. In accordance with the provisions of this document, participating countries undertake to recognize the driving licenses of other participants.

Driver's license categories - the type of transport that the owner of this document is allowed to drive. Today there are six main and four additional categories. There are also special varieties that allow you to drive vehicles with a trailer.

A category B driver's license allows you to drive passenger cars. At the same time, not allowing driving buses or minibuses. For such types of transport there is a separate category of rights. The driver can only drive those types of vehicles listed on his license. If these requirements are not met, he faces a fine of up to fifteen thousand rubles.

What is indicated on a driver's license?

The new type of driver's license contains complete information about its owner. The ID is often used as a document that can be used to confirm the driver’s identity. It contains the following information:

  • Driver's initials.
  • Place and date of birth.
  • Validity period of the certificate.
  • Date of receipt of rights.
  • issued the certificate.
  • Signature of the owner of the document.
  • Rights number
  • Owner's photo.
  • List of categories.
  • Additional information - medical indications, blood type, etc.

On the driver's license, all information is indicated in Cyrillic. If letters of another alphabet are used, the inscription is repeated in Latin letters.

What does a driver's license look like?

Information on the ID is placed on both sides. Personal information about the driver is located on the front of the document. On the reverse side, the categories of rights of the new model are deciphered. Here, as a rule, those types that the driver can control are indicated.

Front side

The name of the received document and the territory of the subject whose organization issued the document are noted in its upper part. On the left is a photo of the driver. He must be depicted on her without hats or glasses. The standard photo size is 3x4. If the owner has vision problems, then he can take a picture with glasses, but only with one condition: their lenses should not be tinted. For people of certain religious beliefs, photographs wearing headdresses are permitted.

When receiving a license, the driver signs the photo. The autograph left must completely match the one in the passport. WITH right side driver's license and his date of birth are indicated. All data written in Russian must be duplicated in Latin. Also on the right side is information about who issued the document, its series and number, and the driver’s area of ​​residence. Below is information about the assigned category.

back side

On the left side of the license there is a barcode containing all the information about the driver. On the remaining surface there is a table containing information about all categories. Those that are accessible to the driver are marked with a special mark. On the same side is the validity period of these categories. Additional specific information is located below the table. Driving experience is often indicated.

New categories

In November 2013, amendments were made to the Law “On Road Traffic Safety”. According to the introduced amendments, the list of driver's license categories has changed. It has been supplemented with new subclasses. A breakdown of the driver's license categories is presented below.

Category A

A category A driver's license provides the opportunity to drive regular motorcycles. And also those models to which the stroller is screwed. In addition, it makes it possible to drive motorized wheelchairs. These are quite rare means of transportation today. According to traffic regulations, motorcycles include two-wheeled transport units. They may or may not have a side trailer. Also, this category of rights allows you to drive four-wheeled and three-wheeled vehicles whose weight does not exceed 400 kg when loaded.

Subcategory A1

Allows you to drive motorcycles equipped with engines of small volume and power. For drivers who hold category A, driving vehicles belonging to category A1 are available.

Category B

Passenger cars, jeeps, minibuses and small trucks are vehicles that can be driven if you have a driver's license of this category. In addition, you can drive motorized strollers and cars with trailers. Moreover, the mass of the latter should not exceed 750 kg. If the weight of the unit exceeds this figure, then additional requirements are imposed on the vehicle:

  1. The weight of the vehicle without cargo should not be lower than the weight of the trailer.
  2. 3.5 tons - maximum permissible weight vehicle and trailer couplings.

To drive a heavy carriage vehicle, a person must have a BE driver's license. Such units include category B vehicles with a trailer whose weight is greater than the weight of the vehicle or 750 kg. As well as a car and a trailer, the total weight of which exceeds 500 kg.

Subcategory B1

A category B1 driver's license allows you to drive quadricycles and tricycles. Detailed information It is difficult to find information about vehicles belonging to this class. It is worth noting that a quadricycle and an ATV are different vehicles. Therefore, driving the first one, having only a license to the second one, is prohibited.

Category C

Driving medium and heavy freight vehicles and trucks with trailers weighing no more than 750 kilograms is only allowed if you have a category C driver's license. The weight of ordinary vehicles ranges from 3,500 to 7,500 kilograms. Heavy - more than 7500 kilograms. If you have category C, drive cars and small trucks weighing no more than 3,500 kg are prohibited.

The driver is allowed to drive a truck with a trailer whose weight exceeds 750 kilograms. But only if you have a driver's license of the CE subcategory. It includes vehicles with trailers weighing more than 750 kilograms.

Subcategory C1

A category C1 driver's license allows you to drive a vehicle cargo type. His maximum weight varies from 3500 to 7500 kilograms. Such vehicles can be attached to a light trailer that weighs no more than 750 kg. If the driver has class C, then he has the right to drive cars corresponding to subcategory C1.

Separately, it is worth mentioning such categories of driver's license as C1E. Such licenses give the driver the opportunity to drive cars of category C1 equipped with trailers. Moreover, their maximum weight should not exceed 750 kilograms. The weight of a cargo transport vehicle and its trailer should not exceed 12 thousand kg. If you have a senior category CE driver's license, a person can drive a vehicle belonging to category C1E.

Category D

Driving buses, regardless of their weight, and buses with a trailer weighing no more than 750 kilograms is possible with a category D driver's license. If you plan to drive a second type of vehicle of greater weight, then a category DE license is required. This category also includes buses that are articulated with each other.

Subcategory D1

Drive small passenger buses with a number of seats from 9 to 16 is possible if you have a driver's license category D1. It also includes light trailers. Their Weight Limit does not exceed 750 kilograms. To drive buses with heavier trailers, category D1E is required.

It is worth immediately paying attention to the fact that the trailer should only be cargo and not passenger. Their total weight should not be more than 12 tons. Those drivers who are category D can drive buses belonging to subcategory D1. And those who have the DE rank can drive D1E class cars.

Category E

To date, the categories of new driver's licenses do not include category E. It has been replaced by the subclasses described above: BE, CE, DE, D1E, C1E. If the driver has a category E license, they can always be returned. And in return, receive a new certificate with an updated rank.

Category M

The driver's license was introduced relatively recently. It appeared in November 2013. According to this category, those drivers who have received a license can drive light ATVs and mopeds. At the same time, those drivers who have licenses of any other categories can drive such vehicles. However, for example, a tractor driver's license does not give the right to drive mopeds.

Categories Tb and Tm

New ones appeared in 2016 traffic rules, according to which the decoding of the categories of the new driver’s license Tb and Tm corresponds to the right to drive trams and trolleybuses. Previously both types public transport were not separated into separate classes. Information about the ability to operate such vehicles was entered in a special column on the driver’s license. These were special marks.

Replacement of driver's license

To obtain a new driver's license, the driver must contact the traffic police department, providing the employees with the following documents:

  1. Medical certificate.
  2. Citizen's passport Russian Federation.
  3. Old driver's license.
  4. A receipt confirming payment of the state duty. Last year the amount was 2,000 rubles.
  5. Photos 3x4.

All information is transferred to the new rights. They also note which categories of driver's license were opened in the old document. New categories are also added to the new copy. If the driver has at least one category, class M is automatically opened for him. New licenses can be picked up on the same day on which the documents were submitted. In addition, an application for a replacement ID can be submitted on the government services website. You do not need to take the exam again to receive a new document.

What is needed to open a new category of driver's license?

In order to obtain a new or additional category of driver's license, you must complete two procedures:

  • corresponding to the selected category.
  • Pass the exam.

B1 and M are issued only after passing theoretical test, which is in many ways reminiscent of passing for category B. And also after passing a practical exam, reaching the age of sixteen for categories A1 and M and eighteen for categories A. Licenses for cars and trucks are issued only after the driver reaches the age of majority.

Training for license categories B1 and C1 is carried out only for those over 18 years of age. It is much more difficult to obtain a license for buses, trams and trolleybuses. It is issued only upon reaching 21 years of age. Driving categories BE, CE and DE require at least one year of driving experience. Subcategories C1E and D1E are issued only if the driver has open previous categories - C, D, C1, D1.

Despite the fact that new series of driver’s licenses were added to the traffic rules, the procedure for obtaining them remained virtually unchanged, having undergone only minor innovations. The main differences remained age and length of service. For example, new driver's licenses may specify the vehicle's transmission type. If there is no such mark on the license, it means that the driver can drive both manually and manually. automatic transmission. Also, what the categories on a driver’s license mean has not changed: all the information remains the same.

Any citizen of the Russian Federation who meets the requirements can take the exam for any of the categories described above. Theoretical and practical courses are carried out on the basis of driving schools. Many traffic police departments require drivers to have a certificate of completion of such an educational institution. The absence of such a document does not allow a potential driver to take the driver's license exam.

In 2015, there were many innovations in the field of road traffic. In particular, new categories of driver's licenses have appeared since 2015.

You can, as before, obtain a driver's license by completing training at a driving school and passing exams at the traffic police. In addition, it is necessary to achieve established by law age and have no health problems.

It is necessary to understand that a driver’s license gives the opportunity to drive a vehicle of the category specified in the license.

In 2015, there are 14 categories of driver's licenses. We bring to the attention of readers all categories of driver's licenses since 2015.

Category A

  • motorcycles;
  • mopeds;
  • scooters;
  • Vehicles with trailers (and without them).

In addition, the vehicle must have an engine capacity of 55 cm or more (with electric motor– from 4 kW and more).

Subcategory A1

Drivers who have a category A license can drive vehicles of subcategory A1.

Category B

  • cars;
  • small buses;
  • SUVs (weighing up to 3.5 tons).

Quantity seats, excluding the driver, should be 8 units.

Drivers who have a category B license can drive the following vehicles: cars with trailers (weighing up to or more than 0.75 tons, but less than the permissible total weight - 3500 kg) and motorized strollers (weighing no more than 0.75 tons).

Subcategory B1

  • motorcycles with side trailers;
  • motorized strollers;
  • motorized transport (with 2 and 3 wheels);
  • ATVs and tricycles (total weight up to 400 kg).

Category C

Drivers with a category C license are allowed to drive trucks (weighing more than 7.5 tons).

Subcategory C1

Drivers with a category C license can drive vehicles of subcategory C1.

Category D

Additionally, a driver with a category D license can drive vehicles with trailers weighing at least 0.75 tons.

Subcategory D1

It is allowed to equip the vehicle with a trailer with a permissible weight of 0.75 tons.

Category T (Tm and Tb)

  • trams (Tm);
  • trolleybuses (Tb).

Let us remind you that previously these types of transport were not defined as a separate category.

Category M

  • light ATVs;
  • mopeds.

A driver who has a category A, B or C license can drive vehicles of category M.

Categories BE, C1E, CE, D1E, DE

  • categories A, M and A1 – from 16 years old;
  • categories BE, CE, CE1 – from 19 years old;
  • categories B, B1, C, C1 – from 18 years old;
  • categories D, D1, DE, D1E, T – from 21 years old.

By attending a driving school, we learn to drive cars and vehicles of different types:

  • motorcycles;
  • passenger cars - sedans, hatchbacks, crossovers;
  • trucks;
  • passenger transport.

In addition, driving vehicles with trailers requires special training from the future driver, which is also indicated on the driver’s license.

After completing the training course, we receive a driver's license, which indicates the category of vehicles that we will be able to drive in the future. These categories are designated using letters of the Latin alphabet, numbers, and their combinations: “A”, “D1”, “C1E” and so on.

If we drive a vehicle without the appropriate category, then such a violation will be regarded as driving without a driving license.

Article 12.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses provides for severe punishment:

  • a fine in the amount of five to fifteen thousand rubles;
  • detaining the vehicle until clarification;
  • prohibition on driving this vehicle.

That is, if we learned to ride passenger car, and we were detained in a truck with a trailer, then, as we see, it will not be easy.

What categories are there?

On this moment There are 7 main categories and several subcategories.

  • A - having such a mark on our license allows us to drive motorcycles;
  • B - passenger cars;
  • C - trucks;
  • D - passenger transport;
  • M - quadricycles, mopeds;
  • Tm - trams;
  • Tb - trolleybuses.

In addition, tractor drivers and special equipment operators have their own gradation of categories and tolerances.

It would seem that everything is simple - you have category “C” and ride for your health in any trucks. However, trucks are different: up to 7.5 tons (Gazelle, ZIL-Bychok), 7.5 tons and above (MAZ, ZIL-130 and so on). Agree that driving a tented Gazelle around the city is much easier than driving a GAZ-53.

The same can be said about passenger transport: There is big buses for more than 30 passenger seats, and there are small buses for 8-16 passenger seats.

Based on all this, they introduced subcategories of driver's licenses.

Thus, motorcycles were divided into two subtypes based on engine size, hence the two subcategories:

  • A1 - volume up to 50 cubic centimeters;
  • A - more than 50.

In addition, category M has appeared, which must be obtained in mandatory, if you want to ride a light scooter, moped, or ATV (not to be confused with an ATV).

The beloved and most common category B was divided in the same way:

  • B1 - any three- and four-wheeled vehicles weighing no more than 400 kilograms, ATVs and tricycles are exactly these;
  • B - passenger cars up to three and a half tons, and with seats for no more than eight passengers.

It's the same story - having category B, you can drive ATVs, but not vice versa. Remember also that having category B, you cannot drive vehicles of categories A and A1.

Trucks are also divided into categories:

  • C1 - weighing up to seven and a half tons;
  • C - seven and a half tons and above.

Passenger transport is also divided:

  • D1 - up to 16 passengers;
  • D - over sixteen passenger seats.

Certain problems may be caused by the abolition of category E, which gave the right to drive cars with a trailer.

Today, instead of a separate category, subcategories are used, which are not as difficult to understand as it might seem - you simply add the letter E to your category and this means that you have the right drive with a trailer weighing more than 750 kg which is coupled to your vehicle: BE, CE, C1E, DE, D1E.

If you buy a regular car trailer weighing up to 750 kilograms, then you do not need to get a separate category for this - having category B, you can safely drive with a trailer weighing 450-750 kg, and this will not be considered a violation. But at the same time, you need to take into account that if with this trailer the total weight of your vehicle exceeds that specified in the category (that is, if your small car together with the trailer weighs more than 3.5 tons), then this is already considered a violation.