Rating of the best cabin filters. Cabin filters RAF FILTER and violinist Gedevan Which filter to choose? Which salon to buy

Thanks to cabin filters, both the driver and passengers while driving in the car are protected from soot and dust coming from other vehicles. The filter limits the entry of carbon monoxide and other harmful substances into the car interior, thereby preserving the health of everyone in the car.

Choosing the best cabin filter.

Where is the cabin filter located?

In most cases, these components are located in the inner wall of the glove compartment. Therefore, you can replace them yourself without turning to professionals. To do this, just unscrew all the connections and remove the glove compartment. The second location option is under dashboard or the hood - getting to them is already more difficult and without professional help in in this case quite difficult to get by. Note that when replacing after long-term operation you may find on the “old” filter the remains of branches, leaves, soot, insects, dirt and everything else that it protected you from.

Important! Not worth buying too expensive filters. Price does not always affect quality. Buying non-original products can be much cheaper and at the same time do not differ in quality from original spare parts.

Types of cabin filters and their advantages

It is worth distinguishing two types of filters:

  • coal;
  • ordinary (anti-dust).

Conventional, that is, anti-dust filters, trap the largest particles, but cannot cope with small ones. Retains soot, fluff, dust, and pollen. Thanks to carbon (which is where the name comes from), they do not allow large particles to penetrate into the interior of the car, and also absorb all harmful substances (including unpleasant odors, which significantly distinguishes them from “ordinary”).

For example, if you are stuck in a traffic jam during rush hour in front of an old bus smoking with smoke, the unpleasant smell will not bother you, and the filter will also protect your lungs from harmful substances. So, let's take a closer look at each of them.

Unlike their carbon “brother,” conventional filters do not allow only large particles to pass through. Only mechanical air cleaning is performed. for those who often travel along the highway, or whose car is operated exclusively in a clean and unpolluted environment.

The carbon contained in the filter is treated with special chemicals that resist penetration vehicle unpleasant odors, smoke and bacteria. By adsorption, all gases remain on the surface of this component. The structure of the filters is porous, which also helps prevent water from passing through. The cost is slightly higher than usual. However, they are worth buying for people who often move around the city or in environments with strong unpleasant odors. For those who often move along the highway, a regular dust filter is quite suitable.

Which filter is better

The most well-known companies manufacturers are Bosch and Corteco. Now we will describe several brands that you should pay attention to when choosing.

  1. Bosch. Undoubtedly modern company, keeping up with the times. Constantly improves and tries to create better products, focusing on modern market. The cost of its filters (both regular and carbon) is quite low. Despite their low cost, the filters do not have a particularly high level of quality, however, they cope with the task of air purification relatively well.
  2. Corteco. The next most popular brand. It is so popular because of its fairly low price and high level of anti-pollution quality. Coal options are worth special attention because they do their job one hundred percent. The cost of conventional paper options is average - and they are not at all different from other filters (they also trap large particles and allow unpleasant odors to enter the car).
  3. Raf Filter or Mann Filter. Raf Filter is produced in the Czech Republic, and Mann Filter is produced in China or Russia. Both options are equally good. They cope remarkably well with pollution without allowing harmful substances into the vehicle interior. The Czech company offers antifungal as well as antibacterial options (their level of quality has been tested in practice, so they are deservedly on the list of the best).
  4. Eiken. One of the oldest filter manufacturers who has done a good job on the quality of their “brainchildren”. Most often they are equipped with cars Japanese made. During production, a special fabric is used, which allows the filters not to lose their characteristics throughout their entire service life. Quite a budget option.
  5. Valeo. Expensive, but at the same time high quality and reliable. The company maintains its brand and produces best materials for filter systems of vehicles. Having purchased cabin filter this company, you can be sure of its quality, and also forget about the foreign odors that regularly enter the salon from the street.
  6. VIC. They protect the interior by 99% from not only large particles, but also various bacteria, including not entirely pleasant odors. Made from special materials, which have a high level of dirt holding capacity. The coating is electret, catching the smallest particles up to one hundred microns in size (smoke, dust, pollen, bacteria, etc.). One of best options by quality level. But from the point of view of cost it will not please you.
  7. Goodwill, Fram, Mahle. All three of these companies are ranked in the same position because their devices have the same cleaning characteristics. The price is excellent, while the filtering capacity is quite high level.
  8. Denso. It is in last place. Denso is Japanese manufacturer. The company's filters do their job quite well, removing odors and filtering the air. However, it still has a long way to go to reach VIC. You will not be pleased with the inflated cost, which clearly does not correspond to the capabilities of this element.

Not worth buying

AMD filter elements are distinguished not only by their low cost (which you shouldn’t delude yourself with), but also low level quality. Speaking in simple words, this filter does not cope with its main task at all: it allows unpleasant odors, dust and other small particles to enter the vehicle. Its only advantage is the price.

Everything ended well in the movie. A dirty galaxy with a completely ruined ecology remained somewhere in distant space. But let us note that on Earth at that time, neither in the Zhiguli nor in the Volga cabin filters did not have.

Why wasn't it? There are several reasons.

Firstly, at that time it was still relatively clean around us.

Secondly, almost everyone drove in those days with the windows open.

There was a third reason: to name car bodies At that time, it was possible to be sealed only with a very big stretch... Why do you need some kind of cabin filter when the air will still find its way past it?

Today is not the case. The number of passenger cars alone has increased almost fivefold since the advent of the Daneliev strip. Wheel rubber particles, wear products brake pads, de-icing preparations of questionable quality, as well as hydrocarbons, sulfur oxides, compounds heavy metals and other, sorry, nastiness - all this in huge quantities constantly tries to penetrate into the car interior. And therefore - into our lungs. Doctors say that the concentration of harmful substances inside a car without a cabin filter has become approximately six times higher than on the road.

Unfortunately, it has become quite difficult to breathe today - for both passengers and drivers. It is no coincidence that the instructions of modern cars recommend not opening windows unless absolutely necessary. Fortunately, the bodies have acquired good seals and no longer suck “illegal” air into the cabin. And the cabin filter must cope with the “official” influx of outside air.

Cabin filters, of course, did not appear yesterday: over the last couple of decades, several generations of these products have changed. First, ordinary inexpensive paper filters (first generation) - also called “blotters” - were replaced by carbon colleagues (second generation), then eco-filters with a double layer appeared (third generation). And today, the pinnacle of technical thought is represented by technologically advanced anti-allergenic cabin filters (fourth generation).

In general, everything is clear about the first three generations; they have been produced for a long time and a lot has been written about them. The fourth generation is a different story: we were able to find only two brands of such filters. The first is the German Mann FreciousPlus, which, unfortunately, is not represented on the Russian market, and it was not possible to “touch” it. But the second one is Russian RAF FILTER- they were kindly provided to us for review.

If products with big names are sometimes bought for their solid name alone, then RAF FILTER, we hope, is at the beginning of the path to worldwide recognition. It is all the more important that he began this path not with primitive products, but, on the contrary, with the highest modern level. But it cannot be otherwise: today, unfortunately, simple filtering is no longer enough. A modern cabin filter must fight not only banal dust, but also various kinds of bacteria and viruses. And of course, with the disease of the 21st century - allergies.

Correct filter fourth generation Duty of duty is required to do the following:

  • purify the interior air from harmful substances and heavy metals;
  • eliminate unpleasant odors in the cabin, making the air clean and safe;
  • prevent pathogens, pollen, bacteria and molds from entering the car interior;
  • retain the maximum possible number of allergens;
  • limit the entry of foreign substances into the climate control system, etc.
To put the declared capabilities into practice, the developers of RAF FILTER used an unusual filter system - by the way, this solution is patented. RAF FILTER consists of three layers, each with its own color and special properties.

The first layer is green. Antibacterial enzyme and green tea catechins prevent the development of pathogenic microorganisms on the surface of the filter and their further penetration into the car interior.

The second layer is black. The combination of natural activated carbon and sodium bicarbonate allows you to absorb almost all unpleasant odors, protecting the driver and passengers from them.

The third layer is gray. A phenolic polymer with anti-allergenic and anti-microbial properties absorbs up to 100% of allergens and slows down the growth of mold fungi by approximately 20 times.

The effectiveness of such a solution has been documented. RAF FILTER filters out up to 99.4% of road dust, pollen, dust mites and other objects ranging in size from 1 to 100 microns. It neutralizes allergens and bacteria, eliminates such hazardous substances, such as formaldehyde, toluene, xylene, exhaust gases and others. Its healing properties have been clinically certified by the Institute of Immunology of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia.

Essentially, RAF FILTER is a product international cooperation: The paper is made in Korea, the impregnation compounds for the first and third layers are created in the USA, and the assembly is carried out in China.

I was also pleased with the domestic “trick” that I saw for the first time on car filters - the anti-counterfeit system. You erase the security code, send it to a short number and receive an SMS indicating whether it is a fake or an original. In today's situation with the spare parts market, where the number of fakes reaches up to 40%, such protection will not hurt and guarantees that you will definitely purchase an original product.

Today RAF FILTER has no analogues on the Russian market, at least we were not able to find any. Whether or not to install a modern fourth-generation filter on your car depends only on you. Of course, the car will drive without it. But…

But you must admit that without a modern cabin filter, your car immediately becomes a kind of savage in polite society. This is probably exactly what the inhabitants of the sterile planet Alpha thought of the violinist Gedevan, who threatened: “Right now I’ll take off my mask and breathe in for you here!”

In the movie, as we already said, everything ended well. Let it be the same in our cars.

The RAF FILTER brand belongs to the production company ODK, specializing in the production of cabin filters in the PREMIUM category. When developing filters under the RAF FILTER brand, ODK attracts leading partners in the production of paper and components for its processing, as well as an international group of engineers, which allows the company to offer its consumers a product with unique filtering capabilities that has no analogues on the Russian market. ODK's partners are leading Russian research institutes. The company's production capabilities are provided by 2 specialized factories located in South Korea and China. The workmanship meets the requirements of ISO 9001-2000 and ISO 16949-2002. ODK would like to contact you Special attention on innovative technologies in the field of air filtration and purification, and most importantly, helps people maintain their health and prevent the development of chronic respiratory diseases. This is exactly what it is distinctive feature brand RAF FILTER, which the company is introducing to Russian market. The brand is addressed to an audience that monitors their health and the health of their loved ones, and also places increased demands on cleaning the air inside their car from dust, foreign impurities, bacteria, mold and various unpleasant odors. The listed irritants are contraindicated not only for drivers with allergies, but also for healthy passengers, including small children. In addition, the described irritants can cause various chronic forms of diseases in people present in the car. That is why, in order to avoid this kind of problems, ODK products under the RAF FILTER brand are especially recommended by the Russian Institute of the Federal State Budgetary Institution State Scientific Center Institute of Immunology of the Federal Medical Biological Agency of Russia.


Product warranty is 6 months from the date of purchase.

The warranty applies exclusively to any hidden manufacturing or material defects.

The warranty does not apply:

  1. damage to the packaging and the product itself resulting from transportation and careless storage;
  2. mechanical damage or failure of the product due to improper installation or improper operating conditions of the vehicle;
  3. damage to the product as a result of an accident or participation in any competitions;
  4. failure of the product due to normal wear and tear as a result of violation of the regulated replacement periods provided by the manufacturer;
  5. failure of the product as a result of installation on a vehicle for which it is not intended;

Almost all modern cars are equipped with a cabin ventilation filter.

Let's look at these questions in detail.

The air on the road contains tire dust, particles of wheel rubber, particles of the mixture from brake pads, anti-icing agents, bacteria, viruses, spores, pollen, etc. On environmentally unfavorable days, the excess acceptable standards in the city it can reach 15-20 times the value. Believe me, this cannot have a beneficial effect on the condition of our body.

So, the cabin filter, also known as the cabin ventilation filter, performs the following important functions:

- the cabin filter protects our body by preventing foreign particles from entering the car interior (the respiratory organs of the driver and passengers);

- the cabin filter prevents dust and dirt from entering the evaporator of the car's air conditioning system, preventing premature failure.

What types of cabin filters are there?

  • Barrier cabin filter (regular filter). Material: paper, natural or synthetic non-woven fabric. Purpose: retain small mechanical impurities in the air, protect against dust and insects. Pros: low cost. Cons: do not neutralize harmful gases and smells.
  • Carbon cabin filter. Material/composition: paper, natural or synthetic non-woven fabric plus a layer of activated carbon capable of absorbing harmful gases in the air and neutralizing unpleasant odors. Pros: higher filtering qualities compared to regular filters. Cons: over time, the absorbent properties of coal are depleted, and the filter turns into a regular one; higher cost compared to a conventional paper filter.
  • Carbon cabin filter with polyphenol antioxidant coating. Material/composition: natural or synthetic non-woven fabric, one side of the filter element is covered with a layer of activated carbon, and the other side is covered with a layer of polyphenol - a natural antioxidant. Purpose: neutralization of allergens. Pros: protection from allergens. Cons: high cost. Recommendations for use: for allergy sufferers in the spring-summer season, when the activity of allergens is increased.
  • Electret cabin filter. Material/composition: natural or synthetic non-woven fabric plus an additional electrically charged layer of fine fibers that attracts the smallest particles of impurities in the air. Pros: such a filter is capable of removing up to 99% of impurities in the air. Cons: high cost.
  • Combined cabin filter, which is a combination of carbon filter elements with electret layers and has several levels of cleaning. There are also multilayer filters with layers of mechanical, electrostatic, antiseptic and carbon purification.
All information about the design of the main types of cabin filters can be presented in a short table:
Cabin filter design Degree of purification Price Comments
Ordinary ** ***** For everyday use in any weather
Carbonic **** *** For everyday use in any weather, especially in the city
Polyphenolic ***** * For everyday use in any weather, especially in the city. Recommended for allergy sufferers during spring and summer flowering.

How often should you change the cabin filter?

Many motorists neglect timely replacement cabin filter, because it does not affect the speed of the car. We will indicate several signs for prompt replacement cabin ventilation filter:

  • When the ventilation is turned on, an unpleasant odor appears in the cabin;
  • When the ventilation is turned on, foreign particles fly out of the air nozzles;
  • Weak air flow from the cabin air nozzles even at maximum speeds fan;
  • Increased fogging of windows.

It is not possible to accurately determine the timing of replacing the cabin filter. On average, the recommendations of car manufacturers under normal driving conditions and gas pollution indicate a replacement period of 15,000 km. In large polluted cities, this period is recommended to be halved. However, the most rational way is to replace the filter according to its actual condition, but at least once every six months.

Which filter should you choose? Which salon should I buy?

We will not consider outright fakes.

Advice: You have decided to purchase a carbon cabin filter. Ask the seller to look at it, pick it up and gently tap the filter. If coal dust starts to fall out of the filter, then it is better to refuse to purchase such a filter.

Let's divide all cabin filters by manufacturer into two groups:

    If you buy a cabin filter in its original packaging, you will, of course, overpay for packaging. In addition, car manufacturers often cheat by installing the cheapest ones on new cars. paper filters. Some manufacturers do not even offer carbon filters for spare parts.
  • Non-original cabin filters.
    We will conditionally divide this group of filters into famous brands(MANN, MAHLE, BOSCH..) and new ones that are gaining fame and popularity (for example, RAF-Filter).
    What to choose is up to you. If you have any doubts about your choice, please contact us. Our consultants will help you do optimal choice in terms of price and quality.

    Our online store Nakamoto.Shop offers you high-quality RAF-filter cabin filters.

RAF Filter cabin filters differ from conventional and carbon analogues in their expanded protective properties. RAF Filter offers customers two lines of cabin filters:

  • Cabin filters RAF Filter Premium series (anti-allergenic).

RAF Filter Premium category (anti-allergenic) provide maximum protection, which is achieved thanks to using three different layers of filtration: the 1st layer contains an antibacterial enzyme that prevents the development of pathogens. The 2nd layer contains activated carbon and sodium bicarbonate and effectively protects against unpleasant odors. The 3rd layer blocks most known allergens with the phenolic polymer contained in the composition.

  • Cabin filters RAF Filter Eco series

Cabin filters RAF Filter Eco category protect not only from dust and odors, but also from bacteria and microorganisms due to impregnation with biocidal
protective substance.

What conclusion can be drawn from everything that was written above?
If you are prone to allergies or carry small children in your car, we recommend that you turn your attention to RAF-Filter Premium anti-allergenic cabin filters. At a price comparable to the price of the original cabin filter, you get powerful protection from the external aggressive environment.

If you want to save money, then RAF-Filter Eco cabin filters will be best choice in terms of price and quality.

If you have any questions about the selection or materials and design of salon filters RAF-Filter, You can contact our online store Nakamoto.Shop by phone