What is the name of the gray green color of the car. How to choose car color

A practical approach involves assessing driving and performance. As for the color of the car, the importance of this factor is ridiculed in a well-known anecdote where a friend asks a woman what car her husband bought. The answer is "Blue!" should show how ridiculous it is to put such a trifle as color in the first place. In fact, each color has not only psychological meaning, but also quite practical. Not to take into account the importance of color is to make a deliberately more losing choice. Consider the pros and cons of each color for cars in detail.

white car color

White car color is the most common

White is the most sought after color.

  • Does not lose freshness with slight contamination.
  • Neutral, suitable for everyone, regardless of gender, status, car class and model.
  • Bright, juicy, catchy, spectacular.
  • Economical in painting.
  • Suitable for small cars.
  • Well visible on the road.
  • Reflects the sun's rays, good for hot climates.
  • Doesn't get bored.


  • Hard to see in the snow.
  • Any scratches, chips, swellings are noticeable immediately, and spoil general form auto is much stronger than in other colors.
  • It is difficult to restore and restore the coating. It is difficult to hit the tone - there are a lot of shades of white, and paying for work, or finding skilled colorists for mixing colors is an additional cost.

A fashionable alternative to white gloss is mother-of-pearl and pearl colors. They look expensive, fresh and bright, but demanding care.

Left - white gloss, right - white mother-of-pearl

Beige car color

Beige the most practical among all other colors . It looks like the color of road dust, which, on the one hand, may not look very attractive, but, on the other hand, provides maximum unpretentiousness, since the dirt merges with the car and it does not have to be washed often. Especially in dry weather.

Beige color is the most unpretentious and practical. Pollution merges with it, due to which you can not wash the car for a long time.

The beige color has a minus, in fact, one:

  • On the road, cars can look dirty and inconspicuous.

Creamy and ivory pretty complex. They are characterized by nobility and sophistication, but they are much more demanding.

Ivory car

Their cons:

  • Cars can look dirty and inconspicuous (like beige).
  • Demanding to care and repair - the elimination of scratches, damage, dirt will be even more expensive in terms of money, complexity, and time.

black car color

As in the world of high fashion, black is considered the most stylish color in the world of the automotive industry. It is he who best presents this miracle of engineering and design, emphasizing its class and appearance.

The black color of the car is associated with elegance, status, wealth. However, small cars are not recommended to be painted in this color, as it visually reduces the car.

How more expensive car, the more important is a discreet and unobtrusive color that will not draw attention to itself. This is the law of the world of expensive things. Achromatic colors are the best choice. The black one is the most expressive. The clearest silhouette, the most expressive lines - thanks to black.

Matte black car color

The associations that black color evokes are: solid, expensive, powerful. This color is standard, neutral, so it won't get boring even after years.


  • Not youthful, joyless, devoid of individuality.
  • Demanding on cleanliness and generally the most impractical color.
  • Hard to see from a distance on the highway.
  • Increased body heat on sunny days.
  • Very bad fit for small car. Even more visually reduces its size.
  • Causes associations with company cars. Aggressive.

At first glance, it may seem that dirt on a black car will be less noticeable than on a white one. In fact, a dirty black car looks worse than a white one.

This is due to the fact that the "dusty" color of dirt on a black car gives more unkempt than a dark dirty shade on a white car.

Red color

It is a mistake to believe that this color speaks solely of the desire to be the most visible, of aggressiveness and temperament. Many shades (cherry, red-orange, burgundy) are so rich and dignified that they are appropriate on F-class models.

Various shades of red in cars

Pros of red:

  • Excellent visibility on the road.
  • Is a classic. It is familiar to others and will not shock like pink or light green.
  • Democratic, suitable for both women and men.

The peculiarity of red lies in the optical illusion of this color: - visually it seems that the red car is moving faster than it actually is, and that it is closer than it actually is.

Yellow and brown colors

Yellow is complex, but perspective color. If we are talking about metallic shades (Golden Star, Golden Field, Melon), then this is the choice of elegant people with a delicate taste. Looks rich. Like any light color, it will require care. The bright yellow gloss has the telling name "Yellow Taxi".

Yellow is strongly associated with taxis, so there may be times when someone knocks on your car and asks for fares.

Various shades of yellow in cars. Bright colors look prettier, but are strongly associated with taxis.

Many shades of yellow (mustard, greenish-yellow) may not evoke pleasant associations for everyone (for example, with the color of pea soup), but if the car model is not commonplace, then they will be a highlight and great way to draw attention.

Shades of khaki are difficult for urban conditions and passenger cars but jeeps and tall cars give a certain severity, are associated with nature trips, hunting and fishing.

A khaki-colored car is best suited for off-road vehicles. It is chosen mainly by lovers of off-road travel, fishermen and hunters.

Brown colors give a retro accent, they must be carefully selected according to the character of the model. For example, brown will decorate Jaguar sedan XJ. Rarely suitable for class A or B vehicles.

Brown color suits business class cars. On cars of class A and B, it looks worse.

green car color

Despite the fact that this color is the richest in shades (there are 376 shades in the Pantone palette versus 116 red or 180 blue), until recently it was rarely used for painting cars.


  • Merges with nature.
  • Bad visibility on the highway. The green car was visually perceived as further away than it actually was. However, the active spread of the metallic effect somewhat smoothed this problem.

Otherwise, it is a neutral color, the pros and cons depend on the shade. The general rules are the same: light ones are preferred for small-sized models, deep saturated ones for solid ones.

Various shades of green in cars

Blue-green colors are one of best picks for trendy effects such as chrome and chameleon effect. Both of these treatments make the coating bright, almost eye-catching, which is just right with the calmness of blues and greens.

Blue and cyan colors

Blue is popular. Depending on the shade, it can carry a different symbolic load.

  • Atlantic (purple-blue) - laid-back,
  • Diplomat (blue) - solid and at the same time not heavy,
  • Lapis lazuli (light blue) - expensive, impressive,
  • Saint Tropez is sporty.

Various shades of blue in cars. This color is associated with calmness, rest, relaxation.

Pros of blue:

  • Reliability, solidity.
  • Versatility.
  • Forms the image of the owner as a serious, intelligent person. The color is not in vain considered one of the most popular for uniforms.
  • Practical and non-marking.

Bright blues or aquas have until recently been a rarity in the mainstream market, although they are increasingly seen at trade shows and on the streets. Such shades are strongly associated with rest, leisure, vacation. Green tones of the sea, sky blue were one of the trends of 2014, when the masterminds of the auto industry were carried away by ideas ecological cars who were simply obliged to radiate peace and relaxation. Since then, these colors have become firmly entrenched in the automotive industry.

blue car color

Metallic makes any color more suitable for cars - a color with a silver sheen is brighter, lighter, more radiant, and therefore more visible on the road. Metallic has significantly expanded the modern palette of comfortable automotive colors. Now you can use dull, complex shades of blue and green, which without the addition of metallic particles would look pale and dirty. Today they look stylish and sophisticated. Often decorated with premium models, as they evoke associations with precious metals and stones.


A difficult choice for both interior solutions and for the car. This is due to the peculiarities of the perception of the spectrum between blue and red by the human eye.

Various shades of purple in cars. This color is quite difficult to perceive, so you should be careful on the road in a purple car.

Violet tones symbolize mysticism and mystery for a reason - they are elusive and look faded on the road. The only exceptions are such tones as Moulin Rouge (bright purple) or Lilac (light purple).

The range of modern purple shades for cars is represented by metallic shades. The mother-of-pearl sheen emphasizes the lines of the car and makes the muted color more expressive.

The advantages of purple depend on the shade. The most easy to care for and representative - dark and medium gray-violet, blue-violet. The colors of lilac and lavender are the choice for compact women's cars.

pink car color

An interesting fact - the Italian company Lamborgini categorically does not paint their cars pink! While wishing to buy legendary car there are many in this color. Why did the leadership take such a tough stance? As one of the regional directors explained, this is not in line with the spirit of the brand. "Ferarri is not a Pokémon!" Only branded red, as well as silver, white and black. This does not prevent buyers from repainting the car pink on their own. However, the firmness of the concern's leadership in this matter is respected, and makes it more attentive to the philosophy of color.

Pink is one of those shades that, despite being bright and expressive, is a must-have choice. The color is not masculine, and even if the owner is a woman, it is doubtful. They see it as cheap "glamour", a hint of "pop music".

Pink is a very dubious color for a car, associated with cheap glamor and pop.

The only exception is delicate and elegant light pink metallic shades, for example, Almond. Associated with the color of rose gold, it makes no less worthy impression than golden, white or silver. Deep dark fuchsia can look original and appropriate.

Silver and gray car colors

Silver was and remains popular. It is the second most common, after white. If you study the catalogs of the latest cars executive class, it turns out that the compilers prefer to demonstrate the product in silver-gray at least as often as in black.

silver and grey colour and in cars - quite popular and practical

  • Practical. Dust and dirt are almost invisible.
  • Universal, suitable for everyone.
  • A huge number of diverse shades: from the color of wet asphalt to aluminum.
  • Quite well distinguishable on the track both day and night. Worse than red, but better than black.
  • Great for hot climates.

The downside is that gray is the least noticeable on the road. At dusk, without headlights, a car of this color is almost impossible to see, so it is not recommended to leave a gray car at night on the roadway.

In 2017, 27% of all car buyers in the primary market in Russia chose silver (17%) and gray (10%) shades. In total, this is more than those who chose black cars - 16%, but less than white ones - 28%. The remaining percentages fell on natural tones, and soft and warm (gold, beige, yellow, orange, brown) are more popular than green, red and blue.

Why is orange color rare and is it possible to make a ladybug out of a car?

The orange color is bright, noticeable on the road, quite practical. Why is it so rarely chosen? First, the color evokes associations with the road and construction equipment, which greatly simplifies the impression of passenger car. Second: orange is a sporty color. Until recently, it did not go well with a business image.

Until recently, orange colors were not used in cars, but they are gradually gaining their audience.

The second life of color is made possible with fashionable modern effects such as chrome plating, coating liquid rubber, chameleon. Any of these treatments instantly make orange look more expensive.

For those who are looking for a balance between energy and earthiness, terracotta shades are suitable. Perfect solution for modern everyday B-class models. It is noteworthy that one of these shades has the paradoxical name of Apathy (silver-orange).

Car color "Apathy"

Relaxed, dynamic, active, modern - if you need to achieve this effect, then bright carrot tones are a good choice.

The desire for originality can lead not only to the search for an unusual color, but also a pattern. For example, is it possible to repaint a car with a bee, ladybug, zebra pattern? The owner is a gentleman, but there may be problems with registering such a car with the traffic police.

Painted cars are striking in their originality, but they may cause problems when registering with the traffic police

The safest car colors

An analysis carried out by one of the insurance companies of the Russian Federation showed that cars of natural natural shades are the least likely to get into unpleasant situations:

  1. Orange.
  2. Yellow.
  3. Brown.
  4. Green.

Obviously the most safe colors- not banal and those that, according to the psychology of color, testify to calmness, poise and the ability to stand firmly on the ground. The safest is orange. Although this should not be surprising, because this color is used for construction equipment precisely because it is a signal.

The presence of green and brown in the ratings of the safest at first glance is doubtful - these colors are not among the brightest. But if we turn to the psychological characteristics of color, then this is expected - both of them speak of stability, sobriety, the ability to clearly assess the situation, and at the same time they give cheerfulness, unlike cold blue-blue shades that act soporific.

Most often, insured events occurred with owners of black and silver cars. Such colors are difficult to distinguish in those moments when drivers are most vulnerable - early morning, twilight. 65% of accidents (maximum) among owners of red cars, but this is not about color, but about the psychological characteristics of those who choose such a defiant color. As a rule, these are young drivers who do not have much experience on the road. White is a safe color, although it is at increased risk on the other hand: it is white cars that are most often stolen.

What color to choose

Below we have provided a table where we chose the best and worst colors for the most popular requests from car owners.

Coloring is a science, do not underestimate its importance when choosing a car color. The right choice of color will not only allow you to express yourself as accurately as possible, but will also improve the quality of the car itself, both in terms of style and safety.

Which car color to choose: the pros and cons of car colors

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The automotive world has swept delirium tremens"- from year to year, the white color is increasingly crowding out other shades. If five years ago it accounted for 22%, then in 2016 its share is already 37%. At this pace, in the near future, the palette of manufacturers of car enamels will become much scarcer. As is already happening in China, where 57% of cars are painted white. But in Russia, as usual, . According to the Avtostat agency and the Global Automotive 2016 Color Popularity Report prepared by Axalta Coating Systems, a global manufacturer of car enamels, white is not the most popular color in our country.

10th place. Yellow

In Russia, yellow and gold colors account for 2% of cars, most of which work in taxi fleets. In the wake of the popularity of services, VW even added to the palette last year Polo sedans special yellow shade - Savanna. In addition to checkered cars, this color is popular with owners Audi sports cars TT (Vegas Yellow) and Porsche 911 (Racing Yellow).

In the world, yellow cars make up 3% of the total. The largest proportion of "canaries" in China - 5%.

9th place. Blue

Blue cars in Russia are bought a little more often than yellow ones. Their share is a little over 2%. Among the cars painted in the color of the sky, crossovers (Island Blue) and Suzuki Vitara(turquoise metallic), as well as sedans Nissan Almera(RAQ).

In the world, the blue color is listed in the category of autoexotics. Only in Japan, its share reaches 1%, in other countries it tends to zero.

8th place. Green color

Green cars account for 3.2% of our total sales. Electric cars do not fall into their number, since their “greenness” is associated with environmental friendliness, and not body color. The most sought-after green tint cars are (lime), Skoda Rapid(Rallye) and Renault Duster(khaki).

The popularity of green in the whole world is three times lower than in Russia. It accounts for 1% of cars. With the exception of South America, where greens occupy 5% of the car market.

7th place. Brown color

By international classification car enamels brown is combined with beige and is called Natural. Cars of natural colors in Russia account for 5.5%. Most running models chocolate and sand colors - Volvo XC60 (Luminous Sand), Skoda Octavia(Topaz) and (light brown metallic).

The world share of cars of natural color is close to the Russian one - 6%. China is ahead of everyone, where brown-beige cars occupy 8% of the market and 3rd place in popularity.

6th place. Red color

Red, including the shade of "Bordeaux", occupies 6% of the country's car market. Russians buy in this color more often than others Nissan Qashqai(Dark red), Kia Rio(red pomegranate), Renault Sandero(red), range rover Evoque (Firenze Red).

The world share of red is also 6%. The best red cars are sold in North America, they account for 10%.

5th place. Blue colour

The top five is opened by blue color. Cars with bodies painted in the color of the sea occupy 8% of the market in Russia. Most popular models blue shades - Hyundai Creta and business-like dark Range Rover (Loire Blue) and Audi A4 (Moonlight Blue).

In other countries, blue is less popular than in our country. It accounts for about 6% of all cars. The best blue cars are sold in Europe - there their share reaches 9%.

4th place. Grey colour

Perhaps the most practical car color painted 13% of cars traveling on the roads of Russia. Among adepts of practicality and discreetness, such gray models as Hyundai Solaris, Ford Focus and Mercedes-Benz GLS(Grey Selenite).

Car enthusiasts in the rest of the world prefer gray a little less - it accounts for 11%. The main fans of ashy shades and “wet asphalt” live in India, where every third car is sold in gray.

3rd place. White color

In Russia, white is confidently one of the three most popular colors - it accounts for 15% of the country's entire vehicle fleet. But we are still far from world madness, where from year to year by a few percent. It is noteworthy that in our country white “tuxedos” are most willing to “try on” crossovers and SUVs - BMW X6 (White Mineral), Mitsubishi Outlander and Toyota Land cruiser 200 (white mother-of-pearl).

The current share of white cars in the world is 37%. For comparison, five years ago it was 22%. In all corners of the planet, except India, this is the most popular color.

2nd place. Silver color

The color of silver and polished steel is literally half a step ahead of white - its share is 16% of the Russian car fleet. Most often, our compatriots buy in silver color Volkswagen Touareg, Toyota RAV4 and Mercedes-Benz E-class(Silver Brilliant). For Mercedes, this color has become part of the genetic code and a tribute to the legendary Mercedes Silver Arrows.

The world's silver color is less popular than in Russia - its share is 11%. More than ours love this body color only in Europe (17%) and South Korea (19%).

1st place. Black color

The most popular car color in Russia is black. He consistently occupies the first place from year to year. Now it accounts for 27% of all cars sold in the country. In this we are going against the whole world: nowhere else is black so popular, it has long since given way to white. Some of the main Russian all blacks models are Toyota Camry, Mercedes-Benz S-class (Black Obsidian) and Lexus LX.

The global share of black is 18%. A lot of black cars are sold in Japan, North America and Europe, where about one in five cars are painted this color.

For a Soviet citizen, there was no problem choosing the color of a car - they had to take what they brought. The only exceptions were the cars of special services and officials, who used exclusively black cars. Now the choice of colors has expanded and there is freedom of choice, and the conducted research allows us to say exactly which color of the car is the most practical and safe.

How to choose a car color

For most motorists, personal vehicle- this is not only an everyday car, but also a way of self-expression and a good opportunity to stand out in the stream. Men prefer neutral colors (gray, white, black, blue). Women like bright coloring, they pay more attention to a rare color when buying than to specifications. Pink, red, green, blue, yellow and purple shades are especially popular.

Psychologists even draw a relationship between the character of the driver, his sexual attractiveness and the color of the car. Such trends are clearly visible among the owners of black cars. The desire to have a black car is due to the desire of a person to emphasize his importance, status and place in society. Black will never go out of fashion, will not get bored, it is easy to pick it up when painting individual elements.

About color, Henry Ford said well at the beginning of the 20th century:

"Any customer can have the car painted in the color they want - as long as that color is black."

Ford's quote was of an advertising nature, because most of the first Ford Ts were painted with this particular color scheme. Other colors were more expensive, and this could worsen the demand for cars. Nevertheless, this saying has taken root, and black has a leading position around the world, despite its shortcomings.

Ford "T" - the first car produced in millions of series, was painted most often in black

The black

Its popularity in Russia does not decrease from year to year - currently 27% of vehicles from the entire fleet are registered. The reason lies in its status and the special love of our population for large and black cars. Leading in this list are all black Toyota models camry, Toyota Land cruiser, Mercedes-Benz S class, Lexus LS and other premium brands.

Black emphasizes the owner's charm, classic taste and the ability to keep a dark car clean. The advantages include the clarity of lines, ease of painting, good liquidity of the car.

Despite its aggression and attractiveness, black is the least practical color.

The main disadvantage is soiledness and a quick loss of neat appearance in our climatic conditions. Even light dust and scratches are immediately evident, and in the sun in the southern regions the surface can heat up to +95 0 C. A small car in black will look even smaller.


This color is number one in popularity all over the world. The share of such cars in China, India and South-East Asia reaches 50%, and in Russia only 15% of the fleet is white. Sales of white cars are constantly growing in our country. Now preference for white is given to creative individuals who want to emphasize their individuality and attitude to the car as a fashionable gadget.

White cars seem even bigger due to visual magnification

Advantages of white:

  • good visibility on the road;
  • suitable for any car, regardless of size and brand;
  • neutral when chosen by men or women;
  • monochrome colors do not go out of fashion;
  • not as sensitive to pollution as black;
  • in hot climates, it heats up 20-30 degrees less than dark cars.

It is interesting! Why cars white color cheaper? The fact is that enamel of this shade is cheaper to manufacture.

This color has few drawbacks: poor visibility on freshly fallen snow cover, scratches and rust are especially striking, it is very difficult to get into color when painting due to the huge number of shades and halftones.

Silver and gray

In Russia, it accounts for 16% of cars of all brands. The popularity of the mouse shade can be explained by practicality and invisibility in the stream. There is enough dirt on our roads, and on a gray body it is hardly noticeable, so there is no need for frequent washes.

Despite its practicality silver colors hardly noticeable on the road, especially in bad weather

Gray color is preferred by middle-aged people who have already taken place, who do not need to prove anything. A rich palette from dark gray (popular " wet asphalt”) to light silver is popular with all car manufacturers. For example, Mercedes paints its E-Class in signature gray as a reminder of racing car"Silver Arrow".


A great way to emphasize racing ambitions, sexuality. Red is the color of power, blood, success. It subconsciously energizes the adrenaline rush and adds visual speed to a moving car. There are few such cars in Russia - only 6%, most of which are budget models like the Kia Rio and crossovers like the Nissan Qashqai.

The color "passion" is known for poor resistance to fading in the sun.

The classic red color suits both men and women well. He is consistently popular and has his fans among car owners. The advantages of red are good visibility on the road and the ability to mask small chips and scratches. Red cars are less likely to be stolen because of their conspicuousness on the roads. common use and low market demand. Minus - noticeable burnout in the sun.


This color closes the top five popular car colors in Russia with 8% of the car market. We associate it with men. Its owner is suspicious, shy and calm on the roads - this is a real car enthusiast who will never leave a friend in trouble and will not create an emergency. In traffic accident statistics, blue consistently occupies the last place.

The blue color of the car is non-staining and quite practical.

Pros of a blue car:

  • forms a positive image of the owner;
  • non-staining and practical;
  • well emphasizes the design elements of the body;
  • versatility.

popular trend recent years natural celestial and aqua shades of blue have become, which, in combination with metallic coloring, create a festive look of the car, make it elegant and expensive.


Its popularity in Russia is low - only 2% of cars. This is a complex color and its use is not appropriate on every car. It is primarily associated with taxis and public transport. So the VAG concern developed a special shade for Russia - Savannah.

Yellow cars are known for the effect of "optical illusion": on the track they seem further than they actually are.

Glossy shades of yellow look appropriate on expensive sports cars and rare cars, which further emphasizes the elegance and sophistication of the owner. Yellow is especially popular in China and India, where it symbolizes splendor. Psychologists note the good susceptibility of yellow at a subconscious level, so your car will be clearly visible in the stream, which is useful from a safety point of view.

Advantages of the shade: does not fade in the sun, is not in demand among car thieves.


The number of cars in the country with such a color scheme is small - 3-4%. Most of them fall on the models of AvtoVAZ, Renault, Skoda. Green is preferred by people who strive for the unknown, love adventure and are quite extraordinary and independent of other people's opinions. A bright green color is not suitable for every car, and in some cases it will only spoil the impression of the car. General rule: than more car- the darker and richer the color should be.

Scratches and dents are clearly visible on the green color

Another category of car enthusiasts chooses green or khaki for their SUV. The color blends well with nature and looks organic on a brutal jeep that makes its way through the forest. So that dents and scratches are not conspicuous, the body is painted using the Raptor technology.


This color in pure form similar to silver - also practical and safe, but did not gain much fame in Russia - blue cars account for less than 2%. If the owner himself, blue calms and relaxes, then for other road users from him there are only problems. Firstly, the blue car is hardly noticeable on the road and merges with the horizon, and secondly, it acts annoyingly in dense city traffic.

Heavenly shades of cars evoke associations with the sea

Bright blue colors are preferred by women or creative and out-of-the-box thinkers. For men, blue is associated with non-standard sexual orientation, which also does not contribute to its popularity.


According to the international classification, brown and beige are combined into one group called Natural or natural. In Russia, there are just over 5% of such cars. About the driver brown car can be said in one word - a conservative who keeps everything under control. Light shades do not get dirty as quickly as black ones, but at the same time they look very expressive. Branded brown colors VAG, BMW, Mercedes have. AvtoVAZ offers customers a shade of "coriander". Otherwise, all the pros and cons are typical for dark cars.

Brown color looks perfect on premium and business class cars

most practical color

The choice of car color before buying depends not only on the personal preferences of the owner, but also on the conditions of its operation. The main criteria are good masking of chips and scratches, the invisibility of light dirt and dust on the car body. The practicality rating is as follows:

  1. beige and silver;
  2. white;
  3. blue;
  4. red;
  5. yellow.

They are versatile and equally well suited for any climate. Due to their prevalence, there are no problems with repair and color matching. Such colors are suitable for all car enthusiasts without exception, and it is easier to sell a car in a popular color.

The most practical car colors are silver and beige.

The most branded and not practical colors:

  1. the black;
  2. brown;
  3. white;
  4. green.

The main problem with all dark colors is their extreme soiling, which makes them unsuccessful. Enough black car After washing, drive around the city for a bit, as it becomes covered with a thin layer of dust, which makes it untidy. Such machines heat up much faster in the heat, so they are rare in the southern regions.

The exception is white and this is due to the good visibility of chips, cracks, rust on the paintwork. White fading in the sun is uneven, so different parts of the car can have different shades, which also makes it difficult to match the paint.

The safest color

Statistics collected by insurance companies in Russia show the safety of cars in natural shades. These include:

  • Orange;
  • yellow;
  • brown;
  • green;
  • white.

This is due to the conscious choice of a rare color by the owner and his positive psychological stability. Also, these shades are clearly visible on the roads in any conditions for other road users, and as a result, they are less likely to get into an accident.

Insured accidents most often occurred among owners of silver and black cars. This is largely due to their invisibility on the roads, especially at night, at dusk, during rain. In addition, these colors are popular with beginners who have little driving experience. The probability of getting into an accident for this group is 2 times higher than for natural colors.

Australian scientists have been conducting research for 20 years to identify the most dangerous color, which turned out to be black.

Red is next, but the risk of frequent accidents is usually associated with impulsive driving.

Insurers have interesting statistics on the dependence of the color of the car on the likelihood of theft. There is even a special CASCO calculation coefficient for this. The most stolen colors are considered to be white, silver and black. This indicates their good liquidity and demand for secondary market. Bright and non-standard colors will never attract a car thief because of the difficulties with car sales. The results of the article were combined into a table:

Most popular colorThe black
Most visible on the roadOrange
The most inconspicuous on the roadSilver
Most visible to scratches, dust and dirtThe black
Most invisible to scratches, dust and dirtSilver
Most stolen colorSilver
The most invincible colorRed
The hottestThe black
The least heatedWhite

The selection of color is engaged in a special science - coloring. It takes into account individual characteristics, character traits, goals. The selection of paint is popular depending on the sign of the zodiac or numerology. The right color will make driving a car not only pleasant and safe, but also raise you in the eyes of others, create a unique image.

All of us, my dear readers, have different tastes, different preferences. If you take men, then someone likes blondes, someone likes brunettes. If you take women, then someone likes pumped up, and someone with tummies. In general, we are different and buying new car we also look at its color from the side of our taste. I must say that many men like black cars, but women have no particular preferences. But still I am tormented by this question: — what is the most practical color for a car? Let's think.......

I will not take all the shades of colors, but I will take perhaps the most common ones, I will list them: - black, white, silver, blue, red, green, and perhaps yellow.

Black - first contender . I must say it looks awesome, especially when the car is clean, polished. But I must tell you that black is the most impractical color for a car. All this is because the slightest scratches, the slightest dents, everything is visible very, very well, just leaving the car wash in the summer and reaching home, you will see a weak layer of dust on your car (already settled while driving), another minus it burns out on the sun (becomes not so bright). So black is beautiful, but extremely impractical. The advantage of black is its catchiness in the eye, according to statistics, black cars are not as stolen as, for example, gray ones.

White - a very popular color in the last two years, much more practical than black, looks very nice on the car, although not as spectacular as black. Scratches are less visible, small dents are almost invisible. Also, the dust on such cars is practically invisible, leaving the car wash, you can not be afraid of roadside dust, this color is not afraid of fading. Because it's eye-catching, white cars are also not popular with car thieves.

Gray, silver and their shades. The most practical colors Everyone probably remembers the color, "The Snow Queen", 5-7 years ago 80% domestic cars were painted with it. Scratches and dents are almost invisible, well, if you do not look closely. Burnout, dust after washing and even dirt, it doesn’t matter how much it is practical, there’s nowhere else to go. But there is one big minus - silver is the most stolen color, all because of its discreetness, gray cars thousands and yours will be lost in this stream very quickly. Remember he wrote that he was just gray.

The next contender is Blue and its shades. It’s a little more complicated here, there are light shades of blue, they are practically the same as gray ones. And there are dark ones just like black ones, sometimes at night it is difficult to distinguish whether it is black or dark blue, it is just as impractical as black. But the plus of these colors is that they are catchy, they are not stolen so often.

Red and its shades, very, very noticeable colors, I would even say the colors of passion! Therefore, all sports cars are painted predominantly red. I must say in moderation. practical, scratches are visible small dents are not very but still show through. Also, this color is prone to fading. A big plus is that it is not interesting for hijackers, practically in general.

Green, a very specific color, bright catchy, but not very practical. Oddly enough, dents and scratches are perfectly visible, it also quickly fades. Plus, hijackers are not interested, and that's understandable!

And the last one in our post is Yellow and its shades. Yellow practically does not fade, scratches and dents on it are also difficult to notice, and hijackers are not interested in it either. But I must say very specific - not every one of us will agree to a yellow car (unless it's a sports car, of course).

Bottom line: In my opinion, the most practical and safest plus is the white color of the car, as well as its shades. We do not steal, and minor damage is not so noticeable, it practically does not fade. And that's it, read our articles.

10/10/2015 12/25/2015 by Motor4ik

"Tell me what color your car is and I'll tell you who you are." There is a lot of research and reasoning on the relationship between the color of the car and the character of its owner.

We are all different. And everyone has their own preferences in everything, including the color of the car. Someone loves white models, another feels comfortable in gray, and someone likes only the black color of the car. So, psychologists believe that the color that a driver chooses for his car helps to reveal his character. And if you do not want to reveal your essence, then your car will do it for you.

red color car

Drivers of red cars like to assert themselves at the expense of other road users. They are characterized by speeding, cutting corners, overtaking against the rules. You should also not expect the driver of a red car to let you pass first or let you pass at the intersection. It is also believed that such motorists are not entirely attentive, so it is recommended to keep a distance from them. Although there is another statement that says that: red is, in turn, the color of courage, passion and will. It is preferred by imperious, sociable and at the same time quick-tempered motorists. It is generally accepted that this color to some extent helps the brain work and contributes to the activation of the body. But some "categorical" characteristic of the red color, basically causes some distrust, irritation and fear on the part of other road users.

black car color

The black color of the car indicates that its owner perceives life gloomily and is not entirely confident in himself. For the most part, these people look happy and self-sufficient, but in fact, they often experience bouts of depression. According to other sources, black car drivers are calm, principled and demanding people. You can negotiate with them on the road without conflict, if necessary, they will give way and help, if necessary, change lanes.

Silver car color

The owners of silver cars are practical and progressive, they are smart entrepreneurs and have good taste. This color perfectly hides minor dirt on the car, which undoubtedly pleases the ever-busy owner of the car. Most often, such people are characterized as workaholics, they choose the work that they most like. The owners of silver cars are modern people who follow the latest trends and always try to look stylish.

white car color

This color is most often associated with purity and honesty. The owners of such machines are elegant and tend to achieve perfection in everything. With this color, a person wants to show that he is young, fresh and modern.

On the roads, the owners of a white car are polite, they never drive fast.

green car color

Drivers of green cars have a strong sense of self-worth, they are quite self-confident and do not pay much attention to the opinions of others. Such people do not chase fashion trends, they prefer to live by their own rules, but at the same time they are quite gentle and patient. Green also speaks of love for nature, as it is associated with the greenery that surrounds us.

Psychologists advise such motorists to be more careful on the road, as their behavior can be completely unpredictable.

blue car color

The blue color of the car speaks of an open and pure soul of a person. The owners of cars of this color are somewhat lethargic and melancholic people, next to them they would like to see cultured and self-confident participants traffic. These people are serious and you can even say that they are overly focused. They do not tend to be reckless on the roads, they do not allow liberties and do not violate the rules of the road.

yellow color car

The owner of the yellow car is confident and likes to have fun. Most of them are creative people.

Gold and yellow are the colors of joy and happiness. People who buy yellow cars are cheerful and sociable people. They take everything lightly. The owners of yellow cars are intelligent, have a calm character, and easily adapt to any situation on the roads. Basically, these are creative people, since some rules of the road can be approached from the creative side, which in turn may be original, but may not always be understood by other drivers.

Orange car color

Cars of this color look quite eccentric and defiant. If your choice fell on this color, then you work quite a lot and take good care of money. With this color, the owner is trying to show the world that he has enough money to afford to drive around in such an unusual car. At the same time, such people are more likely to invest what they earn in something useful and are unlikely to pamper themselves and their families too much.

gray car color

The owners of gray cars are people who do not want to attract special attention. They adhere to traditional views on life, are usually calm and try to stay away from too turbulent events. Such people are cautious and prone to compromise.

Beige car color

If your car is coffee or beige, then you are most likely an honest, frugal and down to earth person, although sometimes you get into adventures. You prefer reliable car, which will last a long time, and not some bright foreign car with leather interior and flashy accessories. You do not really like to buy new things, as you value old and proven ones more.

Top 10 Most Popular Car Colors