New GOST tinting. Is it possible to obtain permission to tint and how? Permitted tinting percentage by law

Tinting car windows makes the interior more comfortable for its driver and passengers: it protects from heat and prying eyes, and protects the upholstery from fading.

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But, if with tinting rear windows, as a rule, there are no problems, then applying tinting to the side front windows often carries the risk of receiving a fine.

Checking the degree of darkness

You can check the degree of shading of your car's windows using a special device, a taumeter. Its emitter passes a beam of a certain brightness through the glass, and the receiver measures how much light reaches after passing through the tinting.

But purchasing specialized equipment just to find out if it meets the requirements would be unwise. Therefore, it is easier to measure this parameter during the next inspection.

Measuring the degree of darkness is included in the list of inspection procedures.

If a traffic police inspector stopped a driver and it seemed to him that the tint exceeded the permitted standards, he can direct the car to the nearest stationary point where there is equipment for taking measurements.

When measuring the amount of transmitted light, it is important to strictly observe the conditions necessary for the correct result:

  • air humidity should be 20%;
  • temperature – be within 15-25°C;
  • Do not use the taumeter during rain or at very low temperatures.

You can roughly estimate how much light the tint lets in by multiplying the light transmittance of the factory glass with the characteristics of the tint used.

So, if we take into account that ordinary car glass transmits 90% of light, then when using a film that transmits 70% of light radiation, we get a final figure of 60% (0.9*0.7=0.6), which does not correspond to the permitted meaning.

Tinted front side windows according to GOST

However, for many drivers the requirement does not seem convincing, because the penalty for tinting is a fine that does not exceed 500 rubles(clause 3.1).

The Government has repeatedly expressed the idea of ​​increasing the fine to 1500 rubles, but the bill has not yet been adopted, so the penalties remain the same.

The amount of the fine if the light transmittance of the tinting does not comply with GOST standards:

There are ways to avoid punishment if you have tint:

  • install and remove it in front of traffic police posts;
  • electrochromic tinting, which will take the necessary parameters;
  • use of curtains.

Installation is also possible: two glasses are mounted in the door, one of which, tinted, automatically lowers if necessary.

This is a fairly expensive option, but more affordable than electrochromic tinting.

Cost for front side windows

The cost of tinting the side front windows will depend on the class of the car, the material chosen and whether the procedure is carried out separately or in combination with other glasses. Below are approximate prices for tinting at an auto repair shop.

Table 1. Cost of glass tinting using professional film for compacts and middle class:

Table 2. Cost of glass tinting using professional film for the middle class:

Table 3. Cost of window tinting using professional film for business class:

Table 4. Cost of glass tinting using professional premium film:

Table 5. Cost of window tinting using professional film for crossovers:

Table 6. Cost of window tinting using professional film for jeeps:

Table 7. Cost of window tinting using professional film for minivans:

Table 8. Cost of window tinting using professional film for minibuses:

As you can see from the price list, prices are quite affordable. But, if you want to save money, you can tint the front side windows yourself.

With your own hands

If you have certain skills and skillful hands, you can tint the side front windows yourself.

Necessary materials and equipment

To complete the task you will need:

  • film: when purchasing, you should ask the seller for a light transmittance certificate. It is better to give preference to high-quality metallized goods in a roll. -templates have low quality, and their light transmission capacity will rapidly decrease during operation. In the same store, as a rule, you can find all of them;
  • construction knife with removable blades that can be changed as they become dull;
  • rubber spatula for smoothing the film. It's better to take several different sizes. Spatulas are sold in hardware stores, in wallpaper departments;
  • window cleaner with spray bottle. Some film manufacturers do not recommend the use of liquid. Therefore, you can prepare the solution yourself: you need to take 1.5 liters of water and add 5 drops of washing shampoo to it and mix well;
  • construction hairdryer You can use regular one, but it is not effective. In addition, the hair dryer may become damaged or may not be powerful enough.

In addition to what is indicated in the list, you will need a ruler, tape, napkins, a stapler and a sponge.

Preparatory work

To tint car windows, you should choose a non-dusty room where there is no draft. It is better if another person helps you the first time.

Stages of work:

  1. Remove the seal from the glass and wash the glass thoroughly. detergent. There should be no dust, dirt or grease stains left on it. Special attention should be given to the corners.
  2. It is better to remove the elements located on the glass. If this is not possible, you should think in advance about how to get around them.
  3. To make the process as simple as possible, you can remove the glass and tint it separately.

When preparatory stages completed, you can start tinting:

  1. The tint film is applied to the glass with the dark side facing inward.
  2. To give it the shape of glass, the outer side of the glass surface is sprayed with a soap solution and a film is applied to it.
  3. By attaching it to side glass, mark the boundaries and use a knife to give the tint film the desired shape. At the same time, leaving a margin of 1 cm at the edges.
  4. You can first make a pattern from paper in the shape of glass, and then cut out the desired fragment from the film, attaching the template to it.

Gluing the film is a very labor-intensive process. Needs to be sprayed constantly inner surface glass with soapy water so that it does not dry out. In this case, you need to quickly separate the dark layer of the film and apply it to the glass and moisten it with a soap solution.

It is better to start the smoothing procedure only after a transparent layer of film has been applied on top of the dark layer of film. This is necessary in order not to damage the coating. But many car enthusiasts smooth out the film without such protection.

You need to level the film with a rubber spatula, moving from the center to the edges, periodically spraying it with soapy water to reduce friction. It is necessary to eliminate all bubbles between the tinting and the car glass.

When the leveling is complete, use a sharp knife blade to cut off the excess film. To do this, just run it along the edge of the glass. Then the film is dried with a hairdryer around the perimeter, or left for a long time.


Some people want to clarify the fine for tinting from January 1, 2017. Not long ago it became illegal, so drivers are actively interested in the latest innovations. Now they have appeared important subtleties, which were previously only discussed. It's time to get to know them, and then think about whether it is worth resorting to such “decoration”.

Changes in administrative responsibility

According to the new law of 2017, it is 1,500 rubles. A driver can safely drive along city roads without thinking about it, but every traffic police inspector will check his car and issue a receipt. The tightening exceeded the expectations of car owners, who still remember that previously they had to pay only 500 rubles.

Moreover, the fine for tinting cannot be paid indefinitely. Today, after 12 times there is a serious punishment. It surprises drivers a little, but remains completely justified. What will a person have to face?

  • Fine 5000 rubles;
  • Deprivation of rights for up to 3 months.

Administrative responsibility comes immediately, so it’s easier to pay the receipt than to lose driver's license. Such troubles disrupt all plans, so experienced driver instantly admits his own guilt.

No tint?

You will have to pay a decent amount for it. This problem has forced some car dealers to abandon the pleasant darkening of the interior, but it’s worth understanding the intricacies of the new requirement. The bill was approved taking into account the wishes of drivers, so exceptions to the rule appeared for all vehicles.

  • The light transmission of windshields must exceed 75%.

These indicators clarify the driver’s capabilities.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, it is still possible to darken the windows, but exceeding the permissible data will force the film to be removed within 14 days. Otherwise, you will have to face additional liability, which will lead to an administrative fine.

It is usually easier to take advantage of a deferment than to suffer from regular payments.

Rules for taking measurements

The new fines frightened motorists. They are tired of regular increases in payments and the appearance additional requirements in the rules traffic. Only today you won’t have to silently give the specified amount to the state traffic inspector. There are certain rules that he will have to follow. What is it about?

  • It is prohibited to issue a fine without measurement.
  • The measurement is carried out with a taumeter, which must comply with the standard.
  • If possible, the driver should carry the same device with him to receive additional data.
  • Humidity above 45% prohibits any testing.
  • Atmospheric pressure is from 645 to 795 mm Hg. Art.
  • The temperature is below - 10 degrees.

These rules have become mandatory. Experienced motorists will find salvation in them, because they know how to communicate requirements to the traffic police inspector. Practice shows that it is new car owners who most often fall under administrative liability. If you immediately provide the details to the officer, he will remember his own rights and will follow the provisions of the law.

Alternative to tinting

Made me give up the film. Yes, it remained an attractive choice, but due to minimal dimming it did not retain its functionality. Drivers and passengers still don’t want to suffer from the scorching sun in the summer heat, so manufacturers have offered them an alternative option.

  • Curtains;
  • Additional elements.

If you want to create comfortable conditions inside the car, you will have to work a little. This is usually done by design studios, which advise clients which option is best for them for regular trips. It's worth comparing offers to quickly find comfort and coolness.


Curtains are a simple option that freely covers the glass from direct sunlight. They initially attracted numerous drivers, but even they were subject to additional demands.

In accordance with the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation, the driver’s view cannot be blocked while driving. For this reason, their installation is only possible on rear doors. Because of this, many motorists considered such an option to be just another unnecessary cash outlay.

Additional items

Having learned what fine for tinting the traffic police inspectors will now issue, people immediately abandoned the film, remembering traditional ways protection from sun rays. By using any of them, you can protect yourself from glare, but the heat will not go away. The stores offer a variety of protective equipment, but still they do not replace film.

Color film is prohibited

When removing the first tint, people leave the second layer, believing that its performance will meet the legal requirements. Only they forget one more important nuance- color spectrum. If the driver wants to truly stand out in the traffic, it is better to use visual tuning rather than darkening.

Once applied, the colored film seriously affects the driver's visibility. Sitting behind the wheel, he is faced with a distorted image of surrounding events. For this reason, he loses the ability to realistically assess the situation on the road and respond to troubles in a timely manner.

What do drivers forget?

By neglecting tinted windows, drivers make a mistake. They choose film with slight darkening, not forgetting the requirements of updated legislation. In their opinion, such a step will allow them to partially protect themselves from sun people without facing administrative punishment.

The readings should be greater than 75% luminosity, but a standard windshield blocks almost 20% of the sun's rays, so it remains a "shade-permit" per se. Such data will seem absurd, but they were confirmed after careful calculation. It took into account various situations, and the possibility of a timely response by the driver was assessed.

The updated tinting bill suggests that it is now easier to forget about the film forever. Otherwise, you will have to pay a considerable fine after each inspection. Although after several mistakes you will have to face a sharp increase in the amount, as well as the threat of deprivation driver's license for a long time.

Today, the fight against tinting in our country is getting tougher - immediately after the cancellation of license plates for tinted windows, so-called demands or orders to eliminate the violation were used, after which drivers were imprisoned for up to 15 days. Moreover, a change is coming in the legislation to toughen penalties for tinting windows “not in accordance with GOST”, up to and including deprivation of rights. But this is in the future, and now we will consider the issue of permitted tinting, namely, the opportunity to earn money for health reasons, buy or otherwise obtain permission to tint in 2019.

The issue is that in some cases and certain categories of drivers, for a variety of reasons, exceptions to the law can be allowed, and there are such exceptions in a variety of other aspects of the law. So, let's answer the question, is it possible and how can you get special permission for tinting, what law regulates this, is it available to mere mortal drivers and what is needed for this in 2019.

Permission to tint - method No. 1:

Firstly, the easiest way to get permission to tint is to tint “according to GOST”. The fact is that tinting in our country is not prohibited in principle (except for mirror tinting), but there are standards for light transmittance and what kind of glass is allowed to be tinted. Namely, the front “hemisphere” can be tinted so that it transmits at least 70% of all light. This, of course, is very little, taking into account the fact that already from the factory the light transmittance of glass (and it is not even tinted) is 85-95%. Literally, the glass will become only a little darker, and if your goal when tinting is to become invisible, to significantly hide from the sun, then this legal method will not suit you.

However, if your goal is to protect yourself from the summer heat and stick on an athermal film, then we have for you good news- a number of athermal films (but not all) are tested for light transmittance.

Thus, you already have a kind of permission to tint - it is provided by law with the only compelling condition that the tint must transmit 70% of the light into the car.

Permission to tint - method No. 2:

Another method is much less effective, but, in any case, more useful than simply tinting the car and driving like that. The method is to know the loopholes in the legislation due to the “holes”, and there are plenty of them there. We will not cite here all the shortcomings of Russian legislation regarding tinting that allow it one way or another, we will only note that they are all divided into main categories:

  1. Shortcomings in basic laws: traffic rules, administrative codes. Thus, the Traffic Rules, when tinting is permitted, refers us to GOST 5727-88, which has long since lost force, and in general GOSTs became optional after the introduction of Technical Regulations. The same Code of Administrative Offenses in the article with punishment for tinting ( refers to a document called " Technical regulations on the safety of wheeled vehicles", which has also lost force, and is replaced by a document similar in content, but already called " Technical regulations Customs Union on the safety of wheeled vehicles". And there are many more such shortcomings.
  2. Disadvantages in the procedures for determining light transmittance themselves. Thus, the determination device must have a verification certificate, and the measurement must be carried out strictly according to the instructions for the device. In fact, it is because of procedural errors in the glass measurement process that errors are made among inspectors, which can lead to the cancellation of the decision.
    In addition, there are a number of “life hacks” that cease to work over time and are replaced by others during the measurement process. For example, remove the removable tint while the inspector goes to get the device, lower the windows and declare that the window regulator is broken, and so on.
  3. Cancellation of decisions upon expiration of court deadlines. Here it is a little more complicated and simpler at the same time - you are simply stalling for time through various types of petitions, challenges, and so on, and it becomes impossible to prosecute for tinting for the simple reason that the statute of limitations has expired.

It should be clearly noted here that, firstly, you will not learn these methods in two or three days or even in two or three weeks. Rather, you will have to learn full-fledged law in order to be able to operate the laws in your favor, because we must not forget that you are violating and you must prove the opposite, which is quite difficult. Secondly, judges and police officers are not fools, and both of these authorities are allowed to make decisions about guilt based on personal beliefs, which means that minor procedural errors are unlikely to play a role important role when appealing a decision for tinting.

Well, in the end, it is worth noting that this is not permission to tint as such - it is only an opportunity to defend your rights in the event of a mutual violation by government officials.

There is also another hypothetical way to get permission for tinting - to have a “blat” in the traffic police, and among the highest ranks. This method we will not discuss it due to its illegality and, of course, mythical nature. However, there is an opinion that, having received “connections” in the structures, it is possible to obtain permission to tint.

Others legal ways There is no way to buy or otherwise obtain permission for tinting from the traffic police.

Previously, another myth spread: supposedly, if you get a certificate from a doctor stating that the driver has a special eye disease with impaired vision and pain in the eyes due to bright sunlight, then with such a certificate you will be allowed to tint the car. However, in 2019 this is indeed a myth, and it will be impossible to obtain permission to tint car windows with such a certificate. And there is some logic in this - after all, to solve the problem of immunity to bright sunlight, it is enough to wear sunglasses.

In order to ensure road safety, technological standards have been developed regulating the light transmittance parameter of darkened car glass. Compliance with them allows the driver to operate the vehicle without problems in conditions of optimal visibility. Inspectors traffic police are authorized to monitor compliance with the requirements of regulatory sources.

Increasing penalties for non-compliance with tinting performance regulations will reduce the number of violators. What innovations are planned in this area, and what threatens irresponsible drivers?

What is tinting?

Vehicle window tinting is a popular procedure among car enthusiasts because darkening:

  • hides the contents of the cabin from prying eyes;
  • ensures that the car remains pleasantly cool in hot weather;
  • provides the driver with the opportunity to drive without sunglasses in situations where the sun shines brightly on the windshield.

However, excessive tinting contributes to the appearance emergency situations on the road due to the driver’s lack of visibility of the roadway. Such driving conditions cause a lack of prompt response to what is happening around, which can result in a traffic accident.

Legislative regulation

Currently, there is no separate legislation on vehicle tinting. Standard values ​​for light transmittance, as well as the procedure for applying penalties for its violations, are reflected in documents such as:

  • Traffic Laws;
  • Code of Administrative Violations;
  • State standards.

The main technological regulations, which indicate the standards of light transmission of darkened car glass, is GOST 32565-2013 “Safety glass for ground transport. Specifications", entered into force on January 1, 2015. The document data is used when monitoring the indicator by authorized road service specialists.

Tinting and traffic rules

The Traffic Rules prohibit the equipping of vehicles with mirror tinting. All other types of dimming are permitted subject to compliance with the regulated light transmittance parameters, in accordance with the requirements of the state standard.

Is the 2016 tinting bill still relevant?

Having decided to get serious about traffic offenders, at the end of June 2015, Russian government a bill was developed that provided for strict liability for non-compliance with the regulated rules for tinting vehicles. A proposal was made to increase penalties for this type of violation from 500 to 1,500 rubles. If a discrepancy between the dimming parameters and the technological regulations was detected again, it was planned to increase the fine to 5,000 rubles. Late payment or non-payment of the fine should have resulted in the deprivation of a driver's license for up to three months.

The bill passed only the first reading, beyond which it did not advance. However, it can be considered at any time, since the number of violators is not decreasing due to the application of insufficient penalties, and the number of road accidents is also increasing, the reason for which is the inability to quickly react to the surrounding situation due to poor visibility of the road due to tinted windows.

Situation in 2017

Fines for non-compliance with light transmittance parameters during dimming are 500 rubles. There is no provision for an increase in penalties in a situation where the driver has not eliminated the identified inconsistencies with the technological regulations. However, in 2017, many changes were made to the traffic rules regarding the scope of punishment for offenses, so the proposed bill may be approved, as a result of which new requirements for tinting and increased fines for improperly equipping windows with darkening elements will become relevant.

What changes are expected in 2018?

In 2018, it is planned to strengthen the penalties applied for failure to comply with the requirements of regulatory documents regarding light transmission parameters. Currently, some drivers choose to pay fines and continue to drive with tint, increasing the risk of traffic accidents. To reduce the number of such violators, it is proposed to increase fines to 5,000 rubles.

It is planned to expand the powers of inspection employees to allow the driver to be forced to independently dismantle the film. If the driver refuses to eliminate the cause of the violation at the scene of detection, the inspection inspector will have the right to remove license plates from the tinted vehicle.

During the year, the driver will be able to pay a fine for violations of tinting indicators only 12 times, after which his license will be taken away. The car owner will also be deprived of his driver's license in case of failure to pay fines. Tightening penalties and expanding their scope should reduce the number of violations on the roads, as well as make the problem of tinting no longer relevant.


Current penalties are currently ineffective, since many drivers find it easier to pay a fine than to spend time dismantling the blackout. Increasing the fine, limiting the number possible violations for the year, as well as expanding the powers of inspection inspectors, should help ensure that drivers do not violate the requirements state standards when equipping vehicle windows with shading elements.

High-quality car window tinting not only improves appearance vehicle, but also performs useful features– reduces the heating of the cabin under the scorching sun, removes glare and blinding lights, and also protects the contents of the cabin from the eyes of intruders. But glass tinting is controlled at the legislative level, and non-compliance with established technical requirements threatens the driver with a fine. To do everything correctly, read our material on how to tint front windows according to GOST 2018-2019.

What tint is allowed?

As of 2018-2019 in the domestic legislative framework there are three regulatory documents, which discusses the issue of tinting car windows:

  • GOST No. 32565-2013 “Safety glass for land transport”;
  • Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 018/2011 “On the safety of wheeled vehicles” (Appendix 8, paragraph 4);
  • Traffic Laws Russian Federation clause 7.3 “List of faults”.

Having studied the above documents, we can identify the following provisions governing the conditions legal tinting cars:

  • GOST defines the technical term “safety glass with a polymer coating,” thereby allowing the film to be applied to vehicle windows from the inside or outside;
  • GOST also specifies requirements for the light transmittance of tinted windows: for side and windshield it must be at least 70% (before the 2018 edition it was 75%);
  • light transmittance rear window can be any, if there are rear-view mirrors on both sides that provide sufficient visibility of the road space;
  • there can also be any darkening of the strip in the upper part of the windshield if its width does not exceed 14 cm;
  • There are no mentions of mirror film in GOST and Technical Regulations, but it is prohibited according to clause 7.3 of the Traffic Regulations “List of faults”, so the use of mirror tinting is illegal on any car window.

Protect your car without receiving a fine! The company Avtostudia23 provides services for applying tinting in accordance with GOST. Tinting 3 rear windows from only 3000 rubles.

Failure to comply with the standards may result in punishment under Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation “Driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions and conditions that do not allow its use.” For incorrect tinting, a fine of 500 rubles is imposed with a requirement to eliminate the malfunction. If within the specified period the driver does not get rid of the tint, a repeated stop will entail another fine, which can be increased to 1000 rubles (according to Article 19.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses “Disobedience legal requirement police officer"). You can also get a fine for improper tinting of license plates, headlights, turn signals and the car body. This is explained by the deterioration of lighting conditions and visibility of the vehicle by other road users and, as a result, an increase in the risk of an accident.

Types of tinting according to GOST

On modern market presented big variety tinting methods, which differ primarily in the materials used. Not only windows, but also various body elements, including headlights, are subject to tinting. The most popular method due to its availability is tinting using film; in addition, the following methods are gaining popularity:

Now about the prices: average cost double glass for front doors is 40-50 thousand rubles, monochrome PLDC tinting is estimated at 60-80 thousand, and SPD electrical tinting will cost at least 300 thousand rubles.

Tinting of headlights and turn signals is usually done using film, less often - varnish; in both cases, the procedure primarily has a practical function and protects the glass from chips and scratches under the influence of pebbles flying from under the wheels of oncoming cars. Film wrapping is also practiced to protect the car body; a wide variety of materials are used here - transparent, matte, carbon-style and other films.

Window tinting seems like a simple procedure only at first acquaintance, but in reality it is difficult process, which must be performed by qualified craftsmen. Most frequent mistakes when tinting are:

At incorrect tinting the owner of a car can become the culprit of an accident due to deterioration in visibility of the surrounding environment (a car that is too dark, especially in the evening, turns into a real bunker from which nothing can be seen), and high-quality materials for darkening are quite expensive, so trust the first one you come across "master" is not worth it.

How is the light transmittance of glass measured?

The need to measure the light transmittance of car windows may arise in three situations: at the stage of applying darkening, by a traffic police inspector when checking compliance with established rules, and by an authorized specialist in a car repair shop (you have the right to refuse an on-site inspection and demand a full-fledged examination). In any of these cases, a special device is used for checking - a taumeter. The inspection process is regulated by the requirements of GOST No. 8.831-2013 “Safety glass for land transport”, according to which:

  1. The taumeter must be sealed and have a passport with an annual inspection mark.
  2. Since the instrument readings depend on climatic conditions environment, measurements should be carried out in dry weather, with an atmospheric pressure of 645-795 mmHg. and temperatures above 10 degrees Celsius.
  3. Measurements are taken from at least three points around the perimeter of the glass.
  4. The time of day, as well as the presence of other light sources in the immediate vicinity when measuring at night, do not affect the accuracy of the device.

Failure to comply with at least one of the first three points is a violation of the protocol and will work in your favor when challenging a fine for tinting.

Now you know what is the permitted tinting of front windows in 2018-2019 according to GOST. In conclusion, let us remind you that improper darkening of windows using low-quality materials will not only quickly become unusable, but will also cause a lot of damage. serious problems! Use common sense and remember that road safety comes first.