Certificates: who owns who owns. Comparative characteristics of Ford Focus of different countries of Ford manufacturers which firm

Approximately thirty years ago, the famous American manager Lee Yakokka said that by the beginning of the XXI century, only a few players will remain on the world automotive market. The ex-president of Chrysler and Ford Thrust seen the trend of the further development of the auto industry, so it is not surprising that its predictions are confirmed.

The largest world autocontracers and alliances

At first glance, it may seem that there are many independent automakers in the world, but in fact most autocompany are included in various groups and alliances.

Thus, whether Yakokka looked like in the water, and today there really remained only a few automakers who share the entire world car market among themselves.

What brands belong to Ford

Interestingly, the companies that he headed - Chrysler and Ford are the leaders of the American car industry, during the economic crisis suffered the most serious losses. And in so serious redirects they did not have ever before. Chrysler and General Motors became bankrupt, and Ford saved only a miracle. But for this miracle, the company had to pay a too expensive price, because as a result of Ford lost his premium subdivision Premiere Automotive Group, which included Land Rover, Volvo and Jaguar. Moreover, Ford lost the Aston Martin - the British supercar manufacturer, the Mazda stake controlling stake and eliminated the Mercury brand. And today, only two brands remained from a huge empire - Lincoln and actually Ford himself.

What brands belong to Avtocontracena General Motors

General Motors suffered no less serious losses. The American company lost Saturn, Hummer, Saab, but its bankruptcy still did not prevent the Opel and Daewoo brands. Today, as part of General Motors, brands such as Vauxhall, Holden, GMC, Chevrolet, Cadillac and Buick. In addition, Americans belong to the Russian joint venture GM-AvtoVAZ, which releases Chevrolet Niva.

Autocontracene Fiat and Chrysler

And the American concern Chrysler now acts as a strategic partner of Fiat, who gathered under his wing brands like Ram, Dodge, Jeep, Chrysler, Lancia, Maserati, Ferrari and Alfa Romeo.

In Europe, things are somewhat different than in the United States. Here, the crisis also made their own adjustments, but the position of the monsters of the European auto industry has not been shaken.

What brands belong to the Volkswagen group concern

Volkswagen still accumulates brands. After the purchase of Porsche in 2009, the Volkswagen Group grows nine brands - Seat, Skoda, Lamborghini, Bugatti, Bentley, Porsche, Audi, SCANIA truck manufacturer and VW itself. There is information that SUZUKI will soon be in this list, 20 percent of whose shares are already owned by Volkswagen Group.

Brands that belong to the concern Daimler AG and BMW Group

As for the other two "Germans" - BMW and Daimler AG, they cannot boast such an abundance of brands. Under the wing of Daimler AG, the SMART, Maybach and Mercedes stamps are labeled, and the BMW history has MINI and Rolls-Royce.

Automotive Alliance Renault and Nissan

Among the world's largest automakers, it is impossible not to mention the Renault-Nissan Alliance, owning such brands like Samsung, Infiniti, Nissan, Dacia and Renault. In addition, Renault is the owner of 25 percent of AvtoVAZ shares, so Lada is also not independent of the French-Japanese alliance.

Another major French automaker is the PSA concern - belong to Peugeot and Citroen.

Japanese autoconecern Toyota

And among the Japanese automakers, boast the "collection" of brands can except Toyota, which belongs to Subaru, Daihatsu, Scion and Lexus. Also as part of Toyota Motor, the HINO truck manufacturer is listed.

Who belongs to Honda

Honda has more modest achievements. In addition to the motorcycle office and the ACURA brand, the Japanese has nothing more.

Successful Handai-Kia

Over the past years, the Hyundai-Kia alliance is successfully breaking into the list of world car industry leaders. Today, he produces cars only under the brands of Kia and Hyundai, but Koreans have ever seriously engaged in creating a premium brand, which can get the name of Genesis.

Among the absorption and mergers of recent years should be mentioned under the wing of the Chinese GEELY VOLVO brand, as well as the purchase of English premium brands Land Rover and Jaguar by the Indian company TATA. And the smaller case is the purchase of a famous Swedish brand Saab tiny manufacturer of Spyker supercars from Holland.

Once a powerful British auto industry ordered a long time to live. All famous British car manufacturers have long lost independence. Their example followed small English firms that have passed to foreign owners. In particular, the legendary Lotus today owns Proton (Malaysia), and the Chinese SAIC bought MG. By the way, the same SAIC before it was sold by Korean SsangYong Motor Indian Mahindra & Mahindra.

All these strategic partnerships, alliances, associations and absorption once again proved whether Yakokki is the right point. Single firms in the modern world survive is no longer able to survive. Yes, there are exceptions, like Japanese Mitsuoka, English Morgan or Malaysian Proton. But these companies are independent only in the sense that nothing depends on them an even account.

And in order to have annual sales, calculated by hundreds of thousands of cars, not to mention millions, without a strong "rear" can not do. In the Renault-Nissan Alliance, partners are supported by each other, and in the Volkswagen Group, the mutual execution is provided by the number of brands.

As for such companies as Mitsubishi and Mazda, there are still great difficulties in the future. While Mitsubishi can get the help of PSA partners, then Mazda will have to survive alone, which in the modern world is becoming more difficult every day ...

Before buying the car's brand you like, before each buyer, the question arises, the car manufacturer's car to choose. After all, as you know, if the car begins to enjoy in great demand in the world, the rights to its production are bought by manufacturers of other countries. So it happens in Russia, "Reno Logan", "Toyota Camry", "Ford Focus", "" and so on. That examples. But now our conversation will go about the middle class car with a rich set of "Ford Focus", which can be found in three types of assembly in the car market of the Russian Federation:

- American;
- Russian.

To begin with, let's start with the fact that many people, as soon as they learn that the car of the Russian assembly immediately turns away and go to watch any other car released abroad. This is understandable, after all, almost in all life of the Soviet car industry did not have anything worthwhile, which could be poisoned at least with a foreign car for twenty years older than our car. But you should not make hasty conclusions in relation to any car even our assembly, because each has its pros and cons! As for the car of the Russian assembly, the minuses are not much more than his European and American analogues. On the contrary, the Russian "Ford Focus" is more adapted to our driving conditions, and sowing behind the wheel, this car, you will feel like a spacecraft from the comfort and abundance of electronics. Outwardly from each other, they almost do not differ except with the headlights, but the design differences are greater, spare parts from the Russian "Ford Focus" will not be able to approach the foreigner. And now in more detail about the differences between them:

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The Russian "Ford Focus" compared to his relatives has very good, high-quality brakes, and therefore, with high speed, it is like to start to slow down with his nose. This causes concern to damage his bumper about some kind of way on the road, such a feeling as if the brakes designed a "coward". As for his American brother, the brakes are quite sluggish, and sometimes they have to squeeze them into the floor to achieve good braking. But the leader in this criteria is definitely "Ford Focus" of the European assembly, whose brakes were clearly made to ride on autobahn. They are medium sensitivity, when braking, speed drops almost instantly, but in comparison with the Russian "Ford Focus", Europeans does not enter, and it does not strive to throw you out through the windshield.

As for manageability. In this criteria, the first place is divided by the manufacturers of the United States and Europe, on whose machines, even at a speed of 190 km / h of imperceptible swaying. The car is almost following the specified trajectory, which cannot be said about their Russian counterpart. The Russian car already at a speed of 140 km / h makes thinking about the possible consequences, since the steering wheel is done with a cotton one, and the car does not accurately repeat the trajectory of the movement. But on the Russian "Ford Focus", a fairly high clearance, which, unlike his foreign fellow, makes it possible not to be afraid of each bump.

Ergonomics of machines for all manufacturers at height. There are no hoptes, squeaks, as usual on our cars, the salon is adapted for driving at high speeds, as there is side support for seats. As a result, almost on any turns are sitting like a free. The main difference in this paragraph is in the light of headlights, where the "Ford Focus" of the Russian assembly is located on top. The regular optics of his foreign fellows are too dull and does not give enough space for the review, which is why you have to put xenon, but based on the fact that it is prohibited in many countries, you have to change all optics.

As a result, one can say one thing that all these cars are approximately at one level, each of them has its pros and cons. But the most important total minus of these cars is too thin body material. It is poorly susceptible to corrosion, but even with a small accident you have to invest not one penny in the repair of your iron horse.

Good luck in choosing a car !!!

general information

Ford Motor (Ford Motor Company), American Automobile Company, specializing in the release of Ford Marks, "Mercury", "Lincoln", Trucks, a variety of agricultural machinery. "Ford" belongs to Jaguar.

Headquarters is located in Divorone (Michigan), not far from which was once the farm of parents Henry Ford.

Corporation History

The company was founded by Henry Ford in 1903 and on the thought of its creator immediately was intended for the release of a mass cheap car. Initially, this was the model "A", in 1908 - the model "T", painted by caricaturists of "Tin Lizzy". The success of the new model was so great that the constantly expanding Ford enterprises did not cope with orders. In the first year of production of this model, 10,660 cars were sold, which broke all records in the automotive industry of that time.

In Ford Motor in 1913, for the first time in the world, the method of standardization of interchangeable parts of products and conveyor technology for assembling cars was introduced, which allowed only one year to raise labor productivity by 40-60%.

By the middle of 1914, 500 thousand models "T" were produced, by 1923 each second car in America was made at Ford Motor factories.

In 1922, Ford Motor acquired Lincoln, which was instructed by Edcel Ford. The authoritarian style of the management of the older Ford becomes a favorite target of the left press, Ford's failure to endure the trade unions in its enterprises causes a campaign of real etching. At the same time, the Americans are tired by the end of the 1920s from the monotonous model "T". Competitors from "General Motors", "Ford Motor" meets the model "Ford A", whose popularity is still behind Chevrolet and Biaikov.

The Great Depression of 1929 sharply reduces the sale of cars. Twice falls salary.

In 1932, the beginning of the mass production of V-shaped 8-cylinder engines. Ford Motor Company becomes the first company that managed to release a monolithic 8-cylinder unit. The Ford car and his reliable engine became favorites of practical Americans.

Successful was the line of cars "Mercury", launched in 1938. The company nominally controls Edsel Ford, but its authority is not comparable to his father's authority. In cases begins stagnation, which lasted before the beginning of World War II, when military orders corrected the case.

From 1942 to 47 years, the production of civil cars stopped sharply, as the company sent all his efforts to military needs.

After the brief reign of Old Man Ford (Edsel died in 1943) in 1945, the authorities moved to Henry Fordu second, breathing new life in the company.

The Ford Jr. reorganizes the system of recruitment system, applies to developing a strategy of a company known to him from war "Brainstorming" to him, inviting a group of system analysts.

In 1949, Ford Motor Company sells approximately 807,000 cars, increasing its almost twice. The reorganization program, Henry Ford II, has allowed to quickly restore the health of the company. The result was the construction of 44 manufacturing factories, 18 assembly plants, 32 spare parts warehouses, two huge test polygons and 13 engineering research laboratories in the United States.

Launch of the Tanderbird models (Thunderbird) in 1955 and Mustang (Mustang), which were now classic, strengthened the financial position of Ford Motor. Attractive 4-seater Mustang in 1965 became a pet's favorite. In the first 100 days, 100,000 of these cars were sold.

In 1968, the first 1,6-liter model of Escort Twin Cam began his sports career, successfully opening the season and defeating the annular race in Ireland, the Danish tulip, the Austrian Alps, Acropolis and Rally Scotland for eight weeks. By the end of the first season, Escort won the famous rally of 1000 lakes in Finland, which helped Ford to take strong positions in the world championship in new cars rally.

The Western European Ford Taunus / Cortina model in the 1970-190s is very common. The production of the department of universal (Kombi) Ford Taunus / Cortina began in 1970.

Since 1976, with the beginning of the production of capatoy cargo-passenger models of Ford Econoline E-Series, the new generation began to use elements of the chassis, engines and transmissions, similar to SUVs and Picks of the F. Series in 1992, the new gamut of the comfortable 7-, 8-, 12- and 15-seater all-metal minibuses and four-door vans with the body.

The Fiesta family has existed over 20 years - the first generation appeared in 1976. The life path of the current generation models, which began at the Geneva Motor Show-89, is nearing the sunset. Over the 11 years, the Fiesta family twice (in 1995 and 1999) was subjected to serious restyling, thanks to which it remains quite modern to this day.

Crown Victoria is one of the most popular models in the United States (in the police, taxis, rental, on the secondary market).

The full-sized wagon of the 1980 wagon was an all-wheel drive pickup with a shortened base. Patency turned out rather high, so the model remained popular for a long time (in particular, in Alaska), even after the appearance of more modern models.

Ford Escort is produced in the United States and Europe, as well as in Argentina in three body versions. The production of American Ford Escort and Mercury Lynx continued until the summer of 1990. They replaced the models developed on the Japanese Mazda 323 platform.

In September 1982, the Sierra rear-wheel drive family with five-door heads of hatchback and wagon (Kombi), and the beginning of the production of a three-door all-wheel drive model (XR4X4) appeared on sale.

In November 1986, launch version 4x4 Ford Scorpio. At the very end of 1991, a presentation of the spacious universal Scorpio Turnir took place. In the summer of 1998, Scorpio production stopped, and the European Ford branch decided to make the Mondeo model flagship.

From the mid-1980s, Taurus is produced (Taurus). This model was named 1986 by car, and in 1987 he became a bestseller in America. The streamlined futuristic design cars with beautiful names Taurus and Sable were the main milestone on the way of the Ford's transition to the production of a new generation of the 80s cars - economical, high-tech and aesthetically perfect.

In the same year, a purchase of a 75% stake in Aston Martin-Lagonda took place.

Purchase of Jaguar in 1990 further increases the range of Ford models, according to the comfort of no reminiscent of "Tin Lizzy", and a joint venture with the German Volkswagen Corporation has been created for the release of a Multipurpose Car Ford Galaxy.

The company is open to innovations and change; Interestingly, "Ford Motor", a pioneer in the introduction of the conveyor, the first among large corporations and refused it, since modern workers are doing a job with greater return, in which there is an element of independent creativity.

In 1993, the Ford Mondeo model was published, which immediately installed new safety standards in their class. Next year, this car was recognized as a car in Europe and became a favorite among buyers.

In the same year, the remaining shares of Aston Martin-Lagonda took place.

Ford Windstar was first shown in January 1994. In 1998, the model was restyled. Produced in Canada.

The first show of the Ford Europe Galaxy model took place in February 1995 in Geneva. At the Geneva Motor Show 2000, an upgraded model with an updated design was presented.

In 1996, a 250 millionth car came down from the company's conveyor. The implementation of the KA model began.

Ford Europe Puma, a sports compartment of small class, created on the basis of Ford Fiesta, was first introduced at the Geneva Motor Show in March 1997.

Ford Focus, which is called Turnier on a long tradition. The European Premiere of the Car Hatchback was held in early 1998 in Geneva.

In 1998, Ford Motor Company becomes the 2nd producer of passenger and trucks in the world in terms of the total indicator.

In 2000, an international jury from 126 car journalists, summing up the unprecedented CAR OF THE CENTURY ("Car Century"), elected the "car of all times and peoples" the legendary Ford T. Tin Lizzie ("Lizzie Torch") was the first car, assembly which was adjusted on the conveyor on a massive scale. It is the conveyor assembly that made a vehicle with a means of movement available to all. And the first in a series of truly serial cars stood the Ford model.

The Ford Escape Compact SUV was first presented as a prototype in January 2000 in Detroit. Development was carried out in conjunction with Mazda. Car production is carried out at the plant in Kansas City.

Ford Europe Maverick, Compact all-wheel drive SUV, European equivalent Ford Escape. Since 2000, it is produced in conjunction with Mazda on the basis of Mazda Tribute. The new Ford Maverick combines signs of an SUV and a highway car.

2001 - the company represents a fundamentally new Ford Mondeo model. Its appearance can be considered a revolutionary event. This car, developed by the European Ford Motor Company, was created on the basis of fundamentally new design technologies. The essence of this technical revolution is in a powerful software product that received the name of the SZR, which is a complex of computer design systems, automated design and an extensive information database. One of the latest models represented by Ford Focus Coupe-Cabriolet.

Today, Ford Motor Company has its own manufacturing, assembly and shopping centers in 30 countries of the world. The company annually produces millions of passenger cars, trucks and tractors and is the leader of the automotive sales outside of North America. Ford Motor Company sells more than 70 different models of cars around the world, produced under the brands of Ford, Lincoln, Mercury, Jaguar and Aston Martin. The company also has a share of shares in Mazda Motor Corporation and Kia Motors N.Corporatio

In the "big troika" of the American Automobile Business "Ford Motor" occupies an honorable second place in terms of sales.

Ford in Ukraine

The official distributor of Ford car in Ukraine is Winner Imports Ukraine (Winner Imports Ukraine), which one of the first began to work on the Ukrainian automotive market as an official distributor.

In 1991, one of Ford managers offered Ivan Ginansky, the owner of Winner dealer firms in Delaware and Pennsylvania (USA), to open one more in Ukraine. Perspective Help Ford Create a dealer network in Ukraine interested Ginjansky.

At the end of 1992, Winner was appointed official distributor of Ford Motor Co. in Ukraine. Dealer items and service centers were opened throughout Ukraine.

Ford Explorer is a full-sized crossover produced by the American company. The first generation appeared in the global market in 1990.

The machine has already changed five modifications, and does not become less popular. She suffered significant changes, and now it was recognized as the best average-sized jeep, worth more than 50 thousand dollars.

But, some are afraid to buy this car, because they do not know where they do. So in this material we will look at where the Ford Explorer is collected for the Russian market, and how our assembly differs from European.

Where are Ford Plants all over the world

Ford Built plants around the world. The most famous of them are produced in:

  • Germany;
  • Poland;
  • Russia;
  • England;
  • Turkey
  • America;
  • Spain;
  • Mexico;
  • Belgium;
  • Argentina;
  • Canada.

Russian-made cars are made exclusively for our market, and there are no exports.

Description of the plant where the Ford Explorer in Russia is collected

In a small town in Tatarstan called Elabuga since April 2012, Ford factory has earned. There are almost all models, and Ford Explorer, including.

The assembly at the enterprise goes on the full cycle. Previously, it was called "Severstal-Auto", and the British chose it due to low taxes, free connections to the electrical networks and the almost zero value of the Earth, which there is a lot here.

Ford Mondeo and Ford Focus have long been assembled at the full cycle. But, not in Elabuga, but in Vsevzhsk. Ford Explorer became the third model in this list. The company has spent 100 million dollars on its production lines. It is very little.

In fact, it is very difficult to call production at the factory full cycle. There is no my stamping. It is worth noting that only panels come ready. Our masters are welded and painted. When the body is obtained, the other aggregates are attached here.

The body is welded for nine hours. In total, 55 assembly lines are provided for Ford Explorer. Details are boiled by robots, but people with special equipment. To reduce the number of errors that, when manual work, cannot be avoided, there is a laboratory for changing the geometry of the body. There are 800 points analysis, and if they deflect from the norm by more than 1.5 millimeters, everything is redone. For a shift, only two bodies check here. Therefore, the laboratory works selectively.

The engine for Ford Explorer is not going to the Russian factory. He comes to us already collected. Interestingly, with the help of an electronic QLS system you can look at how the car you purchased at any stage was made.

After assembly, Ford Explorer passes the test at the landfill. All cars make five more circles. Of course, the track does not accelerate the car, but check it on the screens and noise. The testing circle covers the canopy and sisces with different obstacles. On some segments there are signs at 20, 40 and 50 kilometers, and no more. For five circles, the driver will be able to hear all knocks and noises. And, if only the elected body is checked on the geometry, all cars are subject to tracking on the track.

Pay attention to the fact that before the model falls into the salon of the official dealer, it can roll up to 50 kilometers. If the mileage on the speedometer remains zero, then you know that the factory has the right to twist the counter when the machine has not drove 200 kilometers. Selectively, some models are tested - drive in off-road or city. In this case, in the glove compartment of the new car, paper will appear, certifying that the model was checked.

In our factory, Ford Explorer sports with a gasoline engine and a capacity of 360 horsepower is collected. He is reconfigured with the suspension, rewind the steering amplifier and set new springs. There is such a version from 2158 thousand rubles. In addition to the above, the Russian assembly differs from European 10 functions of driving a driver's seat and a program for monitoring dead zones.

Also, you can find in the Ford Explorer EXPORTER market of our assembly. It is a budget model. The cost of such a car begins from 1 million 798 thousand rubles. Under the hood, install a 294-strong engine. But, do not think that this model is less comfortable than its European analogue. There are seven places, climate - control, security curtains and heated seats.

By appearance, our and European modification can be determined using wheels and grille grille.

Problems of Ford Plants

In the European market, some automotive companies must make forced measures due to the crisis. A few months ago, the Ford concern closed the next plant, which is located in Belgium. This enterprise is actually very large, and no one expected such a turn of events.

But, this is not all bad news for Ford. Soon the two of their factory in the UK will be closed. We are talking about assembly shops in Southampton and Dagenham. Thus, the concern is trying to compensate losses. According to the latest data, this year they will amount to 1.2 million euros.

Mass dismissal of workers, of course, will not affect the assembly of cars, but the firm will hit the image. About 500 employees will be fired in Southampton. In Dagentham, 1000 people will lose their job.

At the moment, only in England at the Ford plant employs approximately 11.4 thousand people. After the closure of two enterprises, there will remain a workshop on the assembly of motors and gearboxes.

The last time the plants stayed ten years ago. Then 2000 people fired. The reason for closing is known to everyone. It turns out that production and this, and last time, was unprofitable. For example, 200 thousand cars per year can be produced in Southampton. Now the conveyor does not even come together.

The head of the European representative office of Ford does not comment on the situation. But, he is going to hold a conference with representatives of British industries. British parliamentaries note that they are very concerned about the fate of enterprises. After all, in this case, many people will remain without work. Yes, and industry in the UK will also suffer.

After closing the factories, the release of Ford products will be reduced by 18%, as more than 355 thousand units will not be issued. But, it will save more than 500 million euros annually.

Recall that last year the company closed the production in Belgium in Genka. Then 4.3 thousand people remained without work. Technology from the plant was transferred to Germany. Thus, representatives of the company want to save another 700 million euros.

In general, the Directorate of the Concern wants to leave in the world exactly so many plants as matteries real demand. Further solutions will depend only on the universal economic situation.

Russian factory will not touch yet. After we started assembly, sales rose by 38%.

Other names: Ford (Ford)
Existence: 1903 - our days
Location: USA: Dirborn, Michigan.
Key figures: William Ford Ml. (Chairman of the Board of Directors) Alan Malalli (President).
Products: Passenger and commercial cars: Ford
The lineup: Ford Mondeo.
Ford Kuga.
Ford Airstream.
Ford GT (2003)
Ford Windstar.
Ford Ka.
Ford Flex
Ford Explorer.
Ford Orion.
Ford Probe.
Ford Excursion.
Ford Edge.
Ford Cougar.
Ford C-Max
Ford Crown Victoria.
Ford EcoSport.
Ford Fiesta.
Ford Five Hundred.
Ford Capri.

Henry Ford (Henry Ford) is the greatest person in the history of the automotive industry.

Sometime he, being another boy, working on the farm of his father, plipped strongly from the horse. The case occurred in the United States, in Michigan on the outskirts of Dirborn, in 1872. I put on the ground after falling, Henry put a goal in his life, create such a type of transport for people who would be safe, comfortable unlike carts (carriages) with horses or just a ride sitting on a saddle.


Henry Ford matured, united in a team with his 11 friends, the same enthusiasts, as he himself. On June 16, 1903, they all together collected the starting capital in the amount of $ 28,000 and filed an application for the creation in the state of Michigan production enterprise.

So the company Ford Motor Company appeared. The first car invention was the "gasoline stroller", which received the brand "Model A" and had a drive from the engine to eight horsepower.

10 years after the first release of the car, Henry Ford was nicknamed by a genius that gave the world's first-affordable car - Ford T. In addition to this, Ford Motor Company is the very first company in the world that introduced the conveyor production of cars. Due to the technical progress and the constant introduction of innovation, Ford managed to reduce the price on the TIN LIZZY model from 850 to 290 dollars.

So what is the secret of the success of the automotive production of Ford Motor Company, which lasts now over a hundred years? Henry Ford creating his company, dreamed of inventing such a car, the price of which in the amount would be an annual salary of a simple worker, who worked at the plant to assemble cars in Detroit.

The very first car Henry Ford is "Model A".

Ford for all his history, which has already passed somewhere in 140 years and has undergone great change. But, despite this, the most important principles of the production work remained unchanged - cars for people should be accessible, modern and reliable.

Henry Ford was born on July 30, 1863 in the village of Springfield State Michigan. His parents were called William and Mary Ford (William and Mary Ford), who had six children. Henry was the oldest of them. Father and mother owned a farm, whose business flourished. Therefore, all the childhood of the future genius passed on a family farm, where Henry went to ordinary rural school, and after her helped parents on the housework.

When Henry turned 12 years old, he built a small workshop for himself, in which he spent all his free time with great pleasure. A few years later, he will create his first steam engine designed in this workshop.

The most famous and popular car of the last century is Ford T. It is thanks to a series of this brand, the car has become a toy for the rich in a means of movement, which is available to every person.

Henry Ford is arranged to work as an assistant driver, moving to Detroit in 1879. Three years later, he moved to Dirborn, where the steam engines designed and repair the steam engines, but sometimes working on the factory in Detroyd. After 9 years, Ford marries Clara Brynt and in 1888 at the sawmill successfully occupies one of the leadership positions.

Three years later, in 1891, Ford becomes an engineer at Edison Illuminating, and after another two years he will increase him to the post of chief engineer. Now Ford has more free time plus quite worthy earnings. Thanks to this, Henry was able to devote more time to creating an internal combustion engine.

The first version of the engine was developed in the kitchen, in the house of Ford himself. After that, he brought him with a four-wheeled cycling frame. The result was a quad bike. In 1896 it was he who became the first car of the Ford Mark. In 1899, Henry Ford leaves Edison Illuminating to establish its own company Detroit Automobile. A year later, the firm will go bankrupt, but despite this Ford will have time to produce several models of racing machines. Also in October 1901, Ford participates in auto racing, where it becomes the winner, then overtaking the current US Champion Alexander Winton (Alexander Winton).

The model T was produced in the form of a cabriolet, pickup, passenger car and other types of models. Ford Motor formed in 1903. Henry Ford founded an enterprise with 12 founders from Michigan. Ford himself was at the head of the company, taking the position of vice president and chief engineer, and he also belonged to a controlling stake in 25 percent.

To create a factory of automotive production, the company bought the Fur Factory Makov Avenue in Detroit and redested it under its direction of activity. Ford hired on his leadership team of workers from 2-3 people and they made auto parts to order.

On July 23, 1903, the first Ford Car was sold. The first model was a "gasoline stroller" or Model and drive from the engine with a capacity of eight horsepower. In the market, the car is attached as a simple and affordable car, on which even a teenager can sit at the wheel of 15 years. After that, Henry Ford became the main owner and head president of Ford Motor.

Thanks to the first representatives of the company Schreiberu, Thornton, Perry (Schreiber, Thornton, Perry) from the UK in 1907, the Ford logo was invented in the form of an oval. He characterized Ford cars as a symbol of reliability, efficiency and personified the "stigma of the highest sample".

Henry Ford led the overall work of production. Over the next five years, nineteen letters from Model A to Model S are involved in its control, some of which remained at the initial or research levels and did not reach the level of production and release to the market.

Henry Ford was able to fulfill his dream only in 1908. He released the TIN Lizzy model (Tin Lizzy, so gently called Americans) - Model T. This car has become the most famous for the entire history of the autoinadush. The basic price of the car turned out $ 260. During the first year of release, eleven thousand MODEL T Cars were sold. Its appearance on the market meant as a new era or evolution of the type of transport.

Fords did not require complex maintenance, they could even drive on uneven rural roads, in general, they were easy to manage. As a result, the demand for the car constantly grew, and it became an object of mass production.

Also, on the main basis of the structure of Model, other modifications are produced: minibuses, ambulance, fine cargo transport, small vans, etc. In addition, the version has been manufactured for military ambulance.

With improving productivity and product quality, consumer demand for buyers. Henry Ford becomes the very first in the world who decided to implement the conveyor in the automotive production. Thanks to him, remaining in one place, performed only one operation, so absolutely new Model T. conveyor was descended every ten seconds from the conveyor, it became one of the significant steps in the production revolution.

Family company.

Henry Ford, together with his son Edcelev (Adsel Ford) in 1919, bought shares of Ford Motor from other founders of the company for $ 105,568,858, after which the company became their family firm, and Fords of its only owners. In addition, Edsel Ford was inherited from his father, the position of chief president of Ford Motor was inherited and held this post, while suddenly did not died in 1943. In the future, after the death of Son, Henry Ford has to return the management of the company.

Ford Fordor Deluxe - also at one time became a wildly popular auto-forming.

In 1927, Model A became the first on which the Ford logo was depicted on the radiator grille in the form of an oval silhouette. Most Ford cars until the end of the fifties were released with a dark blue logo icon, which is now known to many buyer. But, in spite of the fact that the oval sample was approved as the official logo of the company, it was not applied to cars until the mid-seventies.

Permanent progress and accelerated human lifestyle, forced the company to introduce technology innovations and gain capacity. Ford Motor Company always tried to keep up with the times.

In 1932, the company presented the V-shaped 8-cylinder engine to the public. On April 1 of the same year, Ford became the first one who released a similar monolithic engine. A series of cars with this engine has become the most popular for most Americans.

There is an assumption that our "seagull" is a copy of Ford Fairlane. What do you think?

In the same year, Ford - became the most common machine, due to its maintainability and affordable in the US auto parts stores. In 1934, Ford trucks were released (with a fully refined engine) for large cities and workers farms.

After, every year of the popularity of personal transport in humans also appears the problem of security in the machines. Ford does not pass by the side of this problem. He again becomes to those who begin to apply safe windows in the production of a car. The main principle of the general policy of the company was the concern for human life. Therefore, the factory constantly carried out the development of risk reduction for a man who was driving. Buyers always generously paid for it with their love and predisposition precisely to the Ford brand.

Ford brand becomes famous and popular not only in America. In addition to her Ford Motor Company opens a large network of plants, shops and branches around the world, Russia and Europe also gets there. Around the world, Fords have good sales and become a folk brand of genuine quality.


After the Second Patriotic War, Henry Ford transfers his powers to the head of the company Henry Ford to the second (senior grandson) by inheritance. In addition, Henry Ford Elder in May 1946 was awarded an honorary award for merit in the field of automotive production, as well as a gold medal at the end of the same year for merits to the society of the American Oil Institute (American Petroleum Institute).

Ford F-100 - became a cult machine among pickups, putting on it a huge number of US inhabitants. This model is still popular.

On April 7, 1947, in the city of Dirborn, Henry Ford Sr. died at the age of 83. His death was completed by the initial and turbulent period of Ford Motor and, despite this, opened the door to a new car era. Grandson Henry Ford Senior decently continues to work and the dream of his grandfather. Appears, Nova model Ford. On June 8, 1948, a model of 1949 is solemnly represented at the automotive exhibition in New York. Its unique design highlighted the model among all others: an independent front suspension, rear side windows opened, as well as side panels in a smooth form.

The novelty in the automotive design - became the combination of body and wings. Ford Motor Company reaches high sales of these models in 1949, which exceeds sales indicators since 1929. The company's profits begin to grow at high speed, and this in turn allows you to increase the number of factories, branches and open new engineering and research centers.

The Ford Thunderbird model - in those years becomes the most chic and legendary sports car in the further development of the company, new areas of its activity are opening: 1. Ford Motor Company - Ford Financial Business Mark itself. 2. American Road Insurance Company - Insurance Company. 3. Ford PARTS AND SERVICE DIVISION - automated replacement of spare parts. As well as the production of automotive electronics and technology, space technologies, computer development, etc.

And in the end, Ford Motor Company in January 1956 becomes OJSC (Open Joint-Stock Company). Now, at the moment there are over seesomot of thousands of founders and owners of shares.

In the sixties, the young generation falls into the firm center. Ford Jr. redirects the production of cars for sports and inexpensive machines intended for young people.

After that, in 1964, the Ford Mustang model appears on the market, named after the P-51 military aircraft. Its feature was, the fact that was used a new type of engine. It combined the transmission and the leading bridge together. Also differences were in the new body design, which combined all the modern directions of those years.

Ford Mustang - became a real masterpiece among sports cars and the younger generation.

Similar interest in the Ford brand has not been observed since they released the first Model A. The expectations of the company surpassed themselves. About one hundred thousand Mustang cars were sold in the first three months after launching sales.

After such success, inspired company employees continue to work on improving the design. Began to apply all new trends and innovations of automotive design. As a result, the Corina and Transit models appear on the light.

In turn, Ford Motor Company continues to work on road riding projects. Proving the fact that the profit is not the main goal of the company.

Model GT40 wins in Le Mane twenty-four hours racing, thereby breaking around the Ferrari championship, in these competitions.

Also Ford Motor Company In 1970, the world's first company introduced disc brakes into wide production. In 1976, and in the future, the official oval form of the Ford logo with a blue background and silver letters appears on all bodies of cars. This made it possible to recognize Ford cars in any country in the world.

Model Ford Taurus - was awarded the Award "Car of the Year" in the United States, due to its comfort and economy, which also became a popular hit.

After, in turn, such models appeared as Ford Taurus and Mercury Sebale himself. They were invented as cars with fuel savings. Designers and company specialists have constantly implemented innovation to create a truly necessary machine for people with a middle-class income level.

It is worth noting that Model Ford Taurus was designed as a car in which each it was made to perfection. Such fruitful work brought the company success and in 1986, Ford Taurus became the number one car in America and was recognized as the best car of the same year.

After these events, Model Ford Mondeo was released. He replaced Model Ford Scorpio, despite the fact that he was inferior in size at the beginning of production.

Then in 1994 there was a number of new products in addition to such as Model Ford Mondeo. This is a new Windstar minibus, modified Model Ford Mustang, as well as a novelty Model Ford Espire.

A few times in North America appeared new improved models of Model Ford Taurus and Model Mercury Tracer. They performed the first, modifying body design and salon after obsolete stylistry of the eighties. Also in European countries, the public has been shown changes in the design of Minivan Galaxy, Model Ford Fiesta and Picap F-series.

The new minivan Model Ford Galaxy was designed on the same platform as Ford Seat Alkhambra and Ford Volkswagen Sharan, their internal and external differences could be easily counted on the fingers.


Many years later, the main principle of Ford Motor Company was a combination together improving cars plus minimal production costs, which allows the company to produce world-class cars. Now Ford is published for sale worldwide over seventy vehicle modifications under different brands Ford, Lincoln, Aston Martin, Mercury, etc. Also Ford Motor Company has a share of shares in other companies, such as Kia Motors Corporation or Mazda Motor Corporation.

Model Ford Focus is a new model that changed the conveyor production of Model Ford Escort. Ford Focus has acquired rabid popularity among Russian citizens even before the launch of the main production. You can buy an engine on Ford Focus 2 by this link.

The new official Ford Motor Company was opened on July 9, 2002 in the city of Vsevolzhsk in the Leningrad Region of the Russian Federation. In the Russian branch of the company comes a complete process of production circuit.