Operating instructions for elevators and lifts. Freight elevators: design, rules of use, classification Rules for using a freight elevator



Gosgortekhnadzor of the USSR


Moscow "Nedra" 1987

Standard instructions for an operator and elevator operator for servicing elevators/Gosgortekhnadzor of the USSR: Introduced. 09/01/87. - M: Nedra, 1987. The necessary list of requirements for elevator maintenance personnel is given. The responsibilities of the elevator operator and operator during work are determined, the scope of shift-by-shift inspections carried out on elevators by maintenance personnel is indicated, and the procedure for the safe evacuation of passengers from cabins between floors is outlined. With the release of this instruction, the “Standard instructions for elevator operators, elevator attendants, dispatchers and conductors servicing elevators”, approved by the USSR State Mining and Technical Supervision on October 13, 1972, is canceled. For personnel servicing elevators, as well as for engineering and technical workers involved in the organization Maintenance and repair of elevators. Executive editor V.S. Kotelnikov.


1.1. This Standard Instruction establishes the requirements for operators and elevator operators upon appointment and admission to work, and their main responsibilities for servicing passenger, hospital and freight elevators. 1.2. The owner of the elevator has the right, if necessary, to contribute to Standard instructions Additional requirements, arising from the specific operating conditions of elevators. By order of the enterprise (organization), the instruction is declared production. The operator and elevator operator must have production instructions on hand. 1.3. Control over the fulfillment of production instructions by service personnel is carried out by the administration of the enterprise (organization) on whose staff he is registered. 1.4. To service elevators, by order of the enterprise (organization), the following are appointed: operator - for elevators connected to the console; elevator operator - for a single or group of passenger elevators installed in one or more adjacent buildings; elevator operator - on a freight elevator with external control, equipped with a control station on one loading platform; elevator operator - for each hospital or freight elevator with internal control. 1.5. The operator and elevator operator are responsible for fulfilling their duties established by the production instructions, in accordance with current legislation.


2.1. Persons who are at least 18 years old, fit for health, trained, have the appropriate certificate and a qualification group for electrical safety of at least II have the right to work as an operator or elevator operator. 2.2. The operator and elevator operator must periodically, at least once every 12 months, undergo repeated tests of knowledge of production instructions at the enterprise (organization) commission. Additional or extraordinary testing of knowledge is carried out: when moving from one enterprise to another; when transferring an elevator operator to service elevators of a different design (hydraulic, with a direct current electric drive, with a cabin speed of more than 1.6 m/s, etc.). In this case, the transferred person must study the features of the design and maintenance of such elevators and undergo an internship; at the request of the Gosgortekhnadzor inspector or the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the elevator. An extraordinary knowledge test can be carried out with the participation of an inspector from Gosgortekhnadzor. 2.3. Admitted to independent work operator, elevator operator must: have general idea about the design of serviced elevators and the console; know the rules for using the elevator; know the purpose of the control devices located in the elevator cabin and on the landing pads, and be able to use them; know the purpose and be able to use light and sound alarms and two-way communication; know the purpose and location of elevator safety devices; be able to turn elevators on and off; be able to safely evacuate passengers from a cabin stopped between floors; be able to provide first aid to the injured; know fire safety requirements and be able to use fire fighting equipment. In addition, the elevator operator must be able to inspect the elevator and check the proper functioning of the shaft door locks, the safety contacts of the shaft and cabin doors, the underground safety contact, light and sound alarms and two-way intercom.


3.1. The elevator operator is required to conduct monthly inspections of elevators. In this case, it is necessary: ​​to familiarize yourself with the records of the previous shift in the log; check the serviceability of the locks and safety contacts of the shaft and cabin doors; selectively check at least three landing (loading) areas for the accuracy of the cabin stopping during ascent and descent; check the serviceability of the moving floor, door drive reverse, photo relay; make sure that there is sufficient lighting in the cabin, shaft and landing (loading) areas, as well as the machine room and the approach to it; check the operation of the “Stop” button, light signal “Busy”, sound and light alarm and light display; make sure that there are “Rules for using the elevator”, warning and indicative notices; check the condition of the shaft and cabin fencing. An elevator operator servicing a single passenger or freight elevator carries out this work before the start of a shift, and an elevator operator servicing a group of elevators carries out this work during the shift. 3.2. During operation: 3.2.1. The elevator operator of a single passenger elevator is obliged to: be at the elevator on the main landing floor and monitor the passengers' compliance with the Rules for using the elevator; do not allow the elevator to be overloaded; accompany school-age children, as well as adults at their request; make a call to an empty cabin if the calling device is installed only on the main landing area. 3.2.2. The elevator operator of a freight elevator with external control must: be located at the elevator on the main loading area where the control station is installed; do not allow overloading of the elevator, as well as transportation of people in the cabin; monitor the uniformity of loading and securing the cargo in the cabin. 3.2.3. An elevator operator servicing a group of passenger elevators is obliged to: periodically, along a developed route, walk around the elevators assigned to him in order to check their serviceability and compliance by passengers with the Rules for using the elevator. 3.2.4. The elevator operator of hospital and freight elevators with internal control is obliged to: constantly be in the elevator cabin during ascent and descent and direct the cabin to the place of call or to the place of loading (unloading); when loading (unloading) the cabin, be on the landing (loading) platform, monitor the uniformity of loading, securing the cargo and avoid overloading the elevator, as well as the simultaneous transportation of cargo and people, except those accompanying the cargo: on elevators whose cabin is equipped with sliding lattice doors, watch so that people in the cabin do not lean against the doors or hold them with their hands; Do not allow unauthorized persons to operate elevators. 3.2.5. The operator is obliged to: monitor the signals arriving at the console; when a signal is received from a passenger, turn on two-way communication and give the passenger the necessary explanations; when the signals “Passenger in the cabin” or “Shaft door is open” are displayed for a long time, turn on the two-way intercom and give appropriate instructions to the passenger; keep records of incoming requests for malfunctions on elevators; monitor the serviceability of the dispatch console and two-way communication. 3.3. The operator or elevator operator is prohibited from: leaving the workplace, except for cases related to the maintenance of elevators; allow unauthorized persons into the shaft, machine (block) room and operator's room, and also leave these rooms not locked; store foreign objects in the operator’s premises, machine (block) room; enter the cabin roof and go down into the pit; start the elevator by direct action on the devices that supply voltage to the electric motor circuit, as well as from the landing (loading) platform through the open doors of the shaft and cabin; touch exposed live parts of electrical equipment and moving (rotating) parts of equipment; disrupt the functionality of safety devices; independently repair the elevator and turn on the control station equipment, as well as use the elevator for other purposes. 3.4. The operator or elevator operator is obliged to: if any malfunctions listed in section 4 are detected during the inspection and during the shift, turn off the elevator and report them to the electrician or the emergency service of a specialized organization, hang up a poster “The elevator is not working” on the main landing floor - for elevators with automatic drive doors and at each landing (loading) platform - for elevators with swing doors, make the necessary entry in the journal; If the elevator car accidentally stops between floors and it is impossible for a passenger to start the elevator from the cabin, warn the people in it so that they do not take any measures to exit the cabin on their own, turn off the automatic switch of the winch motor, inform the electrician or the emergency service of a specialized organization and begin evacuation passengers in the manner set out in section 5; In this case, the elevator operator of hospital and freight elevators with internal control must call an electrician and not try to get out of the cabin on his own; in the event of an accident or accident, immediately turn off the elevator, report the incident to the administration of the elevator owner, an electrician or the emergency service of a specialized organization and take measures to preserve the situation of the accident or accident, if this does not pose a danger to the life and health of people; keep the elevator car and service area clean. 3.5. Upon completion of work, the elevator operator and operator are obliged to: hand over the keys to the machine (block) and service rooms to the next shift, make the necessary entries in the log. In case of absence from a shift, notify the owner of the elevator and act on his instructions; during single-shift operation, place the elevator cabin on the main landing (loading) platform, lock the swing door of the shaft, turn off the elevator and remote control, and make the necessary entries in the log.


1) A loaded cabin moves with the shaft or cabin door open, or empty - with the shaft door open; 2) the cabin doors with automatic drive open when driving; 3) when you press the call button, the loaded cabin starts moving, but the empty one does not; 4) the cabin moves independently; 5) when you press the order buttons, the doors with automatic drive do not close or when the order is executed, they do not open; 6) instead of moving up, the cabin moves down or vice versa; 7) the accuracy of the automatic stop of the cabin is above permissible limits; 8) the cabin does not stop at the landing (loading) area to which it is called or directed by order; 9) the shaft door can be opened in the absence of a cabin at a given landing (loading) site without using special key(devices); 10) when you press the “Stop” button, the cabin does not stop; 11) two-way communication does not work; 12) signals from the elevator do not reach the operator’s console; 13) when the elevator is operating extraneous noise, sharp shocks, a burning smell is felt; 14) the cabin or areas in front of the shaft doors are not illuminated; 15) the fencing of the cabin, shaft or door is damaged; 16) the glass of the observation window in the shaft or cabin door is broken; 17) there are no safety covers on calling or push-button devices and there is access to exposed live parts of electrical equipment; 18) metal structures of the shaft or housings of electrical devices are energized.


5.1. Before starting work to evacuate passengers, the elevator operator or operator is obliged to: make sure that all the doors of the shaft are closed; display a poster “The elevator is not working” on the main lower landing area - for elevators with automatic door drives and on each landing area - for elevators with swing doors; establish the location of the cabin in the shaft, the number and composition of passengers, their well-being, inform passengers what measures will be taken to evacuate them and that the lighting in the cabin will be reduced or temporarily turned off; warn passengers that they are prohibited from touching the control devices located in the cabin, opening the cabin door wings and taking measures to independently exit the elevator cabin. 5.2. Evacuation of passengers from a passenger elevator with swing doors. When evacuating passengers, the elevator operator and operator are obliged to: turn off the input device in the machine room and hang up the poster “Do not turn it on - people are working”; when placing several elevators in the machine room, protect rotating and live parts of the elevator equipment with inventory panels or turn off all elevators until the evacuation of passengers is completed; install the steering wheel on the worm shaft of the gearbox, if the steering wheel is removable; release the winch and rotate the steering wheel to move the cabin to the level of the nearest landing site. Move the cabin intermittently, at a distance of 300-400 mm; install the cabin within the stopping accuracy, while the mechanical lifting of the cabin should unlock the shaft door lock; brake the winch and remove the steering wheel, if it is removable; open the door of the shaft and cabin, make sure that it is possible to safely evacuate passengers from the cabin, and perform it. Note: It is prohibited to evacuate passengers from the cabin, the floor level of which is higher than the floor level of the landing area, and also to use wrenches, etc. instead of the steering wheel. . 5.3. Evacuation of passengers from an elevator car with automatic door drive. When evacuating, the elevator operator and operator are required to: turn off the input device in the machine room and hang up the poster “Do not turn it on - people are working”; when placing several elevators in the machine room, protect rotating parts and energized elevator equipment with inventory panels, or turn off all elevators until the evacuation of passengers is completed; install the steering wheel on the worm shaft of the gearbox, if the steering wheel is removable; release the winch and rotate the steering wheel to move the cabin to the level of the nearest landing platform, which has a device for unlocking the automatic lock of the mine door with a special key; Move the cabin intermittently, at a distance of 300-400 mm; install the elevator cabin below the level of the landing platform by 200-300 mm, while the shaft door lock roller should not enter the mechanical lift of the cabin door; brake the winch and remove the steering wheel, if it is removable; unlock the automatic shaft door lock with a special key, open the doors and lock them with a special bar; manually open the cabin door wings and lock them with a special rail in the open position; make sure that it is possible to safely evacuate passengers from the cabin and carry it out; close the mine cabin doors.Note:1. It is prohibited to evacuate passengers from a cabin whose floor level is higher than the level of the landing area.2. It is prohibited to open the cab door wings by manually rotating the pulley or door drive belt. 5.4. Evacuation of passengers from the elevator car is carried out by two persons.

These labor safety instructions have been developed specifically for freight elevator operators.


1.1. Persons over 18 years of age who have no medical contraindications and have undergone occupational safety training are allowed to work as a freight elevator operator. safe practices performance of work and methods of providing first aid to victims of industrial accidents, introductory and initial workplace safety briefings, on-the-job training and testing of knowledge of labor safety requirements, safe methods and techniques for performing work.
1.2. The elevator operator must comply with the organization’s internal labor regulations, work schedule, work and rest schedule.
1.3. The freight elevator operator may be exposed to the following dangerous and harmful production factors:
- increased voltage value in electrical circuit;
— lack of natural light;
— location of the workplace at a significant height relative to the surface of the earth (floor);
— moving parts of equipment.
1.4. In accordance with current legislation Russian Federation The lift operator must be provided with special clothing provided for by standard industry standards.
1.5. A freight elevator operator must notify his immediate supervisor about any situation that threatens the life and health of people, about every accident that occurs at work, about a deterioration in his health, including the manifestation of signs of an acute illness.
1.6. A lifter who comes into contact with food should:
- leave outerwear, shoes, hats, personal items in the dressing room;
— before starting work, put on clean special (sanitary) clothing, change it when soiled;
- wash your hands with soap before eating, after visiting the toilet and after touching contaminated objects;
- do not allow eating in the workplace.
1.7. The admission of unauthorized persons, as well as the consumption of alcoholic beverages on the territory of the organization and in the workplace is prohibited.
1.8. The lifter must be able to provide first aid to the victim.
1.9. The lifter is not allowed to begin performing one-time work that is not related to his direct responsibilities in the specialty without receiving targeted instruction.
1.10. The lifter must follow the rules fire safety, know how to use fire extinguishing equipment.
1.11. The lifter should be attentive while working and not be distracted by extraneous matters or conversations.
1.12. In case of detection of faulty equipment, devices, tools, or other violations of labor protection requirements that cannot be eliminated on our own, and the occurrence of a threat to health, personal or collective safety, the lifter should be reported to management. Do not begin work until identified violations are eliminated.
1.13. The lifter is obliged to report to his immediate supervisor any cases of poor health.
1.14. An employee guilty of violating labor safety instructions is liable in the manner established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


2.1. Fasten clothes with all buttons, avoiding hanging ends of clothes, and tuck hair under the headdress.
2.2. Do not pin clothes with pins or needles, do not keep sharp or breakable objects in your pockets.
2.3. Review the entries in the shift log, turn on the main switch, lock the machine room door and check:
— the presence and sufficiency of illumination of the shaft, cabin, floor platforms on which the cabin stops when the elevator is operating;
— accuracy of stopping the cabin on the floors;
— the operation of the “Stop” button, “Busy” light signal, sound alarm, two-way communication and signals to the dispatch console;
— condition of the shaft and cabin fencing;
— presence of rules for using the elevator, warning and directional signs;
— serviceability of the locks that lock the shaft doors and door contacts (if this responsibility is assigned to the elevator operator).
2.4. Make an entry in the shift acceptance log about the results of the inspection and sign for acceptance of the shift.
2.5. If malfunctions are noticed in the operation of the elevator, it is necessary to de-energize it (turn off the main switch), and hang posters “The elevator is not working” on all the doors of the shaft.
2.6. Report all problems found and measures taken to management or an electrician and do not turn on the elevator until the problems are eliminated.
2.7. The elevator is put into operation after troubleshooting only with the permission of the employee (electrician, fitter) who eliminated the fault.


3.1. Constantly remain on the main loading floor or in the freight elevator cabin and monitor compliance with the rules for using the elevator.
3.2. Direct the elevator car to the call location.
3.3. Avoid overloading the elevator, improper stowage of cargo, and simultaneous transportation of goods and people other than those accompanying the cargo.
3.4. Do not allow unauthorized persons to operate the elevator.
3.5. Make sure that people accompanying cargo in an elevator car with sliding lattice doors do not approach the doors and do not hold them with their hands.
3.6. When stopping the cabin between floors, warn people accompanying the cargo about the inadmissibility of attempting to exit the cabin independently.
3.7. Promptly turn off the faulty elevator and report the breakdown to the electrician.
3.8. The elevator operator must stop using the elevator and turn off the power if the following malfunctions are detected:
— malfunction of the automatic shutter of the shaft doors (the shaft door opens when there is no cabin on the floor);
- faulty shaft door contact - the cabin starts moving with the shaft door open;
- malfunction of the car door contact - the car starts moving when the elevator is started with the door open and there is cargo in the car;
— cases of spontaneous movement of the cabin have been observed;
— instead of moving up, the cabin goes down and vice versa;
- the cabin stops above or below the floor level by more than 50 mm, and for elevators loaded by trolleys - by 15 mm;
— the sound alarm on the elevator with a conductor does not work (when you press the bell buttons on the floors, the alarm call does not go to the conductor);
— the cabin or loading areas in front of the shaft doors are not illuminated;
— burned out warning light;
— the cabin (with push-button control) does not automatically stop on the floor to which it was directed;
— the glass in the inspection windows of the mine doors is broken or the mine fence is damaged at a height accessible to humans;
— the cabin fencing is damaged;
— there are no covers on calling and push-button devices, there is access to live parts of the equipment;
- presence of signs poor condition electrical insulation of the wiring or electrical equipment of the elevator (“electric shock” when touching the metal parts of the elevator, the smell of burning insulation is felt);
- the appearance of unusual knocking, noise, creaking, malfunction of the stop button, jerks, shocks during the movement of the cabin, rope breakage, counterweight coming out of the guides and other malfunctions that prevent normal use elevator
3.9. During elevator operation it is not allowed:
— leave the elevator turned on unattended (leave the workplace);
— start by directly acting on devices that supply voltage to the electric motor;
— disable elevator safety and locking devices;
— use portable lamps with a voltage of more than 50 V;
— connect power tools, lighting lamps, etc. to the elevator control circuit;
— visit the elevator shaft, and also go down the elevator ropes;
— leave the machine room door unlocked;
— go down into the pit and climb out onto the roof of the cabin, store any things on it or in the pit;
— leave the elevator car under load after finishing work.
3.10. Smoking on the territory of the organization is permitted only in specially designated and equipped areas.


4.1. When the freight elevator car stops between floors due to its malfunction, call an electrician (fitter).
4.2. If during work the elevator car floor becomes contaminated with spilled varnishes, paints, oils or spilled powdery substances, stop work until the contaminants are removed.
4.3. If a fire occurs, immediately call the fire department by calling 101, inform the management of the organization and begin extinguishing the fire using available means.
4.4. In the event of an accident, stop work immediately and seek help medical care, report the accident to management.
4.5. In case of injury, poisoning or sudden illness, the victim must be given first aid and, if necessary, call an ambulance by calling 103 or arrange for his delivery to a healthcare facility, report the incident to management, and, if possible, maintain the situation if this does not lead to an accident or injury to others. of people.


5.1. Lower the cabin to the landing level of the floor from which the elevator is controlled.
5.2. Make sure the cabin is empty and the lights are off (if there is no circuit breaker).
5.3. Lock the shaft door lock (if the shaft door lock opposite which the cabin is stopped is non-automatic and is unlocked with a handle).
5.4. Turn off the elevator (input device) and the lights in the machine room.
5.5. Disconnect the control panel.
5.6. Lock the machine room, make the necessary entries in the shift log and hand over the keys to in the prescribed manner.
5.7. Wash your hands with warm water and soap, and if possible, take a shower.
5.8. Report all violations of labor protection requirements discovered during work, as well as cases of injury to workers at work, to the management of the organization.

1. General provisions.

1.1. Persons at least 18 years of age who have undergone appropriate instruction and testing of elevator operating skills are allowed to work as an elevator operator (conductor).

1.2. The lift operator is required to undergo recheck knowledge of the design and safe operation of an elevator.

1.3. A trained lift operator who is allowed to work independently must know:

Purpose and design of the elevator;

Purpose of elevator control devices and how to use them;

Purpose and location of safety and control devices.

1.4. The elevator operator is prohibited from:

Leaving the elevator turned on unattended;

Go down into the pit and climb onto the roof of the cabin (machine room), as well as store any objects in these places.

1.5. The elevator operator must report all malfunctions in the operation of the elevator to the electrician of the service organization and in the cases provided for this instruction, stop the elevator until the malfunction is eliminated, put up a sign “Do not turn on, people are working.”

1.6. The elevator operator, when inspecting the elevator or in the event of a malfunction, must hang a poster on all doors of the shaft that can be opened from the floor landings by random people with the inscription “Do not turn on, people are working.”

1.7. The elevator operator can start the elevator into operation after eliminating the malfunction only with the permission of the electrician who eliminated the malfunction, with a mandatory entry in the shift log about the eliminated malfunction.

2. Before the elevator starts operating.

2.1. Before starting work, the elevator operator must check:

Serviceability of floor area lighting;

Condition of the shaft and cabin fencing;

Serviceability of sound or light alarm devices;

Availability of rules for using the elevator;

Serviceability of automatic shaft door locks.

2.2. The elevator operator must ensure that the shaft door locks on the landing are in good working order in the absence of an elevator cabin.

2.3. If a malfunction is detected, the elevator operator must turn off the power to the elevator, hang up a sign “Do not turn on, people are working” and call an electrician.

2.4. After the elevator operator is convinced that the elevator is in good working order, he turns on the input device (circuit breaker) and begins operating the elevator.

3. Responsibilities during elevator operation.

3.1. During elevator operation, the elevator operator must:

Constantly be on the site where the main work is carried out;

Avoid overloading the elevator;

Make sure the shaft doors are closed;

Make sure that the weight of the cargo does not exceed the permissible load capacity;

Ensure that the cabin is called correctly;

Constantly monitor the operation of the elevator.

3.2. The elevator operator is obliged to stop using the elevator, turn off the power and inform the electrician in the following cases:

If the car begins to move when the elevator starts from open doors mines;

If the shaft door opens from the outside when there is no cabin on this floor;

If spontaneous movement of the cabin occurs;

If the cabin, instead of going up, goes down or vice versa;

If the car does not automatically stop on the floor to which it was directed;

If there are signs of poor condition of the insulation of electrical wiring or elevator equipment: the smell of burning insulation is felt, bare wires are visible;

If the “Stop” button is faulty;

If any other malfunctions of the elevator are noticed: unusual noise, knocking, jolts or jerks during the movement of the cabin, broken ropes, inaccuracy of stopping the cabin at the floor landings;

Faulty shaft or cabin fencing.

4. At the end of the elevator operation.

4.1. After the elevator has finished operating, the elevator operator must:

Lower the elevator car to the landing level of the floor from which work begins;

Make sure that there is no cargo in the cabin (it is prohibited to leave it with cargo);

Turn off the input device (circuit breaker) and lighting;

Record in the shift acceptance log about all violations and malfunctions in the operation of the elevator identified during the shift.

IN regulatory documents the elevator is indicated as vehicle increased danger. It passes technical inspections, has its own passport, service life. For safe movement During operation, you must follow the rules for using the elevator, which will be discussed in this article.

General rules

Rules for using the elevator automatic doors require strict compliance with certain requirements. First of all, to move between floors you need to know how to call the elevator. It would seem that everything is simple - there is only one call button. However, you should know that after pressing it, the indicator light should light up. If this does not happen, then the call must be repeated.

After the elevator has arrived and its doors have opened, you should make sure that the cabin is also delivered. In extreme in rare cases automatic doors open before the elevator itself arrives, the passenger risks ending up in the elevator shaft.

After entering the cabin, you should press the button for the desired floor, after which the doors will close on their own and the elevator will move. If the vehicle does not move, you must press the button indicating the floor on which the passenger is located. this moment, or "Stop". In this case, the doors will open.

Identification of buttons

In addition to the elevator call button and floor indicators, the cabin has another required button— “Call” or “Call”, which allows you to establish communication with technical staff. When it is held, the dispatcher responds and needs to report detailed information about emergency situation: elevator stuck, malfunction systems, emergency circumstances and so on.

The following buttons are not available in all elevators:

  • the “Doors” button (◄) allows you to open the doors and hold them open;
  • the "Stop" button is used to emergency braking elevator;
  • the “Cancel” button causes the cabin to stop and open the doors on the nearest floor.

The rules for using the elevator, which are usually located on a stand in the cabin, require working condition systems It also indicates contact numbers, which should be contacted if a malfunction is detected, including broken buttons.

Transportation of children

The rules drawn up by the manufacturer include the following point: first an adult must enter the elevator, then a child. This is explained by the fact that many elevators are equipped with a load-weighing device (HLD), the action of which is activated only when the load is above fifteen kilograms. At the same time, the time until automatic closing doors increases. If he comes in first Small child, then his weight may not be enough to trigger the system, and the cabin will close before an adult can enter. This situation can frighten the baby and even cause fear. confined space further.

For the safety and peace of mind of the child, parents must follow the rules for using the elevator. For children preschool age There are restrictions: they cannot use the elevator unless accompanied by an adult. The reason for this is the same main unit, which may not recognize the presence of a small person in the cockpit. In this case, the doors will close faster than usual, and the lights in the elevator room will go out, as if no one is in it.

Moving with a stroller

Young parents must also follow the rules for using the elevator. You must move with the stroller in which the baby is located as follows:

  • get the child out of the stroller;
  • bring children's transport into the cabin;
  • go into the elevator.

When leaving, the stroller is first taken out, then an adult comes out with a child in his arms. This measure is mandatory rule safety when using the elevator, because in the event of an unforeseen situation, the parent will not have time to get the baby out of the stroller.

Service lift

In order to ensure uninterrupted operation, you must follow the rules of use freight elevator:

  • the weight of the transported cargo must not exceed the specified norm;
  • all objects must be located evenly over the entire surface of the cabin;
  • Some freight elevators prohibit the carriage of people;
  • Cargo can only be sent with the doors completely closed.

In addition, the use of a freight elevator is only possible in the presence of a responsible person with the appropriate professional skills.

What is prohibited to do in the elevator?

The rules for using elevators in residential buildings do not allow actions that are listed below:

  1. Stop the closing doors manually. If the doors close before the passengers have time to enter, you should put your foot in front of the door - this will be the best obstacle. Stopping the mechanism with your hands is very problematic.
  2. Insert your fingers between the closed doors. Such an action may cause the elevator to malfunction. He can stop between floors, for example.
  3. Overload the cabin. Permissible load indicated on the notice in the elevator. If you exceed it, you can cause a system breakdown and get stuck in the cabin. We are talking not only about people, transporting furniture and heavy equipment unacceptable.
  4. Move actively. Jumping and displaying acrobatic abilities can cause the cabin to end up between floors.
  5. Transport flammable materials. The elevator is a cramped space that limits the freedom of the passenger. Potentially hazardous materials may leak if handled carelessly. The air in the cabin will instantly fill with a toxic substance.
  6. Smoking. Not every elevator is equipped with a ventilation system, so smoking in a tight space will cause discomfort to many subsequent passengers.

The rules for using the elevator also prohibit movement in a faulty cabin. If an arriving vehicle behaves unusually and suspiciously, you must notify the dispatcher about this and use the stairs.

Elevator etiquette

It is not always possible to get to the desired floor alone. In a small booth, your own rules must be respected. unspoken rules using the elevator, which allows you to avoid conflicts and spoiled mood:

  • you should enter the cabin in order, starting with those who stand closest to the doors;
  • the button for the required floor for yourself and other passengers is pressed by the one who is closest to the control panel;
  • to let a person out, you should leave the cabin and not press against the wall;
  • if you touch or collide, you should apologize;
  • It is not customary to conduct a dialogue with friends in the presence of strangers.

You should not openly look at other passengers, as this may provoke a conflict or simply confuse the person who has become the object of increased attention. It's not just in the elevator that etiquette must be observed, but in such a cramped space, respect for your fellow passengers is essential.

Each cabin of the lifting device must have signs stating the rules for using the elevator. But it happens that there is no information or it is not enough. How to use the passenger and freight elevator? What to do if you are stuck in an elevator? These and other recommendations and tips for extreme situations you will find further in the article.

Passenger and freight elevators consist of the cabin itself, the machine room and the shaft. The machine room, in turn, includes a control station, safety devices, a winch and a speed limiter.

The shaft consists of a counterweight, a guide for the cabin, cables, electrical wiring, cables and a lower level - a pit.

It is located at the bottom of the landing area on the first or basement floor. This section contains various devices maintenance of the elevator and security system. The most interesting element is the buffer, which serves for shock absorption and emergency stop cabins Usually they are installed two per elevator. One for the forklift room itself and the other for the counterweight. It is a mistake to assume that in the event of a breakdown the cabin bounces on buffers to the upper floors. Its purpose is to soften the blow of a fall - no more.

Security system in modern elevators

New generation elevators are equipped with almost everything necessary to ensure comfort and safety for passengers while moving. These are devices such as:

  • video cameras outside and inside the cabin;
  • fire alarm;
  • button to call for help in unexpected situations.

General rules of use

Despite all the safety measures provided by the manufacturer and installers of lifting structures, you must follow the rules for using the elevator.

What postulates are written on the signs in the booths and entrances? Let's try to explain each point.

  • “You should not enter the elevator until you are absolutely sure that the cabin is opposite.” It would seem, why write such obvious things? But there are times when the doors of the elevator shaft are open, but the cabin itself has not yet arrived or is under construction renovation work. If there is a problem with brake system, then the cabin stops higher or lower required level. If you are not careful, you can either hit your head on the upper part or trip on the lower part of the cabin.
  • “When stopping the cabin in the event of a malfunction between floors, do not try to open the doors and get out yourself.” This may result in electric shock or falling into an elevator shaft. You definitely need to contact the dispatcher and wait for the electrician.
  • “You must not smoke in the elevator cabin, nor transport flammable or toxic volatile substances.” When smoking, the cabin quickly fills with smoke, the air heats up, and the living conditions become unbearable, especially if there are non-smoking passengers nearby. Toxic substances carried in an elevator may accidentally spill, trapping a person in a death trap.
  • The rules for using elevators in residential buildings are supplemented with instructions for using the “Call” button, the “Stop” button and buttons with floor numbers. Also, the sign must contain information about the organization servicing the elevator and its telephone number.

    Rules for using the elevator for children

    The following rules are no less important.

    1. “Enter the cabin immediately. Children accompanied by adults are the last to enter.”

    The first sentence is understandable, because the doors can close, especially if a short delay time is set. According to the standards, it should not be lower than 5-7 seconds. Why should parents go first? The fact is that passenger elevators are equipped with a GVU (freight weighing device) system. It comes into action when the load is 15 kg or more and serves to delay the elevator for some time. If a child weighing less than 15 kg is allowed in first, the elevator doors may close before an adult enters. The child needs to get out of the cabin first, and then the adult.

    2. “If you have a stroller, you need to take the child in your arms. The stroller should be brought in after the parent has entered the elevator; when exiting, the stroller should be in front.”

    This point is already clear after reading the previous one with the HLG system. But you must definitely pick up the child from the stroller in your arms. This is simply necessary, because in the event of an unforeseen situation there will be no time, and perhaps even the opportunity, to get the child out of the stroller.

    First of all, this is due to the fact that a child often cannot read at this age and will not be able to read instructions and rules. If he gets inside the cabin, he can remain there, and even without light, because the elevator system, due to its low weight, will not detect that there is someone in the cabin.

    Additional safety measures when using the passenger elevator

    If your home has an elevator, you must always remember that this is a high-risk device. Before entering the cabin, you should be as careful as possible and remember the rules for using an elevator with automatic doors. How to behave inside the cabin? What can happen during an emergency stop?

    The following rules for using the elevator will help maintain your health:

  • Stand straight, legs apart a little for stability, knees can be slightly bent.
  • Hold the handrail with your hand.
  • You cannot lean on one leg while leaning on the wall of the cabin. This can cause harm such as broken limbs and ribs. During an emergency stop, there is a lot of stress on the body. If you follow all safety measures, then the maximum that a person faces is performing a full squat.
  • Rules to help preserve the service life of the elevator

    Do not prevent the doors from closing with your hand. This happens when entering the elevator is late. IN as a last resort, you can put your booted foot in front of the doors. The sole must be pressed firmly to the floor. If a person is wearing sandals, this can lead to bruises and cuts.

  • Before leaving guests, there is no need to continue communicating at the elevator shaft, holding the doors. This may lead to the structure stopping.
  • Don't overload the elevator.
  • Do not sweep trash down the elevator shaft.
  • Rules for using a freight elevator

    The freight elevator has its own rules of use. Each booth has its own signs with information approximately as follows:

  • The permissible norm of cargo for transportation (it is different for each model of freight elevator).
  • Phone numbers for repair services.
  • The basic requirements for use may also be there:

    • do not overload the elevator;
    • If possible, it is better to distribute the load evenly throughout the cabin;
    • if the elevator does not have a system internal management, then the carriage of passengers is prohibited;
    • transportation of passengers and cargo must be carried out separately;
    • if a freight elevator is contaminated with flammable substances during transportation, it is immediately stopped and washed;
    • After use, the booth must not be left loaded.

    The rules for using elevators are not fraught with any difficulties. You just need to remember them and be careful when moving to avoid various troubles and damage to your health.