How to make a ZAZ 965 car out of paper. Scale models of cars glued together from paper

shopProduct Object ( => Array ( => 38630 => => Paper model "Zaporozhets-965" Car. Scale 1:18 => => "Zaporozhets-965" Car. Scale 1:18 => => => ( $name) buy for ($price) in the World of Models online store with delivery throughout Russia. =>

The Zaporozhye Automobile Plant assembled the first batch on November 22, 1960 and by the end of the year produced about one and a half thousand Zaporozhets. Along with basic model the plant built a modification of the 965C for transporting mail and 965B with manual control for invalids. “Zaporozhets-965” was well received by consumers from the very beginning, despite the fact that the front suspension torsion bars often lost their elasticity, and in hot weather the engine overheated. Drivers quickly appreciated the Zaporozhets' maneuverability, good efficiency, high body strength and an engine with separate cylinders, relatively lightweight and easy to dismantle. The ZAZ-965’s good cross-country ability was due to its smooth bottom, independent suspension all wheels, sufficient load (60% of the total mass) of the drive wheels. This car was produced for 9 years.

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Scale models of cars glued together from paper

Simulation is one of those games that is truly addictive. Once having bought a toy “for a child to try out,” entire families begin to collect models, moving from simple to more and more complex, forming more and more large collections. Car models are classics of modeling. A toy assembled with your own hands is much more expensive for a child than purchased ready-made cars made of plastic and metal, and children aged 3 years and older can play carefully with a paper car. Another important advantage car models - in more careful reproduction of parts of original cars. Model building develops skills independent work, forms spatial and logical thinking, helps organize family leisure.

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Zaporozhye Order of the Red Banner of Labor automobile plant"Kommunar" began in 1960 serial production of the smallest minicar in the Soviet Union "Zaporozhets" ZAZ-965 with an engine air cooling 23 hp Melitopol Motor Plant.
In November 1962, production of the ZAZ-965A car with a MeMZ-966 engine with a power of 27 hp began. Since November 1966, the MeMZ-966A engine with a power of 30 hp has been installed. with alternator.
In 1966, the car was restyled. The stamping on the front end changed from concave to convex, and the star-shaped emblem was replaced by a shield-shaped emblem. Orange turn signals appeared on the front fenders, Side mirror rear view. Some cars, mostly export ones, had shiny moldings along the sides.
There were modifications with manual control: ZAZ-965AB (1963) for disabled people without one or both legs, and ZAZ-965AR (1966) with powder electromagnetic coupling clutches for disabled people who do not have one arm and one leg. A postal version of the ZAZ-965S was also produced with right-hand drive, sealed rear side windows and a mailbox instead of a rear seat.

I have long wanted to build a cardboard model of this legendary car. With the publication of the magazine “Paper Modeling” by the publishing house “Orel” with patterns for this model, the dream came true. In the magazine the model is given in 18th scale. I rescaled it to the more familiar 25th. Next came the collection of information in order to identify inconsistencies. I registered on the forum of owners of this car. And started assembling. In the process, we managed to find out such interesting things as: Identity of the windshield and rear glass (this is not in the scans and I was not able to fully achieve the match), the spars are not symmetrical (as in the magazine) - the right one is much shorter than the left one, the wheel caps were aluminum, primed the car with three types of soil (red, yellow and, believe it or not, green!) The latter information was needed to recreate chips on the body. Actually, all modelers improve with each new model my own manufacturing methods and techniques. And I was no exception. I wanted to build a car that was not glossy like Autolegends, but a “tired” one, battered by roads, time, and not spoiled by the owner’s attention. To do this, the model was primed with red primer from a can. Then the “salt” method was tested. After applying the base paint, the salt is safely removed. Acrylic applied to rust and oil drips. Fixed with matte varnish. Wheel caps do not rust, but oxidize in the form of a gray-white coating.
In production, 80.160 paper, 0.5 and 1 mm cardboard were used. PVA adhesives, BMK 5, Moment gel. Painting with auto enamel. Traces of use acrylic.
The model's doors, trunk, hood open, wheels rotate and the front seats recline.
Creation process
Thank you for attention.
Thanks to everyone who supported me during the construction of the model!

Finalization of the paper model of the publishing house "Orel"...

I have long wanted to collect from cardboard model this legendary car. With the publication of the magazine " Paper modeling" from the publishing house "Orel" with patterns for this model, the dream came true. In the magazine the model is given in 18 m scale. I rescaled it to the more familiar 25th.

Next came the collection of information in order to identify inconsistencies. I registered on the forum of owners of this car. And started assembling. In the process, we managed to find out such interesting things as: The identity of the windshield and rear glass (this is not in the scans and I was not able to fully achieve a match), the side members are not symmetrical (as in the magazine) - the right one is much shorter than the left one, the wheel caps were aluminum, primed three types of car soil(red, yellow and, believe it or not, green!) The last information was needed to recreate the chips on the body.

Actually, all modellers improve their manufacturing methods and techniques with each new model. And I was no exception. I wanted to build not a glossy car like the one from Autolegends, but a “tired” one, battered by roads, time and not spoiled by the attention of the owner. To do this, the model was primed with red primer from a can. Then the “salt” method was tested. After applying the main paints the salt has been safely removed. Acrylic There is rust and oil stains. Matte fixation varnish. Wheel caps do not rust, but oxidize in the form of a gray-white coating.

In production, 80.160 paper, 0.5 and 1 mm cardboard were used. PVA adhesives, BMK 5,