Features of machine control in extreme conditions. Educational program for training drivers of category "C" vehicles equipped with devices for giving special light and sound signals Extreme conditions professionally

Features of driving a car in extreme conditions

Every year in our country there are many accidents and accidents, including fatal. In accidents, headlights break, cars become unusable, and people die. In such conditions, extreme driving courses have been opened in many Russian cities.

It should be noted that “extreme” driving means training in accident-free driving at different times of the year and on different roads in Russia.

Basic rules for safe driving of a motorist in extreme conditions:

- avoid unexpected obstacles;

Brake and turn around on an icy road;

Avoid collisions;

Pay off deposits, etc.

Safe landing

The basis of an accident-free and safe driving system is the correct and accurate position of the driver. It should be noted that due to the driver’s incorrect body position, time is lost when an emergency situation can still be avoided.

When driving a car, you need to keep your hands at the top of the steering wheel, sit with your back pressed against car seat. The optimal seating position allows the driver to become one with the car and receive optimal information from the road thanks to the car's "muscular feeling". These technical points are important for overcoming dangerous situations on the road at the time of rollover, excessive rotation of the car, slipping, skidding.

Professional drivers with a “muscular sense” subconsciously know what needs to be done to stabilize the car and.

Driving with your left hand

A technically competent and well-trained driver must be able to rotate the steering wheel with his left hand, and with his right hand he can change gears and engage for a while parking brake to block rear wheels etc.

This type of driving provides increased safety while driving. in reverse and at high speeds. While driving the car with one left hand, you can turn 90 degrees to the right, expanding the radius rear view.

To perform circular steering with your left hand, you need to take the steering wheel with your left hand at the number 12 - by analogy with a clock. Turning steering wheel to the number 4 or 8, intercepting it at the bottom, performing a roll with the back of the hand, without losing contact with the steering wheel, it should be noted that rolling is not the best way to control the steering wheel, the hand in this position can slip, but even this is better than not at all lose control.

Fast steering with both hands

If the car loses control and stability, high-speed steering helps avoid an emergency situation. A driver who does not have experience and sufficient qualifications must have a quick reaction in order to correct the mistake in time.

The cross grip method is used to change hands. High steering speed is achieved through continuous application of force and jerking. Experienced drivers can thus rotate the steering wheel at a speed of 270 rpm.

When performing high-speed control, on the side sector of the steering wheel with both hands alternately, we perform a movement similar to walking on a rope.

Start on a slippery road

In the correct and trouble-free process of driving a car, landing and the art of steering are important; it is important for the driver to know how to get started correctly slippery road(). Even experienced drivers have mixed feelings about driving in icy conditions. IN winter period drivers, moving away and slipping, continue to press the gas pedal, but nothing happens. When the car starts to slip, the wheels heat up the ice or snow. It melts, forming a layer of water that interferes with the adhesion of the tires to the road. In order to start from a standstill without problems, you must first align the wheels of the car. If the wheels turn even slightly to the side, this will complicate movement. You need to move off gently, with minimal or no slipping. If the car is slipping, you can solve this problem by disengaging and re-engaging the clutch. By car with need double squeeze clutch.

Overcoming sticky soil

In order not to slip in mud and sand, when starting the car, you need to maintain maximum engine torque. Should start on high speed with a lot of clutch slip. After the start of movement, due to wheel slipping, high engine traction and torque will be maintained. This will clear the tire tread of dirt. To stop excessive slipping, it is enough to quickly turn off the overdrive gear when moving off.

Forward throttling

To increase the level of safety while driving, experienced drivers take proactive steps to control the car. Experience helps car owners with this when drivers predict the behavior of the car and the possible situation on the road.

When moving along the road and reacting to the situation by braking and accelerating, you need to remember that the car's braking dynamics are higher than its acceleration dynamics. If you can slow down immediately after pressing the brake pedal, increasing the engine speed is not easy - it takes time.

To avoid driving problems, you should start throttling before the engine loses power. This way you can overcome steep climbs, maintain vehicle stability on uneven roads, avoid unnecessary gear changes when driving on snow, sand and mud, speed up overtaking, and perform various emergency maneuvers faster.

Driving a car in extreme conditions requires experience. With practice, the driver will acquire it, learn to feel the car and quickly make the right decisions in difficult situations.

For an inexperienced driver, especially a novice, it is important to concentrate on the road.

Kurelov A.S.

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The main rule when you get into a skid is don’t brake! And no, we are not talking about the driver’s inexperience, but about the fact that sharply locked wheels completely deprive the driver of the ability to control the car. There are only 2 ways to deal with skidding, and they are different for each type of drive.

IN website We are sure that you know these methods, but we still prepared a couple of secrets from extreme driving specialists for you.

Where to expect danger

  • The most rolled ice is where people brake most often - before turns, pedestrian crossings, entrances to bus stops. Special attention pay attention to bridges, tunnels, entrances and exits from overpasses. It is best to move there at a constant speed, and slow down in advance.
  • In winter, the distance with the car in front should be 2 times greater than in summer. But you shouldn’t lag too far behind, otherwise someone will definitely decide to wedge in, and this is a risk for 3 road users at once.
  • Don't just look at the car in front of you. Try to keep it in sight, but look further - 4-5 cars ahead. This way you will see dangerous sections of the road before the car you are driving hits them.
  • In winter, you should give up the habit of pressing the clutch pedal at the same time as the brake pedal. In this case, the car stops only due to brake pads, which can block the wheels, and then the car will skid.

For owners of cars with ABS. Anti-lock braking system (ABS) - extremely useful feature most foreign cars, which neutralizes the brake pedal sharply pressed to the floor on an icy road. Instead of hard braking, the system vibrates the pedal, allowing you to turn the steering wheel to steer into a turn or steer the car back into place.

For owners of cars without ABS. Instructor for extreme driving the best way braking in winter conditions considered combined: simultaneously with the operation of the brake pedal, stop the car with the engine (turn on downshift). You should brake impulsively - alternating a series of short presses on the brake pedal with full unlocking of the wheels.

3 types of drift

  1. Slip: The front axle is stable, the rear axle slides, the car turns at a greater angle than expected.
  2. Demolition: The rear wheels are stable, and the front wheels slide; when turning, the car moves in a straight line.
  3. Complete destabilization: All 4 wheels slip, the direction of movement cannot be predicted.

How to get out of a skid

If the car starts to skid - don't slow down.

If you have rear wheel drive car - you need to release the gas while simultaneously turning the steering wheel in the direction of the skid

If you have front-wheel drive car - add gas.

When the car comes out of a skid, you need to straightaway return the steering wheel to the “straight” position, otherwise it will go into a new skid in the other direction.

Tricks and Tricks

Checking the road. Going out to winter road, press and release the brake pedal sharply several times. If the car “nods”, the grip on the road is excellent; if there is no slowdown and you can hear the tires rubbing when skidding, the road is covered with ice. This should be done as often as possible (without creating emergency situations, of course).

Double fission formula. If in summer you fly at a speed of 100 km/h on this section of the road, then in winter you should crawl there at 50 km/h. We entered the turn at 80, in winter drop it to 40. Then you will definitely not fly off to the side of the road and will be able to react in time to a skid.

One cover. On any road, try to drive the car so that all 4 wheels are driving on the same surface. If there is snow under one pair of wheels and ice under the other, the car may be thrown off the road or spun on the road.

Choosing a side. To prevent the car from dangling between the walls of a deep rut, press the wheels with the inner or outer side against one of them.

Overdrive. On slippery roads it is better to drive overdrive. Where you drive in second in the summer, turn on the third in winter - it is not so powerful, thanks to this the wheels will spin less on the snow.


With schedulers in every smartphone, it’s not a problem to set a reminder to change tires at least 10 years in advance. Place them right now and then your reliable assistant Every October will remind you that it is time to think about safety.

Or maybe you’ve already learned your secrets on your car? Share in the comments, and then there will be significantly more experienced drivers on the road.

7.4. Extreme, subextreme and special operating conditions

The class of activities of subjects in special and extreme conditions is constantly expanding. Characteristic feature modernity is the approach of the class of special conditions of activity to extreme ones, which is also due to the peculiarities of the transition period in the life of our society. “The line separating “normal” conditions from “extreme” conditions remains quite vague. In their assessment, one should focus on the triad: physical characteristic impact factors, human condition, performance indicators."

Typical example- the activities of civil servants and managers, workers work in psychologically unfavorable conditions. Their activities are dominated by stressful conditions caused by the instability of the external social environment, shortcomings in the organization of work, difficulties in professional interactions, including due to the unprofessionalism of partners, the frequent occurrence of difficult-to-predict extreme situations, and always insufficient resources for their fundamental solution, the dynamics of forced political priorities, etc. But all these are external factors. They are always “refracted through the internal conditions” of a person (S. L. Rubinstein).

A number of studies have shown that the occurrence of, for example, stressful conditions in a person during work is seriously influenced not only by the actual physical parameters of stress factors (strength and type of stimulus, its novelty, etc.), but also by the characteristics of the professional mentality of people. Thus, in socionomic professions - professions of the “person - person” type - they follow from the hierarchy of functional interactions of workers. For example, the autocracy of superior partner-managers - authority and arrogance, their suppression of the initiative of subordinates, impatience with criticism, etc. are the most significant stress factors for those with lower positions. The combination of such working conditions with a person’s desire for professional development, independence of judgment, and independence, aggravated by the specialist’s focus on business, on tasks, and not on relationships, creates psychological contradictions in teams, often leading to intrapersonal and interpersonal conflicts among employees of organizations.

Special conditions are typical for many “person-to-person” professions: teachers, medical personnel, social workers, law enforcement officers, psychologists. Social insecurity in general makes the working conditions of many Russians special and extreme. Modern society is characterized by related development trends. “...On the one hand, it is moving in a “eupeichial” direction, which presupposes the organization of living conditions and professional activity, contributing... to the development of human nature, to an increase in the number... of self-actualizing people. On the other hand, modern socio-economic problems and the consequences of scientific and technological progress have a negative impact on human life and the ecology of the environment. For the majority, they cause social and professional tension, anxiety, and distress. The consequence of this is dissatisfaction with work, a decrease in the efficiency and reliability of professional activity, and the emergence of “marginalists from the profession.”

Traditionally, the focus of work psychology and engineering psychology has been on the space, aviation, marine, polar industries, the activities of the military, operators, firefighters, border guards, etc., characterized by typical special and extreme working conditions. Most often, either military specialists or representatives of unique professions were studied. At the turn of the century the situation changed radically. Representatives of mass professions: vehicle drivers, locomotive drivers, dispatchers, chemical production operators, etc. are increasingly forced to work under conditions of exposure to extreme factors or the threat of their occurrence, which can cause a range of negative states - from stress to monotony and indifference. For example, until the 1990s. The work of the drivers of the KamAZ association, transporting new equipment to customers, and in general of all truck drivers, was considered prestigious. Since the 1990s, it has been associated with danger to the driver’s life from the first to the last kilometer of the route.

Outlining the boundaries of the problem, we note that in Russia over the past 10-15 years the content of almost all professions has changed dramatically. Activities of the “accountant 1985” not identical to the activities of an “accountant in 2000”; "urban transport driver of the year 1985" and "driver 2000%" pilot 1985" - “Pilot of the Year 2000”; "teachers of 1985" - “teachers of the year 2000” etc. Computers in production and the corresponding increase in control objects, a several-fold increase in the number of vehicles on city streets, the emergence of new types of aircraft and the complication of the piloting system, introduction paid training radically changed the conditions and labor relations of people in almost all professions.

Psychology has traditionally studied the behavioral reactions of people under extreme and super-extreme operating conditions. It was assumed that they were episodic, random in nature, inherent in certain types of labor. But there is reason to believe that they are typical for many social situations - the adaptation of a newcomer to an organization, the start of work of a department head after appointment, conflicts in a group, etc.

Based on literary data, we will clarify the content and outline the delimitation of key concepts: changed, difficult, special and extreme conditions of activity.

Super-extreme - operating conditions are characterized by the constant effect on a person of extreme factors that have high intensity and pose a real danger. The emerging functional states are extremely severe. The employee’s activities include emergency reserve capabilities of the body and psyche. After such work, mandatory rehabilitation is required.

Extreme - operating conditions characterized by the constant action of intense extreme factors that may pose a potential danger to the health and life of the employee, as well as a threat to the health and life of other people or safety material assets. At the same time, the negative functional states of the employee are strongly expressed. Its activity is carried out by connecting the reserve buffer capabilities of the body and psyche. Working in such conditions requires specially organized recovery.

Special - conditions when the activity of a specialist is associated with episodic, intermittent action of extreme factors or a high perceived probability of their occurrence. At the same time, extreme factors do not have high power or intensity, and the resulting negative states of the employee are expressed moderately. Under special conditions, people mobilize reserve capabilities of a compensatory type. After work, a person needs rest sufficient for recovery.

Let us give our definition to the fourth group. Difficult - conditions of activity with periodic activation of two or more factors that disrupt psychophysiological comfort mode labor.

The action of extreme factors leads to the emergence of negative mental states type of dynamic mismatch, which negatively affects the regulation of activity and reduces its efficiency and reliability. More often, compensation for the negative impact of negative functional states is carried out through the volitional efforts of a person with the use of his reserve capabilities. At the same time, the reserve capabilities of the body and psyche must be functional, that is, associated with the employee’s existing stock of knowledge, skills, and abilities, not objectified in living labor (that is, not used constantly and everywhere, but only as a resource in emergency situations).

Common to all classes of conditions - difficult, special, extreme and super-extreme - are the time and nature of the action of stress factors. The main difference between different work situations is not the specificity, novelty and uniqueness of extreme factors, but the periodicity, frequency and duration of their impact on a person, as well as the quantitative characteristics of their intensity (power, effectiveness). What is more important is not what kind of damaging factor affects a person in this moment, but how it combines with other conditions in terms of time and physical intensity.

Many factors create difficult operating conditions. The most common among them are: physical and chemical environmental conditions, mechanical impacts (vibrations, overloads, noise and sharp sounds), real or predicted danger to health and life, frequent occurrence of unforeseen situations, including emergency situations, functional states (stress, intense attention, monotony), high responsibility, fear of mistakes, failures, imbalance of rights and responsibilities, prolonged conflicts in the team, leadership style, corporate culture characteristics, conflicts in the family, rising cost of living, problems with children’s education, etc. The reasons may be features of information processing and decision-making (uncertainty, redundancy, inconsistency, incompleteness of information), reduction or loss of a certain social status, situation possible loss work .

Consider monotony on a conveyor belt. One can try to somehow smooth out the technology of dividing activities into elementary operations and their rhythmic alternation by “enriching” work, taking breaks for rest more often, using functional music, etc. But the monotony of a worker’s work is often impossible in principle to eliminate. Other examples: unregulated working hours, the occurrence of unforeseen circumstances that are extreme in nature and affect the relationships between workers in many types of joint activities.

Professional career factors can be stressful: failure, discrepancy between the result and the goal or personal status; success and the associated changes in self-esteem, motivation, professional and personal values; expectation of performing responsible work; stagnation, uncertainty, impossibility of forecasting, lack of positive changes before the end of a professional career.

External disturbing influences on labor processes are characterized by three characteristics: duration, intensity and consequences. Each of them may vary in wide range and combine with other “overtones”. The most difficult situations are when disturbances directly affect a person as a subject of labor, as a person and as an individual. Therefore, the most important conditions for ensuring the reliability and efficiency of people’s activities in special and extreme conditions are high level self-regulation and the formation of psychological readiness.

V. G. Zazykin reveals the following cause-and-effect chain. The emergence of negative functional states leads to high psycho-emotional costs. The dynamics of the subject's states, changing the regulation and consistency of the ensemble of psychological components of his activity, leads to a decrease in its effectiveness and reliability. This is preceded by structural changes in activities that directly affect its sustainability. Therefore, the problem of sustainability becomes key to understanding the mechanisms of efficiency and reliability of activities. Sustainability (stability) means low variability of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of activity. Stability is related to another scientific category - reliability (Fig. 7.3). Reliability is the ability of a system to maintain the required quality of operation under various conditions of its implementation.

According to research by V.G. Zazykin, the issue of maintaining the sustainability of professional activity is relevant for 95% of respondents - civil servants. Objective factors of instability of activity are shortcomings in the organization of work. For various categories of employees they are as follows:

For managers: imperfection of the regulatory framework for activities; lack of real control levers; low motivation for activity in the civil service;

For specialists: imperfection of the regulatory framework for activities; conflicting instructions from above; lack of real control levers;

For analysts: lack of real control levers; conflicting instructions from above; imperfection of the regulatory framework for activities.

The significance of these factors indicates violations in the information basis of the organization of activities and an insufficient range of possibilities for its regulation.

The conditions for the sustainability of activities under the influence of destabilizing factors are:

Ability to make accurate, timely and correct decisions;

Ability to foresee;

Ability to perform professional duties at a high level;

Communication skills.

Professionally important qualities subjects that determine the sustainability of work activity:

For managers: intellectual qualities; determination; internal organization.

For analysts: intellectual qualities; high efficiency; personal organization;

For specialists: high performance; stress resistance.

Summarizing the empirical data, it is concluded that the most important condition for effective and reliable activity under the influence of extreme factors is the professionalism of labor subjects.

Professionalism of activity in acmeology is understood as quality characteristic subject of activity, reflecting his high professional qualifications and competence, a variety of effective professional skills and abilities, possession in modern ways solving professional problems. Personal professionalism refers to a characteristic of a subject of labor that reflects a high level of development of professionally important and personal-business qualities, an adequate level of aspirations, motivational spheres and value orientations aimed at the progressive development of a specialist.

An article about what to pay special attention to when driving in unfavorable conditions weather conditions. At the end of the article - interesting video about extreme driving!

The content of the article:

Nowadays, tips for driving in extreme weather conditions are becoming increasingly popular among a wide audience of motorists. And this is not surprising, because personal protection from possible unforeseen accidents on the roads and the safety of car passengers is the main condition for every motorist. In this regard, drivers purchase various courses and special programs for training in emergency or extreme driving.

What is extreme driving?

For the average driver, this expression conjures up images of dashing turns on the spot, flips, sliding on ice and driving through the most dangerous obstacles on two wheels. And most often, people believe that extreme driving is a type of motor sport that has no special connection with the real situation on the roads.

However, this is not the case. The term can also be applied to normal driving in dangerous terrain on slippery roads, poor visibility and other weather “surprises”. Therefore, tips on driving in extreme conditions do not guarantee a novice car enthusiast professional training in drift racing and will not turn him into a stuntman. Everything is more practical and necessary, especially if you care about your health and the safety of those around you.

What motivates drivers to take an extreme driving course?

Motorists turn to professional instructors and seek advice on driving in extreme weather conditions for a variety of reasons. Some have already repeatedly found themselves in dangerous situations when driving a car and are ready to do anything to prevent them from happening again. Others simply want to prevent unwanted incidents and learn to feel confident and safe behind the wheel.

The main purpose of extreme driving training courses and tips is to provide professional assistance to every motorist who cannot eliminate the uncertainty or fear when driving a car in unfavorable conditions. Bad weather conditions, including ice, fog, heavy rain or snow, greatly affect the psychological confidence of the driver, especially if we are talking about female representatives. A good curriculum helps to get rid of stress, and also allows you to quickly and efficiently master certain required skills for safe management by car in bad weather conditions.

Proper driving in extreme weather conditions involves a number of skills and abilities. Among them are:

  • the ability to make successful turns and braking on slippery roads in poor visibility;
  • dampening drifts and reducing possible impacts during prolonged sliding;
  • effective maneuvering and timely braking to avoid collisions;
  • quickly avoid obstacles and objects that can lead to unexpected incidents on the road;
  • ability to make extreme turns;
  • ability to drive even in the narrowest places;
  • the ability to maintain vehicle stability in the event of an unforeseen accident, and many other required skills.
The driver must be able to drive over bumps and obstacles on the road without causing significant damage to the vehicle and all passengers. To ensure real rough road conditions, a special training area is created with many obstacles and third-party objects that cannot be avoided without proper experience and skills.

Tips for learning to drive in extreme weather conditions allow the motorist to quickly acquire the skills of professional control of the steering wheel, brake and gas pedal during sliding and possible skidding.

Many training courses that can be found at a driving school are taught by professional driving instructors, and the practical part is performed on simulators. And only after the driver receives a basic level of theoretical knowledge and minimal training skills can he get behind the wheel real car, on a real road with real adverse conditions.

Tips for driving in extreme weather conditions will be especially relevant for those who want to correctly and wisely distribute their attention in case of unforeseen emergency situations. Counter-emergency preparation is important aspect training that provides the novice motorist with a basic level of theoretical and practical skills that can prevent possible problems when driving in adverse conditions.

How to avoid problems when driving in extreme weather conditions

Beware of poor visibility and fog

It's no secret that heavy fog is one of the most dangerous weather phenomena. With zero visibility, it is very difficult for the driver to determine what is happening on the road and avoid an emergency situation.

To provide at least a minimal understanding of the road, the motorist needs to turn on the low beams and very much reduce the speed of movement in order to increase the distance between other vehicles. It is recommended to use a windshield wiper and defroster. You also need to take special care to diagnose what is happening behind the car using the rear view mirrors. This will allow you to notice the approach of other cars.

Monitor the adhesion of wheel tires to the road surface

The motorist needs to take special care when monitoring the clutch. wheel tires with the road. During heavy rain or other precipitation, the road surface becomes incredibly thick, causing the car to turn into a real hydroplane. Naturally, this complicates the process of controlling speed. And if you feel that you are losing control and the speed is not decreasing, it is better to immediately release the gas pedal and wait until the car slows down.

But in no case should you press the brakes with all your might, because then you will definitely not be able to hold the steering wheel in your hands, much less maintain traction of the wheels with the road.

The behavior of a car on a slippery road largely depends on the type and quality of tires. Therefore, when choosing wheels, you should not skimp on selected models or cheap options, because A lot can depend on this element, including your safety and security.

If you are not indifferent to the condition of the car, the comfort and health of the passengers who are inside the car, then it is better to treat the choice of wheel tires with special responsibility. Quality tires capable of providing reliable grip car with road surface, and this solves many problems when sliding for a long time or driving on a problematic, slippery road.

Beware of elevated temperatures

No less dangerous weather phenomenon is heat. Elevated temperatures lead to overheating of the radiator or other important parts of the car, which creates the risk of unforeseen emergency situations. If you notice that the temperature readings warning lights and sensors indicate caution or danger, immediately turn off the cooling system (air conditioning) and turn on the heater at the highest high temperatures. Such solutions allow you to delay hot air from the engine, directing it into the cabin. But don't try to remove the radiator cap if the car is still very hot. Wait until the temperature drops and the engine cools down.

Remember to take precautions during snow or ice conditions

A snow-covered street or highway is one of the most dangerous places for the motorist. Without basic skills and knowledge of driving in extreme weather conditions, traveling in such conditions can become very problematic. AND increased danger appears when the snow begins to melt.

It is especially difficult to cope with uneven roads during snowfall, including slopes or inclines. If the car starts to go downhill, be sure to shift to low gear and reduce your movement speed. Remain vigilant and monitor tire traction. After all, in this case it will be much easier for you to tame your car and prevent a possible emergency.


It is worth remembering that nowadays extreme driving is not only one of the types of motor sports, but also an everyday occurrence that can be encountered anywhere and anytime. With the increasing number of cars in noisy cities and megalopolises, every trip can become a real test for an inexperienced motorist. And if we also mention the worsening weather, then this only aggravates the situation. The arrival of frosts and frequent precipitation increase the likelihood of unforeseen road situations, turning driving a car into a big problem. And as statistics say, most accidents occur precisely because of inexperience or unpreparedness of drivers for extreme driving.

Therefore, advice on extreme driving is indeed a very important and necessary aspect of safe driving, regardless of external conditions. Much can depend on such simple and seemingly banal subtleties, including your life. Have a good trip!

Extreme driving video:

Date: 21-12-2010, 00:57

As you know, tens of thousands of accidents occur in our country every year, and their number is increasing every day, as evidenced by the sad statistics of road accidents. Very often, as a result of accidents, not only equipment suffers; a large number of people regularly die on the roads. A significant proportion of road accidents occur in winter. Regardless of what driving category the driver has - categoryB, C, D or A, what experience does he have, limited visibility and icy conditions combined with a malfunction vehicle, create all the conditions for an accident to occur. To reduce the risk of an accident, a number of devices are used, including: metal chains on car wheels, Winter tires. However, despite the existence of the devices listed above, the decisive role in preventing and reducing dangers on the roads still belongs to the driver. To help vehicle owners drive their vehicles in situations where extreme situation, advanced training courses are held at driving schools.

Principles of driving a car in winter.

Have you graduated auto courses in Voronezh, Moscow or any other city, most likely you have heard that the principles of driving a car in summer time on dry roads and in winter - on frozen ones, they differ. What to do if your vehicle skids when turning? First of all, it is important not to cover your face with your hands, not to give up control, but to try with all your might to maintain it. Every good driving school, be it driving school in Voronezh or another city, during winter driving courses he teaches drivers to act according to instructions. This is exactly what will be appropriate in in this case. By learning what the instructors teach in the courses, you can significantly reduce the risk of accidents on the roadway.

Driver like categoriesB, C, D, and category A, driving out onto the road during icy conditions, does not have the right to use a vehicle for transportation, technical condition which is considered inappropriate. Not just the safety of equipment, but the health and life of pedestrians, passengers, and other drivers can often depend on the fulfillment of this condition. To avoid undesirable consequences, before the onset of winter the car must pass full diagnostics, the purpose of which is to identify various defects, and, if necessary, replace parts and assemblies. Upon request, car service employees will apply an anti-gravel coating to the car body, balance the wheels, and install metal chains on them.