Rules and pitfalls of a test drive. How to test drive a car What is an online test drive

There are many video reviews about test drives with various foreign cars in 2019.

Therefore, let's dwell on the question of what is a car test drive, how is it carried out and how much does it cost?

What is a test drive?

Buying a luxury expensive car- a serious step. You can read and watch as much as you like car reviews However, practical experience is much better.

A test drive is a service provided at any reputable car dealership to customers who want to take a test drive in the selected car model.

That is, this free service, designed so that a potential buyer can evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of the chosen car.

Of course, a test drive is a very important thing.. After all, how, if not in practice, can you feel how a car can behave on the road, how the system as a whole works.

The theory and characteristics of the machine are one thing, but in practice everything can be different. Perhaps you don't a car will do due to its dimensions or it will be uncomfortable for you to ride it. Who knows?!

A test drive is intended for people planning to buy a car they like, and not to satisfy their needs to drive a good car.

The car dealership also benefits by providing a test drive service. Firstly, this is how he attracts clients. And, secondly, by conducting test drives, dealers obtain license plates mobile phones clients.

They work with them in the future (send messages about test rides, promotions, etc.). It's time to find out how to take the car for a test drive.

The opportunity to test a car in motion is offered in almost all car dealerships.

In many showrooms, dealers, in order to lure customers, advertise that you can take a test drive any day, even without an appointment. But in reality everything happens differently.

Often, if a client comes without an appointment, he is denied a test ride for one reason or another. Therefore, it is best to sign up for a test drive in advance.

If you are not sure how to book a test drive, then please consider the following points:

  1. When you call the salon, be sure to ask whether the required car model is available for testing or not. If so, arrange a time for a test drive with the dealer.
  2. Find out what documents you will need to present. Often the client is asked to show driver's license and passport.
  3. Find out how many people you have and whether you can take companions (you may want to ride with family members).
  4. Find out the length of the route. If the dealer offers to take a “lap of honor” around the salon, then refuse. Salons with a good reputation prepare a route that lasts at least 15 minutes.
  5. Be sure to check whether the car is insured. If they say yes, but in fact ask you to sign a document stating financial liability for any damage vehicle during a test drive, then do not continue the experiment, but immediately go to another salon.

So... test drive

It's time to find out how test drives go at car dealerships. Before you get behind the wheel of the chosen car, the dealer will definitely ask you to sign a contract (agreement) for a test drive.

Under no circumstances sign a document without reading it completely. Be sure to carefully read the rights and obligations of the parties, as well as responsibilities.

If the contract states that the client is responsible for the safety of the car, then run away from this dealership.

So, the agreement has been signed, it's time to try the car. Let's take a look at how a test drive is carried out.

First, the manager will invite you to go to the car. You can leave the parking lot in different ways:

  • the manager will invite you to drive immediately;
  • a specialist will drive the car to the exit of the parking lot;
  • The manager will drive the first part of the route himself, and the second part of the road will hand the steering wheel into your hands.

If you come for a test drive with a companion, keep in mind that he will sit on back seat. Because the manager will sit next to you.

Once behind the wheel of a car, do not rush to move away. First, adjust the seat for yourself, adjust the rear-view mirrors, and the position of the steering wheel.

Be sure to take a closer look at the finish, feel the dimensions of the car, check the sound quality in the audio system, operation climate system: air conditioning, climate control, heating, heating.

Pay attention to how hard the doors open and close, how the hood and trunk behave, etc.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask the manager.

It is important to adhere to certain rules while driving during a test drive:

After the test drive, the dealer will ask you to fill out a questionnaire in which you will have to evaluate the model on several characteristics. This is necessary for the auto center to display statistics on cars.

Video: How to take a car for a test drive?

In general, anyone who has a license and a driver’s license of category “B” can take a car for a “test”. But in practice, everything does not always go so smoothly, and there are situations when the dealer refuses the client.

There may be several reasons, for example:

Test drive conditions at different car dealerships may vary. To receive the service from maximum benefit and comfort, call several showrooms, find out about their conditions and features of a test drive, and then decide which center is best for you to go to for a test drive.

Test drive: what is needed for this? Most often, only 1 document is required - a driver's license. In some situations, a passport may be required.

Price issue

Many car enthusiasts are interested in the answer to this question: “How much does a test drive cost at a car dealership?” Remember important point: This service should be free in all salons.

The dealer has no right to demand money from the client. Even gasoline and other expenses for maintaining a car should fall not on the shoulders of the client, but on the car dealership.

Don’t think that auto centers are so generous towards you that they offer you a test drive completely free of charge. It’s just that the price of the service is already included in the price of the future car.

Therefore, to the question: “Do I need to pay for a test drive,” the answer is unequivocal: “No, it’s not necessary.”

Taking a car for a day or two for testing is much more difficult than renting it for a few minutes. In this case, you must provide some value to the dealer or representative office of a particular brand of car.

On long test-drive You can be given a car if you:

  • work as a journalist representing the interests of a large publication;
  • a professional photographer who, of course, will take pictures of the selected car;
  • you can give something to the dealership, promote its brand by writing a commendable article, advertising the car on social networks (in this case, the person must have an impressive number of subscribers);
  • are corporate client, you want to purchase several cars at a dealership.

Not everyone will be able to take a car for a long test drive, but only those people who have something to tell other people about the car (naturally, positive qualities car) or those who purposefully intend to buy several cars for their business and many people know about this person (famous personality).

Video: How to take a car for a long test drive

Test drive is an unprecedented service that allows a person to own experience check the car before purchasing it.

Taking a car for a test drive is not difficult if you really set yourself the goal of buying the chosen car model.

A driver's license, passport and a preliminary call to the car dealership is all you need to be given a car for a short-term test drive.

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Billboards full of invitations to take a test drive remind us more and more insistently of this service offered by car dealerships. What is this, is it worth doing, what undercurrents are there in this “cheese in the trap”, what you need to remember during a test drive and many other questions related to this topic, read below. A test drive today is not a luxury, but a necessity. Many car dealers offer this service, and it would be a shame not to take advantage of it.

Important! When you buy a car for a test drive, you should receive a discount.

What is a test drive and why is it needed?

A test drive is a free trial ride, a kind of run-in of the model you like before purchasing. During the trip, you can evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the car and make a final decision regarding the purchase of an expensive (or not so expensive) car. It is recommended to take a car for a test drive with maximum configuration. In this case, you will fully appreciate the need for additional “bells and whistles” on the car. And you can buy a car without any bells and whistles.

Remember! The test drive service is free! All large companies oblige their dealers to provide their customers with the entire test range of models. If you are denied a test drive, or the model you like is not provided by the salon for a test drive, this is illegal. You can complain to the manufacturer via hotlines or on the manufacturer’s official website. Any car dealership, even the smallest one, must have cars for test drives. If they tell you otherwise, don’t believe it.

When buying an SUV, it is important to evaluate its capabilities not on smooth asphalt near the showroom or along the main street of the city, but in really tough off-road conditions, as close as possible to real ones.

Unfortunately, today there are few special sites for test driving models. Few showrooms will dare to give you a car to test field conditions. There is a way out: periodically official dealers arrange on-site test drives on weekends. Anyone can take part in such testing and evaluate the qualities of the desired SUV.

How is a test drive carried out?

Some salons offer a test drive at their test field, or you can take a ride along a route agreed with the traffic police for test runs. The route should not only be extremely smooth, you should also test the car on potholes and corners, check braking, speed, maneuverability, etc. You are invited to make a kind of circle (start and finish of the trip at the salon gate).

The duration of a short test ride ranges from 10 to 40 minutes. You will go on a test drive together with the manager. If you have additional questions or want to try the car in some other conditions (say, speed, travel route), you can try to negotiate this with the manager during the running-in process (but let’s say right away that this is extremely problematic and almost impossible). Short test drives are available to everyone.

Expensive models are allowed to be checked over the course of a day or even several days. You will test the car without a manager. True, for this you must be a regular customer (buy at least once a year new model car in this showroom).

Permission for a long test drive is given by the sales director. Although the service itself is free, in this case an insurance policy is issued for the client.

How to order a test drive

You can order a test drive in advance by calling: You discuss with the manager the day, time, and model of car you are interested in. If you are already in the showroom and the car you are interested in is there, then you can do a test drive right away.

Dealers often recommend choosing weekends for a test drive, because on weekdays there are plenty of cars on the road, and it won’t be possible to accelerate the car to the speed you are interested in; besides, on weekdays (morning or evening) traffic jams often occur (and this is absolutely for you) to nothing). You can check in during the middle of the week, but then choose a time that does not coincide with rush hour.

What do you need to take a test drive?

To take a test drive, you need a few things:

1. Book a test drive and show up at the showroom on time.

2. Driver's license.

3. Driving experience from 2 years.

4. Full years – 21.

5. Passport.

6. Sober state.

Attention!There can be no talk of any dress code.

During the test drive, you must adhere to the rules and listen to some advice.


1. A consultant leaves the car dealership in a car; you will change seats later.

2. The manager is in the front passenger seat throughout the trip.

3. Fasten your seat belt.

4. Be collected and attentive while driving.

Attention! Questions about a full tank of fuel, any breakdowns, or insurance should not worry you at all. This is caring official dealer. You just get behind the wheel and enjoy the ride.

5. Follow traffic rules.

6. Do not intentionally damage the machine.

7. Listen to the manager's advice.

8. Do not exceed the speed limit and do not drive recklessly when turning.

9. Be polite to the salon employee.

Helpful Tips:

If you are offered to test the car exclusively in dry weather, you should be wary. Here, most likely, the question is not about not getting the car dirty with dirt, the reason lies in something worse: apparently, there are some shortcomings. Or perhaps the manager later decided to sell this car at full price.

Remember! The test copy should be sold at a deep discount.

During the trip, the manager diverts your attention in every possible way and “talks your teeth” - politely ask him to be silent or let him talk about some technical characteristic of the model. Don't be zombied!

Don't break traffic rules. Even if you are driving a test model, the fine for traffic violation no one canceled.

Remember to insure your test unit. Don't drive a test car if it doesn't have insurance, even if you're close to buying it. God forbid, during a test drive someone hits you or you hit someone - you will have to pay yourself.

How to behave

We suggest you familiarize yourself with some expert recommendations to make it easier for you to make your choice and not forget anything when buying a car and taking a test drive.

1. Once in the cabin, fasten your seat belt, check the rotation of the mirrors and adjust driver's seat for yourself.

2. Do not start abruptly, do not tear the car. Listen to her work.

3. Choose your usual driving pace and fully experience the car.

4. Follow the traffic rules.

5. Get yourself together, don't get distracted, be attentive.

6. You can take your passengers with you - family members (this is allowed). Perhaps together it will be easier for you to make your own right choice at the time of buying.

7. Do not be distracted by extraneous conversations with the manager.

8. Be sure to check the operation of all climate control systems: air conditioning, heated seats, heating system.

9. Check the operation of the audio system, sunroof, and wipers.

10. Check the doors, trunk lid and hood (should not jam, squeak, or jam).

11. Listen to noises from the engine, ventilation, tires, interior trim, etc. There should be no extraneous alarming noises.

12. Make sure you feel comfortable in this car.

Insurance test car dealer and who is responsible for damage to the car. Don’t be afraid to drive the car you are testing, it is already insured for all eventualities and even natural disasters. Remember! You do not have to sign any paperwork to compensate for any damage caused to your car during your trip. If they offer this, refuse the services of such a salon. It is illegal.

Attention! Don't agree to a test drive if the manager is driving. You have to be behind the wheel to get a feel for the car.

Car test drives are the main section of the MotorPage portal. On this moment Our portal has collected more than 2 thousand test drives, so it can rightfully be considered one of the most complete catalogs of test drives on the Russian Internet. The goal of the Motorpage portal is complete objectivity and non-bias in car testing. Our own editorial team produces an average of 2-3 autotests per week. In addition, on the portal you can find test drives of our information partner - Autopanorama magazine.

New test drives will always help you decide on the choice of a new car that has just appeared on the market, understand the pros and cons different cars, their designs and technical characteristics.

We hope that test drives of cars on our website will be both useful and interesting to you.

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